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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1886, p. 6

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by the cuff of th e co,it, and on the pretense and then the Coquette visibly sett led m t he ~omething to say to him, he led wa ter. hrm close to the skylight that looked dov. 11 Captain Dolan made but one le,\p on to the upon the swrngmg t,Lhle m the cabm The deek of the Rift, and then he shouted · OR, sk) light was half off and left a considerable "Let go ! Let go ! she is gorng down ' FRIDAY, OCfOBER 22, 1886. space by tlie Bille of it. Let her go ! Keep all cle:i.r fore and aft, c1ea1 Mocq uet !" said Dolan. there. " 'Ihe Fienchm,m looked curiously in DC> Thl.l fastenings that held the t wo vessels MALL FARM FOR SALE.--30 together wet'c hastily ronwvcd, and th e Co l,\n's face, with Ins hea.d on one ~1de. acres of land having thereon good '.l'm. MOST FASCINATING OCEAN l~uNr A"C}, 8INCE nu; DAYS OF "My deat Monsieur Mqcquet yott £j_uettc slowly surged aw,1y down from the house. barns, stables and other necessary out· COOPER AND J.\-L\RYA'n', bullmngs, young orchard of 4. acres, well wat· must know-" .K1 ft. , , .""'i <:ired and fencea. Situated just outside the " Eh !" Then it w,\8 that B en Bowline stepped up corporation orBowmanville. Will be sold very · fot you are not to C<tpta111 Dolan and said, rn a low voice· CHAPTER !!.-(CONTINUED.) Willits two able-bodied aeaman to go afte1 " Th,it there you .., eheap for ca3h, Apply to M. A. JAM&S, 00 t:l'li'ATESMAN Office, Bowmanville. 9 tf, ' D01 ll l ' hi1·l and see what he is about. Ain't that it wanted h ere " " Str, I don't hke the look of thmgs." 1 h d 1. h d an c enc e ns an s ti tie pressure Mt< ftin ·" As spoke, Dobn clutcl1ed t11e F1·"1 1cl1 " WlMt t h infis " ' of his own nails was pamful and forced an , , A · _ ,,, v Y· ay · . capt,nn by the collar and Ins waist, and "The era.ft t lere away." RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR ittYoluntary cry from his lips. Hts eyes ' ' vVell, then, Cap ta m Dohm, you'd much ""ith 011e effo1 t 1ilunged him down the pot· "Ah '" SALE IN BOWMANYILLE.-A very seemed to congest and become bloodshot and comfortable brick house, nearly new. contain· baleful as the boy spoke. Then, v. ithout a be L let let the hoy alon e and put lum on t1011 of the skyligh t of the cabm which was So ahiorhcd bad been Dolan in his mternst :SUP.FALO,, N. Y9 ing 8 rooms, beaides pantries, c!Dseta and sum wor<l. of warnmg 0 01 angry piepar,\twn, he ohu· next' oy.t,(,e, d'yc sec for he w1ll ne open. H e fell w ith a c1ash on the table be- in the fate of the Coquett e, that he hMl former kitchen, excellent cellar. He.rd and son ·' 1 on boaul the Rift " neath . bCtotten the two Mmouncemento tli··t li·· · cl i OrgirnJzed with · run Stntr or eo..hteen water · very good fruit garden or i acre. Situat ra1seu us f oot and with the h eavy h ee1 ve1 be Nr of a ny ,, use . ~ ~ 1 M aitul. ed in the moat aristrocrat1c part of the town. stiuck the boy upon the breast as he knelt \Veit1' swc,, d D D "Batten down 1" shouted D olan, then, i11 een made of s,11ls at hand; but now he i;xperienctlot and Skillful rhyatclans Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apf.IY at ]us foet and sent lmu, stunned and reelmg, " ·.e , we '. 1$rov., e o1an. " on't a v01ce that rang through both vessels. tu111cd Ins g.1ze m the d11cctiou iuclicated and Sura..ons Cor the t rcatmen& or to M . A. JAMES, STATESMAN Office, 9·t · some feet across the deck. bo L hCI _abou~ it, Only i ts ha1d lmes. that a "Donn" itl1 them 1 {.)tuck- quick! T hat by Den Bowlme ; and nt iib out t lu ec nulcs au C::l1ronte Dls.,ases. "Kill ! kill !" yelled Dolan. " 'Why do I ma " m1qhtn t do as he ltkea '1 ith lus own will do ' Ha, ha ,,, in _the uffimg h e saw a small vessel, y.1chtfles li amt blood. Keep her oil a bit." The five F1cnchmen wete seized by as bmlt o,11cl iiggcd, and eudently beau ng ~ ' not kill you,,, · It was but for a moment that the boy lay ' -~J , '1Y· su." m,my of the Englishmen, and dashed h eacl- down np nn hnn; while, at about the same ti "l Vou my men, that thiol is to he I l vn" down t he fo1ecastle hatch of the ltw"er distance from that ,1.,a111 · e N l\tull Clat·rr11, Throat nnd I1e1p l ess ancl pant mg, beneat1 . o ' hut rn a slant line' LChron . .1 le savage t know, _ o . ' oo uug 0 11wu,.es Ll vor and Kldr ey assault that had been made upon lum. p ,,le om as voyag~, 1 ictcaway . u so Je a~,\\ e on \ I luch t hey nnmedmtely pla.ccd its foul- w 1 11ch brought it w1thm five m iles of the D hcasc·, 01 1,dcior Diseases Dl8ca~es then and with his d ai k h a ir dashed by the ar, dUCcessful m wlrnt we ,,.gteed to do. weathet covei mg, w lu ch they fastened 111 a Rift, \ I as a schooner w ith St. Geo1ge's en- ot Women · lllood Diseases :i1ul Nervlhe C l e\\ nnummed ,m a s, ent. moment stun Hyuw ous Affecllo1u1 1 cm ed here or at home C l ightbreeze acrossh1sbrow,wh1le lnseyes, " l°ousee th· Coe tt tl ., \ Vll Tl <\. Ik o l ,, " dC . D l wJthorw1tho1t1 8 eemgthcJ;>atient Come and so ustmlly t:X]Jlcssive of affectwu arnl con c i ue e. iei e e ' l e 'oquette was t11ken and rode side by nm\ iei, cnc a pbtm 0 an. iree u s, or send ten cen ts rn stmnps for our fidrng tenderness, Hashed a new lig ht, h e YOH ,know th,it she trades \\'1th us, btmgmg side with the Rift, at the mei cy of Dol:i,n " Wlueh , SL! 1 ' "lnvallds· ~.iu!de Dool'·" which glvee Are prepared t o pay the highest prices us l·rench goods anrl lMney both, fo 1 wluch a nd ln s cie" " 'I'he schooner. I t's the Sptay She 18 all pnrt1cul!us. spiang to lus feet and confronted Dolan and we l{h e he1 En,.;li"h gouLls ,md money. Now "A stran"e sail to the nor 'west !" sana sent aftcn us bv Sn T hom as Cl!I1 ord I told Nerv omi Delllllty, Impo. for all kinda of Grain delivered at the hisThe crew. · t 1 b "' o ,, " DELIOATE 1111dllll ·oncy,JUorbld No ··tu111al J,oi·ses, very voice of the boy was alt.·red thP unc, sie imgs an exba caigo aud out )11,utm, who was sweeplll" the sea. with you of het. CondUions will· a good i ound sum fot _ E na h sh goods a glass, at the dnectw n of J)~lan, to fiii c l if "And the other ?" tused by Youthful FoJ. Wharf or their Store H ouee in town. strangely and it seemed as thouah in 1 ,ha t f \\' 11 ~ lies ru d Pe l 1 ·I" she ·lxpec s o us part of the any vessel wi1s sufficiently near to <>hsei"\' e li i~ "Oh 1 a me1c y tcht " .rn c Io us s 0 1· ·minute that had passed , he haei stepped ~ I e , a;:;tlus l "S ' ,, · tqry I·racticcs nre speedily across the bouudaiy line that sepaiates co<>~ is gettmg_too 10tto 10lcl us anclas I p1octJedmgsm1egaid to the Coquette. , hch,isno colo1s,sa, 1111dpcrm1111entJycuied !Jyour knn»', forc e1tam , the a dmual of the sta· " What is she"' "0£ coutse n ot ' Speclahsts. Doolr, post~pn1d, l() cts. m stamps. clnldhood fiom darina - Qr B reach · rad,_ ~ youth t101 " s· 11 Tl10m:i,s Cl"" 1uot d , lias btought " Don' t know, sir. She looks foieian " "Ah " es 1 Look sit · loek ' I began to ~ Runtn ~rv, Even Dolan shmnk a step and 1 h " . ' " ,, ' ' · RUPTURE· without oully <:uted, without t he kmfe, - 1 d t0 h " t th I1 do" 11 tere a sc ooner, v.ell aimed and "Not likely t h.· t ; but be quick! Follow to tlm1k tha.t dependence upou l d 1 Steady E1nployme11t to good ruen. P unge ns mn s ui rn ves ' as oug m a ,,ned, on pm pose to lay out for us and to me, my Pleil You ~ix, I me.w who ai·e car. " ' Vhat- what ?" lrusscs, and with very httle , h e the1e had some concealed weapon, the · t I 11 t h I SI f IJ im n ook sent for te11 cent~ None ·eed be i<lle. foll· 1\ us tn o s 1a ow wa er, \\ y, pro- penters, Follow me with your tools. ow1y a nct zracc u 1lv as the yacht-like in stamps, · · ° necessity for which might at that moment tl t b I l ~ " pos, m \' e e ot to anothe1 coast, up by "Ay, ay, sa !" c11ed six of the crew of vesse a lterct! her porn t of sa1lmg a little, a PILE T UlllOR S and STRICTURES Previous experieuoe not essential. Wo pay arise either salaries or commission, 100 smart men the .101th sea, where, fiom Dutch pot t s, a the Rift, \I ho had been pllvately spoken t o Jl,1g uufutlecl 1t,clf, and ,ha k m" its folds treated with t lou gieutcst success. Ilook sent 0 " J)olan ,,. said Gerald ; and th e clear, go;d t rncl e can b e d one.. ,, t Add reBS w ORf,D· 1 wanted a t once to canvasd for the sale ot . by co,pta m Dolan, a.nd whose d uty now" as out t o t h e 1. u1ecze ptesented the stars and tor ten cents 11 11 sumps. s c.Danadiun Grown Nursery Stock. 1y 0A high-pit ch ed vowe of the boy rnng through ] lie ciew _asseu_tcd with vanous exp1es tn scuttle the Coc1n ett e, while he 1e J,u cd to st1 ,i,pes of t he G,1 , ~at Repub llc. . f&:i~.Niit~~lg, N"n . . L ASSOCIATION, 663 Mam 1 the shi~. " Dola.n, hem:do1 ward, bet\\ ecn sio,,s 0 f &\t is fl·ct10n , w l11l e the stee1s man Capt«\n Mocr.'1et's ca.Inn in orcle1 to A 1 1 sec 1f lllCllCltn ! Cl!C( Do.a.i. The treatment of maO" ' l t lle F< , ' ' be found thctc " .no "'" d 01 I of t lrn.t, s ir; a nd ,\ clipper th ousauds of cases o~ ., t h ose ,,. You anc me thet e is neither affection, peace b,tll 1 r encIi · iug1'"e1, the Coquette, any smaU Yalnahles could ut cc or amity. The tie of nature, 1f such theie wlii,1I1 ev1d entIy 'ns · 1 L k l h h -"JSeases peculiar to IAlrgest in C::anada- Over <100 Acres. 1el to come to c)ri;:;e which it would Le a 1nty to let go clown oo - 1ow s e cuts c1 way, w ith sca1ce a ., WOMEN. ...,.. ... <>-...1r...,.._,. Don't apply unless you can furnish flrst·claas bebtJtweenus, you have, befo1e Heaven, qm<>" t ets wi ti1 ti ie Rf ·l t. ,, with the lucvg ei. u ppl e 111 l wr w,i k · c '" "" ...,, ... .-:.o _._,. l:eferencea and want to work. No room for bioken 1 defy you ! You may kill me 1 ··No\\," added Dolan, "what I propose So cn1111)l~tely taken b·' stupu se were the " \Vhat's that!" ut the Invultds' Hotel ancl lazy men, but can employ any number of ener- but I still defy you ! I will not aid you in . t ,_ t i C tt d 11 1 ,, · J Surg1cnl Institute, bas ar. d l is, lo ltJi:e ie oque c, an <I · m let. cHrn ot t he Coquette th<tt scatcely one of Boom came t he 1cpo1 t of a gun from the forded l·r"o ~~ 11erience in ndaptin" remedi"B .get1c men who want work. Address your ct nnes. r w111 enounce you anc I 'h a t 'll d o, " sa1d B en'""::u . 1 ' ~ "' u ·' " ' ' 'Cl me them n tte1ed an excl,unatton S1'0NE & WELLINfi'l'ON, them, when an d w I1cre I can ! D olan, never h ' w h en they schooner, And, as 1f t he clc'ments h ad only for their cuie, and Nurserymen, . " ea1 e1 out !" we1e seized ,utd flung down the foiecastle await ed t hat ,is a sianal, a dense fog camP. I l 11 h d f 1 Ont agaiu s ia t e wor at 10i pass my 1ps m , A I" ~ TORONTO DR . PIERCE'S · a llus1011 to you. I J1ave but one f<\ther now ' A y ,, , ay hatch of then· own vessel. whitlmg f1 om the Fiench coast, a nd in a few ··- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - l l I ~ ' ·1'-" t ICP Scu tt c iet." -Guicll h as but one father It 1 N ow \~ hen Dolan a111l his six men went on mmntes began to en cJrcle the Rift rn its 8 · Our I" Fathei which ts in h e.wen. '" These last '!'he"'- was a pause of nresolution among b oMd the Coquette, all th ey heard was sub- nusty embraces in such :i, m annet that it was ll on the other side of the ,, nmte clear, iftt c hd not soon dissipate, her w9nl s were u tterecl w 1t i1 suel i ,i gentie tho d crew of the Rift and Dolan hastily add - clued knockm!l ~ sweetness, a nd the eyes of the boy, i etrm- e h atchw,1 y CO\ cling. captam, -would not be a ble to see fiom stem Is the result of this vast experience. OF CANADA. "They or us ! 'l'hey 01 us ' If one is "Let them knock, " h e "It will to stern. mg all then· tenderness ..,nd affoct1011, danced. f t t 11 tl t l 11 b l It ls a powerful R estorntlvo T onie "\.l\;J!Plllll pnlcl UJ>, St,100,000 . Jlest, $260,001 with such ineffable lui·c and confidence 1et o e Je a e, i t wi e tole a.nd a b e short wo1k with them. Ben Bo" !me, Boon came another r epoit, and Captain aud No rvl nc, 1mp1uts v117or nad strength _.,,._ ee \nil go across to Falmouth with ho' !" Dohm cu eL l out : ch ossemar tne system, nnil cures, us 1t magic, I .euto heavenwa1d, that the pirate crew shrank ,, f d h , corrhea, or "'vhUes,' excessive ·~!l'l:ilfi Bank Is prepared to do Legltl- b11ck, and cast down their looks, and the a ._,ag ll ltruce ayl t e admiral of the sta"Ay, s ir" "How is it! T hat's a big gun for a flo,vlnf' 1·al urul n\e n struntlon, 1111. ·'inate "Banidng ln all its branche s. ruffian llfartm muttered to himself : t ion w1 mow a about us." " K eep a good w,itch there" schooner,,, 11atura s uppre1<s1 011s, prolapl!lns or "I would not harm a hair of !us head for "Its an ugly trick, " said Ben Bowline. Captarn Dolan pomtcd to th e cabm hatch "SjJecial service, sit," sa id Mai t in. "Lord ralllng of tile uterus, " 'e ak back, Farmers notea discounted ; Deposits "But t hey are only F1enchrne11," re- of the H.lft and Ben nodded, · fo1 he h ad seen bless you, Captam 1 I was once aho:i.rd of anteverslon, retro ve r .. 1011, b e arlugreceived and I n terest paid on amoun ts of a t h ousan d pound s !" k \ f I do,vn !lle11.. ut101u1, c hronic con&e!I· ec one o t 10 c1ew. the]'1 en ch captam cast through the opening one tlMt \las rigged out fo1 special se1nce, tlonl iuflanintation n1ul ulcoratiou t5 upwards in Savinge Bank Department. A brnak Ill the wmtry sky-a rift among mar "Thet e'ssomcthmg Ill that," saul l\'ttt t111. Ill the sk"hght and t h ev took o, cou1Jle of twenty-fours with ol t t e ' vo 111 b, inllanunatlon, 1·aln 0 l at t ins t l1e w h u l mg e l oucl s, 1rg Iit ov er Iwac, A 11 d " ~ DRAFT~ and tcndernc,.,. J 11 o ' ul'ics, internal . " re you a agr ee ?" cded Dolan. \Vh_ ile, t hen, the six men from the I~lft t h em, a nd blazed away mornent - 1et t h e sof test ray f i·om t l1e \vm - hke a good one." h eat, a nd "fe1 " n ·e akucss,,, 1 I111med and Collections made in Europe ter's sun stieam down upon the world be" Ay, ay, sir " 'rnnt mto the hold of the lugge1 to scuttle " ' Vhat s1)ec1al s e1 vice?" It ll!:omptlv · s nnd cures Nnut1ea . "Then you see it is just as well that Gerhei, Capta in Dolan d ived m to Ca1)tam Moc"Afte1 a p n ate. " United States and Canada. and U ' Ollk ll · Stout ~c l·, JndJge s. · nea.tli. ancl t I1at ray cncll'cled in its b ught , ald sh ou!cl not 1. Nervous Pro11tratfon, ue on d ec k -," a d ded Dolan, quet's cabm. "!ti-deed. H a! " ' eli, lll" men , the ex- tl r.~ <.;F,."-""<t' l b oy w h o so gal · 1 -1 h t I10ugh fl eetmg emb iace tie J W. J. JONES, ail\ o· 1 ~' .1c,.s, iu eitllcr se x. A t fast he could sec notlu11 0<Y that was at ample has heen folio" cd , · for I hap""n to w 11 e ht e strange, malignant look flashed 0 ..<~ ~ -Ageo 1antl y d e fmtl man to put ti ust m God ! f rThe crew of th e })Uate cu tter glanced at mm 16 eyes. all likely to excit e h1~ cupicht) , althoug h he know that the schooner Spray is on speeiu.l 6 each othei, aud one said, h a lf auchbly: l3y this tune the Fiench l ngger apparent- ~tared about him with the most eage1 eyes. service, and that special ser vice is to hunt that the I{ift , for I hen he forced open the di a.we1 of a l ocker down the Rift." So l d by Dru g~l"t" every,vlrnre. Send ' ' He brou~ht down tlus b it of sunlight by ly had begun to sus1Ject his , Our F ,ttller "Inch 18 m H~a.ven.', some reason or a not1 10r, was dodgmg het and w as ~ratified to find a watch a nd some A suppr essed execration burst frora the ten <Jcntct 111 sbunps for D1. l'uncc's large 1 Troat1~0 on ])1seases of Women, illustiated. . h k " and she sho1 tcued sail and fay to, 111,1kmofine at t1cles of JCWch y. Another dra" m smulfgler ciew, and then Dolan cn od out : 0 '.[! J) 1 i ecovered from h is c 0 mg ten oan l d "tl th t"d l I a· · f 1 d Ha·receivedhernewstockot · onl Ya ·lttl l " s she gone- the C ' oauct tc !" r age mto w 1u. ch the boId d efi ance of t h e b oy f d e tea way wi 1 e 1 e am sur- la m it a pan o s1 vc1 -monnte ~i stols of .~ World's Dispensary Medical Association, h ad t lu own him, a nd he made aiush towards ace Will · · e,1t ty_ of wo1k11~anship, a though, "'l'heie she goes, sir!' · him as he shouted : A brief orde1, then, tha.t altered the h im f1 om t l'.e11 be . mg of.Tutk1Sh ,111a~e, tl'.cy were Through the t hick ening mist , just faintly 663 Mam Street. :BUFFALO, :N. Y , &nd invites the Ladies of Bow " Then here's an end ! An encl at once!" of the Rift to a !muted extent and her but to)~ m comparison to 1£uglish fireaims. visible, as thoiwh It h ad been miles away "11 d · · ·t t }] Theie can be no cloubt that t h e ob1 cct of comse a point or two, !nought h er down " I may as well have t !·em," said Dolan, could bo seen tl1c low lying h ull and light Ql.a.llVl e an VlCIIll y O ca the ruffian capt.111 , was to do t he lad some rapidly toward the Coquett e and when with as ho tl'.1uat t hem mto. lus b1·e~st. . spars of t he }'iench lugger-specti al like Bilious Headache , and see her Pattern deadly iujuty aml p1oba bl) cast him into in hailmg distance Captain D olan sprang on He tuccl still anothei d1awer of th e Joel; - s he uloomed thi ough tho fog . and what of Dl zzlu<,iH, Coustlpa 1 1 1 tiou, Judlgestlon, cheer '" d . e and Bilious Attacks, I onade that Dolan himself had mounted in ·g 1 ' ac ive, 1 e o man 1eape witi me icrnes. while in teahty t he httle soft breeze thit promptly cured by Dr, and assortment ot 01de1 to make l11sobservat10nsof sea and air, the ,igrhty of an ape on to the bowspi·it of "That will do," he said. "Good bye to I had been stin in cr was almost ent ir ely Piere"'" :t>Ieasau Purgative Pellet11. -'25 and then poismg t he light hatchet in !us t h;, CCoqttrette ,i Dnd sc1ettmcdf out : t he Coquet t e soon, and,a good riddance, too; quenched by t he n~ist. cents u ; ial. by Drusr101 Sta. 1an, vat or you- va.t you for I do b elieve that Captam Mocquet by, I A 3hn ek - one shuck- uttered in tones hand, Gernldetied: ap arne oo 1 "Come on, t h en, Dol,ui ! Lifo for life- call - mak e one game a t our Coquette? dmt of 1irymg about and questionin g some that Captam Dolan felt that h e recognized, --death fm death!" Captaine Doolan, su- l'honnem-le sang du of my men , )lad half found out our great se- came upon the light wind; and he felt his IT9RE :-Second Door Weit of Wllllanll j The howl of rage that burst fl om the lips of Francais, bah 1 I w,1s mooch mac! '" cret of the entrance ~ the cavern by the heart grow cold as he listened to it. CO NCERNING D 1 d l h l . d " \ Vmd ancl cuu ents," shouted Dolan, forelar~d thc1caway, _ a ud m that case I wotil.d I "Tho gitl in the cahm," h e said. "The k tcller S&all o au seeme scarce Y uman, as le seize "All's right Any news?" t ke h l1 f th l ·· 0 f l an iron handspike and raismg it above his "a , is ~or e ire any llltl.n w 10 IS j g11 l in t he c:i,bm, no- no! It was not safe "ll1i' ~ ~ '\l(lrf)'fV'UV he,td with both hands was about to make a "Ma foi, non! W hat you sh all c,ill com- uangeious. . to rescue he1- not safe. I could not. Will W e W e ~~ ~~~ ~ a rush on the boy with it. mon-mu~h usua!; Plus d e gloire pom lt1. "A sail westward!" shoutecl a voice on she ciy agam ,,, ff G1ande Natwn ! bo.ud the R if t . VETE.KIN ARY SURGEON. But the pirate c1cw, as if by one impulse "Oh, of com sfi. Smashed the English "Anot he1 !" growled Captain Dohn, as A rushmg n oise n ow took pfacc, a nd no ~ that gave t he whole of them a movement, as fleet " h e still lmo-ered m the cabin of the Coquette l onge1 v. as t o be seen t he _sh a dowy form of .A' though excit ed by one v iew on the mstant, "Oui, ccitainemcnt,, loth to loo~e any article of v'alue that h~ t he French lug;ger _ Capt.un Dolan drew a ~ flung themselves between Dolan and the boy, " ·what does the ani'm al say,,, Growled could carry a")'ay w ith him. "I wonde.x l ong lm:atl:. The gll'l had not utter?d. an- Ill: anclBen Bowline iii his deep eat tones called BenBo;;lrne. if t hese candlesticks are silver ?" ? t her cry, a.ud he was sa.vcd the tcuo1 of i&::; 011 ~/No ! No! W e are bad ones. We ate "That the F t ench have beaten the Eng- " Hand ove1 ha nd, s u-, tins way A ttsBe~~mbia.nce. 11 lish lteet" sc hooner, with the kincr's e nsign at the u te one was en oug1 · . . . . smugglers- we may be somethmg worse" Dues he ? Docs he 9 The lyincr old - foie ,, cu ed a voice from t'lie Rift sp eaking H e- even he- thatman steeped mm1qt11ty butwhil"'the1e is a plank of the Rift between well, it don 't ma ttct. He's a going_":" app~tently, in twswer to some' questions and si~; t hat m~n, ."'.h~se h ands we1e the (!J wind and wat er, a nd while I set my foot on Ben pointed mto the sea and the cr ew of that had been put hy Ben Bowlme pi ob- r ed ones of'!' mmde1er, could not forget the that p lank, you don't h arm the boy, the Rift gunned at eaoh other as the lug~er ably. ' j gentle l ook rn those clnld like eyes, and the Dolan." now slowly d1 ifted alongsule the R ift, which " H1llo ·" cried Dolan, fr om the door of soft cadences of th e sweet voice, 1~8 s he spoke 1 Another cry an(l another struggle on the h ad laill to within a couple of hundred yaids t he Coriuette's cabm, "aie you ready' Have the few word~, the meanmg o~ wlnch was pait of Dolan "as. in vain. Ben Bowlme of the Fi enchman you doue , , I unknown to h un. H e passed ]us hand over wrench ed the i1011 bar f1om him, ha lf d1sloThese two vessels, long engaged in smug. A stran"e 1ushrn" sound came upon his his hrow and a eold pe1spiration s~ttled upon eating his wiist in t he pr oee~s, and flung it gling tmns1tCtions, were adapted in every ears, and he could almost fancy that the lu a- 1 ht~/~cc, a~1d he sh ook Ill e' er y lunb. to t h e deck. way for the 1ap1ct mte1change of ca1~oes. ger shook beneath h un as the sea rush~d d l G one · goneh!I know ! she\~1;~hgonel.dWl1Y "No, you don 't h arm him. What say Slowly they weie a llowed to drift btoadside to l H s1 1e move t e p ,me · " y c i s ie you, mates, is it to be as I say or not?" to each other and then, by a.p par atus which m " A~P~ done, captain," said one of the look ~t me ? ,,,Why d id she speak to me? " cu ed every vmce. "Ay 1 ay 1 was p10duced on both vessels, thev wer e men. Go,i,rn gone· . ,, Grailuate o!the Ontario Veterln.rr Co)le1te. "Give us a cheer, then " locked together so that tliey h ea'"Jed and "WI .1 I ,, The lugger , Sil', I mean. It 1s the onl y preparation m the world the.t Registered member of the Ontario Veterm11.ry ' · 1en w11 5 ie go 1 "Eh .,,, will do what Is clauned for 1t. It he.a produced " Hun a h ! hurrah 1 hutTah !" Medical Association. rolled i~ the tide as one. "Not for ten minutes good yet, sir." . . . luxuriant growtbs of hair on bald heads where UOflice and Residence, N ewtonville, Ont. , The little Fiench captain leaped on the "That will do.,, Dol~n star ~d as if from fl: dr eam , and baldness h as ex1ated tor years. It has restored Will visit Oreno every Tuesday and Saturday I CHAPTER III. ' s c" p with "'Ih F h . . t be then, in a voice of 1age, he saic l. the color and vigor to numerous crops of gray A f the Rift aiicl lifteti hi (leek u ~ c renc men Me prayrng , s ir, o " I k . 10 I k t 0 and faded hair . I t baa relieved hundreds of 1 D 11 ' t 0ffice hours from 10 a. m., to "' p. m., at A I<'mEN D BETRAYED To Di>ATH. g t cat g1ace tu Cap tain Dolan and then to Jet loose." , now 8 1 ~as gone ~ spea persons or disal{reeablo Dandruff and has saved C<>ulters' Hotel. C!'lla by Telegraph receive "Let them Jr a ." ~ne-a.nd be han!>ed all . I k~o~ she many v.hen hair was relllng, from becomm The three cheers mng over t he surface of tho mate, Ben Bowlme aud t hen to the :1mmed1·te attention. th t' l d d h I y i s gone ! K eep her off there ; we duft m - I bald. the sea and startled the French fisherman crew, a n d eacl1 t . CHARGES MODERA'rE. nne a le i so e gave Once mo1 e Captair1 Dolan turned to the f ·t ti f th k ,,, /$"Remember these facts and if your hair is and monsieur, the maire of the little French an amiable gnu, sinular to that which is cabm of the Coquette and coursed his eyes aa: ,~r e 0 1 . \ ~ed og 1,, lC -~nMs t" " An 1 falling out and becomm1t thin , get a bottle a t · h h I d y , ay su · 1 oes sat ~ ,,r m. c once and save the growth, or yon may !OBA 1t d . town that nestled in a.ll its ricketmess on adopted by very polite p eople at public dm - 1 1 1. l ti tak · "th sow Y at oun it, to ue ee1 tam t at e ia i t won't clear away till nudday , I should forever. Ask your druggist tor HAIR MAGIC the COl·St. net s w ien le) . e wme wi ~o me one. escaped n othina when he ,ilmost utterecl a -" and take noth1 n1t ~ l·c. 0iptain Dolan staggered back to the " "'Veil Ca1Jtam Mocquet " said D olan °' and fright '· to see a p or t ion st1.y · . ' t ' ' shout of ~ut prise "Cutt er ah oy !" shouted a voice evident- A. DOHEN W E Nr I) , soJe M anu f ac t urcr, T o. ,, 11 0 1 10 1 gr,ihng of t he compamon -way, on whwh he ;';JO J'. (; s er _>C !). I . I 11 t of the pa11cl111g of t he wa ll suddenly slid e l y tht oug h a speakin<Y t1umpet at this mo- ronto. sank with a. groan of mge and despair. bel 111Ji t"ti a{fe f 00 an, l~mi sa 8 ep as1 1fo, a.nd the most charmmgof faoes a ppear m cnt although thrm~ah t h e d e'nsc masses of RIGGIN BO'l'DAJYI & SOJX' ' ' My own flesh and blood to tul'll against iig- wlule, rn thef silv te1y acctents wlut~ nust t heie conlduot now he seen any A GENTS :FOR BowMANVILLE. m e, " h e whmed, " my own son ,tnd my own tah~:, ~r~g "~~d~.!, you sa Pease, capi- atf t~e ,osenii " All ii rh t ,,, o c 11.c 100( , a young g n 1 o no mor e 1ian ~ tlung of the Ameucan yacht or the krng's - - - -- crew, then, to take !us part against me; oh, g . t hen with . sofage' said : s" dear ! oh, tlear ! wh,\t will the wolld oome The French captam, rrreat vo- t welveyear " v l1o(Jt1e1·· "l"ty , gave some ord e1s to' t h c ti ~ ve. men uou ?" Bon JOU!, mon cher pere. Ou sommes(TO Bi> CO:-lTl:-l ui::o.) I u b11 t o? Come to your father, Gerald !" The boy put on a look of proud disgust. that m,ide up the whole crew of t he CoC~ptain Dolan stood a gJi,1st while w ith a - --o"I don't want to 11111 t ~ ou." quette, and they commenced tran sferrmg to 1 0 k of t t d · ' · to l11 I1 Th T · B Ir- 1 the d eck of the Rift various barrels and unnu ~ga e surprise, rn w c e enao1ous UualO. The undersigned hegs leove to ~n tlmate t.<J th e The boy shook his head kept a firm . . feaT was each m~t,iu t growrng , t he young , . . . . people ot liowm anv1lle and vrnmity. that he hold of t he h a tchet, for h e saw a hyeua-like Jl.a ckages, n~t one of which was of sufficient 1}'tench girl fixed her beau tiful· e es u Jon . 'Ihc. rapid extet mmat1011 of the Amet wan bas opened ,. new He.rneea Shop on Km1t St . look glancmg out of the eyes of Dolan. s1 .ze or weight t-0 exceed the powet· of a his face. The Coquette rocked a h~tle f~om b1so11 is 1eg1etted by the 1111,tmahst a the opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Ste.blea. "Oh ! th en you won' t," shouted the pir- sm gle man to hft and deal with, . s ule to B ille and the watei a m < rled and rush- I spo1tsm<:n· But it has opened the plains to where he will h .. ve constantly on h1>nd, ~nd 0 0 The ohi ect of tins was that s hould it bethe gm zmO' of cat tle and made the Indrnn marn to order, Harness or all krnd3 , viz·. ate c,\ptain, as h e sprang to his feet. "Now ' ':> ' ' · ' ' ed mto he1 h old look you, men. I will tell you what I h ave come necessary so to do, the sn·uggled goods "Sh e's gomg by the board, s ir!" cried I mot e w1lhng to be c1v1ltzed. A buffalo Hea.vy Lumber, not told you yet. This boy- " nught b e easily Jlung mto t he , sea, without on e of tlto mew of t he Rift. "Tumble 11 cro]Jpe<l as m uch gwss ,ts au m;, ,iml «J< InFarm, "A sail ahead !" sang out on e of the men much fuss 01 ohse1Tatton. Sil' 1 She's go mg 1,, p, dmu w oul<l n ot abandon 111s s;wage hfe while Express who was speedily 011 the lookout. The ]'rench captam then descended with · the1e wete herds of buff.1 !0 to hunt . Coach and " Ah ! What is she ?" Dolan to the cabm of the Riii;, where th e '.l'hc Luffaloes used to fut msh spot t for a ' 1 " F t·ench first p e1son Ins eyes fell upon was Gerald, T h,\t's it. The Coquette." CHAl'l'~R IV good shot, who had }lluck .ii1d skill The Light Double Harness. "Ay, t he Coquette," cried c,\pta.m Dolan, who was close to one o! the small por ts, with T S S U ammal Ls so tough all(l t enacious of hfo t hat S · o·} IJ , ,· lt the hatchet stilt "l"asped lll ]us Itght hand. HE TARS Al:i D TRIP1'~S ARE ~FURLJ'J). tf not Int llL a lllOl ta! ·p ot, it turns upon t he 1Il0 lilb e UeSS a speCi a Y " Take the boy below . " " My son," sai~ Dolan, gruffly. So thorou <Yhly s uqn·1 sed was Captam D o- lrn ntc1 a,ud cha.1 ges hom e A hnntct wouml IN ALL '.l'lIE LATEST S'l'YLKS. ALL LIVE R AND KIDNEY COM- Gerald looked at the cr ew and h esitated. "vYe have that to clo," added capta in Do 'l'l1u Prcnch c,1ptain lifted h 1 s eap and g1ivc lan to find th er e was any one on boaid eel a buffalo bull sevc1cly, wlu ch, howeve1, · fo<:k or<:oJlnr~ of··vc: r y d···erl1·tto P J.,AINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- Ian, "that don' t want witnesses. But if lus usual a m1ctble grm. Gerald bowed with the Coque tte hut tile Fien ch c.tpta m and her 1111111aged t.o chmb up a steep cliff. The Aaa l11r;;" lwat) !'Ji cu1 huucl . or Cll1th·11u·r!ii c.111 ltaYe you all hke to h ave a witness that may han& a sad look upon his face. c1cw tha.t o,Jthough »arned of th e siukmv huute1 follow ed, though wi th <hfficulty , and theua mu·h: to order cm ·lrnr· ··~t nollce . Ji:-ON" Al!oiD ALL DI'lEASES ARISING you all wh en he likes, why, have him and "Le pet1t monsieur is 11ot--what you say? state of the luager, he w,ts for ,i few miuute~ on 1ea chm0" the top, put Ins ulbows ove1 and E'inest at ock or Horse Millmery ever.shD1vn in ~ --good- \1 ell- eh ?" ' t iansfixcd and m capable of action. d rew lmnself up on t hem. town, includmg: F ROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE let t he old hoy stay. " "Not ve1y well," said Dolan _ But the utter selfishness of the nat ure of Not a d t>Z"'n feet from him stoocl the ROBES, " Yon had b ettc1 <>o b el ow, ]\.fr. Gerald," LIVER AND KIDNEYS. saHl old Martm. "'.!'he capta m is the capBLANKE'l'S, A whispei ed confe1e 11ce t hen took place Dolan was not likely to keep !um fo1 111<>11y w" q C" 1 bull, with lowe1cd head, waiting tam, and w h en h e says go b elow, why, it's between Dolan and t he F t ench captam, momen ts ma ctn c, wh en p ersonal p e1il to In s appearance. As soon tl s it saw its foe, FLY NETS, wh ich seemed to have 1efe1en ce to a sum of lumself w as ,i t h and He 1ecove1ed f10m the bull charged only n ght to do it . " WUA~HIPS, 1 " I v. ill go," s,\id Geiald. ten thousand fiancs , and to oiome cases of ]us facu lties with a shout of feo,1, a n d flew The hunte1, ding ing with both elbows t o BUUSHl£S, Still with t he hatchet, to which he clung En~hsh cut lery, and m arit1e chronomet ers, t owards t he compamon w.iy, only pausmg the edge,could uot use Ins r ifle. H e chd the COMB S wisest thmg Lettmg go, he rolled h ead ·nd everything in season. with a tenacity that sufficiently showed he and nautwal instruments, but t he particulars for one h alf instant to cry out: - -- looked upon it as a needful defense, Gerald, of winch Gerald did u ot catch. "Who ar e you ? ' Vho ai e you ?" over h eels t o the foot of the chJI, aud landed stepped across t he deck a nd slowly descendThen they went upon d eck, the French T he g irl mad e some i eply which he did a Jatred bu t unmJlu ed man \::lfi' ed backward clown the companion 'my to ca.ptain not forg etting, as h e left t he cab in, not understand; and as h e !led to the deck, The buffalo's hoofs ciumblccl t he ea1th a t PROMPTLY AT'l'ENDED TO, to bestow upon Gerald tho m e v1ta.ble grm h e Just saw h er glid e ou t of t h e lit tle ben h the brink, and would have cha rged down, ' t he c,\bin. Proprietor, Toronto. m which sh e bad been sleepmg h ad not t he attack of the hunter's d og d1s- Satfsfact1on guaranteed. Intending pnrohasel'!I 'I'hen Ben Bowline spoke to Dolan in his agairl, and the lift of the cap. will do well to g1Ye me a call. Having bouirht grov. lmg, bcar -liko fasluon : "Francois 1" cried Capta.m Mocquet, "ap" Let h e1 go! L et h er 150 wit h the rest!" tt·acted his attention The hunte1· pickc<l &II goods of the latest atyle and beet Q.uahty. "Captam Dolan, you had better let the portez. " h e said, h oatsely , " I d id not place her hnnself up, clunbed th e ch ff at another tor cash, I will ho able to give customers t h e SOLD BY One of the crew of the Coquette appeared there. H e should not have brought h er. place, and shot th e hull. 'l' Le ma.n who ap· benettt. boy alone ; one volunteer, /ou know, is BIGGINBOTD&lll k SON, worth a dozen pressed men an I don't know then on the deck of the Rift with a. square It is h is domg, not mine. L et her go ! let proaches a wounded buffalo ly mg down, thmking that it is too far gon e to b e danger t hat a pressed boy is worth a nything at all, box, around win ch some canva.a was careful- h er go !" Bowmanville, Ma:r 6, 1886, 19-4w BOW MAN VILLE. secmg that a voluuteet of that sort always ly sewn. Then Dol an took the Frenchman The1e was a faint st ream from the cabin, ous, Ui li:i,ble to b e injured. ff;anadiau Jtatismau. RIFT AND SPRAY, 1 LOVE AND VENGEANCE AM NG THE SMUGGLERS' l " My I I that he l1<1d S he B I lnvalids'Hotet=Surgical lnstitut! ·· 0 GRAIN I I OUR FIELD D ISEASES ' ... SUCCESS · J no. M M Urry t & C 0. c· 0 AGENTS WANTED. .11 N urser1'es, The F Onth l DISEASES Of STANDARD BAN K Favorite Prescription br I I I PRICE' $I .OD, ~I:n V.~'Sli~ MISS McTAVISH G-0 Q D S ., 1 I SICK-HEADACHE, · B 0 N N E TS H AT S ~~~ :r<l· P1:!e<li~\m~~~dq~~~:;~s~1~nt~~~~~;: onA~. c 1f01:t:rt~t~:~~y 1~t~th1°'*,1d~~t' 1 ;~tdd ~e~~~:~~~ ;~:<lt0~\1~~a~,,~t!~~p a~~~~e!:~ I~:i~1~~~~t, ~~es~e~ ~~~p:i~~ ~~ "~~ ~7:~e:1~~~~ I 411··'" I M M I N GS FA C,.--1., S I I I I Dr. DORENWEND'S :c ... ... I I £t: l&J > - 1- 1 .. ... I NEWHARNESS SHOP DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY I ° I I BITTER 8 ~ CURES Jr I The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. E. M 0 R R I S J R E PA I R J N n _ J. R. BRADLEY,

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