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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1886, p. 5

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· DOMINICA t tiE fRUIT JUICE. 'PURE and undiluted full 11tren~tb. WHOL ESOME P11 r ifie11 tho blood, 1md aids dige11tion. IMM ENSE RUSH '· - -AT- - \t:,/ . THE ,..,..._HOU S E People come from far REFRESHING Tonll& up th e syatem. UP BU S IN E SS SALE I FRUITY and rich in flavor. COOLING Just the drink for war m weather. a n d n ear. H undreds of dolla rs worth sold to parties who do not regularly t rade in Bowma nville. Our stock is still the best assorted and most valuable in town (and is not a patched up bankrupt stock either) our goods have been bought for cash from first-class houses, and. are good value at our former p rices. COME AND CET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARCAINS. First-class Dry Goods are being sacrificed.. ;:In.ordering, speciliy DoMT!fICA1 and d on't be put off with any imitation!!. .BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR :Lym an Sons & Co., 1\d'C>~L-..rTFt..E.A..u . All who have attended this sale are more than satisfied with the ex t remely low p rices, and strangers ar e surprised at the superior qualit y of our general stock. T .. G- .E C>. :Lv.[ A. s C> 1'l". F o r sale by STOTT & J U RY. .. A liberal discount to the trade. No chn.r gu for cases. You OURht to 1ee E llison & Co's G rlly West's Cough Syrup, a sure cure for St. Paul'e Ch urch will hold Anniversary LAIN COOK WANTlm- IMMEDIately· .A.pply to MRS. McARTHUR. 46 tt coughs, colds, croup and consumption. Services on Sunday 16th, and Monday F lanoela 11t preaent prioea. Weekly Globe from now to end of 1887 17thJanuary next. West's Cou~h Syrup, a certain and B[WWN LEGHORNS- A fow supcri · for $1.00. Subscriptions take n the W. Hazzlewood, Raglan, Ont. Licens- speedy cure for cough s, colds and all or birds, for sale. A. R. MonTOlf, New· ca.stle, Ont. 16-~f STATESMAN Office. ed Auctioneer for the township of Dar- throat aud l ung diseasds. lington. All orders for toales in this West's Couizh Syrup instantly relieve11 OAR FOR SERV ICE. -A Poland Gontd' wanting unde r clothing would viciuity, left with F. H . Mn.son, Bowand soeed ily cures bronchitis,sore t h roa t B Chin&Boar is kept for service on lot 33, - Every man woman and ch ild within 50 do W··ll to call at the West End House manville, will receive prompt attention. and ..11 t hroat diseasea. Try it and bll con. 2, l>llrlinl(ton. JORN l'J:NJ'OUND. 46·tf and see wh at they have. 34-tf . · miles of Bowroauville is i nvited to call convinced. All druggists. ORSE ::> FOR SA LE- A epau ~ Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket'>, Bdl's Pulper is t he most popular, most . at our 11:1tidical Hall a.od inspect our mag· eouud ancl true geno··lll purpose hol'Scs, World- wide is the reputation of etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty convenient, most durable, and fastest for sale. Apply to ltlCH · .FosTl!:H, Newcastle. uitlcent stock of 47-2w st reet, R. H. Osborne, lea.see. Pulper made and is as cheap as any other. West's Coui,:h 8yrup, the tru ly marvelous Before Y"U b ny a new cutter be sure to Call and see it and you will buy no rem~dy for cou~hs, colds, croup, wh ·<>P· 'tl' ONEY TO LOAN. -ln small or see the new styles" at M.orr:~· Carriage other. Guaranteed t o g.1rn sat.i sfactiou ing cough, asthuia and consumption. l'l .large amounts. Private fund·. Int1>rest Works. They are dandies. or u~ .s~le. Try it. Sellmi;: r~pidly. On All drnRll is ts. r11n.soo&ble. :'lale notes bought. Inquire at \he 3 TAT!O:S:'dA.N 0Jl"FIOE. t;Hf To PREVENT CATTLE CnoKING, Miss Barofather formerly of Brantford exh1b1tion at Thompson & Co 11 H ..rne1s Buy a Pulper. is in charge of Robertson & Bond's Dress I Shop. (May's old F. H. MASON, OUSE TO RENT ON QUEEN.ST. To 11ave your hay, - Two !Story ·Bri ck. w·m ho made very a1Jd Mantle making depar tment. Agent. We cannot begin to enumerate the arfo:le Buy a Pulper. ,·omfortahle tor I\ rePpeotuble family. Apply ~ersous who have tried the Li-Quor Tea Poor. health mak~ any oae'a e~iet! to A. BucJCI.ER. Jeweller. To save your turn ips, or d escribe their beauty, bnt every persold b L. Morris speak favorably of it. ence nuser.a ble. There 18 no more frmtful --·-----B uy a Pulper. son should see them. Moat of m1r goods OR SALE'-Property owned by ,Jas. You ·~ta beautiful book with every dol- ~lluse 0.f d~sease tlum ~old and wet feet. To fatten che11.per, 1f your silverware wants cleaning call . ro aY 01d either we adv1ee our readers to . g th Bowie on Church·st Newcastle. conslstlni;c : are bought direct from the factory, and of 2 lots with trnit tree·. house, shop and ha.rn, Buy a Pulper. and buy a box of Electro Silicon from 1ar s wor · . go to Mr. J . Hellyar'e for boots and Apply on tho premises. A bargain. for beauty of finish and elegance of Maynard the Jeweller. Eli Robbin1, Hampton , says: I would -.-·West'11 CouR h Syrup, th11 most ~ehable shoes that will give excelle n t service. He -·-a deaign , cannot be equalled. Dominion Finance i tem: Total ex pen- remedy for all th~oin and l_ nag <lisea. s fs. has a rnagnifbmt stock on hand and is not be without one winter for forty < OUSE AND ' l.O'J' FOH. SALE.-·- Th8t t.wo.eloMv bl'ick house 0'1 Ont.a.ri'> ditu1·e last year, $39,176.973; total rev- For eafetJ'. keep it a1W"Y 8 m the hou ~ · sellinl:{ very cheap. See his new advt. on and it will ·ave more than enough hay to ·Ce.11 early and m ake y our selec- euue, pay for it in one season. Ca1tlo do al- 8treet:, Bowm11nvillP, occ11pieil hy Mr. J. H. $33,311,4HI. Deticit, $5,865,554. All druggists. an inside page. He invites ii.spection. Cryderman, App!y to Mr. W . ]', ALLH::>r. tions and have them kept together better. Btill's is the best. Money 1 aved is money earned- Go to We are offering this week as a special The marriagti of Mr. S. H. Soriptpre R. Robbins 11ayi1: I would not be wit.h- for you.AR<\SOL LOST- In Bowmauvi'lle, the Star House G iving Up· Business-Sale bargain, a line of ~.11 Wool Cashmt>res in and Miss Pirie, refllrred to in 01u last ia- out it if I had to buy a ue"' one every on J<'ricl&y 5· h in·!., a silk parai;ol with s.nd get a s uit at cost and aave money. a ll t he latest colormgs at 25cts per ya.rd. auu, passed off mnet plea.sar11ly. Th<i ~s- winter. Rut Bell's will last for ye~rs hlaok h·nd le. The finrfor .will gre&tly ohlige by leM·ing it at t.hc nTATES~tAN Office. 46-tr Robertaon & Bond. te..,m in which the bride i... hdd by her Other reference11 who haveBell'sPulper: Rev. Mr. Lcdiard ivill preach in the numerous fri11nds wri· m~nif· ..-t.ed in n. Geo. Stonehouse, Myror1 Robbin·, J . T;'\OG LOST.- Stray·-d from thto resi· . J ' Ch h t 11 d 7 ·The best stock of dry-goods i11 town iB D 1sc1p es m·c a. a. m. an P· m D t a.n<>ib!e m11110er b... tbe prft&erit.. tiou of .L.J' d enc11 or M ~ Mc'favi8h. Nov. 10th. a white j> ·118 t · All are weI - being . a&crificed, · if you want any ry nup:ierou~ " J THE LEADING DRUGGISTS. on L or·u s d ay 98tl ~ 1. 1 marria!!:e nilts, incl udina the Cionamo12, W. M 11tch and others. ]'. H . 8 p\b;; I 10.r; answer" t.o "Carlo" Inrornrn.tion. MASON, Agent. Office, Thompson & Co's ot ht& whereabout 8 will be thankfully recoi ved come. Goods go to the Star House Sn.le and save following: ~ "' " have secured another large quantity ,17.~ ...... Groom, t"'enty dollar gold pit·Ce. M rs. Ha.mess Shop. Openlld out this week lovely colored 25 %on tlll you buy. ·"Uf those Illuminated Match Safes which Surah S ilke only 75c per yard. The best F. H. Mason, agent tor Port Perry A . Scripture, Oharlotte, pi .. uo; Mr. Wm. OAR ASTRAY. - Came into the we are giving free to all our cnst omere. value ever seen in those goods. Couch, Grinders, Chaff Cu·.turs, Pulper~, and Pirie, Toronto, d inner cruet·, Mr. Geo. Hnrrln:te Noflcr.~. 50 cents; bl rthll untl premises, lot 15. con. 4, Darlington, "boar . F · .M."11 Offi Th dcathii, ~;; c:eato. H pig. The owner ls requeste<I t.o prov1'J.1 roperty Joh,1ston & Cryderman. oney anmng 1 11 · ce, ompaon Mauninir, duz. Milver kniY es; Ma.ster JlrLY exJjen·ea and take 11!111 away. W. ,T, Before buying anythin~ in Mantle or & Co's Harness Shop. Wil·l ie Pirie, Toronto, half doz. 1il ver BIRTHS. CLll~lENS, Hampton, f6(Jw 11 15 Uhter Cloths every lady 1hould aee the Ladies Astraka.n Coats, Gents' Astra.kan te -spoone; Mr. W. H. Wil n u, doz. JoLT,ow- Tn BowmaAvi!le November 211.h' grand assortooeu t of theae lloods now and Coon coats- the beit goods ~hat can dese!lrt · epoon1 ; M i11se11 Mi·r:v and L izzie Ut.!l~ wire or Mr Harry Jollow. of a so ~. NOTICE- All acconnts owing t o the at Couch, J ohnston & Cryder- be procured; no \1etter value anywhere. Hamley, ToronlO, silver. mounted berry B ~AN'.l'.-Tn Bowmanvllle. on the 19th Inst. J.. !' or the late Georl(e Brown. Merch· BoWMANVILLE, FRIDA.Y, Nov. 26. showinJ;( 's. Couch, ,J.ohnaton ·-Cryderman. disu· Mrs. Alfred Cox Brantford r.ilverlhe wire of Mr. Joseph Bryant, contractor, of ant 'railor, Newcaslle, must 00 paid 00 or man u. ' . ' . · a daug.l>ter. before December 1st next. ANN BROW)T, Silks have advanced in price, if you h h l k mou~ted . toilet bottle ; Mis~ei Ella at~. GnAIIAM- Near Enniskillen, on the 17th inst., executirx. 4fl.:lw 'lk d ThPy claim to ave t e argest stoc ' Jenme S1mmo11s,Castleto11,s1lver card e- , the wife or Mr. David Graham, of a eon. thiuk of buying a llllW .st. lress soon, go th b t f · d ti I ea.pest T URKEYS .,() l ... .1 T B . e es range o pr1cee, an le c ceiver; Mre, R O'Hara., Round Valley, · 1 rlrn- In Darlington. on the 19th inst., · .- M pair ~rge;imo t h No compPtitor c11.n under w ell Ellison & t o the Star H o nse G .:r1vmg- p - uamess- gray flimnels in town, at the West Eud Cal doz 11il·er kniv~s· a friend ten e-wtte ot Mr. Robt. Gritnn, or a d1u1ghter. b fBro_ nh dTnrkey~[or !Jj!e. '\~~ no.1rs can ·Oo . Sale and get 011<1 at l< ,SS t~an present whole House. You had better call around a11d doli~r bill: white quilt pair '>f t~wel ; SuL.Lv- In DMl.iugtou, near Tyrone, on the fi~e~r~ilb~edng!~1 i:!\po;t:d~tock~ al~~fi: You ouaht to see'. Elliaoo & Co's Boys' sale prices for same q uality. see they have or uot. M J C S , t C lb ·1 20t.h m s t., the wife ot Mr, Ja11. Sully, of a I . J., Brown Hampton Ont · . r . . . · cnp nre, o orne, 111 ve -~ugb""ter. ' ' - - - -·- ·- - - - - - Suits. PoumRY WANTED- W . R . R . Cawker A spicy, spo.rting and agricultural jour- napkin rin~;,Mr. Wm. Ror11ey,.Tr, l!ilYel'· -'"' VIRTUE- Jn Enniakillen, on the 21st inst.. ESIDENCE ANU LANDS F OR People wonder how Ellison & Co. ca.n wants rmy quantity of well dressed poultry nal, the Forest and Farm, ha.a been start- pickle cruet; Mrs . Wm . Pirie, 'roror1' o, the w~of.'Mr . .John W . Virtue, of a. son. SA U~.-That beu.utHul re~idence nnd grounds situl\tnd on J,iherty i-lt.., Bowmanville, --a"ll so cheap. delivered at his butcher stall in Bowman- ed in Toronto by Mr. Chaa. Stark, the blue satin toilet 11et; Mn H. W. R«ff~, MARRIED. atl(l owned and occupi'.·d by CIUS . YOUNG. is Shaw & ·rolo'11 i11 the place to get a Mc· ville for which h e will pay t he market big gun man, Mr. W. \.V. Fox, late of the silver-mounted breakfast cruet; Mis11es now olf11rcd for sale. Thirteen acrlla of land ; 4:~-te. good orch .. rd . .Laughlin Buggy. pric~ in cash . Also cash paid for hides Maii, b eing the editor. W e wish it sue- .A.unie 'nd Tina Squair, china fruit plate; Baldwin Bee-hiY e fingering, a.t 9c a and sheepskins. cess. Mrs. J . Hudson, Brantford, morncco s. H. Eastman. c. w. 'fltomuson, or ORSE FOR SALE- A bright bay sk:ein, T od Broe. 'rho Libemls of West Peterboro have A WrnE RANGE.- A wide range of album; Mrs. W. II. Warriner, mikado B_?inanville,toEmmaCouchma.n,ofOshawa. helLvy draught horse, ri"ir.g 4 yeara. exoellow points and landsharns of all kinde placed a !!' . ood man in the field for the pat ' nful aflect1 ' oos may b~ met w1'tl1 H·gbutter plate, Mr. N . S. Young, mikado /GAMSBYM. 1 bKH:NkN~:DY.--Inththe Methodist bone and muscle. Sir11iJ by "' Lord Lyon." lent P ~ ~ ~ t h . · d fi d l b 'll· Mt church. i I roo , ou the 10 inst.. by Rev, a very superior animal, well hroken to work. ,a.t Shaw & Tole's. Local L eo-iRlature in the person of Mr.J. yard 's Yellow Oil. Ja.tlles M. Lawdon, pl c er, a fr1 en , ve ol a.r 1 , r D.N.McC·mus. M1-. Almansor Riansi G'l.mRby. Apply to SAM!JET. \.VnOT.ll:Rll>GE, lot 2, eoo.3. Miss F i Hicks, of Cobourg, has been R . Stratt~n , proprietor of the Examiner. of Woodville, Out., speaks of it in high George Pirie, San ·Francisco, ten d oll r o!Oron\), to, Mies Maggie J., daughter of Hugh u .. rtwri~ht ; Sliirley, P . O. ~fl.fiw. · -· t M Th 1r b , Mr. Stratton is 11 young m11.n of ex cellent terms for rheumati " sm, lume back, sprain& bill; Mrs. N.S. Young, cardinal plu ~neuy, Esq., of Ca.van. VlSlhng a r. QS · .>.. Ir y s. d I . th t t 01 ·1 t t· M L ' ' . er . h d 'RUNDLE- PH:NFOUND - Io tho Church Street OR SALE.-Th~ house and lot on . D · b · abilities an very popu a.r m e coun Y· and many painful compla.int8 too numer. e se ' iss izzte mue, a.u - Methodist Parsonairn. Bowmanvill~. on Nov. The Tai1odng epartment 1s oommg t e d pane1; ,. . .- an d M r11. J . L Queen St.rePt, .Bowman ville, the property · f ·t· oua to mention. It is used internally or pam <·i.r. 2itb, by u ... v. C E MclntyrP., Mr. James l' of Mr. J oseph Neil, nt prese nt o<:cupled by . 11.t Couch, ,Tohnston & Cryderman's. At au informa1 meet m g o our Cl ur.ens externally. "' + breakfaat set; Mrs. s. Munson, pai R~I~', son or the l ate Chas. H!'ndle, and Mies Mr, 'rhos. H . i:::lpry. 'rhol'e a.1·0 7 roomAin ~he Don't aubl!!cribe for any n ews,,a.per!! or on Tuesday 11ig fit a spirit of great liberc yst 1 f "t d' h M' G f 18 u 1r. ..beLh Penfo1md. all or Darlu1 gton. h011ee. a good celll\r, and about. 2U rruit tre·e 18 18 't "f 5 t d · th d t" f H · I· r .a rui es; ~es. e~ ·. HunLBUR'.l'- GOODMAN- On the 18th inat.. by in the orchard. " l1 For ·mth ..r partic11lars apply magazine till you see the STATESMAN rates. 111. Y was roam ' e m e tree ton AucTION SALEs.- R. utcluson, ~ICen - .Aume Lyle, eet of crystal; Miss Ji . Scrip the Rev. s. Salton. at the Methodist parsonage to JOHN K. GALl<RAtTH. Bm·ri stcr, Bowman· · d l t f tl offering induceme1Jt to capitalists to essed Auctioneer for the Townships of t.ire, Ool borne, silver napkin ring·, Mr. Enniakillen Mr,Gritftth ·r. Hurlburt and Mary, '164w. ville. Tliey h ave recetve a. ueiv 0 0 roan e ta.bli' sh n·1.~ t' 1 1f"c"1r1·es 1 · u tl1e to\vn . Clarkf", Maovers, cartwr1g · h t, D arl" Ides td.n ugIlter or t he Iate Chas. G oo dman, a.lI xr E d LI c 11 d · ·' " ' ' m gton and Mra E L W1Jlsh pair of crystal e \ t l h I ATTLh: ASTRAYStrayed 011 or cot a. t " est b n ouse. a an Committees were appointed to act in that and Whitby .All su.les attended to promptly fruit disl~es; - Misses Martha and Cha~- o _r _D _ ar _l_ m _g _t_ o_ n_ . ---------about first or J11ne. from lot 31 con. 1(), see t iem, t iey are eau ies. direction. and at reasonable rates. Wh ere it is not lotte-Shaw, pair of gilded frames; photo; DIED. Cl..rke, 5 bead of Y<'arling cattle, two h"l;fers white. one roan. Steers red. All have a ho1e For the most elegant Drees Goods, the '!'he Woma11's Missionary Society of convenient to see me, arrangements for Mr. and M rs. Hambly, Port Hope, pair \VILMOT- ln ~owcastle, November 22,Lewis in lcit ear. Information lea.ding ·r.o their re.finest assortment an·l t he dbest va~ue, c:all the Methodist Chu rch will h old a p ublic sales can be made with t he Editor or by plush frames, photo ; Miss B. S and e rson, Wilmot, aged 77 years. oovery will be suitabh- rew..rded, ifl s11nt by a.t Couch, Johnsten & 0 ry erman 8 · m eeting in the Church-Ht. Methodist addressing me at Eaniskillen, P. 0 . Col borne, plush whisk holder; Miu skard or to lhANEWS Oir1 ,.1ci.:,Orono, CooK- At Welcome, November 20, Annie ma.ii to LA Maria Cook. beloved wife of Mr Georirn Cook, Rev. - Mr. Howie's lecture on th e Holy chu rch at 3 p . m., on Thursday Dec.2 .,to N. B. - 1 have no agents out begging for Moffitt, Colborne, plitte g laee mirror, near Maple Grove, Darlirgton, aged 3!! or to the ST.ATKSMAN Office. J. W. GtF'lfORo, i(h ( Land, \In Monday evening, in St. Paul's which the 1rnhlic are cordially invited, sales for me. R. HUTCHISON. tf. pI u~h frame; M r. and M ra. M . W . S . 4 mon ths. d a. especirilly the la.rl.it1 H EEP ASTRAY.-·Strayed from lot Church, was intensely interf·sting an s. 'rhere will he adF . l f l f Di " ogman, 'l'oronto, doz. dinner n~pkius MomusIn th e Townshipot Whitby, on the . t t h A Miss Mary A. a1rweat 1er, ormer y o 15, con. 5. Clarke. i u August la11t, 2 old 21st i nst, Ll'l vi Morris, of Boman ville, a.gecl 83 very large au d 1ence was presen o · ear dresses and a prt1gram. collection Bowmaovill e, wl10 spent fi ve years a t n.od table cloth. Mrs. E . R. Yonn 0 ,,, Meaewes. l e we l11mbs and l ram lamb. One 0 years o.ncl 5 months. the old ewes has a sma ll cut in tl1e right ear. it. will be tak en . A llahabad, India, in connection with the ford, !1and-painted panel; Miss Simmons, ~.nd one ~r the ewe lambs has a bfack marlc Tremendous crowds a re buying goods If the present Governmen t refuses to Canadian P resbyterian Misiiou, and who Colboroe, bns~ plaque and easel ; Mr. R. .1\JSt behind .t.he r1ght frout ~boulder, inform a' BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. at the Star House Gi ving-Up- Business- en force the Scor.t Act, says the Witness, has since h er return about five years ago, D11rna1, h"mmered briles whisk holder; t1on . nsvoc tm~ tho above will be tl1e.nkfully recei ved. Address W. H. PE'l'l:Rs, Hamoton, Sale. If you want good goods at lowest we have the assur..nce from Mr. Blake, been studying medicine in New York and Mi111 A. Thompson, tidy; Mr. and Corrected b y .John I.yle, every T h orMdny. P.O. 47-2w. prices you hav e e ver h eard of give them a given in 1"1.rliameut, that h e considers it Chicago, after practiaiug h er profel!siou Mrs. W . Mc~lurtry, bed-room set. Mr. fl&ll. the duty of the Federal Government t o in the latter city for some month s, has D.S. Weir, ebony fancy table; M rs Jon&- FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs... ... . . , $2 00 to $2 50 FARMl"RS '.!.' AKE WARNING.- On account see to the enforcement of the Scott law. left there to accept an appointment as than Str.pheos, work bag; Mr. and Mrs . WHEAT, Fall, 'IJl' bush ..... 0 70 11 0 77 of 80 many cheap deals being practic~d This aB surnnce is eq uivllleut to n. pledge Principal of a Woman's M edical College W. R C1imie, of china salad dishes. 11 Spring, 0 70 11 0 77 01:IOE. is here by given that a By-law 011 th e farmers in the last few years m that if Mr. B1"ke shonld ever be at the and Hospital to <be opened at A gra, India, Mr. Gen. Stepheus and sister,plush album ; BARLEY, ll" bush . . . . · . . · · 0 50 11 0 57 w ill be mtroducecl at t he meetinl{ of the '.l'ownship Council or Darling ton to t,.ke ola~e ,t he shape of sickle grinders, bay forks, head of t he Domin ion Government, meas- at a sa.i<Hy of $3,000 a year. There ar.e Mrs. Wm. Peck, Charlotte.hand - painted RYE, II · · · · · · . . · · 0 45 II 0 4-8 on Saturday. 25th December nex't. at 1ho 'l'own 11.ew varieties of wheat, e t.c, i t would not ures would lie introduced to t his end. 62 women already 011 the list as pupils. table scarf; Mrs. J, K . Galbraith, elegant OA·rs, 11 · · · ···· , · 0 30 11 0 30 Hall, Ha1npton, providin l{ for the sale, to .T no. J>e out of place to give them some J?Ointers. FltEE.--- We t·re requested to sf\y that Miss Fairweather spent Tuesday with her t ea. cosy; M rs Oke, 3 china fruit plate11; PEAS, Blackeye, ll" bush . . . 0 70 11 0 73 Penronncl, of 180 rods of the aonth end of the Iota 31and35 in 2 co n. lat, when you want to buy anytlnng, first Stott ,&Jury have j nat r eceived from friends who h ad assembled to meet her Murdoch Bros ., mikado plate and spoun 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 55 road.allowance.between of a:ud Township. R. WrnJJA1"J. ;eonsider who is a responsible d ealer to New York 144 sample bottles of perfu- at the residence of Mr. Chas. Keith and h'o lder; Miss A. Scripture, Charlotte, 'l'ownshi p Clerk. 11 B lue, 0 50 11 0 55 '18.Jw. huy from- buy only from one who i11 mory. E very per3on wanting to try some- left in the evening for New York whence family bible; Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, Col- BUTTER, best table, ll" lb. · . 0 12 11 0 17 responsible and reliabla. 2nd, pay a thing tine should call and get a sh e ~ails on Saturd ay for Engliind. She borne, rockin g chair. LARD, ~ lb .... . · . . .· . .· . 0 10 II 0 13 reasonable price, as all material and work botlle. 'fhis perfome is considered the expects to bke th e overland route across West 's Liver Pills , the standard r em · EGGS , ~doz ......·· . ..·· 0 00 11 0 18 is goYerne<l. tJy the price p11.;d for it. Au finest in the marki~t and we think Stott & E urope and Asia to h er destination. The edy for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indi· POTATOES, ll" bush .. . . .··· 0 25 It 0 30 illustrat.ion : A stranger offt>.rs you a set .Tury have adopted a very liberal plan for beat wishes of h er many fri ends accom· gestioo and R ick h eadache . ·30 s ugar pills HAY . . ... . ..... - . . . . .. . . 9 00 II 10 00 .of harness for F~ve Dollars below the introducing it as they make no charge pany her to her distant home. \Ve have 25c. A ll dr1Jggista. Thne are lia:lf ll.n ~gronncl, good fram e r eqnested Miss Fairweather t? send the pl·ice asked by i:ehable h arness makers of for the sample bottles. nn d ki tchen, goocl blacksmith shop TALLION FUR SALE -- "Gleniffer·" house your own ac11 uamtance. Yo.u should at D ULL T ni:Es.- Much has b een eaid re- STATESMAN an account of h er Jom·oey for ~ood-shop a_nd stable; also a i;wod well 1>ncl bay; heavy draught, rism lt' sh.. years old. ci~tern. ~t . 1s on the Mam Road !Jet.ween once come to ~he concl usion that the garding t he du ll times for some mont.hs publication. . Further particulars can be obt ll.ined on the Ltltle .8r1tam and Li ndsay, about 6 miles from premises of JOB, GnJ.:ENwooo, lot con 9, 1ilndsay, &n!l 4 miles lrom J, ittle Britnin. '!'li e uses ellher pkoor le~ther, ptolor past and all ha\·e suftar ed mor e or less Al>VIC! TO CoNsUMPTivEs.- On the Clarke. or ],eskard. P. U. 48-2w ' I ~st Offl.ce 1& kept by tl1e .Blacksmitlt w}lich trimmrnas 1oor wor mans u p, d t o d e pe nd on a ea.ranee ' of the first symptoms- as JUST TO HAND. U\ . . ., or . 1 . as 1e 'll t h ereb y wh o h ave 1 brm g~ 111 a salary or jl;ia a year. A decide lV. K. S!UTH, oppos1 . t1011 1ll the harn"'.ss busmess Wl t trade and commerce for their s upport. 11.~~eral debility loss of appetite pallor h11.rga.m. Ff!r further µarticulars, apnly to no~ a1 low ?f any cuttmg ou J?rosen But at times ben~fita are r eaped from chill iensatioi~s followed by ni ght'. . Layer Valencia Raisins, ICENSE AUCTI ONEER for Bow- E . POGUE, Fmi,:erboa1d, P . o., Ont. 48·.lw 11 . manvillo, Darlington. Cla1 ·ke, Cartwright. ;prices of. ~rst-class _haroe~s. Y~ may d ull timos and at pr esent those may .d o sweft~ and co ugl; - prompt measu res for Selected Valen cia Raisins, Manvers ; also East J)urham, All orders be ab le to Jndge poor. worl, n;anblupi . ~ut so who .are in need of harness by callmg I relief sh ould b e ta.k en. Comumpt ion is " S ultana " " promptly attended to. 'l'erms .liber11.l. Addres poor leat her cahn at hmke~t01~ Yt e h < e ec- at t he establishment of J, R . Bradley, ecrofulous of the luogs :- t henw K S l\UTII, or FRANCIS MASON, llox J6, Bow- ' 'Vhereas it ha. co~our knowledge that Yoslizza Case Currants , ted by t 1 1ose w owor 1 m o arness. B ··11 h h } · d . ·1 · ma.nv1lle. !8·tf partiee are infringing on our IHU.ents ror . f d I owro:inv1 e, as e ftS on 1.rn a a.rge fore Ube the areat ant1-scrofula or blood . Patra. Case Currant3. H_ence the ne~ess1ty o 1en.vmg y~ur or. er 1 supply of such goods t he stock of which urifier and stre ngth-restorer, - Dr. manufaciure and sale of the Chnmpion Cabinet Creamer ""d Cha.mpion Cbm·n we :herebv ~NEW PEELS. ·-rt ~ with eo me rehab le ma~ who t :vill abf~~ was p urchased a t bottom prices 11nd made ~ierce's "G olden Medical DiBcovery." notify th e public that thcsei l1llrLles 11avo no For a chock for $20 we will print a ten·lioe authority from us; and that t h ey are infringin;;i: Black Ba sket, Choice Dehesa yo~ a s?t o;; honor, an ~n.y . ·llll rth- u p when wage:-i .were down . ?'he articles Supenor t o cod liver oil as a. nutritive, advertisement in One Million issues of leading on ?U r pa.tents; and that action will be taken price , 1~1 .__~eference to uymg a wot f are warra.nted m every particular. All and unsurpassed l\ll a pectoral. For weak and London Layer Raisins. American Newspapere. Thie iQ at the rate of agamst bo~h the manufacturers and users of l~~s ! et irom some 11traTnger at a.&cu who call will receive the best attention lungs spittin" of b lood and kindred only one·1Hth or a cent a line, for 1,000 Cfrcul· these lntrm!lmente as soon as their residences WM. QUICK & CO. 0 :Five Dollara Go to hompson o. ·1 1 · ' . ,., s oId b y ationl 'rhe advertisement will bf! placed before and names can be ascertained; that J . J.1. (}la 'sold sta.nd) for guaranteed No. 1 poss1 J e, affecti_ons, it has no e<\ua.l. One Million di,O"trent newspaper purchasers:- JONESS, of Bowmanville, is our agent for the or F1v1: M11.L10N READKRs; ·ren lines will ac- Counties of Ontario and Durham only h o 0 1· tt" y · · The incr eaeit"· d..imand for W est's druggists the world over. _For Dr . · p· · T t' C t d PJlOll. LOW'S 111...lGIC SULl' R t:Jl 80..t.1'.- eommod..te about 71'> words. Address with persona appointed by him authorityf.rom +'-"rues'!!. _ \ .""' . lfA.TlONA.;L PJLU are analll'paasetl aM a , Cough Syrup is evidence ot 1t~ great 1erce a re a i se on on~ump, 1011, , sen Henllng. ·oothlnz a n d. · <!l ea1111tng for a ll copy or Adv. and check, or send 30 cent· for us to sell our Champion Cabinet Creamers and ..,e, mild, yet t1aor11·all. paraallve. aetln& ! virtue in all t h:roat aocl lung disea~es. ten conts ~n stamps. t~ Worl::I s D111pen- eru pUYe dlle&·e · or t11.e 1k.la1.. .til~cllabtfal Book ofl50 po.gee. GEO. P, & CO.. Churns. '\V. N . BA.HRIF:, 10 SP!lVCE S T., NEW YORK, lli-P·· tile W l tart urga·· pruatpUy ·ll<l . Three sizell. AU druggiets. sary. Medical Auoc1at1on, Bull111.lo 1 N . Y . fer &ellet 11.1·. B. B, l'RENTrCE ~NO T ICE. ·wedding Presents and Xmas Goods. Have you seen Tod Bros., all wcrol flannel n.t 20c, worth 25c. People admit that i t isadva.uta.geoua t o deal with Ellison & Co. d' t f th Beat B ran d f 0 ysters irec rom e beds at W. Quick & Oo's. Crowda are coming for our cheap Gray Fla.noels. Ellison and Co. Buy 3 lbs. of Li·Quor Tea at Levi Mor ris' and get a $1.00 book free. If you want good work done let May nard the Jeweller do it for you . Mr.·Tustin McCarthy was the gnest of H on. E. Blake wnile in T ·ironto. Choice Cranberries, grapes and Spanish onions at W. Quick & Co's. Call and examine Maynard's fall stock of 1vatch~s, clocks and jewelery, the finest in town. P at ° H I j I I w!ll H F H : STOTT & JURY, ·we P ============::: B L ocal and Otherwise. 1 -·---·--.. . . ..._ . ... . . .. .:; . · ·-·----:·------------ and R H F ° f If t' C S Notice of Sale of Road. N 11.11---------------ml!l S NEW FRUITS L A First Class Blacksmith Stand for Sale at a Bargain. 1 I I Caution To The Public. TO ADVERTISERS. °,'. ·

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