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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1886, p. 2

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A CAHD.-To all who are suffering from The eldest daughter of the Prince of the errors and indiscretions of youth, \ Vales is named Louise Victoria · Alexandra lS PUBLJBHED nervous weaknee~, early dec&y, 1011e of Resting Mter Meals. Dagmar. She was born February 20, 1867. E't'ER1'. FRID.&1'. MORNING, manhood, &c., I will send a recipe th~t n connection with a piece of advice fre- V ictorfa Alexandra Olga Mar ie comes next, will cure you FREE OP CHARGg, Thie -BYl'8h68, and : he _ yo~~1.1gtest. Prin· great remedy was diecovered by a mission- CJ" ntly given the following remarks will born {~ly 6, C cess, Juan(1e ar1 otte "' 1ane ' IC orm, was ary in South America. Send a 11elf- P' f\Ve instructive : A. friend of the writer's, who suffered from born in November 1809, so they ar e very AT T_!lB OF~ICB addreesed envelope to the REV. Joa&PB cl yspepsia during almost her entire life, near of an age,. rtnd the el<lcst, then uiner ..ioaeeB eell,IUnsst.,Bowm.allTllle,eat T. INMAN Station D New York Cit11. 46y c;,llsiders · the following suggestion!> to be t een, was the oldest bridesmaid of her royal ~A.. AnVJSE TO MOTHE:&s.-Are you ilis- tli"l most in accord with her own experience tiunt llcatrice, at the recent wedding. TERJ!\413: What hits been the home life of these 0 1 anything on the subject lately publish·ue;11erann11m,or1111.e&1tpaldt11. adva11.ce turbed at night and broken of Y .our r~st 811 ;· children " born in the purple" do you ask ? PaJID.ent atrictly In e.dva.nce required trom by a sick child suffering and cry m g with Hurrie'l en.ting .of meals, followed imm e· In the household of a great Prince, t here tmbllcribersoutside of the county. Ord~rs tc pain of CuttiD~ Teeth 1 If BO send at d l11tely b;Y some_e~nployment that occupies of course servants !111<1 servanfa. The ai-nitnue the paper mu~t be accompe.n1ed b7 once and get a. bottle of " .Mre. Winsl~w's t)· il whole ttt ention, . and takes up ,.IJ, or little baby has u. nurse, a n d im under-nurse, 1 lie amount due,orthepe.per will no' beetoppen. 1ttendants. .-Oriberl are responsibleuntl 1tullp11yment ls Soothing Syrup." For children. teeth!ng, n,·11rly all, the physical en ergies, is sure to and a dresser, itnd two other 1 it11 value is incalculable. It will relieve n·K ult in dysp epsia in one form or another. Sh e is carefu lly W1Ltched mid a bulletin of ~e. the poor little sufferer immedi&tely. - De- S<ometimes it shows' itself in excessive irri- her h ealth sent chily to the Queen;- tmcl a (Both in leather and cord.) R.l.'l'ES or .l.DTEBTJ81NG I ~~ 1oble lords are Wb.o)e Column one year ............. too oo;:: ~ 1! penci upon it, m others ; there 18 n o t1Lbility,-a sure indictttion that nerve force thoustmd great ladies and 1 0 mistake about it. It cures Dysentery h<ts b een exhaust, e d; the dotible draught, in in terested in the Mlll0U IICCil1Cllt of her baby Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., al ways in stock. .. Halt year ······ ·· ···· 56 00 · p .. " One quarter ........ . 20 Oil :;!:!.,. and Dia.rrhcea, regulates the Stomach and order to digest the foocl and carry OJl th e a ilments. 'A duchess 1rn1kes a low cointesy ~====================================!! &lf Colnmn ooe year ............ , ;, S6·0C - - Bowels cures \Vind Colic, softens the business, ht1s been more than nature C Ol1ld when sh e enter s t he royal Jrnne1y, tu the .. Half year ...... ...... _ 20 00 . . stand without beinir thrown , out of b<thmce. unconscious little t hing;l and as the children " Ooe quarter ........... 12 60 Gums, 'reduces Inflammahon, an d gives ~ In another c11se, t he person is exceedi ngjy grow up they are treatec 1:1y a , outs1cl e of r;taarterColun:.none yee.r . . ......... ~ O ~ 1 ·· " Ralt7ear ........... 12 6 to::ie and energy to the who e syetem. dull i·s soon as he bas a few moments of lei- th eir nearest kin, as if they were somethiu i: One quarter ; ..... .. 8 OC " Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for sure. The mind seems a dc;1cl bl <t)1k, and b etter than lnumm clay. It is to ns a snrlbllneeandnnder,fil'.~t insertion .· io 5~ : children tetothing is plee.a&nt to the taste can only move in its accu stomed channels, pri8ing sight to sec thi s perpetm·l bending Each subsequent ioeertloo ...... 0 2" and 1s the prescription of one of the old- and then only when compelled. This,· ul so, of the knee to a litte child or :t youth. . l'rOm six to ten linee, first ineertior. 0 n : It is due to t he Pdnce of v\Ta,les to &'ty ---MANUFACTURER 1ubsequent insertion...... 0 3S -10 eat and best female physicians and nurses is an ·indication of ner vous exhaustion. 1 1 18 iJYer tenlines,tl.retln~ertion·,perll11e 0 1, 0 0 Each subsequent 1p.sert1on, " ·sa;r!! o::i!l The number of lines to be recko11,eil.b:r 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for burden WJt8 iusitle. Otl1ers, ag<Lin, will b e trym g to MTest it8 e1lect m the educ1·t1on tle apace occupied, measnred bye. ecale o KING STREET. BOWMANVIJ, L _ -~ . " MRS. WINSLOW'S SooTHING SYRUP," able to eat i1ot hiug that.will itgree with them of h is chil<h·en. He provides them wi th sim- 1 olid N onpa.rell. and take no other kind, everything t lmt is put inside the stom ach is pie plmt sm es, environs t h em ics far <ts pos- Hiu now on hand a number o! TeJ?.icle~ (and Is ~mnu!acturln g I\ great man~ more) o~ tue ull'l'I tet ~H "'!11!!!!!!11!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1111_111!1111_111!!!11!!!!!!!1111_111~""!1!1111_111!!!!!!!1111_11111!!!!!!!!'!!~!:'.· 'f!~ made the subject of violent protest 011 the sible with rnral life. He romps and plays patterns and best finish, which I am ?1fermg for ~a.le at tbe lowe~t p~rnes !lons1etent DRS, lllcL.UJGlll.IN .&. BEITH, ~ part of the orun11, :tnd th:1t Jlerson suffers wit h t hem he lets them fo llow nml p eer) in with due regard to wor~me.nsh1 )l and que.hty, Tho followxng 18 a hat of ~ ' . . the pr incipal vehicles me.ouracture(I bY me OFFICE ; -MORRIS' B LOCK, BOWMANVILLE· untold <tgonies in con ~«.,·quen ce. Ot her·s itt the grand dnm er s ; th ey phcy w it h the 1 suffer from constant hunger. They may eat Queen fat· mo re freely than her own chi!D.ouble Covered Carriages ...................................... .... . .. . ...... $150 Upwards Dr.J.W.McLAUGJlLIN,, Dr. A. B E ITH. Gre.du4 all can, <md still feel hungry... If th ey feel (]ren were perrnitte.d ·to tlo. L:,dy Ely who Smg le Phretons .............. . ............................. .... ....... ..... ..... 100 " licentiate. of the ~oyal ate· of the 'l 'oronto College of Physiciahns satisfied for a. little t ime, the nnnsua.l is a yery h1tin1ate friend of the Queen and Open Buggy . ...... .. ....... .. ....... . . ....... .. .. ........ .. . ... .. ..... , .... ..... 70 u and member of t e University· J:'hysician exertion brings on the hung ry feeling, Rnd :tlways taki11g e1 1re of her , declar es that she Top Buggy....................... ................ ...... ............ ... ............ 90 n ltoyal College of Sur· Surgeon , &o. geoos, Edinburgh. they can do 11u i11occ until S0111ething i:s ea.t~ is frightcnc~l ,vheu the you ng grandchildren D emocrat Wagon ...... 65 u en. It is almost needless t o · say that 'this com~ to sec t he Queen, fo r :Liter their first · Lumber \Vagons.... ..... ... ..... . ...................... ... ..... ... ....... .. .. ... 55 " DB. ;J, (l, MJT()llEJ,L, condition is not h unger,J :mt inffamnmtion of deep coi,i,rtesf th ey < tll " layt h~lh tl o~ gn:1 b ,d L ight W agon............. ... ............ ............ . ..... ............. ......... . 40 " EMBER OF OOLLEGE Olf, PHYSICIANS 11 1 the ~tomach. Scarcclyauytwopersons itre 11f- mamma am pu 1 ier a)on . "' e ciescn cs Ex re13 8 Wagon 75 " and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. fected exa ctly in t h e 8ame way, the di sot·der - the .Pr incess Nfaude as most lik e t he Queen, P ' " " · " ' " " " ' " . ........... .... ...... " " " ' .... ' " " .......... Oftlce and Residence, Enniek!llon. U, eel condition manifesting itself a,cconling to 1 m1l m1t umlly , a great friend uf her august Skeleton.......... ... ........... ................ . .... ............. ................. 50 II temperiunent imd occup11tion, emplovinents relative, a s they see' t hemselves in each Sulky.......... ........... . ........................................ ........... ...... 40 . DB. TAJIBLTN, .Dr. E. C. Wee't·s Nerve and Brain 'l'rea.tment, J · a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness, tha t call for mental work, a11d those whose other's eyes. They like to go to the Tower, Poeseesmg superior !acilltiee for ma.nufe.cturlng carriages, I Intend t o sell 'l"ery cheap for tl 0 H 1::~~?fiv:ru:t~:~t~ :~~ni'!~~~i{~HE~R. Convulsions. Fite, Nervous, ~eure.lgia, Head· scene of action li es indoors, 1dfecting pet'sons "like a11y other little girls, " aud were great 1 or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly inoreane my number of ealee, WouJG, 0 ache, :Nervous Prostr~tlon, <>a.used 'by the use more seriously than those C<LJTied on in the friends with Jumbo, the famous elephant sell the wood pa.rte only, or the gee.rings o! b1igglee ironed, of e.Ioobol or tobacco, Wakefulness. Ment!ll openair, · al1{l tllOSew11c1aremereymecu111l· 1 J J I · In·uerl lJ1 · t iJI~ · cou11 t .ry . I meet, l I W,8, flJUllS'l'ON,L, L.n. Depreaaion,Softeningofthebralnresultlnittn WlOWlLS 0 IC Barri£ter, Solicitor, Coi;veyanccr, &c. Monty insanity and leadingt.omisery decay and death ical, and do not c11ga11e the mind. so much < lid ~hey. like {mnh~>, t lrnt P r incess · . 9 10 Jean. Office, n txt door to Ntw B UJ)ice, Bo - Premature Old Age,·Be.rrenness,Loss o! Power All, or n early <Lll, of these difficulties of J \faucle, who 1 ,s said to u~l~er.1 t a i;;rcat . c~eal 1. At the Shortest N otice Painted and Trim d "f D - d manville. _ 39:-tf in either sex, Involuntary Losses aod Sperme.t- digestion might never have been known by of hel' gramlma's Lrnthor1tat1ve dispos1t10n, ' me l esire · "'IMP"··w, orrhoee. caused by over-exertion of the, the il!J.fferers had they thrown off the c:Lres w1 ·otc :ui :mtog raph l etter to t he owner ofl' ·A \ the Factory I also doPl!'nlng, Matching, Turning a na S u wing wi th Circlo,Be.nd or 8ot(ll D. Jlll:a.,E ,. ,,..,,, eelr·abuse or cver·indulge11ce. box con- f th . b . t l t . J b f b 'd 1. l . f 't . 8aws, and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carpent.ers nd ot.hers for building purposes. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &to., MO PRIS tains one mouth's treatment. $1.00 e. box, or six o 1m: u~mess, am1 res Cl1 a s ior tune · um o, or 1 c mg 1Js se m g 1 ier av on e Ornaroente.l and Plain Pickets tor fenou in every Stl'le reQuir d . m d 10 d BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on rec11tpt after ell-ting, in~tead of rushing off to work beast to "the Amcrican.1' e · a e or er. ftlle, solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. or price, . . . immediawry a,fter hu.5tily swallowing t heir The J!riucesses Jmve lived hlrgdy :tt the ·-·-- · ----.. --. --· - - --~- __ _ . _ . -· - - ·--· rnva&e·eaefsl'i'e.nedattheloweetre.tes, We Guarantee Six Boxes food. . countrye£tfl.tcatSnndringham,preforringitl F -"-'-~ To cure any case With order received Nitture cloes not do two things a t a time to t he mm-e coin·tly sfate of things at Marl- j -,John Ielt.ll Galbrlltt.ll, by us tor six boxes, a ccompe.nled with $ 5, wo and do both well, as 11 rule. All kriuw that 1bu1uugh H0t.1se. ·.All Ei~glish people lmve ain i · AR R~'F~ R, SOLlCITOR, NOTARY wlll send the purchaser our written guarantee when a fo~ce is divided it is wea-kened. If miaffocted love of the country 1111cl uf 1 · .., ' " . ~ Olfioe-Bounsall'e Bloc,k to refund the money If the treatment does not h t ·th t l All 'G'· 1· l 1 i · . l'k to 't 'P, ~ " "' , .. t 0 le d, e-ect o. cure· .Gua~e.ntees Issued only by J~·o. t e m.ea1 were ea e . n s1ow.y, Wl ou preoc. ma.s. =lg 1s 1 ac Ief.l 1 e go. ou t w1 u . D.,. t "'" ;..._ i ,......,f:it ' h°I,· ...oney n· ..., Stott & Jury, Dru11giste, ' I and the stoma c h al - 1 the1.1· Cogs l l k C) r DEALER IN- : ,. , .,:::rrrr...-".'-\; .,,::..... Bowmanville, " cupat1on of the lllllll, an d liorses, nml t h e1r {on ,,.,,.,... 1 . . lowed at least lmlf an hom 's ch1Ll1CC to get carts, an~l ~heir children, intQ t l11;1 he;1\1tiful r, aoBJ:BT .lllBollt, ·· it~ work well undertaken before the nervous woodr; µlJ Qarpeted w!t li wild ft(lWQl'H,_ Nu\'l'.l" i -· · · , IEGISTH.6,lt, WEST DURHAM ISEIUJI:~ ~- fore~ b turned in anotherclir·ection paticrits were thtirn §!Wh p1·hm'O~"§ tuid . ·- 1 1 ·- 1 ofMarrlagcLloon11e1,Ur.rrl~t~r"11<l Attor · · - - ·.,.---- · "' " "'· - --·-· -- .' · · . · '-'hf, ' '"' t i ll(l ilt ·' purp e iya· .., at Law and Solioltol'ln chii:lll'.l6rf.'.&fon.;:' ,_ M ._ u ·y ·-u ·A 'L ' I ~ufl'IJl',h1" from 'dy~j}O)l~!G'W·llV" ·;'. :.e vl , , 1 ~~P .,l~ l l. . v 0 e S; its in t he woods ~bout · · · loaned on Real E11tate, Office on King s~eet., " A phyaldm1 ~tlld, l t Uoes not. so, ..,..nurmghnm. H ere. these royal clnldren ctowmanyflle, .· tnuch matter what we eat, as how we eat 1t. " have been free to frolic, aud h ere t hey luw c "" · · l """""-,..=~~ o. ··-= -ESTABLISHED IN 1847. While thi~ i11 only p artly t rne, it cert<·inly ,been 1 1llowcd to go a ncl sec thecottagers imd . . ·· 'f. 1"1111.Ll·I . . · ,. . ·, !11< tl'ulJ that the tno~t healthful food hmr ied- carry t hem comfor ts, :md to help their '1 ICJ!lNSH:D AUCTIONEER .for the Countr It lie!i no sliArlltlollill~~ to jliiy dfvldend1 to,. ly:eatcn !\ll<l immediately .followed by work 'i mother e~t;1blish some clean, comfort rtble ' Lil of Durham, Sal&B promptl:r attended, 691 Manelite!l ll· and solely in. the Interests of which . engages the entire available phy.~jcal homes for her poor folk down at Newton, ~4dre1111-Ham11ton l:', (;)· ~.:-.=-.::...,.~:=. :the Policy ·holders. a1yl mental for ces, is mu?h wor~..i;han a I where she had :t school ·~nd church for the fi1!1 -=-'-~~--. . ' . ,, ., " me11l of poor food eaten leisurely, i:iild fol- I laborers on t.h e est a te. '.J: hey are very fon d al 0 ;;;,! OEN BUGBt~.-1.lcen~ed Auctioneer, . lt8· Rate&i are Lo,v. !o\ved hy au inter val of rest. too of visiting the Sonthdo\vns ancl Devons, ·' Valuatt>r attd Arbitrator. Fire and Lite · , · and the pif!s, and the chmnp ion sheerJ, for : .oeorance, Notes and Accounts Collected. d dltl I j I l4one1 to Lend on reaeonable terms, Aadress Pollelesnon torfeUable a.n nneon ona . . M h Sh ll We Eat? j; ie pri'n'ce is' a model former, irnd the yom1g t c..~twri1eh1 , Ont. ~72 4JaBb Bo··1 raid' every three yeara, ow uc .' a prh.ic;esses mid princes nrn very fond of the _ It is clear that with the wiMe nHili of ol d nu;tic picnics at t he h ouses of the farmca. ' . 'WILLIAJll. WIGll~· Joint Life Policies, qu~·ntity rat,her t h1 ·11 quality Wt1B"1;he ruling 'l 'hey have b een used t o the saddle 1J,]w11ys. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for th~ . law ; not what .a man. a te, bu~ h ow mncJ:i h e ! They follow their m other in her rambles on s~ngl Oount.i of Durham., Orders ~~{t !.t t'.he Though a. double rish but one premium le paid · ate was the c~p1tiil th~n~ !or J:nu: ·to conml er. t heir ponies; owh1 g to a l ame knee the ptin: A aiu · bTA 'J'ltSJ\lAN oftlce or !OrWll!'ded tQ ·ryrone f .O. .ror two people. A.mount of pQllcy drawn A t-Ol~ra91Y. Sl!Il~le diet IS ad vised, t~Ollll(ll I cei;s n tles 011 the " wrong siclt;; of the udclle " ·llll receive promp~ atteotu~~· . 28:6m · · on first death. t he w1ae Lossrns l!olds . thiit tl1e qu...llty of as we should say. They follow the h ol\11tls l H the food ~~atters h ttle, s? thu,t thl:l lrtttn be twice t\ w eek. 'l'heu they have spel:littl pets 'ICEN"""Ds. CA.UCIJTNKI·O .NNG, EE R FOR 8""Cm' Jnducetntnt~ lo Total .Abstainer,, h enlthy i but wlmtever it hei 1 ..t ~here be I to en joy m1d to care for. 'l'hey, have a d e.,ii. ,,., · mode1;~~10n j n_1ea$U1'e. !!! t~\~ one ~lung need- 1Jigh tful p1Lir o~ tig~ au~l t wo 'elep hants, all the County ot ~rham. Sales attended ful, .J.he chfficulty l>f linclmg this measure their own, wh1<;lt tll~ prince brol.tght home erS,~,· 0 ~~1 the,-· '· 1<n shOrtest .t.SSET8 OVER 911,000,000.·. , ls confessed : " L\1st k11ows not," says St. fi·om Indfo,, ,,,,. lm\l'e grouse preserves oo. 111-ricr P. O,notice _ · · e.ndl!Jwestr·lt.lB· A~d~ee· \l<htt ·J 11 1.NC:OlllE OTEK $J,GOCl,0041 Augustiulo), w h er e n eeessi t~ en ~ls. " . By and poutc~ p~"Coll'f! Mtd no cn< l of dogs. the t il!1tl he had r eached lns ~L1rty·s1xth I Witll n.ll !@'l<l..'iu dt'e!l£ing aud plain living GOOD WiFKGUARANTEED TO every man who buys hte Llcen11e Crom 1100,000.00de))Oslted with theC4nadlanGover11 yooi.· Coruaro hacl accustomed hnnself to a is the t'\lfo th<el"e dtJes seem to be every ment tor benetl.t ot Gr.nadie.n policy holders. tlttily m easure ?f twel v~ ounces of food 1111d I <ilian<ee 'ti·, '!tt u,~.,,e ~e>y:wl yol1'ng people umy a.11.NlO'. ldYLVJCS'fKR, Jllnnh1kUlen. .fourteen of drmk -~vlnch does not, I own gt·ow \qip witk ·1 111,ttW r:i.J, ;iij.r1 e, unfette1'Q.<i convey, au exa.ct no.faun to m~, though I tuk~ ~fat1a'es, ~~ ·'fl~'l'Cl\ ·!\ 'tMl'lg ·crm he m:tdc poSlli.Ll'e lNTESTED IN CJ.I.NA.DA, scoo,ooe.oe. 80 Do! Gentle1nen oCFash it we Gargant uans should find the 1 1uiasut~ ~till. ~ l'<'>J"llil 1~rdnselmM. . . \'· ·.· ten, not·o taat. Hun OFFICE IN CAJd.'nA:- MONTREAL .s mall. H e does n ot seem to h;we been. pat" 1'fi~y ihll.\"C &lw....ys IJ<ept early h<·lH~, :beticular wl:at. h e a~e. H e found it tto in.g u;p ·jVtfrve ·0'e1ocik ·i'u'Surnmerimd '<.ij~·essed For refer to n. a·e 'lvrltt.eo ueae tew llnae l abor to. write immediately after meals. °'1~ in ftainm"'l s111ts fcir calisthenl'0S. They .&Ad all I h·ve to·eay _ the co11trary h~~ spirit.~ were th~n so ~:i'Sk ' lbrea, lk fast o'n plain .food 1 111d h~t\'c an early E 0 L · . LIVINGSTONE, .Iha\ you Can ftnd me lt;iJlat bOIDI, thathad he tos~ng a song~ ~et nd of lm; b'i~·-1 cli~mer :tt t wo. T hey · ~tl'e \"etry ca refully Jam not gone a way. ( ' 6ENERAI. AGENT, ttmg .clown to lus t1Liiglit in 1mrsic a.nd ~·crj11i rcd to ohcy t heir l!loall tnYk:.lndold 1 rlendsmay come, ' . POR'l' HOPB p erfluous en~rg1~s before s1 And all theyoungonee,too, d esk. L~ssms 1s loath ~o commi t bim·sellf t<;> governess. 'if'hey have·aitU:lcnt fot· lrmgmtges, Or to a.gents t!ii;Jughont the county, 48-lls e. a.,nd geithe1rgar meotenicely made any certam scale : " If thou dost t1·&1 mlly and enjoy going to see · their g rnrnlrnothcr lnfaahlonsthat new; take so J)lllchfood at meal~ as thol1 wrt there- in DcimH·rk because they tal k ' · Danish." ~re olde.ndyoung,d6e.r!rleod1 1ma7 mee' by made unfit fo1· t~e duties and '?~ces be- I R.oy<tl gi l'ls ncvet· ,go ,to sch ool of course, Having purcha.sod the Harness busine ss lately carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY, A welcome 11:r,,etlna. bv ·R. PEA'lll: h <>pe by careful attention to business, good wor kmanship, and lirst class longing to the mmd, . , - ~t i s then ' but th ey h:wc ·110 ·end'of teachers and lcsmaterial, to secure a share of public patronage. \Ve have in evi~lent that thou dost exceed the m eas me ! sons. Charmi'B.g ;a.1',; are t he prince anil prin1' stock and are manufactu ring a large a m ou nt of wl11ch thou oughtest to hold. " He tells, on I cess wit h t heir t!hilllren th ey "re by Ho ancie_nt authority, some m arvelous tal cs of ' m ca 11s ·iti(Hllgent. ~¥hen 'Pri11ce Oeorgc wa s Pumps Chea.per a.nd Better the little men ha ve found enough to k eep I r ep uted its·11 c.glectiug h is duties at the rnwal 'than ever. body and sonl to~l'(Jthct· : h?w one thr ove J school , :the .]Wince s ent wonl th at h e was to through a long ltfe <>n nnlk alone, how I be di~i·itced ·e):actly like any other st mle11t I ' l. a The Snb11criber having built a larg·e ne11 · nother lived for tw(lnty years on cheese. , if he ·foll :b ohinc Collars a specialty. We intend t hat t he reputlltion Hump hrey 'R Collars have gained In ~nonastci-ies ~nd in t h e universiti~s this -A lady 'l\.iho had liYed long at 'IVin<lsor Pump Factory ~n Orono, Iii prepared shall be fully sustained. W e are prepared t o fur nish responsible parties d esll'ed moo.sure is, Ile :-iays, more e::ts1ly to , ·desodhcs 'the daily life of these y oung royal Collars on api;robation. \Ve gu arantee satisfaction or no sale. ' - to furnishb~ fou°:d, . for them at!ier the statutes of I:gM s as 'Vet·y much like that of other people, We also k eep in stock a full line of go'Ods usually fo und the s~ciet~~' O[' the ".<ehWt'eet orders. ~f the ,'-OXCl\p.tttllw\t t hey nre far more indu strious, in a filst class harness shop, comprisin g EVE~Y st~per10rs ~rn"'e or~lam<~d · t he 'l1rn.nhties 'df · :k <:<pt 'mote closely up to fif teen ; at tha t a $.e WITHOUT TEE TB WITH 'l'li:li:'l'B, wrne ;i,1~d _'beeoc· 'iihat ·lli!'e 1fat it°. 1 be ·d11·m1 ~- ·(!)f !.the·y .at'e a llowed a glimpse of the nmgnitiWith or without Porcelaiii: Cylinder, ct monasten<es I have T ro <c-'.!Gp 1rronoo, 'but 111 thtJ . .cent ilifewhich is all 11rotmd them, a re then ce. '.for·th trained car efully in etiquette and t he f j ' I ' ' the Beat Material, on the shortest notlet· universities I !mv<e l.Jee<m .gi¥en ·t o ·im dorstam1 1 PRA4JTl4Jil DJ::NTl8T, th:tt it iis (~r wits, !e;~· i!ih e old ·ot dot <Jht~i~gus observances of roy al cour tesy. P r esently See onr Bull ~one Whipe- somethiog n ew. We have also in stock and at the !owest price11, OVll:R TWENTY YEARS EXPlliRili:NOlll. now so fast tl·:lit it rs J~iwd ta sa'y wl.uijt o. they are allowed to go tv th e royal clinner lltro··O:itldeGH.Admlnbtered for Palnlea Oistern Tubs a.nd Pumps supplied. day may n0tli!l'r>u·\~ if®til1jit.he cu~Mm1to 1le1We tt,!ble , then to a drawing -room tmd so on. sud1 r'l>~tltet·s ~mnn')Y · k· ·the drnoreet~i<..'Ss df ·:i<; a,ch is a lways accompanied by h er govern · . Opera'1on11. !9tt~tl.enits-~0h1eh, lt 1 11a.y ·b e, 'JS llik e ·<ills litter on bv h er companion who is "ener llCJCJl.IJNG'll BL04J... WELLS CJ.,EANED.& RERAIRED. the G<lbti1.C'~ ;pt'>e>liry, mJt al1 wa'Y;! · imivitn\\:lle ally W rench. · "' for H ones and Uattle , a. sure c ure for b r uises, epraine, cuts, and sores of a ll k inds, c11'011iglh.. On the whol e, !LesslUs ·seems '.to S hop- Sign of the Big Collar. l 7-3m iRcll~~1c ttJ0 'Vart1M':t's alllr1wm1ce a s ·s~iff!cierit, Look at the Rules. tU!ltll [let'h:WS as .good !llli average a~ ·1t is lpos - . sJ1l.~l<e :to ·s trike. iBnt h e insi:Sts, ·as ' do all 1 A man w as moving ribont in a ca r in a W M . countab le for it to 110 one. Bnt then she these 111n>tiq:ne so,ges, lthait 1t he 1 me1ts\ire 1must D1tkota railway w hen t he conductor citme ' omen an oney. I must ha ve learm:<l from he1· you th upward TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. 11 v wry wi,t h t he, condition, a11d bu~i ness thr ough. CRn you tell m e," sai<l the restEvery girl who is not e ntirely dependent h ow to 1180 it, and she must not spare any · f>f '1lhe ma<11. .No ·hay<l ·<u~d 1fa~t ·r ule ea n be le~s one,_ with a, show of sarctism, "'Y h~ther 1on l.ter .male relation s- a p osit io11 wl !id~ , amount of trouble in the using of it , and she 11 Ordera!by II ail promptly attended to. it!hm·o. -!l~opiilar S~ienM J lfontlily. tins car is on t he track or not?" Sir, r e- 1comndermg all t h e ups and dow11 s of Ins mus t console h er self for ma ny a lonely r eplietl t he coucluctor, putting his h and into Ilife, the sooner she gets out of t he bettergret- w e iwe but human, all of us !- wit h his pocket , "here is :· volume of t he rules ough t by th e t ime s he is old enough t o pos- t he thoug ht t hat she !m s been trnsted t o he DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, and regnl:itio11s of this r~arL" "But whatdo.I I sess any money .to ~m?w exactly how mnc.h ::i, stoward of the Great Mast er. S uch au old w:mt of 1t 'I" 11 Look it over , and see if she !ms, where It IS mYestcd, imd what it ma id often does as m uch good in h er generaMOULDINGS, &c. 1 kept on hasad. HARNDEN, L. D.S., mhe'\vhirlpool, well ·ei11led " ·tI1e angriest y ou can find any rule ,say ing t hat I must ought yearly t o bring in. Ry th is t ime ali;o t iou <LS t wen ty matTied women , Graduate orthe Royal Collegeo I Denial lhit of wrnter in tt h c 'wot'la," ' is three llliles spe11 cl my t ime n 111ui11g alongside of the she should h a ,·encqu ir ed some lmowlcc lge of --~~---surgeons, Ontario. ·helow .the great .Falls·of Nillgarn. At this train rcpm·ting its position to t he p assc11- 1J.msiness- ban k business, referring to check.;, Pia.nos Tuned and. Repalred.s jpEJint · tlle·river , ·bending toWRn l t h e Ua11a da "ers. See if t h ere is anything in t hat vol- dividencls, and so 011- (m d as much of ul·d iOFFICE OVER ' DICKl:lON'S STORE. sido,.is contr:w_Fed 'tc ·a ·width of abou t two ~me t lmt compels me to go humping myself u a rybusiuessassh ec:m. Toheri11fornmtioa lOLD FILLIN ~ A SPECIALTY 1 huudred ·and twmtty·feet. The waters rush :ilong the pmirie and yelling through ~he : of a pni.ct icnl kindne\·er comcsa!niss, cspccfal- pA RTIES WISRlN G THEIR PI ANOS ·.y,iolenttly ·into ::t de11p ' ti<iprcssiou in t he steep winelows, Fore wheels off now ! 01· Hmll Jy t he t hree golden rules, w)11ch ha ve very Tune~ or repaired can ha.To t h om attende ate Work exeooted in the latest and mosi 1mproved style ot the Dental A.rt. ·cliff ·that l'ises on :th'elC:1w1<hl sid e, then they truc)<s drago·iiia N 0 iiH"estmeut of over 5 o by lea vmg word e.t ~he DOMINION 0 R GA.N 0 11 t he ties ! or G cutlerne 11 ru·e exccptiomi . 0 · · . l'i ' l mos t a t < l:l" r1tc1t '! · per ' cent. is . really . safe ; ti nst no one wit . lt Co's 0 11' .. I CK, anv 1lle ma.n ·emerge,·t urnmg· · ack - :L 1 n.g Jl t ang 1e, t h e bagg:ige-c;u has JUSt rolled m to ;1 < -iow oeinR In tHow111 heir mvlo " A firat-claH SETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN· 1 .to the Anwrie>1n ·si<\e. T he spot seem s t o 1 :>e or Passengers will ple:ise remai11 S(mt efl : y ouruw11ey wit hout secur ity, which oug ht to , _ __ \he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, w lthoutlojury .a .Jlal't of t he 1bed of an ancient chann el. while we turn off here. and scoot a cross the . be ILS st rict between the neiLrest 1111<1 d earest to the patient, il'forc ·tlie m1g1'y ·\vRt ers boil and churn w ith prairie after a jack-rabbit ! Look over them 1friends as between stmugern ; lastly, VETERINARY S URGEON , Parilonlar attention io the regulailon or .1 , fioxoeuess u lmost incr edible. The waves r ules, si!·, ai~d see if y ou ca n , fiu'.l l·llY of ; k et:p 1111 your affi~irs from day. to < la y in as [~ · Al~ CHILDREN'& TEE'l'H, are never ttt':rest . They t oss and whirl and t hem d1rect1011s. lf yon don t, lll fu ture >LCCUl'i\te 01·cleras if you had to the to-n1o~cow. <~y 'with,tlre !h eaviest timber. I t imtkes one plea se take your own obscrvr~tions on the The meu tiun of dy ing Sllggc8ts anotlwr neccs.-ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED·.._, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ·d1Y,:¢y 'to ~ook at t he fierce tumul t of t he wheels." sitv- as soon a s you are 21 yea rs of age mak e College, will attend to a.11 d iseases ,viwes, !J!he-gr eatmiielstrom covers a space 1 . . . · - ---~ -yo iir w ill. You will not fliea day t he soo11- I. F or cost of advertis in g in any p::tper or ·of domee~ie animals. A Oommercial Transaction. er ; yuu rnn 1 i!tc r i t w l1eneYei· you Hike ; list of pnp Pr s pu blished in t ti e Uni te(! ahmit 1 01ie-1tuarter of a m ile sqtmre. Its, depths 'lire enonnous u.ud unkm;l\vu. One I F ir st bootbfack.- " Rilly, how wouhl while t h e ease of mind i t w ill be to Y'o u , St ate s or Cnmula, s end to tlle ADVERTIS· thou&tnd feet of cord wi~s f~und t ?o.short you like t o go intu µtt1tnership with me ?" aud the t rou ble it nniy stive t0 t lrnse t hat ING AGENCY of B'II WIN A LPI!:N &; JJR O., s. RUSE. :ts' l'}°rea~~I thi botto!il,l ThT~·lmlpoulls 1 t he Second Ditto. - " Yes, sir; we'll begin come after yon, :tre beyond t elling. It >Call - r.inci n ~'<"1 New York, N PIANO A Sp E C I ALT y orm·0 · 11 arge cu·~ c. · ie orce now. " not be too st rongly impressed upon every Oor. 5th .1:; Viue .sts., / .SI Jl,I) li'iis·cm S&reet. E ACHE R OF ORGA , 00 ' · of ltfie. water movrng througl,1, ~he canyon " Very well. Run over to the corner arnl ' uirl who ha s or expects t h11t not undesirable "·*Our "N.c wspaper c n .mhinations," .n. h ook of VOIOE and THEORY. 'ferme Q a s vpli--- . above' is 185,00CI feet sq.uare.. Iln.s compa _ct get two ~ oxes of blacking." th in", "a little income of her own," w hat a 1 50 1 i:w c . s, co11 1 .u m1w pn cc s.of a dvertisrng, fut· cation at "Dm 20," · :ly 1 1 h f th ft J.> ., " ~ ~ f o , ·A - -- Calls and Orders by mat or t e egrap ·1 1'! o m oves wi. rncrec 1) e S\ ".I " W hete'Hth e money~,, for t unat e r esi)olrnibility t his is, and how u~e - instructions. e tc . , sc ul o n receipt o w e. ,,,. m. 1 h I 1 1 .. lf ;r:r Newspa pe r · c .,ta iog uc' con tn.i ni n g_ n ames of eve~ · ] ...\ DY!<:Jt 'rlSERS braddressmg 1a;o. t· will r eceive prompt a Uention. ne~s, .en t ermg t .i e w II' poo on one ~ 1 ~c, " :Money ! Why, I conld get 1t myse fol she may 1 mt!rn it to " t h ers. :a:iiappic,r· ncw,papcr p 11 h h s hcd 111 the u. :s. anti Ca uada, 1 ltOWJ<ll,f, & C.:o., 10 Spruce S t .· New York,. CHARGES M oDERll.TE. >sprnn mg round h kc a t op a nd then passm g wit h money. I reckon I'll <lissoh-e th i8 than t h e lot of many married w<i>men is tilrnt s ent on receipt of price, $1.50. E s timates free. ca n lea.rn the ei.:act cost or any proposed line ot ell " H A.IJVER'l'ISI~Gin American Newepa.pers. OFFICE HOURS, 8 T0 '1 0A. M. 'ma yon. l p artnersbip. You >ire nohelp to me. ofthe " nnappr?priatcdblcssing," a s 1 111ve A~ ~, t:i!l-1...Pllll'CPamphlet, I·c. A tlrst-clasB stock of Medicines always -·· h ear<lan old ma1cl cal led , who ba1lhe1 rnmney, to $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE on hand. Since the earthquake w e beginning to A woman never knows whether the side- ~es.s _or ~ore , in her o~n han~ls, ~d oM'l._ys~ Liuee not under the hor~e'efeet. Write N B - 'Vill visit Willfurm!burg every suspect that the South is not as w lidas repre- walk is p:wen or u ot wh~n sh e !ms 011 a uew 11t Rs 8h~ choose~~~gei~erlusly as wi;~! wi th I . Ii' BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER t ·d . f h k '16·1 ··ente{l , dre~s. ottt askmg any !Jll( y s <CiW'e, ·<11l'l<1 . m g ac1 a ur av o e a.c wee: · · y · Co .. Hellr, Mich, THE CANADIAN STATESMAK M, A.JAMES, HEALTH. The Children of the Prince of Wales. HARNESS, HA RNESS J Set of Harness, extremely cheap. Now is the time to get a first-class band made · Is selling Single Harness for 10; Nickel Plat-ed Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proportion. Call and see the best FLy NET ever made . vv. :a:. $ "'Y" =: 1 1 · HA I NE s' CARRI A.GE "WORKs, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ~~l t::u~~!~:dt~r:~:~ t~~ ~o~~~. ~!~~ : ~~:see ~\cc~~:~h)'.Lil~~ ~ : ~,~~~~ ~~~t,~:h,t~~;l~~~1~i! eo~;~'.~~,~~l;;~s,:~~LJ~~~~ OAR RI Ac ES' sLEl cH s, 0UTTEH s' w Ac 0N s' & 0.' - - - - - - - - I EA LT H HEAL TH IS W u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . h................. M P IAll K'in d s f V e h · Ies R epa1"red I B t 11. H. s ! UJUS . .6 I A1 0 R I BRITISH _ _ __ EMPIRE LIF "E - 'SSURANCE .. I -===-=-- cft u.l tJUCll 11 J l R. - I I I L I Saw Mlll Machinery, 'L D S'E · ng1n.esj '-· . 'Peerlesa . ana. 'Grain Saver . Separators Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers Sulky Rakes, B ·n w · ag Cultivators H arrows ' Seeders Scuffiers Sulky and GP!i""'g Plows. , e Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turni"p Sli'cers , . Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, C rUS h erS, G rln · d Tedders & Forks, A Warerooms-King St., Bowmanv111e. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. I Orono 'Pump Factory-~ DEN T ·I S.T .RY. LIGHT AN'D HEAv ·y HARNESS. I ·PUMPS OF DESCRIPTIOR J. II. BitiliACQllBE1 BLANKETS ROBES RUGS HORSE COVERS WHIPS BRUSHfS ET I ELLI MAN'S ROYAL EM BRQCATION a. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I c. R. FERG USON. F. A. JOKES, ENNISKILLEN, O I Win en &B ro lVLUSIO. w. · & D t · :t! perat1ons en rry £ nati, T 111 I I $5 s 1 vert"IS· Ing A gency

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