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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1886, p. 7

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HEALTH. , .. T ea Toper. · "The cup t l u cheers hut n ot inebriat es" FlUDA,Y , . , DECEMBER 3, 1886. o- -has been the so,,g of poets and the solace of millions for mo·e t han an hundred year s, be humbugged by plausible and its innocen ·A has been almost unchalMALL F ARM F OR SALE.- --30 stories about t h e .fewelry eoged during a gr eater por tion of this time; acr es of land ha-ving thereon good frame house, bn.rns, stables and other necessary out· bt1&iness. hut within the last quart er of a cen tury buildings, young orchard of 4 acres, well watb elieve all y ou see in p rint t here has hecn a growi1 1g suspicion that t he ...,,,.~~nd fenced. Situated just outside the much of it is n ot true. stet1ming decoction h as something besides vori1tlon or Bowuumvllle. Will b e sold very ,,.ap for cash, Apply to lVl. A. JAMES, ta ke anyth ing for granted , comfort in it , aml \10w t here ar c hundreds S :ATESMAN Office, Bowman ville. 9-tf. but prove for yourselves by of scient ific physicians who arc speaking out plainly against the use of b oth tea. aml ac zual comparison. coffee, on the ground t hat they are st nnuRICK HOUSE AND L OT FOBbuy old stock at any price, lants which <WC capahltl of producing ef-focts SALE I N BOWMANVILLE.- .A. very comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain· go where goods are fresh upon t he nervo ns system different only in Ing 8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and sum- and p rices low. degree from tho~e whieh arise from the use m er kitchen, ·excellent cellar. Hard and soft water: -very good fruit garden oft acre. Situat· b elieve our p rices low be· of alcohol, opiun1, tobacco, .and other imrrnts. cot ics and stimul> ed in the most aristr ocra tio part of the town. · . cause we say so h ere, but Will be sold on very r easonable terms. Apply St artling as t ho fact may be to t hose who to:\![; A · .TAl\lElii, STATESMAN Office, 9-tf. prove t he fact for yourselves . FROM THE L EVAN T. have never had their eyes opened t o t he real ~ast a lo t of valuable t im e charucter of theHe common but by no means Yisit ot· the Dul re of E1linbur g h :uul rn argument. himnless dr ugs, it is even n-sserted that H cn ·of·'H"ar . t here iu·o persons to be found who are veriA Beyrout, Syria, letter to t he H art ford t able t ea-drunkar ds. Dr. Ar lidge, an emin ent E nglish, states t hat t here Gowra.nt says : -'!.' he E nglish slprndron of the Dnke of Edinburgh, dropped anchor iu are t housands of tea-drunkards among t he lower classes in J£ngland, and he very for · St George's bay la~t T uesd<ty, t he 24th Oct. The fleet consists of t he flag ship ~'\.lexandra, the size of o~r stoc~ cibly r emark s as follows :' ' A portion of t he r eforming zeal which t he Dreadnought, the Thnnderer, the Su an d qualit y of Are pr epa red to pay t he l1ighest p rices goods wit.h other stocks. k eeps up such a fierce and bitt er ag itation perb, t he 'l.' emeraire, the Agamemnon, the Iris and torpedo ram Polyphemus. Th ese t he varietv and against intoxicating drinks, might advan-, ships, the most power ful in the E nglish for all k inds of Grain d elivered at the t ageously be di ,·crtecl t o t he r epr ession of ·novelt y of d esigns the very serious evil of t ea-tippling among navy, have been cruising about t he eastern Whar f or their S t ore H ouse in t own . of our goods with that of vth ers. the poorer classes. Tea, in anyt hing be- Mediterranean since t he blockade of Greece, tbe lo w prices we yond moderat e t[Uantit ies, is as distinctly a and are now moving northward to the p orts . quote wit h t he al· narcotic poison 11s is opium or alcohol. It of Asia Min or . During their st op at Alexis caJ?!l.ble of ruining the digest ion, of cn- andria week t he Duke of Edii1burgh ledged low prices of others. feeblmg and disordering the heart 's act ion, was royally entertained, despite the ill-feelo ur work ehop and and of shattering t he nerves generally. And ing r esulting from the last bombardment, OF CANADA. its valuable and it must b e r emembered that it is not a quesAs t he squadron steamed around Ras Bey C:apital paid up, 811,000 ,000 , JlCJs t, $260,00 comple te set of tools with others. t ion of mucotic excess merely, but the en· r out at daylight and swung around at anchthe work we tur n ormous quantity of hot water which tea- or Lefore t he city the sigh t was impressive. This Bank hi p repared to d o Logiti· out wi th the work bibLers n ecessarily t ake is exceedingly pre· At 8 o'clock the town was r eminded of its m a t e :pan k ing i n all its branch es. judical t o both digest ion a~1d n ut rition. Our visitors by t he thunder of ordnance, which ot hers profess t o be go od . F a r;mers n otes d iscount ed ; D eposits tcatotal r efo1'mers have overlooked, and was feebly answered by th e guns of the received and Interest paid on a mount s of our stock of mater· even to no small ext ent encouraged, a form Turkish garrison, as the E nglish flags ran I ll upwards i n Savings Bank Depar t m en t . ial for a ll kinds of af animal indulgence which is as distinc tly up from the deck of each floo,ting leviatho,n, repairs with other stoc ks and DRAFTS sesual, extrn.vagant and -perniei,rns as any All Beyrout seemed t o rush to the water beer-swilling or gin-drinking in the world." front t o insp ect th~ most power ful navo.I Issued and Collection s made in E u rope sqmidron afloat. In t heir eager curiosity U n ited States and Can ada. The term " tea-drunk ard ,, l S well known throughout Russia, where t ea is used much hundreds put off in small boats t o iilspcct W.J. JONES, the ships near a t hand. all other· 1 ·n the l ·te d e- stronger than is common in this country. A .Age o ~ w dozen cups of strong tea t a ken after the THE DUKE OF EDI NJlURGJI. signs and fresh patterns of Russian fashion, w it hout cr eam or sugar, and nearly 200 officer s arranged to visit of goods we show. simply flavored with a lit tle lemon juice, in Damascus. Messr s. Cook & Co. looked after in variety of stock of P la t - the course of a couple of hours, will pr oll uce the ways and means. Every mark of r osed W a re, Gold and Sil ver effects as distinctly intoxicating as an equal pect has b een shown t he Duke, and to-do,y, Hae r eceived her new stock ot Jewelry and C utlery. qu antity of lig ht w ine or lager beer. as your correapondent was riding t o Beyrout The leo,ves of the cocoa t ree are tued in from tho mounbins, h e met lar ge 11umbcrs in our Rock Crystal Spec- South America in t he same way t hat tea of Leh<inon soldiers mounted, who wer e on . tacles and Eye-glasses, all leaves ·are used in t his countr y, and are t heir way to escort the Duke to-morrow on and invites the Ladies of Bow ot he r kmds sho wn. found to p ossess t he :same properties for his way from Damascus. The E nglish vicem.anville and vicinity to call in the exceedingly lo w w~ich t ea is t~sed. Man;Y of the natives ac- consul h~s ar mnged a t eccptio.n for t he offiprice we q uot e for Clocks qmre the habit of chewrng the le;wes aud i cers a t his summer house at Be1t Maryon the and see her P attern Wat ches and o~her goods. swallowing the. jn~ce, instead of st.eeping,the Lel)a1~ons,_ three hours ~ide from t he city. · . . leaves and drmkmg t he <lecoct ron. The Few E nglish and American houses on t he w~s~ cer tainly m our re- , cocoa-chewer·asserts t ha t his hf1hit is a harm· mountains ho,vc been without a guest or pamng d epar tment and all i less one, and affirms t hat hy means of it he two from the fieet. and assortment ot other DESIRABLE features. . !is .able_t o work travel long distai:ces N? photo~rap_h or description c~n begin ·SI OR . is, our m otto a nd wit~ h tt le food, ';In ch he could i;~t do wit!~: t o ~1ve the t ull nnpress1~n an E n.ghsh .fi:eet our prmcwals are go ahead, out it. _ H owever ,. p r . .H art wig, an em1 ma~es upon the behold et. _ The fine aiticle and it will r equire b ut nent writer and d1stmgmshed. t raveler, as- wl~1ch ~ppeared last wmter m Ifarper's lY lag!!TOB E z-!!e oondDoorWellt of' Wllliam~ serts that t he cocoa-chewer rs affect ed by azine did all that words can do. But t o pull lute h e r 8ta11 his practice not less inj uriously than the out under t he shadows of the gr ei\t hulks opi um-eater . In his int er est ing work , " T he and see the monst rous guns looking down T ropical World," we find t he following de- upon you, gives a new and startling sensat o make y ou a p ermanent cu&tomer of , . scription of a cocoa -chewer :tion. Concentrated power seems embodied "He is known at once by his uncerto,iu in ever .i; line. I n fact there is very little_ of step, his sallow complexion, his hollow, !us- beaut)'. m _t he whole fleet . Only o~e sht_ p, ~F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS , t erless, black rimmed eyes, deeply sunk into the. Ins, is a~ all a ttractive, _ but tlus. swift As there are many i·a ferior ! his head, his. trembling lips, h is incoherent crurser (mo,kmg l ~~ k~ots) rs cer tamly a goods, corded with jute, hemp, etc., offered and sold : speech, and his st olid apathy. His char- beaut iful craft . She is a steel despatch as Coraline b y some unact er is irresolut e, suspicions, and false. In boat , does not carry any heavy guns, a~d principled merchants tradt he prime of life he has all t he appearance has on!~ 1i rnch steel ~eeks over the machming on the reputation of our 1;muline ()o rallue , of senility, and in later years sink s into com- ery , b01lers and m<tgazmcs. . . we warn the ladies against plete idiocy. Avoiding the society of m an, All the ot~er boats are pos1t1vely ugly. such imposition by drawiilrl~~~t1f: ·fii\J ~~ ·~·-~~ he seeks the dark forest, or some soi!itary ~very other. idea h as surr cnde:ed to the deing their attention t o the 1 A J ~\ , I1 ruin, and ther e for day~ together indulges srre for efficiency. T he tiagsh rp , t he Alexnecessity of seeing that the no,me ffB I . ' . ' ~ I his pernicious baliit. vv_hile under_t he in- ~nclra (named tdtcr England 's future q:te.en), ~~~ _ -~- : fluence of cocoa, his excit ed fancy m dulges ls somewha t ornam~nted, but t he eflect is 1 in the strange8t visions, uow niveliug in very far from pleasmg. ~fr /,, · -~ .-' A s one look s over 1l 'S B ta.mped on inner side of all Coraline goods, r: ~· .. !pictures of ideal beauty, and t hen haunt ed t he whole fleet he realizes that t.he old d~ys · " ! :by dreadful apparitions. " of naval warfar e are over- t he wild, cl;1sh.m a Without which none are genuine. : i I 'l'heine, the active principle of t ea and da:Ys, when th~. ocean was m'."de beaut 1fni Icoffee, when taken in any but t he smallest with t he towermg canvas of fn gate and cut· , closes, produces all the symptoms of int oxi- t er, and w~1en success depenped quite as cat ion. , much on s kill as on iruns, 'l' he eminent Dr. E dward Smith, of Lon····---- -···· ·[don, in making some experiments w it h tea What t o T!!ach Our Daughters. a nd 'coffee some year s ago, t ook , wit h his asE ntire stock to be 1 At a social gathering some one proposed ~ sistm1t . an infusion of t wo ounces of coffee, this question : " ·what shall I teach my cont aining so small a q uant ity of t heine !18 daughter ?" The following r eplies were only seven and one-half grains. Both fell I to t he floor unconscious, and r emained in handed in: 'f each her tho,t 100 cents mo,ke a dollar. T he goods will be sold down b elow c~st. , t his state for several hours. T each her to arrange the parlor and the ;For cost of adverti~ ing in. any pape~ or A p rominent official in the British army, Hats, B on nets, Ribbons, Laces, Flo we r s, h st of p aper s pu blis hed m t he Umted when doing service in Africa lost his favori~ libr ary. Teach her to say" No," and m ean it, or Fea thers, Silks, Sat ins, Plush es, V elvets, Stat es or C anad~, sei~d to the ADVERTIS· ' horse in a manner which w~s both singular Fringes, Gimps, Cords, Collars, Frilling, lNC: AGE;'CY of E f WIN AJ,])EN & B RO., ' and instructive. The cook left a few pounds "Yes," and stick· to it. T each her how to wear a calico dress, and ' of tea in t he so,ck which h ad contained it Apr ons, Hose, Wool Jackets, Berlin I . 14~ l fossau S treet. i which was filled wit h corn by a Kafir "room t o wear it lilrn a queen. Wools, Saxon y, Silk Floss, Arasene, Oor. 6th di hno .Sta., T each Il er how to sew on buttons, darn *,.*Our"Nc wspaperCombmahons," a _book of 'who knew nothing of the presence ~f t he . 150 pages, contaHung prices of advert1s1111r1 ful1 ' T insel, Embroideries, &c. instructions, etc ., sent on·receipt of1oc. Our'( Am. t ea. Upon servmg out t he corn to a troop stockings, and mend gloves. eo,ch he1· to dress for health and comfort Also a great variet y of F ancy N"'vspaper Cata.logue".co ntai ning names of every of horses, of course t h e last one r eceived the as T well as for appeara nce. p_ubhsficd. i n t!ie U . S. a_ nd Canada, larger share of t he tea which was eaten Goods. T each her t o cultivate flowers and t o keep 1 1 the kit chen garden. thhe is MILLER'S B L OCK, ORONO. 1 T each her to mak e the neatest room in · / "The animal plunged and kick ed and ran the house. T each her t o have nothing to do wit h int empem te or dissolut e young men. · · J ~ Island Home Stock Teach her that t ight lacing is uncomely as . ; lay dashing its head on the rocks, and was Fann, Grosse Isle, Mich., is Vflry conva· -----------------~ dispo,tched by an a sse11ai t hrust t hrough the well as injurious t o health. T each her to r egar d t he mor als and habits, niently l oca ted for lte!1l·t. The post -mor t eom a ppearances inCanadians, being on and not money,_in selecting h er associates. dicat ed extreme cerebral congestion." an l slo.nd in Detroit T ea ch her to observe t he olcl rule : " A I n -view of these fact s is it not evi c lcnt Rlver,ten miles below Windsor, Ont. Pur· t hat t he poet ic eulogy of tea should be mod- place for ever ything, and everything in its chasers will ftnd o. ified hy t he change of one little wo1 ·d, so place. " large number of pure T ooch her tf1!1t music, drawing, and p<tintthat it will r ead, " The cup t hat cheers and bred and grade Sta.I· lions, brood- mnros y·t inebriates'/" and is it not appo,r eut that ing al'e real accomplishments in t he home, and colts of all ages a thol'ough going temperance reformer will 1\nd o,r e not to be neglected if t here be time to select from. All wish t o abst ain from the use Df these bever · and money for their use. pure bred stock, reg'!.' each h er the important truism : " That ages when he becomes aware of t heir real istered In t he French and American Stud BoQks. the more sh e lives within her income the Prices rea.sono,bie, stock gt!O.ranteed. Large iUusoho,mct cr ? · trated Oo.talogue free. SA.VA.GE 8' F..Ul.NUlll, FREEMAN'S mor e she will save, 1>nd the further she will l>E'llOl'r. llllcJL get away from the poorhouse. " WORM POW DERS~ :Breaking Aw ay From T obacco. T ooch her that a good, steady , chur ch · going mech anic, farmer , clerk, or teacher A correspondent writes as follows : " I pleasant t o t ake. Conto.l.n t holr om. have chewed tobi\cco for about twelve years, wit hout a cent is wor t h more t han forty loafl'argative. ls a 1afe, 11u r o, and cUccnuil and would like very m uch t o stop using it. ers or non-producers in broadcloth. ~;,er of in Chilclrnn or .Adultf 'l'each her to embrace every oppor tunity But it has taken such a hold on me that when. I cease using it for two or t hree days, for reading, m1d to select such books as will I break down , and am unfit for work. 1 give h er t he most useful and practical inforU1i VY' iTr'tili'l.i?'lml¥ ! am affect ed like one broken down with ma- mation in or der to make the best progress in earlier tis well as later home and school e W e ~,!!!,~~~ .!!. ~ ' !aria., chills and fever. Now is ther e any- life. thing t hat such a one could chew which ............... __.......___ ·...._ · .. VETERINARY SURGEON. would keep t he thro. a t and mouth moist, 1 H ow L anguages are Formed. 1and in time destroy all t aste for t he weed ?" This difficulty in leaving off the use of t oIt has been a perpl exity to scholars how bacco is na t ural. 'l'he drug effects such a such a vast variety of lai1guages and dialects ALL LIVE R AND K IDNEY COMchange in .t he whole work ing machiner y of can have origiil!1ted in our world, ·especially -PLAINTS, D YSPEPSIA, INDIGEST the system t hat the sudden withdr1nval of if they all grew out of one original t ongue. t he narcotic arrest s its proper action, or Mr. H oratio H al e says in S cien ce that t he } 6N A:ND A LL Dl'5E ASES ARISING thr ows it into a very p eculiar mor bid condi- perplexity . will be removed if scholars w ill tion. It is t he so,me w ith opium and ar senic. look low enough, and t!1ke in children as F ROM DISARRANGEME NTS oF THE If one leaves off his wonted use of arsenic, w ell as adults. L I V E R AND KIDNEYS. ther e will be loss of appetite, burning in t he H e gives several striking cases of groups st omach, spasms in t he throat, difficulty of of children accustomec l to play with each br eathing, and const ipat ion, bnt on resum· ot her, and left mostly to themselves, who ing t he drug, o,ll these sympt oms will cease. formed langages which t hey used with p er Such nausea, vomit ing, diarrhcea, mental fect freedom and understood with ease, but depression, and general prost ration follow which were quite unintelligible t o others. I t h e wit hholding of opium that t he man of If children can do t his in play, it would ..... the st rongest will is often unable to break he a simpl e matter for adults, placed in an the chfl.ins t ha t bind him wit hout medical isolated position, and cut off from comGraduate otthe Ontario V'eterin1n y College, aid. munication with the r est of the world, to R egistered member of the Ontario Veterinary Proprietor, Toron t o. There iRa difference, l1owe-ver, in a case of make a new language for t heir own bene. Medical Association. - --m-Ofilce and Residence. Newtonville, Ont. :·.. different per sons, as thenl is a difference in fi t. Mr. Hale offers some subst ant ial !1l'jl'U· SOLD BY Will visit Orono every Tuesday and;Saturdo,y th e effect s of th e tohacco on t hem. 'l'ltese effects are greatly worse in brain-workers, ments to prove t hat men '"'H 11tS ·~ SO._ Office hours from 10 a. in., t o ! p. m., at th e highly cnlt ivatecl, and men of nervous have not exist ed in our world for more than D .IGGll'WBO .a. il. tl I '-"' · n, · Coultera' Hotel, Calls by Telegrapn receive immedi!'te attention. t emperament , and it is in jllst these classes seven t housand years. His article is worthy BOWMANV I LLE. CHA RGES MODERATE. th at we find most of th ose who seek deliver· of a co,reful study of its original suggestions. S B GRAIN ' · Don 't Don't Don 't Don't Don 't Don 't ance from the noxions h abit . To Canadians a nd Ameri<:<~Hs , w ilh their highly developed nervous organization, tobaccois mor e harmfulthan t o any nation. ·what answer , then, sho,ll we give our suf fering correspondent ? Simply t his, t hat probably his wisest, ~11rns t and cheapest t;OUrse would be to put himself for t he time into the hands of.a good physician, just as if 11is symptoms had no connection with t obacco. H e needs medical aid, and he needs aid just suited to his indi_ ,. vidmd peculiarity. \Ve :idd , however , that for something t o take t he place of t he accustomed quid, and also to act >ts a tonic on the stomach and system generally, we know of nothing hetter than simple chamomile. L et him get a quantity of t h e dried tiowers and t ake a few from time to time t hrough the day. Grocers, Butchers and P r ovision M e1·chants. . . ' ST.A.ND :-Town :S:all Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A comp lete stoc k alwa ys on hand · We have all the best grades of ~QJL~gB; Ah:OO~ ~ ~ ~lllJ IIFLQlWJt BUT Compare Compare Compare STANDARD BANK Compare _ ,,,,,_ C 0 mpare Compare Excel MISS McT AVISH Excel GOODS., EXCel BONNETS, HATS Jno. McMurtry & Co. that is manufactured. We have in stock ·an kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make an d rendering. Life-time experience in the Meat Department enables us t o supply a quality unequalled, Tlio Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods k ept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. · Your pa tronage will be t hankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts of the t own on short notice. A call solicited. Casl1 C or B utter, Eggs, Bides, Tallow, B eef , Po1·k and all Farm P roduce. C. M. CAWKER, J OHN ALLIN. Something .New! JOBBING DEPARTMENT - -AT- - Th us Prove That we TOD BROS., Iin t he rear end of the S tor e. All Goods in this Department will .be sold at E XCeI EXC0l 'I TRIMMINGS Excel HALF PRICE. In t he regular Dry Goods we have a splend id assortment which .we ar e selling BEWARE ONE VISIT Y N M A ARD THE JEWELER. at rock bottom prices. TOD BROS. I _ _ _ __ -- 1 '. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 8011, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Keep all the requisites of a first-class Drug Store. E MR MORRISON'S I Cleared out in 30 days .ro. I .n Al e & . Wi n . [~ 8 II PURE DR UGS. It is our aim to buy t h e purest and best Drugs that can be had in the market, and to sell at reasonable prices. PATENT MEDI CINES. We k eep ne~rly all p atent m edicines advertised. C 1nc u:t. n c;tt1.,fo°"1New YQrk, TOILET ARTICLES. We have a large stock of E nglish, French and German Perfumes, Powders, P omades. and a big assortm ent of H air Brushes. Thorley's Food, Prairie Flower, Condition P owder and Ground Oil Cake a lways on hand. 5A cnt~ onvre cccr1pt\loS f p~l,cn e,g $, .50.Ag Ese limn ateC ~;;y :r:e . : ~~!trc c~~n. n ewspape r 1 ~~:~~1r a~:~~: de:~~i1)~ PERCH ERON HORSES. ~~i:1~;,rg1;a1f; f::I;1~~vtr:~o !<l~~~~~gwl:~~~llft 0 :E<. D E J:<. I As usual our new stock of CANADIA:N , ENGL ISH, ::>COTCH & AMERI CAN ' · DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY BITTE RS. 1 C URES w n ~-----.... _ TWE E DS, W ORSTEDS and other Suitings is t h e large s t, most complete and most fa shion abl e t o be found inWest Durham The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. We N ever G et left. We have the goods. To inspect is to order . Our prices are right . Our styles command admirat ion. Our originality is inexhaustible. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. _.()a ll a t the centre o C Style, B eau ty a n d Clteapn eH'· E. MORRIS, Gent's F urnishings a specialty. I . JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 tf 'J~lte TailoJ.!

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