~auadiau T oozy True · It was a sort of pet name thn.t she hadAmonn tl·" many extraordinary n atural --:.&m~v. OCTOB RR 22 . 1886. Prhenom:;1a .. ttend.ing the er uption· of Mount Toozy T rue-but she liked it better than T:imwera, one wlu ch appears to me not the anyth ing else. N o one ever scold ed h er an<l least singnfar has been p<issed over in com. called her " Toozy ;" it wo,s alwnys "Susie" parative ~ilcnce and wit hout exciting com· when she had doue wrong. A nd True? that ment, as far 11s I am awar e, among the scien- was added by her mother, who loved to feel CATARRII.-.A. new treatment has been d i~· tific 0 1· unscient ific p ublic. I a.l!ncle to the that her little girl was on e to be trusted ; covered whereby a permanent cure of thi; 'l'o rush ctcttle inro market w hen prices f b . one who was al ways true. - hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· are tending downward has a teuclency to act of their emg unable to mo;ke water It was a sunny afternoon in June. Toozy · boil on t hat terri ble night, when eartl1 it8eli " ed in from one t o three a pplications. no matter lower t hem still more. whetheretandingone yearorfortyyears. '£hia appeared to be in a state of eb\1llition. I wa,s sitting on the ba,lcony, reading ; her remedy is only applied once in twelve days, The use of many of the ,tools is over for · h th ·· f l\1. l\f R · younger sister J enny was amusing herself in The astonishing success which has atterlded our new dep artAnd does not 1 ' nterfere with bus1 'ne··. Descrip· the season aml they s h ou11 b e Iioused care- give l" ere e narra.ive r om l r . c ae s the hammock and bot h were n.bont as happy w ·" tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by own i ps : · ur~, has surpassed our most sanguine expectations, we did . A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West. fully for another year. ' I ma<l e George Rek er, the cook , pn t as happy could be. " Is that you, Toozy ?" called a voice. '.l.':>ronto, Canada. 'l'he profits of the fann invested in per'. some W<>ter on the fir e to 1rn~ke cocoa for tht: not at first hardly dare hope for the grat1(ying results which " Lift up your head so I cn.n sec your face ; H AT IS CAT&'RRIT1 and women · " rh 0 wer e cold a r' <l s)1l' ve · Catarrh Is aW dangerous disea si; which tho.us· manent improvements are as surelv J ,rmg, p oor ands are consciously or unconsmously suffermi;>: sa,fely invested as if in the be~t savings souls, though holding up grandly. Abon.t tha,t b ig hat hides you so I didn't know for have so far been obtained, and we trust that the numerous from. It is a muco·purulent dischar~e caused ba,nk. three-quarters of ·m hour afterw111·d he met ture whether it was yon or somebody else. ~·It isn 't anybody else," S<Lid Toozy, mak- customers, who have liberally :patr0nized lis will fee} · by the presence of a vegetable pa rasite in the I must say that a mau with a, roor form me in the p:issage and said to me : we "'Come here,sir.' ing room· beside her for her visitor. " I . liningmembrane orthe nose. The predtspo~. b . ing causes are a morbid stute of the blood ·. th e 11nc1 no money w it11 w1 u c1 l to uy mrtnu r es, was just wishing tlmt you would come over , have proved conclusively that under the " spot ·cash " system blighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison cannot do better th;.m to collect all the night "' 'Vlmt is it~· saicl I. of syi:hilis, mercury, toxomoo, from the reten- soil he cim fi nd. " ' I can 't get t he water to boil he said. :!lfattio. " f prices that were not _pos" 'Veil, I rlirln't come to stay long, for we can and do place o~r goods a. tion of the effete m atter of the skin, suppressed " " l'ut,' sttid I ; 'poke up the fire.· perspirations, badly ventila.1ed sleepini;>: apart· 'l'he U. S. Dairymon says that t he cry is fi some of the girls are waiting for me rlown at men ts a nd the 15ernilna.tion of othe~ J?Oisone in trrnt honest c l<tirymen cannot compete with " ' I t 's a good · re,' he repl ied, anrl so it sible under the old credit. style. To those .who. have not yet t.he blood. Irritated by these. the lmmg mem- m en who u se cheap fat in making bouilS but· was, a glowing fire of blaz in g rntn. logs-a the corner next the \voods ; we are going to, brane of the nose is ever r eady f or the recepo· splendid fire. ' P ut " Our hn,rnl in there ::md gather roses ; the wild ones have come out favored us with~a call, we would say, Do so AT ONCE, it will ·te. w h ic ' h r a p'd' In the &'\,me way how cm1 honest milk- feel it,' said he, t1dd11g J 1 ' y spreads · up ter. ti on of the paras< the lid off the boiler. tc!l with a rush itfter the rain lo,st night, ftnd t he nostrils and down the fauces, or back of men who feed pure, sweet grain, hope to they are p erfectly lovely." be the means of saving you · many a dollar. t.be throat, causim: ulcer ation of the t hroat; up compete with those who use rotten refuse or " I d irl so, very gingerly, I can < Lssnre " I wish yon lmd come this morning, " the eustachiun tubes, causing deafuess: bn.:. swill ? yon , ttnd found the water a~ col<l as when said Toozy, her face clouding. " II r owin g in the vocal cords, ca.ush1g hoa.rsene~s; · Tl UJ!Urping the proper str ucture of the b';'onch1al The dairyrrnm wh o is most careful t o fur- w :e put it ?ll· rnre "'.ere so ma,ny extraot'- don't think J ough t to go this afternoou. " ln.iary t!1mgs h a,p~:.nmg aro~md me t h<tt t:qhns. endmg in pulmon ary consumption a nd n ish shelter for his cows when the cold < " Why, '!'oozy f' deM~~y ingeniousspeifica for for th e cure of ra,ins and frosty n ights come on, an d who t lus p ar ticulm· one (id not ~xcite my. won. " J\IIarnma is away, gone to the sewing so· ca tarrh have been Invented, but without sue- feeds most ju diciously never lettincr his der very i~n~ch., I tho~ight it was owmg to ciet y , a,nd I always look nftcr Jenny. when !',ass until a physician or long standing discov- cows shrink in t heir Ho\~ of milk unnahiml- the electn~1ty m the 1111·. , George Bn.ker can she goes t here. " ered the exact nature of .th disea.8e and the ly for IVlmt of food of th e proper kind arnl vouch, n,5 ~vcll 1 ts myself, ror the fact of t he " Did she tell you to look after h er this only appliance which will P.e rman cntly destroy pr·opoi·ti'oii i · s the orie "' ho ,,,i "ll "et tli w o,t er liavmg been on the fire for fnll three· time ?" asked Mtttt ie. . the parasite, no matter how ul(grav ated the ' · e t l ti l f 0 11 l1011 0f case. Sufferers s hould send stamp at once n;iost product t1nar ers r, mu <Lt le Cn< o tkct " " \Vell, I don 't think she stdd a,nything for descriplive pamphlet on catarrh, to the · . . · . time being > LS coi<l <LS when it W<tS put on. \ 'ly Jrlc;a is that fnu t g rowers who. wo,nt 'iVe sp oke of t he circumstan ce to the others abont it to·day, but t hen, I alwttys drJ it, business mana1< ers. A, fl , Dixon & Son, 305 Kinll street. west , Toron to, Canad'·· Letter pnces slwL<lll p.iy more attention to at t he tirne as being curi011s, bnt soon had and 1 suppose she expects me to do it !" anWhat t he Rev. E. B . S t cevenson, B ..Ar't'la CM ler tol11· the tempemncc r eform. Pl ug up the Stll- ' m atters more serious to distract our n,tte11· swered Toozy. man of the L ondon onferenceo te e iol , ·h· ll ., k f · . ,, · ' '.'But I ,~l10ul<l t hink yon might go just dist C//.m·ch of Canada, h a s to say in 1 ·egard oons, a,?c ' 1 e s. a open a 11ew . rna1 et .or twn. tlus once, plen.c l etl l\'fattie ; the servn.nt To .A.JI. Dixon & Son's New 1'reatment fo r our fru~t;q· It is 1L . mn,tter of lmsrncss, fnu~· Now, sLll"ely here is a niLturnl phenomenon - -I I N - ~ Catarrh, men. l he less h quor sol<l, t he more frmt w orthy t he investigation of all our scientific gi~l will not let Jenny get into mu ch mis· chief ; and anywny, yom· motner did not m en, not only in New Zealand, bnt t hrongh- tell you to s tay and take care of her. " ' Ot<klans., Ont., Cana~~. Ma rch 17, 1883 bouglit. M0ssrs. -'!j ~·_:?.yxo~~f~h~·13tb inst. t.o hand. If you luwc turkeys th a,t yon intend for out the civili7.c<l world. \ Ye of course ull " No, she d id not s<ty anything about it," It s::~eg ~moat ~~o good to be t rue that I am t he 'l'h <>nksgi ving mm·kct, be sure that you know tlmt the grciLtcr the atmospheric pres- added Toozy t rying to q uiet her conscience cured o! Catarrh, but I kn11w t hat I a m. 1 keep them growing r ig ht a long ; if they do su re the greater the nnmucr of units with the words. " I guess I will go. I have had i::o retur.n of the d1eeas~. and n ever not come home every nioht with full cro1)s of hci~t reni1ircd to nrnkc t he w<iter IJ9il. but w n.11t t o go a.wfully." felt better Ill my hfe. I h ave tried so many fill . . "' . f . 1 l " l ' things for Catarrh suffered so much and for suH1 crops np wit1 1 gmm o some kmd. 1some ot ier \ cterreut cau~e must have been H ow easy it fs sometimes to nmke our~u can't ha lf si_;arve a t urkey from t he time at w ork iu t his instimce, as <tfter hn.ving selves believe tha t it is r ight to do a, thing 80 many r el!rs t h;t it is ha rd to l'ealize thll.t 1 t !Uh l'e~Ily b.e tt0r. · p· It i~ JS weaned until a few week s befor e mm·ket . b een .Pluced for threc-qun.r tcr s of an hour because we wi1nt to do it ! .Let us tt1ke care, I consider tnat mine was a ."e~y bad _cae.,h tm1~ a11d then by extra feed mak e an extra on a, good fire the water remained absolute. and - - AT-be sure. was aggravated and chrome, rnvclv1nll: t a I b' 1 · · ;·· 1 l" 11 "i' I t tl , . l , · throa t a s well as the nasal passages. a nd I 1re1 o1 it, 1 li\ o ie1 cause wn,s t iere . is 1 ·· co c , And yet it was n ot altogether a happy thought it would require the three .t1ea.tment8, l:f t;lrJ.ulllf»rg<L i·l 1W Wel'e j)luk, bhrn 01· green, the problem J Buggest to .our scientific men fa.cc that looked out from urnier the " big but 1 feel fully cured by th e twp sent J11<i. nti~ or readily disti nglll~hublti In any respect as one w ell wnJ"thy of them· rescm·ch. hat," as the two girls went down t h e street · I &m. ~~11rkJu.l t i:!!\\. I was ever niduce to "en Ifrom, butter, da.iryrnen eoulrl not i·easonably On the nig ht of the '.I'ara.wem eruption the to meet the others. e · 0 1 lof~~'o.rll 11.t ll\Jtll'tl' tu U1;;', ih;;:s ietter st ating :wk prot ection even tho Ug h its snle destt"<W· 1 Ht\~zard falllily had in their ~ash b'.>x , " She is all r ight, yon see," said Mattie, t hat r h o.vc boo;n tiUi'ed a t two treatments. and I ed their business ; fol' it conkl only do so h<l· among other moneys, t~ lmlf-s0Yere1gn lymg look ing back at Jenny, tts she swung in her 1 shall giatllr i"eliommend your remedy to some ~Mise cousmuers preferred hog butter-. 'f h c I on t h e top of four half crowns. Dur ing tbe hammock ; a,nd Toozy tried to comfort hertl! my frllli:!tl.B wbo are su tfere hrs. k people should be protected from frmd storm which hnrst over their <lCl7 Q t ed resi- self with the words. 'I.'he rnses were beau· Yours with many t a.n s . ' . . . . . ' R EV. E , B. STEVENSON . w hether th ey are producers ot· consumers. denc~ tl~e butldrng was struck by l~ghtmng. tiful, and the fresh air delightful , but in A~d h undreds of other s ·A correspondent of the Rtiral lV ew Yorke?· On d1ggmg out the effects the worki~1g party spite of it all, Toozy did not feel iis happy 0 says : T his year we have had all the Huit handed over the ?ash bo. x to the frten_ ds of as she t ried to seem. She did not wa,nt to S S O O · O we cou ld eat. We began with stt~iwberries tae Haszitrd fonuly. l\lr.·John P . Morpeth be asked questions, so sh e must smile' and and are now eating apple muee. 'Ve have of Ponsouby, :1t whose hou~c ~.1·s. H:csz~rd htlk ; b ut a.s t he afternoon wore on s he be· fruit on t he tttble ut ever y meal ; not a lit tle h as been staying_, has now m !u s possession came r est less, all(l at 1:1st t horoughly tn,ste for each one, but 1~ regular d ish. ' Vc the. half so\'Creign and .fo:1r Ju,~f cro:vns, w retched. have had no sickness. I figure thn,t we have w.hich form IL perfect cur10s1ty. . · The h ght. " Wh at if something should happan to saved. at leo,st :):20 in the meiL t bill sin ce ]\fay. mng:1ppears to hn.vc f.used the corns together, Jenny?" sounded n. voice wit hin her, "what JI Ir. will pay the above 1'eward m any We are a,11 h ealthy and fat. Fruit eating anc l m some mysteri~u s .way, though the if she shoul d foll out of t he hammock a,nd iY ease of Dyspepsia, Liver Co:mplatnt, not only brings good temper and comfort, face of the h1Llf sovereign is no~ defoeed, the get hurt? ' Vhat if she should start out.. a,nd Bick Headache, XDdtgeaUon or.CosUvene· · - --AT- - but it saves dolfars. gold t1pp earn to have been driven through WM1der into the woods herself !" Oh, dettr ! we .c annot· cure with WSIS'l"S Liv.BB. . In conversation with two or three farmers the c:utre of CltC~ of the half .crowns, ~·s how nrnny t hings might h<ippen which she PILLS, when tile Dl.reotlona are strictly within t he p ast week , one clnimcd tlutt it e.!!.ch m .the ?eutre t s colored the size.of a~slul had never thought of before ! complied With. Larp BoxH, contailllng cost over two dollars a ton to lmrrnst his ~~ng as if wit h. ~old: . As a souvem r of the But n?ne of the terrible t.h iugs did hap· 80 l"ille, 20 CeDtllJ 6 Bo:s:ea 191.00. Sold hay crop; t he sccoml pi·esented figures to Iar~wera en1pti.o'.1 1~ 1s ~ue o~ ~h'? most re. pen- not one. ' Vhen Toozy at last reitched by all Druggists. show th<tt th e total expense was but 11 trifle maikable thttt has yet been exh1lnted . home it wassuppcrtime, fortheyha<lf· 'ne on 1.0t thinking of the time, until they and on; 1 over one dollar ; while with the t h ircl the were so far away tha.t it took fast IV!d king expense was sti·ted to be between three and The North Ameri()an Fisheries. to reach home even then. Mo ther, father Continues to doe. General Banking Business four dollars. These figu res simply illnstrnte Th e fisheries, and especially t h ose for cod o,nd J cnny wer e sei1ted ttround the table, · diffot·eu t eBo w manvillto Branch . . the cost of doing business undo1 systems, or want of system s. After all t hat and m ackerel, wh ich stretch along the mid very little was said about her absence, DEPOSITS has been said, there is not t l1e attention coa,sts of Ncwfoundl:ind, Cttpe Breton, Novt> except by Jenny, and not a word of reproof lecelved in Savings Bank Depart mentand , given to th e cost of growing n,11< l lrnrvestin g Scoti1 1, :ind New Brunswick , t\rc of their wa,s given. But Toozy knew t hat she ha,cl '11-and int.erest allowe d at curren t r a tes. ?So For not been true, and a reproving conscience is ,0~ice of withdra we.I necessary. All depoalU that t h ere sh ould be. ' Ve have not yet kind the most valun.ble in the world. learned the economy of farming, or t hat in about t hree centuries and a h:ilf they have the shtwpest i·eprovcr of all. ~ayable on demand, The roses were fresh in the vases, but order to compete su ccessfully the business been fished by sm!\cks and schooners belong. EXCHANGE m tions , to Eugfan<l, they had lost their bo1111ty to her eyes. · ing, among European 1 must be sy st ematized. l<'mnce, H olland, Sweden , Denmark, tmd " I ~new I wn.s d oing wrong, mamma, " ~onght and sold and Drafts issued npo»;Enrope Norway, and, iimong American, by craft be· she smd, as·they talked over it b efor e bedJnited States and Canada, e.lso Gold, Silv er aL d .;r11ited States Green backs boullht and sold, The Pig -Feeding T hat P ays . longing r espectively to the h:mly fishermen time. " 1 di d not enjoy it at all." of the Dom inion of Canada, and of New Eng" I know it," answered her mother ; " I CC,LLE<JTIONS Every farmer, ~ays Thomas D. Ba,ird, lc.1Hl. V a,st, indeed, as is the amount of fish saw it in your face. J<~vory wrong action who makes the feecling of n.nirnals an impor· Prompt l y mad e a t cnrren t r ates n Pon a 11 P"r f · b · It t k ti t drawn during t lmt long period of time cats into our life and tnkes away tho sweetJt Great Britta.in the United States and Do tv.nt pa,rt o 1 u s usrness oug l o -now m form the incxlmustible deep, t he supply is ness. If we are trne at all, we m nst be true mtnion of Cana da'.. their unremitting g1owth is t he only righ t illimitable ; nor is there seemingly any p ro· tl?ro1~h :ind t hroug h. 'l'J~at is. the kind of ser ·relegrapb '1.'raruirer-. wa:y of trettting t hem. This is t l_ie course bability thn.t it will d ecnyarnl Le e."ttiug uish· vice Uod expect\! us to give 1 11m ; let u s n.sk w hich the r,nos t s ucc~ssfu l pork-raisers pur- cd so long as the Banks of Newfoundland him to help us to l;>e itlwn.ys true." Ma de tor lari;>:e or email au ma on all parts of sue in feeding t heir hogs regularly a nd fully sh<>ll last, or the st ern M1cl rock-bound Canada. T hia is especially ad vantageous to through winter ;i,n d summer· t ill they a,re cmcsts of the neighboring maritime 11 ro · The Sailor Fish. persona llv inll in Mam toba or t.he North·weat as It '.Dakes the funds a va ilable a t once at &he sufficiently fot in a ntumn. 'l'o fatten hogs vinces confome to hit their beetling and water s of the Indian ocean a to the best a< lvantage t h e pig should be feel wcather-beatcu fronts above the stormy t I n the wn.rm place of payment. . · f ouncl tlmt has given · . . s range m anner i8 nse arnl managed with ref <>ard to a rapid and For further pa rtleulare call at the Ba.nklnp to m.a'.iy cu no~is · t 111es a~i~ong tr·e na t ives · continued growth. know of no better ma,in. We t1r e told Ly M. Louis F iguier tlmt tho of Bouse. way tha,n to sow rye in the fall for e<~rly cod -fish is the most vomciou s of th e deni- the coast . t heieabont. . Ibey tell of It won· Q E O. McGI L L, T. BROJ)[E , Manage1 spring pa,sture. More thun a ll10uth can be zens of the deep feeding iru1iscrimi1rntely derful ~ail of ten s.e cu 111 ~he \mlm seo,sons A.ccounta nt. · ·Iv gained in t his w11y, for t h e rye comes on 1. · ti pr ecedmg th e terrible hurnca,nes that course upou crnus, mo11u sc.s, 1 ierri!igs, imc1 0 ier over those wo,tcrs. Not et bre<Lth then disearly, w h ile clove1· is slow to st1trt, und snmll fry. 'l 'hc hal.ntual so1 ourn of the cod b h · . should not be t urned on u ntil in blossom. · · tl1 N u1 At! t ' l t, ti f t " tur s t e water , the sea n ses a,nd falls hk o KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARL01 m e . or . an ic Jc ween . . ie or i· a vast sheet of gfass · suddenly the ..ail ap· 18 After this it would be well to t urn them in and s1 xty·s1xth <lcgrccs of latitude, In ears <>listc · 'th · l 1 1 l 11 a clover field where the1·e is plen t y of pure eth ' o · nrng w~ · r te purp e am go c · his vast rnnge ther e are two large regions P fresh wa,ter, and give an a.<lditiomtl feed of w hich it see111s to prefer. ·The first extends et~ hues, <~n<l seemi~igly dnven ;:ilor~g by a We are now finishing 30 of the best Cl$rriages and Burrgies ever made (' . 1 l ti t m ighty wmd. On it comes, qm venng 1md in this est~blishme~t, w ith best g rade of Wheels, .Steel Axles an.<i'°'best Steel Springs, · t f sweet milk, wheat ul·an , t>11d con 1111eal. f 1s 0 spa,rkling 0 ti ,-r een anc s?u iwarc t\ S if bed eck ed with 1em s bu t t r immed wit h the best s tock and well pamted. We are getting out ·j Pigs m anaged in t his wi1y have their bone rom te coas I celand, N or way, Denma rk, H olland, Geronly to l ist 'f b ¥ :M: 1 · and muscular frame well built u p, their ap· petite.; strong , their' health vigorous, their ma..n y? a nd t he east m~d north co<·st of Ca,pe travellers 1:,efe~~eo,~·~l wifii rr:;:~h~iie/ ~hfs digestive powers active, Mid their ability to Bnta~ n , co;nprehendmg the Doggerba,nk, strange tiile ; but one clay t he phantom craft t he Silver l 1tts, ttncl all t h e salt water fakes actually app l t 0 th I d' 0f a.ssimilu.tc ,.11 they can digest a s strong as it' 1 Every Board warran ted to be m ade of t h e best Steel a ud well tempered. md ar ms of the sen upon the west coast of stearncr· "Il<leare~t e l bcrcw 1 n,nth n tmu cM1 be. Now the p ig is in good cond ition t l cl Tl d . · fi · 1 . , w as i p o,sse< y um er e s ern . S co. an · · ie s~con In.Ui:fe, m n~ te Y su- gf the vessel the queer " st1il " was seen to We are also getting ready a. stock of MOWERS, improved, and second for fo1·cing in the fattening process. 111 to a gi"ant ic sword -fish now known to n on e in t h e market. T h ey will be r eady in good season and war11anted t o do good Mtmy intelligen t person s suppose t hat pcnor to t he first · productiveness, mch~dc i b eloncr 0 the of New Engla.nd, N ew1 Brnnswwk, ·1or -Jp ·1 W<>s ' poor itnimals may in a, short time be clmng- N coast c B t b ll as the s·1~1 isl1. 'l'he sai re1111 y an work. We a.re also making a n u mber of HAY TE DDERS, which will also be ready t · 1 S - B ' Y 'ova co ia, a,pe re on, an( · ' O\ ' C a ' . en ormously d eveloped dorsa,l fin thn.t was ed into fat ones by stuffing t hem with rich I sla,nd of Newfou ndland, to t he south of over t e1 d · ll 1 l in good season. They have b een tried by some of our best far mer s, to whom we 1 f t I · h food. I huvc seen farmers who snpposed the refe r intending purchasers. W e are. a.Isa. which 'ries the famous sand-bank, nearly two ' vi't h l> l ueee du~ .·1 an tWt Oi..s t n c 1 Y co ott·lel · l · l · an iru escen m s ; ant1 its le t h e more food t hey could get their hogs to di' I am fully prepared t o attend F unerals on lm11dred leagues ong and sixty-t wo hroo,c' fi sh swam 1tlong on or nem· the surface of eu,t in" duy o r a week the fast er t hey would the shon est notice, a t the lowest po~sible rates Casket s and Bnria!Ca.aes ready on abort notice gain, become discouraged because t he go,in covered .by fifty fatherns of water. H ere the water, this "Teat fin n aturnlly waved to i rst-claee hearse on very moderate t er ms was uot in proportion to the food consumed t!1e hungry cod sw a,nn, . as t~icy meet h er- and fro so that"' from a distauce i t could which haa ,gain"db. ood reputation in this locality. Shrouds and Coffins conetan tl;r on band . Fun and in their disapp ointment come to t he rings and . other small fi sh m abunda~ce, easily be m istal~en for <> curiou s s~il. ra l c11ord s supplied a t once. Furniture Sbop lie up<m which they p i·cy .. T he Enghsh , Some of these fish es atta.in a l ength of Plow Points of every description -~:~lll'\a ton, and made from steel, w r ought ir on, &a conclusion t lrnt fattening hogs did not pay , bow ltooms-BCiuneall'eNew Block. Mill and E n gme vVork a specialty ~ when the true reason was they were overfed :;;;~~c;:; ti?o~~~~',' g~·:~l ti~~~~~·~~~~':· u;d~~s c~ld~ :·over twen~y feet, and have larg~, crescent. We are also gett ing really a stock' "-'r WAGONS. All of whi ch will b e sold on t h e m ost r easonable ter ms. n.nd excess of food wa,s wasted. A farmer fi 1 · th l k f N f ll d " ·t11 . slmped tails and long, sword -hke snouts . s . ung ~m c >an s ~ ew ount ttn wi. mpttble of doing great ditmage. may withhold the p ropet· q1 1a11tity of food .' he I.sfarnl w as chs- 1 In the M eclitermnea,n sea a sword-fish is BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE C<>, from his hogs an<l even half starve them for m conceivablc <>nlor,' '1 eleventh al so h as a 1a,igc . 'fi n, b u t i 't l1oes months and then glut t hem with excessive coYer t ed hy 1 the 1 0 ~orwegrnus f ti r m the 0 f N th I found t hat , Cash paid for any qnant:ity of Cast Scrap I ron . 14-3rn. or 1 not eqnal the ur ea,t sword·fish of the Indi<Ln food and thus hope mpidly to put t hem in cen u~·y, oug .' ortl ie ' isco.vcr y Amenca, but tt was uot until 1497- subse- Ocean " a fat condition. B ut ciireful observtctious qnent to Columhns- t lrnt Jacques Cabot · _ __ _.. prove tlmt the profits of rn.ising an rl fatten- vi sited Newfoundland, and g·we it the name HE AI~TH ing hogs ar e r etLlil10<l only when they are rc- which it lrns since borne, and called attenGloves. · tion to the swm·ms of cod -fish iuhn,hiting the rcgufarly fed from day to day with ueithe1 Some curio:1s custom s arc connected wi th too scaut nor too heavy rations. Some ob- n eighboring sea. From t h at cfay to this gl ov?s. For mst..'\,nce, t l.ic ceremony of reject to this mode ; they wish t o finish t he " the Btmks " and a,Jso the co:ist s of th e movmg them when enteung t h e st<>ble of a FREEM.&N'S fattening in two or thr ee months and think Dorn inion 's 'm; ritime provinces lmve been prince or a great mn.u , or else forfeiting thcrn POWDERS~ it is too expensive to continue it for one or ettgcrly fis hed by the seiunen 0 / all na,tions. . ?r their value to t he servant in charge. This two years. Heavy feeding i.3 not r equisite i s :in OL lc l surviva l of vassal<Lgc, for the r eto k eeping up the continued g rowing concli· movt·l of tho glove wa,s tmoiently a mark of - - ···Are plea.sPJlt t o t llko. Contain tholr o1'I. tion of nn animal. . . s ubmission. When lands or titles were bePurify the Blood, correct a11 Disorders of the tlirsa.tivo. I s a 10.fo, auro, ancl ellectU The Girl h e Loved D ecided t o Wed . · · s towed, gloves wer e given at t he same time; deaen>.Ter ot WOl'DUI iA Children or Adlll&I ·-· "'Vell," remarked a young man to a. an d, when for irny raason the htnds were LIVER, STOJTl..llCH, KID.NEY~ .llND DOWEi. . ~. Snails. Snails ar e ln,1 ·gely ea.ten on the Continent. g roup of fr~cll(ls, "the ~nly girl I ever f?rfeited, t h e offender wa.s depriv~d of the They i "nv1'g or" t e and restore t o health Debilitated Constitu.tin.ns, an..ll loved i8 to be married the 10th of n ght to wear glo,·es. The same Hiott wa.s . .., v u In the markets of Spain may be counted as rc,.lly ' prevalen t in the hestowttl of a lady's glove, a re inv aluable in all Oom p la ln t11 Incidental to Female11 of all Agee. For many as fifteen different species offered for n c:i: t month." " Too ba d ," old fol," said a member of to be worn in the helmet of her knigh t, fLnd C hildren a n d the aged t h ey are pricele H . sale ; w hile snai\·gar·dens are common a.!l · forfeited by him if her favor ce11Se<l . In over Em·ope. T hern is, for example, on e at the party. You htwe my sympathy." "You k now t he old story about as good. hunt ing the gloves arc supposed to be r e' U lm, n eo.r vVurtemburg, which sends out no fewer t han te n millions of the largest kind fish in the sea, don't you ?" inquired an - 1moved to.clay at the death of a stn.g. It Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sore1 was a very ancient form of acknowledgm ent - the H elix pomatia- to be fattened in other oth er . and U lcers. It i s fa mous for Gou t an d Rheumatism. For disorden of the " Wl1y d on't you punch the lu ck y fol- t o present a pa ir of gloves to a benefactor ; gardens before being sent to the various - C h eet it h as n o equa l. convents in A ustria for con sumption during l ow ?" a,sked 11 p ugilistic member , " nnd , '."nd white glo\'es are still p resented to the ··or Sore Throab, B1·011c hiti8, {;011~ lu1 ,. (~oldM , Lent. A t Dijon a snail farmer clears abou t p revent him from coming to time at the' Judges at maiden assizes. three h undred pounds per annum. Large w edding ?" "v\' h o is t he lucky man 7" ask ed a fou rth Mr. John l\1cCtmley, of Chatsworth, lost Gl"°dula.r Swellings, and all Skin Dise~ses it has no rival ; and for quantities of the common snail arc sold in · of the g·~th ering ? ! <\ hull 11 couple of weeks n.go, o,nd after 1· six contracted and stiff jolnte it aets like a charm. Covent-Garden Market to the foreign colon - mcmbc1 " If you would only give me a, ch an ce I dttys' seitreh found the poor brute fast in the ies in Lo11don. It is ;t]so said t hat t hey ar e he i~ to marry me." ,. bush in the rear of his form. '.l'he a nim1tl's M f t d I t T H · E t b li h collected round L ondon for exportation .on will tell yon. S · h ead anrl foot were fastened together with a anu a c ure on y a HOMAB OLLOWAY s s a s men s, a s1miUscale toP1iris tind the United States. ch ti in, and the chain had caught on a sn ag, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET) LONDOJI'.· " Wha,t makes that girl walk so funny? : and in its efforts to get loose the hull hrLd : ' Kivn.sas School-Teacher : " 'Vh ere does inquired De Smythe of Browne." "Is she . wou nd the chain arouud the snag, until his · And are 1old at 11. l i d., 2e. 9d . , 4a. 6d., lla., 2211., and 33a. e a c:h Bo:x or Pot, and m ay b e had from all Medicine Vendor s t llrough ou& tile World . all om· grain .go to ?" " I nto the hopper. " intoxicated ?" "Oh ! no ; she's not intoxi- , h ead was clown to t he ground. The animal News p a p er Advertising B ureau, '" " 7 hat · h opper ?" " Grasshoppe1 · !" trium- cated," respond ed Browne. "It's only her when found was a. mere sk eleto2 having . · P · re ll.a·e ra alloald look a& tile J.abel ·· tlae P·Ca - d Be:na. U tlle r ddre 10 Spr uce St., New Y o rk. sh oes that arc tight." · been ~ix di·ys w ithout food or wate;, I 11 a 133, Vxfer d ltrec&, I.oado· · UleJ' a r e IJ1118'I···· Se~d 10ct.. ror 100-P age P a m phlet. ph'11ntil.y 1llhouted a, scholar. Jtatestnau. FARM. Scissored and P enned. Let t he p igs into the or chard if you have no other way of getting the windfalls p icked up. A poor lmlf-eared fo1· and overwork ed ram will cause weak and 11pindling lambs. Don' t forget it. FRE1' KS or ELECTRICITY. YOUNG FOLKS. Renutrkal· ·C J·tumomeua Atten<llng the . ·Ei·n ·· Ion ofMou 11t T11r11wcrn. . Tl1e BdZd.aR. CATARRH. c . to that MASON BROS. THE ---o --- BAZAAR~ v I I I A large number of p acking cases to be almost given away. GREAT BARGAINS FOR30 DAYS · I Boots and Sho·e s Y I I I D D-A-V-I -S'... Q EWARD ! THE ONTARIO BANK PLUJM:S 5 TOD BROS. 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 20 cents- regular price, 25 cts. 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 30 cents- regular price, 35 cts. 3 dozen Comforters at right prices. 40 pair Blankets, below regular prices. 25 Spindles Baldwin Fingering, at 9c. skein. TOD BROS. TH E BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO. J 300 of our Ce Ie b rated Champion Plows I -ti NDE RT AKI NC L EV 1 MORRIS. I I AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CQRDi BINDE R, , 1 ==-===FOR .AL L! WORM . lilf1J!!1Wfilli!ll!111Ul,11Ul THE P I. LL B ------------- I T H E 0 INT M E N T ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost ·9£ any proposed line of advertising in A merican papers by addressing I Geo. P. Rowell & Co., I