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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1886, p. 4

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-------,,~------.,...,.,,-----:----------~-,;,:,---------------.. ~ '() 0 0 BOWJl.[ANVILLE, FRIDAY, DEC 3. The Reform Committe riooms are over Murdoch Bros' store. The Toronto World very prope rly ad· vises Mr. Jae L . Hughes to resigh the in· spectorshipof c.ty schools before gDi t· g in· to politics. The Tory candidates for . the Ontario Legislature iri Toronto· are· Mr. H . E. Clarke, head of the· Out';\rio Trunk Factory, and Mr. E. F. Clarke, publisher of the Orange Sentinel. Mr. G. Guillet' is the caniiidate for the Commons and Col. J. Vance Gr11veley for the Local in \Vest Northumberland. Mr. H . A. Ward haa been rechosen for the Co;nmons in.·East Durham and .Mr . T . B. Collim1 for the r~; ·cal. At the con,·ention of Reformers of South bel d at Brooklin bst week Mr. J. Dryden, ex-1\L P. P.,received the unanimous nominution nil card idatc for the Local Legislature, and Dr. Rae, Mayor of Q3hawa, for the Commons. The Cobourg World sagely remarks that you might as well try .to lift yonr~elf by vour hoot-straps over the fence or to ~hed yourseif in a wheei barrow into Ottawa !\8 to expect to make an people rich, any ioople happy, any pcoplti well off by ta:xation, which ie the Tory panacea for al1 om: ills. The Ottawa Uitizen (Tory) in repudiatin '.! the M ail'" new platform, remarks that t Le latter ptiper "in its new rol ,. of i\n <>rgan, turne d by cranks fer tl..o delcctatiou of crn11ks, is trying like bli1.1 d and mad Samson of old , with its righthand of race bigotry, and its left hand of creed intolerance, t o pt1ll d o wn themain pillars of the goodly t em ple of confederation." I feel a ll the better able to figl-it when l am fighting side by side with loyal llle n; We are loy:~l to the Do· mioion of Canada. \Ve are loyal to thi s, our ow n d ear Province of Ontario. It is because we are loyal to all of these that we are Heformers, and it is bec:111se we are loyal to all of these that we mean to do o ur be·t to make the whole country Reform b efor e three or four months are over.- Hon . Oliver Mowat. The M.ontreal Herald, · controlled by r know t h a t Hon. P eter Mitchell, form erly ti m ember of Sir J ohn McDonald's Government says, "Mr. Mow:i.t's redistribution bill remedied the inequality. in thfi constituencies, and his Franchise Amendment Act secured the prinuplr ot 'une man, one vote.' In both of these directions he strengthened the position of his vart.y . 'fhe Tories of Ontario are bu ilding their hopes of defeating him o n t hll assu1t1ed defection among the Presbyteria ns, but this is insignificant. At the Conservative Convention held last Friday the attendance of delegates was very la q{e and JUuch enthusiasm was manifested. T e n or eleven names were submitted hut th ~ final choice fell on Mr. W. P. P rower, the present Reeve of Bow- · manville, for the Onta1·io Legislature. No nomina.'ion was made for the Commons. Mr. Prow<::r i·; undoubtedly one of the best canvasscni iu the riding, but has not the sligtht·st chance of Clection in West Durham. We shall expfain why iu our next issue. WonTH RKYBMBERING.-There is probably no hetf<;r relaxing remedy for 11tiff joints, contracted cord· and painful congestiun , than H11izyard's Yellow Oil. It cured Mt11 . .Tohn Siddell, of Urnton, Ont., who was ufllicti d for years with contraction of the bronchial pipes 1md tightne's of th" chest. H i· the great remed1 for , ., ~· . . , s - " . _ _ n ,. , , " R ev. R. D. Fr~ser, M.A., P ast'.)r of St. E111 1.0lt ·~ 1 A 1 F., ill..\N. -ollt. 1· r\ ' r .us fl Ptl. lll's P res lw ten·n chnrch of t lu s tow n for pn;se rvmg sonif' portion nf_ for,iot ·.· o n i s !~ivin·~ a, a,~ries of d iscourses on Sabbai;l~ The Administrati on of t he la te J ohn la.rrr'" are ""1{mdnally hecomrng ,rn~ler· m~rnings on th El E pis t le of .James. Last SaJl(lfidd M ~cdonald w~nt out of ofli ce. wood,_ and the r _ e:enernl apprncia,twn. Sabbath the subject was "Respect of peras the r esult of an adverse vote o f the i;ould it be secnrA il. so vitlu··.ble, that I so"ns. " chap . 2: 1-13. The b rothe rhood Legislalive Asse mbly' in D,,«ember 1871. will ask y~iu to_ de vot o a small S[HCe tu of man w;i i shown to h o a b asic principle 1h 1 nr <'x p.anattnn. of the Gospel. Th·e l3ib lo 1each "s com'fbe Hon. Edward Bl11ke accepted thel Eve:·y on e ha· ob ~e rved,th at it i~ du- munisen ; not indeed t h e eomrnunis·m t ask of forming a ne w Administration, r in g the al tenia· ions of ht1a t 1 md m cisture which covets ,, nd robs, whi,:h would sea t.t is t u s'<y, nccasional he,;vy sho1Vors for t une and d ra" all m en down to one and from that t.ime to the pl'esent, t he - tJt,1 witl1 int,,.·ya!s of l:ri:4ht w .. rm _wcath;ir , l evel, bu t the cornrn~ u uism of equali ty in Liberal pMty has controlled the conrse of th . t. growth P""cet:(h moMt rapidly, b11t the sigh t of God :md mu t ual lov" . Pra.c tlegislation and the 'l.d minidt rntion of [Y .1 b- we cl,> not alw:·ys RO thon·L!.hly under· ical exhibition s ho uld h e given o f thi~ li c a ffa irs. Ju 1872, Mr. Blak e H' ',foned et aud th~ meth"d o f t he pl'o.cess. \V J 1en b r ot h erhood. The pOlor .. Ji ~m1d n ot e u\'y his seat in th e L egisla tive Asse mbly of .we »X··mrne the ·natter, w~ hud ·ha:t the t he rich nor th e rich despititl the poor . In i of rno1 stu 1 1 t he s uil car- the church, the pe w-rent system is foible ·e tl1Nus: 1 On tario, in order t o retain his nMt, in th e p_ass,·g< r1 ~~ foo<l !o !l1·.1 ro nt.s , that mnclJ of tins to b ear ]w avily 011 t oe P'>··r. J,:ix:urious Home of Comm·ms of Cani1da, and the moJB ~ure, :.1 ~tn;_'! a~ a n·h 1 cle tr' 1h f1 ~ood- ·furnishin;;s di··co~1rage thLJ poClr from t1tPreru ierahip of t he Provinee waa, i n Oc- <mt··'H t.he 1000l with it,, and C 'lr ri e~ it u p t en dance . The id ea l ch urch u:iay 1 1c as tolHl r o f that year, offered t o nnd accept,. t o thll lca1·e~ , t.h rn n ~h. ·he mecl 1um of m agn ifi cen t as possibl e in md1itectu rc, rcl by thH Hon. Oliver Mowat, who ha' th eqr rn-~ny op<rnm,,s ,_ H is exp':s ed to tb \l bu t t he s1Jati11g should b ri p 'ai n, and the atm·i.phne, and rt· ce 1 ve~ 11.-ldmon al pl:·nt wh"le ope n on the same"ms t o all com· e ver since filled co ntinuotuly t h e dual po- foo~ i herefrom~ the ~"_ a which c11rned e rs. Tlrn social atm osph'Jre of th e church si 1iou of Premier and Attorney-Gener a l. up Jarg... ly p't~smg .. till~ th_e atnrnsph·~re, sh ould be such that the p oorest will f~el The .Mowat Aclminisll'Ation, with s ome and t.lic ph nt f. ·od p;1·s11 1 g 1nt.1the plcmt. a~ home. ChristiH.ns shnu !d he l ike the ir chl\oges of i;erso nnel, has held office with· is d e posir ed as additional gro1vth when- Master, no r especters of persons . '£he ev<1r noeded. pride and unchn,rita bleu -ss which le-ids to out interruption for fourteen years, and Two things will be observed from the distinction in the c hurchs, be tween ric h has during that time pa.ssed suc~essful above, first, the pr1lse nce of moistur1~ iu and poor is a very natural thing: is too ly t.hro11gh three general elections-one in motion in th9 soil is no0<;ssary to growth. common; b ut it is. according to the word md off rnnch into of God, a µ;revious sin . God has hon rired 18i5, one in 18i0. rmd one in 1883. On Secondly, th"t le:<vAs a< ·1ly the poor by making up lns people largely each ol these occasions, the P"licy and the the nir, the le:w~s nf the forest espoci1 l>eing extremely num·<rous, throw offvory from the m. T!' despise them is t '> m ock acfo of the Administration were subject- hug<J quantities i11d eed. Tlrnae are cool- G od . A breach of the law of Love is e· ed to the !!everest criticism, buhn spite forests are cool, .tho juice of plants is · al- quivaleut tu the breakin_g of the whole of this, and in spite of the hostile iutlu- ways cool, and these great columns of law, and it, will have to b t1 an-<wered for One leprous spot enriJ of the Dominion Government, nctiv- cool and damp air, vassing npn·anie from in the judgement. fo1ostP, mee ts a st.rata of air ano"e of a. makes a leper, one di·cordaot note mars iy exerted against it in 187!) and 1883, it different ternpern·nre but still chaq~ed the harmony, one weak link and the anh~s 11evtr been without a fair working ma- with moistnr,!. The j1111crure of thu two chor goes. The awards and penalties of bodies produces prec1µitarion aud lends the judgement da.y" are repres"·nted in jo1-lty in t.!1e Legislative Aasemb'y. to!prodoce rain nearer or f,r1 her accord in({ Matt. 25, :is turning on how "the least" to tlw courso 1Jf the wind. Thm for~sts of Christ's dicip!es have been trcatecl in BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN aro said t,o dru.w ra in, aud there fa no their times of ne,..d. They sha:I h"vo juogdoubt of that, hein:.{ then i11 leaf they as- m t>ut without m ercy who have s li owcd no AOT. ·istmaterially i11 prodncingeummerahow- mercy; but the merciful e.hail obtain merers, the al.'ason when they are mos' ne..i<l- cy Mercy with sil ~er wiags lik rl :i dove, The Legislative jurisdiction of tho Ou- ed. and feathers of golrl, soars aloft and stand tario Legislature is expressly defined io They also are of very gr.·at value in re- by the the 1 h rone of C:od ; when we are the British North Americr. Act, .ind has taining r.lte moistm·,., !(iven by .·ain and iu danger of beill ~ c11n1lcmned, she rises up and pleiLds for u.<, :ind co vers us with there has been 80tne disputes betwt:en th.o meltiug enow iu their de,;p b ·'d of le1we3 ·m<l decaying forest ·r ··fuse from whence her defence aml c11fulds us in her wings, Ontnrio and Dominion Parlia.menti as to ; a.fe it pass·;S slowly away by numer·JUS un<ler- and \", e are > the limits of there respective spheres, 1t >~round cl:rnnnels ro cr..,ek~ au<\ rivers, ad. - - - - - ·-· THE ~ c 1u1we o~' AME:IUVA. -The one i6 expedieiH tn cite at the words of the din!! in prod11ciug a b~ueficial mriv.m1ent Imperial Statute itself. Section !}2 of thti of ·moist um throughout a t>xtent of ' tei:rible blight of our cou11try ts t1crosula -from impure blood- it oa11etia con~round. · ll. N. A. Actis as follows:sumption and many wastini:{, lingering \Voods or even li11e3 of evergre.ins a,re nnd fat al clia1 Jn each Province the Le sliiture ·nay !'Xclu· msils. Burdock .Blood Rh .- ly nu1ike 1.... ws ln r-e ~ nt to 1nat.ter9· no111- very valuable to e.gricultur.i in giving inK wlthin the cl11.sses oreubject.s nex· herniu· eheltHr, in suu11ner from Btroui.r winds, Bitter~ en res scrofula if t1<ken in llm~ .1 after enumerated, that is to say,Bed Quilt> and Blankets, rare value. 1 The amcndroont from time to time. not- which draw rh<> moisture too rapidly nwa.y wi:hatandi1w auyt1'lnR' in this Act, or the uon· from the earth, 1ind in winier, hy pre- Elli.lion & Co.,.1 n ot the Proviuca. except as- regards venting the ·rneven drifting of snow, and t11e cfHce of Lleutenant-Governor, :( Dire~t taxatiou within the l'roYince in <>r· greatly asiistinL! the f,.U wheat and c lover. der to the rai"ing o' a revenue for Provincial Fllrrnors sh,,uld endtJ<\VOr to prese.rve > I purpo""" :~ 'l'h·' borrowing ot moneY!On the wle credit portion of fornst on tho;r farms with it.!! of the Province. earth bed in it3 orii!in><l fort16t like c1mdi4 'l'ho establishment and tenure of PtovinciHI office"· nncl the appointment p1tyment tion, iu ·1rdr:.r to do which we mnet ex· elude cattle. \Vhere wo .. Js are ~one sh·.11· of Provincial oft1ceras. 5 'l'lrn rnr.nai.:emen c anii sale of the Public ter is m0Bt aoeedily obtained by planting J,"nds i11,longing to the .Province, and or tho evergreen wind-h ..eaks Lite in M~y N,her and wood thereon. G Tlrne·tnbli~hrnent, m11lntenaoce and man- e1trly in J J ·1e baing the heot time. The _ qgement of Public 11.ndReforma.t ory Pri ~o n o in roots ehould be moist and and f01· th e Province . 7 'l'he cst1tblishmcnt, maintene.nee and man· from digging till pl11.nting. 11irem,.nt ··flloapltals, Asylllrn·. Clmritie·_ e.nd Yot1ra, etc., Eleemo~yna ry lo·t.itutions in and ror t,hc Prov· I~. w. PHI1'1'8. ince. other than Mo.rino Hospita.lity. Toronto Nov. !)th, 1886. 8 Munlcip1 1l lustltutionij tn rile Province. · !) Shop, salooo, tavern. auctioneer and othet' licenses in order to the t'o,ieing or a rev<1n uo Expose of That Pretended Public for Provincial, local or m11aic1pal purposes. IO Local works a.nd undorta.k:inp;~ (ctxcapt _ Investig_ a .tion of the Qualities .tliose or an interprovincial or intcrnntionul of the Baking Powder. 11 The lnco,·poration of companies with provinda.l obj 1,c1s. It is no new thini;: with the . Hoyal 12 The solemniz~tiou of in the Baking Powder Company lo publish in Province. 13 Pro>perty and civil rlgb.te in the Province the newspapen readmg notice adverti8eU The Administration orJuatice in the Prov· inoe. including the · con~ titution. mtiintenance ments which have the appeara.nce of and organiza.Lion of Provincia l Courts, hot.h or c rnanatin~ from the editor's pen. . cn'i i and Criminal jurisdic·ibn, ancl including Its most receu t effort i8 au article from pr·oceduro in civil n1a.tters in those courts. ]() The imposition or punishment by flmi. the Albany EYeriiug JoU:mal giving a pe.nalty or imp"isonnu,nt tor enforci ng any Jaw· p ·etended iovesttgntiou a~ is ·m~de by th'l of tho Province murlo in relation to u.ny 1Pt\t1er cimtlug witMn !LUY of the clt1sSe· ot subjcc·· Journal of the qualiti ~s of the baking e uunuH·ated in thi8 e.ection. .. powd em . The fol!owin~ fro rrt a l»t e r 10 Cenerally all ma1.tere of n merely local issue of the same p.tper (Augus t 27, 1886) or orivatc nature in the .Province, so ph\inly stawps the whole thing as .'l'hia powder never vanoe. A marvel ot A siugle glaace at thi~ liat of subjects simply an adv ertising dodge of hu,ge pr()· Plll'ity, strength and wbolesomcnoss. More wi.11 ~how how great a power for either portions that we thiuk the pi.blic entitled economical tlum the ordinary ldnds, "nd cangood or evil is conferi-ed on the Provin· not tie sold in competition with t.he multitude to the benefit of the expose, and accord· or low test, short weight...1um or phosphate cial Legislature; and as, U!lder the system powders; 8old only in C !Lna. ROYAL BAK· ingly give it bclo1v : ef "Re·pousiblo Government," lho Min'"flrn Journt1.I hae printed analyses rmd ING PO WDER CU .· 106 Wall :St·· N. Y. iEtry ofth!'l d ay are responsible for all laws r@ p orts ' of vario11s baking po<0de1·a a s enacted under their 1·egime, it will ehow r eadirig no tices or ad vertis;:iments. It h as also how important it is that that Minisn ot undertaken to say of its own kno1vtry 11lionid be co·uposed of men who are lodge which i~ the best powder in the at once i~ble, tJxperienced, free from MlsFm· no,~rly ;half a century the AME lU· piciou of corrnptiou, 1md abreaet of the market. · Consumers must decide for the mselves." CAN AG lUC U L'l'UlUS'.L' h a· annexed times in their politici>l progress. Thia piece of ingenious advertising on thousands of Cttnadians to its ~reat family tho part of the Royal Baking Po1vder of readers. and to ·till furth er inct"ease this Cnmpauy may have hai tts origin in the number, the publishers are · going ·to devote A THING OF BEAUTY. evident <lisap!Jointment of that Company opecial attenti on to agriculture during 1887. 'l'he gre:\t sbtI of editors. who with ite extravagant but fruitless ad ver- for over" quarter of >\century hr .ve made In past years the rage at Christmas tising efforts to beg~ile the public into tbis pow ,clie:>l the recognized i>uthority upon time and long before has been the pur- believing that the cream of tart,f\r used in all mMters pertaining to agricnlture, borti· chasing of Christmas cards for friends other baking powders contains a large culture, etc, h!l.s n.,w IJeen r~i n forced with a abroad es souve11irs. This year & change perceutage uf tartrate of lime, when it is &t11ff of well-known contrihnto>rs. 'l'he Juvenile, fieMth and · :iousehol D e· is tnki ug place. Tm~ MoNTM:AL Sl'AR ie a fact and well known to the commercial part ments have been enlarged, and Humhug bringing out a euberb Christmas Ii Umber, world that all the refiners who supply J~ xpvsures am to recei ye adcl itiona,l attention. a mammoth paper of wondrous beauty, this count'Y with cream of ta>:tarare, and ORIG I~ AL ILLUSTltATIONS with twenty-eight pages of m:igoiticent have been for a Jong time, in a co.:nbimt. Every issue. of the AattrcOLTUIUST illu·tra·i ons, includiug a facsimile of the tiim under an agreement between them contains nea.rlv 100 original illastr1'tions of great picture purchased by Sir Donald to produce only strictly pure, or ninety- auim!Ll·, pla.uts, new farm anrl househC>ld conveniences an<l appliance~, out-door i::imith, at the Morgan sale, New York, at nine per cent ~oods. a cost of forty-five thouoand dollars, The cream of tartar used in Cleveland's sceneR, e tc. SPLENDID ENGRA. VINGS .FREE! abrrnt which rhc curiosity of a whole con- Superion Baking Powder is r e fined by a. O:IHJ:'l Ol!' OUR J~'Alt~ER PRESCtinent has been ·\rou~ed. The engruving new proc:ess which l's it entirely from D l:!:NTS .·-Tt is noteworthy thttt" fill\ · on the STAR's picture is something of a tartrate of lime and every impurity, and jvrity of our Presidents were reared on forms, rare delicacy. .Be~idea the twenty-eight is obtained in the pur crystals and or retil'ed from public life t'> rural scenes. pages of . illustra tions there are stories, ground in our 0 NU fac · . ory; th e bicarbon- The A me1·ir.a.n A.gric;i/.t wrist is now pnblish· sketches and peems by the best authors. ate of soda is prepared expressly for us ; ing a1.1cl SENlH~G· l!t<EE to all subH cribers. at Prufossor Grant, of Queen's College, has and to ensure uniform and absolute purity an outl:w of over $30 000, 1;nperb Eugravings wrilten a powerful article, which every of our baking powder all the ingredieots (18 by 2·1 inch es in siz~) of these R omes. t ogether with special de·cripti ve paptlrB by Canadia1~ man, W?man an~ child should aro subjected to searching chemical Jr.meR Parton, Dou!l.ld G . Mitchell and othread, wl11Je th<ire ls sometlung frum t}ie analyses, and none used unless proved to er eminent living Am~rican author!!. These pen of Proftssor H.oberts, Nova Sco'.ia, be perfectly pure. Engravings constitute a mtt,,;nificpt portfolio ~eorge Munay, Montreal, absorbmg Appreciating the fact that consumera collection ·Jf orn1tments for the w~lls of a prince or pea~a.nt'a home. Su bsri·ipti.on.· ·torios by E. W. Thomson, Toronto, J have a riaht to lcoow what they are usincr poems by Poet Lam_eat e Ji' rechet;e and as food, ~e have for many yeara mad~ 1887 immedintcly fonna,.,fol entitled to all the 6el"ies, begi11ninr1 in .Jla!f lrMt. others, together w_1th a. la1·ge 22 :x 28 known to the public all the ingredients JrnDOilSED BY THE u. s. GOV'r. pl.ate ~upp1ement, sa1~ to be the m_ost ?e· of our powder. Cleveland's Superior Vol. 8th. Teath Census, U . S ., says: '~itchmg c~ayo~ ever issued on ~his side Baking Pow,ler is made only of strictly 1 · 'l'lrn Arnaricau Agricultud~t is especially t?e. Atlaut.c. £he ~v}1ole of th~s poper, pure grape cream of tartu, bicarbonat e worthy of ment1<>n, because of the remark· "h1ch compete1~t critics say ec~ipses the of soda, aud a sma.11 portion of flour usod able snccess th!l.t h..- attended the unique Lond.~m Graphw and L ondon _illustrated as a preservative, and does not conhin j and untiring efiort.; of 1ta proprietors tv in!fews, is sent to any address fo~ the arnaz- ammonia, alum, lime, acid, phosphates, creaso af\C! exttJnd its circnlati JU. Its cont ent.. are dupUc ..tcd e~ ery month for a Ge1 ·mgly srna!~ sum of_ 25 cent s m postag? or any adulteration whatever. s~amps: I he pubhshe1·a '.1-r_e Graha.m. & Has the Hoyal Baking Power Com- rnan Editi1>n, which also circulates widel5." 0 PRIClll, $l.50 A YEA!\; SINGL·~ Nos. 15c 1'~. Oo., Montreal, who are g1vmg beau~ifnl pany, with its much advertising, ever inBal!l.nce uf tins year J'lt~J' t o all subscribing pnzes to the valne of $300 to. the httle formed the housekeepers of the country immediately . tulk ~ho write the mod~, ~ai~hful short all that enters into the composition of its Send Rix: U e nt~ for mailin;: you Grandi l ette1 a.bout the paper. I his 18 really an powder'/ Or bas it ever published a word Dou'.:ile Number, jnst out. lll· pag e Prem· age of wonders. Anybody who was for- openly in d efence of the use vf amonia ln ium L ist...nd ::!ample l:'ronf of Engravtunn~e enough t~ get a copy of the last baking powder? Iuformation on these ings of " Homes of our F!l.rmer Prmi dent·," to;ro~her with Dclscdptivn by Oa_rm val SrAlt will n_ ot be B? m~ch 11ur- points might enable the public to form an Jas. P1~rton . A<ltlress vriaed at tins latestp1ece of g1gant1c enter- iutclligent opiuion in regt\rd to the prise, merits of this much mooted question of baking powder supremacy, ~nd we would West's Cough Syrop, a cerba,in a.nd have no rnil5i;iviugs as to the result. \ DAVID W. JU DD. Publisher, 75l Broadwa}, N. Y. speedy care fo11 conghs, eolds nnd all, 0LEV:S:W.ND Bao~ .· FOUR.TEEN YEJARS OF LIBERAL LEGISLATION A:ND ADMIN!STRA'l'ION. . . How Adjacent Woods Assist Plant Growth. RElSPEOT OF PERSONS. I SANTr (~LAUS Has left a large supply of presents fluita b 1e for every b od y with ]nst.rncti nns t h a t t h ey are t o supply all who call on them with handsome 'Xmas Gifts at v ery low prices. Corne in and look around whether you buy or not. Buy where you can get your presents the ch eapest and we say the spot is KENN ER & CO.'S'Y HALL. Couch, Johnston Cryderman are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of --- - - · (TWEfDSX&XCLOTHS) in town, and the ,_ ' MAKE-UP of their Clothing lS . :=UNAPPROACHED I:: by any house in West Durham. One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. IMPORTANT MORTGAG~ SAl~ of Excellent Farms in Darlington. 'rhere will be ol1emd for sale on HO FOR SASKATOON!'· The 'l'emperanco Colonlza.tion Society (li1n!tcd) will provide free r a il w.ay pt<asages to all ~c ripholder~ for (or their represent..t.ivo·) who will, on or before the 31st rl.1 0· of OECEMBER, 188u, pay up t.rrea1·s due tl1· 3 society, and join the first excursion to thR Colnny in thAapring, for tho purpose of settling ou !ho land. By order or the Boarcl. C. POWll:LL. l\fa1rng er, ociety' s Otnce~.115 King st. west.Toronto. N. n.- I.oans madc(tmder Government sane·. ffl·tf t1on)to ttssiot intending settlers. ·Satur~a1, December 18th, 1886, at 2 o·cJock, p . m. at tile Cl!:Nl'RAL HOT.Ef, in the TOWN of OSHAWA . by Virtue otPow· er· con1 aincrl in several Mortgages made by WIJ.,LlAM PO'l"l'KH. which will be produced at the ea.le, 200 acres more or less. being com· posed: l!'irstly-- of the Son\)J H alf of lot No. 25 ·D the !llh concessi on ol' the Town·h ip of Da.1·ling · ton in tile Coun tY of IJmham. in the Province of Onl ario, B xcep ting 1 act·e heretofore sold ror a School si te. Secondly- of the South Bast q11arter and the North \>Vest quarter of lo t No. ~7 in tile same conceeoion and 'l 'ownehip. 'l'hese farms ·are well situated in a fine agricultural section about Ia miles north oast ot Oaliawa and the same distance from Bow· manville. w ith both or which towns they are conuectcii by excellent roads. 'l'hey also withm 2r mileA from Burketo'\ Stat10u and Elevator of tho Oaua.dian Pacitic R qilway which Is an excellen r. Grain Market. The soil is Yery fine aud producti\·c and the f1trms are well W<Ltered each having a never failmg stream crossing it . l On the first mentioned Po,rccl there is a. gooc Orchard of choice a11ple trees in full bearing condition, !l.nd there is a. larg;e a.mount ot fall ploughinr; done. '!'her o also a.bout 10 acres or good Ha.rd wood liush. Both farms are provided with suitable buildings. aud the barns and stables eap.eciflolly on th e flrat mentioned parcel are illl"il:O and commod ions ~atl'ording accommodation for many head of cattle. At t he same time and place there will he offered for s!Lle unde1· Power oE Mortgage made by said WILLIAM POTTER all rhat part comprising 50 acres moroor less of Jot. No. 6 in tho l s t concession of the '1'ownsMp of Cartwright in the said County or Durham, owned by him. · Terms easy and known a t s alo or on · application t1. EBEH MILLSON, Solina, P. 0., th e Mortgagee, or t~ McGJD E & JONES, Vendors' Solicitors. Oshawa.. Dated at Oshawa., this 30th day or Nov,, 1836 Absolutely Pure. Notice to Creditors or J OHN EWART late or t he Township or Da l'linl(l:Oll, in the County of Durham, :Fll.rmer, deceased, Notice ia hereby ~iven purs u!lnt to Section 3! cf Chapr.e1· 107, H. S. 0., as acnended by Ch >ip. !J oJ' 4u Vic.. Ontario, t.hat all creditors a nd othe1·a having clc>ims a.11;£\inst the estate o! .Toho E wart late ortho Townsn!p of Darlington. in the County or I h1rham, F at'mer. dece1 taocl, wll'> rliecl on or a bout t be s econd cl!ty of October, 1686. iLre required to sa1 1d to tb'.e unclersignP.d, D.B1 1rko Simpson, Bowmanville, Ont., Solicitor for Ar.drew Smith. Esq., Executor and Truatee or tile last Will and 'l'e~tnmeo t o! the said .Tohn Ewa.rt deceo.sed, particulu rs i n writin1< o[ their claims !l.nd the nature or the securities (if 11.nyJ held b.v them, a.nd their Christian an11 Snrnames. add1·es8es and d escriptions, on or before tbo 8th d11,y o( December, 1886. \ And notice is J1ercby p;!ven that at .t!1e ex· vi ration of tha t ti me the said 1 £xecutor will proceed to distrib11te t he assetg of the said ,deceased, among tile pJ.l'ties entitled thereto. havrng rega!'d only to thti claim> of whic h he shull then notice, a nd that ho will not l>e liable !or the asdets 01 · a.oy p:i, rt tbereQ f, to aay person or persons of whose claims he sh<Lll no then have had notice. D. Bumm: S1M r·soN, Solicitor ror Executor. Bowmanville, llth Nov., 1886. 16-Jw ANNEXATION. -------·· - ··- 1000 H TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES 1887. The undersi(;{ned will receive t enders noon of up to Thursday, 2nd December, 1886, for tile supply of Butcher's Meat, Hutter, Flonr, Oatmeal, Pot!Ltoas, Cord wood to the following institu tions during the year 1887. viz :- ·r1rn Asylum s for tho lns·ne in Toronto. London, Kingston, lfarnilfon. and Orillia ; the Central Prison and ltetormatory for Females. Toronto; the Heform !l.tory for Boys, Penetan;i;uishene ; the Instituf;ion fort.he Dear a nd D11rnb, Belle· ville ; and the Jnstttution for tba blind, Brantford· Two sufllcient sureties will be rnquired for the due fulfillment or each contract. i:lpecifica.tions and forms of tender can only be had on ruakin~ eppllm1tion to tbe Bnrsars of the respective Inst itu tions. N ,B.- 'l'enders aro not rcq aired for th<1 supply or butcher's me1it to the Asylums in Toronl;o. London, Kingston, a.nd Hamilton, nor to the Central Pl"ison ancl llcformatory tor l!'emales in Toronto. The lowest or any tenner not nece3sarfly a11cepted. w·. 'l'. O"RF;rLLY, n. CHnISTI.JtJ, Inapeotors or P risons 1tnd Public Charities. Parliament Duildln11:·, 17th Nov., 1886. ~S.w CABINET PHOTOS NOW J!'OR - $2.50PE~ ---o---. Best quality taken in all kinds of weather -AT- I TAIT~ MiiiiiiiS1JN'S, BOWMANVILLE. AMERICAN ACBICU L TURIST, inteni·H or e.,;ternal! tbroab and llmfil diffaeff.. I Albaaq0 N. Y. Oanvaeere Wanted 6v1trvwnere, Queen Street. Bowmauvllle, the property of Mr. .Toseph Neil, at presen t occupied by Mr. Tbos. H. tlpry. There are 7 rooms in the houw, u good cellar, and abotlt 20 fruit trete In the orchard, li'or turther pa.rticulars apply to Jon;,i K, G6L11B.4ll'I:{. Barrister, Bowm&ll.· yj,\J.a. tMw. F OR SALE.-'l'he house and lot on N. B.-Cheap Fancy Goods in great variety. People arc coming ~O miles for the &08· tum.e Dceu Good·. :illiiHn & Ou.

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