DOMINICA ~L!Mi RUIT Ju1cE: PURE and undiluted full atren~th. f IMME TH E --AT-- RUS ' II WHOLESOME Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. -"f.HOusE People come from far REFRESHING I Tones up the system. GIVING UP BUSINESS SALE I a nd near. Hundreds of dollars worth sold to parties who d0 not regularly trade in Bowmanville. Our stock is still the best assorted and most valuable in town (and is not a patched up bankrupt stock either) our goods have been bought for cash from first-class houses, and are good value at our former prices. COME AND CET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARCAINS. First-class Dry Goods are being sacrificed. FRUITY and ricn in flavor. COOLING ,Just the drink for warm weather. I n ordering, speciliy DoMINICA, nnd de>n't be put off with any imitations. DEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR I Lyman Sons & Co., ::54"C>:.t ' 1"T:RE.A.X..... All who have attended this sale are more than satisfied with the extremely low prices, and strangers are surprised at the superior quality of our general stock. T · . Gr.EC>. Santa Claus 1111s <lnived at Kenner's. Dr. McDowell's card appears elsewhere. Tho polos for the Ball electric light are boing planted. · T dB 11 HM·e you seen o ros., a wooI flannel at 20c, worth 25c. People admit that it is advantageous to & c · h Ell" d ea1 wit ison · o. f rom tllC . d f 0 l3est Bran o yster11 d irect beds at · w. Quick & Co's. St. Paul's church has a very flourishin g young people's association. Ctowds are com in~ fol' our cheap Gray Flannels. Ellison and Co. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at Levi Mor ris' and get a $1.00 book free. If you want good work done let May n:i.rd the Jeweller do it for yon. Choice Cranberries, Malaga grapes and ·F or sa.le by STOTT & JURY. A li~eral discount to the trade. chnrg4J for cases. No ·· 1'1.1:: A. 9 C> ~. NOTICE. Every man woman and child within 50 . miles of Bowman ville ia invited to call < .at our Medical Ball and inspect our mag· nificent stock of 'W edding Presents and Xmas Goods. We cannot begin to enumerate the artiele or describe their beauty, but every per11.on should see them. Most of our goods · k &' Co 's. · h on10os · a t \"r "'. Q me :are bought direct from the factory, and S parns h for beauty of finish and elegance of Trains are now running over t e new iron bridge between here and Newcastle. deaign, cannot be equalled. Call and examine Maynard's fall stock . Oa.11 early and make your selec- of 1vatch, s, clocks and jewelery,th e finest in town. tions and have them kept 1 bb' - for you.! Look out for our cu mg announcement next week. Dont order any paper till it appears. II lf your silverware waots cleaning ca and buy a box of Electro Silicon from 'rHE LEADING DRUGGISTS. Maynard the Jeweller. Money saved is money earned- G o to 'We have secured another large quantity the Star House Giving Up -Business-Salo ·o f those Illuminated Match Safes which and. get a suit at cost and save rn.w;!..CY· "We are giving free to all our customers. A freioht train ran into the rear end of another 7it Bowman ville station the other day and scattered three car loads of _. over the tmck. ~;"~~--~~vv~" '~'·"~'~~".~~~, 0 pene d ou t t lus · wee k · IoveIY co lored d The S urah S'lk Bow:arANVTLI.E, FRlDJ..Y, DEC. 3. I sonIy ">: fvC per yar . . best value ever seen in those goods. Couch, J ohqston & Cryderman. Before buying anything in Mantle or U lster Cloths every lady snould rne the St. Paul's ch urch T ea J an. 17 ·. grand :issortment o f t Irnse 1100d s -no\v N 0 cowp"titor can undersell Ellison & showinl{ at Couch, Johnston & CryderC man's o. . . Cartwright cor. of the N ews says: y 0 11 ought to sec Ellison & Co's Boys' The Suits. M:r. Climie, our Licetlse Inspector, tJilid ·- C a ilyin" Some p i>O· 0 visiL here last week. People wonder how Ellison o. can ple th1'1 ·1k that lie wore bl1'11ders so that 11~ v sell so cheap. would not shy. 90 Baldwin Bee-hive fingering, at a Silks have advanced in price, if you :;ilrnin, Tuel Bros. . l t liink of buying a new silk dress soon, go 'fheN ews ~ays the sacred concert Ill t ie to the Star House Giving.U p-BusinessQueen-st church wns a success. Sftle and get one at less than present whole The Tailoring Department is booming sale prices for same quality. at Couch, Johnston & Oryderman's. Pou1.T1~Y WANTED- 'i>V. R. R. Cawker Mr. Wcsley Johns, of Hampton, is w.a nts any quantity of well dressed poultry l earning carriage m aking at Morris'. delivered at his butcher stnll in BowmanJohn R. Clarke, the orator, is to ville, for which he will pay the market lecture h ere Dec. 14. Particnlars later. price in cash. Also cash paid for hides Don't subscribe for any newsnapers or and sheepskins. " rnttJ11. magaziu e till you see the STATESMAN Rev. E. Barress, pastor of Hampton . ·11 h . Q t l I They have received a new lot of mantle circmt, WI preac 111 ueen·s c Hire 1 cloths a.t the West End House. Call and next Sabbath . In the morning the sersee thern,Jhey are b eauties. rnon will be on " Scriptural Holiness." All interested in this important subject For the most elegant Dress Goods, the are invited to be present. fi nest assortment anJ the best value, call ·t Co\1cl1, .Jo · l111sten & Cryderman's. Tr-rn STATESMAN is now printed on ~ Tuesd:iy afternoons, but we shall not ln n early every instance \vhen stray change the date line from Friday to animals h ave b~ien advertised iti the Wednesday until New We are STATJ;SJ\!AN this seas<m they have been tryinrr the change as an experiment, and found or claimed. if ou~ readers do not object, we shall Rev. E. Roberts pr« :acheil a sermon rm make the change p ermanent. We are t he life and death of the late Levi Morris getting Jots of new subscribers. d y night in t h e Q ueeo -s t clrnrc h on S un a The quarterly obeervance of the Lord's to a l:irge audience. Suppar will take place next Sunday morThe people of Newcas tle do not want ning in St. Paul's Church. Subject of protection. The 1iy-law for the purchase evening sermon : "The Christian's Omof a steam fire engin e was d efeated by.17 nipotence" . Rev. S . H . Ea6tman, B.A., votes, only 30 voting for it. of Oshawa, will preach on Thureday pre· iclons crowds are buyin_ "' goods paratory to the Coinmunion, at 2.30 and Trel·nei" ·11 b e a b ap t. .at' tlie St··r no11se Giving-UrJ-Business· 7. 30 p. m . Th ere w1 ism a t ~ n at lowest the evening service. !!oods_ good If 'vallt Sale. You ~ pl'ices yon have ever heard of give them a Rev. Mr. Howie, th e blind Syrian, who .call. l ectured in St. Paul's Church week, Mrs. Da.niel Cryderman, of Hampton, sat for photographs at ~- H. Henry's ·died sud denly last week. She was ddugh- gallery when in Bowman ville and his pie· for of the late W · Weller .who ran a tares a1'e on exhibition in the Studio l ine of etag~s between Montreal and window. They are taken in Eastern cosToronto years ago. tume and posture and are a great im· Frank McCoy writing from Milf.o rd, provement on the photos Mr: Howie 1'1£ich. , says: Allow me to cast your 3 lb. offcre d f or sa1e w h en liere. TIT n c uu d ertato of O.hawa in t he shade. One of stand that Henry is executing a large po : Mrtist~. ' . l f I R tl our tonsonal has on exh'b"t' 1 11on ore er .or tie - ev. gen ernan. . · h : h 4 1- lb 8 . also I ·one potat? w uc . w~.g s ~ DULL Tnrns.- Much has been said re· ' t h1·ee . ?mnn_s 1 t the ~am<~f ~'~~I garding the dull times for some months <Jf wh1c,1 we1g is wit m wo oz. past and all havo suflered more or less pounds. . thereby who have had to depend on Several townspeople enJoyed the S up- trade and commerce for their support. per at Ebene;.;er on Monday night. Only l But at times benefits ara roaped from let the Eben~er people announce t~irough I dull times and at present th ose m<>y do thf' 8'.rATJ~SMAK that they are gomg to 1so who are in need of harness by calling have a public feed and . the people from at the esto.bliehment of J. R. Bradley, all dir,; ctioos flock to the board. Fully Bowmanville, as he has on haud a large 400 or 500 pers?ns mus~ have ta~e~ bUp- supply of such goods the stock of which per there 011 this occasion. "Trim will was purchased 1~t bottom prices "nd made send ns ll full r epor t. up when wag:es were down. The at'ticles t" l All . NATlONil PILL8 are uJ1.uirpa.·~e·l iu " I are warranted in every par icu a.r. a11re, Julld, ,..,, lllorouw;11, pu.ri:;nuve. ""ll"~ who call will receive the best attention ~·· the bWnry orgQ..11.~ l)HDlPilY Jill poss'ble STOTT & JURY, ~tu- dtiuiuH~u Jtat.e~ma~. Local and Otherwise. <" I ! cJlecluallf.. · · Mr. aud Mrs. D. Keith, of Oshawa, Division Court was held hero Tllesday. Read Mr. Trebilcock's new advt. Ult, I~. t;. HcDOWJ> LL0 were in town bst week. Attendance large. John Ruddock offers a ,·ery nice house . PUYSIC!AN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. M . D-, Master of S11rgery, Victoria University. A subscriber called l"st week to see if Ladies, Murdoch Bros say and lot for sale. "L d' rea.d l what " Licentiate Hoyal Coll. Pbyaiciirns, Loudon,!Dniz, we kuew of a small d\\·elling to lot. ' to ~ ies On Y on 1st page. You ought to nee Ellison & Co's Gray Member C.ollege Physicians & i::iurgeons, Ont. RES! DKNCJ~,-Mr. Ed we.rd Higglnhotham's. Mrs. Thos. Hoar is in attendance on S St.· P;iul's Church Flannels at present pric·es. {n-tr. S d will6hold h Anniversary d M cl her daughter in Toronto who is ill. er1·1ces on un ay 1 't · an on ay Mayer, .the Furrier, is domg a rushing ll'. K. "'MITH., West's Cough Syrup, u 6Ure cure for 17 th January next. . business -making the fur fly. LWENSE A UCTJONEER for Bowcou h~ colds croup and consump·ion. . Th.e young men who disturb the meetC g · ' . . d t . mgs m the Barracks should he broui?ht itizens, dont forgot that the morning man ville, Darlln!l'ton. Clarke, C1crtwl'i1d1t, II intro · uce elec ric before Mr. H:~ines. Leniency only -en- mai ·1 · 10 p.m. promptly M1111ver~;attcnd"d also East. Onrhl\111. All Adikes orders · l\'[ r: E · G x_. B urk WI. s f or th e W es · o aro ma d e up a. to. 'l'erms liberal. light mto lus pKp<ir imll ·t Campbell ford. courages them. An important meeting of the Sons of w K SMITH, or FRANc1s MAtiON, J:lox H, l:lmvMessrs. B:1ntlP, r1 W . Hazzlewood, Ragln.n, Ont. Licens- England next Tuesday night. Nomina· manville. f Roches·er, took away a fine car load , ,f horM:s last week. e_d Auctioneer for the township ?f Da~- tion of officers, etc. PLAIN COOK WAN'l'Ji~D-IMME DIWeekly Globe from now to end of 1887 lmgton. All orders for sales m tlus There died at Brooklin on Satm·day 20th atcly. Apply to Mns. McARTnu1~. 4.6·tf for $1.00. Su,bscriptions taken at the J viciai~y, le~t wit~ F. H. Mason, ~OW· ult., William Hardy, aged 78; The BROWN LEGHORNS- A few suµeri8TA1:ESMAN Office. manv11le, wdl receive prompt attention. deceased was a servant of the la.te Dr. or birde, for sale. A. R. Mom·o:i, New- , Rev. Mr. Lediard delivered two Tery I . . . , 34-tf. Foote for upwards of thirty OM.t1tlo, Ont. 46-~f . · interesting discourses in the Disciples Capt. Mills is a spleu~1~ officer and}1as The open meeting held at the S . 0. E. S -- ERVANT WANTED immediately for church on Sunday. won the liearte of the citizens. On Sun- Hall by Bowrn11nville Lodge of the An~eocral houoework. Apply to Mrs ..s. c. G t ' t' d 1 ti. Id d~y thA Barracks was \'ery much crowd· cient Ordel' of United 'Workmen was at- Hllller. Kinii:-"t East. .f9-tr.. 1 d 0- e~·Jlgl t'ovac~'ltlnagtutnlieerWcesot Emogd Hwoouuse ed aftemoo.n and evening. The . so)diers d d b -·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , . , d d f · 1a ies an a air num- BOAR FOR SEI'VICE.-A Polancl " h - the ten ef thY several d \I -· h were out m goo d f 01 ce an d filleu b l · A · " e ma. e pcrsuasimL an see what t ey ave. - . . nlatform. The Army is groin!! up ur UP er 0 very mce China. Boar is kept for service on lot. :l3 ·. 0 r d er D oors, S ~ prograni was reoderecl. con. 2. JJarlinJ<"ton. JOHN PicN»OuNn. , .ir,.1,f , 'asl!Os, Bl mel s, Pickets ' in Bowman ville. etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty \ M. H T Pl ·ir d l\f. S M We are s~re our to~v11 readers will be HORSE.; FOH SA LE-A sr;an of. st1·eet R H . Osborne leasee. l i r, . . l! ips an l. · ·· pleased to lead the l:nef sketches of the sound flnrl true general purpose hnrscs ' · · ' Clemeus were commg to town on Tuesday .Ji1·es of Messrs. Crossley & Hunter which for eale. Apply to Rrcu. Fos1·p;n, Newc!'slle: · Before you bny a new cutt~r, be su~e to from Tyrone, the horse shied at . some 'appear with their portraits on th;i fir,t .17'2w .. see the new styles at M_orr:? Carnage object by 1he roadside, throwing, M.r. \Vo1·lv. , They "dandies. Phillips out, his head strikmg againrt the p~g":, \Ve are indebte~ t~ Mr. ~- IV. ~ HOUSE TO RENT l>N QUEEN-ST. l\ili~s Barn father, formerly of Brantford f~nce. He receil-ed ~ome bad bruises, 'r'i>;.ilhams of the Cobouro World for th e -Two i:itory Brick. Will be made·very 13 D fie of the electros. '"om fcirtablc for,. re~pectablo family; Apply is in charge of Robertson & ond's ress but wits not seriously injured. · to A. 8um~1.1rn. Jeweller. 15·. tr aud Mantle making department.. Rev. C. E. Mcln"" re will preach inA;li6'~ Popular Adv~;'iiSfng Medium. - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- Ol M 1 d."J 1 SALE- Property owued by Jas. I S ..#' d jersons who have tritid the Li-Quor Tea rnrc1 l ·St et. 10 ist c 1urc 1 Pf! unc a.y Bowie nu Church-st Newcastle. consi·ti11J( sold by L. Morris s1>eak favorably of it. morning.on "True Church L_'i'f;;" . 11_nd ir ,1 The wide circulation of the STATESMAN or 2 lots wilh fruit trees. honse, shop and ba.rn. f h Ah · A 1 · , tr 1 evemng tiie f ourt1 You get a beautiful book with every do! - A tie \>Vest Durha.1U has imide it one arga.m. PP Yon 1110 pronuoes. ._6- , · · G1 o bl' 1s sanes d c on d throu!!hout = lar's worth. musement.s, of the most p »pular advertising mediums HOUSE ~'ND ~ LO'l' FOR SALE.Pl · ·· v~· viz.: ' h am mg h an ·11 ar I 1 · West' 11 Cough Syrnp, tha most ·reliable iiyrn~ . . "e trust t e pre_ac e~ WI ex- for busioess men and ot 1ers in tie conn'!'bat two-storey bricJ{ house on Ontarir>' r·ein~dy for 11 t hroat arid liin!! diseases. pre~s !us views on Progrt".ss1ve_ Euchre. t.v. lndecd, so !treat has been the demand Street, Bowmanvllle, occupied hy l\fr. J. H . ~ n Cryderman, Apply to Mr. w. F . ALr.ltN. l!'or safety keep it alw:tys in the hou ~. . All "'.ho r,urpose buy1~1);: tnrs o~ a ny by · advertisers of lafo that we have found -----------------~ All dru<Yaist!. kind tl11s season ·honltl v1s1t May·ir s Fur great difiiculty in rn~iking room for the BOARS FOR SERVICE -On e thoro0 \Ve a re" off'eri·ilg tlii's '"eek as a speci ' al Store, BowmanviJ.1..,, befon_· µur cliasrn . .g., co untry correspondence and other local bred Berk6hire and one Chester Whil.e ·· Boar are Price, kept ror Sllrvice on lot. :}3. 0011. 5. D<i.b . C·'shniPres in IIe 1ias a very c)l01cc co JI ectaon f or la d ies matt er th a t rcac h es our o ffi ce every wee k - . lini:ton. oi. Jou~ SANTHms, 'l'a,,inton. . 0 f All nrool 1me argam, a d ' d h · 11· t ' "' ' . · " " all the latest colorings at 25cts per yard. an m.ens we~1· an e is_se. mg a prices < l9·3w· .: R obert.Bon & Bond.· to .s111t tl.1e times. It .1s usually m .re J AUCTION SALES. STEERS ASTRAY, - T hree !:ea.rling . . . 1satisfactoiy _to deal w1t'.1 a man who . __ st&era strayed into lot 33, con G, Dill'hng'.fhe best_ stock ?f dry-goods !JI town l S makes~ specialty of a bu~mess as Mayer: WJrnNBSDAY, DEC. 8.- Mr.·John Heard, ton. 'l'be owner isrequostod 10 pnve property.· bemg sacnficed;_ 1£ you want any . Dry does with fur goods. " \ .J · r. will sell on lot 3 con. 8 , Darlin"· 1Pay expenses and take th em away. JAMli:!: Goods ,go . make any one'a exist. . ' h' 'toc k , mac 11nery, " L~~!SK, Taunton. 4U-3"1':* ·. . . ·IIto thebStar House Sale and save Poor health will too, 1s va. 1ua bl e f arms 0 1 25% on a you uy. _ ence miserable. There is no more fruitful implements, etc. The machio~ry and STALLION FUR SA LE ·- "Glenifi'er;·· .. ' , Rev. F. R. . Beattie, of B.ran.tford, ca11se of d1 'sease tl1an er; ·Ill ·, 11d ,~et feet. implement'! are lll'.J stly new lvwing been bay; heavy draught, .ri·m1r ah_ yca1"H old.. " readers ' can !Jc obtained on the .:. ";i . formerly of B a Jtunore, h as t j10 titJe 0 f D · To avoid either we advise our to usetl but one sea30n. Salti at 1 o'clock Further premises pa.rticlllarR or Jon. Gn1m)l'woon, Jot con !J. D. conferred mi Mm by the Montreal go to l\'fr. J. Hi>llyar'a for boors and sharp. Com<J ca,rly as afternoo!1s are Clarke. or Lcskard. P. O. i8-2w· : Presbybman College. shoes that will g1v·e excelleut service. He short. See large posters fo1· particulars. F , H , l\'l t t or P ort P erry has a magm 'fi~ent stoc;: 1 on Iland an cl is · S EIFER STRA YED--From t he ! . ason, agen , . C. IIUNKINU, auct toneer. premlSeB Of the SU bacriber, Jot 3, ·con, 3 0 · . · Grinders, Chaff Cutters, Pul1Jer~, an d selling very chea1>. See his new advt. on There will be another big sale of Fur· . Du.rlington,"' heifer, color li1< Honey Fanning Mills. Oflicc, Thompson an inside page. He invites inspection. n iture and oth.;>r;urticles at Shaw & Tole's Inrormation orye>LL'lin!J:' her whereabouts will b e thank- , fnlly received. Tuos. SMAL>~. llownH~nYille, · ' & Co's Harness Shop. HAMPTON Crnc UIT.-- Sermons will be !- uction Itooms on Saturday next, boginP.O. < H >3w ." There is to be a very interesting meet- preached on Sabbath, D ecember 5t.h, by mg at 1 p.m. ing at tho Barracks this Wedneeday ~ight. the Rev. E. Roberts at Hampton at 10 -----.-- --.-- - - .----------ESIDENCE AND LANDS FOR · 'rhe Sergeants are to b9 comn11ss1oned and Zion at 6:30; by the Rev. N. Hill at M:u·rla:;:'e Notices. r.11 ceuls; blt·ths and ilALE.- Tha.t beautiful re~icl ence a.utl .' grounds sllu11.ted on J,iberty 'it. , Bowmanville, by staff Ofhcer M orris. Zion at 10:30, Eldad 2:30 and Hampton ="= e= :i= U = '" = ·= 2 = i>=c = c = 11 = t:= s. = ==== ==== and owne<l anrl occ'1pied by CHAS.. YOO N G. is now offered for sale. '.l'hirtci;n acres of Janel'; Rev. Mr. Mcintyre did not preach a at 6:30. Missionary Meetings will be ,... BIRTHS good orchard. 43·Lt. ' special sermon uuSundaynight.. A large held at Hampton, Monday 6th, Eldad,,. ,.. ' ,· · 0 number of stran!!ers attended hiii church '.l'uesday 7th Zwn Wednesday 8tli. ALL.IN- Ill BowmJan, 1 1.le, ofn the ult .. 1m,. o a son. "' . ' ' , ·X tl~<w1fe of Mr. L. . A 1 ORSE FOR SALE- A bright bay in oxpecta~ion of hearing one. C'.hair to be taken at 7 o clock. Depu~a.:,, .."·'PE.NFOUNIJ-ln Darlington, 011 Thursday the heavy draught horse. r isi1.g ! rea.n1. excoltwns, Rev. l\fessrs. Roberts and );;1:1!ll. 25t h ult., the wife of Mr. Simon P onfound, ot lent hono and muscle. Sired by "Lord J, yo.u." Ladies Astrakan Collections at the services in aid ·f the a son. a .very superior animal, well broken to work. dC t tl Coats, b t Gents' cl Astrakan ti t · Apply to SAMUIJ:T, WOOLDRIDGIC, lot 2, orm. 3. an oon coa s- ie es goo s t a can M ethodist Mission Fund. ,...,,..j,,,,,,., ,,,~ ·. ~" ~ . =" ~ '-:,- -- - - - - -- - - - -be procured; no better value any where. MARRIED. C"rtwri~ht ; Shirley, P. 0. :lG·5w.. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. The term of oftice of the Mowat Ad· 0SBOHNE- f1RANT- By the Ilev. II. S. Mar.tministration is the longest continuous Road~ 11.t the Methodist parsonage, on the 21th Ladies, dont forget the open meiiting term of office in t h e annal!l of British par- hews. .. Thomas J~dward Osborne, of Bowman· of the Women's Missionary f:-lociety in the liamentary government. whether in Great ult Mlss J,enu. Sykes, P.ldest daughter of to 1 rille, Church st Meth church on Thursclay at OTICE is hereby given that a By· law · S. llrn.nt, Esq., of Pickering. 3 - t' -I . l. II . 't d ' Britain or the Colonies, for the past hun- 'l'heodore will be introduced at the meeting of the , KEET,EY-GLovm~-In Darlington, on lith P· m., 0 w uc 1 you are a mvi e · clrec:I yeat·s, with the exception of that of ult., 'l'ownship Council of Darling100. to t~.k e nlace at tht resid ence 01· I he brid.,'R pa.rents, by Tl111 y claim to have the largest stock, the first Pitt Ministry (1782-1801), and Rev. E. Roberts, Mr. Harry J. Keeley or the on Saturtlay, 26tb December next, at 1he 'I'own · Hall, Ilarnnt.on. for the dale, to J no. the best range of prices, and the cheapest that of,the Liverpool Ministry (1812.1827) "fol£§v01fl~wmanville, nud Miss Annie M. Penfound, of 180providii1g rods or the 9outb. encl of the gray fiKmiels in town, at the West End For the long period of fourteen years it,. (Wlover, ofDarllngton. road allowance between lot.8 3l and 3:; iu :l co11 WAD!>l~LL-HOWE-In the Methodist church, said Township. It. Wm"""· Rouse. You had better call around aud has .retain ed., without interruption, tpe Orono, on Wednesdav 2Hh, ult.. b~.Itev. A. of48·! w. Township Clerk. see whetLer they have or not. confidence of a penple second to no otlier l~raser Mr. George \'Va.ddell. to miss Eliza Rowe, '011ly daughter of the l!lte Phillip Rowe, H ,. B D f iu the world in politfoal capacity. Esq. Rev. W. . . ·Yarriner, . ., pastor o Trinity church, is delivering a course ..,.._,"'~-"< "'1~Conmsn-Tn Bowma.nville. on tb o '\Ve nnderstand that the merchants of ult.. 8 .t the residence of Mr. J. Mcintyre, lectures on Hebrew and Hebrew E~jgesis Bowman ville have a.II agreed to abandon 17th brotbAr-in law to the bride. by He·'· D1·. Mac· in the Montreal Congregational Cy~lege. tl ,f · · Cl · t nab, Mr. Herbert Edwin Wylie, of Elmira, N. This is a great compliment to hisjiability le prac,1ce o givrng 1ristmas presen s Y., to Isabell.. 'l'innson, four th daught~r or the to customers,and in this action they follow late Wm. Cornish, of Bowman ville. and erudition. Mrs. Warriner isjvisitini,: Th(>re are h:ilf a.nacre or ground, goorl the ex9.mple of all the principal towns ·CLArtKE-JOLT,- At the resirlenco of the house and kitchen, good blacksmith sliop. Toronto friends during his absen~e. throughout the country. In these days of bride's mother, H11mpto11. on t.he 17th nit., by wood-shop nnd Htable; also a good well a11d Rev. J<J·, M. A., Mr. Isau.c Clarke and cistem. It is on the Main .Rortd bet1veen l tl "\Ve omittec t ·:> say 1ast wee1 { t1 111.t l ere keen competition, the profits are in many Mi·H Fai>nie Joli, all or Darlington. ,indsay, about 6 miles from Little and T A Lindeay, and 4 miles from Little .Britain. The was a. larne attendanceAdd at the union cases all consumed at Xmas and New ~ f Post Otllce is . kepL by t.he J31acksmith w hich. Thanksgiving service. resse were by this olcl established practice; DIED. brings in a salary or ~75 a year. A decided delivered by Rev. MPS!rs. Frazer, fo. and the customer receiving a present DEnMODY-At 19 .Bulwer-st.,Toronto.Nov. 25, bargain. For further particulars, a.pnly to 4G·d w Intyre, Roberts and Warriner. Mess , valued at from $1 to$2 little thinks that Elizabeth l\far11:aret, wife of Jnhn Dermody, I~. POGUE, J<'ingerboa1 d, .P, o .. 011t. J Higginbotham, J. B. Fairbairn, J. Gil· · ften C'>sts the merchant hundreds of aged 21 years. ·tr~at all their customers in that fillau und ,T. Joblin iwsistecl in the exer · dollar Cises. way; and after spending this large amoun t BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. there is more chscontent than any thin.g vVhcreas it ha come to our knowlede;e that Juclgin[!; from the display of enthusiasm else among the customers, on account of parties are infringing on otJr pa.tents for the t!o1·rectccl by .JoJtn J,yle, every Thursday. manufacture an<l sale or the Champion C:i.hinet> at the public meeting th e other uight, some receiving better presents than Creamei· and Champion Churn, wc hereb:vour citizens are willirw: FLOUR, '!JI" 100 Ths. . .·. ···· $2 00 to $2 50 notify the public tha.t these PMl.ies haye nG - to gfre great in- other:i. ducement to any ~ompauy that will start WHRA'r, Fall, 'II' bush. . . . . 0 70 JI 0 77 authority from us; and that 1 hey are in fringinp: our Jl!Ltent·: and that action will be taken <YOOcl 'l'he 11 Spring, " 0 70 " 0 77 on "' t ' manufactunrto" h b k busmess d 'fhere. ti ff. a.gainst both the manufacturers ancl users of ques wn as een as e us, 1 ie a air BArtLEY, 'II' bush.. .. .. · · · 0 45 11 0 54 these infri11gments as soon as their residences is not boomod by a fe1" municipal aspir- . RYE, II . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 JI 0 48 and names can be ascertnined; that J . M. JONESB, of Bowman ville. is our agent; for the ants1 'Ve think the men are in earnest. 0Nrs, 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 30 11 0 30 Counties of Ontario and Durham, only ho 01· I . · .JUST TO HAND. persons appointed by him lH1ve authority from PEAS, Blackeye, ' l JI' bush ... 0 70 11 0 73 AucTIO~ SALES,-:R· Hutchison, ~ICen· us to sell our Champion Cabinet Creamers and 11 Small, " 0 50 11 0 55 Churns. W. N . BARRI&, sed Auctioneer for th~ Townsh_ 1ps of Layer Valencia. Raisins, 11 Blue, 0 50 JI 0 60 {6.(lv B. B. l:'RES1'ICE Clark;, _ J\fanvers, Cartwright, Darlmgton Selected Valencia Raisins, Bl:TTER, best table, 'II' lt... 0 12 " 0 17 and V\ hitby.All sales attended to p:o~Ttptly " Sultana " " LAUD, 'Ill' lt . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 0 10 II 0 13 and at _reasonable rates. \Vhere It JS not 1 \ oslizza Case Curran ts, Eaas, 'ti' doz . .... ........ 0 00 11 0 18 convement to see m?, arrange~nents for For a check for $20 we will prmt a ten·line Patra. Case Currants. POTATOES, ijjT bus11 ..·. ·.. . 0 25 JI 0 30 ndvcrtiscment in One Million issues of leading sales ca.n be w1~h t?e .Editor or by H.AY .................... 9 00 tJ 10 00 American Newspapers. 'l'his ie at the rate oi'. fl"" ~'NEW PEELS .-~\ addressmg me nt Eomsk1llen, ".P. 0 .. only one-filth or e.·cent a line, for 1,000 CirculN. B.- 1 have ~o .:igenh out beg"'mg f for ation! The advertisement will b" placed before Black Basket, Choice I)ehesa One Million diffErent newspaper pm·chssers:sales for me. · UTCHISON. t · and London Layer Raisins. ATTLE ASTRA Y.-Strayed from lot or F1vE MILLION H1uDERS: -.r en line.a will nc· PllCU·' UHl"S llAGlC SULl"UUR SO.lJ>.19, con. 8, Darlington. in June or Jilly. commodl\te about 75 won\s. Atld1·ess w ith llciillui, soothing "'"' chll·nsh·11: t'or nil WM. QUICK & CO. three red yearling steers. Information leading copy or Adv. and check. or send :m cents ror eru 11un dhea8e· or U1e ski11. DeUgbtful to their recovery will be th&nkrully received. Book of 150 pal!'ea. GEO. P. ROW.ELL & CO .· ror lol!f'.1 -e. J. 'l', PoLT.OCK, Enniskillen.. 19.:Jw. 10 Sl'RIJCE ST., N11w Yorur. I 1 I · FOR 0 H R H Notice of Sale of · N A First Class Blacksmith Stand for Sale at a Bargain. . Caution To The Public. a I NEW FRUITS TO ADVERTISERS. C