Miss H. White fa visiting her brother in Rochester. Ellison & Co. are willlng to sell at coJt for one season. A street lamp is badly needed at Mr. j'\">, . Bassett's corner. Baldwin Bee-hive fingering, a t !'le a PURE skein, Tod Bros. and undihited Plow points and landshares of all kinds full stren~th. at Shaw & Tole's. Have you seen Tod Bros., all wool flannel at 20c, worth 25c. WHOLESOME P eople admit that it is advantageous to Purili11s the blood, deal with Ellison & Co. and aids digestion. Crowds are cornin~ for our cheap Gray Flannels. Ellison and Co. If you want good work done let MayREFRESHING nard the Jeweller do it for yon. Tones up the system. The first severe frost of the season struck this district last Friday night. 'l'wo successful breeders of first prize "-- . sh e.13.,ar"1 advertising this week. See ad. FRUITY and rich in flavor. Mr. Frank Tailing has moved into h is pretty new brick co ttage on Conceesion street. all and examine .Maynard's fall stock COOLING of watclhs, clucks and jewelery, the finest Just the drink for warm wea.ther. in town. Butcher Reynolds killed last week for Quick & Oo., a lamb which when dre~sed - J:n ordering, sp~citiy DoMINWA, and don't wei,ghed 80 lbs. be put uff with any imitations. Weekly Globe from now to end of 1887 for $1.00. Subscriptions taken at the DEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR 8'l'ATF.RM :~w Oftice. Bill Nye, one of the brightest of American humorist3, has become an lrregula1· n/.l"C>JVTFl..E A.I.II. contributor to the Century. For sale by STOTT & JURY. 'l'he brick work of J.\IIr. Porter's new A. l iberal discount to the trade. N brick residence, on Lowe t't., is completed charJ.(e for eases. a.J! the roof on u.nd shingling done. Ji. Dr. Chas. Harnden is going to erect a " dwelling and office on King St,, on the lot adjoinmg l\ir. Bunner's on the l'ast. UfE fRUIT J~ DOMINICA Lyman Sons & Co., ° FARMER 'fhere ls not a Farmer in West Dnrho.m who' -- .:c: R.. e,.·,,sidents on Liberty St. think it time should not use 'ad a two-plank walk from the S.E. corner of the' Fair Grounds to Lovers' Lane. Jersons who have tried the Li-Quor Tea sold by L. Morris speak favorably of it. at th ls season or the year. You get a beautiful book with every dol lar's worth. 3 It was remarked on Sundu.y that more men wer~ absent from church thau ladies. The congregatio ns were small in all the We are showing a complete stock or the most chu1·ches in town. i:eliable Dye Woods, Aniline Dyes aud King St. has been very h adly lighted Package Dyes. No matter what color y<1u want we can supply ynu and give you' full for some time. If the lamps on it are not lighted on dark nights the posts mstructions· should be removed. ~TO'l'1' & JURY. The Rella.hie Druggist. We are offaring this week as a special bargain, a line of All Wool Cashm1>res in all the latest colorings at 2iicts per yard. Robert,011 & Bond. R ev. C. E. Mcintyre will on Sabbath next deliver the second of Sto~t & Jury are showing &n elegent stock of e veuing the best Spectacles in the market. If you his series of sermons on Amusements, takwa.nt the beat )Jossible value for your money, ing for his subj ect "Dancing." give t!lem a call. P1·ices from cents up. AChautai:qua Circle has been formed in connection with the Church-st. M ethodist GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. church and has already some twenty members. A meeting will be held every alterBOWMANVILLE STATION, nate Mo o..day. W<i are uo1v showing what is generally OOING EAST OOING WEST Local .........9.00 11. m Express ...... 7.06 a. m :~dmitted to be the finest stock of Dress Exflress.. .. ..10.0~ a rn J,()cal .........8.20 am Goods and Dress trimmings ever shown Mixed ........ A.05 p m Es: press ....... 9.16 a m by any House in town-Couch, Johu8ton Looa . 1 .......... 7.20 pm 'I.fixed ....... .. t.05 pm ExJ>reas ·...... !1.39 p m Exnrees......· 8.45 pm 11dn Cryderman. ~· According to the forthcoming "Life of 1 Lincoln," in,the Century, the grandfather ~be Q:zm4~.diau ~~ntt~ma~. of the President, who bore the same mime was ma~sacred by Indians just one hundred years ago-1786. BowMANVrLLE, FRID.A.Y, O cT. 22. . Among the illustrations for "1'he Life of Lincoln," in the Century tor N overnber, will be a fine portmit of Sarah Bush :j:,incoln (stepmother of Abraham Lincoln) '1.'he STATESMAN to the end of the year at the age of seventy-six. Every gentleman who leaves his order for a quarter. with us for a suit of clothes can depend Extraordinary value in Mantle Cloths. upon getting them not only well cut, but Ellison & Co. wdl trimmed and made up by first class fur ev'ery al'ticle. . Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Qnor Tea at Levi M.qp" o ,_.. lJ . Wlia.t a dismal, dreary day last Sunday workm.e n. Couch, J ohnston & Cryderwas ! Rained incessantly. man. 1·is' and get a $1.00 book free. /' · ~:Fl. E; 'l'he Builllin>{ or the olll C. M. Chm·oh a t We w 11 s .. nd the STATESMAN to any We .intended calling attention last week three addr.,sses till Now Years for 25 ch. to the excellent article on an inside page Hampton, will be sold by Public Auction on Send it to your friends. of the STATESMAN on Keeping Farm AcTheir China Hall contains the Largest Assortment of the grounds at ol o'clock, p. m,, on If your silverware wants cleaning call counts. If our farmer friends have not and buy a box of Electro Silicon from r ead it we hope they will hunt up the pa. per and do so. Maynard the Jeweller. 'l'h e W. C. T. U. will hold a special Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, By order of the Trustee Board, etc.; at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty meeting next. Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. JAMES McLEAN, t o be found in the .district. w'h en the delegates who attended 1:,h e ConThe best GRAIN BAG stteet, R. H. Osborne, leaeee . . lh Secretary. vention at Owen Sound will render th.,ir Miss Barnfather, formerly of Brantford report. All la.dies of the town are cordiR. HUTCHISON, in the market-only $3 is in charge ofRobertson & Bond's Dress ally invited to be present. Auctioneer. and Mantle making departmtmt. i2-2w. Hampton, Oct. 13:h, 188G. · We wish to call the attention of our per dozen, at Our!Mantle Department is a big success rearder~ to the advt. of Stott & Jury in Our Mantles dre elegantly cut u.nd beau- this issue. 'fhey nls·J desire us to say that WM. QUICK & CO'S. .tiful~y made, every lady should see them. they have just received another stock of .C rnch, .Johnston & Cryderman. those very che<tp toilet sou.ps which they P hotographers want it to be illegal for arc sclj.in~, ut wholesale prices. KING STREET, BOW.MANVILLE. young people to commence courtship in SPECIAL ATTENT.ION should always be . r. Mark Ayer, butcher, had a close .earnest until they have exchanged photo~-=======-=======-=-==-==-=-===-==== OF TIOHSR3. C ATTJ,E. FARM MAC HTNERY, fi\all no Sunday. lt seems that his wife given to the hair and scalp. There is graphs. IMPLIJ:MEN1'S, ETC, had steeped some belladona which he took nothing nicer than a good head of hair. We see by the Reformer that Mr. M/ . on some oues recommendation !or asthma. In case of baldness w lieu the roots are P. '1.' alling, of Knox College, preachei Had medical aid not been summoned not all gone, Dr. D oren wend's Great The t:ndersigned has recei\'ed instructions f rom with great aceeptance recently at Mil to"' promptly he must have died in a few min- German Hair Magic, will produce a a nd Boston, Ont. , . t~ ~t ,.t ime writing he is still quite ill. luxuriant growth of hair ; it will r N tore 1 Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine is all grey and faded hair to its original to sell by Public Auction on LO T 22, BROKEN ANNIYEitSAltY.-On Sunday Nov. 7th ~me of the m»st valuable aids to the florist -FORcolor and vigor ; it stops all fallin g out PRON'!', JJARLING'l'ON, :i.nd horticulturist. The October number the anniversary services of Church street of t he hair and removes all traces of dan- ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, Methodist church will be held. Rev. J. is full of timely information, and the druff. A little of this great preparation ~the following valu!l.ble farm stock, implements, .colored plate of wild flowers that form Br.edin, D . D., ex-President of Bay of used once in a while will keep the scalp etc. the fr-0ntispiece is a work of art. Published Quinte Conference, and a former pastor in a healthy condition and make the hair HORSE!'!- 1 horPe, aged; 1 horse, 7 years old; by . -!a.mes Vick, Seedsman, Rochest~r, of this church, will preach morning and soft,r)liant and btautiful. A.Doren wend, 1 mare. 7 yeurs old, in foal to Chancclor; 1 sta.Jlian, 2 years old, sired by "Rifleman." Dam evening and on Monday the Annual Tea N.L sole manufacturer, 'foronto. J. Higgin- Crown, G. 1). Patchen, G, G.D. KlngWilliam, Meeting will take place. botham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. G. G. G. D. Messenger; 1 carriage mare, '!'he farmers in this district have a real 'J'oronto Chief, in foal to "Rifleman"; 1 colc, "I am going. to take the STATESMAN benefactor i n Mr. J. C. Vall3tone who Decidedly the cheapest .Jeroeys in town Stridaway; 1 first class driving horse, years has spent thousands of dollars to create a again next year" said a worthy old time Ellison and Co. old: 1 colt, 8ir William. CA TTLE- milch cows. in calf; 8 2 years-old ·good market in Bowmanville for wheat. subscribe1· to tho Editor on King-st the Pteers; !l 3 yee.r old heifers: 2 1 year old heifers; As soon as his Roller Mill started the other day. "My son is taking the S-, H:trrlnge Notlee~. !iO eent~; blrUts and 2 2 year old heifers in ca.If; 1 1 year old steer; deltl.b s, 25 cents. price of wheat went up from five to seven but I prefer the STATESMAN if I have to 3 spring ·calves· T~rPT,EMJ;lN'f'S- Rrantford steel hinder, new; .cents per bushel and aH a result he is pay more for it. " Thanks. The STA'.l'Es- , DIED. buford snlky nlow, ne w; porter plow; champgetting nearly all the wheat that comes l\lA.N never had as many r eaders as it has ion iron harrows; eeeder·combined; iron PEARCE-At Owen Sound. on Saturday, Oct, 3 xleplow; to market. Farmers help tho man that t o-day and our subscription list is daily 16th, wa11;on, 2 c11lti vatot·e; gang plow; bob Samuel P,,arce. aged 68 years. sleighs; fanning mill; covered buggy; cutter; increasing. Opposition does not hurt us. he'lps you. r :>ller. new; sinr.rle ha.rness; set teitm harne~s. No compl'titor mm undersell Ellison & and other articles. Apple growers, in this section, are surBOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Als<J 12 or H tons ~f Hay and it acre of 'C o. prised a t the low prices offered for apples, Turnips and 200 bushels or Mangolds. Y 011 ought to see :Ellison & Co's Boys' 11s the yield is light. If scarce here the Corrected by .John Lyle, every Thurs<lay. Sa.le begins ut 12 o'clock eharp. Suits. crop is abundant elsewhere, both in Can'l'li:mrs:- All ~urns of $ 10 and under. cash, People wonder how Ellison & Co. can ada and the United States. The English Fwu1t, 'IP' 100 lbs.··..· · · · $2 00 to $2 ~O over that amount. 12 months' cred it will be .sell so cheap. Market is very low and shippers are WRE.A:r, Fall,~ bush ...·· 0 70 11 0 77 given on approved notes. ""'cept for l{oote and 11 Spring, 11 · · · · · 0 70 11 0 77 Huy, on which 3 months' credit will be given, LITTJ.E AND LrvELY.-·The t imes change losing money. On the 25th ult., 20,592 W. lIEZZELWOOD, and we change with them. Hardly larg- barrels of apples had reitehed Liverpool BARLEY, ~ bush . . · · · . . .. 0 50 11 0 56 Auctioneer. II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 II 0 50 Darlington, Oct. 20, 1886. -er than mustard seeds but composed of from America-the number at the same RYE 1.3·2w -------·-----· is 11 .· · · · · · · · O 30 11 Q 30 hi~ly concentrated · vegetable extracts, date, last year, being b~t 5,392 barrels. OA·r~, fil.. Pierce's"Pleasaut Purgative Pellets" On the 2nd inst. the receipts, at the same PF.AS, Blackeye, W bush .. , 0 70 11 0 70 11 Small, 11 · · · 0 55 11 0 55 have caused the old style,large drastie, port, were 31,00 bbls. in excess of last A li~t of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES 11 Blue, " . .. 0 55 11 0 55 AND SECTIONS will be sent on npplicationcatllaritc pills to be abandoned by all sen- year's, at that date, and last SatJrday best table, 'IP' lb... 0 12 11 0 16 b'l}r11;&. . a dvert' ·: t,o pay, ·· Beware and mineral poisons. , '.l'housands of testimonials and an in BuTrER, two vessels left Halifax with 11,000 bbls. sible people. The little eugar-co&ted o t hose w h o want th e1r isrng , · of calomel · . < :Pellets are a sure cure for constipa1ion; of Nova 8cotia fruit for the English LAltD, 'Ill' lb .··.· : .. · · · . · · · 0 10 II 0 13 we can oiler no better medium for tborollg'h West s Liver Pills are purely vegetable. creasmg demand attest the popularity of for persons of sedentry habits they are market. Taking these large shipments EGeS, 'IP' doz . .. .......... 0 00 11 0 14 o.nd effective work than the various sections of\ Al ways reliable and effectual. All liver West's Cough Syrup the popular remedy Local Ltst. tam. r. JlCIWtJf,L 4 d' · ld t 0 th' · power. f or a11 t h roat an · d 1ung ' · 18 magw cu.,Seled Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 iseases r~pi'dlY Y10 d1sease9. Try a inv11luablti. They are little and lively, into consideration, there are only poor POTATOES, ¥' bush .··... '· . 0 25 II 0 30 our All druggist!\. t 25c bottle. All druggists. t p.rospects of higher prices being realized. HAY ......... . ......... r 9 00 u 10 00 Spruce Street, New York. l>leasa.l).t .and eafe. STOTT &JURY'S CATTU FOOD L_A_DIJ:!JS Do You Want To Dye? Are Your Eyes Bright? I - I Local .and Otherwise. See present prices· of 'Ellisov & Co's Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a Mcblue serge suits. Laughlin Bu~gy. Great Clearing Sale begins :tt Ellison A ma!(nifice ·nt assortment of all kinds of Mantle a . Ulster cloths at Couch, & Co. Our reduceo prices will astonish our Johnston & iJ ryderman s. L:idies pu .~hasing niate rial for Wraps, friends. Ellison & Co. Jackets and 11ht ers from R obertson & Bond's will ~et same cut and fitted free N tlD '.2\.hIJerH.aemmt.s. of charge. "'-EilVA.'NT<liRLF'OR~ The above ~ills are now in full r unning order, and are At least t;l1ree persons have lately House Work. Apply at 0 .'ITAmo liUK, turnmg out the best quality of Roller Flour. secured servant girls by advertising in 13 2w· the STATF.s~·· AN. Costs only 25 cents a week to advur tise. "\"XT AN'l1ED.-Girl fo r general h ouae .J. It. Bradley's Spring Pad for single l'l' work. Uoo<l wages. .Apply to MRS. F. MASON, King.st. ~U-tf. and double ]Htrness gives entire satisfact· I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will keep both Stone and ion. ::N6 hoi:so will have a sor e b::wk EICESTER SHEEP FOR SALE.One Shearling and Jri ve good Ram Lam h3. where they iu·c used. Roller Flour in both MiJls, for sale or exch1tnge. W. ll. AI.LIN Newcastle. J3-tf Now is the time to order a suit of BRANDS A RE clo1hes before the t ailors get r ushed with ARM TO RENT OR :FOR SALE.rn acr es, being part of lot 31. con. 8, in work. They will get you up a suit at the Township of Olu.rkc. Enquire of M. COLJJl, the West Enrl House in first cla1s style Tyrone. . 37:2m at a very small cosL . C<tll, see goods and VE dCOAT LO ST-In Bowman ville, get prices. a Light Ovcrc .at,. The li11der w ill be suit· V1tnstone's Roller Flour is al ready as a!Jty rewiirded by leavlng ltat Tod Bros, Bow· 42-1 · popular as t he Eagle Steam 'Vashing man ville. Machine in the households in BowmanOARDERS WANTED.-Board and ville. The ladies my they are " so glad comfortable lodgings for two young meu. Mr. Vanstone had enterprise enough to Apply to MRS. \V. WILL1AllfS, Brown t:ltreet, Ask your grocer for above brands or call at the Mill and get them. 43 2w :start a roller mill here, for they did not Bowmanville. like to have their money going to Oshawa Every bag guaranteed first -class and full weight· Wu do not deduct ONEY T O LOAN.-ln small or for flour. " That's right, ladies, encourage l a pound of flour to pay for t he paper bag, as son1e are doing. large amounts. P rivute tund·. Interest h ome manufacture now and you will be reasonable. Sule notes bought. Inquire at tb.c Chop ground in eit her Mill any day of t he week. ·r, ~, 'ICE. 43·tf delighted with th" l1eaut iful white breatl 3T.l'l'ES!\IA:;' OFl· P:.:fl«Farmers Gristing especially solicited. and buns yon make from Vanstone's AM LAMBS FOR SALE. -A Roller F lour. number of extra good Thoro Ilred Shrop· I am prepared to pay the highest price in Cash for Wheat delivered Ham Lambs and some very superior Messrs, Lord & Thomas, the well shire half-breds for sale. Apply to LEVI 8KINN~:R, at either Mill ; also for Barley and other coarse O"rains delivered at known Newspaper Advertising firm of 'l'yrone t3-3 w· Darlington Harbor . Positi vely no crer:lit at either Mill. Chicago, have just issued in very neat REWARD for the pampt>let form, a list of 1,482 of the best ~10 Bowmanville, October 22, 1886. ·1.~:3m t1JJ · recovery or red spotted count ry papers, our own included. This steer, Any person returning the uhrwo to MR, list they ha1'e very appropriately named PHILIP BmEr,ow, 8th con., Jot 2t, Cla.rka, will "Our Hi!!11 Grade List." Advertisers who wish 'to cover any section at a moderate outby should send for this list. Messrs. Lord & Thomas are one. of the leading to their recovery will be tha1iktully re· leading firms in tlrn country in Lheir line, ceived. WM. YE O ~fAN. on the pre· n ises, Bowand have th e largest oflice on the contin- manville, P.O. 40-3* ent. ·we take pleasure in speaking a EA CHER WANTED FORS. S. NO. good word for them .. . 21. D!i.rlington. Duties to commenre Jan. P u1 rn TEA ! Pu1tE Lrrrm.A'ruitE! !-The 1st. 1887. All a.pplicationq mnst stllte the of their certifica.tes llnd salar:reJ::pected' Li·Qnor Tea C<·. is the largest and be~ t wrade Application· to be in hy Oct. 25th. ,J. RUNDLE, Packet Tea Co. in the \\Orld. A hand- t:lecry, of Board of Education, Haydon, P. O 4 ~-iw· , some vofome given away with every 3lbs of this celebrated tea. It is not necessary to purchase th e t.hree pounds at one time; · g ousE AND LOT FOR SALE.-A a voucher is given away with tivery half · very comfortahle dwelling and± acre or . Q land on \V'ellington St.. 8 rooms and good -;:el· pound. By drinkrng theLi- uor Teas, th J~r. woo<l ·heel uncl ·t...ule, hard and soft water, consumer becomes & participator in the choice large and small rrnit trP.es. Vory easy 'a dvantage8 which this company possesses terms. Posseesion Jan. 1. 1887. J onN Ruo· ~ noc1<, Bown>anYille. 42-~w· over all competitors, for he gets a better ·'· ·-·-----...-.... · -··--·------·--·-- · · - lll SBA W .t 'l'OLI:, te~ at a. lower price than can be procut ed elsewhere, and he ehares in the inestimIO E NSED Al7CTIONEERS for the able benefits of a gigantic enterprise. County of Durham. All sa.IP-s will receiv<J Came ea.rly and e:et tlrn benefit of our un· prompt attention-. .Address :- Bowmanvllle, broken sto<lk:. LEVI MoRRrn, Agent, Ont. Botmeall's Block. llctf F.A.RM FOR SALE. A very timely article is that on " The 18 Great Fishing Grounds, and its Interna500-WILL PURCHASE tional Questions," in FitANK L E8LIE's 91 a good farm of 150 acree PoPl' LAR MoNTULY for November. What in the 5th Con, D"'rl ini:ton. Small a.mount of all th e perennial qrnurel with our neigh- purchl\se money requir"4l dowu. .Apply to . .\ VH I'l'U:, Rox ~fj Bowman ville, or to .l<ll!N bors is about will be clear to any one who En M'CCI.li:LLAN, Port Darlington. 39·tf r eads it. A yomlg lady tourist on " A Visit to Fort Qu Appelle " carrica us to an inland fo,t and mission i11 the Northwest The never flagging interest in · In pur·nance o fCha.pter 107 Revised Stamte Charles Edward will stimulate many to ot Onturio unrl' omendm~ acts: read the very clever article on that prince. Notice i· hereby given th ..t any person or "Hat fielcl House, the House of the Cecile" pcr·()nH hav.ing a.oy cluhn or claims ftg>l.inst the'·Jl:sfot.e of l·aac Westcntt. 1.. te of th" Town describes and pictures one of the fin est of Bowman ville. in the Coun t.y of Dnrho.m, and grandest old a.ml stately homes of · blacksmith rlec""·""cl "'"e reqt1c·tcd t.o ~eucl by · 1 · ·1 · t · · t. poRt .prepaid, >t<idressed to Mrs. Mtl.ry Ann E ng1and nc l tu us oric assocrn. wns. Westcott, Bowm ..nville. Ont .. the Execnterix " An Ocean Swordman," by Holder, is a of the last will and testament or 1he dece11sed a' irring account of the s1vor<lfish and its or deliver to the undersigned on. or before the 1<' 1wrrmNTII Day or November next, a state· capture. As good as a jaunt to Jena is ment or his or their claim or claims, mid his ··Dueling at a German U niversity" ; and or their chriAt.ian 1tnd surnames addresses 1md · t ti p " t k ti description and the nature or the security if. tiie " ']' .np o te · yrenees a es 1e anytwlrlby himorthem. And that im mediate. reader to the mountains which cut off t he ly after the sald date the s"'id Executrix will Peninsula from ordinary ~ravelers. It is proceed to distribnt" the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, somewhat of a satire, in term just on us, having regard only to the elai111s or which she for everything in to read about "Getting 'Varm" ; but, as shall then have had duo notice. Winter is fast coming, it m ay be reasona· Dated at Bowmanv1lle, t.bis 21th day or Sept· . 11 ember, A. D., 1886. It. RussE:J.L LOSCOMBI.:, . d ·11 ble. The stories an i ustrat10ns are a 40 , !w Solicitor for said Exec11trix. good,and the number one to find readers ~---------~--- ~BOVVMANVILLJ "l'"'~ ROLLER MIL LSI TYRONE oun S IYIILLS., L F O B "ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. "VICTORIA," Choice Roller Flour. "GLENCOE," XXX Bakers' Roller Flour. "EXCELSIOR," Choice Stone Flour. M R 00 J. C. VANSTONE. filii~~i;!~A~~&:~~~~;~;;~~:~. Couch, Johnston &Crydorma~ T are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of town, and the L CUrf AND .MAKE-UP of their Clothing . . $lo ::UNAPPROACllED !:= by any house in West. Durham. Notice to Creditors. · One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. - G O TO.. MURDOCH BRDIHERS C> 0 Fl. I E · s. ,f{HURCH BY AUGTION Staple and Fancy EAGLE SaturdaJ, 0Gto~er _30t~, 1886. (CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS & GLASSWiiiE) HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE MR FRANK VANCAMP VJCTOR A UILDINGS, West End House MANTLE CLOTHS, DRESS COOOS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, tcC. TWEEDS, UNDERCLOTHINC, CLOVES, TIES, COLLARS, tcC. I Call and see prices, they will be right. lfl!@e m1cm£TmR~~Y~ P.S.-Now is the time to lay in a good supply o Factory Cotton, the price going up; still TO ADVERTISERS. selling at old prices at West End House. I I