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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1886, p. 3

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~auadiau . ' _ _ _,_:____j, '-oo Jtattsmau. MapleGroveNurs· eries. . WATERLOO, N . Y . - ·-- . usehold Hints. Funiture can be brigh tened and cleaned from spoiled s . J~ by rubbing with a cloth dip ped in swee l. oil. Lard is s0>id Lo be. rendered sw eet by boiling a rn.w pared potato i1 1 it. If it be 11 faet that the st a rch of the potat o takes up the nox ious qua.Ji ll,,~ of impure lard, hAw>i.l'e of frying potatoe" either in ba.d lard or bad but ter. . An impr ove111ont on the old way of making jelly ia to Jrcat the suga r , before a~ding to the j uic~. 'J 'ime is saved and the jelly is much clearer. After straining t he j uice, measure it and p11t on the sto~'e to heat. A llow a pint o f sugar to i; p int of juice. \ Vhen the juicu comes to a boil, put in hot sugar. Three L o five m inutes' boiling will finish tfuijelly. FRIDAY, OC roBEP.. 22. 1886. ·STANDARD _ Mt;DJCA.L WOJlK T he public deb t was reduced n early $11,000,000 during September. . J erom e I ncrease Case, the owner of J ayEye-See, is worth $5,000,000 and b egan life i:oa WANTED~ . G ood act ive r dliab le men a s canvMsing Age n ts. Libera l i n d ucements to g ood m en. Apply at once to ~ &\ 121 Uirnm e& JtQLLlfER AlfD YOUNG AND MIDDLE-ACED MlN. Only 1111 B:r Mnll, Post.pnld. J;l.LIJilTllAT'.LVE SAMPJ.ES :t'REE NO A.LL. as a blacksmith: T he Secretary of the Nashville b ranches of t he L iberia Colonization Society announce that 4,000 N egroes will leave Apr il 15 next for Liberia . There is a five-year-olJ colored girl in Cincinnati who, it is said, reads anything that i s printed in t he English language, arid yet has nernr been t aught even her A. B Cs. A P resbyter ian Chur~h b nil t from petrified wood found in Allen's Creek, is one of the curiosities of JYlu1iforcl, N. Y. L eaf and moss fossi ls <UC to b e plainly seen i n the stone. Seven inciuerat ions h1we tak en plac() at the B nffalo Crematory. T he last w1\s l'l'lrs. L effingwell, a member · of H enry Warcl Beecher's C!Hu ·ch, a,nd ti teacher in Plymout h Sunday School. A Missouri hm·gfa.t.', wh il e n.ttP.mptilig to ent er a house, had his lower jaw shot o,II · A local p1 1per , in flesc rihing the affair, said the victim " resol utel y r efused to talk ." I s it t o b e w ondel'ed at '! The embalmers who embalmed t h e body of Gen. Gmnt, allege th at they have been unable to coHect the ii· bill of $fJOO. · T he editor of the N ew York Sun offers t o p ay t he amount if :the bill is sent to him. T here. is a Methodist Church in K ewmrne, Grocers, Butchers and Provision Mrirchal1ts. STAND:-Town. Hali Building, ·one door Ont. Bank. &l ~~m~t DLQW ft J . W, .McKAY, G en . M a nager. A .COJ!lplete stock always on hand. We have all tbe best grades of CANADA BRANCH, ST. T H OllAB', ONT. BELL" A. Gr eat Me dle.11 Wor.k on Manhood. E zbanstcd Vitality, Nervous nnd Ph;rsioa.l Debil]ty. Premature Decline in Man. Errors of Youth, and the u ntold miseries resulting from indiscretion or exceilses. A book fo r every man. young, middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescript ions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invaluable. So found by Author, whose experience Unapproached for for 25 years is such as probably never before Tone and Quality. fell to t he lot of any physician. 300 pages, bovnd in beautiful Frenc h mnslln, embos;ed · covers, full gilt, gu11.ranteed t o be a finer work CATALOGUES FREE. in every sense tha n aily other wo.rk sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will be r eruuded i n every instance. Price only $1 by mail, postbaid, Illnstratives ~am ole free to any body. Send now, Gold medal a warded the a ut hor by t he N1.>;Hono.l Medical Association. t o tho President of which . t he Hon. P. A. l!iesell, a nd a sJ!ociato officers of the Board the r1mder is r espectfu lly refferred. '.l' he Science of Life is wor th more to tho young nnd middle-aged men of this generation sban all the gold mines of California and the s ilver mines of Nevada combined.- S. F. Eut ir e sto ck t o be Chronicle. The Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksands on which theconstitution and hopes of many a youn~ man have been talta.lly wrecked.-1\fanchester Mi rror. The Science of Lire Is of greater ~-alue th an all the medical works published in thiscountry The good s will be s old d own below cost'. tor the ast 50 years.- Atlanta Oon8titu li on. '.l'h.e .,,.,....;mce·ofLife is a superb.and masterly treatiae on nervous and physical d ebility.- H ats, B onne t s, Ribbons, L~ cea, F lo wers, :Feathers, Silks, Satins, Plus h es, V e lyets, Detroit l:t'r ee Press. There is no m ember ot society to whom the Science of Life will not be useful, whether ] ' ringes, Gimps, C ords, C ollars, ]'r illing, Berlin 3' outh, parent; guardian, instruc tor or clergy. A prons, Hose, Wool J a ckets, man.-Argonaut. . V.'oola, Saxony, S iik Floes, A rasen e, .Address the Pea.bod v . Medical In~titute, or Tinsel, Embroid eries,. &c. Dr. W . H . Pa rker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street,Boston I Jl..lass., who may bo consultea on all d1seases r equiring skill and experience- Chrom e an.d Also a g r eat v a r iety of F ancy obstinate diseases t hat have baffl ed tl,e skill Goods. or e.11 other physicians a specialty. Such trna.Lcd aucccsefu lly without an instance of MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. AN, Bowmanville, fa ilure. Mentiott ·STATESM Ontario. l7·Y· ~ ~ Qlfg ~ORGAN'S BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. M~ MORRISON'S Presc1·vo·You .. Sight. Use F . L.AZAR IJS' (lo.te of the tlrm ofLa;a1" n s & Morris,) Reoowntd Spectacles and Eye· Glasses. They are t he best In the wo1·Jd, '.!'hey never tire the /lye, and last many years with· out change. ll'or sale by K enner & Co. Bowm a.nvillc. i 6-1t. · oUNN~s BAKlNC THE-CooK's BEST FRIEND POWDER- BEWARE VETERINARY SVRGEO?;, -JOirN -SPENCER, 1 BUSINESS BOOMING H onorary Gradu~to of the Ontario eterina.ry College, Toronto. R egistered member of the Ontario VAterinary Association, in accordance with the Veter inary .Act, Is prepared to treat all diseases of the Dom· estlc A nimalR, according to the latest theories. All calls personally, by Telegraph or Te le· phone wlll reoei ve prompt attention. .ot" St., Orono, one door north ot \V, Henry's ::itore. CHARGES MODER.ATE. WORLD'S BEST! WEST'S · , - . l IvEe · P1 [;;; 1~· 1 .s ! ~ · : POSITIVE LY CU RES : - 'DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACH£ LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. A few :Boxe· will c111'8 any cat1e of DyapopBta, 11imply by t a king G ino 1"W. every night on retiring. They do not 10118 tll.e:iz' o&ct Uko otller l'llle. . wom>in named Miss ·Down er , and· R ev, R obCl' t \Vest, editor of the Aclv>mce, spe>drn of h er as a u educated, earnest and cottviu ci11g l)reacher. Mrs. 'B~ol~om wrn p robably mak:e ,t he \Yhi.te H ouse her home as . long her < laught er stays t here. S he has n o other .,. liome, t lte l'rcsideut is fond of her , she is 'l ' liet and does not meclclle, and so is welcome to stlcy. A young med ica l student in Sacrameutq Choice Recines. 1 M1x1m l'ICKJ.J·:~.-One p0ek of green.- to · , :: j the et1rth cur e on a sick man an d came ma.too$, half a p c ·k of onions, 011 1 .11 · ·lf · Lin a ehaye of haYiug t he famp·p ost cure on iiim. He ha n 't got the patient hornc radish, b"lf a. pound of wl.itc rnu~t'r l seed, half a pound of ungrou nrl blnek Jkl'l"~ ~ ~ . c·l hic;her than his hip s when he gave one OuncD <Ji cinnan1011, clov.A:'). at ri tt .. 1 · llt: . .din ~ · u;e'i·ic; !thcl 'two or_three headso[ c;Htlitlo;,d; :<1l·ilph Gunlon,_ a convict in the M ich igan be t he pepper cmn amon and <;Jo ,·eo Hl <i >'.' W,t e p l~On, durrng a long term LLHlUSecl . 1$ 0 t hin iriuslin lx:g ; place all't he ingredi1;11ts in him.>clf 'r!n1'dng counte~'feit_ money: Moul<;Is , a urnnitc-ware kettle cover w ith Yincvar "·ere fou~ , concealed rn lus cell, an'.cl com a1~d hoil until tendet· '; can while hot in gfuss that. he lll~ile w~ile in p rison by some means fruit j r·n;. got mto circulatiotl. " . Your at tent ior.. 1s d in,, (ed ·) the immen se -CHn~s~: STP.Aws.-Take egual pol't ions of A Dublin l ady, a member of t he Society stock of flour; ~r(l.te d cheese and but ter-r · quarter of }'r iends, h as decided up on a n ovel form or halt a ponud of each, . accord ing to t he of missionary labor. It is h er intention t o n umber of " straws" re'}nu·ed; acld a slight spent! the wi11ter in religious w ork afrwng ' · ' - · · se.a spning of s;d t and cayenne p epper; make the '.l'ennessee '"""roes, many of whom, i t apthc who'le into a. paste; roll out, . cut i nto p ear s, fawe lateiy become Qunk ers. of every d escription a t · st rips of straws, and bake in a quick oven. A Hm·t CUll<iLl'j", a,,., cnuik, who thinks ~ns , a ~1 SUET P UDDINO. - lVfake a st iff batter of that )ie is the incarnate s1iid t of t h e J>rophet DIH " J· 111 granufated Indian m ca.l and wat er, with salt; E lijah, says th at the . " falling a way" . men- · S h e h aa just o pene d out one of t he largest add to a q1ial't of batter half a tiint of tio110d in the Bilile will ocenr 1·ight afte1· a.nd most stylish s t ock s ever brought 9hopped su et and boil i11 a bag for three next Christma~, a nd tlmt th e wurld will to t own , con sisting of·; ;hours. J,ess will answer, hut Jong boiling come to au e11d in i s90. iniproves it. · A cupfttl of h ax ·d cider, a cnpIn 1884 K. · F ,. Burchett k illecl A lbert 1'1 i I] in e 1· y ' Dre s' s Silks, tul of molasses [Lnd a lump of butter t he size A,i1glin, : .. ., near A.shfand, Ky. In the ttfal V~Jvets , &c., of an egg mak es a. good sauce for the pud- that ·f9Uow ecl thc1·c was no defence · except , d ing. , ,. licl wit h a very fine stock of F eathers and CREAM CA:KE.-One cnp of sugar, one ta.- tha t 'tile accused was drunk when he 1 Pra~rie Flo we rs-. , · bl espoonful of butt er, one· half cup of sweet the killing, and he was convicted a nd sentenced t o the p eni t entiary for life. The Call and inspect this fin e d isplay, which m ilk, on e egg, one and a h alf cups of Hour, Court of Appeals hus ju st confirmed thc'juclg can no t fail t o aive satisfaction . . two of baking p owder. m ent, h oldina that d runkenness is no excuse T his mak es three layers. 'l'ake one cup of thick cream, th1vor wit h lemon, and sweeten for crime, ail~l' docs not lessen t he dcgr'ce of · to t ast e, whip until stiff 11r1d sp read between the offonco. A P i.u te Indian in Virgiufa City fuq1ishes the layers and on top of t he ca lm. . , .· Y oUNG Comr o~n:LET.-Strip or scrape the following local p r ice list for , game : '.)F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS the eorn from si x youn g full c:11·s, pound in " 'Whitey mn,n pay um two bits foi· teal duck and four hit for m alla1·d, maybe Piute A s there are many iaferior a yellow bowl, an d mix w i th five eggs after As usual our goods, corded w ith jute. they h ave been beaten light. Add t1 small b ring um. Whit e woman kick like m ule, hemp, etc., ottered and sokl saltspoon,of salt and a very little pepper. .n o want to ·p ay nm l'iute only one lJit for stock of as Cora.line by some un- Put into a hot-frying -pan equal q Utt ntities of mallard and four hit for goosen. Inj un no sell um goosen l ess than on e dollar quarter . principled merchants trad· J<> rd and fresh butter, and st irr them well ing 011 the reputation of ~ CANAD IA~, our 1Jeu11inc ()oraline, together over t he fire. \ Yhen th ey boil. put Piute wa n t um four bit5, one for big jack we warn the ladies against in the mixture t hick, and fry it, t un 1ing labitty, anti two bits for litt le. " E NGL IS H, such imposition by dr aw't ll care. · T i'ans f er i · t, w lien c l one, to o. John vYanmnaker, the P hiladelph ia mering their attention to the w1 t)COTCH & clrnut, who Jrn~ jirnt r tituruetl from }~urope, necessity of seeing that the hetited dish , b ut do not cover it over. AMERICAN says t hat a study of t he JleW syst em of railname . RICE (:tRIDDLI'>CAKES.-Blend one cup of . ruall O}J~ration~ iu Qtirumuy,. where the 6 J well boiled r ice wit h a cup of flour, add a roads are un der Government aclministra· · small-desert-spoonful of Royiil . b<1king pow,, ·tamped on inner side o1 all Coraline goodli, clei-, three eggs, salt, aucl t11blespoonfnl of tiou, cuu v i nce~ h im that the ~erv ice of privWithout which nono aro lreJluine. .ntelted but t er. Reduce witJI. one cup of r ich ate corporations is far prefer able. There if a t raveller complains he at once sets himm ilk, and bake ot1 a hot, buttcr od griddle. / I . self <Lg<~inst the Gover nment. '.l' he train s CORN BREAD.- Tttke a large table.~poonful n either start ou time nor come in on t ime, of butter, one small teacupful of brO'wn su- and with few exceptions the express ·train s and other Suitings ii! gar, one teacupful of Hom·, three t eacupfuls art! as sl<1w as the w<ty trains on American t· h e large st, most -AT THE- . of cornm e11l, a small teaspoonful of salt, a roads. small t easpoon. f ol of soda, two full teasp ooncomp lete and mo8t Col. McClure, of Tli ePhilade phia Times, ful. s of cr emn of tar tar, and one egg. 1folt began a r ecent speech hy telling t he following i ona.ble t o be .t he bu t t er, add .the sugar i\nd salt , beat bit of tixperience :- He said he planted some. found in West Durham w ell t ogether ; l)l'eak t hP. egg into it, beat fine crops over in Franklin county, J>a. , in until well,mixecl; put in the cream of ta1 ·tar, 1861, but Gen. Patterson of the Union army add the fl om~ <tnd cor:nmelLl , with sufficient came along and httr vestecl them. I n 1862 he Our Fall Stock of milk t o make a thin batter; m ix steadily for tried it a gain ona larger scale, butGe~1 . .J .eb ahout ten niin 11 tes, ad<l the soda, still mix - Stuar t of the Confederate side can~e a longa'n.d in o-. Bake in a hot oven in C<tke tins t ill carried off everything he had. Next y ear he w~l browned. Ea.t P.n watm, w ith butter. t ried it again, but Gen . L ee made a visit to 1 BuNs; WITHOUT YEAST. - Four of flour h is farm and appropriated the crops. The We bave the goods. To i~sp~ct is to ord~r.. O_ur i;iri~es are ri~ht. fourth year the Colon el again planted and Our styles command adm1ra.t10n. Our ongmahty is mex.hausbble. one large tablespoonful butter, two-thirds are now complete. cup of sugar, two teasp oonfuls ext ract of g et .his crops safely h arvest ed and felt ha1>· _ " · . Our enterprise, energy a.nd pluck have no bounds. . py, but Gen . .McCau sland came up t})at way lemon , two h eaping teaspoonfuls cream of Any amount of Suits lJeing sold. tartar, a ucl on e rounding on e of sod~; or, if with some of the Confederate forces aµd ... CJall at £entre oC Style, Beauty and CJheapneH 1m and tbe contents. ha.king powder be u sed, th ree h eaping b urned the h1 Our Cutting is cut by a proper spoonfuls ; on e l arge cup of rich milk or sweet cream, a handful of cu rrents. R oll ' Steering Straight For Home." F i'rst Class Cutter- one who has one inch in t hick ness, cut out with biscuit BY NORA ltAUGHlm. cutter, and bake twen ty minutes in q uick l A thoughtless y oung gentleman ·w hei. commanded t he salar y of one, a.nd oven. The Tailor. . . crossing the A tlantic had h is attention call- , 1 t f F 1m;D H ALIBUT-.- P lace m your frymg cd to t he bright, lu·1ipy look of one of the earned the reputation. r.: pan half lt dozen sl wes fat, salt . p or k, fry common sailors-a m an of some sixty yeai:s. rown and remove them to deep dish . Adel j - w. h o, upon being questioned as to wh y he We do not t hink it advisable t o , b t o the fa_ t _three table~poonfuls !resh lai:d ; . a lways appeared so cheerful, replied prompt. employ journeymen t ailors like when bo1l mg h ot put m the halibut, w luch l v as he r everen t ly bared hill h ead , a.n d should be cu~ in .about three . ir!ches lo~ked up to the clear, blue sky " I (ion' t some houses do and introduce them sq_uare and d ipp ed m sifted ea! ; .sp1·m~le i k now, sir, TI,nless it ill because " l 'ni 8teering wit h sal t, fry brown, y ut m t h e dish w ith : struiuhtfor !tome." · Easily :Ma.n~ged, Light Ru:nning, Durable. II to t he public as first class cutters. t he pork, pou: ~he boilmg fat over! add one. W hat an · eloq uen t sermon d o n ot . these · , Threshes Clean. and SeJ;>aratioit 'O':uexcelled. tablesp oon boiling water, cover with a plate few words convey?] .. So ca.11 and get your clot hing well and let stand in the oven twe,n ty minutes. In storm or shine I'm happy, sir, · PEBFEOTLT BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all Whi~"·cap1 from Wheat. H YG1EN}: RliSK CJWMl\8. - T ak e b its of As o'er the waves I roam, cut at the Eclipse H ouse. unlelwen w h e<tten hread dry them thorI'll tell Y0 1J..why if.ron like , sir, , ' I'm 8te.yrm\" Stral' ht,fOl' l:J.. O'H~~ 0 ca..EAN$ RAIN FIT FoR'. p ARKET, oughly m < m oven hot enough · to brown ° s lightly , but n ot scor ch. Break them in ~ I do not mean- m y home on land, BECAUSE ·~ · - - ·-----~.C------------- mortar and grind in a coffee mill. Or take l lost th>it when Bess died, Cleared out in30 days It is a too ~ommon practice i n many farmers' familieci to burn the feath er s of fowls k illed for the table, under the idea tha t they arn not wor th saving. Chicken feathers are quite val uable. They do · not m a ke so soft a berl as t liose of the goose or duck, hut are superior fol· p illows, whel'e too m uc h e la,sticit y is not healthful or co mfortable. Th ey have, besides, too much man urial v;1lue to be wasted, being very rich i n < UH· monia. The coarser feathers sh ould be th1'own i nto the lUanure heap, w here t heir decomposition will add .largely to i ts Yalue. A nd that reminds me, girls, if you wm1t your frizzes to stay j ust wet them with wai·m Castile soapsuds when yon put them . up. 'I'hey will stay evm· so rnnch lnnger t h;t n when wet with clear ·water, and it does not injure t lw hai r either. But ynu 11eerl n 't friz, 01· bang, or crimp, or'curlyom· front hai r unless yon c hoose. J f you plea se you can comb. your ha ir straight' back from your fol·ehea.d, 11111 1, provid.e1l tha t style is beP.oming , you will be j ust as fashiornthle as you would w ith t he fringe of wn.vP.d or· frized hair in frou t . that is manufactured. We have in stock all kinds of Genera.I Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, American a.nd . Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oat s and Chicken Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experience in the Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery D epartment , under the supervision of Mr. J ohn Allin, is of the very best quality. No t rash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will ba thank.fully received. Goods delivered to a.11 parts of the town on short notice. A call solicited. Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, H i des, Tallow, BeeJ, Po1·k and all Fa1·m P 1·oduce. 0. M. CAWKER, JOH N ALLIN. Ill. , hav ing for its regular pastor a young as J. HIGGINBOTBA,I & SON, ·; PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIS TS, Kee,p _ all the requisites of a first -class Drug St ore. I .. LADIE·s, I t . · our. · t b uy . th d b est D rugs ;· arm · e purest an·. t'h at Can be i"n· the .· m arket., a·nd to Sel} at r. easo:riable prices. PURE DRUGS. PA·T·E',NT. .'M·EJD · I·C.·I N.Es·. TOILET ARTICLES. M I L L I N E fl Y we keep nearly a u ,patent medicines advertis ed. D: D.'If· M E . L. v · 'S -'·. We have· a .large s~ock of English, . F rench and German · Perfumes,, PowCier~, Pomades, and a big assortment of ,H afr Bl,'u.shes. . - -.__---·-·-· Thorley's, '.Food, ;Fl,o wer ,. Condition Powder and Ground Oil Cak e. always on hand. ' · C 'ROMPJON CORSET · CO TWEEDS WORSTEDS ' 'ECtlPSE;HOUSE. ) CLOTHS and Men's Furnishing's We Never Get Left. the · ·Gent's Furnishings a specialty. · · .· · JOSEPH J'E FFERY, ·ifle:MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER a I 1 W . H. IVES. THE KEY JO .:H~l-TH. 1Jnlooks a.ll the clogged a venues of the :Bowe ls , Kidneys and Liver, carryi ng off gradually without we..:.kening the system, all th o impurities and foUl h umors of t he secr et ion s ; at the same time Correct ing Acidity of the Stomacq, curing '.Biliou sness, Dys. 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. aox. TH IRTY PI Ll..8 I N A rL.;;,_o BY ALL DRUGGl,TS. John C. West & Co. PROPRIETO'.RS, pepsia, · Readach~s, Dizziness, Hear tburn, Constipation~ Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness oi' Visi on, J aundice, Salt RheUlD; ]!jrysip elas, Scrofula., Fluttering of the H eart, N ervousneas, and Gen· eral D eb ility : all these and :(Dany other similar Complaint s vield to the happy ~LOOD a seal e gral 1am l1our l oa f , gra te it, b rown in t he oven and wh en brittle roll fine. Serve wit h f l'\1it j u ice or milk, :J.llowing it to sMk '1 few m inutes befor e it is is eaten. P>irchcd wheo.t mayhe gronnfl and P.aten in the way. TOMATO P H.ESJmY.ES. -1'h c y ellow tonmto makes t he nicest p reser ve. Scald ripe tomatoes by letting them stand one minute in boiling wat er, t h en ski m t hem · ou t m1d remove t he skin. \ Vhen t his ill clone weigh them and then pour off the juice int o a porcelain bot tle and add a p ound of sugar for each pound of tomatoes. V1I h11n this comes to a boil, skim and >teld the tOmatoes and boil t ill nearly done. Then add a lemon or two sliced and the seed removed. If sealed up in jars it need not be done so thick and w ill be more healthy tLnd p t1latable. She a nd t h e y·oung 'un too, sir , They both lie oide by oitle. Yo'u'tl :see uvon t t1u 1rn.L i11, 'It ha$·a SMUTT£R and $£CO/ID FANNl!jG MILL attached. She was my n-~ife, the bonniest lass That's why I always try to gteer · Sh'a.ight ll<nM to Bess again. Oh ! I shall ne'er forget the n ight When I brCastcd thro' t he fou.rn i 'o flnd m y girl's life ebbing, J :for she \Vas nearing H.V1JU . I was a careless Chap, sir, the n, J ust thirty y~ars ago; But my life chflnged with her last words, Uttered so soft and low. ·" I'm driit ing from you, .Jack, my dear, She said, as'-she ob.sped our little 1 un And her head lay,on m y ·breast . . A11d,oh ! l cannot rest Dutil yOu give me your promise That you will t ry 'md come Where I shall wait you, near the Sta, .S:;i.y, , Jack, you'll. steer for H'ni::. ?" THE :MORRIS DO'UBL E DRESSER. Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ~ Write post card · for How He Fished. Granger. -" Been Jishin' all day?" Crusty Ol<l Geu. t lcman. - " l· ' ou r hourn, sir." Ornngcr.- " \Vithou t '!" Crust y Old Oentleumn. -Without iuter L r uptiop, sir." j The bitter tears rolled dow11 my cheek, I knelt bcai1fo the hed, And since that day, sir, I have k,ept M y oath, made to the dead. ·'Ti ~ Illustrated Pamphlet. MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ON T. Also supply Threshing·Eiagines at Maker's Prices and Terms. inflrienca o. f BITTERS. J3URDOCX ea.sier eve.ry dn.y, s ir , TORONTO. 1 look·am·oss the foam And heat m.v 'llcssie calling me · 2:. l!IILBl)UN ol ,()0·· Pro.:ir letors. ·TonntoO To ~te~r r .y/i&stra·gllt f ;T liorM. William Pooley, Agent,\Box 50, :i Bowmanville

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