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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1886, p. 4

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LARGE ASSORTMENT OF forrPrizes, S.S. Libraries, ~HEAT ---o·--- lSStJ, ln the Chnrch··t. 1fothocllst , Cl1urch, Utn1'uuutvllle . Thousands of young men and will vote at this election who never gave TRXT: y., 11hall Jknow them by t heir fruitsa political vote before. They should show Matt. 7:11L -ANDThe Mode.rn Theatre (this includes the their appreciation of t11e privilege by voplays given by t roups that visit our town ting for Mr. Mowat's supporters. as well as the city theatres) occupies a 'very prominent position among t he amJUST ARRIVED. Owing to the fact that the Annual usements of the p resent d:Ly. Tf it is THE GLOBE'S BIG DISH School Meeting' are held on Dec 29, right t o attend such places, if their influHaving bough t a large supply of ~{)RONTO DISCOUNTS GIVEN the date of the no111inations and po!lin>( ence is fa,·urable to morality,and calculat· OF CROW. ed to m:.t ke us better ci1.izens, bet1er for Ontario L egislature have been brought husbanch and wives, better father" and IlEING A 8UCCI NC1' CA'J'AJ, <1GUE OF TORY ~lated forward to the 21st and 28\h of December, mot hers, b~tter parents :ind ch il dren, be.t DISAS'fl~l\S SINCE THE L AST GENER.\L ter chriatians, they should be e'.-dors d ELECTION. respectively. by tho pulpit and should receiv.; its supCrow three times a day, for seven days port. But on the other hand if by ap- in t h e week, and an extra di sh on election - T O BUYBy all m eans let the record of Premier plying this Gospel standard to thmn, by days . .. Since the hst gen eral cl1~ctions the Mowat and his Cahinet. bee verywhne un- t<ubjecting them to thi~ te·t whi ch our Tory partylv1ve simply in crow .. . folded, tlw challenges of their opponentg L ··rd h · s dech·ed to be t he corr~ct one, The number of ~he dishes no man can boldly met, and if th e result: is satisfact- and which He directs us to use in such comp ute .. :The Mercer .. Eschcat case was We are going to offer such bargains as cannot be surpassed ca-es, if by so doing we find th em to be decided by th e Privy O'iunci l ag:tinst t he ory, as it must b e , let every legitimate - - A T -subversive of tlrnt, wlu ch is good and holy Great Constitu ti .. n11l Blunderer and in for quaiity, quantity and price. and honorable effort be made between and pure, if we find that they teud to cor- favor of M owat and Onturio .. . The opernow and polling day to r eturn good and rubt the morals, d 6bauche the principals ations of the Froz..n Whiskey 13rig:idc in and destrov the souls of those who attend Muskoka was exposed .. Mr. K\uquier true supporters. them, we ~ould be recreant to our C\ ' lll· wa.s disqualifi·Jd .. 'f he En velope outrage mission did we uot condemn and denounce in West Middlesex was uncovered ... Mr . We regret to learn that there is one them. Alex. Johnston escaped disqualification REffIEMBER THE Pl.ACE, Tory paper in Ontario which insults the inLet the manager of any theatre attempt by the skin of his ted h . . .P oor Weekes, telligence. oE Canadians by telling them to change its present character, endeavor of Caradoc, was trapp~d with the Bribery that "were it not for the National Policy, to make it a teacher of morality and an money in his pocket .. . Mr. M eredith was farmers would to-day be receiving 14 eta. educator of virtuous principles, and he censured from the Bench for preparing would soonlosehia patronage, the theat re the false affidavit which occ·~ioned the ~ht Jtatt~mau. a bushel les11 for their wheat than they to live must pleu..~e, must pander to the p-rosecution of \Veekes for 1 ierjury .. . Sir are now receiving." Political lying of this tast e of t he rabble, it must cater to the .John Macdonald was un~eated in J,eunox ~OWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, NOY. 26. sort disgusts the m ost extreme Tory far- coarse and the vulg:ir or it cannot exiat. .. .Hon Ja.mes Young, on the 11cceptance Let ua look at the actors themselves. of the Provincial Treasurersh ip, was who know it is false. The culprit ll t h ed for North Brant by a mnj-·rit.y of 549 Special tt;> Our Patrons. Upon n o one wi t he ef acts oft e theatre .. .Algoma w"s won . . . west Middleirnx and in this case is ihe Ottawa. Citizen. be so apparent as t he actors. Tlrny ar.e Lennox were wrested froin the Tories for we shall oogin next week to issue the the t ruo exp,,uents of its character. And the Legislat ure ... Hon. A. M. Ross was S'l'ATJ!.SMA!i on W ednooday instead of FriMr. Bunting has been holding frequent what is t he almost universal verdict of the day. Coueapondenoo and copy for ad- interviews with Sir John of late, yet the moral status of llctora in gemiral ? Arc re-elected in West H uron by acclamation they estoem··d as upright and honorable ... The Privy Couccil de.c lnred, in 'l 'he f'ertising should r r·ach the offic.e on Mon- Mail would have us believe that "Sir John and virtuous1 Are they such as we would Queen v. H odge, that tlte licensing day. WtJ shall print on Tuead?y l\fter· and I we don't agree, I hate him and he hold up b efore our children and y ·>ung power belonged to the Provinccs ... Sir Cartwri>! ht was elected hy acclanoon. By this change the bulk of onr h ates me. " Will any of our Tory friends people as models, as pa.terns aft.~r which Richard mation in South Huron .. .J olm Shidd~ readers will get one paper in the middle say that the Mail's independence is not thev should form aud fashion them lives and charnctlirtt? O n t he contrary d u we . diired n ot prosecu te h is s .,,Jtion B fr ·el of the wook iru1w1id of getting all on Fri- in the interest of Sir John and that if is not point to t 'rnm as warnings against a t- suit against the Ulolie .. . l\iou~seau had to day. doing what it believes will most effi.cient- tendam:e at the theat re, as the very em· be shielded by" v .te of the 'l'ory majM· . cl d ity in the C'" " mons . .'f upp r had to b e ly aid his Government1 Were the Mail l egrad llli.( an of a II t h e c eprav- whi ·ewashed .. . H awkins was ki ..ked ou t APERSONAL EXPLANATION. to condemn aome of the most raecal!y ac- bodimem inir vic"'s pr:ictised and indulged in among the lowest and most abandoned orders of of Bot hwell, antl the seat l!'ivcn to H on . The opini-0n prenilg that our criti~isms tions of the Government, some people society. Their vic~s are the natural and D:wid Mills . . . SirJohn Macdonald had to legitimate result of the ir c"lling. How su~pend his Domini"n License Ac<. .. on Dr. McLaughlin's actions last week might think it1 pro' eKsion1sincere. can it be expected that a man who ni.,h t. f< uuting's Brawling Brood of Bribers were pro1npt.ei by personal opposition to "' were snared.. . A True Bill was found No leader of a government e'l'er \fent lL miser, !\ hilo(hhie candidature; and sollle even surmi~c to the electors with a cleaner record than aftM night impersonates .b · k agHin~t tlw conspirators by t he Grand way man, a 11 - ertme, a ·nave, or a in lirthat we 11.ctu!Jly aspire to the position of Premier Mowat. Possibly he may have derer can c.,, 11 inu" contented or puce or .Jury .. . A R oyal Commissio.'l declared the Looal memoor. We have only to 1my in conceded more to the Roman Catholics in hotl.e~t1 The man who so often assume3 Brood guilty of the offence charged again~t lS ... Wilkinson lost hi8 rogist· arshipand explanation th11.t our remarks h11.d no po- rnhools than some of his suppor!;,,rs would a bad charact~r after awhile becomes that. them was forced to sub for Onderdonk .. In which he represents. The woman who litical significance whatevllr; we wrote wi·h, but the justice, inte~rity, economy appears night aft~r ni\,!l1t before la.r,(e au- bye-election~ for t ho Quebec Assemh·y just aa we felt on Moount of his actions,at and efficiency of his administration have die,, ces, inindelicate1\pparel,cannotlo" g T ll rc;e Rivers and Jacques Cart ier were ' ~ BED!~ ~ that meeting; and we claim the privilege never been surpassed by any legislative retain that most highly prized of womanly red;,emed and Chateau~uay C· rried ... The ~ at all timea of criticising the public nets body; and so familiar are we with the On- !;(races, h er modest y, who is compdlod to Pl'ivy Council dechired the L egislature assume the chara.ct-·r anr:l occupy the po- competent to pass the S ·re1ims Bill... of public men, bci they friends or foes, tario Government's record t iii at v~ry little sition 11.nd use the words of some her·>ine Thd Bill was no t di<allow~d the fourth a 0US8 lll eS Ur a:ill. wheno,·er t be circunu1tance~ w11n-ant us time ~s neces:suy fo1· discussiug ·its actions in a degrading love romance, cannot long time ... The Cqnrt of Appeal sustained in. doing &o n.s was tho e&11e in this instance. before the peopl11 go 10 ~he p olls. There- retain that ·purity of thought and modt<s- the disqualification of Mr. Fauq uier. .. Tho 8TA'!'ESMAN has given Dr. McLau:th- fore the time given by Mr. Mowat in this ty of mien which make wom;·ll a very an- Megantic was r edeemed . .. The Privy gel of goodness. How can m" n or w:omen Council rat ified the Boundary A ward ... lin unqmi.lified snppoTt politically ever instance is quite ample. affect the vilest sentiment· and the lowest Muskoka was restored to h er l egitimate sinco he enttired public life, and will con· pasoions of our fallen n~ture, without,. be- place among tht> Liberal con stituencies of WARRANTS TO SEARCH 1" 0R LIQUOR.tinue .to do so as long we can eudoree his lf there is any worse enemy of the pub- in~ besmirched 11.nd polluted and dcpraA- the Province ... The appeal 11gainst th e re- . Clause 108 of the Canadian Temperance turn of Hon. G. W. R oes was dismi~sed. ; . political acta and the ll.Cts of the Liberal l~c \feal than the man who deliberately aped. S ir J ohn Macdonald "was forced t o mod- Act pr.,vices for the issuing of & search party of which he is 11. worthy represent- peals to religious prejudices in a commuSpeaking of the character of the plays ify hisFranchise conspiracy in many im- warrant by t he magist rate before whom a ative. nity ofmixedcreed11, says the L ondon Ad- r epresen tetl t·e quoted Mr. P aln1t·r1 nian· portant respects ... The Goverument. was prosecution is brought. The clause has ances of been miainterprcted by some officials, verti1er, we do not know where to look ager of the Madison Squ1\re Theatre, New compelled to redress the grie Y York, who s1Lys: "The bulk of the· per- the Halfbreeds .. .Sir David M«cpherson who imagine t lut it only provides fo r the Precident :Fraser's Letter. 1'he 'l'emperance Colonization Society (limitfor him. The l\failan~ it· satillites who formances en the stage 11.rc degrading and was obliged to go into e:rile ... The Privy issuing of a se:Hch warrant after a con· ed ) w !ll provide free rail way passages to all viction has boon ~ecured. An examina1ue so industriously striving for partisan P"'rnicious, If the u owholesome craze Council pronounced theDominion License 11cripboldere for (or their representatives) who We do 'not wish to provoke further goes on t he imagination C·n hilrdly paint Act not worth t he paper it was wl'iiten on tion of t hu Section shows that it is will, on or betore t.he 31st day or DECEMBER 1886, pa.yup arrears due the society, and join controversy with the Executive of the purposes to excite the peac~ful people of a picture vivid enough to do justice to the . .. In bye-elections in Ontario the Govern- framed to provide for t h e securing of the 1\rst excurs ion to the Colon y in thn spring, Scott Act AS11oclation, because instead of two Provinces to theolo1' w11r stage of ten years hence. " Mr. 8andma1p1 ment candidates carried Lennox, East evidence in where charges of keep- for t he purpose of settling ou the Ja.nd. dividing we should be uni ting ourstrength much to answer for. 1'~ortunately, how- an actor for thirt y years,:says: "l unheis Simcoe, and East and West Allloma, and ing liquor for sale are made . The order B y or<1er or the Board. C. POWELL, Manager, i l\nd deadly feuds itatin!(ly sta.tft that t he taste of the pres- in East K ent the Government supporter , of procedure ia : (1) the bringing of a and inflneucc in assiflting to make the ever, a revival of the o\< Society's Oflices.115 Kinic st. west.'l 'oronto. ent theatre-going people of America, as a was returned by acclamatioa .. .The L ib er- pros.icution-that is, t he layini: of a.n between Prote11ta.ntiam andCathol ic i1m1 i1 Act a rmccess. 'Ve sta!.ed our views b ody, is of a. coarse and vulgar nature." al majority in the L egislature was in- ioformW>tion ; (2) t he application for a N. B.-Loans ma<le(under Government s11nc48·t! hu1.estly and fearlessly last we· k. n.nd no longer possible. But while this averts Durnas, the celehra.ted French dramatist, creased from 13 to 19 . .. Chancellor Boyd search warrant ; (3) the seizing of liquor tion)to assiot intending settlers. neither Mr. Fraser's long ietter nor all)'· the danger it doe11 n ot lesseii the guilt of replied to one of his critics, "You wou 1d decided against the claim of the S t. Cat h- found , together with the appliances for thing else tln·t we have seen or heard those who had it in their hearts t o do the not take your daughter to see my p!ay, ari ries Milling and Lumber Company to its sal e, a s evidence that t h e liquor was you ate right, but let m a say once for :\ll c ut timber in Jljorth-west eru Onhrio kept for sale con t m ry to the provisions of OC JOHN l~WAl1T late ot the Township ot since, has changed them. We no mischief. yon must not take your daugh ter to the und er 8 Dominion License ... The Court of the law. Section 119 of the Act p 1ovides Darlington, in the County ot Durham,.li'armer, quarrel with the officers of the Associathe<itrn at all. It is not merely the work Appeal Rustained t he Chancellor's judg- that such liquur and appliances shall be deceased, HON. MR. BLAKE ON LABOR. Notioc is hereby given pursuant to Section tion. 'l'heir conJ uct at the Temperance that is immoral, it i8 the p laymg. The ment . .. Half of Mr. M eredith's follo wers prima faci a evi rl ence for sal e, and t hat 31 cf 107, R. S . O., as amended by " such liquor shall be deemed to have Chap. 9 of 16 Yio .. Ontario, that all creditors theatre being the picture and the satire desert ed him on the question of new Pro· meeting seemed strange to us and to Mr. Blake's speech to the workingmen and .others ha' 'ing elaims against th<i estate f the of social ma.nners, i~ pnnst be immoral, tht1 vincial buildings . .. The 'fory Conspiracy been kept for ca le contrary to the provi- ol John Ewart line of the 'l'ownship of Darothers, and we told them so and asked of 'l'oronto was far above the level @ pa8sions at1<l sncia.l manners b eing them· to secure the dismissal of \Vnrdcn Massie, sion of such .Act, unl e:is eontrary is proved lington, in tho County of Durham, Farmer, fo1· an explarmtion. ' p ,fr. Fras.,r's volumi- usual political address both in its mat ter selves immoral." Mcready, a name mighty of the Cent r al Prison, was defeated . .. The by the defendant in any p rosecution." deceasod, who died oa or about the second day a.ud the spirit lh1;tt animates it. In parOcrober, 18S5, nre required to send w the nous lotter is the result. When Mr. ticular he took a st.~nd upon the labor in theatrical circles, wrote these words: Boodlers were exposed ... 'l'lie Dominion It is ridiculous to suppose t hat action of undersigned. D. Burke Simpson, Bowmanville, Fraser states with 1111 the emphasis of question higher and more advanced than "None of my children, with my consent, Government were forced to wit.hdrawth eir should only be tak en with a view to ob- Ont., Solicitor for A;,drew Smith, Esq., Executor and Truotee of the last \Vill and Italics " thu.t no such refusal was given that ever attained by a Canadian statl'S· under any pretense, shall ever enter the propo~it.ion to e ncourage t he production tained evide n ce to be nsed in a prose cu· 'l'estament of the John Ewart deceA.sed, rion after a conviction had been secured, the theatre, nor shall they have any Tisof oleomargarin e to compete with Canaparticulur s in writing of their claim~ a nd the either publicly or privately," as we claim man, :1nd he discuss,- d the nature of the iting connections wi th play actora or act· dian but her ... ReviQing-officer \Voods was as the case would then have b een ter min- nature of the scculities (if any) held by them, evils from which Canada and Canadian anc l their Christian anu Surnames. addresses there was, he simply denies what he forced by 11 mandamus to hear L iberal ap- ated, ancl t he evidence so '> btained would and descriptions, on or before the 8th day of workmen are now suff<>ring with the reses. subsequently acknowledges when he says, ability of a master and ·a thoroughness Referring to the class of persons who peals against a stuffed voters' list... In t he be of no value. As a matt er of fact a Decomber, 1886. And notice is hereby given that at the ex· " It was agreed, furth<lr, that tho Chair- that leaves nvthing to be desired. He attend theatres, t he preacher said: We gen eral elections in New Brunswick th e c:tse of this sort was appealed some time pirntion of that time the said Executor will ago. J uetice R ose heard argument u pon man should decline to present them unles~ showed clearly that while the manufactur- admi t th at you will occasionally find a L iberals carried 30 out of 41 scats .. . In the matter, carefully considered t h e proceed to distribute t he asset s ot the said amonr>: the parties entitled ther0'to, deceased. person of irreproachable character at the the Nova Scotia general elections t he Libso father'ld," thie is sub~tanti,.l!y what ep- is protected, the opperatives he theatre, just as you will find a notori ous- era1s carriert 30 outof 38 seats .. . Tn Cham· whole case, and decided t hat a search having regard only to the claims of whic 'le employs arc actually forced to contend shall then have notice, and tllat he will no& e we stated. with state-aided competition, so that ly ungodly man occasionally at the pray- bly a t ory m11.jority of 539 W HB turned warrant could be issued un der t he q uoted liable for the assets or any part there9C, to any clause im mediat ely a fter the laying of the person or persons of whose claims he sh>Lil no In regard to the socond Msortion, as instead of the legislation of their country er meeting. But wl1at is the general char- into a Liberal majority "£ 80 . .. In HaldiD. BURKE SIM PSON'. information upon which t he application then h11ve had notice. Solicitor acter of those who go there'/ Gamblers, mand, in spite of the Indian vote, the asaisting them to gain higher wages, it for Executor. cla.ssified by Mr. Fra3er, viz.: That an 46·4w d issipated men and fallen women go there, :Franchise Act, and the Bloody Shirt, t he for the search warrant is based.-Oa11adian Do\'l'manville, 11th Nov,, 188U. assists in reducinf{ their w~ges. He attempt was made on the part of the showed that under our present taxin~ the lech erous, spendt hrift, horoejockey, Lieeral majority was increas ~d ... In t he Oit·izen,- This is anot her p ointer for Mr. At1sociation and its committee to" white- system the poor pay pro;,,rotionately a and the offscouring of society go there by gen eral elections a Tory majority of 30 Climie. wash" Mr. Climie, the Inspector, we greater tax than the rich, aud as this scores and by hundreds. It 1s true you \vas t urned into a minority of 10.'.. Crow THE ScoURGB oF AMERICA.-The on.e lutve only to say that Mr . FraserandMr. taxation is indirectly levied they have to will occasionally 8ee such characters nt a. .. .Nothing but crow . .. And more t o follo w. terrible blight of our country ts scrosula -from impure blood-i t causes conRoberts who drafted the resolutions and pay the middle man a profit upon it. He church, ri concert or a lecture , bu t you - sumption and many wasting, lingering showed that under this system the a~·erage will always fil\d thorn at the theat re. The the other members of the committee and fa tal diseases. Burdock Blood aurplus of a mechanic's family in Ontario, r owd y, the bully. the blackguard, the must h:we known that a great deal oi as far as can be ascertained by the Onta- fancyman, tlte loafer, the swindler , the Bitter1 cures scrofula if taken in tirne. 1 fault is being found "ith Mr. C!imie for rio Bureau of Agriculture, Wl\S only thirty swearer, the bar-kbeper, tho forger, the his apparent inaction and unfaithfulness, dollars a year a.fter the necessary expenses scoffer, the courtesan and the paramour; are all to be found among the regular and and that imputations of various kinds of Ii ving are provided for. - Witness. habitual frequeuters of the theatre ; wh ere rested upon him as a paid public official the rottin!(, filthy, illflavored and illscentFREE TRADE.- The reduction of in- ed c:\rcass is, there you will find tho tur· ofthe Government, and in dr:dtiug and t ernal revenue and the taking off of 11ubmitting that clause of the resolution revenue stamps from Proprietary Medi- key buzzards and carrion birds. And when we see such characters flocking continual they quite naturally and evidently sought cines, 110 doubt has largely benefitted the ly to the theatre, when we see that the consmners as .. ell as relieving the btuden 1887. to mak e it appear that there exists no larger portion of.theaudiences which gath-NOW FORof home mannfacturere. Especi111ly is this grounds for such complaints and want of t he case with Green's August Plower and er within its walls are made up of the The undersi~aed will receive tenders up to confidence. In doing this with the Boschee's German Syrup as tho reduction scum, the filth of society, are we not ju!lnoon of tified in concluding that there is some rotknowledge they possessed they were, in of thirty-six cents per dozen, baa been ad- ten carcass t here , Thursday, 2nd December, 1886, our candid opinion, doing what the die· ded to increase the size of the bottles confor the supply of Butcher's Meat, Butter, Flour, Let us look at its effect u pon those who Oatmeal, Pata.toe·, Cord wood to the following tionary defines "whitewashing" to me11n, taining these remedies, "thereby ~iving attend. T!iis is a m ost. ·important point i.nstlt utions during the year 1887. · viz :-l'ho - - -o- - one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size. Asylnrns for the Insane in 'l'oronto, London, B t · their opinion to the contrary, notwith- The August Flower for Dyspepsia and for it determines the worth of the theatre j Kingston, Ha.milton, a.nd Or!lll&; the Cen tral Ill Prison rmd Reformatory for Females. 'l'oronto; standing. Here we let th~ matter drop Liver Oomplaint, and the German Syrup as an educator . Can a man listen night . the Reformatory fo r Boys, Penetan11;11ishene ; [ after night to gross vulgarity, to obscene for Collgh and Lung troubles, have perM far aa Mr. Fraser and t he Executive the Institution Ior the Deaf and Dumb, Belle· haps, the largei!t sale of any med1cine11 in and blasphemous expressions without b e· ville ; and tqe lnet ttntion for the blind, Brant- ATCommittue are concerned. ing c"rrupted, can h e watch through tho ford· the world. The of increased Two aufficient sureties will bs required for different sceneR, the RUcoessful int riguings size of the bottles will l>e greatly apprecithe due fultlllmen& of each contract. MOTHERS 'l'AKll NOTICE.- 'Vest's Cough ated by the sick and afflicted, in every of the libertine, t he knave or villian wit h· S pecitlcations and forms of tender can only out being inj uriously :iud hurtfully imnakinJ1 ,.pplica.tion to the Bursars be had on 1 Syrup contaios no oprntes, oprnm or any town and village in oi vilize d coun5ries. of t he respccti vc Institutions. Can a womon witness such minerala,and can b .... givon totheyonngost Sample bottle11 for 10 cents remain the pressed. N.B.-Tenders are not required for the 1mpply scenes and retain her a ppreciation of virand most delicate child with perfect same size. of butcher's· meat to the Asylums In Toronto, 42 B OWMANYILLE. J,ondon. Kini;stoa. and Hamilton, 11 or to the tue, mode·ty and chastity? Through the .safety. It is an infollible eure for croup Central Prison and Heformator7 tor Females A CfiltE l'OR CnouP,-lt is a nluable eye are cunveyed scenes anp sights which and who,; ping oongh. A bortle should in 'l'oronto. N. B.-Cheap Fancy Goods T~is pow<1er varies. A marvel or The lowoat or any tender not necessarily always be kept oonvenient as it is also a bet_for mothers to know that there is no kindle to a flame the , lowest pa1sions of punty, strengthnever 11.nd . wholesomeneso. More w. 'J'. o :R EILLy in great variety. · certain core for coughs,colds,conaumptiou b etter or more certain remedy for croup our fallen nature. rhrough t he e1tr are J coonomlcal than the ordinary' Kinds, and can· ACcepted. R. CHRISTIE, ' in eompetition with the mnlt!tnde in its early stages, bronchitis asrhma and than Hngyard'a Yellow Oil uaed inter- con'reyed ribbald jests obscene allus·. \ not be sold I nspeetore orPrison11 and Pnblio Charlliee. 1 0 People are coming 20 miles for the 11 Parliament Buildings, l7tl\ Nov., 1886. all throat and lnng troubles, 215c., 50c. nally and externally. This handT houll0· 1 ions and bl1111phemou1 j~kes which awak- ~..!.'d~r!" ~0~ ~~1 ;'i~gc1:;~ 8" n~of.~1011:8la:. !e.-w tume Dreu Goode. Elli1on & Oo, hold l'IJE11edy 111ay be had ef any druggi1t.i1 en unhol7 and impure thoaiihtJI in tke 1.Nfl POWDlUl co" 106 Wall sa., N. Y. and. $1.00 per bottle. All druggiltts. BOOKS "Mowat must go"-Mail. Yes, he must go at the h ead of Mies Ontario's class for another term.-Electors. TH ·l MODERN THEATRE. Extrnct,~ by Jtev. tJ · .E. ~1,·lntyrc, Oll Sunday. No,v'r 1-illt, i'rom a !ilerurnn Preachtl<l aoul; and if such represen t:tl ions are at· teudPd with 8 .nch r , sui ts, if such fru it grows on this tl'ee :m.i we n ot justified iu pronouncing th" t ree corrnpt In conclusion he s"id: If y ou would pre· vert tho taste, imbibe fatal viel'l's, t!ff.,ce as speedily as possible all qualms of conscience . would put yourself irrevocably against the £pirit of vir tue and relig io n, go to t h e ih eatre, L et parents who vvish to make their ch·ldren weary of Imme and domestic enjoyments. take them t o the theatre. FANCY GOODS. GREAT CLEARING SALE CHANCE l f1.p~1 Silver War·e . Albums, Fancy Goods, Bibles, Dol ls, T oys, Cups, Picture Frames, 'Xmas Cards Musical Instruments, Brackets, 1\rovelties, etc. p. T REBliCOCK'.S~ (!fatna.diau Don 't miss this great opportunity to buy your 'Xmas and holiday gifts. The Best Selection at Lowest Prices. KENNER & CO.'S VARIETY HALL., Johnston &Crydurman are now showing the LARGEST anel FINEST assortment of 1n town, and the CU,_f AND MAKE-UP . of their Clothing ..-;:r-u N APPROAC bY nY h . w t D h One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. SASKAJOO fl! Notice to Creditors HO FOR TEN D E RS F O RS UPPLIES. CABINET PHOTOS es quality taken all kinds of weather JAIH MORRISON'S, Absolutely Pure· .c·

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