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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1886, p. 7

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HOD · ElHOLD. · Kik iton Gossips. ·whole cloves a ·e now used to exterminate the merciless and industrious moth. It is Hav'iug purchased the Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY. they are mm·o effectual as a destroying hope by careful attention to business, good workmar.ship, and firs~ class than either toba.cco, camph ol' or cedar mil.terial, to s<cure a abare of puhlic pakonage. Vi7 e have m sha,vings. at ock and are rrrnnufacturing a large amount of 'l'o KEEP INSECTS Oin OF Brnn CAGES.Tie up a little sulphur in a bag and suspend it in th e cage. R ed ants, it is s>Lid, will never be found in a elo3et or drawer if a small bag of sulphur be k ept iu these places. Collars a specialty. We intend that the roputation Humphrey'11 Col! ara have .gain ed To REMOVE CLI1 \JrnRs. -To remove clinkers from the stove, sprinkle comnion tn.ble shall be folly sust<iined. \Ve aro propared to fu~msh responsible parties s::1lt ot! the lining8 when the stove is cold. Collars on ap r:robatiou . \Ve gu1!.l'a.ntee satigfaction or no sale. Use plenty of it. Build a moderate fireWe f.llso keep in atock a full line of goods usuitlly found wood arid coal- 1 L11d i n a day or two the in 11 foet claus harness shop, comprising ~linkers will be gone. How TO l'RBS};1wr~ Eoos.- To each pailful of water, add two pints of fresh slacked lime and one pint of common sal t; mi.--.: well. See our Bull Honti Whips-something new. We have a lso in stock Fill your barrel ha lf full w ith this fluid, put yom· eggs down in it any time after June, and they will keep two years if desired. Tllll Tltl<:ATMENT OF \VHOOPlNG-COU(l][ wrTn ILLu mNATI::< G GAs. - Dr. Vv. T. for Horses ancl Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. Greene suggests an easily iwailable improveShop-Sign of the Big C,11Jar. ' 17-3m ment on the old plan of sending children on visits to the gas-works. His plan is to at·--·· ------ ----------"--- -- ---- · - -~· - -- - - ·· tach a 11iecc of rubber tubing to a burner, the tubing being long enough to reach the floor. The.gas is turned on just enough to nm.kc a percept ible odor, and the child is to ---I'N. - .inhale it for :1 few minutes at a time as often as convenient. A GooD Gmn:r.. - For a sick man's gruel, take our common grits and wash thoroug hly. ln cooking, use in . excess of water, and cook until perfectly soft, pouring off a nd straining the liquor, which should be salted to the tast e. T he more water you nse, the lighter in body the gruel. If it is desired to make it riehe1·, add about one-h al.f milk; and here ---AT-you have l l splcndi<l gruel for delic11te p eron VRleSC0!1tS. U ;J() the grifo sons a n d .for C from Southern grown corn. To ltf;STUB.1 ,; I ~J1.rn1m M~:A'l'. -YVh en the brine sotu·s or htints the m en.t, pour it off, skim it well, then pour it bacl;: a.gain on the m er.t, boiling h ot ; thi s will r estore it eYen ~ ~ 'l' l:\.. when much injured. If t aiuted meat is imm ersed in the solution of chloride of lime prescrihecl for rancid butter, it will 1 ·estore it. F r esh mea.t,, fish, etc., mm b e p re· sm·ved for an indcfo1ite length of time with· out salt, by a light applicatiou of pyroligne· ous acid applied with a brush ; it imparts a fine, smoky flavor to the meat, and is an ef. factual preservi1ti 1'C atminst its loss. CATARRH. CAT.ARllH.-A new treatment has been dis· Jovered whereby a permanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease. is ubsolutely atl'ecte.d in from one to three a ppli cations, no mat.ter whether stv.nding one ye!l.I' or forty Thie cemedy is only applied on'ce in twelve days, '1Ud does not interfere with business. Descrip· iive {Ja.mphlct sent free on receipt of by \, H_, Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West TJronto, Canad.a. Catarrh ia a dangerous disf'ase which thous· ands conscio usly or uncoa~ciously·ufl'eriu~ Crom. It is a muco·purulent discharge caused by the pl'esen"e cf a vegetable in the lning membrane of t he nose. 'l'he predispoB· ing cause~ are a. morbid state of the blood., the blighted corouscle of tubercle. the germ poison of sn'hilis, mercury, toxomre, from the retention of the effete matter of th e skin, suppressed porapirationa, badly ventilated sleepiu" apart· men ts and the germination of othe~· r1o!sons i u the blood. Irr! iated by these. the hmng mem· brnne of the nose. is ever rea.dy for the recev· ~ion of the parasit.e, whioh rapidly spreads. up the nostrils and down the fauces, or buck of ~hotbroat,cansine;ulcerationof tllethroat;u p the eustecni un tubes, ca.using de.iflless: bu,:. rowing in the vocal cords, causi!'g hoaraene~si usurping the p roper structure of the b~onchia. tubes ending in pulmonary consumptIOll and death. Many ingenious speitlcs for for the cure of catarrh Jw.vo been invented, but without su.cccl\8 11util a physician of long standiug <liscov· err.d the exact nature of th dis.,a&e and the only appl ittnce which will permanently destroy the vara.sit-e, no matter how aggrava.ted the oase. Sufftlrers should sernl stamp o.t once Car desc1·lp1lve pamphlet on catarrh. to tbe busines~ mana12ers. A . H, Dii::on &, Son, 305 King"oet, w e st, rroronto, Canad ~ . MCDOUGALL & METCALF, BQ-W:-l\L[..A.N-VI .LLE:i are offering- Coal as follows : S-'-OV8 lJ · LIGHT A ND .HEAVY HARNESS. 'WH.1.1' I S CA'l' Alli<H7 and Chestnut, ......... ......... $6.25 . , ···· · ··· · · .· · ··. · . . .· . .·. Grate and Egg 'T 'Vent y-fiVe Cell t Sext ra Wl BLANKETS, ROBES, NUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. 6 .00 '11 b e CLargecl Wh eu account S run El LI MAi\PS ROYAL EMBROCATION over one month. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. BARGAINS Boots and Shoes FOR 30 DAYS · What the B ev. E . B. -Stevenson, B ..A., a Clergyman of \.he London Confc'f'ence of the llfetho· dist Church of Canada, luis to say in regard To .A.H. Dixon & Son's New 7'1·eatment for Oattir1·h, · Mes.~t'.9, d, McDOUGALL & METCALF. - - C > F -- Oakla.ns. Out., Canada, March 17, 1883 H. Dfa:on & S on: IJJMR Sms.- Yours of tho 13th inst. to hand. !t seemeJ a.lmo"t too good to be t r ue that I am cured of Catarrh. but l know tt-1at I a m. I hav11 )rn.d no re1.urn of the disea se, and ne vet· lel t better. in my life. I h ltve triecl . so many D . · · D-A-V-I S'. :E:i .. _ L things for Catarrh, su!ft!red so 1nuoh . an<l for io m1J.ny ye!l.rS, that it is ho.rel to r ealize that \VRB DRY GOODS AND GLOTHING rl 1 W e b eg t 0 no t·f ·1.l l)eg1n . a G reat 1 y tl10 p u bl' lC th a t we Wl ~~~~~11~1t':~~u1a 1.·e~:~~r~'t~~ th¥:~"~f:~r:O::n~s~ 1 Clearing sale of Dry Goods and Clothing; on 1 8 1 l am rn11ll y better. . I consider that mine w as n vei·y bad case; it. and chronic, invclv!ng the. was over indt1cecl to s~nd You ttre at liberty to use t his letter 8tutml{ that I huve be6n cured at two treatments. and 1 El :F 0 1--l LL 1 t0a~1~~a11kful that I but I feel fnll.v curer'!. by t he two sent me. and MON DAY ' o c TO BE_ ,R;.'. ·4 t· h .· · · [sh a ll fnonds g~adly1·ecO!.tllllClld.your rernedytosome ot my w ho s uher(;rs. '1'1--1.Ii'i PT .L I..18 Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the $Ulllptive p atients iue advised by a pupil of Liebig, in the A potheke Verein, to live in rooms where one or two dr1tehms of R n lphur are m elted on a hot stove. 'l'he first ten are invaluable in a ll Oomplaiuts incidental to F emalea of all .Ages. Ii or days brings incrc<'secl cough and irr ifation, · Children and the aged they are pricel? sa. then these cm·sc, and the p!l.tient improves rapidly. Person8 with cat!l.rrh and in early of con8tnnption apply to enter chemiIa an- infallible remedy for Bad Leirs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel st..'tges cal fact ories, wh cl'e largo quantities of, suland Ulcers. It is far~oua for Hout ;:nd Rheumatism, For diaord1;1r n of the phur are evaporated daily, and are cured in --Cheat it ha$ no equal.a few w eeks by th e i11h11lations. Chole:·a and epidemic disc11ses iiro never fouml 111 For Sort~ 'l'bu·oaft.:!1, l'l~i-oudail:i§, Co11.11;-hs, Colds, . such factories. Ql.q.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and foo CllrtMAN SAUCE.- One gallon of green to· matoes chopped tine, on e quart of celery and contra.cterl and stiff joints it acts like a. charm. one quart of onions, both chopped fine, two gills of white mustard seed, one of ground .M:annfa.ctnred only l\t THOMAS HOT. LOWAY's Establishment, black pepper, one gill whol e allspice, one gill whole cloves, t hree gills sal t, one pound 78, NEW OXJi'OltD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD S'rR.EET), LOND01J of white sugar, three quarts of good cider And are sold a.t ls. ltd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 221i., and 38s. Box or Pot, anc vinegar, one gallou chopped cn.bbage. Put may be had from a.11 Medloine Vendorathroughout World. the C<Lbbage and tomatoes under pressure · P u rchaser& sboulct 1<1ok at the Labd o:n the l "ots and BoXe8, u: the r ddre over night, a nd in the morning ftdcl two r ed peppers chopped fine. Mix n.ll except the la n r.:-t!l. ··xtorfl Rt1·eet. lionclnn. they ll.J"'P. ·purlo'IU # spices togeth er and boil until quite tender, stirring often. \ Vheu done > t dd the spices, stir well and put into yam· jars. On.rnrn OF FRUIT CANNINO.-It is a sing ular fact that we are indebted to Pompeii for the great industry of canning fruit. Years ago, when tho excavations wer e just begin- - -M.ANUFAC'l'UREH O F - - ning, a party of Cincinnatians founll in wh a t had been tho p antry of a house many j11ra of preserved figs. One was opened and they were found to be fresh and good. Investi · KING STREE'l'. B6WMANVILL gations show ed th;\t the figs had been put Bae'now on hand a. number of Tehicle6 (a.nd is manufacturing a. great many more)of the ne"l'ut in to jars in a h eated state, an aperture left patterns and best finish, which I am offering for ~ale a.t the lowest prices conslsteni for the steam to escape, and then sealed with due regard to workmanship and quah ty. Tile following is n list of with wax. · The hint was taken, and the the princiva.l "ehicles manufactured by me next year canning fruit was inhoduced into Double Covered Carriages ................... . ............ , ..... ..... . .... .... $150 Upwa.rdft the United.States, the pr ocess being identical 11 Single Phretons .... ...... ..... ..... .. ........ ........... ...... .................. J.00 with that in vogue in Pompeii. twenty _ cen Open Buggy ................ .. .... ·" .......... · .. " ........ """ " ·" · · ...... · turies ago. The old ladies in Canada. who Top Buggy......................................................... .......... ..... can toma.toea and poach es ·do not realize that 11 they are indebted for this art to a people Democrat Wagon ... ..·......................... . ................ . .. ............ .. 65 II who perish ed n early 2,QOO yearn ago. I ,tunber Wagons.. . .... .. ........... .......... ...................... ...... ...... . 55 Light Wagon................... .. .................. .............................. 40 " for Spare Minutes.· Express \Nagou ................................. ~ ........ ............. ...... .. . .. 75 " Skeleton........ ...... ................ . .......................... .. . . . ...... ....... 50 A PRWl'TY BBDSl'R&AD. - Get an obl ong II piece of pl~in Congrnss canvass for the ccn· Sulli:y .............................................. .................... ......'. ...... 40 II l'ossees!ng superior facilities !or manufacturing carriages, I lutend to sell very cheap for o· s tre. Put an i nch -wide hem all around it. Then m ake "' border of t he striped scryrn, or a,Pproveil credit. and by so doing I hove t o greatly lncrease my numbe r of Bales. Would upon the four sides, and run bright ribbon in sell the wood parts only, or the gea.ringa of buggies ironed. it, which can be tttk en out wheu wash ed. A broad l,1ce around the edge will be Yery lrnndsome, though a wide h em is a pretty finish. At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. A CLO'l'H CLEANlllR.,--l=toll a straight strip At thf.l F actory J: also do Planing-, Matching, Turning a.nd Sawi ng wit.h C~ro.l.e, Band ·l t 9010 of black cloth about four incJ, es wide, over Saws, a.ncl rirepare all kinds of lumber for cat·penters nd others for building purposei;. and over Yery tightly, until you have a roll ·e in every etyle r eQuired. to order. Ornnrni.1 ta! and Picket s for teno1 about as thick as a b1·oomstick a.nd a s long < ts the strip is wide. Cut off the extm cloth and sew the roll firmly down the side. 'l'rim the ends evenly witlt sharp scissors. If intended for a present, work the name of the donee upon it. A M usux TorLJcT-SET. - Cut out squares of Swiss muslin , or circles if liked b etter, for m ats, and also a coverins for the cushion. In t he centre of each etch a nower or a let ter. Cover the cushion first with a white silesia, H aving decided to r etire from the Jewelry Business, offers his stock putting the shiny side out, then p u t on the Do the same t hing for the mats. of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Plate. Spectacles, etc., at TRE- muslin. Now cut long strips of white muslin, two MENDOUS REDUCTIONS until the whole is disposed of. inches wide. Whip both edges with blue, then plait it up t hrough the centre 11nd sow The sf.ocll sold laetail at \Vbole~ale Prices. around the cu shion and t he edges of the mats. From 20 to 40 1)e\· cent discount Co1· @ 1m· Cash. These s kips need to be just t hree tim es t h e length of the cushion or mat it is to go $20 :New Gold Htm.tin~ Watches a·ed u ced to $16. around . $30 do do do $~4. A Crncus Ruu.- Directions for making 1.ArvEe.t., S'l'OIVili'i.dlJU, .il1.Un i'1T~J1s A.l'\Ul.~ nowEJ,,s. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitution~, a.nd SULPHUR Fu ~rns ·11ouCoNSU MP'l'ION. - c on- . $. -- - D urina between the 4th of October and the 5 the time of sale ' Yours. witi~;.nit,t B.n~~i·~:vE;,soN. the 31st of D ecember, we will ofter goods at such pnces as And hundreds of. or.hers will make it easy for the people to decide who sells;, the 5to $8 a day. Samples and duty !!'HEE I cheapest Dry Goods and CJotbing in town. Li_ n es not under the horrn'sfeet. Write I 1 BilEWSTEH'S SA.-E'l'Y Co.. Holly, Mich. . REDI HOLDER The REDUCIE:D PlilC ELLISO~ 'J: HE ·OI.N"TMENT of eve1-y article wm be marked on larg~ tickets, to show the extent of t he reductions. W e are crowded with n ew Eitock from cellar to garret. We mean business, tberefo1 parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. s l fU n J llJ U j ERTA K I'B cI . - -JB"Y'- _ & co_ !1 the· sl:t.orr.est notice, at t.bP loweet voss1ble , a askets a.nd B uri>tl Case~ ready on short notice Jrst.-class hearse on vcr;y 1 11oder..r.e ~ero u .; Shrouds and Coillns constnntly on hsni! . Fun ra.l cards supplied at. once. Furniture Shop & how R.ooms- .Bounsall'aN ow Block. 161~1~~plre!~!2!!~!~e:alsonlR I ICHT I -~-~~an_:~o,~~~b~~~~~------------------· ~~· . N. B.-- Some Job Lines will be offoted at half price. Ex bargains in Ready-made Clothing. . . ' TO . THE FRONT· . . , We place our elegant new ~oods, complete in a ssortment, splen didj;in quality and over:fl·)wing with generous bargains in GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, BOOTS AND SHOES Slippers, Rubb ers, Oversho es, Trunks and Valises before you at prices that mmt lead to a speedy sale. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Bll!OUSNESS, D YSPEPSIA, DIZZINE88, DROPSY, G A RR IAG ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS , WAGONS, &O., b8 :: The Latest, Newest and Best Fall and Winter Styles at the Lowest Prices consistent with Good Quality. Try our best INDIGESTION, JAUNDIOE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHFUM, HEARTBURN, llEADAOHE, FLUTTERING A-11 Kinds of Veh.icles Repaired I 'f.· MILBURN (.\. t. no l!I disorder ed LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, ·t OF THE HEART, AOIDIT Y OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE' SKIN, And every species of dlseasg arisi ng front Proprietors, . TORONTQ. FRENlCH PlDL;SH A~HD BLACKl: NG, none better made. John Helly11r's Boot and Shoe Emporium. rrHE ART GARLAN-DS FOR '86 are still a head of all imitations. A.GENT FORC) L_ COR NISH:J ~ +:> GiJ ~~ "' (!) <D._@ tTI $40 do Nelv Silve1· \\!arches, a ll nuikes, at sau1e l'e ductious. About GO second hand Silver Watches, from $3.00 t o $8.00 each. Silve1· Plate, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Bl'oaches, Eal' Hings, &c., at even ~rc ater r eductiomi. This is a BONEB'IDE CLEARLNG SALE; all .., .. s warranted a'~ represented. I purpose remaining in town and will be responsible~ for all goods sold. $a0 $ 60 do do do do do do do do $32. $LIO. $00 . BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC, T-faving a larO'e stock of Material for all kinds of Repairing on hand, ......., ne Jobbing Department will he a special feature in this Great Clea.ring Sale. All Repairing at greatly reduced prices : Main Springs ~tin.... 50c. to 75c.: Watches cleaned . . .... 50c. to 7nc. 15c. J ewels properly tltted .. f)()c to 75c. 1 Watch Glasses fitted.. Case Springs fitted .. . . 50c. to 75c. I Clocks cleaned ...... .... 40c. to 75c. All oth er work in proport ion. All work warranted, as in the past. A call solicited. l. CORNISH. ~N. B.- To save costs, over-due B owmandlle, Septe mber 23, 1886. account s must be settled forthwith. 39-tf. this r ug for t he little ones are t aken from Babyhood : Form gray canton Jfannel into a. six -foot squ! Cut paper patterns (in outline) of >tll th e animals you can- as t h e cat, dog, elephant, rat, cow, horse, frog, rabbit, squirrel. Then cnt them from colored flan· nel, car efnlly choosing !L ssorted colors- as yellow, hlne, re(] , white awl brown. Uoe button-hole stitdt to fasten these imposs.blelooking ;u ,inrnls on the canton flannel. A few stitches with bhck 01· white cotton will form features, tmcl h elp to define the body ~tnd supply the slmd ing. This ia so nice for baby t o k ick ou t h"'t it will r epay for the t ron ble of making it . Fol{ A li'Arn. - ]3uy :1 coupl e of pounds of Englisn WtLluufa trncl u se the m eats for h omem ade candy, taking citr e to p r eserve the sh ell in "whole halves" during the cracking process. Then write out persona l remarks from the poet s, ea sily solected from hirthrlay books, enough so tlmt each buyer will find a comp limentar y ttllusion to himself inside the walnut. l' the sen timent between the shells and fast en them together on one side whh glu e or by nnming a ];Jue ribbon t h!'ough h oles in ouch half, w hich lrnve been made whh a hot knitting ncc<'lle. llronzc over the sh ells, and t h e dish of "complements" is attractive in appearance lLUd bound to net several hundred p er cent. on first cos t, l~bor of course couutii1g as noth in~. mM~:ld!·t'J.1 ~ 'd ~ is, beyond question, the best SHOE DRESSING for ladies' use ever made. Try it I - SOLD JlY- OJ~.s 0 · ...-1 Q) ._ 0:: ~ ·~ ~~a~ GiJ ·- Cd bJ JENNINGS, CC:~o ...STORE,NEADS 'BLOCK, <1) where are now i·eady for mspe-Jtion complete lines of Fall and Winter Felt Goode, ;> Rubbers- Canadian :and American-O ver- <1) shoes lll Labest sryles. M en's and Boys' ~ Comse Shoes, L i·dies' F ine Boots and overy thing found in a first class Boot and S h oe store. AT THE PARLOR BOOT & SHOE > · Cf) +:> I Ordered Wor k a Specialty. ""....."'"-"'·,.."-"·""""""""'"'="".-..,"'~'""' " .A.m . <lose bells ringin ' for fi r e ? asked old Uncle Cosicr of young T iberiu s. "No, uncle," answered young T ibe; "dey 's got pl e11ty oL fi re alrewly, irn' now d e b ells i;m ringin' for wati;r ." · · · c "I h Our Galvanized Iron E ,aves·tro ug hrng, m s1 1e e t,,~ eugt s, IS the best a nd cheapebt to be ound. Try it. All ordered work g uaranteed. CUARANTEED -:::,;; · fr::. , EVERY STQ"E TJ . ·T L . G. QUICK. 39-Sm. BOWMANVIL LE.

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