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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1886, p. 2

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l @!ll...·· ..·m..111111111111··~ ---~llll .llll _llll __llll _'!l. _ llll _~ .. 111?'~~~!11 .. C!~.~~~!" ..~~ ~--~~~ -!8'1!! _~ ~~!~~~-==~·!!.1!.~'all"~~~~~--~~~~~~~- _:: : =----· ~ "' o a ll wh o are suffering from THE CANADIANSlATE SMA H theA Ca1w.-T e rror s a ncl i n d iscret ions 9£ youth, n er vous wenlrness'1 early decay, lose of m anhood, &c., I .-.w ill send a r ecipe th~t will cure y ou FREB 01!' 'CHABGJ!:.. ~his -BYgreat r emedy was disc overed b y a m1sa10n:Th1:1 ary in S o uth A mericii. S end a aelfAT T H E OFEIC E ad d r essed envel o pe to the REV. J osEPB l'oetOaceB ock,IUngSt.,Bowma·vllle,Ont T. INMAN Station D New York Git'I/. 46y rs P U BL IBHl£D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __......~,___. -.........- ---·..a.~-----ll!lllllllll!fllll:l!fllll!ll!llllllll f~11;eu111 .·111 .. 11ili' _ _ lll _!lll _. lllll'llllllC·. MZlllO __WWW·. _ m __'!Ji.U~ _ __ --llll;.tl!l'l.&a __ ll _ Rlll! .lll & IR!Ll!llll'IJlllLG·lmliOIOlk l'IMll'l:lllll! i lllWWWlll!!Wlilll' lll!l!ie :ll'l.........UUU~-------.....*'.,.. · ·= .. -r - ·- ~---...- -~--- .....-.:---------~ .... ~."l~Jl~~~~ HEALTH. Help t o Digestion. · T Ar 1. E TO A WOMAN'S ME M ORY. · rJH: Go1;cl Dec<ls o f " S is lu· ~01·1·" Ens b rilt ecl i tt ~lal·bl e. li:VERI' FRIDAY MORNING , A.JAMES , TER.l\w![S: .J.H;perannum,or$l.OOlfpntdtn adv1 ince' PQment strictly In advance required rrom 11111>scmbersoutside of t he coun ty . Orders to ,.,_Leoontinue the paper mu~t be a ccompanied by :lulamount due,orthepa.per w illnut be stopped. abeoribers arerespon sibleuntiltullpaymentis ·~e. RA.TES OP A.DTEllTISING: '=-~ WboleColumnone year ............. $600V .~ ::;~ " " Haltyear ... , . .. . .... 36 O~ ~:;; One q u o.r ter ........ · 20 O~ ~ ~ Blllt Column one Year ... ... · .. .. 20 36 O V- Half year...... ............ O t " One quarter ... ........ 12 50 · " ..Quarter Colun..n one y ev-r ...... ..... ~O 00 1 " RaUyea.r ... ....... .. . .... ~0 ~ -- 5. "" One quarter .. 8 ,f lx llnes and under, .tl.rst Insertion .. ~ 0 50 ·E aohsubsequent insertion ...... 0 25 JITom six to t en lines, fir st i nsertion 0 7~ :: Each subsequen i insertion..... . 0 3;o -10 .arer tenlines,ftrstinsertion ,perllne o 19 _ 0 0< · Each subse quent inser tion, " T ile number of lines to be reckoned by l!t1 spaceoccupied,,measured byascale o ou .z:::= ... d_N_o_n_ p_ a_r""e'"'il"",~-= -"'." .. ... ... ..... ....~ ....::":'~--~='!~~-"! DBS, lllcL&lJGHLIN -" BEITH, O FFICE :-MORRIS' B L OCK, B OWMANVILLE. AilVISE TO MOTHEltS. - Are y ou <listurbed at night and brnken of J:O Ur r~s t by a sick child suffering an d cryrn g with pain of Gu tting T eet h ? If so send at once and get a b ottl e of ' ' l\frs. Winsl~w's h 'ld t tl Soothing S yrup." For c . l . ren . ee ung, its value is in ca lculable. It w ill r elieve t h e poor l ittle sufferer immedia tely .. D ep end upon it., m others; there is n o m istak o abou t i t. It cures Dysen tery an d Dia rrh cea , r eg ulates the S tom ach and Bo we ls, cnres W i nd Oolic, s oftens . the G u m s reduces Infla mmation, and g tves to:ie ~nd en er gy to t h e whole sydte rn. " M r s. W i nslo w's S oot hw g Syrup" for children tetithi n g is p lea sant to th e tast e an d is the p re scri ption of one of the oldest and best fem a le physic iiins and nur s es f l b in t h e U nite d St ate s. and is or s a. e Y all druggis ts t hro u gh the world. P rice 25 cents a b ot tle. Be su re a nd ask for "lYIRS. W INSLOW'S SOOTHING S YRUP, " and t ake no other k ind, Dr.J,W.McLAUGJILlN, j Dr· .A, B EITH, Gre.du· Jicentie.te of th e Royal at e of the 'l'oronto College of Physicians ruid member of the Umver s1ty, J:'hys1c m11 l:<oyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. geona, E dinburgh. I. .. Ult · .J. C. llll'l'C JJIELL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF P H YSICIANS . a nd Surgeons, Ontario, Cor oner. etc. 7£. Ofiloe and Res iden ce, Enniskillen. M . D.R. TAlUIU.l'N, P HYSICI.AN, SUHGJJ:ON and ACCOUCElEUR. a guaranteed specific for Office :.,--Silver Si re et, Bowm1 rnv1Jle. W. S, ORJUISTON, J,, L . R. 7 Barrister, Solicit or, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Office, nex.t. dool'. lo Ne·cs Office, Bowmanville. 39-tf J). JHJRKE 1Slllll'80N, A RRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o., MOPJU S ;:lLOCK , up stair s, K ing Street , Bowman ·, ,Ule. Solioltor for the Ontario Bank, l'rlvate lttonefs loaned at the lowest i·atea, B Dr . E. C. W est's Nerve an<l Brain Treat i;nent, Hy~teri a; Dizzmeas, Convulsions. FHA. Nervous, ~ eural gia., Head· ache, :N ervons P rostr ..tion," auscd by the use of alcoh ol or toba.cco, Wakefuln ess, Mental Depr ession, Softening of the brain resulting" in i nsanity and leading to miser y decay and death P rema ture Old .A ge, Barrenness. Loss of P ower in eitl1er sex, fnvoluntarv Losses and S permatorr hoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, eelr·a.buse or over·indulgerice. Each box cont ains one mon th's tr eatment. $ 1.00 a box . or six boxes for $ 5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. .John Ke ith Ga l b1·a1th, ARR IS ·r E R, SOLWl'f OB, NOT.A.I~Y P UBLIC, &c. Oftice- Boun sall's Bloc,k . :K;Jng Street, Bowmanville. Mouey to lend, We Guar antee Six Boxes To curo any oase. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we w ill send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the money if t h e treat ment does not effect a. cure. Guarantees issued only by J NO. Stott & Jury, Dr uggists, Bowm anv ille, B ROBERT A.lllllOlJR, KGIST R.AR, WEST DURHAM ISS U E R of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.t tcr ne~ at Law and Solicitor in Chanoery, Mone:y loaned on Rea.I Estate. Otftce on K ing street, dowmanville. . R BRITISH EMPIR E MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ..a. T, PHILLJJ-S E S T ABLISHED I N 1847. lCENSED AUU'f lONEER for the County · of Durham , Sales promptly a t tende.d · . It h as no shareholders to pay dividends to. .t.41.ddress- lie.mvton P , 0 . , H, Managed by. and solely ln the interest s or OHN B.UGHE8 .-Ltcen,ed Aucfao1m~r, the Policy holders. Valuator and .Ar bit rator. ,and Llf.e :.n surance, Notes and Accoun ts Collecteo.. U s R a tes are .Lo'". M oney to J,end on reason a t>le terms, .Ac d:resa ~72 £ 11.1'twrigh1 , Ont. l ' ollcles nou for t eita ble and u n condltionnl. Cash lloJt u s l' aid e-very t11r c:e yea r 8, \ULLIAltl \VIGll'r. L J ICENSE D 'A UCT IONE ER for the County of Durham. Orders left at the L STATESMAN office or forwarded to 'l'yrone P. 0 , J oint L ife P olicies. Though a double rish but one premium ls tor tw o people. .Am ount of policy drawn on first death, w Ill I r eceive prompt atten tion. 28 :6~ S. C. H l!NIUNC}, L 'I.~ Cvtin'··1 rn P. O. ICENSED AUCT ION EER FOR the County cit Durham. Sales attended un £hortest notice and lowest rates. Address S peci al Inducements 36:tf to Total Abstainer~. GG.OD W IFE GUAR ANTEE D TO A every mu.n wh o buys h is License C rom U!iNRY SYLVES'l 'lllR , Enniekillen . A.SSE 'l'S O'VE lt $ 5,0110,000. ' INCOHE OVE B $ 1,000,000 $ 100,000.00 deposited with theCanadianGoverr Pianos '.l'uned and ltepaired. · A RTIES WISHING THErn PIAN(JS T uned or r epair ed canhaTe them a t tende P "Dy leaving word .at the DOMINION ORGAN m ent for benefi t or G;1.nadian polic7 holders. IN'VES'r.l<~D IN CA.NA.DA, $6Ull, UOO.oo. HEAD O FFI CE I N CA.N.A.DA :-MONTREAL For particulars refer to Co's OVFWE, .Bowman ville .A ftrat-cla.s ma n oow being in their mplo r. ·~O Ho! Gentlemen oCli'as.h ion, not §O fast. E. L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL AGENT, P OR T H OP E Or to agent s throughout the county. 4.8-0s e. blVil writte n t hese f ew lllleB · .AJ>,d a.111 hav e t o say_ rhat youoo.n ftn<l me Still at home, lam not gon e away. Bo all roykindo!d !rlend s ma.:r oome, And all they oung ones, too, ;f,.nd get thelrgarmentsn icely m ade In fashions t n ew : · lV'bere old and young , d & a.r friends 1may meet .A w elcome 111~eetln1? . bv R. PE.ATE l Orono Pump Factory. Pu mps Cheape1· and Bett er than ever, T he S ubscriber h aviug b u ilt a larg e ne" P u mp F act ory in Orono, Is p r ep a re d - t o f u rnish- - ------·-··-- --------- -- - - - - 'l'ill within the past mont h E11gland h a s that a11 a people we have w eak stomachs, had no statu e to a woman whose heau lms everything which tend a to a sense of com fort n ot b een ornament ed by a crown. On t h e a n d pleasme at t he table should be foster ec l. thir t eenth of Octob er , how ever, a stat u e of Amon a the somcos of good fooling, I r eckon white marble wns raised in m emory of a wocrocke ~-y, p lat e , cntler y and line n. man in the m arket-pl ace of 'W alsall, Yor kChirw. co8t3 b ut littlo more t han t he com- sh ir e, in t he very hea.rt of the Black coun try. ,_J mon, and is likoly to receive b etter 'l'h e money for its er ection w as contr ibuted ca re and to 111st longer. in p en nies, sixpennies, a111.l shilliug~ by t he l'le.ted· k nives, forks anu spoons are now p oor miner s and iron -workers. .Every man so cheap tha t every table m ay ha ve an woman, and child for many miles ar ound you can find t he largest stock in above lines in t his coun ty· abundance. Ou some accou nts p lated ware e-ave som ething. Large cont ribu tions were ~ is preferable t o solid sil ver. W h en t h e Mil- declined for the r eason t hr 1 t all t h e poor lemuum comes in, I shall prefer the solid ~muted their little offerings accepted. T he ware, but up to t he d awn of t lrn,t happy stat ue is of Sicili an marble, t he height of d ay, I shall listen with sincer e resp ect t-0 t he figure is in a sittin g postur e b eing abont t h e prayer of l ight-fingered-people, " L ead eight .feet . and th at of t he granite p edesll us n ot int o temptat ion." L··l Lerng 111ne fee t. Nice linen gives such plea.~ure t o overyA '\YO}!AN OF' BEAU'rIFUL FORM _ b ody t h at I shall not at~empt 11 plea for a nd features is represent ed in. t h e garb of a clean table-clot hs 11i;icl napkr~rn.. . hQspi tal uurse, the ha uds holdw g a b:i.ndage I should be sat isfi ed w it h p l:i.mer and 1 · a s if prep aring to dress the wouu d of a p a ch eaper food , if neatly p repared and ser ved t ien t . upon snowy lineu, wit h china and pbte. I '!.' he 'll··oman whose form, features, a.nd ha:ve no doubt there are p eop le who, like C< Llling are p rese_ r vecl in marble_wo,s fam ilar blm d men, only reg1trtl t he tast e of food , ly known as " Sister Dom ." H er full n ame and, like pigs, have no ch oice 11bou t the was M iss D or othy V17yndlow P attison. She t rough in which it is.served ; bnt most of us wa s bor n a.t Haux well, Yorksh ir e , of w liich sh her fat h er was rmst or, on J anuary 16, ar e fi lled with a sense of sati_s factio~1 when p arL sm·r ounded by theoo cloon, bnght thmgs. J 8:32 bein" next to the yonngest of twel vc I cannot ment ion it table economy more chilll rcu .;'ne of whom w as th e R e" · Mark 1 wise than the use of beautiful cr ock er y and PnttisoE'. In her ch il clhood and y outh sh e come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will linen. It indu ces good manner s, quiet, deli- show ed s trong points of ch an1ctcr . Sho bern.t e eat ing, <tnd other Christian decencies. devoted mneh of h er t ime to the p oor and decidedly get a bargain. AU k inds of F ur altered a.nd repairerl. A nd it rmtk cs food look so pi·l~t<\ble t hat sick of the p arish alJ(l gave instructions to the purchases and labor of cook rng may b e t hose w ho coultl n ot 11tteml school. Oo the ...A_ sensibly red uced. br ci1king ou t of Th e P ractical Fur rier. An intelligent lady assured me tlm t the TITJo: wAn ACTATNST JWSSIA sight of crnckcd wheat itlways turned her sh e desired to accompany :Floren ce N ight- ~=~~ ~~===~=~ ..!:' ~!'!!'!.~ . =========================~ stomach , until she was visitiug _at Mrs. R: 's, ing,.lc to the Crimua , but she cou_ld not when the wh e::tt looked so wlnte, the chm "' t h e consent of h erfot h er an d b ro tner. H iwdish in which it w as put on t h e table was so inc- some means of h ex · own, ·sh e oat 11blishcrl , b eautiful, t he fringed rmpk in m1d cream in° .l hlif>,· a cot t age hospiti.11 1 1t vValsall, p itch er wer e so p1·etty, th at sh e ate crack ed which eontainerl t1ccommodations for fourwheat for t he_ first t i me, a1:d ha~ ever sinc1> t een p atients. '!.'he h ospiti1l wu.s a success been fond of it. V ery plam things cu,n b o from t he st 1 u·t. 'l'o it wer., brought th e vietims of mos t of t he mining d isast ers ma de liy a pleasu.nt dre~s. How true all t h is is of m any things be- th ermtbon ts. S he i1tten<led to idl t he cases sides our food ! I kn ow mor e tha~ one pel'sonally, an c l with th~ aid of a 1>or ter d id man, and more th an one w oman , w it hout iLl the w or k in t he l tosp 1.t al. " A bell-cord intelligence, ()h risti1LU sentimen ts or man - lc<l from each b ell t o h er r oom, u,n cl i t had ners, who t olerated and even welcomed n e1 ·er t o be pulle(l but once to bring the on account of th ei..r frne t<iste in d ress. And n urse to t he ,uffcrcr. She soon ma.stered is it not true t ha t the mass of men r egar d th e skill of th e su rg eons, and was tak en t he dress and nmnners mor e than t he quality int o thefr confidence · i u consult[l,tion, t o deWhen buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the N ew Oils, of sou l within ? It is th e dish arid t he linen cide w hether mnrrnt a.tions were necessary. which decide the fate of mor e t han one BrlB SAv~;D ~ 1o:v 1mAL 1,1J1u1~ t hing . an d secu r ed t he lasting gmtitude of t hose to whom th ey b elonged . H er courage, hop e, tLJHl cheerfuln ess inspired all who w ere Headaches. under her cl:mrge. She became a · superior T ry it once, you will use no other. 'l'he approach of the winter season will, cook t1nd invent ecl sevem l <lfohcs for inw ith a la rge numb er of p eople, be inaug ural v:dids. A s h er little hosp ital was not l arge of a r ecurrent heada ch e, fo r whi ch they are en cu ah to accommoda t e a ll t h e sick anrl unable to account at all sat isfactor ily , but wou1~ded 111 the neigh bo1·hoocl, sh e h ad th e w hich exp erience has taugh t them to ex- overnigh t of those that w ere sh eltered elsep ect as surely as fires and " snugness " are wher e. Although sh e devoted most of her r en dered necessar y to p ersonal comfort. It t ime to nursing m en , she was n ot neglectwould be w ell if all su ch suJfor crs ' were t o ful of wom en and chilck en. She carried und er surncl the r ationale of the complaint flowers to 'cheir poor h omes, prepar ed aptlly 1 1ttacks th em, and b? wise t hat p eriodic< p et izing dishes for t hem , and 1:ecited P! aycrs in time t o ward off the r etum of t h ou old an d r ead stories at their bedsides. I n t he m al:i-cl y. I n every case wh ere the headach e course of h er minist rations she cont racted is n ot dependent. on some org£Lnic disturb - the sm all-pox, and there::tfter nursed all ance, and when it is felt only during the coldor months of the year, especially in who were a lllicted with 'I'he above ]\fills are now in full running order, and are 'l'RA'l' 'l'Jnmn:u: DISEASE. large towns, it is unrlonbt edly d u e to t he In t he win ter of 187() sh e discovered t hat · t urning out th e best quality of R oller Flour. vitiated 11trposph er e of r ooms lighted by she w as suffer ing from muicer , b ut sh e k ept g11s, and r enclcrecl "snug" by close-drawn t he sec1 ·et from ever y one hut h er confi dencnrtnins <Lnd dl'augh t -excluding d oors, while a brilliant firn i s mainta ined for h ea.ti ug tial physician, and bravely continu ed ~10r work six m onth s longer. On t he followm g purposes. T h is latter is, in deed, the onl y Christm as eve sh e .q uietly died . p roven t ive u nder t h e circumstances of an It w as n ot necessar y for " Sis t er Dora" absol utely p oisonous condition of t he a ir, to wa it till t he close of life to b e honor ed. I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will k eep both St one and Roller F lour in both Mills, for sale or exchange. w hich is · ver y seriously contami nat ed Earl y in h er car eer th e wor k ingmen of vValw herever a gas-light is employed for il· sall p resented h er w it h a Leautiful puuy luminat ion. '.l.'he remedy for the evil is, in OUR DltANDS ARE and c:i,rriage, and w hen she p:i-sscd c1l~ng efficient an d consta nt ventilation , a · noccs- the streets on her way t o visit the sick sit y t hat every ho'nseh oltler sh ould see is every ma.n ttnd boy un covered his head . secnred in all t h e r ooms of his dwelling be- One you11 g man, wh ose arm sh e h ad s'.1ved , fore they are transformed into w int er h abi- wa lked elcYen miles t o g'iYe h er a hot1gnet . t ations. A li ttle gir l, in dying, said to her : ' '. ·w h en y ou come to h eaven, d ear sist er , I will m eet .M.ind and Botly. you at t he gates with a bu nch of flower s. " Healthy body, healthy mind ; or, h ealthy All t h e inhabitants of the town wh ere sh e mind, he,1lt hy body. Keep th e body 'healthy , w orked :i.nd minist er ed r evered ~tml almost the mind will be healthy; k eep th e mi·d WORSHIPED ~·HE GEN'l'LE AND HEROIC WOM'A.N. h eal thy, the body w ill b e healt hy . A w or - The p oor a nd ignorant believed that sh e Ask y our groce1· for above b rands or call at the Mill and get th em. ried mind wearies a young body into a.n old possessed superhuman a t tributes, and deEvery bag g uarant eed first -class and full weight· one. clared th a t she possessctl the power to per - CI1op ground in either Mill any d ay of t h e week .~ · Old a tte often comes of rust , treadmill, form miracles. The highly in t elligent hon ;m:i-F arm er s Gristing es pecially s olicited. living iJ: ruts, learning nothing new, i nsi&t- ored her no less, but in a d ifferent wu.y. ing on e is too old to learn. A young man vVomen w ho ar e p iniug fo1· fame in t h is I am prepared to pay the highest price in Cash for Wh eat delivered nHtrries ;1t twenty-three; t he Woman u i tto ; and other count r ies, m~y learn from t h e they give up recreation, get i nto a socia l hititory of t his rioble woman how to acquire at eith er Mill ; also for Badey a nd oth er coarse grains delivered at treadmill, turn th eir Iives in to busin ess, it. Darlingt on Harbor . l)otoitively no credit at either Mill. '.l.'h er e ar e t hou sa uus of p eople r~dy h ou sekeeping, c11lling and r eceiving calls. to be grateful to those who w ill merit t heir At for ty t hey are m er e machines. :Now t hoy gr atitude. T h e supp ly of excellent statu- Bo wmnnville, October J.3:3m begin to · lay u p for old age; th ey begin to ary nmrbl e h as not given out, and several ~..=.'-=:~--------·---·-.... feel old, and they are old. E r icsson is a ct - skilful m'tists arc a.t any t ime r ca.dy to . iv e wi th wor k and inveut ion at eigh t y -four; shitpe it into the likeness of som e n oLlc an d 1 TO ~ Gladstone, in his seventies, is r uling Eng- self -sacrificing woman . hmd ; DeL esseps, canalling at eighty. To remai n you ng we m ust act , feel and h ope ·w iggins, lilrn t h e young. ., 01 F uRNITUl'tE. - In view of the fact At the leadin g establishment of lv.l: A the Pra ctical Furrier, YE~ - . I FOR I-'A.DIES: Jackets-Doln1anettes, Capes, Caps and Muffs in great variety. FOR GEN TS: A .large stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb, Bokaria n and Coon, in all prices, Sleigh Robes by the dozen, and Cap s of aH descriptions. In Gent's Furnishings- the best stock of Und erwear, Ties, Braces, Shirts. a nd Rubber Coats. N[_ So NC Y- E R:J Farme r s' Threshe rs and Mill menJ Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrat ed. ::L A RDI: TI-3:: E B EST TN TH E MACHilN E 0 l . W OR LD. Coal Oil. ~BOVVMANVILL E~ LL R ' T Y RO E M ILL · "ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. "VICTORIA," Choice Roller Flour. "GLENCOE," XXX Bakers' Roller Flour. "EXCELSIOR," Choice Stone Flour. J.C. VANSTONE. -- G O Their beau ty and fragrance add n ot f\ little to the ple<Lsure of t h e t able hour. A W ith or witho ut P orcela in Cylin d er, d far go, fragrant bouquet takes t he pb ce of the B est Mat erial, on the shor test notia1· an cxtm dish .. And n ot!1ing is so cheap as flow ers. Dmmg a con s1.derable part of the and a t the lo west prices. year they cost i1bsolutely noth ing. It is t he WITH TE E TR, WITH O U T TEETH Cis tern Tubs an d P u mps supplied . sweetest pleasur e t o g row t h em . And it is su rpr isin 0 " how. cheaply a small conser vator y . b , · . · ·d PRA.CTIC&L DENTIST, WELLS CLE A.NED &RERAIRED. lllrt y . e Illt.~uagc · ~ I t 1s su ch '1. p l castu e t o ob ser ve h ow t h e ~VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. love for flowers is incr easing ! Their sweet · · ttr·u110xhleGa11 A.dntinlst ered tor Palnle s be>Lu ty brightens t he mos t unexpe cted pl aces · while t heir p resence in sp ir es almost every Ofl'fl'ICE BLOCS.. pulpit, . of flowers at . the t a.b l e , I n re TO G IVE SATISFACT ION. '.l.'h e ser vice PUMPS OF EVE'lY D ESG RIP TIOk Flowers at the Table. H is u:u ne is Wjggi ns, it r liymes wjth. S priggins arnl · t he Uilesia n H igg·in s and such h ke fr_y : j H e conld be at an Og-eechec nigger in i-mienti fic,figger- in' on the sociu.l statL ts of a qmuh-i!atct·al lie. I ur tl oc l1 B r o s . for everything in \. In sol:u· "ci~nce he could bid defiance to Sil' H umph - He 00 ,~~l' 1~~1~tc~~.~;;1;,tf~~~~~~ 1 '. thcr function without compunction, wit li bfars arnl Venus, that wou.ld : beat Me<lum'~, a.act other planets rn the solar j· t rM k. s TA p L E AND FA. ·. CY --- ~ J.M. BR IMA.COMBE, Opera;:~~~~NG'8 All WORK c UA RAN TEED Orders~by I His st<>ck commcrcio.1 was Hind and Herschel, Hum e 1 bo)dt, Stto.ho, Kopler, Marin· ; Astrology, biology, d emonology , cycloneology, and, 1 the nebul" in s,wlttanns. 0 With well-planned ~ct~o11S a.ud _shrcwd restrictions he'd m"ke i:ired1ctt011s ot wm<l. and :reatbcr ; I I Their China Hall contains the Largest Assortment of and throes ! fining the appetites of all is not gcuenilly So, Wig!fins trymg, Ills prn_rhcs_vrng, lHs long tongue i . l . I t wou. lc l tak e a b r u ~Jvrng womcu crpng ' a m! ·troug· men ttr· apprecrntct w· t o eat irig to·ct· avoid t he shook. · j . lik e one, a t a taLlc 11mtle sweet by the pre · DOORS, S A SH, B LINDS, PIOK.ETS, senceof flower s. Butthls seismolgi·t, this Perldnltcolglst, hasuow no MOULDINGS & k t h d - -n.po!ogist for his foolish prank; / . . ' c.' t'IP on an · . The Throat. His eg:i~,i'.o;~ ~;1~~~~.~1~~ ~h~;~n~d:1:~ ;;.~~;~·(' H Mail promptly attended to. 1c;:1~~1b~:~:;~~!~~~d~iteT~e!!:~ei~~:~lifi~ ~~~ j Now, ~i~.~};~~,1~\,~~~ ,f,~ ~·~~~~uri~, But al~.!1~~efs¥i~~-~,~~"~~~-· ~l~~o~~!u~~~~~~~'.uz and ns ', ~NA CH I I ~------L-·----------t o be ioun ~ d lll · tl·i e d'lSt n·ct . M . CROCKERY LA'1W , PS & GLASSWARE) . ..[!J C! Girls work in th e coal mines of Belgi um on hand. shock ed w h en they saw tho modern Godiva, 1 th e p reach er , grabbing his hn.t ; "we will . N e w spa p e l" Advo rti s ;n g l3u I'c,,, u , loading ears at 4 0 cent s for a day of sev en - ! N . B.- Will visit Wil!iamaburg every riding wi thout even extrn long lmir to cover take up the missionary collectien next Sun I 10 S p r u ce S t ., N ew Y -.>rk. teen or eighteen hours. S aturday of each wee k . 16-l y her. day. " · sen<I ~C>e·ta. iol' ·! 00 .. P ,.ge p,,.,rmhJ ~t. can earn t e exact Operations & Dentistry f of any proposed hne MUS I C. d eal of noise a nd d istur bing the m eeting. ~ ' dvert"1s"1 ng in An1ePcan Calls an d O rd e rs by m a il. or t elegraph '.L'he story is t old of a woman i a Mon - w18h yoH would go ont imu st op them. a S. W. R USE. will receive p rom pt attention. mon t h I ll. who went batb iu o i n a brook Brot h er :Fost er w ent ou t 1 1ncl r et urned preb dd · E Ac HER OF ORGAN, P I ANO, CHARGES MoDERA'l'E~ Jlear t l;e to~n and, seein!; ho~· se i n a pas- sently with t he infor mation t hat t he d ist urb - papers y a ress1ng T ·t> ' on" ? tl 9 EB ? 1aGn'~ O.:FHEORY. 'l 'er ma on a u ,. pyli· O F F ICE H O U R S , 8 T O lO .A. 1\... tnre a long&1cle, caugh t hnn a nd mounted. ers were uot boys, but a l ot of men from the p R.owe Cil C 28 1 I . ~ ~ '.!.' hen t o her horror , t.h e s~·~ed s_ t a rt ecl on a ' co~nty seat , who v:rei;e hi:ng~ng a ,,t101·s~- Geo 11 0 . o.~ A firat-o.! stock of Medicines alw ays run for town, 11rnl t he 111hab1ta n ts w er e tlnef. "Congr egat ion s dismissed , said · · l · 1 _ .. . .. - - time yon sp eak y on can t h e vibration of T h e K ing of t h e l3elgiaus h as an eye 0 11 1 ' · th~ vocal orga.ns, prod~cm¥ sound.. A.11.~· Queen V ictori a's cast le of Hobenlo!1e at Ba- l Graduate ofthe Royal College o lDental t h mg tl~at even ~w:.hes th e th,r?a.t impMrs den, and is looming up as a p ossibl e pur- ! ' Surgeons, Ontario, . tJ10 punty o. f those so:rn~ls. F lm~ a cloth . chaser. . K I NG S TRE E T BOWMANVI L L E . l!I i . over t he st <·mg8 of !L v1olm or a piano, and OFFICE OV E R DICKSON'S STOR E. . · ~ ·', get music out of it if y ou c1111 . So every All history t e.1 ·ch es . tlmt gcocl of. ever :y: ·· · ·· ·. .. . JOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY cloth w hich sunounds th e tbi·oat i mpairs ! kind h as Jirst· ~x 1ste<l m the conccpt10n s of ~>'fMPMilll!liMWlliiWM"~ / A womt1n wor k s m o, h .nJmazoo (M1c .·h . ) ate Work executed i n the latest a nd mo!i , the sw eetness of t he voice. \ Vomen go\ t h e best and wisest m en , t h em b een grad n::tl- 1 .?ooper shop, arnl call make ns ma ny l mrr.el s Improved style of t he Den tal .A.rt. VETER.IN A;El,Y S U R GEON ' with n ecks bare ; m en have th eirs swathed ly diffu sed through t he m md s _ of t li c m any, i r ll1 a day 11s any of t he men who w or k wit h ancl bandaged, aud ten w.omen have sweet and at lei.1g:t h . truns ir_n~tc cl m~o t he most I ! her . JllB:TH EXTR.A.C'rED W I THOUT P .A.IN) 1 . 1 voices where one m an has. A man's v oice llractici\l ancl vital n'ah t1es of h to irnd cou - 1 ..- - - - - - - - - - - - the use of Nitrous Ox i<lo Ga s, w lthou tinjury to the pa tient. H onorary Gra.duat e of Ontario Vet erinary shou ld be as. pur e as a woman's. Why is c luct. T he p h ilosophet"s ~lre~m, if he be a ·. H College, will a tt e nd t o a ll d isease& it n ot? H e is shaved and choked. God true p h ilosopher , becomes m tune the cher - 1 particular attention t o the reg ulation o r of d o westie animals. h as provided a covering for m au 's throat , ish ed sta.rnhtrd of comrno11 da.ily lifo. J OHILD R EN' S T E R'.r H. ligh t ancl soft ; it clot hes t he neck an d p re · " Brother ] 'oster," said a sout h west Ar- ! ~t ) _.ALL W ORK WARRAN TED. ..._, ;;er ves t he hea.l!Jl. Hut a: man gets a sh a'.p k ansas p reacher , pausing in h is ser mon a:nd . CO::, iron, scrapes h ts n eck , ties a ra g a~~und it, addr essing a member of t h e congr ega t10n ! · · " ta.kes ~olcl, h as S? re thro<it, bron ch1t1s, COU· w ho occupied a ben ch iiear t he ~oor, "the Q . i il A SP E CI AL T Y. sumption, a.nd dies. boy s ov er in tha t gr oYe u11c 1 mtkmg a good , · lb? HARND E N, L. D.S., n111 m:~~- th~~~~:~haefi:~~~=~;ni~::~~~e~~e~; B FERG U~ U J.1 . f~el . F. .A J 0N . E8 · · IL) I I. HIGH"'Gl S T A RKEm _ ' P RICES , I I I for all kinds of F arm P roduce, Butter, Eggs, &c. VJ CTQ R I A B U I L 0 I N GS ' EN NI SK ILLE N ADVERTJSERS 1 h B ELL" a R G AN \, Unapproached for Tone and Quality. ft .1. CATA L OG U ES F REIE. B ELL &CO. Guelph, Ont. 1

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