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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1886, p. 5

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. DOMINICA ~ _f RUIT jiiiCE. Don't Miss the Colden Opportu nity. THE PURE and undiluted full stren!;:th. , VHOUSE .Af~ WHOLESOME Purifies the blood, . and aids digestion. We are having an Immense Rush for Goods And are probably turning out more goods every day than has ever been d one b y any house in town before. 1rhe majority are level-headed and know that they canL save money by buying at our bona fide giving up business sale. The fact is we have signed an agreement and are REFRESHING l Tones up the system. FRUITY and rich in flavor. COOLING .J 1111t the drink for warm weather. '. ln orderincr, specitiy Doi.UNICA., and de>n't be p~t off with any imitations. Bou.:n.d to S e l l Fifteen Thousand when we commenced, but every day makes it less; and we will g i'.v e bargains t o all who can help us t o reduce it further. If you want go0ds '-Vithin one year it w ill pay t.o BUY 0 Ly:i;F;;: Sx~n~s~Y& co., ' NOW and save 25 per cent. A large number of our regular customers have already done so, but ivrc:> :'.<J-rn.:m.a..x... we know many others who should call soon. For sale by STOTT & JURY. T. G- E C>· No N o compt>titor can undersell Ellison & Remember the Sacred Concert in the Money t 0 loan in large and small sums. Co . Queen-st Church, Thanksgi ving Day evenJ<-::nquire at this office. Y ou onght t.o sae E llison & Co's Boys' ing. Q q Sunday next Major MargettR and Next Tlm.rsday being Thanksgiv:h11g Day Staff-Capt. 13a.ilcylwill lead the meetings Suits. People wond er how Elliscm & Co. can the STATESM.&N will be printed Wedoesin the ba.rracks. ' d'-'Y· Weekly Globe from now to end of 1887 sell so cheap. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McMr. Winclatt's letter, council r eports for $1..00. Subscriptions taken at the Laughlin Buggy. and other matte-rs crowded out. Next ST.A1'Ji:~MAN omce. Baldwin Bee-hive fingering, at 9c a week. Mr. B. Brittain, Marshalltown, Iowa, The weathe1nin Sunday was cold, bl'llt is over on a visit to friends here. Mrs. skein, T·>d Bros. Plow poiuts and landshares of all kinds the attendance at. all the churches wa.s _ _ _ __ ~rhe Reliable Druggists are offering $45.00 Brittain has been here for several weeks. worth of. prizes for the besc poems con· A full attendance of the S ons of Eng taining any five of the following land at, < he regular meeting next TuesdaJ' atHShaw&Tole's.T . ave .you seen o dB . ros. , a11 woolflan· , . and Rev. E. RobeJ.1ts will preach 1.n the· ' night is reques ted. Important business ·ne l at 20c, worth 25c. 1 1 demands attent ion. advantageous to ' ----Messrs. W. Quick & Co. have received rn~ Tem perance an d! Patience," and m Stott & J nry's Dye Stutfd ar e always re- their stock of new fruits and they are B i;st Brand of Oysters direct from the the· e1'enin<~ on "J~seph nrnkinct himscW 0 liable. choice indeed. Call a ud give t hem a beds rtt "'vV. Quick & Co's. ,Jin~wn t o t,is brothDe1<1." S t ott & Jury's Xmail goods have ele- trial order. See new advt. Crowds are c?ming for our cheap Gruy,; ( A fire~broke out' in· the house owned by g ance, usefulness and cheapness combined. Oshawa Lodge of the Sous of England Flannels. E llison and Co. :; Mr, Loscombe on ' <Queen Stre"t now Stott & Jury are the Leading Druggists · will hold their :mnual dinner on 'fhanksBuy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor T ea at Levi M or:j occupied by Mr. H~w;;m1 orocer on last giving Day and the Bowmanville Lodge ris' and get a $1.00 book free. Stott & Jury 6ell the finest perfumes. ~~ Friday night while the· f~r:;ily from ' Stott & Jury sell t he best Co ndition has been invited to part:ike of t heir hosIf you want good' worlt done let Mayt home . . . Damage abo.ut $400_ Insured. · pitality. Powders. nard t h e Jeweller d(')'·iit for yon . The ongm of the fire ·1s-.a mystery. H. M. Pope & Co., Montpelier, Vt., S tott & Jury have the large st and best Choice Craoberri~s, Malaga grnpes and '. Recorder Carder"s· October reporit assorted s tock of Drugs and druggist's dealers in novelties and agents. supplies, Spanish onions :~t w· . Qnfal & Co's. B ~.~s t)w total memherslliip of the Ancient scrap and transfer pictures, rubber sundriet1 iu the country. Call and examine Maynard's fall stock Ordlrr-6.f. United Workmen .in Or.tario to stamps, sheet m usic, etc. Send st11mp 5tott &Jury 's LiYer Pills aro the besi of watches, clock~ and j'e·1Velery,the finest be tl,6b4.. Bnwtn » n~ill'e ~odge ha~ a for ciitalogue. in town membersll' p of64, Oslmwa, 08, Orono,25, remedy f·.r'headache, billiousness, etc. On Thursday,18th inst.,it being Thanks,\. . l t k f ~.JJ.. h u 1 Whitby, GO, Brooklin , :32;. l>ort H ope, 39, :::ltott & .fury's 280 combined Hair giving Day, th ere will lH Divine Service ~ very arg-e a ?C 0 ' f!" uS es an ve · Cobourg ul Port Perry 4!l. Brush and Mirror is a. marvel. ' ' ' . in St John's Church at 11 a. m. and 7:30 Yeteens all clearmg at Cll'l9t at the StaiR ev. C. E. M cintyre w~ll prench morStott & Jury are selling Soap cheaper p. m. Preacher- Rev. A. W. Macnab, of House Sale . , nin\". and e ·, ening .in· t he Church Street. than 1my o· her store iu tow n. St. Catharines. '.lfor ful l particulu1, inquire at our Mr.J_MaynarclJias d ispl:tyed very good _ Subject, "The Modern 'l'h.catre". Love skill in painting the front of ltob- M aynard the .r.ewelle r. Medica l Hall. ertson &; Bond's store. Joe is a maste1· Gentd' wantmg under clothmg _ would feast after morning set vice,. Sacrnment of A fii-st clas3 concert under·tl\.e· auspices BOAR FOR SERVTCE.- A Poland hand with the brush. T he front pre- do well t o call at the West End House Lord's Supper, after the ov.;ning service. 1md see what they have.. l'tlw ho lders rro earl"· nf Trinity church will be gili'en m the China lloiir is kept. for ·ervice on lot. 30, sents a fiue exterior. · J T H 11 t · } t (F 'd )' T ' k t oon. z. D .. t'lin1J;ton . .1011N !-'EN<'OUND. ·W·tf . k "' There W· "l'e a large number of chiluren Order Doo~s Sash?s, Bl ind s, P I? etq, A Thanksgivmg service w.~B be held i n own a o-mg t · n ay, · ic es, _ --- ··--:; - - - ,- - ·" . . -~~--~ . - out on Sabhath morning to hea r Rev. R. etc., at Morris 1 P lanmg Factory, Liberty the Chnrch St. Methodist Church on 250· HOUSE 10 REN r ON QUEE N-Sr. 0 BOWMANVTLLE, FRIDAY, Nov. 12 D. Fraser's sermon. 'fhey listened very atreet, R.H. Osborne, lea&ee" 'J.'hursday next at 10 30 A. M. when ad\V. Hazzlewood B,agl:m Ont. Liee~is- . -'l'wo 8tory Brick. Will be .rnad very 0 attentivel y which implies that the preachBefore you b uy a new cut7ter"be sure t o dresses will be deliv~red by Revs. R. D. ed Auctioneer ·fo; the to~nshiip of Da r- ~g·1: :3t:7~1ce1,~~~ .fe ~~l~~~tablti family. "t;,~fiY er intereated them. Special sermons for see the new styles at Morris' Carriage Frastir and E. M cintyre suit.1ble to · lington. A ll orders for ea.le& in tl1is ; oca children occasionally would not be amiss \Vorks. They are "dandies," the occasion. A colle:Jtion w]Jl be taken, \ vicinit;}~. left with F . H. 1\fas0n , :Bow-j: .S ALE- Pmperty owned by Jae. · 1 r· h . . . d ·ii b 1- -cl ,. h h -· ·11 ·. t tt t' : . Bowie on Chnrch·st Newcastle, consisting Don't subscribe for any n ewspapers or in any c lU c · Miss Barn father, formerlyofr E11antford au w1 e c 1v1 ed arnon« t ··e c urc es manv111e, w1 receive promp a en 10n. ot 2 lota with fruit trees. Jiouse, shop and b·l·n. 0 magazine till you see the STAT&SU.AN ntes. MessrR. Thompson & Co., including is in charge of Robertson & Bbnd 'a Dress for t heir pour . Let therc be a crowded S-t-tf. A bargain. .Apply on the premises. 16-tf I cl1:01'Cll. Goo'El»FOR HENltY.- Mr. R. H. Baird, , PARASOL LOST- In Bowmanville, Mr. S Thompson and Mr. F . H. Mason, aud Mantle making department. Mrs. W. Wight, of W id d er, are no"' ' of our read ors llit · ,.., · our town 1ast summer, 1 · ~. urs ... · ' h Mr. b aud d · ·t t their friends " the pronr1 ,. 'etor·s of tl1e har11ess Another lot of thuse elega1'1tly cut, ..' H tmd reos n es t D ur- w lien 111 m.t on Friday 5 rh inst.. a silk ptlrasol with ave e n own on a visi 0 busiues~, for several yea. r.< carried on by Gexman 111 ,.ae mantles received this week ham will regret to h ear of tllie death of whole dramatic compa.ny photographedi black handle, 'l'he finder w ill greatly ohliJ?& ' in Darlington. Mr. \". B. May no ,ar· tl1e Far1nors' Hotel. c d ' M L . D f 1 · t b M Fl d ti k d by leaving it at """' !':\'J'A'l'ES~IA~ Office. 11>-tf ·v ., ' at Couch, Johnston and ry iet:man s. r . . oms ayman, orm~r·1Y p1·opne or y r . enry, an 1e wo r prove so -· - ···---·--···--·-· . ·----·---··· ···---Rev. Dr Bredin rd eceived mManyd a They are both well .known to our rtladers Gent's lambs' wool underclotl\..frig in al of the Windsor Hotel, Newcastle, at his satisfactory that h e instructed·his ad~ance RAM J,A MB~ FOR SALE. _ A hearty s hake on Sun ay. anc1 on ay in West Durham, and they are already in · rc·id 1mce in Port Hope on Sunday last agent to call on Mr. Henry when in . 1111111boror extra good Thoro ~red Shrop· from his fiormer h earnrr:i, ' charge and ready to attend to the wants styles from small men's up · to· e'l'itra ot1 aft~r a serious illness. Deocmaed wi1s a Bowman ville and notify him to be ready shire ltinn foi.mbs antl rnrno very ·uperiot· n· h sii:e· men's at Couch, Johnston and Cn half-br"ds for sale. Apply to LEvr SKINNER, . They llav .... received a new 1ot of man ti e of t 1 ie . generaI pub1le. u IYe t em an dcrm ~nil . ~ very honorable and most highly respeeied t1· photogra h his n ew company when · l'yrone 1.3·3w" cloth s a.t the West End House. Call and e· Jil· y\'.:·alL citi?.e(). ,} lis funeral on. '.ll"Llesday was they arrived . Mr. Henry was vcty ----·- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - see them, they are beauties. · A bout fifty of the friends of Mr:TG eo. Many large parcles of goods thailvrill no,.. largely atJ,emied. sum:eei!fol i n tho negatives ancl we under· BOA R ASTRAY. - Came into the . 'r be used b efore next s ummer have been'~: t d 'l\'.. B · d · h' ]'" ~ premises, lot 15, con. 4, Darlington, a bonr Clrnrch S t. M et1 ,. Clmrch s rin ' '.1r. gave un a very 1""'ra1 pig. The owner la re'ruested to p1·ove ,, "roperty Ml'. H!l.rry Brown, on Satur d a.y, can . H . 13nxton met at h is residence on ues- bou oht at the Star House gi vinrr i:ip htu1· no wmst down all the long way form Sarnia a day nig ht to assist in celebrating the 5th "' ' ., . S d d 1\,. order, 'l'he photos were finished ancl pay expeo~es and take him away. W . ·1. , f h . dd' d ,., .. ness Sale. anmversary servwes on 11n 'a y an i ond t St C ·\ · T· "' Ci,~ ;MENS, Hiimpto11, 46 3w brief sti~y in his mitive town. anmversary o t e1r we m g ay. m.r. f 1 R D expre'1!le u . a.,1annes on 'ueiluay 1 · d >,~~011s,vhohavetriedthe-1Li""uorT ea cay were very success ·u '. ev. r. 1 t Mr. A. L . Vanstone, of Brantford, p!J}.d M . M unday on b eh alf of t hf e nen s prev·u '""" B d' ' bl d f 'bl as · NOTICE- All accoun ts o wing to the a brief visit to town last week. He ' s sentell Mrs. I3ux~on with a h andsome sold by L. Morris speak favora.bly of it. \e rn ~scr~ons were a e im ~~Cl --=~=--·--- ----------- .l. estat.o of the lat" George Brown, Merch1 .1 1g quite aldermauicini>roportior1 ,, wal_ nut hat_-rnck. A very p_leasant_ a nd Y0u, get a beautiful book with e·very dol - dTe l ivere · 'l he collectb ioJJs . we dre erd·al · JIJ:trrla:i;c Notices. r.o cents; births nHd ant Tailor. Newcastle, must be paid on 01· " l d 1 la"·'s wortll. lC tea was one of the ti$1:' an a rroo Y cl e 0 ·· ~ 0 · ce1·ts. before Dece1 ·11"er lsr 11e'"t A··" B i,o·v·· becoml ,, so01a evemng was spent nrmg w1 uc l a .number llartook thereof. 'l'he choir nmexecutirx. ,ui.3~"· 11 The last mail stciuner of the A a.n ~~mptuous repast was served by the ladies We are ofl'aring this week a;i ;i,, special dered so rue verv choice . tl!l:Usic. Re". ; " BIRTHS. Line by way of tne St. Lawrence this wn9 brouaht well filled hampEffS. May OOJ1gain, a line of All Wool_ 8ashmPresin Messrs. R uberts,- \Varriner ,. Fraser, Walf HEIFER. AS'rRAY. - - A Yearling season will be the Pari~ian which leaves tlie'y ~"l;".' .<>,,::'~ . 'C" __l."brate tl' 6t _ olclen wedth at 2"~ts ""'r vard · keranclDnnlop assisted on l\iond.ay night: the GA LE.--In Howmsnville, on the 10,th inst., Heifer came into nw premises a · hort t t l · """"·"' - '"' "" r fl ,, a l'· -r · e 1a es co ormgs ' vv · r- J wife of Mr. J11s. GalP. ~-:ditor of' '.l:"l·e TVest time ugo, 'l'he owner wHi pletlse call, prove ....,., Quebec Nov. 18. ding. Robertson. & Bond. Dr. Rredin"s speech wasfuU of wit, hurhor Dnr. .am ~News, oC a daughter. property pay expenees and take her away. d d t Roll'r. Frnr.urnG, llowu1an ville. ·Ui-3w . k t f J 11 t' McCarthy's lecture T 1ct.::, e s or s m 'rhere is at least one honest '\'Vh ite man Passed the Customs an 0pene ou and solid common seme. He retairni <,.iJ:.. ~ DIED. - ······················--··---······-----·-- -···-·-----·---------·-·in Copu rg nex t Tuesday night.may be h~d in our country. A wealthy Scotchman ' this week imother shipment-. o·f those un- large measure of his old timlle vigor. TURKEYS. -20 pair large Mammoth spe~i"l car will Jiving not t en miles north from Bowman- · shun . k able E ng1is .1 " -ln Pittsford. N . )) .,. on the 5th B a t A n d rew 's Bi·"' ,.., 20 · A · v" 1A . rmy fl' anruc,_ ... a tCouch , ofS<!IAXLKYNovember, Annie Smale, only of rooze Turkeys for ·ale, a~ few nairs can run h ere from Cobourg after the lecture. ville rnceived a C:[Uantity of household ef- Johnston and Cryderman'S-. Mr. .John 8nrnle t>nd beloved wire of Mr. H. be furni~hed not a kin. birds are extra. . 1 f f r round t rip v .JW. Stanley, aKed 31 years, 7:months, fine- all hred from impor1.edstock. Applyt«> S mg e are o . f tl fects l ast week from the Old Country and ' Uti" ·rdered clothing· i3 ~1>t up in LIAMDLYN- ln Bowmanville, on the 5th inst. l . L, Drown, Hampton , Ont. . The first snowstorm o 1e season it pa:!!sed the Customs all right. Wh en 1every r espect equal to an~fb.ini? in the . ,John Hamblyn, Sr.. o.ged 75.y.oars, 6 months. ORSE F OR SALE- A bright bay 1 occurred on Saturday. Cunsidera.ble of h e got home, h e found a gold watch · Province and fully 25"pe!!·a2'nt below City JUST TO :EE.A.ND. lluRK.- ln. Darlington. N-ov. !Jth, llorot hy heavy draught horse, 1·isii,g 1 yeurs. excelthe "beautiful " fell during the day, but amoug the effects tha. t ' had not b een . prices. Couch, Johnston and Cryd1Jr· ~~~~k, relic' of the h·to DaVii&Bai-k. in her !JOth lent bone and muscle . Sired by "Lord J,yon," a very suoerior animal. Apply to SAMUEL melted, otherwise m:my of 0 _ m· citizens noticed by the Custorns oflicer, and the ' many _e _a_ r_ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "VOOLDHIDOE, lot 2, con, 3, Certwril(ht; S hirley, tt r ride h t t Layer Valencia. Raisins, -- · d ld I P. 0. iti 3w. wou iave .enJoye a cu ; .· next time ~e cam~ i:O to.wi:. e wen ° Hovr to 50 pe11 c;:-ent interest _on Sel ected Vale n cia Raisins, ' BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Capt. Mills, the _ne:v Sal vation Army ~r. Rankm a.nd paid $7 .oO duty. He your money go to the &al' House g1vrng .. Sultana. , , " : i ~l'E ACHElt WANTED. - A teacher . i (;orrecle·l by ,John Lylo.everyThurMlny. officer, was greeted ~vtth crowded aud1- said h e told the officer .when h.e f!;Ot the up b usiness Hale and·b u;y aU you may r e· having ·~ First or Sccoutl CcrtiU cate enccs last Saturday mght 11nd on Sunday .goods there was. not~mg dutiable, and quire in dry goods fov·<iFae year; many are Yoslizza Case Cmrran ts, llc l::ichool for 188i. for pri1mip11.I of Tyrone P11l1 FLOUR, 'I?' 100 lbs.....· - ·· $2 00 to $2 50 Applic11nts mu~t Stflte experience and salary afternoon and eveniu g. S~e has a very when h e foun? bis ~mstake he very hon doing so. .. · Patra. Caise Currant3. expected. '1'. II. HAXCO CI<, ~ecrctary -trcas., WHl!:AT,. Fall, 'I?' bush. . . . . 0 70 11 0 77 Tyrone, Ont. pleasing rminner and has impressed our estly made thmgs nght. Suits, Overcoabs,. Underware, 'l'ies, ;,;:c?r NEW PEELS."t0~ i5-:lw. 11 Spring, " . · . . . 0 70 11 0 77 A word in season has put money in Collar~ &c everythi:ng at cost at the Star B l ack Basket, Choice D ehes!I!, .citizens who have attended the barrMks 11 BARJ,F.Y, ~bush .. . ·...·· 0 50 0 ti7 C A LVE"iASTRAY. Strayed from lot 1 since h er iurival, m?st favorn.b ~.ay many pockets· Just now when winter Hous e as t.he goods wlilsl;. be sold before and London Layer Raisins. R YE, 11 , · , · , · · · · · 0 45 11 0 48 4, con. :1, Darli11gton, th oce Spring Calves, she make as many friends. and.accompl~sh is upon us our .read ers can ·ave money Feb. lat on which date Mr. Geo. Laing & O 30 11 O ::JO two red and white, and one red. Inforruat.ion 11 0 ATS,. · · · · · · · · leading to their recovery, will be thankfully as much good as Capt. Hmd 18 the wish by a judicious selection of furs . WP. our successor takes. piossession . WM .. QUICK CO. PEAS, Blackeye, ~ blash .. . 0 70 11 0 731 received. F. \\T, AI.LIN · .Bowmanville. P. 0 . f th STATESMAN ' d ' . d .o e ·· p bl' l f Juve great pleasure m irec:tmg our rea · They to. Jil,~ve th e largest stock , 11 Small, 11 · · · 0 50 11 0 55 45.:~w We are indebted to tl~e u ts iers 0 ers' attention tu a mag:nificent assortment the b~st range of prices, and the cheapest 'l'he Court Muswian~· concert on Tues11 B lue , " . . . 0 50 11 0 55 ESIDENCE AND LAN DS l!'OR 1 the News for the En~hoh Letter p~b- of furs for men and women at Mr. !!ray :ilrnnels ia t~wn. at the West End dll!y night was undoubtedly the best of B u'.l?TER, best table, '61' Th. . . 0 12 11 0 17 SALK--'l'hat beautiful residence and ;lished in a~other column, and we pubhjh Markus Mayer's great Fur E s tablishment. House. You hael! better call 11round and the kind ever gi·':en h ere.. The audience LARD, 'IP' lb · . · . . · . . . . . . . . 0 10 II 0 13 grounds s11 uated on Liberty !::It.., Bowman ville, and owned and occupied by CHAS. YouNO, is -.i t because it so 1.ruthfully represents tie He makes a speciality of furs and ther e· see they havo or not. was captured by the singing of Messrs. EGGS, ;w- doz ...... ... .... 0 00 11 0 18 now otfered for sale. Thirteen acres of Jund ; ,state of affairs in the Mother C:o~ntry as fore is better prepared to su pply the wants W l · fi t Abercrombie and L each,. and Mr. W . POTATOES, wbush. - . . . . . · 0 2ii II 0 30 good orchard. 43·tf. sMeen by us d~ri~!o'(e lfu~:;~~1\; 1 13~;~~:~: of the public than a house that keeps only of ge~t~:~:~~:; ~~~:~: :udn!~~~o:n~l~::i,~ Pelham'A mimi@ries wo uld make a statue HAY .. .............. .... 9 00 " 10 00 TRAYED OR S'l'OLEK. - A Y ellow r. 13ennet is , a small stock. Mr. Maver's word is as · h 1b t d t b kskin Jauah . 'fhe s~n.ain.rr by Miss Taunton and 'f errio r; ears o.nd tail cut; about !J mouths ville havinv .vorked in the NcwB office good as his note- what h e says about his m g t e ce e ra e nappa an uc ·· ·~ ·, for the past"'four or fi ve years. His re- aoods can be implicitly r elied u pon. goods- the most durable goocls ma.Clo. Miss Zeterna ·~nd the ~iano solos b,y Mr. " p --LAIN-COOK-WAN'rJm- ii\1:MEDI- old; answers f.o the n' or Cute; was last on 'J'ueHlay the Hllh of October, in Bow· Hopper wero Yery lughly aprremated. ately. Apply to MRS. MoAR'l'IIUR. 4.G tt seen .cent letter to the News, sh ow him to be Call earl y and inspect the fine exhibition Couch, Johnstone a.nd Cryderman. .Any person furn ishing i)1formtttion d d Everybody whohM an opportumty should " . man ville, ·1·t to his recovery will be rewarded. Any of fur goods . See advt. elsewh ere. Our competit< ·rs a vertise 1 1a1fa ozcn h ear the Court Musicians. BROWN LEGHORNS- A few superi- leading .a writer of no mean a b 1 1 Y11erso11 retaining him after t his noti ce will be with according to law. JAS. HALLET'J', Prof. M. Slayre'.sl 't;vrihting t~ass r~~! Go AS You PLEA.SE, - but if you are ~~~c~~~;'l~:~~ttd~l~~i~! !~ei~jo~~~ o u:eif~1i. The Temperance Meeting on W ednes-!~~ J~1~~s, for sale. A. R. MonToN,J~~f"' dealt Orono. 15·2w -mee t on .Mone ~y m g 1 w Gn e P z constipated, or have sick·headache, bad h Id 1 t he day nictht was fairly attended. Mr. l<". S. ·OR SALE.- The house and lot on will be awarder!, Several persons }iave ta,te in the mouth, rush of blood to the at cnst - as t ey con not r ep ace " R00MS TO LET.- 'fhree comfortable ~anized · . goods at the same prices on account of Spence, of Torooto, deliver ed a very exand eouven1 · nt roon1s, on Cl1urch Street. Q11een Street, Bowman ville, the property 0 asked to }iave a ~econd ct1ass , · hea:l, billions complaint, or any s1m11ar the advance. Call at T. George : 1 Th e attempt to wh 1te " - Apply at STA'l'.ES.MAN v (If Mr. Jose ph Neil, o.t present occupied by l t rli:· truct M ason's cellent a d 'ress. 01·'I'lCE. 45-3w Mr. Thos. H. tipry. Tlle1·., are 7 roomo in the . and Mr. Sayre 1 lfl~dc~:msen ecffi ~ i~snum difficulty, yon should go atpouce t o yo ur Star H ouse for bargains. wash Mr. Climie, License Inspector, provhouse, a goQcl cellar, and al>out 20 fruit tre~s. EICESTER SHEEP FOR SALE.another class proVl m g a s u . c~en · drug<>ist for Dr. Pierce's " leasant Puredamisemblefailure,notwithstanding that One ·s hearling and Five good Ram Lambe. In the orchard, For further particulars apply b er wi}il: join it. Per~ons .des1.rm~ to tak_ e gativ~ Pellets," the most efficient means Dr. McLaughlin plastered him all over W · .a. to Jorrn K . G.ALBR.AlTII, Barrister, BowmanALLIN Newcastle. !3-t f 4G-4w. ville. .· a cou se1 u penmanship will give m t~1e 1r for t1radicating it, by col'l'ecting all disScott's Emulsion of Pure· with taffy to make it stick. The Doctor names on or before Monday e.vemng. orders of the liver, stom'.lch and bowels. Cocl Liver on· .,.-u h UypophospllUes surprised and disgusted aom~ of h is strong· WANTED.- A good plain cook by ASTRAY- Strayed on or about th e llrst ot J une, from lot 31con.10, An invitation is extended to all fneods of Small BU"ar-coated, agreeable to take, Is p erscri ' bed by the Medical Profession est supportera, and the scathin!! rebukes the 1 t.h or November next. Apply to the d ' "' · · · By d Mns. D. B URKE S1Mrsox, Silver l:lt ·· Bowman· Cla.rke, 6 head of yearliog cattle, two heifers E d ucaf 1011 to visit the class room on th t an cause no pam or gripmg. rug· bece,uee it is not a secret r emedy, but is administered to Mr. Climie by Rev. Mr. ville. 44-tt· white, one roan. Steers rctl. All have a hola . above evening and see the l>rogress a I gists. · 'ti 11 ' t. f two Roberts, Mr. Spence and others sadly - ---·-- - - -- - - - - - - - -- in left car. Information leading Ito their rehas been made b y the present class. i SCltenh ca Y p repareu prepars 10n 1 h l' h D MONE Y TO LOAN. - In small er covery will be suitably mwardei:I.. if! sent by un·urpi·. · . · c<l ,,,. "\ PJtOF'. J,O \'l" S MAC:IC SlfJ,J·HIJK SOAP.most valuable specifics, that they find of dimmed the ustre of po d 1s the A oo. ., · flU NAL l. 'LL" arc " .,., " l t ebb 1 . . _ large amoun t s. P r1vate tund B. 1 nteres t mail to Leskard or to the N 1~ws OFJo'ICE,Orono " .""' · t th rough pnrr;nuve. ncCing I llei·linp:, soothing tmd elennsln:.: for nil uneq·ia\led value for their Consumptive tor had so vigorous Y ru e Uf. ot reasonable. Sale notes bought. Inq,uiroat t ho or to the STA'l'ES)IAN Oillcc. J. \ V. GU'ITORn · Mnfe, nti"' · org11. : .., n u d ·~rnptlvc di~"lllle 8 of the sll.Jn. Delight ful and Emaciated pa.ti. e n ts. Take no othe1'. more next week. 3TA'l'KB!\IA.~ On·1cE, (3 t f !u·d · charge for cases. All that of our stock amounting to over Five Tl1ousand Dollars. W"e had to sell fully ' · .A liboral discount to the t r ad e. $45.00 In Valuable Prizes. Couch, Johnston &Crydorma1 are now sho'\ving the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of STOTT & JURY F A CTS; /&~~:::~~g~~~~,:~;:::~)~=~~.a~~~~tles de~e~~i~ ~~~~;h~td~_is I~~~~~i~1~t~~~~C~!~~:t~i~~~~~~1:;1x~~11;!;~. ·(TWEEDSX&XCLOTHS) 1n town, and the of their Clothing . 1s .:as C Ur[ AN D MAKE-UP ::UNAPPROACBED I:: .by any house in West Dur ham. an~ ~~;ras~~~r~;r~1::t~!~ sli~:~gr1?:! ~~:h1'.I~~;in~~u~£hG:ocr~!~'.~~l!{ ~,~~ju~~lt~ One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. ! I v ··, ----· L 1 and Otherwise. c. FOR fot1. '°' i' , ,: :; ;:"""' ··,·" ,.;;o == ==========-==-= ""' v _, . "" NEW FRU!T S , H R S I 0 F L C ° g ht.tar; .:&:Suaif1 · urum ptly fur toltci u11e. '

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