YOUNG AND MIDDLE·ACED M E N. plunder as I ~ ished and so ha<l str .lCk hot " ered sufl1cienb composure t o enable him to "You did nob tell me " spe,:1k , and h e ~atrau.t"JU ~ "'"'~""'"'.... "Did I not? My ol<l br a.ins g et con "Now, H utcluns, l\8 you are on your fused \ ¥ell, it was evenmg and I was dis deathbed-a fact of which you foe! assured OR, conten ted. I went to mv own hull aud a.a w ell a.':! I d o- I beg of you to tell me all E'RlDAY, NOVEMLHm 26, 1886, I c'lrank deep ancl was fetoCL0\15 and ll.nd to tell me the exact truth." LOVE AND~VENGEANCE AriIONG THE SMUGGLERS. sti u ck he1 , and she isat still and only " I w ill-I will 1" utteied shod c11es1i,s I gave be1 blow o.ftci "Whc1e 1s that cluld now I" ST.l.NDARD MEDl(;AL WOJlK roa blow And then I lay down in my Jmm "vV1t n Dolan " Tim MosT F A.scmATJN O Ov1H1' i10M\NCl: SINCE H IE DAYS OF " '1.i\'here, though 'L_where '" mock -- for I h,id one slung fol m,pelf m the COOPER AN'D i\faR Y,\TT b 1,t W ' h a t 10 t hat?' " I n th e CO.\e1n" ILH U On ly $1 By lllail, Postpaid. "I tie.1rd n othmg " ""Yhat c,ivern ? " rn E;. lfll IU UWD lfm , -., CIIAPTRR X - (CoNIINUl J) ) j t· i tons lu \ t,9 concernwg the fate of the Am ILLlf~T.RA'IIH: SAJUJ!J.Ji,S IREJ· : NO A.LL . " Some one spoke ·" "You know it well I t is not htdclen f ro· r. a com .non Jfl!Jotcl1, or ErupOo 1 , JCan vcssol, Sual1Ann-I chn.rge you now, " No-no' ' h~mvou-youhave eyes that mort als have t o t ho wo1SI Sc1ot ula. Salt-~i1l.eun . "Ah, } es-oo 1 Yes,. to the S Lrah Ann, l , 11 you w ill have to ,-1nswc1 before the JUdg·o h , l 11 '!Fe' c1 w so1 us." s caly o;i- :ffiongb sl~h· , as bemg m 1ega1d to that vessel my n1cnt se1t of Heave n for acts done m this "Yes-it was a sJft, fa11' c voice 11Hl it not you , uow it wo - un1ess 1 1C 1 i.w m shor t nil d,scu·os caused by b·td blood are here; n o, as to bemg on ho;:i,1d of her. Oh, life ta speak · pi onounced my name, and il I am 11ot mad tr.ken her to sea vr·th !nm m t he R ift " conque1ed b1 th~s p~ wetful, puufvmg, nnd mad-it was the voice th 1t I ha"<l "The Rtft "' ll1" Jgorntmg "todteme G· cat ]~ uting 111would I had-would I had i" I l{ strn rwc hii-,s io r1 sound only came fr om __,.,u1te "' "y th · t " cc1·s rn.pully heal under its bcmgn mfiuence. 1 [Ile hp~ oftiic old 1~rnn " Yes, would you had " Hot heard for yc<Hs-tho ' ou;e of my w1fe cs, e pua o I Espccmlly lin11 1t mam testcd its potency m 1 "Tell me all you know of the Sarah Capt.un Morton rnclmed his head close to D id you n ot hoa.r 1t ?" "I hear d that name fioni some one 011 ~mr111g '.ll1ctt·n·, Roso Ra,,h, D lloils, (Jar· " I d.d not " t he shore only \ short tune a ao m con nec b unclcs, Sot·o Eyes_, Sc;·ofnlous So.fcs 1 A nn" , J irn to listen 1 f he u ttered axt1culate wor ds. b cl f n1ul s " 'cll.lngs, Jllhp-.J oiut Di"e a so, "Ha., IM 1 and kill my soul- and kill my " \Ytt.ter 1watct '" h e """pcd " She 1S he10' I Lnow that she !$ here t 10n with some supposed expe 1t1011 o a White Swnllhigs , Goit1 c , o r 'J.'.bick soul ·" I " yes 1 es i · · "' and Iistemng to met" krng's ves~el called the Sprny, which is m l'leclr, nnd I nJa) ged G l an d!!. Send ten A G1 eat l'tletlical 'Vorl· 011 lt1,n1bood. " Do you think t h at if them b e a.u ght of y " It mav be so, but I l)ray you to tell me pursuit of it . Tell me if I am rwht I s t his cents m stam ps 1ox a hu ge t1ent1se,w1th colExhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical ' , < f 01 ed plates, on Sln 11 Diseases, or the same D , b Dehil!ty Pre111atnre Declrne 111 Man TJ.t rors evil or of cu me m what you know, that for 1 all " man w 1 10m yon Oian in commam1 o 1 j nmount for n t 1cntiso on Sci ofll lous .A fi'ections. CHAPTEH, Xl of Youth. and the untold rrnsenes resultrng all its consequences it awa1ts your tellrng, "I ' n ll -I will I don't k now how lon" the Rift?" " '.l'll:IJE lULC>OD J§ '.!'H E J",f,t'E," frnm md1 scret1on or excesses .A. boolc for rmscr ,i ble man? It may bo that yom tellTHF WArn li'Jtol\f 'T'rrm \IVR1£cr, I slept , when I sta.l ted awake & ntl I heiud "He is- He is 1 " I 'l'ho1oughly ch nnso lt by u smg Dr. P i erce· c·er y man ~oung, m1ddlo aged and old. It "Anc1 JHHS th c same w Iio I e n 11Rcclical 01 y , and good 1y ~lancecl r oun d t I\e my w ife Sl U"lll" ill a vet v 10 ,,. tom· and 1~t C aptam M ciligesttou, - orton Ilast1 ;as th e c l1111 c ~" 1Gold a fan·Disco" !illcui, buo y an t spir· contams 125 prescnptions for all acute and m g me- that your d1shmden111g your heart 0 ch1omc drnea·es, each one of wlnch 1s mvalua to mo-may lighten its load, but it cannot 11t tle boa t house a n<.l founu a small b all elm tune~ as she st\~\" I heat d the ,,.Jmn pernw "Yes, C:.::aptam D olan. roo late-too I its, vital s f r e ngHi, and son uducss o f blo. So found by Author. whose experience add to it" one co1ner wit h a wooden ladle and found w ailmg ciy of a fi.ttle child I ha·ino cluld ' lr>tc 1 Hush-oh hush r ' c o nst itutio n , will be established. for 25 years 1s such as probably never beforo The old m im glared in the foco of the cap tha t1tconmrned watm He brought it to I t hought I wn.s dt eamm"' at fast and I " ;:'lutrloyon'hcar?" 1 13"111QE!b.lll~un..l!alifl!ITllQN fell to the lot of any p11ys1cian. 300 pages, t arn and shrnlclc1ed as he said . bovnd m beautiful French muslin, emhos3ed the hpsof thedym~ man,bnt withti.qnerul h steneda" a.m andthen l w~ssureitw,i,snot "]hese1v1ce" ~ 11111\bi m:lllr 11 " Aie you an angel ?" covers, full gilt. guarflnteed to be a finer work ous ct) he da.shecl i t f1om hun She was s~ngt~g to and nursing a child " :: ;;1ia t sci vice·" which is Sc· 0 (ulous Dlse m ic of :he m every sense than any other work sold m this " No, I am a m an even as yourself I do "Poison pornon I You would a.ncl ought C> tpta m M 01 t on had Jn~ h anrl upon the I he fuuernl se1' ice I see the coffin on Lu ugs, 18 p t omptly nnn ce1tnmly arrested country fo1 $2.50, or the 1uoney VHll be rerunded not k no" if, m truth , t h o h ancl of death IS to po1sou me, and with su ch p oison, too, a.a arm of the old m:i,n ;:i,ml shook !um as a mute t he gi,itmg and the flag is over it I hear I and cmed by t h19 God-given 1cmedy, if t nken m every mstance. Prtee only $1 by mall, post now mi you , but if it be, you w ill pass with bf11d, Illustrat1ves ·ample free to any body. Leave d em<t.ucl fot }um L o r1 wceed m what he w,·s the senwe bemi:r ieacl ' Dust to dust - bef01 c tllolaststng-eAofthecllsensoare 1eached. m ay rroduco the slowest toi turcs A ,,, t . Tl H ·~h I rrom its wo11dC'1 lul power over this terrlblf. , , v. · Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by a h ghtei soul mto ete1 mty if you will reply m:,1 eavQme, now I I,e, me ul~ m pea.ce say mg' fo1 he had come to a. pause '1.utl was a~1 res o as1 ms 1 1 1 ie name is lOIDM u,,., I fatal dtscuso, w hen fl18! oil:eung this now ce · the Nat10nal Medical Assocu.tion to the Pro· to me t ruthfully on a matter t h at deeply You have n ot .inswored me muttet m" somethrng m ar ticulately ms I am clymg 1 am dymg--oh, save ' ebrated remedy t o the publtc, Dr Prnnc:m s1dent of whmh the Hon P . A l31sMell and "Auswernd y ou-of what ? Of what?" "yea ~pint 1 Yes." he said . mo t H elp m e r J rhcl let the little one ' thougl1 t sc11ously of call111g Jt his "Con associate officers of the Board the reader ls con cei ns my peace and p ossibl y your s h ete· " 'I'I S I A ' ' ' 1 cl h ' on C111 o," but a bn11doncd thatnume afte1. Do/ou undcratancl me ?" respectfully r efferred. IC ' am i nn "Uo on--go 0 11 1" 1vo, an never, o , n ever Ill my ftercest 1 siunpti 08 too lumtcd ioi a mcdicme wllloh, from its The Science of Life is worth more to t he "I do- do" ;; Mercy, mercy !" " I w ill But you are a sptu b I t is angei d1d I raise a hand ag:i,rnst her. I was wonder tu I combttmtwn or t o11ic, or strcngthen80 young and unddle aged men of this generation " Then listen to me ; and let me bog of y cs, rnfoiT 1te mercy But you must an good of you- yoi' who kiio·u all- to come to kmd to the cluld-I did l et 1t live. Oh I lng, nlterntive, 01 blood-cJc:ms111g, anti-blllou sban all the gold mmes of Calrforma and the S h ~ · " pcctornl,nnduutrlth o prope1 t1cs, 1s u nequaled, u 1h k f I you to consult your own h appmess by such silver mmes of Nevada combmed.- S F. I not only as a iemedy for consumption of t he w cr ?'mo " at now you 0 t Le ' ara me, so that, ~ hen I ap110ar bofot e Hea ven, spr·re me now 1" replies to me as shall be;:i,r the impress of B.A Ohron.iclt. 1 nn ! ll h b l t 0 ti cl A loud knoclnng at tho door of the itt e lungs, but 1ot ull l I he Science of L1fo pomts out the rocks and truth and possibly bring peace to me and b b I you wi e a e t ti t 1 l l th I say iat 1 c lC1 not ie bo ti " l:I I I l t " TI k us i, rns \ "' io nowe "V o may e wit hout confessrng my nuqmt1ea ' a iouse a us momen start ec lo qmoksands on whwh the constitution and hopes even now listcmng at the doors HaT"e y ou "As ou plea&e Oh thuik: what ou Cnptam Morton and the dymgpu,ate. :::L of many a youn11; man have been fa1tally hope to you" " Hope--to--me '" wrecked.- Manrhestet· Mir1·01·. cliawu t he b olt?" 1 ly t tell 11" ' y ( TO Jlll CONTn.u:im ) 01!' THE 1'he Science of L1fo is of greater value tha.n "'Yes, hope even to you. vVhy do you "I wtll. There ' '.I here th e doot is clos p \mse, m me a ~u the med1c>Ll works published m this country ?" despau ed." "Like a savage--0r h ke a snake- 1 - - - - - -- - D\DD r for che past 50 years - Atlanta Oonst1t1'twn. T h e olcl man shuddered and h eld up his " Iwill speak- I havealways wdied to slu uukou t ofmyhammock ; fit stonefoot, A Th h UY: l!J U ' tj I The Science of Lire is a superb and maHterly treatiae on nervous and physical debihty - h ands, stn vmg to look at thP.m by the dnn speak The worcl3 that I will utto1 have ge'.itly, and then the other ; she dHl not hca1 utumn oug ts. \ Ir you feel dull. drows ' cleb111tated, have D et1 oit b'ree Press h gh t of the lamp; and then, with sighs and always b een welling up lll my th.roat i>nd I m e Some of the wood from the Wr ei:k was Them can be nothmg sadder tli,i,n tho ool lo·v color oC6 1,i n , 0 , yehowish-biown spota lhere is no mernher of society to whom the to ch ok e me I Wlll speak them nm' - slowly buuung on t he h cmtli and uow aud solemn h ush of natu1e tha t p]ecedes the on face ot hllli l , f requent h eu<luclle m d1zzl· Science of Life \HI! not be useful, whether sobs, and now and t hen a half llCi cam, he hke ll t hen it sent up ,i lit tle fltckcruw blue flame death of the yeai. '.!..'he aolden gloi:r of ncs.~ bid tnsle 111 rn ot1tll,1 1ternnl heat 01 · ohills1 ) outh. parent, guardian, mstructor or clergy. said. I wi spea k tli em now ,,, l ° I b alfernatmg wi th hot fln uhes low spiuts ana " Oh t so steep ed m cnme- oh ' so stam man - A.1 gona1't "I ltst en" t i at 1it up t 1 le walls of tho hut find the wo autumn, wit l the billowy bron7..e and vcl g loomy horel1od nigs iucwuh i nppetit e nnd Address the P eaboav Med10al In~t1tute, or ed with mnocont blood '--oh t so contamm " Ten years ago- it was Jfobrum y --an d m an and t h e child " vet azme of the skies above the roy,i,l r obes conterl ton ,no l 0 11 n10 sutlormg f1om 1i1diDr W. H Parker, No 4 Bulfinch Street.Boston a ted w ith offenses agairnt heaven tl1at ;l the wild wwd of such a s torm Ml l" es of "The child '" of oak ,md maple, besu;eak t he closmg hours go~po11i, ll~Y "POPS~a,, u na '.ll orpld I,1ver · Mass . who may be consulteiil on all diseases 1 J " · u · ']'] t f tl I f t ' te l , d 10 l f 01 .)lJ: ,11..1ous11e81Y. n nutny cnses on1y J eqmrmg skill and ex perience Chronic and d ar e not i om them m prnJer' \ Vh o and man had scar cely seen nncl earn had not i es icre sa my Wl e- 1810 w.1.s 0 n a ure H emrng e o.n t 1 SI ent are pa1t of these 5ymptoms ate ex1JCUn ced .A9 obatmate diseases that have baJiled tt..e aklll what are you, srr ?" h eard W M! 1 ""Lil" ft om 'the southwest '.!..'en blood upon her cheek, where I h ad strnck well to h umamty 's gauze undeiwear i crnctly f ol' nu such cases, D1 . JPiercc·a of all other phydtcians a spec111.Jty. Such "A stranger to you ancl to all in Eng- J c ns 'a<Yo h~r~ :Zt ] 'alu10uth- that is nea.r her , but t h e1e sbe sali--cmnelung down l.iy Thus while uatu1e dons her regal robes of GoJdon 1':llodical lDbcovcry has no treated succes·fully without an rnstance of 1 to 'hei ~t St J ust's bay-the smugglers' the fire with a little chil d on he;r lap She scailet and gold rn hono1 of bite farewell 1 cqp~ ! 'l.Voak J[,u ua-.s, SpHtbig of Bl o od, failure. Mentton STA'l'ESMAN, Bo~manv1lle, laud " " You are fl clergyman 9 " cavetn The secret yo'\ know that has was c!Mfing the little limbs ,\nd SlllJmg to be1 1efit to autumn, the sad eyed p oet hrns Short llC"" of lllrcatll, llll1 oucbitlll, Ontario. 17 Y· b een for a.11 that tnn'e so well k ep' t--tne sc it th,it low, sweet ~ong I w,i" mad- mad " away to the neighbormg clothes Imo, and Scvm c Cou gl1,., Co n i;: u :m1·Ho n , anCL "No- a sa1!01 " · ' fi encl I the h our 0f n u.t me' 8 gr ancl blow 011 · d ons kmdted nlicct10ns, itstnrnps lS a soverc1Y n iPierce emcdy. " A gentlem an I" cr ct--yes, the sec. "!et cavern I will not r "You d· ·<1 nov--you couJd nov--,, SC'nd ten cents Jn fo1 fir s · "I hope so, m t he t1ue me,mmg of the t ell you, lrnt the stoi m raged u ,ud the false 1 1' ~;t dared not harm t l;at little one ' j t he ftannng fl.<nnels of h is fneml out of r e bookouConsumpt10u. Sold by Diuggists. w01d ; hu t you are better now " b eacon was on the cliff to p--for Dolan was H ush, spm f, hush I ~1ll tell you all t spect for the hecttc tlush of the clymg year 1 nn OR 6 ROTT:lilES " I am clym(f " a wrecker aswell asasmngglm. " I was m Ml, I tell you Thero ~ asfury m ! Leaves have t hen t11netofall, and so has l'JL , IJ!J Jl:'OR $ 5 . 0 0 . 1 "Yes-go 011 " my he,u t a.ncl the hot liquor still held my t he puce of cot1.l And yet h ow Mdly ,,t vMi By the flwk~r i11g h ght of t he little oil lamp, Capt<im Mm ton t houg ht that he could "The beacon slowly revolved , :>nd it w as bratn. I ia1sed a shout and Wlt6 ,tbout to ance the decaymg nat ure 13 the robust coal W orld'smsi1rinsarv r~foi!ical A ssociation, sec ,, visibl e alteration m the countenance so like t he light at th e J,izarcl, t hat fleets- sptmg upon her I don'ttlunk I knew what malket . . Prnprkt< >ts, e03 Mam St., BUli'F I.LO, N. Y. of t he old man ever smce he had found his whole mwies- mrght hiwe been lost Ill t h e 1 meant to d o 01 that I moant anythmg m .A'1othor glorious summer with its wealth w.ty mto th e boat house It seemed to hnn blmd secuuty of their onwarcl comse I h t particular, but she answeied that shout of of pleaasant memoues is sto1ed away among as if some str tLngc shadow ha d passed it and it " mme ·Vltli ~ sc1eam of feai .1ntl then slw flung I the arnbtves of om lust ory Another ., tha.t nil the featuies had sunk, lea.vm g the "You ?" h erself at my feet, aml claspm g the cluld to gloomy wmter is upon us These wonrler \ ~~ C ~ S LITTLE outlmes shar p er and more c h stmct than "Yos, I ht i t 1 I t was m y d uty I h er bteast, she ~poke to me 111 a wild , screech I tul co\ois that flame a.c1oss the softened sky 1 ·: . ~~as '(}I. n'to LIVER. 1·1·escrve Your Sight. thotwht it was my duty an d I ht 1t Oh mg voice that was a , ,ful to h ear of Indiat1 su!llmet lik e the goi y banner of PEtto u ~ 2,a \."\Ve ' Uae F. LAZARUS' (late ot thetirm of Lazar the) had been 0 " Yes," added the ol d man, " I know I Goll.:'...God I I hear t h e shni>ks no~ -110\~ us & Mo111s.) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· 'From the Wl eel, '- frnrn the w reck,' ! royal COU< 1ue101, come but 1;o wmn us that m I @ l:fC} \. \. p IL L Gla s~cs, 'l'heyare the best m the world. Ibey ,tm dymg I have been b ofo1e sic!., a lmost she said 'I s,1ved 1t rn the em ly tli:rn n It j a few shoit ' vceks t he water pipe w ill b e A NTll: llllIJLJOUS ui ,1 {;A 'li'MAR'Jrllq:J never tue t he e l e, and last many years with· unto de;:i,th, but I nevei knew that I was rrngmg through my bmrn i" 1 " ' Vlrnt lmek~ ?" is , , little chil<.l, Pi n h]J-it very little dulcl busted m the lutcheu and the decorntcd Sold Drng"'h t s . 2;; con ts u v1 ul · out cha nge For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· clymg unt il now I feel it hero- h ere-"Hush- hush 1 'l'here was,, slup- t herc I It hves, you see Oh, spa1 e it , spat e it wash bowl will he broken ·-"' - - - - -- manvllle. 6 lf. 1 1 No har rn- 1t can do no h~ rm to you h erc " \.Ye ' Ve flit t hrough the dr e.t my hours of I ~ ~ r· n ID Ii'"' U~I Gl w as a slup 1 Do you heoir me? ' He feebly struck his chest as he spoke, " ! do" Jaiecl11ldJess- no little eyes to look up to SU!lllllerhkeswiJt·Wlllgedbumble beesam1d : ' ~ ~U nt.0fln.8°a and then C1iptam ;\for ton adili essed bnn rn ":::)he Wi1S deep m the welter mg trough of you, 01 to me--110 httle liiis ptl.I t to u t ter the honeysuck le and pump km Llosoms, stor I rn o!Tered by the propnetora a v01cc of d eep fcehng and emotion of Di. Sr.go 6 catnuh Remedy wt!d sea, but yet she fought with the the nam e of father 01 mothe1 to us I Mvecl m g away per h aps a l i ttle g1u coBe Irnney aur1 VETERINARY SURGEor;-, " \Vit h tha.t conv1ct1011, then, U}lon your stor m I saw h er- I s,1w h 01 , and she it from the W1 eek There was a tangled buckwheat pa.n cakes for the fnture, but all I fo1 a ell.fie of cutauh which they 1 mind- with t he Hlea th at you will soonmade to t he, as t he seeming L17.ard h eap of co1cls and a bu.sket, Ph1hp, ;:i,nd n.t once, like a 1 iews1xir·m tluof m t he mght, 1 cal~ny o~l~l;~~·e a orncharge from p e1hup s even rn :> space of tnne t lmt m ay light beckoned h er to dv I sa.w her by 1found the cb1!J I though t it cleaJ, but I the kmg of f1ost >md upe, mellowchLlblams the 1108,, offensive or other· be coLrnted by mmutes--b e m t he presenP.c th e tl;:i,shes of the b1oa.d hght tlMt sbe bun1t have mused it close to mv hM1 t and by the 1s upon n~, tnd we crouch beneath the wm I " isc, pm t al Joss of smellltnste, of God, I conJme you to answer me trul y on the oapst.m top before she stnick H er foe h ere, and it lives no'~ You will let 1 t 1try blast and hump ou; spmal column up 1 01 h l'n rmg wealceyeR du I pam t ha t winch I shall a~k of you " mam top sail yard ::i1lrift, sails m r ibbon s I live, Pluhp, husband- yo 11 ,~111 SJl" ie t his j m to the crisp an like ·· Texas steur t hat h.1s l or piessure in h ead, you hmo Catau h. Thou~ I h I l 11 f sands of cases tenmmtte in consumpt10n. ' " vV1ll VOU p ray for me, then ?" Her fi.:.pprng sh eets nad to1n t he eye bolt s l'fe ' ' t ioug t cs Y swa owed "' ew C<>ctus Di S.igll's CA~ AHIUI IlE' U l> , cm es t be worst "I w1ll " from h e1 <lock, her masts hendrng ltJ,e " And you ' A ncl :)' OU'" Life JS one cont mued round of ,t!tei rni , coses of \C.<t<H rho " Volo'll in &lo~ead1" " Inter cede fo1 me j " str.tws, and still she fought th e storm an d "I w ill tell all It w,ts with much more t ive ioys ,m c l s<r cows. To (h y we 0.10 on l and Cuta··rbnl l8lcad£io:iha. 50 ceu " A las 1 do not fancy that m ter li ke this t hi>t sho pmyed to me and chu,g to the top Wo we ol pr ospenty ,rnd ~,nrn 111g 1 ft'~ _ ;-~ 1cess10n can a>ail au ght ag,imst Alnughty ncMecl the sho1 e" "Go on- oh, go on i" me, u.ncl unplotecl me, and I su.w that she was) um selves m the glacl sunlight of p lenty, I r~ ~' iu stice, or adcl one iot to Altmghty m ercy " .Fluttei uig 11 the rrale ~ us th e ensi<l'n of macll} bent upon the cluld, so I let her h,wc and to nflor10w we .uc Cl> st 1 lowu and de 1 But I \Hll p t ,ty w it h y ou " the Hew mt.tmn- t he Amencau flar , a.ncfstill h er wa.y, and the little gul- " pressed n,u1cially, ,ind have t o stand oft I CON C El~NJN G "Yes- that is it. I will tell all Who sl d ovc to t ile s 1 f "" h t tle gu 1 ' " thehome washet woman for om cleau ~hu t 01 st.1y 1 ail<1 1 "Tho l Ote 0 roe' T 1 at from t nc opera 1 ND'~ ;) sh all say how heavy i t has sa.t u~on t his l C ~ · on- on She strhck' I h eard t he cues of "Yes She tlnove ancl livecl, an d gt cw, 'L'l N b 8I I l f d · I poo1 son1 1 I will t ell you 11ll Yon will d11ft those who we!C mtrngled m t he w1eck- o: and my wife died It was soon, then that I 1 ) le ove~tetf '-Ya r t oa.c Yb iownt a f owlln ..---==------,-~-=---,., n ot let t hem drng me fo1 th t o ch c on a glh 11 0 t hose whose lunbs \\ e 1e mashed up with the fell, and ~tr uck against the mam hatch, 11ncl 1 '],ll onl 1u ts tl ' eab ullL "1 cgml . ioze1 bet~ Anythmg bnt t hat--oh 1 do n ot let 1sslir>ve rnshea.rds e th eir ay aS o ... l1111g, p11 ting tunber, and then the I W>t..~ half a cnpple for life Then, wl11le I h ie th cr,i s f t l l 0 1 t tl I Honorary Giadnate of tho Ontario eter m11ry t h em do t hat i ' 1 1 1 1 w reckers went down t he beach " I Jay upon my ha,mmock, C1tptam Dol an came a~ tl e a ignec \en n Y tf ~ w ul c, <( College. Toronto. Ilegistored member or the " I w ill n ot " 1 ca m " \ Vern all lost'" to m e- t he fierce, bad m an to me I afn t ie yaf wi tilmg Tcli asrn m 10 tcokc' il 1 P-L ennary Association in accordance " '.I'!mu I r est on you- I rest on you. " Ontauo v.1th t heVVetennaiy A<lt "All ll y l 11 h ll b ] ca Uler.> o te tall1 11:sn1 v1n a 1 .11 cy w1 .._. -·t ou s ia. ear. A ut saw t uit there w,is d<1nge1 ,,m his look I be fillecl w ith voluptuousbstufflng theu .JI"' "ltest on heaven " Is<l to t reat an d iseases of the Dom· co;i,ld scarcely speak to lnm sewed u p The florid fe1 1tures of the poly estrn A nimals according to t he latest theC>nos ' ' y es- yes anc l 011 you I am w eakm. on.e " All calls personally, by 'l'el eg1aph or 'l'elo D'd t' ! tI to tell you some "One?" T hat 16 the captttm of the gang of wieck o-nmous goblei will be wiappecl 1n sadncs~ · ·' phone will receive prompt attention i you say i u. vras "Hush- oh, h ush i I would not haTe ers you moon, Doh>n ?" : u d crnr~erry pre w ill be it burden for th~ BAI ltff0r "FJCE- Mam St , Orono, one door north of t hmg i' "Yes 1 '.l hat is t he mai1 " W. Henry·s ::Store " Yes List en Ten yell.I s ago ther e set those drnwned souls h ear us Do you k now vea 1 cut l fl t aoeti1 to 1t s l on<r h ome ',me1 tlre '111: ~ t h at <tt t unes w h en t Ii e wmd h owls, aucl t h e "Does he still live'" 1 1 k 'ti 1 CHARGES MODERATE, sail from the U m t cd, Statos of Amen ca., a cruel sea beats far up upon the be.i ch, and " He does 1 be does 1 I t i s upon what he bcius~~~nm i eezer Is JIO en ill ie w ooc slnp named the S,trnh Aun." - - - -- - sends i ts sprny d asluug ove1 t his poor calls Ins b ounty th,it I, too, lived It The old man gro,in cd . -- - - - - - - - - - -·-- - - - "She wa.s bonucl fo1 L isb on; but from house, they come-they all come- wit h HI no longe1 wanted- it rn no longe1 wnnt H W C <( t h o tune when sh e was spoken by a vessel m then p:i,Je, dead foccs, and 1ihcu swollen eel " featm cs, and stn ve to drive me to ma.dnesa · " Go on, pray tell m e all, and if you fl as a ymc, IJ.I Y our a ttention is directed t o the immense rmd Atlantic she was n ever heaid of l'her e Hush 1 is t h at t he wrnd now?" ~bould by any chance 1ccove1 f10m t his at "She went straight up mto tho air, 500 1 stock of were wild storms 111gmg then a lmost all "It is ; but t here 1s 1 1ot not much of it tack of illness, you will have no necessity feet, and I'll tell you, su - " over the woilcl of wate1s ; 111 every seu., on " \Vh11t,' I cxcla1mecl, "she went np- " ocean the tempest rngecl , a nd t he boa.t was It only wails sadly over the wa\ es T ell me for agam a1)p~almg to Captam .Dolan I mor e" w ill s ee to you" " Yus, sn , " i epl1cd t he quondam elude, (!i supposed to losL, w it h '"11 on boaid , fo1 0 "' lhe slap was a lup no mo1e There " That w ill not be want ed I k now that "she c hd " ' she" as ncve1 heard of surcc " It 1s the on iy p i epamtwn lit the -w urld t hat was not tt. sp ar or plank six feet rn lengt h I am dyrng- I kno\\ it too well " " \Vhat \\ ,i,s the mat ter with h er?" 0£ every description at " 'l'he S,uah Ann i" Will do y, hat l S <iiUUlCd ( Ol 1t It has prod u c~d that held together so t hat you could say " The child? Go on and tell me w h at be "Boilci exploded " 111xur11tnl f{r owt hs of h mr on bald heads w horo " Yes" Tins " ,is pa.1 t of a slupexcep t one mass came of tho child '" " Great-'" baldness h "s ex1ntcd tor years It has rcR tored "Go on - go on '.I' ell mo more " " I will- I will. She grew to be '" pi etty, " ])o not be sn1 pi: :~;-;1, sir," tlie q~ondam the color and v1,;-01 to nu merous Clops of gray "On b oard of t hat Lil fated veHsel was the whi ch h ad some co:clage h,1ngrn~ to it, and fodl'd hau H has rel1 C\ Pd hundt ods of a nd that 1s still m tho · avern by the clIIT- Dol- <>cntle creatme wit h a thou~ancl wmumg elude m ten uptccl lhe lady - Abe w.1s a p e1 2onsof d1s11t:(I ~eubl e Dandrnff and has saved Sh!:' has JUSt opened o ut on e of the largest JOY of my h eai t I had lost one who~n.ys about hei' iind as I told you a~p j lady- to whom I r efer did not h ave a boiler many ' 'hon h rn wn.s ftt.lhng, fr om hecooung an 's c,1ve1n. You know t hat l" and most stylish stocks e ver brough t w h o- " ..-.., "No- no t" tam Dol,m Mme 'tom~ whon I was ly~ng t>l ,1ttached to he1 person. A t the t ime of the bald t o town, con aistm g of ; Cciptam Mor ton r csted !u s focc upon !u s fJ3i" Remembo1 t bese facts and tf your hair 19 "You do- rou do r Because sp1uts lmow most at the pomt of deat h- and I dI<1 not cx.plos10n she ",1s ~n a steo.m bo,1t of w in ch I fallm_. S · ik ha.nds and the struggle with <.leep emot10n out 1,ncl bccoml ui< th in , get 11 bot tle a t J Uillin e ry, Dre s s 0·1 of tho sl11p held w .1n t t o die t hen He ,is ked me ,;bou t the "' as the cap t am She was- I mecin the lady once o.nd Hnve t h e rn o wth , uJ y ou 1na.y l osPi i t 1ll tlnngs '.I ha.t p 01t1 s, shook !u m to his hcotrt's co1e. '.!..' hen b e 1 I h 1fteu to th e shore I t was child, ,1nrl I tnerl to m<>ke him bcl10\e that 1- as V~otty as ·1 pictme and eleg,1ntly chess foie\ ei \ s l< ><11u tlt ug g 1ot fo1 HAllt MAGIC spoke agam quite calmly H e w.i.a a vICtoi. , togethct and c Velve t s, &c.. the bi t that had t ho name ou it. " it was mwc but h e had hoa1tl clifleient ly ed. 1 ho foice of t he ex:plo*ton sent her and takA 1101h111 g el·e A. DOltE~ WlC NT> , Sole Manufa ctm er, To· w it h a very fine stock of F eath ers and a'J h e harl often been b efot e, m tho fight " The ship s n, ·· ft om t he wives of mme of the men who h ad sti ,iight u p mto the au , 500 tect 'vV hen i on wit h Ins own feelrngs and lns deep seated to. F lowers "Y~-ycs t l'h c ship's name " t he secret fr om my wife , so h e t.~lcl me he she came down on t he 1 etmn ,t np, she fell grief. "And- all(l ? Oh, go on 1 'l 'ctl m e 1 all, and mciint t o fake t h e h ttle ,,u1 I m to my 111ms I 1hought sh ed say, if she lllUGGJU'V BO '.H.' HA.N.B & ~0:\1", C all and ins p ect this fine d isplay, \T luch " I had l ost one whom I l m7 ecl in America to Jnm self--as he S<>Hl that tl>o da,y nu", ht J w ,;s aln e 'Tlmnk goodnc:is, l wasn'tJ,111 AaENTB h'Olt Bow~LA~VILLE cannot fail to g1ve satisfaction. She was an Engh~h gnl and sh e left me wit h What was the name i" '"J'he Sarnh Ann, N ew Bedford " ,,0111 e th"t she Pllgh t be of good seiv1C: to cd 1' but she d idn 't She saul 'Oh my - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- a little clnld whoso only fn encls resided at Caprorn M o1 ton uttered a cry and then, lmn, 1 f h e should want a fnend Auel then 1 goodness, JUSt l ook o,t t in t bi,; hole Ill my 9 Lishon In tha midst of my desolation I 1 ~ CJESAREAt houg ht I would send t he little one ther e by a v10lent e1lor t r llCovered l11s composme I sa id t hat she might too be of ,,00d set chess ' S o it goes, su, so it gne~, the \'l'orld ' 'ICC to me, if I wanted a' h iend-'.'.'.for then ovet The g entle1 s ex L9 controlled by one The Sarnh A nn was my own shtp I t was a ~uJI1c1cntly to ~ay ' 1 "Then I am to understand that the slu p some inquHy nught Le made ,111 to '1ho she centl al idea, and that 18 tliess' fear ful epidemic t hat had crnecl off the ~ young mothe1 and I was an xious to get the was luxod t o'" lee aho10 by a false beacon was, and I could take the credit of havnw si1ved het And upon t his h e swore 1 t. ter"' l clnld mto n ew a.nd fr esh air 'l'herefore was arnl struck and went to pieces a.t once" "Yes- yes And as the poor, weak, fa mt, 11ble o:i.t h, sJymg t bat the only cornht10n j Better Whistle than Whme. it t hat, m dm1ge of a kmd and t1usty nurse, As I was tal,lllg a waloi, I n oticed two sent h ei b efor e l could myself l e;:i,v e Am stt ngglmg WI etch es who teach eel the shore on r1 Inch h e would help me rn my t hcu con A Much N eed ed W ant for the Inca A1fa1rs of all soi t s debau ed mo, and c1M1lecl up t hroug h the nusty f1oth of t he d ttwu was that I should entnely g ive her lit t le boys on t heu wr~y to school '.l'ho ohe Sarah Ann star ted on t he voyage it 86a they weieone by one str nek down. " up" small one tumblecland fell. and though he tr'Rt!: ~Y '~ n, ~l"\l i ~iUr\ Townships of Cartwright a nd 1 ~~ ;.;l) lQl u;;, never completed F10m t h,it day to t his not "Horn hle '- oh, horrible "' " Aue l you clHl ?" I was not. much hur t he began wlrnw ma ti n \W¥&illi [" ru i:.. lli li.if Da rlington Supplied a sp,i,1, not a vestige of t he slup seems to "Dola n d id it-Dolan dul it ' Not a "Not Just illwu I ~lightly tli1eatcned 1 babyish vray, not a'iegular 10anng boy cr y, - have m et hnnMu eyes " l told l11m that I had cl m,:ie1ous as though be wa.s ln!f l.illcd, h1,t a h t tle man of t hose who now with him were h1rn, an c The old m,\n groaned , then of ilie rrang , 1:JX:cep t111" one < hsket--he secie ts, and then a pt cuhai look came f1om 1Cl oss whme The subsc1iber has decided to open "And now I wo.nt t o ieu.d to yon this pa m thern still"' They h ave "au p erished in l ns eyes, .tud h~ said. to me . 'Hutch l '.l'lie older hoy took his h~tll(l in a krnd, ~'jju t~~:;~S1~ ~1~l~~~~~l Banl~mg Huarneaa 0 I fatherly way, and out a Lumber Yard at C're~aiea, pe1, winch I have cut f1 om .1 I·'almouth n ews different foslnons There wure eigh t to m~-· " papo1, and somethmg seems to tell me that them yon will not b etray m e ,,, :: Ah I ,t$ you1 n:1111e Hut chrns ? ' Oh, UC \ et mmd, J lllllllY' don't whine ' D lE 0 ~ J 'I 's under th e management of MR. you can give me t he mfot matwn I seek "I w ill not Go on- go on !" I t is it 1s u. g1cat deal better t o whlBtle " ;{ecelvod m S:..vmg-s Rrrnk Deparlmon t and 11.ICHAlW R OWAN, wher e a kinds Listen to me. Do y ou hear ?" "In the morm rig- rn t he d tm morumg, "Then you aro the man m en t10na1 l m the Jumny tned t o JOlll the w lu stle i&ll and m tete&L11lloweu a t cut ren t rateB . ~ o " I do- I do " when the hght of day str uggled with the rav1ugs of t he woman Cole, wluch arn p,lr "I cuu 't whistle as mce as you, Chat h o," iotlt.;" of withcl·t.>val noc0ssary . .<. \ ll depoei u - - of- ~aya ble on dema 1'l, 1 1Y recmcl ecl m,, th e sciap of newsp,>pe1 I said h e, "my lips w o·1't p uck< 1 up good " S lowly a ud distmctly, and in a deep m eas- r emnant of t I1e stor m, anc 1 w h en a f .unt t ta 1 Oh, that's because yon have n ot got all EX CD Al\' GE nrcJ voice, Captam Morion read t he extract gl" a.111 of sirnhgh t fell upon the sea, we all h ave read to ycu ' ' ' 1 J from t he n ewspaper, win ch th e 1eader is al cleared t he b each <:>f t he '~r eek. I t was "I am- I am But th:i,t is not conect the wlnneout yet" saidCharlw "but , ou t eacly m p ossession of As wot cl a ft ei wor d piled up 10 difieient cottages and caverns, I am not -I never w,\s qmt e so had as that 1 try a mmute, and the whistle " 1ii cluve "the 3ouqhtandsold and Drarts1ssued upon Euro:p.,. for building purposes, will be k ept Mme y " Jmted Statea and Canada also Gold,S1lver ai a s lowly and solemnly f1om t he h ps of and befo1c t he warm t h of the Sum mer was wonld seem t o rnak<l me Oh I no- no- 1\vhi11e aw" ~ J nited S t:i.~es Ureenbacks boul'!h t and sold . on hand . Also all kmds of Planed C:.: aptitrn Th'Cor to11 it would a.lmost sePm f 10111 felt it hafl been all bmnt lhe bodies were no "' So he chcl ; a nd th e last I saw or he.1rd of Lumbe1, F looung Wainscotting, th e sol emn stillness that rmgned m the little all dr,·gged high up and huned m t he sand " " ' ell- well ' " the little fellows, they were wlustlmg awa~ boath ou se, tha.t the b re,,th of life lmd, JO · and shingle of the beach " "The captam- that is, D olau- the1eupon ts ea111estly .1a tnough th:i.t was the clu of Cove S1dmg, Mouldjngs, &c. Prom1it1y nrnde a l ciurc nt ra tos upon 11 11 pa deed, left t he ol d man to whom h e re1ul it " But you spoke of one--of one \T"ho was told me how he only that m oment apl\ ed end of h fe. Jt Groat Bnttam the Um ted l::\tutoR "'nd I10 such was n ot t h e fact The attention aavecl !" my life becnuse ho h ad a tcude1 ness for all _ _ _ .,., , 1 - - -01lnlon orC1tna<la. 200,000 feet of Lumber, 1.50,000 of Hnt 1 t he dymg man was so pamfully excited " I will tell you - I will t ell y ou of tha.t that &'ttled under t he black flag with him , 'l'eie;;u·aph 'l'r:u1~n~n·1o. Still P1om1srng. Shin12les ttnd 1,000 bundleR Lath th at all !us cu es ,md all Ins gr oans wete sub My wife was ve then I don't know how but that ho oould get 11d of me as C<l.Stly as Fust fr1sherrn.rn- \IVIMi's tie ma tto;-, old w1ll be landed in the Yard by the me1gcd m it , a ud he coulcl only gla1e at or why it WMS that sh e clung to m e m all spe.ik the wo1d~ And I folE ind k new 01 Morton wi t h an expt ess1011 that my evil life' but she chd- -£hc did W e tho.t I Ill so qIJe<"Lkmn ho spoke the t rnt h I i' ·na.n ' <lid '"0l' fo1 0act th< lme5 nn c l b,i,it? l'1 rrnil1 1l 1'h,s 10 TIP· tH«'i. i l) 1 .:l vu r 1·1µ;r 1111~ · -O O' J ( t l l Gth Octobe1, w hich will b e sold Captam 01 < 'T "" I' "'"'" " · evulcuLly h ad '" doubt m 1t of Ins m oi tahty hvecl m one of t he s mall huts up the beach ' < ><Id ~o I let h 11n lm>e the cl11'<l" Roconcl l! 1>l1< n n 1~- Gm1founll wy fo u<i:l; i '" " aonr, ~ . nix 1 o.m n '~ or l · s.s1t~lU...i.1 5tn t· fur. <1 B:.j. V <> ..1lit. h 1eaiL O U( O tc. 1 t\fl at the Jowe ~t pr ices '.l'hc'l t he captam paused , aucl, m a voice n ot a m ile fl om this spot by wat<Jr and I A c l10k -rng km1 of ··~ nooti o n seemed to f ulne s 1 Y CB '"cc M 1 , v ,, 11 Ill which th er e was mcic emotion t h1tn be IMn dy fo1 the bay , ao I was on e of Do Ian 's J come over Cap tu Ill :i'II01 ton foi a few ~e oral s 13'1 ~t l'101ioi m ·n- Y ou 1emembcrecl t he ' 14'01 ftln her " "'r ' " "'"" " c 1< ll 11t t h" r1,.n 1<11 11 ,JOSEPH BI GELO\V hn,cl u.l l°'\ed to be mamfest wlnle he w,1s m en, reacIy f 01 any w1ck ed n ess- !or smug I ::i.url Ile co11 Icl not sp ea, I I C u.J d a aml ila$k , 1t ' s t o b e Iiop e<l flouse ieadmg t he ext\ act from t he paper, he said gh11g, for pu acy, fo1 w i eclHn!! ' Yell, a~ I 1 he dyrng miin rolled rn.tlesoly to 111d I Second : '.shorman- Yes ,, BR ODIF. RTCH ARD Row.AN , Agent 1 , J£u ll c<H L "If you know augh t of t lus transact1011told you, it \\.tB eYemng ,1 ga1n afto1 t he ho on lu s ln11,1ule h eel a ud ,;ioaued m a gony Fiist J<:shc1m,v J- O!t, well, I guess we AccG unt <n t. ~lit. I H o· -~ 1 if you can t ht o\\ any h ght u pon t hese mys wreck , and I nn,d uot h,id so m uch of the of hod.} and spP it, ,i11' t 1Q ca p·n,m 1eco\ cin mlurn ~e somcl.ow For t P erry, O ct l :;l, 1886 42· 2m. Iv . 11!1' l!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ S~P~R~A~Y~,\"~ .. ~~m~-~~~~fil~~~~~~;;i:;:;:::,: ~,. ~t \tt ~ ~.\tt' ""l" R I FT A N ~~~ ~aid CUDIL'S All l'MIODS I I I I > l 'I CI'TRQNIO DISEASES l" Blno d and l unas 9 I I I In PRIP,[ $I I I ' I e "\. s s. I by JOH~ SPENCER, O DD I! I I ! I F crJ-_ ., I IDr Z I"' ) QR E NWE ! .. I :E CC J: LADIES, 1- M I L L I N E Ry £X: I .. I I I j LU MBER YARD I - --o--- --o--- I -- ------ ·-·· .- Du N N s IN c Ir.ST ER I k; Y UE THE ON TA.RIO BANK r I" I" LUMBER LAT H SHI NC LES &G I I I \lo <!I