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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1886, p. 6

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-,.. !!£___ &£ ZMWI Wt. .A CA.RD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of &VERY FRIDAT MORNING, manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that .will cure you FREE OF CHA.RGI!:. This -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a mission· Send a self· e.ry in South America. AT THE Oll'EIOE addressed envelope to the REv. JosEPB r ..t08leeB oek,Kl:na;St.,Bowma11vllle,Ont T. INMAN Station D New York Cit'!/. 46y THE CANAD. IAN STATESMAN IS PUllLiSHED ····= ,, P1519r+":t!!'!f'*""=tmzse · Eurni:ea.n Armaments. ];urope has been well desc1 ·ibed r ecently tts " bending bc11eath the crushing weight of her armor." Certainly, as '~'e look from one l!~uropean nation to the other, and observe the military armaments which each of them feels obliged to maintain, we may well believe the burden to be one almost t oo difficult for the several nations to suppor t. J< :}ach nation stands in jealous a!'ray, armed to the teeth, in t he expectation or fear of a conllict, in which it might ha,ve to b e the aggressor on the one hand, or, on the other, to defend itself from assault, A recent article gave the figures of the German and .I!'re11ch armies respectively, as they stand on a peace and on a war footing. It appears therefrom that i t is possible for each of these power s, in case of war, to put an army of two '!Lnd a half million of drilled soldiers into the field. The armies of the other great powersRussia , Austria-Hungary, Italy, ancl Great Britain-arc smaller, but, if not compared with those of Germany and France, they s till appe1Lr colossal. Russia suppor ts nearly eight hnndr~d thousaud soldiers in time of peace, and could put two million t hree hundred thousand into the field were hos: tilities to break out. Austria.Hungary hiis a, peace ar mament of about three hundred thousand men, ttnd a force of a little over a million for wa,rlike purposes. Italy k eeps only about one hundred ttnd seventy thousand men with the colors, although what is known as the " per ma.nent army" munLers more than seven hundred thousaud. Great Britain provides fo r mt army, exclusive of the forces employed in In dia, of one hundred and forty thousand officers arnl rneu. If, however, Britain we!'e to be involved in war, h er army could be swelled by t he reserves, militia and volunteers to a botly of half a million of men. Let us sec what these huge armaments cost. The totttl exp endi ture on all the Rrmies together of the six great powersRussia, Germany, Aust.r ia -Hungary, Italy, Hrnnce and GrcRt Britain- is no less t han five hundrec l aml fifty million dollars a yetw. Of the powers, Russia pays the most for her soldiers, expending upon them one hundred ttnd sixty m illion dollars it year. The _ French military e~tablishment costs tho Republic one hundred a n d fifteen million dollars a yeiir. (~reat Rritain spends eightyeight million dolfars for a similar purpose ; Germany eighty-six million dollars; AustriaHungary, fifty million dollars; t1nd Italy, a lit tle less t han fifty million dollars. None of these figures include the numbers and cost of the rnwics of the powers, which in Great Britain, Russia and France are ver y large, and which fo1' the six powers aggr egate more than one hunclred and sixty million dollar s a nnually ; nor the grc<Lt outlays of money annually made for the const r uction of fortresses :md ot her defences, cannon, mortars, and other weapons of war, and milita ry roitcls. It is thus that the nations of Europe have to pay for thei r nearness to each other ; their r ivft! u,rnbitions; the result of their historic feuds and jealousies ; and the collision of theirpt·esen t interests. ___:::; At the leading establishment of FARM. Tha.t Line Fence. Old Fu.rmer Smith came home in a mi1I l·'rom his field the other day, While his sweet little wife, th e pride of his life, ,i\t her wh eel was spinniug n.wu.y. M. A.JAMES, T E R lllCI: s : ADVISE TO MOTBERS.-Are you :eLHJl)erannuin,or$1.00lfpaldln advance turbed at night and broken of your rest l"arlllent strictly In advance requlred!rom by a sick child suffering and crying with mbaoribereoutside or the county. Ord~rs to. pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at llaoontlnue the pa.per must be acoompamed by once and get a bottle of " .Mre. Winslo.w's IUI amount due,orthepaper will not be stopped. , h Id t th .-Oribersareresponsi.bleunti1Cullp11oymentis Soothing Syrup.' For c l ren . ee ~ng, Ul&de. its value is incalculable. It will relieve RA.TES OJ! A.D"ERTI!!ING I s~ the poor little sufferer immediately. De· Whole Column one year ............. $60 oo ~ ~ ~ pend upon it, mothers- ; there is no " " Halt yee.r ............ 36 ()(I· !::; :;; mistake about it. It cures Dysentery 20 OG ~.,, and Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and " " One que.rter .... ·· ·.. 36 Dalt Column one yee.r ............ "' oo - B owels, cures Wind Colic, softens the " Ha.If year ...... ...... .. 20 OG " One quarter_ . ........ 12 50Gums, r educes Inflammation, and gives Quarter Coluir..n one yes.r ·: · ........ rn °~ tone and energy to the whole system. 1 5 "Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for " .:· l:~r:;::te;:::::: ~: ~ ~C lbtlinesandunder,first insertion _ $0 56 children teething is t>Je9,sant to the t aste Each subsequent insertion...... 0 2b _ : and is the prescription of one of the old7 l'rom six to ten lines, first inserUon O ~ est and best female physicians and nurses Kach 11ubsequei;it insertion ...,... !fo -10 in the United States, and is for s ale by , oYor tenltnes,firstinsertion,perlllle 0 0J Kach subsequent insertion," all druggists through the world. Price Tha number of lines to be reckoned by 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ,lie space ocoupied, _ meaaured bya sce.leo "Mus . WINSLOW'S SooTHING SYRUP." Olld Nonpe.reil. __ _ _ __ _ - - - · and t ake no other kind, An <I ever and anon a gay little song With the buzz of her wheel kept time; And his w rathful brow is clearing now, Under h er cheerful rhyme. lliE· . " Co1 he come, little T urk, put a.way your work, And li·ten to whu.t I s<>y ; What can I do, but a qwirrel brew With the ma.n across the way '/ 11 !v.[.j 1'1.[AYER the Practical Furrier, ,. , ' you can find the largest stock in above lines in this county· I h ave bn.ilt my fence, but be won't c:omme nce To lay a single rail · H)s cactlc get in , a.mi the feed gets thin! ain t em1)ted to u. i:mle l" u ·why, J ohn., dear, John , how you do g o on ! I'm Mralcl it will be :is they say." " No, little wife, I heard t hnt strife I n n lawyer 's hands 1lon't p a.y. i1 0 , In Jackets-Dolmanettes, Capes, Caps and Muffs in great variety. FOR GEN TS: A large stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb , Bokarian and Coon, in all prices, Sleigh Ro bes by the dozen, and Caps of all descriptions. In Gent's Furnishings-the best stock of Underwear, Ties, B:races, Shirts and Rubber Coats. So come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will decidedly get a bargain. All kinds of Fur altered and repaired. FOR I""'ADIES: =-- - "He is pkking ::t flaw, to d ri ve me to l a,,~_ I am t old t hat he said he wouldAud you J.;.now, lo11g- ago, law wrongcd)11e so, I ·,.owed that I n tvcr sh ould. g So what can I <lo, that I will not rue To the man across the way?" "If that's what you wtu1t , l c:an help you haunt; That man with " seepter grny, "11hfrty clollars will do to carry you through, And then you h a\"C ~·a.ln cd .a 'llC!ighbor, It wonlrl cos't you m or e to peep in f;he d oor Of n. court, and ns n1uch nwre r. DRS:-M;;-LA.IJGHUN .& BEITH. OF.FiCE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMA.NVILLE. Dr..T.W.McLAUGilLIN, , Dr: A. BEITH. Gradu· licentiate of the Royal ate of the Toronto 1.-..,,.,,=,,-.,-----.,-----~:7."--, College of Physicians University l'hysicia.n and member of tbe · -1toyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. geone, Edinburgh. I HEA LTH Is - " - - - w E ALT H ' "Just use your good sense--let's lmild him a. fence And sllnme bad nets out of the fellow." They built up his part, nnd "en t to his h eart Love's <la.rt where the good thou g-htB rnellow. That very night, by th e candle light, They op ened with interest a Jetter; Not n word wns t11ere 1 l mt three g re!t1bRck s fair Said- ·the man wns g-rowin_ g be tter. M:_ M: A_Y- E R~ The Practical Furrier. DR, .J, C. MITCHELL, . M EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coi:oner, etc. Ufilce and Residence, Enniakillen. U. DR. TAMBLYN, HYSICIAN, SURGEON and .Acc~uoHEUR. Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 Timely Suggestions. A little milk and meal will keep the calf growing. The best butterisworked the least. Dough Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and 'Brain 'l'reatment, a guaranteed apeoiftc for Hysteria; Diz:<iness, m \ty need kneading, but but ter needs it not. Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, ~euralgla., Head· acheJ :Nervous Prostr11,tton, 0 aused by the use Sons and daughters are the most valuable of a1cobol or tobacco, Wakefulness. Mental products of the farm. '.l'reat them a accord Depression, Softening of the brain resultinii: in insanity e.nd lee.ding to misery decay and ingly. PrematureOld.Age,Be.rrenness,Loesof Power The influx of g ra in into the cities of in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea ca.need by over-exertion of the Brain, Minnesota and Dakota is so great as to cau~e sell·a.buse or over-indulgence. Each box con- a block ade. ta.ins one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six It is claimed that the world's supply of ~¥~~~c~~r $ 5.oo, sent by mall prepaid on receipt wheat is shorter than the average, and that Farmers,, Threshers and MillmenJ Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. P w. s. onl!llSTON, L,L. H. prices will be higher. To cure any case. With each order received Wash the. work horses: necks with_ snJtand .John Keith Galbrallb, ue for six boxes, accompani ed with $5, we water mormng aml ev~nrng. It hardens the ARR I 8 TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY by w!Usend the purchaser our written guarantee skin and prevents gallnw. PUBLIC, &c. Ofilce- Bounsall's Bloc,k to refund the money i! the treatment docs not King Street, Bowmanville. Money to lend, effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by JNo, The largest peach orchard m the world is Try it once, you will use no other. Stott & J ury, Druggists,Bowmanville, that of Mr, J . D. Cunningham, Orchard JlOBEBT A.JtMOIJB, Hill, Ga. It contains 84,000 trees and occuBGISTRAR, WEST DUHHAM ISSUER JJlctJOLL BROS. & tJO' Y, Tol"onto pies 790 acres. ot Marriage Licenses, Barrister and At tor at Law and Solicitor In Chancery.Money In Europe farmers prefer to keep sheep loaned on Heal :e:state. omce on Khig street, for wool on . soils containing lime, as they dowmanville. ea.y on such soils the quality of wool is better. ESTABLISHED IN 1847. d. T. PHILLIP!! A ton of forest leave!' on a garden in Au'LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County ot Durham, Sales promptly attended, It hn,s no shareholders to pay dividends to, tumn to remain throughthe '"lintcris worth AddreBB-Hamvton P, o. 59, Managed by and solely in the interests of much more than a ton of. the best barnyard manure. the Policy holders. OHN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer, The ma n who has not anything to boast Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life The Rifle of the Future. cnBUrance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Its 'Rates are Lo,v. of but his illustrious ancestors is like a potato :Money t,o Lend on reasonable terms. Address - the only good belonging to him is underGreat thin~~ \Vere expect ed of t he new The above J\Iills are now in full runni11g order, and are ~Cartwdp;hr, Ont. !l72 l'olletes non forfeltable a1ul 11ncond1ttonal. 1ground. arm when " Brown Bess" was must e1·ed out turning out the best quality of Roller Flour. «;ash Honus l'ald every three years. The effect of staotrnant water on cows is not of t h e armies of Europe. M any good peo't'l'JLLIAM 'tVIGll'J'.o ' ple w ere honifi~d ttt t he t erl'ible slaughter ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the -different from its effect on human beings- they thought woulcl ensue, when, instead of County of Durham. Orders left at the Joint Life Policies. m alarial. . It makes them fev~rish and causes killing each other a t lOO yard s, armies STATESMAN office or forwarde<j. to Tyrone P.0, Though a double rlsh but one premium ls paid them to qive unwholesome milK. mi~ht present their leaden compliments t o wllll receive prompt attention. 28:6m !or two people. Amount of pollc;y drawn There i s a strong favor growing for the each other at a thousand. Again, when S. C. IllJNKJNG, on first death. white breeds of poultry, as such fowls dress breech loo,clci·s took t he pfoce of muzzle I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will keep both Stone and well for market, the pin feathers not show- loaders there were those who thought that ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Roller Fiour in both Mills, for sale or exchange. ing as clearly as on black-plumaged birds, the loss of life on the battlefield ~ the County or Durham. Sales attended A century p la nt at Auburn, N. Y . , is thirty greatly increased. But such has not been en r,hortest notice and lowest rates. Address Special I n1:focements to Total Abstainert. OUll BRANDS A RE O~t>R'flCR P. o. 36:t.f feet high and the s.tem is six inches thick :it the case. In fact, it has been demonstrated A.!!SET!! OVER 85,000,0CIO.~ the base. It has thirty-two flowering branch- that the percentage of loss of life in Wltr toGOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO INCUME O"ER $1,~0,000 es, with over five thousand buds and flowers. I day is l ess than it was a centu ry ago. Now every man who buys his Lioenee from It is about sixty years old. an army may be defeated by being outman:IJl:NRY SYLVESTER, Ennlskillen. $100,000.00 deposited with theCanadianGovel'O The eleven gr eatest dairy st at es, New a mver ed,' ancl ~hat possibly ~ithout fidng a ment tor benefit ot Osnadian policy holders. York, P ennsylvania, Ohio, Indhma, Michi· shot. E very improvemei:t m fi rearms tends Pianos Tuned and ltepaired.· gan, Illiliois, Vvisconsin, I owa, Minnesota, to m~lrn wa1· more expensive and, thc:e.fore, INVESTED IN CA.NA.DA., $600,000,00, Missouri and Kamas. had, as shown by t he less ikely to be entered. upon. Miht!l'ry ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS last census 7 524,643cows used in dairying. m en have seen for som~ ti~ne that .ternble Tuned or repaired can have thorn attende HEAD OFFICE IN CA.NA.DA:MONTREAL ? ' , · as the breech loader is, its day is clone. o by leaving word .at the DOMINION ORG,&.N d ispose of _honey as it comes mat a T he coming itrm is to be a repeater. Co's 0111110 E, Bowmanville A first-else mall For refer to aow l>einK in their mplo r. 1 fair price, tha":.wa1t for ~etter_ .m~r~et and Hitherto the objections to the repeating Ask your grocer for above brands or call at the Mill and get them. run all sorts o~ n sk s of loamg 01 miurmg the r ifie as an a.rm for our.troops hEwe been its E't!ery bag guaranteed first-class and full weight· E. L. LIVINGSTONE, so Do? Gentlemen oCFash honey. ~eepmg the market ful~of old.stock weight and complexity . These, however, Chop ground in either Mill any day of t~e :veek.--e-~ . . . GENERAL AGENT, d?es much to dei;troy the demand for any have been greatly reduced. Germany is the ion, uot so tast. %1ff"'Farmers Gnstrng especially sohc1ted. POR1' HOPK kmd of honey. first E uro.Pean nation to adopt the repeater. Or 'o agents throughout the county, i8-6s e. The number of fruit trees in California is She is now m aking from 2000 to 3000 per I am prepared to pay the higliest price in Cash for Wheat delivered 1 hlTewrltten these tewllnee -,A.Dd all I have to say_ given as follows : Apple, 2,700,000; peach, week. It is he:wier than the old service ~hat youoan find me Still at home, 1,200,000; pear, 500,000; plum and prune, arm and will prove a severe strain ou t he at either Mill ; also for Barley and other coarse grains delivered at lam not gone a way. Darlington Harbor. Positively no m·edit at either Mill. 600,000 ; cherry, 400,000; apricot, 400,0UO ; soldier. Col.Arbuthnot, chief of t he GovernBoallmyklndoldtriendsmay come, orange, 1,000,000 ; lime and l emon, 500,000. rnent Small Armsfact ory at E nfield, in speakAnd all the young ones , too, It is estimated that ther e are 70,000 acres ing of t he p roposed new rifle for the B1·itish Bowmanville, October 13:3m Lnd get the\rgarmentsnlcelf made Pumps Cheaper and Better In fashions that are new: of grapevines. army, said : " The great point we are ~===:====================== ~ere oldandyoung,deartriends,:may meet A gentleman writing from South vVales striving a t here in Enfield, and. the, one than ever. A welcome irreetinir. bv R. PEATE to Mr, Gilch rist, Fishery fospector, P ort whi~h has eng~ged most of 01~r t~rne, is to Hope says he has t horoughly acclimated modify the tra,iectory so that it will enable The Subscriber having built a large nel1 some' wild rice, sent by that gentlcmo,n aiming without, or almost '~ithout, sights. Pump Factory ~n Orono, Is prepared f~om Can~da and Mr. Gilchrist has a quan- I. believe on~· ne\~ weapon w~ll be the. best t1ty of lughest grade seed now on hand. smgle-shootmg r ifle producible, b1:1t it ~as - t o furnishRis adver tisemeut will be found on another i10t yet reached beyond the expcmnentmg DES~RIPT I page. stage._ Om committee of experts sits daily, 'l li n! W. P. E lliott, of Moberly, Mo., owns a and improvement s are berng .constantly for everything in · . . J ersey cow not ye t five years old, that I made." With or without Porcelain Oylmder, c l yielded 3224 pounds of milk in ninety days. "'"~-·~_...,,__. the Best Material, on the shortest notice Sixty d ays of tha. t time three pints of the Milhous In It. d t th t t l whole milk was furnished a neighbor, Mr. A despat ch from Tahleguah, Indian Terri · an a e .owes pr ces. . Elliott's family using cream the whole time, tory, says that. the grea~es.t wild pigeon . WITH TEETH. WITHOUT · Cistern Tubs and Pumps supphed. the r emainder wits churned and produced roost in t he Umted States is JUst now locat 127 pounds of gilt-ed ged butter. eel abou t 20 miles north of there. The t rees N 0 class of men are more in d ebt to their c.overing a mile square o! timber?d land are WELLS CLEA.NED &RERAIRED. FJtA.CTICA.L DENTIST, wives for t he success that com es to them h~rally. as full as .the hm?s . will be~ at ?VBB TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOB, than are farmers. The wife a nd the mother rught wit h t hese birds. Million~ of pigeons Their China Hall contains the La1~est Assortment of who has the courage to go out with t he a re there, and wl~en tl~ey coi1?'e m t o roost ·HHasOxtdeGaa Administered tor Palnles husband of h er choice ttnd commence the they make a noise like mighty thunder. OperaUons. OFFICE M()C)J.IJ1¥G'~ BLOCI. struggl e of life with h im on t h e prairie, or B~rdm?n say ther~ ar~ only two.· flocks ?f ' TO GIVE SATISFACTION. on a new farm, with but lit tle ctipital ex- ~1ld pigeons now m North Amen ca. T_h~s cept of head and heart, is worthy to stand is. the larger. one. A g.reat ma:,~ pe.~ple .."re ' by the Spartan women on w hom the poets e~icamped. around tb_e :oost C i\,,a0 : d ~n t r,tpOrdersfby Mail promptly attended to. have exhausted their wor d s of praise. pm!i, nettmg, ancl !~1llmg them fo1shipment, . , , which they are clomll by the t housands. to be found in the district . A farme: sent a .dollar for a hght~ungyo- New York, P h iladelphia, Chicttgo, St. Louis DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, tota-bug killer wl.u ch he saw advert1s~d m a ttncl other places in the States of less note, pa.per, and recen:ed b;y- re~urn ii:ail two arc repr esen ted at this roost. For dead MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. blocks of wood, w1~~"directi.?11s pnnted.on ones the slayers get an average of $2 per ~hem as f?llows : . lake thi s block, which lOO. for live ones the netters act $4 to $6 is No. 1, m the n ght hand; place the bug a ht;ndt·ed, as a gr eat many ofthese are used on No. 2, and ~ress them tog~t~?r. Remove in the E ast and ordered for shooting the b ug a ncl proceed as befor e. matches by sportiug clubs. The nets are HARNDEN, L.- o. S., · The United States signal office offers to placed at some point where a bunch water, Graduate orthe Royal College o lDent11>l send any farmer a hygrometer at cost (S7,) and sometimes as many as forty d ozen arc Surgeons, Ontario, BOWM ANVILLE . with a pamphlet containing directions for caught in one fly of the net. This makes KING STREET, OFFICE OVER IHCKSON'S STORE. ,' it s u se. ~~y on~ wh o studi es it carefully scventl years in succession these birds hi:ve 9 , and u~es it mt~ll1gently will be abl e to get come to this place to r oos t, after nestmg Pamfl!Bl""""lmllli-rm:!Jl!l!;/li!&llil.lll·-·i!Di-lllllllllm......,ll!lla:l""""""""l!ll!lllB~· Masonic lodges composed exclush·ely of ·OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY early mformation as to frosts. The garden- and strnunering away .u p among the lakes women are said by a bte P aris p ublicatior"' ate Work executed in the latest and mo~* VETERINARY SURGEON, er or vine dresser, war ned in time, may of J'l{im1 esota and adjoining countr y. A to be carr ied on in France numerously, anO. Improved style ot the Dental.Art, 1 save a val:mble crop: Could not our own great ma1 ;y India:ns ar e ma~dng fron1: $2 to with the completest of ceremonial. JCETH E XTRAC1'ED WITHOUT P AIN1 met eorological office m Toronto do some - $3 a day m the pigeon busmess, while the 8 speculators and ship1iers from the cities 'he use orNl~~o~~~~~~e~t · wlthout!nJury Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterina ry thing of the same kind? are making from $20 to $25 d ail:y when they College, will attend t o all diseases t>r.rUonlar attention paid to the regulation o 1 have anything like luck. · Improvement of Others, of domestie animals. ... .... J'.;:.... .. .... ·- - -- - --· --· OHILDREN'l:I TEET H . No one is able wisely to correct a fault, Smrounding Evils. either in himself or in others, unless he has · .-ALL woRK W.ABRANTED.-. a fair conception of t he virtue which has If p eo,Ple fi x their tttteutiou UJ?Oll what is been transgr essed. It is by r aising and wrong, it loom s up befor~ the1_n m exag$er - 1 0 A SPECIAL1'Y. purifying their ideas of t ruthfulness that ated aud unt rue propor tions,. m1~l r~l~flers · · · · !\ men learn h ow to r egard deceit and what t hem wholly unab le to cope wit h it; if .,hey I Calls and Orders by mail or te l egraph W .C<ipons to use against it. It is by up ..hold- were more occupied . ;vith t he right, the 1s1n .J In .J:-'1. '-'·· S . W . RUSE. will receive prompt attention. ing t he character of honesty that they can good, and, the beautiful, how~ver, they U napproached for CHARO-ES :a1oDERATE. truly battle against fraud. I t is by elevri,t- would be lll a C>1hncr '1'1d happier fr; of E AC HE R OF ORGAN, PIANO, Tone and Qualit y. · ing their notions of benevolence that th ey mind , < md woul<1 be for better fitted to 1 ·cm- , VOICE and THEORY. 'fcrms on avpli· cittion a t " Brn 20." 28;ly OFFICE HOURS, s . ~O 10 A. M. cornb>tt selfishness. It is h y ~dy t heevilstheyvainly clcplore. . Jn look~ CA"D'/.ii!..Om.rn:s F~iEIE. A first-class stock of Medicmes alwa;ys nmn a 8 he should be, m1d liecommg :familiar w g d . ow JJ npun an<l larn entrng the .d u;. '.t - a., i · · ' The Roman Empire declined < tnd fell.J fo . ?~ban~. . with t he conception, that we arrive at the t heir feet they forget t o look npwanb, j N e w spape r Adve t't i sing Bu reau, t his respect if d iffers from it man. If he deN. B .-W11l visit Williamsburg every truest conclusio11s concerning what he is a nd and ~o do_not t!1e glory of the sun over10 Spruce s t., N ew Y on·k. clines, he won' t foll. Saturday of e ach week. 16-ly Ih o"r he may be improved. . · head < md illummatmg till around them. ser.i.d JOc t:;,, tor 1oc1 -Pai;ic Pa,_ n phJet. 5 Barrister, Solicitor, Collveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Office, nex t; door LO NewB O.fflce, Bow39°tf manville. :D. BURKE SllllP!!UN, ARRIBTEa. SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman rllle, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank, l"rlvaie Monevs loaned at the lowest rates. L A R D I: NE:: MACH IN E 01 L. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, B B We Guarantee Six Boxes I . . FAIILY SAFETY· & SUNLIGHT Oil. Coal ~BO-W-MANVILLE~ . ne, R BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., J :E <.OLLER lVJ:ILLS I ' · L TYRONE MILLS. L '° A P ",ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. "VICTORIA," Choice Roller Flour. "GLENCOE," XXX Bakers' Roller Flour. "EXCELSIOR," Choice Stone Flour. Orono Pump Factory. J. C .. VANSTONE. TO- D E N T' I S TR Y. PUMPS OF EVE ny fol\, BrOSe I I ---... ..-. ___ STAPLE AND FANCY J. It. BR IMACOM:BE, ALL WORK GUARANTEED CCHINA HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. c. R. FERGUSON. F. A. J 0NES ENNISKILLEN, VJCTORIA BUILDINGS, =======-=-====== =====c=:============= ~- ~-- ADVERTISERS g MUSIC. Operations & Dentistry . t· Ia dver can learn the exact d . costf of any propose 1 1ne ffir->rICan " BELL" ~?lOR~ANS T I by a . dd ress1ng · i G eo p Rovvell & Co. papers I BELL &C0. Guelph, O nt

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