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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1886, p. 1

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T E R MS :-J l.iO PJ:a A!fNVH. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDlTO& ill) PB.OP.lllft8B.. VOLUME NB:W SERIES, NUMBER 435 . BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1886. EBENEZER. XXXII. NUM£ER 48. lvEW PARK. Sam. 'l'hompson Is home from Midland. He'll buy a farm out there. Turne r nnd Thos. Brisban won 2nd 1md 3rd prlr.cs at Lotua; nino Bo >nnanvllle shots were presen t too. Come to :Rising Hope on 27th. '!he geese 11.nd turkeys are rat. Wm Brisban sold his matched team to Mr. Ban tt>I ror ~iOO. 0 ,......... ~ · ~ _..... 'd 0 ::J ~ w. ~ 0 0 E ,.c rn Q) The Ebenezer Church, Sont.h Darlington Circuit, will he Jlc··"PPned tor divine service, next !:l1mdlly, Nov. 28. br the Rev. A . Carman. D. D ·. one c>f the O<>neral 811perintt"ndent.s, who will prench H.t 10,10 ... m .. mtrl 7 p. m. The Rev. (). E. MoJnt.vre, of Bowmanvill<i. will also preach at 2::io p.m. Collection will be taken at each eervlM In aid or the repair fund . On Monday, Nov.. 29th. the Hev. T. Manning, of Oshawa. will preach at 2:30 A "'re.n<I Supper will be irerved In t.he Rchonl Room from! o'clock, p .m .. whlcn Hev. Dr. Carman will deliver his celebrated lecture <-n "The Worth and Work C!f Woman". 'rho Jlevs. E. Roberta, T . Mannrng. and C. E. Mc· Intyre Arcexpeotcd to take part in the proceed· inge. Vocal anll Instrumental Music will be furnished by the excellent Chnrclt Choir. Ticket&, 25 cent&. D . L. Sanderson, Sec'y. I McCREAS CORNERS. "d ~ 0 ORONO. Dr JP Shaw apent a few day11 visiting hi<1 parents this week. '!' be Salvation Army banqnet and ~1tbilee on Monday wa1 a decided succea·. l'he How· manville Band added ·much to the attraciiona of the meetings. Rev G Al Howie lectured In the C P chur<'h on 'l'ucedaf eveninir;. Ou account of the weather the attendance was small. Rev R \Valker preached a ·ort of Tllenkeqiving senn~n on lSunday morning after whiclt he took collection A.Bu bscrl 1>tione in of 1he l:lnpcranuuated Minleler's Fund. The branch butcher shop is flourishing. Manaiier, H McGill. John It Clarke' s le~tnre is fixed for Dec 15th, Snbj.,ct "The Hose, Shamrock 11.nd Thistle." A.u entertDinmeut will be !liven here by the Band of Ilo1>e I>ec 3. A· much time and care are being irivon to the traiulng·olf the children, It is hoped that a large audience may gree& them. s (]) Q) 0 +:> +:> ,.Q M == bD p 0 ,.c -:c ~ ·~ (]) rJJ 0 Ul s 0 Cf-t Q) Mr Chas Billings has gonn to Driti&h Columbia · . Mr and Mrs Treleven will start for the great North West shortly. M_iBRea Taylor a.nd Brown, of Orono, us a vtslt on Sunduy. Mr John Ralnoy h&a sold 11111 tarm t.o Mr Wm Cochr&ne and has rented the · rurner farm. Mr .Toho Gilbank is builrlin..- a real<iencA In the flourlshinir \' lllia.11"0 of Pontypool. What does it protend ~ Four weddln11s this winter. Hard times don' t seem to elf.ict our young men. BUSH WACKER, TYRONE. Miss A. K enner ha.a gone to Pilot Mound, N . w. 'l'. Rev. E. Barr&&e 1>reached a profitable sormon on "llolinees"ltere on Monday nigM to a large congreg&tion. Mr. Jas. Sproule who has beEn ill tor a few d,.ys or typhoi<i rever died at his brother's residence on Sund&y. Mr. Rosevear. Cobourg, has been visiting at hie siater, Mrs. Clemens'. The foot bdl ma.tch between Ennfoklllen .Dragoons m .d our own Sha.mrock· on 81l.turllay was a draw. 'fhis was the lln&I game to t ell tho story and i t !Paves tho Shamrock· one a head. Wm. Ward and John Virtue a cted ,.s umpire8a.11d 'r.'l'. Jllrdlne a.s referee· As usual Mr~. Varcoe servell a fine supper to which the boys did nmple justice. 'Vhere did shiner get his moxle1 !lir. J . A . Charltan and w ife are Tislllntc friends here. The big man t hinks he la capable ror the Ueeve-sh.ip one year longer. Mr. A.E. Harris lost a valu"ble Beefeon Sun !lay bT w:ottlng ovtr tlte m11.n11:er and chokinir llsetr. We hear some or the boye 11ot tlteir shine badly brui<ed on Sat1uday. CLlltUX. Nov. ~t · A,.nttmber of friends assembled 11.t the resi· !)en ce of Mr. Joseph Couch on Wt'dno11day or " eek to witn·ss the marriage or his dauirh· ter Selena ,.nd .Mr. J. T. Scott. After the ceremony the company s11.t dL wn to a eumptuous dr.ief&L'Ur. 'l'he presents were valuable and useful. Rev. \V. Kenner, performed th" ceremony. The happy C'lllllle lert for their home 111 ihe w1:e wan houre ot the morn1n1r id showers o.f rain and oceans or mud. Mr, Jo n Pettinger. son of onr pounlar miller, has arrived uome to dpond the wimer. Rev. E. Barrasa will preacn /Jere on Sabbath morning. Tha boys enjoyed a skate on the pond on Mond,.y, ·r-i . .... ~ ~ +:> M 0 ,.Q Ul Q) = s ~ ~ ~ 0 ..J.J +:> Pt <D ~ ,.Q ...p J.-t CLARKE UNIO.N. 0 ...p ~ o~ 0 ~ w. $:l H 4-l Q) ,.Q (]) ro p. (]) -~ Thanksglvmg wa.s not very strictly obeerved ltere this year. Q) l'lfossors. Vice Bros., or Solina, are puttinll' the ~ tlnisbinir atroku 011 Mr. H. Wionacotu and Mr.·· new barns. Q) l\Iias Bella Cowie has been 1pendlng a few days around here. J. R . 1Holdge 11.nd E.T. Hoidge, of 'foronto Master Frank a11d Miss Edith Short. or werehomolabtweek. Courtlce. a.nd Mr. llJnderhlll, of 'f aun ton, spent ~ Att~r the service on ~ridtl.y evening the Sunday here. Young People'~ Clau ' presented their leader "--t The Enfield praybic band 0011.ducted 1ervicea ltev, ~ J . T. Morris with. &n Astr·chan ~ '-""" at E ldad Sttnday evenloar. aad an address. 'I'he address wae read by J, Missionary eenices will be held here next H. Hicks. 1\tiee Ada Harrie made th1> presentSunday attcrnooa and on tbe evening or the atlon, Improvemen ts still 11:ol11g- on. Note T. T. Wednesday follow·l ng. Jard ine'a new fence and g11.te. Mr. H .. Davey'· ' Hev. S. Salton mot with an accident while house has been undergoingrepaire, · ON OUR TABLE. cominir to Enfield last Sunday aflernocm. His N ov. ~2 nd, CLIMAX, hone became frigat.ened at eomething in the F R ANK LEsLrn:"s SUNDAY MAGA l':TNK.- The road and ·hied, iht'owlng him from hie vehicle December number o · this fa.vorite funily mag· to the groand. He was bruised about the HAYDON. azlne closes the twelveth volume. '!'he open- head and face l.11!1 ~ortunatel7 his injuries are Peace has again been proclaimed on the ing article is A Moravian V illage , by Lieut. H. not coneidered ·~n1>11s. NEMO· marketsquare and we live In great expectation R. Lemly, u. S. A., who d e!lcrlbes ·YmnathetiIf you want to save from Ten to cally o : an oyster s upper in the near f11ture. the villa11:e ,,f Salem, N . S. Mr . lf·owell'a ENNTSKILrAm. fifth numbe· of LeaveA F rom My Life., deals Tho c ider mill Is now frozen and tho boys Twenty per cent. on buying your with Lord Beacionsfleld, Barry Cornw a.11 and Rev. s. Salton has > begun a. series of apeclal now u sing Moxie ae a eubet ltttte. Bob you Alfred Domett. 'l'bis J.eaf 1~ very fully Hlus- sermons at Mt. Veruoo. ehould have broue ht your apples sooner. Harness,. call at trated. Other profuse ly illuatr&ted articles W e understand that one of our Toling men Mrs. Elford hns been lmprovinl( her grounds &re: Zanzib&r, and Mission Work 'T here ; has been enicaged to thresh clover. '! hat's Simbol· or Christi&n Art, b v }'. S. (1111re lY a by erect.inrc a. n"w feoco on the north side of right Jim. there la virtue In It. her premises wom,.n); William P enn, s nd l'h&raoh's Palaoe Mr. Thomp11nn Harper has u:one from among of J)a.phore (l'aphanhe s· E ;ry pt. This last is Our public echool was visited 'on Monday the latest import.ant discovery b y t he Egypt last by Inspector M~. E. Tilley and Mr, A. ns to make hie homo with hie uncle, Mr. E lliK at Solina. We wl·h him much_pl'osperlty. Kxploratlon Sncletv. How Virt.uu T r iumphed Tilley, teacher of Tyr one school. What has become of our Haydon Drover'/ is a pleas..nt short 6tory by · Mre. AngeUn-e :E. Although the weather . wa.s very mclement PAsture Dil.R.NESS DEPOT, is gettlnir short on the ranch , Wm, Alexander ; and Some Fameous PaintiDge by on '.l'hankeRlving D11.y there wae ·good time at Rapho.el s hows three or the great ma&~tel"d the S. S. 'l'ea at the .Methodist church that We a re surprised to learn t hat there are King-st. West, opposite W. Glover' s worka in outline. The Ge ms S he Wore is e on. evening. The attendance was not as large as theives in our vl c lttity, but such must be the Livery Stahle , and be convinced. tinned. There u plenty or miacel111.ny in the anticipated, but g&od conalderinA: the state of case, as Mr. Haw key lo11t a duck and a lot of ' shape· of ab ort a rt.icles and sketches. and roads and weather. The supper retlected great mutton lately: sever"! ve ry be..utiful full·pago 1·eproductlons credit on the ladles. and row! provld"rl in \ Ve would like to know wh~t t&kes one of orvaintings by well-known art.i~ts. disappe ared with marvellous ra· our younK men so far nor th. Ther e le no My .Harness i11 all new stock, a nd made In these d ays. when outdoor sp orts &re 110 abundance pldity. The after meetinA: was very interest· salmon in i:lcuiiog. lNCOONITO· of the b e et material in the market, by 11en era liy cnlliv&ted,m an y wi!l r ead t he artiele . Ing. Rev. S. Salton ooen.pied the ollair and ·Why " e Canoe,' by W P Stephen~. in the . s howed marked ability in conducting t hti Not much news thie week on nocount of not comp etent workmen, and guaranteed to December of F rank r.~slie's P opular Monthly, · meeting. '!'he school gave a superior proPn:am gettlo!! a bid t.o ~he ehlndtir w e !rear they had 'l'he sketch of the Centenarian Chemist Che v· .of choice recitations and singing. 'l'he rem· a · g ive 1atiefaction. big time. There is to be another soon, so we r eul will be r ead wit.h interest. 'l'he article on porance Ba.lld was greatly appr eciat ed. '!'he will keep cool or we may not 11:et a bid to that the A 11ericau S parrow ha wk is full of interest s peech at the close by our eloq11ent friend ellhcr. jus t now, instead of a ocs.recrow to keep otr tr om Tyrone, Hev. J. '! . Morris, w s s both The prodigal returned after a week's eo.i ourn grain-devouring bir ds. A vonturesonrn young interesting and instructive . Mr. Morris on lady, Miss Taylor, tells or w h at she beheld at being r ec&lled t>y the chairman v ery k indly i n this wide world. to live In p ea cB and plenty ouo of th e 'Great '1'hirsty Dan ces' among the r tcited in bis own effective manner th&t the r est of her life. A S PECIALTY. Indians till its horrors overpo wer ed h A r. W b eautiful eelect ion " The Last H7mn," M·ss F mer s are a.bout t hrough plowing. E McC~nn goes in to the bywa ys of life &nd Hutc hinson, Mrs. Salton and Mr. J. W. V ir t ue Mr. Wm. Br,.dy who has been sick wit h con· of 'Eccentric R ecluses' in a charming receive d the hear t y thanks of al! for the admir· A full line of Horse Furnishing s always tells su tloo for some t ime. dierl on th e 3rd inst. way. 'The Trea tment of Criminals,' with a able m&nner in which thov h a1 d illed t h 1 r . J a.cob Martin has moved into his new in stock, s ueh M Blanke t s, B ells, Whips, cs.ref1llt&ccount of the Elmira Iteformatorv , is c hildren i n sing ing. Miss Hutchinson rendered b ouse. · an a rticle to be r tia.d and s tuditid carefully. · A excellen t ser vice as organist. Curry Combs, etc. W inter in J a m aica' is a sketch of West Jndia The s hrill w h istle ot Wm. R owe's steam Repai ring · p r omptly attende d to, and travel, 1·ery prettily told, and like t he ot her .t hre1'her h as b0en heard in t his v icinity for the H A.MPTUN. ar ticles in the Pum ber, well nud a ttractively 11'St J e w d aye. \Vm. Is an A l t hresher; ' done in the hig hest style of art. illustrated. A rthur Dudlev V inton tells, the Owing to tho pressure of busineBB for the Our Mayor has been pre pairi ng for the winter story or ' North A mer ican IJ:arthqua kes.' '.l'lle last few weeks, I have be'ln a little " Slow ~-Inte nding purchaRe r s will find it to ew p orch t o his palatial r esi· Fis her-girl of Hrand Men a n ,' 'Two Inspira · Hoy" in reporting the news. but h ave now by erecting e. n . their a d va ntage to call and examme b e fore tion ' ' Shadow or Subst 11nce1' and otlier s tor ies ft 0 1 l d talcing stock nd feel s t fied th t I denee. in ti1is magaz ine.J·ustlfy its title or the ' P ops ie · a a i~ a . The hogs a re b eginning to squeal in front of purchasing elsewhere. 48 Mon tlily.' ca n weather the gale for ano!her year. I will the knife of our popular butch er . Ul·r ~ settle down to busm ess agam and try to do · I.ittell's Living Age for 188i. For moro than better in t h e future. Mr. ;i:as. l\fann h&~ been engaga_ d by Mr. W. forty this stand ard weekly mu1>azino ha s '.l'he epecinl ser vices that w ere star ted ou . J 1o11ntJoy, or Cartwright, to r un his cl ~ver mill A fine stock of the kept its r ead er s abreast with ~be literar y pr o- l at inat in the c hurch here a re still in pro· About seventy friends and acquamtan ces gress of the age. Its fr~quent issue _ and ample g reas. "Much good h as be~n done and th call11d at Mr. Jam es McNe&ls, on the 11th ins t. , t o make a. presen tat10n t oMr ..J?-l!'esMa nn. An ayace r ender it an unr1v>tlled cornp1l11tion ot a work pr omises w e ll for the fu ture. Rev. gr ea t a nd tly growin g lttera.ture which B··rraes, M. A., h as b een a ssisted b y Rev a ddress w as rclld by Mr. W1lh a.m ll& ycra ft embrace the prod uctions ol the moat eminent nd th t ti by Ml F l B . ter s 1 ·n · IL br anch es of literar y a nd scien ti· R o be1ts Follick H a ssard Salton and Sander a e prcsen a on B! orn Wri ·· aon. ' ' ' So me v~rySuitable r em a rks were g_ i ven by ~r. fie w ork. It is indis pensable to t he A merican 'l'he annua l m eeting of the Branch Bible Mann . arter w hic, h dane mg was md . ulged, .rn i·eader as the only ea ds fact orily fresh a .1d 'tillo tlf 1 f h l'h complete COIDJJilati.on ot th is 1 .iterattire. s_up· Society. of th is place, w as h eld on the 9 th inst., · · c wee sma 1oura, o t emornmg. . e in town arrived at the t he a.ttenda.nce (as usua l) was s m all. Rev. W , present cons1 s~ed of a Hentl_ e mas Compamou JJlying t,he place of m any review~, magazm os \ V . Smith gave a. Ycrv interesting address. ('!ot a lady), ac1saora and clippers. ,.nd were a11d papers, it enables one at small expense, \ Vhy h as the inter est in this im por ta nt society . R'IVen to ex11ress the a pprA01at1on or the considering t h e guantity and ty of t he ! led iu 1h is pla ·e 1 'W e bold that the claim s I v aluable s.ervice h e J;ia.s r ende1·ed as b arb ar , reading furnished, t o keep pace .with the best of this · uc11uty are equal to tho M issi on ary . anc· u.· a kmd ·~nd obhgmg you~g m an, a t w;ays literature a nd thought of t ile tiu10. Its pro· Socie i.y. why not glve It lho ~nme liberal sup· r ead y a nd w1ll111g to le!'da. helprng h a.nd. Tea spectus for 1887 is worthy th e attention of a ll pori ? It is a disg race t o this neigh borhood '"'.aH serve d by t he ladies abou t 12 o'clock who w ho are selecting their rea< ling mu.tte r for the T .lmt wore has not been collected for t he las t did .not forget ~o retch _ w e!\ ~ll';ld ba . ske,t· for new year. Reduced clubbing rateG with ot.hcr w h ch th l ad s f t i s fe w years. \.Ve k now men who have l arge t. e " ie o l! v1!lm1 t Y.a n d Clar Irn Pa rlodicals are given, a nd to n e w ~ubscribers farms a nd enjoy peace and plenty, th at can't are notecl . Ihe ro!lowmg is a hst of tho!Je The clothing, as usual, cut by the remitting n ow fo r the yea.1· 1887 the intervening can t give 25 cents t o h elp send the Hiblo to wi;.o contributed: M~ undMr s D McC.onna.ih1e, eekly numbers are sent gr:itis. Littell & Co. t h oso wllo a ro living i n da.rknes~. W hat Miss M...r p and M~non ie, Mes~rs only first -class cutter in t own. w Bo~ton, a r e th e pu blis hers. would this country be were i t not for th e J as a nd J ? hn McConnuoh1e, Mr W a nd Miss THE PHHENOLUGICAL Joun:<rAL AND Scrnirn& Di ble a nd its sacred influe nce 1 J a ne C';'lville , .Mr Heo Ferguson, .Messrs Wm OF HEALTH for November, opens with a bio· , a nd ] 'eil Colvtlle a n d Miss Poly l"e.r guson, of t1. gra.phical and p h ren0Jogic1>l sketch , a.~d a n '!he Ch eese factory clitsed down. on th e 30th Clarke; Mr and Mrs John McLaughlin. jr.. admirable pol· of Edward S. Morse, Pres· u lt., havmg done a aucceeasful business durmg Wm and Ed and Miss M F arrell, .Robt and t · t ident of T he A merican Science AMsoniation. the sea son. Mios E Virtue. Mr and Mrs Ed Vir t ue, c a grea vane Y· ·George E lhot an d Ph renology' is brief but A n u mber of p ersons still on t he sick V ir t ue, Mr and Mrs A McNeil, C S·o.ples, int eresting to a ll stud ents of mind. · l<' a rniliar l!st- Mr. Sam '\ .A.6hton, Mrs. Bedfor d, Mr. J . W m , J J and Miss Beacom. Fred Mar ks, Mr '.l'alks with oGr you ng folks No. ff is w ell illus- (' W estaway a nd Others. a nd Mrs w~ Potter, Mr a nd Mrs W m Hooey, t rated anrl u p to tlrn standar d est.a blish ed bf Mr. R. J'. Niddery, our p ublic school teacher, w .m a nd Miss Hooey, W m apd ~1ss E H ill, and N eckerchiefs a 1'a Mode. the first of t h e sed.,s. 'Thoughtful and Posi· has t een en gaged for another term. Mr. l\l~iss .A Shaw.Jae and ~ McNeil, MLBs Mmn1e, t ive m e11' i s a leng thly a nd logical arti cle. Nidder y h as ·given "OOd satistaction a n d a ll Lizzie a n d ~ateMcNe~I. Mtss_M Matlunsoi:i. Uandwriting us indicativo of character is ~ J h M tj Al s Q d Ch J ons lder ed in No 8 of llJe series. ·Decline of will be delighted t o hea r that ho is g oing to o n oun oy, ex operii: · eo an a.r ie Everything a ppertaining t o a first - C remain Br own , Mr and Mrs W J aycra!t, E Van · Popullltion in r um! Massachusetts' is a caretul · ., R M stone, Jaa and Miss E Mountjoy. D Graham. / class study. 'L'he 111te John D ong& ll editor or the " essra. W nt. an d Fre_ d . Bun t, ev. . r . Robt S cott, Wcsl(\y a nd Wm Oke, w Tordtti'. New York Witness r eceives a k indly notice. liollock a nd Mrs. J ohn Mitchell were uotteed Stott and J'm y, }' Rogers, and Mr and Mrs u with an excellent. portrai t, u n der t h e tit le of h er e this week. irallis. ' A ~orthy; .ni,a n· 'Facult;r in A~l!°,' 'M!l,d ,ern '.l'he new firm o~ It. C.l ark!'l & Co., ar e m ak ing - - - -- · Soc1ology 'I.b e sense of toach Ch orea The cider by s team m t h1· village. 'l'he 11or se· p ress a::iu p ub he h eii;tth ' ~nd · Valuo o.f Ppre· power process is too slow in 1his enlightened T nY IT. - Two of t h e m ost t r o ublesome nol o!!"Y a i·e a ll good ~01c1d~ a nd Ins&11ity _11.r~ a ge, Is· the ma nufacture or cider l eg11.l where oompli~ints t o r elieve a.r e asthm a and cons1de,.,d by the Editor. L11.bor a.ud Capital t h.a Scott Act is in force 1 Yes- ED. Please· t o call and inspect our fig , W dh f · b . whoo pini cou gh, b ut Ha.gyard 's Pectoral ure in the poetical contribu tions, a very touchinl!' poem is ' Our 1<'11.ith,. ' Our Mentorial i 63Mr r~os ar as au ea.r o coin , earmg Bal11·m Beldom fa1 "ls, e ithe r in t h ose, or cheap ov er coats. B ureau "1 is unusu a lly rich in item s or general 0 gr ams. ~ .. interest, Th e publishers olftir very l iberal Mr. Thomas Rowe ha.a tak en possession of other preva.1lmg t hroat and lung t roubles. t erms to im mediate s ubecr1ber s for 1887, $2 per Mr. M ichael Cryderman's farm , and Mr. S. All dea.lerl! in medicines h a ve this r emedy · vear, 20 cents per n umber. Fowler & ·w ells Taylor has moved intoithe hou se lately occnpi· . f I + · · · · : Co., P ublish er s, 753, Broadway, New Y ork. e d by Mr, lt9we. SLOW BOY, · or aa e. + u I 4 · r--1 ~ I> ~ Mr. Johu Hnrlburt has sold hie rarm to J\fr Lord for $1,500. A new brick house will be erected ne:xt summer. While some school children were ll·ssing throui;h Mr. Rowe's ,-ard, Annie, daughter of John Morrie, was kicked by a colt and her arm broken just below the shoulder. Mr. \Va1ter CnbbiJed.ick has eolrl a tine pair of steers to the Shepherd Rros, and purcha~ed a tine <1,.1>ple gray ho·r se fcom !'·h · .A.lfred Rill or Port Hope. lllr. Charles Sharp intends KOing to the shanties week:. Mr. Patrick Cox is hired with Mr. Herm11.n Davis tor the 0 , 00mg year. He's a faithful servant. Miss Solway is v~slting at Mr, Wtllie.m Jordan's. / Mr. H, n. Rowe has traded Jumbo for a ~!lo mare; · Mies Ameha Osborne is visitin° her "'rand " .. father, .Mr. John Par· · Moixrn. - -------+ I of a p erso nal charactt'r, ehonl d br. ' ·fat hered" by so me one, a nd n ot sprnng an · M C · · I . h onym ously on r. hmie. t t at was d esired, thtire waa n othi n 1t tn prevent their bein g so handed to Mr. Climie priKIRBY. vat ely . It was cert ai nly not the fa u lt of Geo. Lang has taken his departure to :nay the Chairman or the commit t ee that you f elected to put the questio n s by word o City, Mich. J os. Chapman has rented Sunny Side, the mout h inet.iad o f 11ii thori:>:i " 1< the C hair· farm lately occupied by John '.l'releveu. man to p lace them iu Mr. Olimie 'a hand11 There was a. toot ball match p\11.yed here on in your 11ame or that of s ome 1Jth e r reS&turrlay betweP.n th11 school boys of Orono anrl Kirby, result waa in favor or Orouo by 2 sponsible p enou. What t h e public wiah goals to l. to kuow is. was there &ny o bat ruotion We are sorry t.o a11y Mr. J. Powere received thrown in the w11.y of Mr. Ciimie being ~erlous injuries by hl1 team running 11.way on ouest iu ned1 We anawnr, no no whatever. Saturday. On the con tra,.y, questioni ng was invited. Mr. Alex. Lang hill. i onl y t hat the queti~ '\Ye willh Mr, and Mrs, F, 'fhornton much The committee aske < joy. tioner should rnake himself known, eith er by giving his n"ui e or l>y peraon ally putSOLINA.. ting the questions. Mlea Alberta Pascoe has been laid up with a As rci;?..rds the all · g~d altempt on tbo felon on her finger. pa.rt of th., Asaoci>'t.ion or its committee Mias Adama 1 of Cannington, is the guest of t o "~hi the Mlsees Baxer. " '" Mr. C lim ie, we c an only Mr. H. Hooper's, boot and shoe builder , fine frankly say tlu\t such a t hing was as far resilience is about complet ed. as possi ble fr" m their i nten t i o n. They ThA Thanksgiving s~rvices at Mt. Vernon ende avore d to epeak calm ly , fairly,j ustly. d z ·t 11 tt d d an very we · u. en e · Mr. ClimioJ is to tbl\m m ore ly a p 1 1blio of. ' f on were H · I t k gr:~d :icces~~ey s movrng as wee wa.s a ficial. If he had b een d M e lict i n his dut y Mr. R. M. Kirkpatrick. our wortliT store the aseocia.tion had ce r ta inly n o reat1o n to keeper, has. ..,,.e underat.and, the pnrchaee k eep sile nce in regard 'to such d t1reliction. or a. very stylish driver, . The MlseAa Hawthorne, or Port Hope, are The rew' utio 11 r e ga rdi ng the operation vlsltinl{ friends here, of tho Act m the t ·1wn and r iding , and_the d p i· M · t t Revival meet\dge are b einic ea.rrie:l on at Mt. , Inspect or an o ice a~!ll r a e, was Veruoa. .. drawn up with gr ea t C!!.r e, a n d ind»p e nd Mr. W . Werry has sold hie driv~r to Mr. ently o f o ut~ide aid and nd \'iOO. The ExBan tie. of Rochester. . C . t f th · t' t Poultry Robbers been visitlnit these fl~ut~ve. ? rnnut e ti P · e ;·.asoc1~ ion~ n o puts. · any md1vidu>1.l memhe i:s of t h e· Cpaun1ttQe . While Mrs. Tremble was at church on Snn· is r esponsible fur t h e s ta t eme n t! ·)f t he day of last week, some person or persons resolution forced an entrance Into the house and ran· d . b b d I ·h I · sacked it, but did not secure any booty. It shoul e o serv? t 1a t t. e re!IO utton JACK. covers the whole p enod f rom let of May , · COURTIOE to date of meeting, anu n ot ~ny p o rtion · of i t alone, and that , while theop er11.t ion Mr. A. M. Fowler, is spending a few of t h e Act during t hat whole period is claimed toh.\ve befln "to a. co naiderable ext 1int satisfactory," t h o hindrances to h f ll t of the I and 1 · t~ con t e u execu rnu a w· a · seq ue nt partii<l failu re, ar9 freflly acirnow]edged. As to Mr. Cli.mie's ability t h ere 'l'he c o mmit tee believed · no q iie ation. 8 '-- h · t 1 "" c airman a u.nd still be\ie vtt him t o have been faithfnl, according to hia understanding of tho law. If Mr. 8pence ' a &dd reaa or oth er remarks made, have 11iven him any addttio11al lii.:ht o r help thfl co mmit t ee will, wit h all who desire to see d rinking e x t erminat ed, re3'oice. The r e s olution s imply t e11t ifi ed in all honesty to the commit tee'.11 bel ie f i n his "faithfolness" . l t ia right t o add that o p· portnnity was J:(ivc n a t t he meetin g for full d i ~clt ~«ion of the lnepactOf's c o nduc t and , f ,HJ whole question o f t he e nforceh l m e nt of I e aw· It was oiien i.Lio to any one to h a ve aug· g e ste<l that the r e 1101utio n should e ta · en. up clause by ch.use, a s y o u n ow s eem t th" k ht I 0 h h d I '· o Jn oug · ave een ou e . B in ot ritth<1r uut of time for on e then on .. the platform t o com plain n ow as t o t he m e thod of p rocedure, when u o h in t of disutis tactio u with f t was given on the spot~ It o u g h t further to b e stated , that th& impression you seek t o crea te, that tb6' resolution r e ferring t o t he operat io n of the A c t in th~ ridin!{ a nd to Mr. Climie,. passe d o nly by a n a rrow m a j orit y of a . small vo t e , i ~ quite e rron eous. A fair p ro port ion of 1.he wet1t ing ' 'Ot ed . T he v ote on< this r esol ution 11eem e d as large aa that· and t a ken on e ither o f t h e other t wo, apparently n ot w o r e than a h alf dozen nands we r e held up a gainst it. I t w ould s urely b e an unhe a rd o f discour tesy t h at tho se t h e n presen t should be naked to com e back, as y o u p r op osfl, and go over ground quite intelligently t raversed by them already. The aasociation i11 sorry t h a t you have conside r e d it n ec essary in making · 11tr ic· turf's on Mr. Cli111ie t o impute unwor t hy e nds t o the a.~socia.tion, and to mak~ charg es o f unfa.ir11efi11 n.gai ns t its officers, These purely imagina r y . T h e association w.:ilc om es calm a n d can· did criticism, b nt cl aims cred i t for h on· es ty of purpose and a sincere desire t o advsIJce t h e public w e l fa1·e alone. On b e h alf of the E."tecu t iue Committee. of S cott Act A111ociation. Are: C. ·r.- Wm. Mason : V . ' l'.- A. }~ ldrid11P ; S .-.-C. .A.llin ; Tr··as.-A. ;Fergn·on ; F . 8.- J : \Vilson . M.-J. c ..meron . D. M .-A. Ma8oo:i , A . 8.- E. Ma·on ; J. u.- M, Ma·on; 0 , G - J. !Cdrly ;. Ch.-J,. Mollon ; R.H. S.-M. Mollon ; L. II. l:l.- A. Brown. . . H 0110 T ~ self. . It was sure ly not unreasonable t hat 1e d 1n RI smg 'I,he ofileora msta.1 ...o.. ge, · d f h Newc··tl·>, by Hro· .John C1<meron, D G. C. '1'., q uest10ns so impor tan t au s o me o t ern NEWCA. S 'l'LE, I mittee on the par t o f anyon 'l e x cept y o 11r-. days in Oxford county, · Miss Ueasie Brooks hu returned from T ·_ a visit to oronto. Mr. S&m . Stacry has moved into the late A. y . Scott'a house . · t0 c irnghl" m 18 Dr.. Carnlon'·a lecture. r. D M L Ul ENFIELD. cd 0 ..p ~ 0 ~ s 0 L S . Special ewi1, of tho a 1v11.t1on Army, v1eited this corps Tuesday night. The Hunt Club wi1.h Bflveral new m e m· ben went shoo.ting on Thanksgiving Day. 1'hey ,,,d,. a number of squirrels, ,., 0 IONEY SAVED. birds, 11.nd an old horse quietly pursuing its way to the" bone yard." ·- --· £0NlH!lli:PTIOIV ()IJJUlD.:.... ~n oia nhyalcian . h ie retlr··A ou rrom pract1 ee, h av1n~ h a d pace 1 11 in hands by an1Caetlndia mlee1onarythe formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor th11 speedy andpermanenteureofUonsumptlon.llronchitis, Cat..rrh, Asthma and all r.hroa' and Llmg .Af· feotlon·, alao a. positive and radical curo tor Nervous Deblllty and all nervous Oomplainta, after having tested i ts wond erful curative powers in thousands or oases, has felt it hie duy ~make It known to hie au1ferln1r fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human aulferl111r, I will send tree of cbariie, to allwhodealrelt, thlsroolpe,i11German,ll'rooch, or Enirliah, full for prepllcing and lUlng. with Sent by dlr11ctlone mail by 11.ddreeain !!<With, namhur this paper, w. A. NoIJGB li9 Power's BloekRoelus!: .N. Y. 4~ h k J. R. BRADLEY 'S Reply of the Scott Act Associa.· t1on'a Executive. EDITOR STATESMAN. -SIR. - The r eport in your issue of t h e S co tt Ac t m eet ing held in the T o wn H ttll o n W edn e aday 10th inst., and your editori"1 the r e on ooa taiu certain state m ents reg ardiug the Sco tt Act Association anJ i ts commit t ee which r eq uire c orrecti on. HQRSE COLLARS Newest and Nobbiest OLOTE:S EolipsoHouso. PERS I AN L "MB CAPS Collars the very latest, Ties D USE MEN'SFURN IS HING H I W H IVES · The substa nce of lh e chief asser tions is (1) that a set of printed que s t ion s to Mr. Cli'llie was unfairly dea lt with by t he Chairma.n and Rev. M ess rs. 'Varr iner and R ob erta acting "a.a a co mmit tee o f t.he S cott .A c t Associa. tion," and (2) t h a t an attempt was made on the p art o f tile associa.tion and its committee to ·· whitewash" Mr. Climie, t he Inspector , i n t h e r esolut ions ~ubmitted to the meeting. Y o ur charge r egarding t h e qu:istions is t hat the Ohairman , act ing in concer t wi t h the p e rsons m e ntion e d a b ove as a commi ttee , " r e fused to hand the q u es tioos to Mr. Climie to answer ;" whic h cha rge is r ep eated in a va r ie ty o f for ms . R . D. FIUSBR, .In re pl v l et i t b e sai d th at t h e s im p le N ov. 19 th, 1886. Presid ent. fact is that no refusal was given either publ-icly or privately, The q tJesti on a were First and Secon d Offen ces. put by you rself i nto t h e Cbair m a.n 'a h and a t the d oor o f th.i Hall j ust before the h our o f m eeting, in p rinted for m, h u t I n some p arts of the count ry a great with no m a rk t o s h o_ w who was respon si- deal of unwise l eniency is being shown h i e for them. On consultation w ith such towar ds violat ors of the Scott A.ct, i n m e mbe r s of t h e com mittee as happ ened givin~ t h 11m a s far a.a possible t h e benefit to b e con veni e ntly a t hand , a n d with Mr. of clause 3 of Section 122, w!:ioh reads as F . S . Spe n ce, it was a gr eed on Mr. follows :Spen ce'8 SU<Y<Yest ion that the question s A. conviction m a y in nny case be had as tor ~ . bt>t> h' . . r first offence, notwithstunding that there may w ere Ill s u stance c a r ges agiu u s t the I n - have been a J>rior convict.ion ur convictions for spector, thou g h m ade in a friendly spi rit t h e same or any other offence. as t h ey m a y h ave b een, they ou ght to be 'Ne h ave learned t h a t one inspector, "father ed " by someone before being p re- w h o has b een ver y succ.:issful in prosecutaen ted t o h i m or to t h e m eeting . It was ing offtinders, .m d h as had a larg e n umber agreed, furth e r , that th e Chai rman should of Ute m fined twice, has n e ver prosecuted d eclin e t o p r esent t h e m u n less so fath ered. as for a secon d offen ce. This course of A d istinct ch oice was then g iven you (1) a ction is entirely contrary to the intention T hat t h e q uestions wou ld b e han d e d to o f the law. It is not fair t o the peopl e who M r. Climie, if you or some other person voted for the adoption of t he law, and it wo u ld b ecome reaponsible for t h em, (2) is u nj ust even to t he v iolators , who a1·e Th al you or any othe r per s on would be by s u ch treatmen t l e <l to believe that they at l iberty to p u t them by word of mou th can carry on their uub w ful traflic if they i n t h e m eeting. You we1·e al so infor med simply pay fifty d o lltm1 each time they' tha t the Ins p ector was to s p eak and was aro detected nnd pn>eecuted.- Ccmad-ian willing to answer any reasonable questions Oiti::e11. T he Inspector referr ed to is no Of the t wo m e th ods suggest ed to yon , d oubt M r . C limie, ""' this is the view you appar e n t l y ch ose th e secon d , and a.t expressed by Mr . Spence a t the meeting the close of Mr. Climie's r em arks you r - here on the 10th i n st. self and others p r oposed q u estion s to him. These and t h e previous r e marks of Mr. A RADI CAI. CFl.ANOK.-Dan iel S ullivan, Olim ie cover ed t he whole g ro u nd of the of M alcolm, Omt. , t akes pleasure in rep rinted q u e 11ti ons, while amp le time a nd comm ending Burd ock Blood Bitt;.,r11 for f ullest liber ty to question or d iscuss were d yspe psia. It c ured h i m after years of given by the cha ir, o.nd your editorial is 1sufferin g. F r o m b ei ng a sceptic h e . fa t h e only intimation that ther e .wae any n o w a c onfirm e d in t h a t madid iaea.tisfaction at the cour3e of the com· cine. :t as

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