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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1886, p. 1

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TBR Ms :-tum PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A · ·TAMES, VOLUME EDITOR AND P ROPRI Ji:TOR. N"mw SERIES, NUMBER 430. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 1886. 1 xxxn . N UM.BEH 43 ORONO. ATYOURSERVICEJ,ISIR. r Mr. Windatt .Explains. -~ .Mr. Ed1t or.- I not ioo in the last issue To the E ditor o.f the Statesman ,of the West Durham N ews an article D EAU Sm,-1 notice in some notes on headed "Our R oads and Streete" b.v some- the fate Agricultural Society Exhibition COMJ NG TO oue Etylinl? himself " Ratepayer". He in you r lasL issue :- " T he newspa1)er seems to be very much displeased with men were not p resented with complionr worthyChairman. H e says"J am very mentary badges t his year. 'r he Society much afraid if he is elected another y1>ar, is getting economical ! " PROFESSIONAL SERVICES · &c. ". Mr.Ratepayer, be not afraid, Davy Perlups you might have considered ".'> To t he Sick and Defor med will be th1>r e nex t year. We do not know whether a paper which had studiously of . what per~uasion this g~ntl eman is, r· avoide~ al~ no tice of th~ :i;Jx.hi b ~tio? ·. e_ ven ev1de~tly he 1s ashamed .. nf h1.s o wn name. excludmg 1t fi:om t.he hs~ of E xlub1t1011s We will therefore class him with Baalam's w be given m ·lus section of country. 11ss t urned loose on King St . t o bray for simply becauee t he printing _ of the soci~ty hts master. If he will t ell us wh at par t j had been awarded to a rival prmtmg ? f King St . iR so ba~ t hat. a sober · h ou_s~, i n: a fai~· competition, was ii~ a m dan!ler of breakrn g ~ JS Jcg,., we will ~os~t10n t o claim fro1!1 t his eco1 1omical m<.ke the necessary repairs a nd alw cor. :Society the usual comph ment accor dei to rugat e the oid e walks in fron t of " Rite· I newspaper men. Yours trul y, · payer's"premises. R oADS & S TREE1'S. Ilowmanville, R. \Vu; 11ATT, PORT PERRY. _____.._.. . .. Oct, 20, 188G. Secret ary. The business people of this village know BROOKLIN. We very much surprised that a how to appreciabe and acknowledge a good On Mondav. mornin!?, of last we~k. wh ile man: of Mr. \ Vindatt 's well-known inact. Th~ Directors of the Ontario Ce ntral ~ r . ·John V1pon~, whose farm ad3oms the tegr1ty and honor wouJd make s uch a Agricultural and Live Stock Association V!~la~e of Brooklrn, w.~s loo]dng for some st atement ·. without fi rst verify ing i ts cor- r were tendered 11. banquet by the ci tizen11 m1ssmg cattle, he nohce<I that the top of rectness. Our r eaders know he is mistakFriday night, ns an ackno wledgn&snt of I\ pea stack had slipped off. Judging that en so t hat we need not trouble them -their zeal au<il enterprize in launching tht:. t he cattJ., were buried under t he etnw, with a d onial.-EOITOR STA TESMAN. · Central Fair. Reeve J. \V, Curtfa oocu- he at .mce set. lo work to terno ve it, and ----- - -- -·pied the caaiir, on his ri~ht hand being J . found four of h is bes t c e.t tle smothert>d to The Grea.t Success at Port Perry. I. Davidson, President, and on his left d ea th. A ehort time ngo Mr. Vipond reA brief telegram pr inted in last week'd John Adallr.e, one of the vice-presidents· fnsed $ 150 for one of the cows. His loas issue ann ounced that at the Ont ar io Cenflf the Association. The vice-<:hair was is about $300. t ral fair held at P ort P erry, Sy l \'" ester tilled by Mr. W . M. J 011es. '.f'he toastTYRONE. Bros. Mfg. Co. of Lind2ay had su(}ceeded ing was dooie in cold water, and th~re was MEMBERS O P · Mr. G. H. Jardine ot Barnt River ' in sweeping the fi eld of a,11 comp Attt iom no lack of enthusiasm or of mi· r th. The president · was presented by Kr . Ada.ns, hns been epe11diog a £e.:V days in Ty rone'. ~nd in carrying off.the s?Iver m~d·l. It on behalf of the directors and (!)ther mem· Mr. J. H. Rieks left on Monday t o Is a soiu~e of iaat1 ficat1011 to li~d that bers, with 'a handsome gold·lrnaded walk- visit friends in t.:he West. We wish you t he machmery tur ned out _ at t his. we~! - -STAFF O F ing stick, Mr. W. J. McMurtry reading a pleasant trip JC>hn. ' known man~factory 1s st~ad1ly for crng ti s .· way as mentmg the hii;:hest approval an appropriate address, to whidh the pres· m\ 4 Through illness the Rev, W. Kenner wherever sho wn and receivino th e fa vor ident replied in feeling terms. was unaMe to till his appointment on able comment:! of experienc; d s gr ciulW1LL B E A'l' T H E Sunday. . t uralists everywher e. T he exhi bit shown BOLIN.A.. On M~nday mormng ~s ~r. Creeper a t t he fa ir compri~ed an Dssortment Th<.1 Mi:sses Goard, of Bowmanville, are was p uttmg some 11tovep1pes ·m a b~ggy of agric·lltural implemen t s, including th e THURSDAY & F RIDAY, visiting friends here. for Mr. M. iCdle, the horse became fr~g~t· Sylvester ligh t binder, and was h ighl y Dont y ou think that a new bell would ened and ran away, sadly demorahzrng commend ed by f he jndues part icularly ,,1- be'"'aQ _ iiu,p rovement to the S dhool House1 the buggy.. . the binder. Oorn petin g" ~an ufacturers i, .About rtwo inches of snow.fell here on T~e Sihamrock foot· ball . team inte~d r epresent ed wero t he Massey Mfg. Co., / p~aymg t he ·retnrn mat ch wll.h t he Enms- Toronto; Harris, Son & Co., Brant ford ; \ ~- Sunday morning last. AND A'l' T H R Fleury l\'l fg. Co., Auror a; E lliot t & Son, .Mr. Walter Viet', J·r. is I.aid up with a k1llen cl111.'b on Saturday n~xt. CLIMAX. -· · L ondon; P . H ami lto n, P e terboro; Dundas ·~s ofo ha.n<I. OOURTICE. Mfg. Co. ; Gurney Mfg. Co .. L oud·)11; Mr. N oah Baker has returned home MeS!!lt'll .IJcihn Walt ers and Dea n P ickle P . ~tterso n Bros., P at terson, On t.; and G . A f{ n: .are duek eoooting at Scugog. "\Vilkee & Co. ,·Auron.. All of these fi rms MiH Eliza Allin Biid her moth~r-have Ml!'li~rs. W. Court ice, er. and J as. had binders on the ground, and t he sigemoved to the Waat. Itundle., jjr ., have recently lost valuable nifi cance of the tl'inm ph ach ieve<! by th e ;ui~e I\ number from th;is .neighborhood mares. Syl vester light bi nder can be B een 1\t a which time they render th111.J attondoCI. the Cartwright and were The '0 "' · ner of t he shet>p wit h t he chain d ance. There W".i.s il:1 ad dition a very I l'rol"esaloru·l Ser.,,ic"s ((Jonsuit a· . I f· l f 11 f h. t ion, Examination, Opinion, Advice, etc.0 highly pleased. attache d to it is anx iously waiting for the good d ISP ay 0 i mp emente rom a o t e e tc.),· ":MRBE to thu s ick or . defor med. above named firm ~, bu t in 11pite of opposi · J;t iaau undis'puted fact that this As&ooiat~on Mr. Clatworthy and his men are work- man wlh o took it away to r d urn J.t. STA.RS are comi'na tion .t he Sy lve ster Bros , Mf" Co · cleaned in 111 the larcestand mot1t popular.of it& kind jJ!gc..on Mr. John Vice's new house. The ..xnENEZER ..,,..., ,, · · t:>' AmerlciPthat the St all', bea.ded by Dr. K er· ftl~fS British aud Amer-Jean ( ' Mr. Stephen Hog11rth! 1 made a very to the f.ront -two g 3 wes won in a week. the fie ld and catT1ed home t he silver medal. r:an, They d-eflllited the Glade tones of Tyrone T he exhibit was handled by M r. R . :> u r :::comne . a sli~y . . 1teons of age, eit '· eY.teneiv.e ,addition to hi11 out-buildings. · ed b . ence, a u LI p rofesslom..I on w·ednesday of last week by a. sco re of S YIveatc r, ass ist Y t he energetic agents or. It is known tlleyhave a 11eadqnaTter 14 to !&, ,and on the followin" ·Saturday of t he firm. The Sylvest er bi nder was where it ls, that their Yisits a re wl' h a ;JACK. '~=~~~=~~====================~~.,,---.., · "' over the shown m · m ot' · f urms · l1e d a d lways e1tree of that t heir business is · d a ·victory · OSH.A W .A. game a.t Cedardale ton, powe~ b emg on rea:ulllrity, the Jncr"e11se. first. becau"e tbey Miss Drew, West Whitbf,, won one of club of t'·h at pl11ce. The boys dont want by the n ew Acme coal 011 eng ine, Severin C~R ING whthcre b orhcr1 fail. 00 patronage anyth iw" ·more to do wi ' tli the latt er club, b a 1 o rders for bind ers for next season were spect, eontldeuce secon..; ey ave L 'e r etbe races 1 at Port Perry la11t week. All and cause of the in· as some df them were guilty of un~en tle- ooked and ealea made of plows and other valid public througnout this cou ntrJ' ge1iera.lwho ran again·t her were m~m. . v· I · d manly ~od degradiniz conduct. TRnt implemen ts . On t he whol.i the firm a re \ ly. If you. anv ot your familr. friends or Th e M lflses 'mg e mten tto open, in · · neighbors are sic k or clefo .. me<t or suttoring . d . 1 sat1s_h~ .,... _....-.. ·wel. wlththe tavorable r esult of from an}'t)hronlc, l'rlvat<> or iservo11o~ lii,... Nov-:imbett, a Primary Schooq of Music. Mr. R.. McLauohlin ill con·~mpldti'ng ---"' ENNISKILLEN. tl1e1r exh1b1t at the Onta rio Central fair . j e:u e, or have them go a nd " "" w , ,.,..- L iiuJ.smi Post seethe voctors as early as adding steem power to his maw fine Car- · .Anotboer or our old resident· ha.s gone tho · · · possible during the al>ove dates. They will give way or ·allt lftesh. Mr. John Mallory a:(ed G8 their llonest a 1ul Cl>ll·did opi nion and some · W k / · years. died on S&turdJLy 16th inst.. aftor an AUCTION SAL ES common sense a nd 1iroll t abl 0 a <.h·ice, whether riage Or' "· Mr. W. 1 E. O'Brien, of W~1itby, hi ~· illness extending over JS months His remains · t hey undertako the treatment of your c ase or openea business here, iu the Ga.1lery Ja.te .. · were inte·rr.ed in the Harnpt.on Cemetery on - -· ;iot. . 'l'h!'Y accept f or treatment no ease which, . Monday !'@tlh ·lnet the Rev E Barrasa M A I' · . Judgmgfrom p11St experieuc.,, is beyond occupied by Mr. C, L. Lewie. ~ conducting ~the ' runeral' "~bsequies'. ;l'he ' armers, for the Great Sale of i of a partial or comploto restoratluu. . Mr. Wm.. Rey11olds, of Oshawa, cha » deceBBed was during the grea ter port.ion 0 Har nes s at W. H. May 's i n about two Thereii5 no d_ lstlnctlon a mongour patients. pota<t@es. H "' his lite 8111 active earnest and conlstent weel·s "\Ve are patronized by 1t ll f'la~s··s a nd a ll ar e· you can find .the largest stock in above [foes in this eounty. lenges the OQUntry for b;g ' ,. m"mber of >the Methodist church. He occnp· ' · i nvited to come to us, whether they be J.,w or 0 has an Early Rose variety whieh w eigh11 ' 'ed an otlieial position in the church here for MR. R. lCUT· CIIISON's SALES. &'i:~ft wEShlptefoCrlbAILael .IY <. rw ih~ch or u;~n h~ e· 1· 8Pm~cl~ 10 two p ounds sNc ounces, a. ~!l,Ji,ma'!Y" 1md a.Iways gave f reely or S O h1s means m.supportlng t.he various claims 0 A.TURD.4.Y, CT. 3 0.- The T r ust ee Board express . r> urpo·.,ofalfording: Mr. James Goodman, who has f@ r many the cause or: 1God. He contributed largely tnwill sell the Build ing of t l1e old C. M. ~:._~.U,.k W1", Ji~~h"i~tth aenroe~f' 1'Ptro ufmait1Y,.r~!e;~s;_p i '!,f! years resided north of Geneva, E ast wards the building of the 1irst Methodist Cl h B " " h b h church here &llld tdso towards the addition and 1urc , ampton, at 4 o'clock p . m. r lenoe t!lan ever afforded by a ny ot.b~rme 1t ical W it Y where e carried on the milling improvemcnt;i ·made on the same church ~ome T erms made kno~n on day of sale. R . ~:i.thu .rglO:il uri:·u u z«twn on the face of the business succellsfully, has moved into his years ago, he 8."nd the late John Stalnton being flUTf'HISON t new reaidence on .J0hn St., Oshawa. the leaders ia rthat movement. 'l'he deceased ' ·' ' auc w neer. \!;." T ...._I~.E N OTI CE. Rev. Hugla .Johnslon lectures in the was naturally warm-hearted and of a kind dis- · wEDNE SDAY, Nov . 3. - Mr. James GalARE of brazen i mita tors and pr.. tend· position; in him ithe poor hacl always a. friend. laoh er , lot 31 and 32, con. 10, Darli ' n" ., ..s who adopt simila r soundin~ Metcalf-st. Methodist Church this Friday In politics he w.aa ,a life Jon~ Reformer and a " "' dl . 2 2 d . h "R S... g. rest ",dmircr Oif the Hon. E · d. Bia.kc. 'l.'he ton will sell the whole of jhis farm stock nf a mle ls (ahn u one case " at To!tJnto, the.can")and checkies evening, a m-st., on t e ose u am· . ' o a , t esawenanw, Br1nshAmer1 rock and Thistle." Hev. E.1 Bha.rrass will preach the funeral implements, etc. , the sale to begin at otherwise le~ the public to believe the:v are Hermon n t e Met!hodist church here l:>unday 12 o'clock sharp. See bill~ R H UT"H- conn_ected with Dr. Kergan or hA with them. The fact that t he proceeds, after pay- evening, Oct. 31st. , . .· · · v Le t 1t bo d1>1tmc1 ly u 11<1c1 ·stood and rememing expenses, of the anniversary ·ente rThe Rev. A. MaeLaren had a severe fall last I SOJS, auction eer. bered that Dr. Ker~au is in no w:tv identified tainment in Sim..coe Street Methodist; :e~~~a'!~~~~. conlln.ea hlm to to the house for AUCTION S.u.Es. -R . Hutchison, L iceu- :;'~~ ~~{ ~~~; g~:1;,·~;,~~~r orga'1izaiion w111cl1 by Church, on Monday evening last, were . The Sacremcnt of >the Lord's Supper was sed A uction eer for t he T ownships of and skill. both :pl'ofossl onal nsod in the Methodist church last Sunday Clarke '··Manver s ' Cartwrioht tou sho~n iD;h1s . ~nann and "" s 1 11 " 8 ".· cloarl~$157, is suilici e11t evideuce of its success. dispe_ "' ' D arlina o, ~r o C conductmg tho I n>tld On Saturday Oct. 23rd, seventy "acre s e-.;p~~n~rustees of this ohurch feel deenly an d Wh1tby.A.l~;ales at t ended t o promptly union of wg1 ch he 1!3 tho !toad, a 10 d that long of lot 9, con. o, East Whitby, will be sold gratified to the Hartford Fire Insurance Com. an at .reasona e rates. Where i t is not ~~~v~i\.8~:1i.eJ'i~{1°:~~if;t pa.tin tl:e lmsin~s~, Central Hole!, Oshawa. This is a pany for the complements provided for the re- convem ent to see m e, ar rangements for flPATIONS-The l\Iedical a nd Sur~ So come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will ; at the pairs on Spire necessitated injuries u di ' to,. by ~ical oualitications of goo d ch a.nee t o b uy a ema11 f arm. V ery caused bytl~e lightning Spring;byAs there sales can be made with the -"' · o" ~ D K lJ d "' · decidedly get a ba1·gain. All kinds of Fur altered and repairerl. p O ~ r. · eri;::in a n 11 ' "Surgeons .,,._n not h e favorable t erms. Sale at 3 P. m. L. WBS no fire at the time the policy d1dnot pro· addressing me 'at Eaniskillen · , _ · · &nTpassed. I hPyRroa li g r : tllua.tes w1th l1011-' F airbanks, auctioneer. vide for damages. yet the company ou the re· N . B .- I have n o agents out begiz1niz f or ors <?f.leacllng Europ<J au un<l American Un i .: presentation of the case to them by Mr. 'l'hoa. f - ~ " t Dingham,verygenerous!y provid edall tho.t was sa1es or me. R . H uTCIIJSO)l". tf. vTH ··sE · j·ff es.SPEC~A -"L · ·TIES.:Th~y "'·cl'eat ··~·~ H AMl'TU.N. required to make the spire in good condition . el usively ChronThe Practical Furrier. llflt . w. HEZZLEWOOD's SALES. . l e D1se ,ases and 1;for111ities. and in prnviding it with a fresh coa.t of paint R ev. S . S aIt on preac1 16d Iicre S un d ay that greatly improves the appearance. 1 morning, and administered the l:jacrameii&. The Manse presents a very nice appearance THU:K.SDAY Nov. 4 .-.l\fr. Frank Van Camp Q CURE·ALLS"-£hey do b not pro. lot. 22, B roken Jhont, Darlington, will alls.,'· butcurewliatthey trcat:ss tc 0 "curenow t)Jat repairs have been completed; The Several prominent church m embers painting has been very artistically done by sell h is valuable farm st ock, implements, their {]Qrative lnetlt· et c. See complete list in advert isement i . ""'od of treatment as or~ m ake the mselves conspicuous by their ab · ou r popular artist, Mr. J , Maroney, s ence on sacramental occasions ; is there Mr. Andrew Montgomery over 70 years of · th l . · ir;1uutod and p rac ticed b y D 1·. K t:rgan and o It · 11 t b d th k age, dug 30 bushels of potatoes in hours.and m ano er, co urnn anJ large post ers, , lli s ~~r~eons, the following d1seases a nd de· any excm!e' is we 0 en e nee at 2 mmutes one day two weeks a.go. Can any of Sale at 12 o clock. \V H Ar;r,r, EWOOD form1t1 e1 are c1ued mo1·e r apidly, more 1>er· auctioneer. · · ' i"ectiy, more s.. ti~factorit~ s.nd more per. least once every three m onths in solemn ·our young men beat this l comm e m or,~t i on of Chr:s t's dying love. A lively game offoot ·ball i3 expected here . . . m '"!."!' tly t!>a~ by any other kno~n, i;nea1>:s:. on Sat urday arternoon next, between the \V, H az:dewood, R agln.n, Ont. L icens- , H.iarn " .1""" " ' Cur"<~, ·1'.forv".,u". l ~ ostrat>.on We would call attention to the sa'e of !:jharnrncks of Tyrone and the Enniskillen ed Auctioneer f ti t h1 . f D I Cured, Dtuulmn ncss cu.rnd, .I ·ts c.1ued, Jo;yo the old Methodist church in this village Dragoons. · . . or ie owns P ~ a:- Dl~e'.'86 C11r.,d, _ Cl'Os.s-Ey"s Cor~':'cted, l!:!lr ·~Oth 1 ·no t . .See noti'ce 1 Mr . f'. Maroney making ex tensive repairs lmgton. A.ll ord ers for sales m this I D ·seasc;s Cure<I, ~eatne·s Cured, Ihroat1!1~· (t he ) llle '. 11 01 ~ ~ on his residence vicinity l eft with F H M · B e,as" (, u r e d, (Jat'1ri·ll Cured, ll1·ouclut1s 81'ATliS~1AN. ' . ' . . ' · · ason , OW· Cured, ,As thma Cm·ecl, Lu ng Il1'e:>ses Cured. Mr. Jas. Pye has removed to the residence manv1lle, will receive p r ompt at tent ion. (J_o nsump tiou (first st'11:"·>) Cured, uonsumpHome Circle meeting nex t T uesday he purchased lately from Mr. Jas. Parr. ., tf u on (soco·HI st:tgA) t:u1·.,d, B <-a··t Di sease. evening. :Mr. VVm. Strutt has taken the tenancy of the u4 - . Cur0<I, 1'iudclen l.>e<ttlt . Av.,rted, Stom:ich l?lst l"· t d · farm lately occupied by Mr John Cowling and S O ea·o Cur ed, Dyspep na Cnr<'<I. I ndngestrnn · l A C T. 23.-S\Jventy acres of Cnre(l, Tape ·w ,!rms Re.moved, L iver Com. music e ass o cu o1va o an improve the latter fisR r~rnoved to the hou~e ormerly ATURDAY, th & m usical . talent of this vicinity is occupied by Mr. P ye. lot . 9, con. 5, East ' Vliit by, will be sold Pl3tm t Cured, K1d!1ey D isease Cm·e<J. SJJinal · · h C 1H D isease (..lured., Spu1al Cn rvat n1·f'J CurPd, J-1Jp t a lk ed o f · Mr. i:i. M.1lls has remo-ved to. the house thv.t at t e entra otel , Oshawa. '!.' his is J oint Dlseas., Cured. J { n ee J oint Disease Mrs. B edford, who was r eported better Mr, \ V. B rngham lately occupied. a good chance to buy a small . farm. Cu recl, Club J<' eet Successfully 'J'reat.,d, nislast Wtiek , has again been very ill, she It w .i ll be neceseary to ring ·the ChestnutBell Very favora'ble ter ms. Sale at 3 ]).nl. ea.sos P oculhtr to J\1e11 Cured, 1"emalt. D isfor the Sun correspondent The G o .M eases Cm..,cl, Hcctal Diseases Cured, Rnp. was taken with paralysis Sunday n ight. and bis able assistant hasbarped on 0 ,;0 theme ;L. FAIRBANKS, auct ioneer . . t ore Curod (witllout t_ russ), Tumors Cured, Mr. R . Clark has moved back from until it has grown stale. He still manai:(es to "'""P 0Tar1an Tumor.< Cnrecl, Scrofulous Tumors '11 d t k 1· b 1 · evade and pervert tho truth. He appears to g;:,r ersons orderi ng sale bill at the Cure< l, Cance,r Cnl'e<l 1oi~1·ol"ul n Cured, Vur iB owmanvi e an a ·en up llS a oc e In take great enj oymei\t .out or a "Tempest in a STATESMAN office will receive a free notice "'?' e Vei.ns Cm·e:I, Y:n·1cose Ulce,.s Cured, this village. Welcome back, Robt. tea pot." . like the above up t o d at e of sal e. 'rhe :Bl'!o< I D1son~u~ Ctu·e d , ~ ki n Di8rascs Cured, · t h IS ' neig · hG "' ot tho S. A. prcced- STATESMAN has t he fargest circulat ion in Cm·e Opi um H abi t. Cured, C< (Thiel< :Neel<) ' '11 tak e p l s ee 1n wedding·wi · enera1 Booth an d sta.. ci Super:llnous H·1ir n em ove<l ~larks Twenty-five cents ex tra will be charged when accounts run A urhood before this appears t r1 t he p ub- ed by a brass bnncl po.ssed through here '.l'ues· W D h 1 0 Moles' and Scar:i I :e;uoved, R heumatism bo . . h' I . k f h f . day last, est ur am anc n tario. Orders for cured, Neuralgia CJm·e<l, Parlllysis f;nr<>d, , m'l e ur~ er r e er· 'l'here has beer. forty-:!l:ve applications for the sales may a lso be left at this office. Varicocele Cu.r!>d, ~ervo11s Hebility Cured, h e, to W IC l we Wl11 over one month. flD Ce next week . Congratulations. - - -~·mol'nl Deb1 hty Cnr .-.1, ])iseases of the 1v acancy m our school hero from one insertion __,.j_ Mrs Edoeworthy of Kansas U S has of advt, in the Daily Globe. Scott's Emulsi·on of Pure Nervous an d ~epr?d m:tive Systems Cu red, · c ' . . ' . · ., · ·and: Hll chro n ic d1seas t~s peculiar to men been v isiting friends m this ne1gh oom:I women an tl (:llllclren. · hood for somi:i time. · £\. M oD:ERN M IRACLE. - ln a receut «::od Liver on. with Hypophosphltes u: t o call, .w rito ~ nn. J . D. . . lett er fro m R.. W. Dow ~on, of D elora m e, I s not only very palatable but the r eme- ir . K ERGAN, ::Uochcal Ulreetnr Mr J as McLean and wife and Mr· I L 0 t h t t tl t l I d . ' llr1tisl1-Am ericnn Snri:eons, corner ll'ood. , . . . . . ' .· n . , . e s a es .la le 1as . recovere d ial po wer of t hese valuable specifics is wa·'<landGratiot aves., Det:roit, JUi.,h igan. Brown and wife were v1s1t m g friends m from tho wors t orm of Dyspepsia a f ter greatly incre~sed and d f OT Send s tam p for "Heal th. Messenge:r ,. a reme y or " lllo!" ·t or L ect ures,, < 1 .a , di es>' or " G olden. · . · 1as t week . . " for hft . een years . and wh eu a tion " Ser , f l as E or n ear K iroy sufferm . t' .or · . · · . "' . . >, , · , , , 0 ti a, mac1a IOU , or m."on 1tor" (for gentlemen). e -Instan ces ot qwmg ~o recent :;howers t11e serv~ces of council of. doctor~ prouonncea h:m mcur~- where there is loss of flosh and nerve 'l:lases cured, tree from ::;urgeoas or Hendouar. the spr mkler have not been reqmred o:f b le he tried Bllrdook Blood Bitt ers, e1x power it is remarkable in its results te~C h. late. Sr.ow BoY. bottles of which restored his haalth.t Take ~o ot her. · ut t 18 out, as it may not> a.p· ~ c;t: Ci-.> ~ .... J ~ - Mr. Albert. Tamblyn ,of Orono has pnr· chased from Mr. H. H. Spencer, Brooklin, Ont. ,some very va.luableSouthdown Sheep including ' 'Lofty Prince", one of the lar(!est and best S outhdown ltnms in Canada for his aee, 2-yrs. old. His act· . ual weight is close on 250 9 ounds an:! for style and grand appearance he cannot be beaten· also four of the best ewes that have e~er been bred on " Dorset Far m" -all bred from choice imported stock, selected a.nd imported hy M. Spencer from the Jlock" of Mr. H. Webb Mr. Coleman and Mr. H. Fooks - all n~ted breeders, and R oyal winners in Enoland. We trust Mr. Tamblyn will mak~ his mark with this noble breed of sheep, which 110 doubt he will as l1iis farm is well adapt ed for sheen bre~ding. I . I ORO KER ~AN FREE OF QOWMANVILLE. I I I I ~ 1.1.J ~ .... 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ···--· ~ bO = · c :> c ., I bD I.. DR. J. D. KERGAN'S B RITISH !ND AMERICAN SURGEONS I Central Hotel, Oshawa, I Nov. 4&5; co ~ I RUEBOTTOM HOUSE, I BOWMANVI LLE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6IDURING" w ill COM Hats, Caps and Furs ! At the lea.ding establishment of SUCCEED ·GD ANO SEE lY.Cw :M:A..-YE:E <., the Practical Furrier, · FOR I ... ADIES: I I HOPE In Jackets-Dolmanettes, Capes, Caps and Muffs in great' variety. FOR GEN TS: BEW . Bokarian and Coon, in all prices, Sleigh Ro bes t!ae dozen, and Caps of all descriptions. In Gent's Furnishings-the best stock of Underwear, Ties, Braces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. A large stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb, HIS HONOR OU All ::M:_ :M .A..-Y- E R:J M~OOUGALL & METCALF, NT WHAT THEY oo-By I are offering Coal as follows : I Stove and Chestnut, .......... -.......$6.00 Grate and Egg, .............................. 5.75 Half Tons, $3.10 ; Quarter Tons, 1.60 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. UNABLE McDOUGALL & METCALF. E_ear _l!;!;~:~·---~---------

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