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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1886, p. 5

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-LiiE fRUIT JiiiGf. Don't PURE and undiluted full stren 2th. WH OL~jSOME DOMINICA Miss the Bolden Opportunity. ,-rHE ~,..._HOUSE ~~ ' · Pnrifies t he blood, a nd a ids digestion . We are having an Immense Rush for. Goods And ar~ pr obably turning out m?r~ goods every day than has ever been done b y any house i r1 town before. The maJur1ty are level-headed and know that t h ey can s av e mon ey by b uying at our bona fide giving up business sale. The fact is we have s igned an agreement and are REFRESHI NG Tonea up t h e system . FRU IT Y and rich in flavor. COOLING J ust t he drink for warm weather. Bound to Se11 All that of our stock amounting to over Five In. orderi ng, apecifiy DoMmICA, _ and dNi't be put off with any i mitation s. DEFINED EXPRESSLY F OR _ __ Mr . .lns. McFeeters, of Toronto, wa s On S unday even ing Rev. C. E. Mcinin tO\'l'n last week. tyre will p reach a s ennon h aving reference Money t @loan in large tin d small sums. to t h e l 1fo and death of the late Mrs. DorEnquire at this o:l:Ii ce. othy B urk. 11 f w· · Poor h ealth will m ake any oue'a exist Mr. and M·s. F. D · 0 ' 0 m m peg, en ce miseru.ble. '!.'here is no more fruitful are visitiug relati ves h ere. c<1.use of disease than cold and wet feet. In- Valuable P rizes. Mies Carrie Bale, of Oshawa, is visiting 'f o avoid either we ad vise our readers to her uncle, Mr. S. W . Saunders go to M .r. J . H " Ilyar's for boot s and ' Veekly Globe from now to end of 1887 sh oes that will gi ve excelleut service. He for $1.00. Subscr iptions taken at the has a magnificen t stock on hand and is T h e R eliable Dru~gist.(I n.NI offering$45.00 S:rATltSMAN Office. sellin[( very cheap. See his new advt. on worth of prizes fvr the beat poems conSt Paul's C~urch will hold Anniversary an inside pa~e. He invites i1;spec~ion. t aining any five of the following Servic"s on Sunday 16th, and Monday Mr. ,V, H. May who has been m the 17th January next. harnes3 b usiuess here for the past four . G ,nu' wanting under clot hing woul d :i:ea~~ has sold out an~ gone t·1 re_side . in do well to call at the W est E nd H ouse S~. r homas, wh~re m partne~slup wit~ Stott & J ury'11 Dye Stuffs a r e always rean d see what t hey have. !us brothers he w1l~ enter t he m1llmg bus1l iab le. 'nds P " i cket· ness. Before lea.vmg t own h e was preBl S h d D o r er oars, as cs, i ' ., t d ·th · I d d dd d S t ott & J ury'a Xc11a11 goods h ave .elet t M is' Planin<t Fact ory Liber ty sen e wi a m ce Y wor e a ress an gance,m1efttlneB11 and eheapnees combined. e c .. , a R oHrr Os·b or ne " leasee ' a morrocco bound h ymn book from the street, · · · · members of the Ch urch-st. Methodist Ev-Stott & .Tury are t he Laading D ruggists. Before you b ny a n ew cutt~r, be su'.e to 1mgelistic B~nd, and also an address and Stott & Jury sell the finest per fu mes. see t h e new styles at M orris Carriaga handsome silver cake basket from t he S t ott & J ury sell the bast Co ndition Works. They are "dandies." teAchers a nd scholars of the Sabbath P owd er11. Miss Barnfather, foi;merly of Bra'nt ford School, Mr. Har ry B rittain, Secret~ ry of lS Stott & Jury have the l arge!t and best is in charge of R.obertson & Bond's Dress the Band and school, makinis the presenassorted stock of Drugs and druggist's au d M antle making department. tations. M r. May made a feeling reply . :eun drie!I in the country. Many large parcles of good s that will not . in which he expressed regret at leaving be used before next summer h ave been t hose with whom he h acl h ·d so many S t ott &Jm·y'ti L iver Pills are the best bouo-ht a.t the Star House giving u p busi- pleasant assod ations . His departu re will remedy for heada che, b illiousness, etc. n es; Sale. be a loss to the church and school as h e St ott & Jurv's 280 comb ined H air -'ersons who have triod t h e L i-Q uor Tea )ia$ been one of their riwst z ., alous and acBruah and M 1r;.)r is a marvel. sold by L . Morris speak fa~orably of it . tive worke~s. M.r. May is respect~d. a!ld Stott & Jury are aelling So:.p cheaper You get a beautiful book with every dol esteemed m this, town ~nd vic1m~y than an y other store in town. "' Jar's worth. by all wh o know h un, and his rerrrnval is F or full particulars, inquire at our We are offer ing this week -as a special ui;iiversally reg~etted; bu_t our _ u nited be~t bar ain a line of All Wool CashmPres in _ wishes .follow h nu and Ins family t _ o their l\iedical Hall. - - · -- - ·· g lat ' est co1ormgs . t 25 t · !!stern home all the 11. cs per yard · ·W ' "B · . d·. . J'f · b · 1 · d Mn rrlage NotlecM. 60 ee11t.8; hlrt h 11 Mnd OAR FOR SERVICE.~A Pol 1 ;nd dentb~. 25 eent.11. Robertson & BO-nd. . · , . . ;y: <ll ' 1~mes .1 e may .- e _pr'? onge , China Boar is kept for ser vice on Jot SO · . . :fet death will ·eize the doctor too. "con. 2;_ Darlington. JOUN P.1tis-~'OUND. ~6-tt' F . H. Mason, agent · tor .Port Perry · ;l'rue' all must d ie yet fe w must BIRTHS. G rinders, Ch_ a ff C~tt ers, Pulper~, and while they Jive. Stop nnd prol on (( MATTHltWS.-ln n'o wmanville, on the lGtb '\!l'ONEY TO L 0AN.-ln ~~~all ' or Hone,y Fannmg Mills. Office, Thom pi on life, by taking De. Pie1c~'s"Golden Med- inst.. tile wife ot Mr· .Tonn M<>tth e"' a, o! a "-~-Llsrl(e amounts. Privat.e iunda. · l:ntefest ltow MANVtLLE, FRIDAY, ~ov. 19. re"'""nall)e, l:lale notes bought. I nquire at. t he & Cos Harnes_ s Sh op. ic&l ;Discovery," a cnre for connµmp tion daughter. 3TAl'K.SMAN' 0FJl'JCE. 43-tf Ladies Astrakan Coats, Gen t ij' Astrakan (which is scroful a of the lungs), aa w e! l Local and Otherwise. Before buying anyth ing in Mant le ·or a n d Coon' coats- th e best goods t hat can for co u gh~, colds, b ronchitis, catarrh, and \, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. OUSE TORE NT ONQUEEN.Tr. -- Two Story Brick. \Viii be made very U leter Cloth s every lady should !ee the b e proeured ; no better val ue any where. a ~pecific in liver co mplain\s, scrofula, No cooop1>titor cun undersell Elliso n & grand assortment of those µoods now Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. t:urrecte tl by JobuLyl e, every Tk11rH1lay. t'Omfortl\ble for"' re·pectable fe.mily. Apply and all blood and skin diseases. Solrl to A. DUC .li:LER, J eweller. ..-;._ tf .Co. sho,,.iu~ at Couch, Johnston & CryderHow to make 50 p er cont intorest on every~r _ e_._ _ _ FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs ... .··.·· $2 00 to $2 50 You ought lo see.Ellison & Co's Boy s' rnan's. OR _S ALE- P ropert.y owned by Jae. your money go to the Star House giving AUC TION SALES. WHEAT, Fall, 'Ill' bush .. ... 0 70 " 0 77 BQwie on Church-st Newcastle cons iAt! n~ :Suits. W e hear that the Trinity Church Con- up b usiness ~ale and buy all you may re· 2 lots with fruit treea. house, shop and h!l.rn. People wond" r how Ellison & Co. can Spring, " 0 1 70 11 0 77 of " A barga in. Apply on I.he premises. 46-tf cert on Friday 11ight was a splendid quire in dry goods for one year; many are SATURDAY, Nov. 20. - At the a uction BARLEY, 1!1' bush ... ...... 0 50" 0 57 11ell so cheap. success. Our local reporter was not doil1g eo. . of Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville, roollls RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 " 0 48 ARASOL LOST- In Bo1vrr1 anville, Shaw & Tole's is the placo to get a M c- favored with the usual courtesy, hence Suits, Overcoats, U nderware, Ties,on Friday 5th inst.., a silk parasol w ith tho furniture arn:l househ old effects of OATS, " . . . . . . . . . 0 30 II 0 30 Laughlin Buggy. black haudla. 'l'he find er will 10reatly oblige was not present. Collars &c. everything at cost at the Star Mr. Geo. W. Henry, who has gone to P EAS, Blackeye , 'IJl' bush.. . 0 70 11 0 73 by le&vinl{ it at the CTATESMAN Ofl:lce. 46-tf Baldwin Bee-hive lingering, a.t 9c a British Columbia, will be sold without The senior editor of tho News entertain- House :1s the goods ruust be sold before 11 Small, " 0 50 11 0 55 .skein, T"d Bros. .Feb. 1st on wh ich date Mr. Geo. Laing reser ve. The fu rniture is good , Sale 11 Blue, 0 50 11 0 55 OA.R ASTRAY. - Came into t he Plow points and landshare11 of all kinds ed the office s&aff and a number of his our successor takes possession. 1 p .m. Articles enu merated in bills. Burr:rm, best t able, ~ lb. . . 0 12 11 0 17 premises, Jot 15, con. J, Darlin1tton, n. boar intimate friends one night fast wetik in a.t S haw & Tole's. 'rho owner is req trnsted to prove { 1 roperty LEVI A. TOLE, auctioneer. Th11y claim to have the largest stock, celebrar.ion of the joyous domestic event LARD, 'II" lb . . · · · · . . · · . · . . 0 10 II 0 13 pig. P"Y exponses and take him away. w . :T. The T ailoring Department is b ooming in his household on Wednesday last. The the best range of prices, and t h e cheapest WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24.- Mr.Maurice Guy, E oos, ~ doz . ... .. .·.·... 0 00 11 0 J3 CLEMJJ:NS, Hampton. i6 3w at Couch, J olm ston & Cryderrnan'a. lot 15, con. 1. East Whitby, will sell Po'.l'A'l'OES, 'Ir bush ...... ·. 0 25 11 0 30 boys returned thanks, and hoped the gray flannels in town, at the West End OTICE- All accounts owing to t he Don't subscrib e for any newspapers or young lady may have as generous a heart House. You had b etteL· call around and h is farm stock and implements. Sale HAY .. .... ...... . ... . . . . 9 00" 10 00 estate of the late Georg-fl Brown ..Merchmagazine t.ill you see the ST.A'.l.'ESMAN rates. as her dadcly. at 1 p. m. See bills. S. C. H UNKING, see they have or not. ant Tailor, Newcastle, must be paid on or Auctioneer. PLAIN COOK WANTJm- IMMEDI- before December 1st next. ANN BROWN, They have received a new lot of mantle A fine stock of th e ne west and nobbiPoULTltY W ANTED- W. R . R. Cawker 16-3w W . Hazzlewood, R aglan, Ont. Licensa.tely, Apply to Mils. McARTHUR. t 6 tr executirx. -cloths at the West End House. Call and est cloths in t own just arrived a.t the wants any quantity of well dressed poultry .see them, they are b eauties. EIFER ASTRAY. - -A Yearling Eclipse House . '.l'he clo thing 11.s usual cut delivered at his butcher stall i n Bowman- ed Auctioneer for the township of Dar- ·B ROWN LEGHORNS- A few supcri All orders for sales in this or birds, tor sale. a . R. MORTON, New· Heifer came into my premlies a short For the most elegant Dre~s Goods, the by the only first class cut ter in town. ville, for which h e will pay the market lington. time ago. 'l'he owner wil l please call, prove 46·tf vicinity, left with F. H . Mason, Bow- castle, Ont. finest assortment and the best value, call Persian Lamb caps a great variety, price in cash. A lso cash p aid for hides manville, will r eceive prompt attention. property pay expences and take her stway. 4G-3w collars th e very latest, ties and n ecker - and sheepskins. at Couch, J ohnsten & Crydcrman's. OOMS TO LET. -Three confortable Row1". FIELDING. Bowmanville. 34-tf. chiefs ci La Mode. Every th ing apperand ~onvenient roo1ns, on Church St.reet. URKEYS. 20 pair 111rge l\lammoth AUCTION SALEs.- R . Hutchison , Licen- Apply at STAT&l!lUN 0F1"1Clt. Our competitors advertise half a dozen The' S·rATESMAN congratulates Mr. F . tainin g to a first class men's furnishing t o-hf Bron ze Tnrke)'B for ·ale. a rew uaire can 0. Mci:ntosh, of N ewcastle, formerly in house. Please to call and inspect onr articles at cost, hoping to i njure our ~ale, sed Auctioneer for the Townships of be furniohl"d not a kin. 'l'h~~o birds extra EICESTER SHEEP FOR SALE.Clark·>, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington but they c11.n't do ud 'rn are doing-sell all the l aw office of D. Burk Simpson, E sq. , cheap overcoat&. W. H. IVER. lineall bred from 1mported stock. Apply to One Shearlinii: and Five good Ram Lambe, I. L. Brown. Hampton. Ont, 1les attended to promptly , V, B. at cost- as they could not replace the and Whitby. All s1 on successfully p assing the recent examiALLIS Newc1utle. 4.3-t( Prof. Sayrti organized a eecon d clasa in goods at the same prices o n account of and at r easonable rates. Wh ere it is n ot nations for solicitor and barrister._ EACHER WAN 'l'ED. - A teacher pen manshi p l ast n ight and has already a the advance. Call at T. George Mason's convenient to see me, arrangements for ANTED.-:-A good plain cook by having a First or Second Class Cer tiJ:lcate Rev. Mr. Mcintyre'~ church was crowd- large number in attendance. The im- Star House for bargains. ihe I th ot November next. Apply to for principal of 'l'yronc Public School !or 1887. sales can be made with the Editor or by MRS. D. Applicants nnnt st>1te experience and salary od to th e doors !\l(ain on S unday night to provernent by members of his first addressing me at Enniskillen, P. 0. vill& BURIOC SUlPSON, Silver St., Bowman~~ expected. 'l'. H . HANCOCK, l:! ccrctary -trcas,. Bell's Pulper is the most popular , most N. B.- 1 have no a.gents ou t b egging for hear his serwonon "Tho Modern Theatre. " wus most rt.markable. Indeed some Tyrone, Ont. 4:i·3w. He handled the s ut>j ect ably and with out p eople can scarc?ly realize t h at s uch great convenient, most d urable, and fastest sales for me. R. HUTCHI~ON. ORSES FOR SALE- A span of tf. sound. tr ue horses, for teaming ulovee. "\Ve 'h ope to gi·:e a part of the improvement can b e made in only twelve P ulper made and is a~ cheap as 1my other. ALYES ASTRAY. - Strayed from lot or far m work. Apply to Rica. FOSTER, New· ;l, con. 3, Darlington, th, · ee Spring Cn.I~es . .: er mon, if not the whole of it, u ext week. lessons. 'Ve strongly urge young people Call and see it a nd you will buy n o HIGHEST P itAI:SE,- The well-known castle. · !7-2w two re<t 11.nd white. and one red. Informat.lon FARMERS TAKE WARNlNG.- On account who can d evote the time an d means o ther. Guaranteed to girn satisfaction drug firm of N . C . Polson & Co., of Kinp;leading to their recovery. will be thankfully OG LOST.- Strayed from the resi- received. F. W, ALLIN, BowmanYille. P.O. ·of so many cheap deals b eing practiced necessary to take a c,.,urse to do so. The or no sale. Try it. Selling rapidly . On ston, writes that Dr. Fowler 's E xtract of . _ .. ---· · -- - · _______ J ~:Jw . dence of M. McTavish . Nov.10th. a white on the farmers in the last few years in charge is only $2; _ ladies $1, for the whole exhibition :tt Thompson & Co's Harness Wild Straw berry has loug been considered Sh op. (May's old Stand.) : F . H. MASON, 8pit« Dog; answers to "Ca.rlo." Information RESIDENCE AND LA.~DS FOR the shape of sickle grinders, hay forks, course. Valuable prizes are given every the b ust remedy for Summer complaints or his whereabouts will be thankCully received SALE.'l'ha.t beautiful residence ana Agent. new varieties 1 Jf whei\t, etc , i t wo uld not ~third ni<rht for most improvement. 2_ 7·_ in t he m ar ket, and adds th at their cus_ _ _ __ __ ___ i_ w _ grounds situated on Libcrt.y ~t., Bowmanville, A talented a nd elo<1uen t blin d Syrian, tomers spe11k iu the highest terms of i ts be ou t of place t o give them some point ers. b ' and owned and occupied by CH:.1.S. You NO, i s lat, when you want to buy anything, first To PREVENT CATTLE CHOKING , TEER ·ASTRAY. - Came into the now offered for sale. Thir teen acres or load ; Rev. Gleosu Al Howie, will lecture on merit~. Wild Strawberry is tho best lot 18, con. 6, Darlington, a year- good orchard. 43·tf. consider who is a responsible dealer to B uy a Pulper. Bible lands and their manners and cus- known r e medy for Cholers M arbus, Dy- tngpremises. steer. 'l'he owner is req uosted ;to prove buy from- buy only from one who is To save your hay, · toms in St. Paul's church n ext Monday sentery and all Bowel complaints.! property, pay expenues and take h,im away. OR SALE.The h ouse and lot on THOB. MCLEAN, Hampton. 47-S w Buy n P ulper. r esponsible and reliable. 2nd, pay a evening, 22nd inst., a t 8 o'clock. A Queen Street, Dowmanville, t he property : Teaso uabl e price, as all material and work To save your t urnips, silver collection at the door. Proceeds - A bri '.,aht bay of Mr. Joseph Neil, at present occupied by HORSE FOR SALE Mr. Thos. H. ~pry. Tllere are 7 rooms in the is governed by tho price paid for it. ·An Buy a Pulper. in :iid of the Woman's Foreign Missionary hoa.vy draught horse, rislr.g ·l years. excel- . house, a good cellar. and about 20 rr uit tre-.s illustrat.ion : A stranger offors you a set 'fo fatten cheaper, lent bona and muscle. Sired by "'Lord Lyon." in theorcna.rd. For lmthn particulars apply Society. The lecturer will appear in a very superior animal, well broken to work. to JOHN K . GALBRAITH. Barrister, Bowman·of harness for Five Dollars b elow the Buy a P ulper. Orien tal Costume . .Apply to SAMU.EL vVOOLDltlDQE, Jot 2, oon. s, ville. 46-4.w. price asked by reliable harness makers of E li Robbins, Hampton, says: I would rtwright ; Shirley, P. 0. ~6 5w. Meetinios of the several Township Liberal C& your 0 wn ~.cquaint.ance. You should at not b e without one winter for forty dollars Con~ervative associ ~tions of "Vest Durham ATTL.1!; ASTRAY- Strayed on or will be held on HEEP AS'fRAY. - -Strayed from lot about the first of Jt1ne, from lot 31 con,10. ·once com e to the cot1clusion that the and it will Pave more than enough hay to 15, con. 5, Clarke. in August last, 2 old Clarke, 5 head of yrarling cattle. two heifers stranger uses either poor er, }Joor pay for it in one season. Cattle do alW ed nesd ay, N ov. 24th, tJwea, i ewe lamb5 and I rnm Iamb. Oue o white, one roan. St.eers red. A ll have a hole Information leading 110 t h eir retrimmio gs or poor workmanship, as the together b etter. B ell's is the best. for tho clcotion of officers and the selection of the old ewes has a small cut in the right ear, in left ear. JUST TO HAN D . will be suitably rew.u-ded if l sent by .opposition in the h11.rness business will S. Robbins says: I would not b e withdelegates to th e Nominating Convention, at and one of the ewe lambs has a black mark oovery mail to Lesk& rd or to tho N E WS OF.PtCE,Oro110 ri11;ht front ·houlder, informs · j ust behind the the following pluces: n ot allow of any cutting on (>resent out it iE I had to b uy a new one e very tion rtspecting t he a.ho ve will be thankCull y or to the STATESMAN Office. J . \V. Gll'l! ORtJ. ' C.t.R'rWRIOIIT, WII,LIAMsnunG. 2 r ·M. Layer Valenci a Raisins, t6·Lf received. Address W. H. PETERS, Hampton, prices of first-class h un ess. You may winter. 'Bu t Bell's will last for years. DARLTNOTON'. HAMi·ToN, 2 l".K . Selected Va lencia Raisins, P.O. 47-2w. b e able to judge poor workmanship, but Other r eferences who haveBell's~ulper: CLAltK~:, 0 HONO 2 P .M· Caution To The Public. " Sultana " " HOWM A NVILLE. COUNCIL CHAMBER. 7:30 P.lll, poor leatber can at times only be detec- G~o. Stonehouse, Myron Ifobbm~, J. NEWCASTLE, 'l'OWN HALL, 7:30 i>.l\I. A F irst Class Blacksmith Wp.ereas i_t hf!- e?me to our knowleclge that Yoslizza Currants, ·t ed by those who work it into harness. Cmnamon, ,V, Mutch a11d others. F. ~· Patra Case Curran t s. pal't1ee are mfrmgmg on our patent-s for tn6 Stand Sale·at a H ence ~he n ecessity of leaving yl!ur or~er [ ?llAsoN, 1\gent. Office, Thompson & Cos mant1raciure an<l sale of the Cb.ampion Cabinet with so me r eliable man. who \nll build Harness Shop. The Liberal Conservative Associ o.tlon of ~NEW PEELS. ~!;i,,~ Cre~mer and Qhampion Churn, we hereby Bargain. LL, West Durham Will meet in the TOWN HA notify ~he pnbhc that these parties have no _ y ou a ~t-0n honor, and pay . him a fair FATAL ATTACKS. - Amonii: the m~st BOWMANYILLE, on Black Basket, Choice Dehesa authority.from us; and that ·h ey are infringing There half a.n acre or ground. good frame on price , in preferen ce to buymg a worth- prevalent fata1 ai:id ~ud<len attacks d dis · '?ur patents; and· that action will be taken and London Layer Raisins. and kitchen, good blacksmit h sh op~ agams~ F riday, N ov. 26, at 2 p.m . house less eet fr om some 11tran ger at a cut of eases, are those 10cident to the su~!iier both the manufacturers and users of w. o od-shop and stable: also a good well an11 W M. QUICK & CO . .Five D ollars. Go to Thompson & Co.- an d fall, such as Chole ra. Morhus,B 1hous for the purpose ot electing olll.cora and other cistern. It is on the Main Road between these rnfrml!'mente as soon a~ their residenceEJ and numes can be _ aecer tained; t hat .J. M. btaine~s. atter whicb. " Convention will be Little Britain and Lindsay, about 6. miles from {May's old stand) for i;(Uaranteed No. 1 Colic. Diurr!)rea, Dysentery, etc., tha.t s, of Bowm.~nvtl lc. is our agent, for the held _ to nominate candidates to contest the Llndll&Y a.nil. 4 milllll from Little Britain. T h e JoNEs_ Harnes~. often prove fatal in a few hours. T h at Co~mt1ea of Ontario ancl Durham, only b<J or riding in the ensuing election· for the Domin· Poat Oft'ice is I!:ept hy the Blacksmith which P ltO lo' L Oll"!! M AGI C: SIJLP01JK 8 0 Al', - ion Parliament and Ontario Legi1la.ture. · · brings inn salary of $75 a year. A decide pe1sons appoll\ted b~ lllru have anthorit7 from 1'ATlONAL 1·1t.Ll!I are n ns11rpnsse1l rlll a · every reliable remedy Dr. Fowlor's Ex:- Jlellllng, ~onthlni:: a 111d deausln~ Cor n il us to eell our Champion Cabinet Creamers an(t articulars, apply to Churns, .barp;aln. For further p_ J . MILNE, ·~le, m ild, yet tll.~011::11, p11r11:11tJn. u t11-~ tract of Wild Strawberry, shoul d be at erup l.I Ye 1Useusc1 or f.l· e skin . Ddl ir;bt. f nl S . B URDJi:N, ·w. N. BARRI>:, i6-4w Secretary. Pre11ldent,_ E. Pocrn.11:, Fiugerboiud, P, O., Out. ·d poa lite b iliary orauia pro11111ril.Y' .Q !l halld for u se in emergellcy.:): Cor lollt'.t u.He. !6-:lw B, B , PREN't ll:E 0 A liberal discount to the trade. charge for cases. all who can help us to reduce it further. If you want goods 'vi thin one year it will pay t o BUY Lym an So ns & Co., NOW and save 25 per cent. A 1arge numb er of our regu1ar c:ustomers have already done so, but n.~<>x~rrB.EA.Lt. we know many others who should call soon. For s ale b y S TOTT & JURYN . T.. G- .EC>. Thousan~ Dollars. -We had to sell fully Fifteen Thousand when we commenced, but every day makes 1t less; and we will give bargai11s t o ' · $ 45.00 FACTS; STOTT & JURY Attend Sha w & T ole's Auction Rooms on Sat urday. Have you seen Tod Bros. , all wool flannel at 20c, worth 25c. People admit t h at it is advantage ous to d eal with Ellison & Co. Best Bran d of Oy sters direct from the beds at W. Quick & Co's. Crowds a re coming for our cheap Gray Flannels. E llison and Co. Buy 3 lbs. of Li·Quor Tea at Levi M or· ris' and get a $1.00 book free. If you wan t good work done let May· nard the J eiveller d o it for you. Choice Cranberries, Malaga grapes and Spanish onions at W. Quick & Co's. ' M We are again cem pelliicl t o h old over a lot of correspondence for want of room. Call and examine Maynard's fall stock of watch ts, clocks and jewelery, t h e finest i n town. A very large stock Qf plushes and vel Yeteens all clearing at cost at the S t ar Homse Sale. Jf your silverware wantl!I cleaning call and buy a box of Electro Silicon from Maynard t h e J eweller. Bia sale1 of Househ old Furniture and effects a t Shaw & Tole's Auction R ooms on Saturday, this week. The morning M ails for t he west will b e clo11ed a t Bowmanville Post Office at 10 p. m., the n igh t previous until furth er uotice. A grand hallelujah meeting wi ll b e held in the barrack5 on TueBday .e vening next. Staff Capt . . Body and · ten othe r officers will be present. Opened out this week lovely col ored Surah Silks only 75c per yard. T h e best value eYer seen in t hose goods. Couch , Johu11ton & Cryd erman . Couch, Johnston & C ryderman are now showing the L A RGEST and FINEST assortment of I I (TWEEDSX&XCLOTHS) . 1n town, and the cu,..r AND MAKE-UP of their Clothing . ~UN.APPROAC H ED by any house in West Durham . !f: One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. ·- ---~ __,___ .,. _ _ B IHF P B N H R T L W H T C D S F NEW FRUITS S C C0 NV ENT I 0 N! for --- ' -efl'eetaally . 1 . . , ... :.·" ·I·

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