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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1886, p. 4

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Amongst the iioods ·· exhibited in th11 Bombay Court·thc giJver war;; is pre-em· inent. tbe samples of desig11 and work· 'l'he Colonial and Indian manship being both admirable. _ Exhibition. Amongst the fabrics shown i11 the B~n· - fl gal Court, ar.1 the eelebratod D .t?Ja m11s- T O BUYMure Canadians >md Americans have !ins. It is true the a.r1 of manufactut'ln~ If so, do not run the risk of losing it by carry ing it loose in ) our visited EnglHnn in 1886 than ever before them lias been t o a certain exient lost ; pocket, but call on us aad stilect in one year. Not because th~ steamboat for where"s formerly a ·piece uf musliu companies offered greater mducements 15 ya1ds Jong and l yard wide C'lulll oe · · than heretofore in cheap passages, but made so fine a· to weigh only !)t)O grai r.'s, · ~ the fever for eroseirig the Athntic seems nowadavs the finest piece of t.htl ~11.e 1 .t · to have f·een m(Jre contageo11s, and the weighs lliOO g r!linA. The form er pwce I " Oolindries," a.s th11 Londoners call the won tel be worth £40, and the latter only -ANDColonial and Indian Exhibition, has prov- £10 · ·· · f h fi erl it otro11g attraction. Thousands more Th 9 front of the N en~,J Con rt is carved to keep it In, o· which we ave a 'ne assortment at low prices. of onr coui1try p~ople would .ham crossed t o repreaent a cloudy ~. ~·, "ith· winged the A ti antic hall thll stea.msl11ps that have angels and dra:J'ons, tho · iatter supposed hFen hing idle i_ n the .O ld Country ports t o represent l1~htning. Amongst the 11bbeen titted up with suitable accommoda- jectc1 exhibited are two models <>f temples I tion {or earryi!1g passengers. a.t such low I and s,overal specimens of wood-c1 L·:viag, rates as some of the compames ha1:e bea n which is the principal ar t indnstry 'of the --Al'-doing. But we_ may revert to thn su?- ·country. jdct in a foture i·sue; we sh~ll dl)_vote _tins A monast the most notew orthy of the at our Variety Ball , which is n oted for ietter to the E xhibition, more especially ooods e;hibited in this N " rth-West Tndi the }':ast India d epar tment which we ~11 Court are severnl speci uen~ of mos t . . . artistic pottery, so: 1 pit.. 11e ornaments, found pttrticularly iuteres~ing. The . Co~on~al and Ind.tan E.ith1b1hon, copper, brass, silver! im,i hcl1t1et· ware, wl1ich 111 still m pro2ress, is ur~ltke any of and some very bef).ntiful carpets. In the the previous expositions held m London, middle of tbe central pass11ge is a remark---o--both in orgauiz~tion arid scope. A Royal a.bleand most beautifully designed pigeon Commission appointed by the Queen pre- house in carved woc·d, sent by the GaikThe lady who l eft the above can have it by calling. sides over it, the Prince of Wales ~e~ng war of Baroda.. In Baroda and through'> exeeutive Presiden~. The Comm·s.s~on Oujerat the innabit·nts erect si mil'lr includes represen_t.a tJves fro~. th~ Drit1sh strnctures for the purpose of feedinic pigColonies and lncha. In add_it1011 aach ex- enns and other birds. Acc,Jrding to the governmen.t appo~nted a local religion of the people, it is sinful t» take I commission to su permt.en<l its own con- the life of auimals, and an a!.!t of charity tribntion. Sir. Charles Tupper.w.a~ Cu~- t o feed them. In the; mon1inge men and adian Commissioner. ~he E~h1b1bon i~ women may be seen laying offer1n1<s of ~ht ~nmldinu ~tntt~man. not intern 1tional, ~ut is confi_ned e~c!u· grain before t hese h ouoes~ !or the 1 1so of sively to the Colomes a_nd India, Bnnsh the birds, as a sort of r el1gt0 us t xero1se . BOWMANVILJ,E, FRIDAY, OCT. 22. and foreign exhibits bemg exclnded. 'rhe cont ents of the P1rnj"b Court are The object which the prom<.>l~rs of the B<Jllllil exquisitely carved winclowB and J ~ Exhibition had in view was to brmg prom - doors iocl udiug a bow window of lattice"REFORM MEETINGS. inently nuder notice the development and m irk,' >urmouu t ed by a. carved wooden progres3 which have bee~1 01a~e m t he v a- half dome. T he silver, pottery; metn.l and The H e form Electon1 of West Durham rions parts of the Empire, m the ~ ipe lacriuer work, and arms exliibitei h~re are requested by the Viqe -Presidents of that a m ore intimate knowledge IDlf:l ht am ~fa,J most t!ecorativti. The heau iiful thus be obtained of the v ast fie~ds fo~ "'.n- cotton print~ already alluJed,t o, form part ea~h mu,, icipality to attend their respectterpriz~ and co1~~1erce ~v\~1ch ~xu t of the ~"llectio n fr 1111 tha Pu·1j a b. Tnese ive meetings on Monday next, vet. 25th, ~hrough out ~ho British Dom1111ond . (.)(~rn- prrnted c.o ttons r.-11k ><mougst . t..1e very -OE"called for the purpoge of appointing del· mrr a.ta penod when the stren~themng be~t o[ the art-pro l11c · ~ uf India . 1 egates to attend the R eform Conve11 i"n of~he ties which nn~te. the parent couutry Cashmere is cdebr '. ted fur ;ts ena.rn0l.,d I to Jtl'I numerous Colonies aod D .ipcnden- metal-wrn k, a."d f,, , 1ta shaw.a a!ld other I to be held in B owmanville on Mond11.y, cies absorbs s l rnurh public alter ' ion, textile f,' '> ri<··, ,,f which Ill ·et b<Ja.tuiful Nov. 1, at 2 p . m. for the purpose of sethis Exhibition, which places for th"' first specime ns,.,.., t'xf1ioited I .1 the lJeutral lecting candidates for the ensuing elect. time before the world a true ~l_ld ii;ap~ic Pro vinces ot lnllia carvin, g in wo·1d i3 tbe ions in this Riding for the House of Comrnpresentation of w.bat the Bnn~h Ewpire only art in which t he nat.ive~ excel, and really is, cannot fatl t? bo of tho gre.a·.est it is not tmctnnmon t o find the frouts of 1~1ons and Provincial Legislatm:e. All nation,.J inter~st and importance. houses, even i11 small villages br.autifully The glories of the past sink into in~ . gnilicance beside our the meet.inr;:s will be held next Monday . The buildings are ltt 11p throughout carved in t eak. present wonderful assortment o Dry Goods, Millinery and as follows: with electric light, an~ the r,ai;deu~. and The sil ver- ware cif Burmah is very beauD:irlington, Town Hall, H.i tmpton 2 p.m. fonntaius aro most brilliantly 11lurumat- tiful, and is we ll represented here; as Mautles, which have b~en carefully selected by our buyer, ed; while eve_ry care has .been bestowed also are the nat1ve-1uade Lees and em- and which are piled npnn our counters rea~y for inspection. Clal'ke, Town Hall, Orono 2 p. m . upo n the mu -1c~l arran2emente. . broideries. Cart.wright, T'n Hall Williamsb'g2 p.m. Broadly spe '.ktng, th_" bu,ldmg· cons 1st Amo ug the most mteresting obj ects conNewcas tle, Town Hall at 8 p. m. of thro" galleries ruunmg e ' at and. we~t, tained in the Madras Courts m1y be, m enBowmapvill~. Council Chamber, 8 p.m. viz.: tl10 Great Sr,uth Gallery, with its tiootid a fine collection of j e welry, and North, Middle ancl South U·mr r."; the some very artistiQmetal-work, pot~,plat"a Every Ref, rruer is partie.nlarly requ~s~South 01mtrnl Gallery; and the C_entral &c., made of UJixed brass ancl copper. We have ust opent'd up cases o f rich novelty Dress Goods, imported ed to att··nd t.he meetmgs m his 111um01Gallery, with it9 two annexes; while the 'rhe Mysore exhibits are pictures of direct from France and Germany, newest colorin~s and latest ~~igns pality. 'fhe Vice- Presidents will please remaining buildings, viz : the E."et and scenery and mythological subjects. The in Cheviot, Plaids, Cordurettcs, French Shuddah, Oamellette~' Ken forward to us imm ediately after ·h e _ m eetWe11t Arcades, Avenues, Galleries and principal art-ware exhibits are finely car- singtons, Bredalbane, Norman dies, Chevron Serge, Freiz e Suiting, inu ~ full fot of the delegates 31 powted, Annexea, run n orth and south. The A\. ved wood and inlaid furniture. · fo~'pui ' ·lic.:a i· n in our next iss ue. bert Bi.II, an~ also the_ eelebr_~tecl _I~1d1<1. The Hyd erabad exhibits intended Kazmyr Suiting, Roman Stripe and Mikado Plushes to match for Since the. hills were printed and posted - - trimming.- J\Iuseum, are 111cluded m the Eic.lub1h < m. to sh.ow off th.e varions art, metal, aud through the Riding, the day for holdiug Ca na.di, occupies the Great Central Gal- t a:x:tile industries of the country, such the Conventi on has b een changed from lery 11.nll a large part of th.e West Gallery, as brass-work, Bidri ware- 1Yhich i~ blackAvenue and Ar~ade flank~ng thi1 gardens. ened pewtl'lr, inlaid witl1 ~old, sliver, or Saturday Uct. 30, t o Monday Nov. 1. Ou lirst ente1mg . Colom~l Hall by the copper,- beau tiful iiilk carpets, and laeq uer Printed dat,, :ines hav" been 1:1ent to the main c111.ra11ce, we tiret notice on the walls ware. Vice-P i esidentl1 for pasting over the forIn the Econ omic ,O'I" Imperial Court are m 1 ny larji,e picturee .represeuting many of mer date . the · princip1tl Colooial t~ wns, ports, <~C., a vast collection of the useful products of at different stages of t heir growth. The India, which ranks as the fifth gre" t com=:i:=ll=L~E=o=T=I"o= - N =-~s-= -o~O~M =I NG. pictures ue very int1:1r es ting as showing mercial power in ~he world, the annual the pre~ent size and impor~ance o~ the~e value of it~ foreign trade being about 166 t owns and also as illustrating their r11p1d millions sterling. A n attempt, has been .ere is an impression in the pub.lie rate of progress. lmmedintely over the made to secure for thii exhihit at least a mincl that the Dominion Elections will be turnstile" is a long: view of L ondon. A m- s mall sample of every product, a nd, wh.ere brought o n very so(ln, pl'Obably next a ngst the ot her views may b e not~d :Mel- possible, a larger quantit.)'. o~ all th~ more - AN:Dmonth, then fore R e'furmers must not bourne as it was in 1839, and aga.m after import an t one~ . . The prmc1pa l div1swn CD au i 11terval of forty-two years, during of s ubj eots am foo ds, bevera5es, narcot ~ lose any time in gettillg into l1arness for which time it has !(rown from a collection ies, oils, medicines, gums, dyes and hns, ~ thP hat. le . The great Liberal triumph of shanties into a fine city of 280,000 in- fibres, skins and leath ers, c~ue 1 and b ..sCD iu l.!udwc ;;hould a.,imat.e every R eformer habitants. Here !ilso are pictures of Syd- ket work, minerab and ore~, timber3 1 te~, Q with a str<>ng d et rrnination to act h :s ney Harbor, Wynyard Square, Sydnef, tobacco and silks. c:-t-ANDAclelaide, and Brisbane, at ~wo different . In addition to the forgoing, the collectpart in securing a more decisive victory epochs, and P erth, the capnal o! West ion au intere~tiug e thnographi~ at the ensu n Dominion Election. Sir Australia. There are also t1vo vrnws of cnl collection, ancl models of Indian villa~· John M acdonald is losing ground every ~=~ -~ -- ~·~ · ~=~=-===~ N ew Zealand scenery. On the right hand, ges, of natives employed .in ag ricultural day, and the C<n1servatives are n ot. a Booth's Vi3it to o ' north side of the ball, is a view of the operations in the fields and in garde.n9, Gravin"' Dock at Cape Town, and also of a nd of agricultural and other implements. united p:u y as th ey formerly were, m ,/' Bowma.nviJle. 0 ~ Amongst t he m<1 dels, one pf the most dee d there \ 8 g; eat danger of dissolution;, ··"B etween fifteen hundred and two .thou- K andy the m ountain capital of Ceylon, and of 'all th e principnl cities in the Do~interesting is that of a village in Northern The r ece t troubles ancl turn overs at. tJi.e sand persons assembled in the Drill Shed ,, on Tuesday Gvening t o hear and see R ev. inion of Canada. Beyond the Colonml Indif),, made by natives of L ucknow. ln Mwil office, is .a source of great anxie,ty to Wm. Booth, founder and Jenera! of the Hall is the so-called ludhn Hall, which it we see the Zamindar, or local l ; ndlord, t o the aclm·r,·rs of that organ, and many Salvation Army. A large platform had is richly draped with artistic Indian print- aiiated in the verandah of hia house, havof them are cursing the manag~m ent been er ect_ ed and on it w?1:e . ga!,her~ d _ t he ecl cotton. In it i~re exhibited figures ing the accounts of r en t collections r ead W e are showing s om e choic e s tyles in Hats and Bonnets for early fall l dl f 0 r its indiscretion at such a' very Bowman.v1ll~ corps and v1sihng,~alvation- clothed in the various picturesque um- out to hiru by the village accountant, while h e is dispensing justice, an evidence w e ar, c omprising all t.he l atest shapes in Roug~ and Ready Milan and ou Y ists behmd it ou t h e .val!, pamted on forms of the Incl1an Army. · · . critical per1 cl. The prolubitwn fla~ ~ was , can~as were the words "Welcome t o Our of which is the beating being· administer · oth e r new and novel B r aids. INDIA'S EXHIBIT. hauled d wn about ten days ago and. ha«\ General." Major Margetts gave out the ed to th e culprit below the threshold. On passing throug h the Indian Hall we Close by is tho village well, and n ear it All the beautiful novelties in F ancy R ib bons , Birds, W i ngs, Aigrettes, n ot been seen around th e !Yla·i l b uildin g opening hymn which w~s sung to the old B e ads, materials in Astrachan and Tufted effects . amil iar t une of "Marchmg through Geor- found ourself at the head of a broad flight is a Brah.min priest decoraling the local since. "l " Prayer was then offer ed after which of steps, from which p oint of vantage we idol. In fron t of the Z amindar's house In Mantles we are showin g Short Wraps, Walking Jacke t s , ·we earnestly urge upon our . Liberal Col. ' <U: dle, who has been in charge of overlook the whole of the ~ reat South are grouped t oge ther the village shops friends in West Durham to be up and the Arni°y tvisW,ns in the N orth of E n g- Gallery, with its beau tiful carved screens and work places, amongst which may ~e markets and Uls ter.>, Misses' and Children's garments. doing. Turn out to th e Reform meetings land, l\ntl who aecltmR!Lnies th~ Genera l and gorgeously colored carpets ; the effect seen a pair of builocks working the mill runks of tree~, and used for announoed elsewhere. L et . no one 'b e- on this trip, made a sh "o t ~peech. After of the whole being enlivened by t he count- made of the 1 ' r1 an origianl song of welcome had been sung less banners and lamps hanging from the pressing sugar-cane. Behi?d t he shops grudge a little time spent now. ' ie l1 y M ajor Margetts, O enernl Booth ad- wooden arches of t he roof. In the three ie a group engaged in shoeing a bullock, order is "organize, organize." Make dressed tho audience for O\'.Cr an h our in Courts of t his Gallery are placed the ex- and, close by, an old woman is engaged really for the contest ; the enemy is al- a. manner that bot_ h interested and im- hibits from the I ndian Empire, which, ta- in tending pigs, wh id1 do the s.:avengerarmecl but he is unscrupulous aud cles- pre~sed th em. H.1 s rerx_iarks were ~l~ar ken toaether, constit11te a collection such ing of the village, being woll aided in this ' n f d th · d ty and concise. r efernng chiefly to the or1gm, as h as ~ever been equalled i n tho annals occupation by the dogs and vultures, Let . n e ormers o . cir . ' . of Exhibitions. llerate · The al.awls, curtains, so me of which are bnsy on t h e carcass of an d grow th. of ti10 A_rmy, . . u t , prmc1ples,rules now and contmue m wep-domg till the I a nd by them we have no doubt he d1spel- carpets, embroidered fabrics, m \ltal work, an ass close to ~he pond. In tb.e m odels elect ions are over a nd there need be no led, from the minds of his l~e~rers, ~any porcelain, jewelry: inlaid furnitdre, and ara illustrated some of the meth ods in use - - C>F- fear of the r esult. Up and at it, friends. false impressions that_ prevail m r egard to the wonderful vanety of carved screens, for irrigation, by meaus of bnllocks work Army In !us statement of the illustrating the art uf every provi11ce, i.s ing on inclined planes, by balance d levers Army's growth h e said it was now twent)'.- a veritable Paradise for the l overs of Ori- and by hand labor. Jn t he fields various agric ultural operations a re b~ ing carried one years old, that for twelve Y .ears 1t ental arr.. The Indian collection is dh·ided into on. 'l'he crops shown gro wm g are yams · ; made very littl e headway, but during bhe l p past eight it had clevelope~ b eyond all ex- five principal sections- the great collection and tobacco. A bullock in the fields, havOpinions of the ·Montrea - ress. pectations. As a proof eight years ~go of art, ware, t extile fabrics, and screens ; ing struck work, is being forced to ri~e We beg to notify the. public that we wiU begin a Great the private loXhibits from ln?ia, amon~st W e publish the following ex tracts from there were only 25 corps ancl 36 salaried other th irws a large oollect10n of native by ha virw his tail twisted. . Clearing sale of Dry Goods and Clothing, on officers now there were sixteen huntlrecl Our ne~t letter will d escribe the AusQuebec journals that our read ers may get corps a~1d four thousand officers and the t eas coco: s and coffees, and also a repre- tralian exhibit which to u~ was fully as n interesting as th e Iiiclia collect10n. their opinions : Ar1uy;tlag floated_ in tw:elve clifft;ront coun- sent~tion of the rapidly .gr owing lndi& M . A.J. 'l'his greii t ,-ictory for honest govern. tries He d escribed m touching words tobacc·) industry; the eco nomic and comment ancl for the punishment of malad- many hear t rending scenes witnessed · by mercial collection, in which are to be found samples of the raw products and WHAT '.l'RUE Mt.mIT WILL Do.- The During the time of sale, oetween the 4th of October a!1d t he mini;tra tion continued for many years, him in London and spoke of the thousands l one,_ who a~e the rou"h manufacturea macle by order unprecadented sale of Bu.~cliee's German the 31st of D ecember, we will ofter goods at su ch prices as is very chtie1ing. ~tis particula~ly so in of people in that great city a_ view of the e xtra.ordmarypreparahon~.that in ignorance of the way of Salv:i-t1011. ~'Its of the G~vernment of Indi& to illustra,t e 8-yriip which in a few years has astonished were made to debauch electors. It is be- . r emarks throughout were very mter estmg the resources of the Empire ; the military th e world. It is without d oubt. the will make it easy for the people to decide who seJls the cheapest Dry Good s and Clothing in town. lieved hundreds of thousands of dol- and in conclusion he made an eloquent and geograpl1ical collection; ancl the fifth, safest a nd best remedy ever discovere d la rs h ave been thus applied in behalf of appeal to all to aid the Army in its efforts a nd possibly moat interesting, t ha Indian for the speed ancl effectual cure of Coughs, 9 Palace, with its courts, Durbar nail ancl Colds and the B t!Verest Lu ng troubles. two Gove rnm.,nts, that of Ottawa and to reach and save the masses. vast tent. t hat of Queb· c, but the unpopularit~ of It aet9 on an entirely ~ift~reut P.rinciple It would be impossible within the limits from the uau al prescriptions given by the Governm e nts was such that five t imes HIGHEST PR,A,J::iE, - The well-k nown of a letter to give a detailed acco unt of Physicians as it does n ot dry up a Cough ( · . " k 1· k t h tl t t f too a'llounr. of the Bribery Fund . could clruo firm of N . C. Polso n & Co·. of Kingc ;ot have saved the Quebec affa_ i r. Th.a sto; writes that Dr. Fowler's E xtract of the thou eands of Indian art-war e ex hibits and leave ~he disease 11till in the system, [·of e vQry article will be .,m ar e d on mrge tic ets, o s ow 1e ex en o Ottawa poli·ieiuna who h ave mterfered Wiltl S trawberry has long been conside red which a.1·e shown, or even of all the scree.r>s but on the contra.ty r emoves the ca.t1se of the r e ductions. W e are crowde d w i th n e w stock from cellar to galrret. eo grossly iu\.d so soonclalously in what the h rem edy for Summer complaints which fl11.nk the central passage . They tho trouble, h eale the parte affected a nd We mQan business therefor parties asking u s for l)argains will ~·be ' d i sappointed. should have been a. purely local elect· in the mark et and adds th at their cus- consist for t he most pa.rt of carpet~ and leaves th e m i.n ~purely healthy condition. rugs, of printed cotton stuffd, of. embroid- A bottle kept m the house for use when ion, must h" prepared to t ake i;he conse- tomer~ spe f),11: the high est ~erms of its ered muslins, silks aud V f:ilvets, m endless the diseases make t heir appeara nce, will quence. We ea.n assure them that what merit~. Wild Strawberry 1s the best haa happen ed. to their t ool, the Queb~c known remedy for Cholers Morbua, Dy- variety; of c&ses of j ewels; of ailver !¥Id eave doctor's bills ·1md a long spell of o ther metal art-ware; of pottery a.nd ~~' aerioos illness. A trialj will convince you N . B.-Some Job:Line3 w ill b e offe red at halt' 1Jrice. E x trao rdinary GoYernment, wrn overtak e t~e ':llselves lU eentery and ell Bowel cowplaiuts.:t: fumitur<>, arms, saddlery, and counttaiu of these facts. It ls positively sold by bargains in Ready ClothinO". thill proviilca when the Dom1mon electFreemml°K Worm Pow1ler arc agreeable lo <:. ions come df, nuly on a more co mperhen - taake. aud exp el all Jdn·s er 'vorms from other objects, which cannot all be allnd· a.ll dru::igists tmd dealera in the land. ed to. · P rice., 75 eta., large bottles. U Bowmanvillo. Oclober 1, 1886 ·. 4.<l-3m. ellll·nn and nclaUit. aive acale.- Herald CHEAT· CHANCE The Best Selection · a t LOWeS t PflCeS. ~ 'l'hursday Oct. 14th was a day of disaster for the Government of Quebec. We predicted their downfall, and it hits co roe. Yesterday the Government was ronted, horse, foot and artillery. The Gov.,rnrnent is no mote. The people h11ve pronounced their verdict, a11d a ne1v Government must come into power without unnecessary delay. - fl erald. 'l'he Riel cry has bceu a euccess for the Liberals. It hM come very near carryincr them :Into power. Not that the m~ss .,{ thA people were moved by it, hut enough were ehang~d from their old t~111e political faith to ~n·lble thi; Ro1~g o 3 ··111 a. number of countie~ to elect their cand1datee, in many cases by Hry narro w lllaJOrities indeed. In pronouncedly French. counties the friends of the Government, the upholders of equal laws, of faithful i~dminietra1ion, have been iiustai ned. 'l'he people have shown themselves fo be the enemies of the mer. who wmild narrow Cauadian nationality down to those speaking a particular language in one corner of the Dominion . 'l'hey have looked at the broad issues bofore them and have pronounced in favor of the candidates who truly represent the national sentiment of the Dominion, and the honesty of provincial politics. Other constituencies have fail ed in their duty, and reptesentatives of the Liberal pMty, followers of Mr. Mercier, h a ve attaiued a temporary triumph.-Gazette. The Itouge Nation:i.lists are in a desper ate hurry fo1· the Government to resign. 'rhe Government would not be justified in doing anything so idiotic. It i.s by no m_eans certain that the Conservat ives are 111 a minority yet, but they soon would b e if they were to resign. :-Muntreal Star (Independent. . The Government comes out of the fi~ht with great losses but without being vanquiohed. With courage and ener~y the Conservative cause is not yet lost m the Province of The Conserrntive Nationalists should see to-day that they have gained nothing by fi~hting the Ross Government · their most prominent candidates are b~aten, and they h:we contributed towards bringing the Liberals int.a power. 'l'his is the evident r,.sult,of their line of concluct.- OolMT'ier d 1i Oa1wda(Uonservative.) The Itouges a-re in profound, indescrib11,ble unspeakable jubilation shows itself by n;a11querades, processions and torches We would advise them to be more calm. They not yet in power. As_ difficult as the situation is, the conservat11·e party should come out of it victorious. - La Patrie.( Conse'fvative.) At the present speaking it. can s"fely be said that the Nationals ho!d the bala.nce .,f po wer. It is not the Conseav:itive pelicy ·d1ich has been condemned. The losSC8 we have sustained are only the result of a division in the ranks of the Conservative party. But thi11 division does not result from disapprobation of the Oovernment po:icy.-La Monde ( Oori.servative). The Itoss Government 1s ii.cad. Traitors to the C;<notdiim nationality have been conquered 'all along the line and Hon. Mr. Mercier will be shortly to the heacl of the t ruly nlltional administration of the Province of Quebec. With unbou~J?d devotion and unshakeable eonvictwn, Mr. Mercier has led the National party to victory and all ehould rec<>gnize thi~t in great part we are indebtedtto him for t l1e result. - La Patrie ( Libernl) A rout, an . utter rout, has turned the ~uebec Tories out_ The people rose and iu their might proclaimed the triumph of the i·ight. Miss-government is at au encl, no inore will Quebec Tories spent! the public funds with lavish hand. 'l'he peopie in their votes demand a change, and henceforth we shall :see economy and honesty. Let Friday's N ews the story tell of how dis honest 'l'ories fell .--London Advert i3er. EDITORIAL GftRRESPONOENCE. HAVE YOU ANY MONEY? I ONE DOLLAR FOUND Cheap Wall Paper, Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Stationer·y, etc. NO TROHBLE TO SHOW coons. PICTURES FRAMED AT LOWEST RATES. KENNER& Co. aosaaTsoa & aoan~a CHAND EXHIBIT New Fall Goods ! Novelty Dress Goods, Boy's, Youth's Regent, tij ch" Id ' 1 ren S G.e:tier;,i Clothing. E Imperial. ---·----- ---··- _ i!.9____ Millinery and Mantle Department. Come and see them at. ROBERT·S ON & BOND'S. CREAT CLEAR INC SALE THE QU EBEC ELECTIONS ORV coons AND CLOTHING! MONDAY, ·OCTOBER 4th. 1.c»l,..ES The REDUCED P..n.. " ::EJLLISQN"9 & 00 iu

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