USE ONLY THE BL I ,,._ B RAND OF PURE ··: &oRWEGIAN --AT-- I . THE .. , .... HOUSE ~~ CT~na,~t!~~ ~!: w eakn esf! and d iReases of the lungs 1 GIVING UP BU INES...: impare d nutrition, etc . ' This Dil is Pure, Fresh, Nearly Tastel ess, and th erefore m0st suitable fot· delicate digestions. None genuine wi th out the name IZDAHL stamped on each c9.psule. a n d near. I-Iundreds of dollars worth sold to parties who d0 not regl1larly trade in Bowmanville. Our stock is still t he best assorted an.d inost valuable in town (and is not a patched up bankrupt stock either) our goods have been bought for cash. from first-clas s hous es, and are good v alue at our former prices. C O M E AND CET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARC AINS. First-class Dry Goods are being sacrificed.. (:~· AI..J EI 0 · Peop le come from far All who h ave attended this sale are m ore than satisfied with. the extremely low prices, · and strangers are surprised at the superior quality of our general stock. T.. G- J:·11 ~ C>. LYMAN, SONS & G O , OR - STOTT & JURY, B O WM;\M VILLE. 1'l.C .A. S 0 :N". Read Mr. 'rrebilcock's new advt. Miss S}ear wishes the person who has Dlt. E. C. ltleDO WEl:L, Last week was a good business week in AUCTION SALES. her little black dog " Ponto" to return it. Bowmanville. PuYSICIAN, Runo1toN, Accouonn:~n. John Ruddock off,mi a very nice house ·y. VictoriR University. W}JDNgsDAY, DEC. 8. - Mr. J ohn H eard, M . D., Maste1· of S11rge1 M. Mayer's new advt . <>bout fnrs is on and lot for sale. Last Friday n igh t was the coldest of Licentiate Royal C"ll. Physici·rns. J,ondou,Eng, jr. , will sell on lot 3, con. 8, Darlin g- Member College Physwlans & i'i t11·g0on~ . Ont. an insi· le page. He is doing a big trade the season s o far. M ayer, the Furrier, is domg a rusl1ing 011, his valuable farm stock , m ll.cllinery, REBJDENCE,- M1·. Edwt·r<i Higginb(ithBm's, Have you seen Tod Bros., all wool flan· this week. business -making the fur fly. ~9-t;f. implemen ts, etc. The mauhinery and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 _ _ Weekly Globe from now t.o end of 1887 nel at 20c, worth 25c. St . Paul's Church will hold Anni versary implem.,nt~ are m ostly now h,wing been Every man woman and child within 5() 'l'i". Ii . ~1111'1' 11 , for $1.00. Subscriptions taken at the People admit that it is advantage@UB to Services on Sunchy 16th, and Monday used but one seaaon. Sale at 1 o'clock LlUENSE A UCTI0 1 EER for Bowmiles of Bowmanv il !e is invited to call deal with Ellison & Co. :3TATESMaN Office. 17th January next. sharp. Com<J early as nftern0ons are mn.n villo. Da rlington, Vlar ku. Cartwrigbt,. at.our Medicfl.1 Hall aud inspect our magT '1e ste~mer N orseman is laid up for G .. nts' wanting under clothing would short. See large posters for part iculars. M·rn v-er" ; a.lso Eaot 0111·h1tm. All orders F. H. Mason, agent to r Port P erry the winter in Por t R ope. do w, 11 to call at t he W est End H ouse G rinders, Chaff Cu ' ters, P11lper a, a nd S. C H UNKING, auctiou eer. peompt ly a.tten!l"d to. 'l'e .. 1 us liberal. Addres n ificen t st,ock of W K S MIT H , or FitA NO IS l\1,,i;oN. llox ~6. HowBest Brand of Oysters direct from the and see what th ey have. Honey F ><nning Mills. Office, T hompson SATU!WAY, DEC. 11.- Big auuti·'n sale of munvillo. --~8· ~ beds at vV. Quick & Co's. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Pickets, & Co's Harness Shop. <and cattle, at t he Centrnl Hot,el, PLAIN COOK WANT1W - 1MMEDIMrs. Jus. Deyman has been on a visit etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty W. Hazzlewood, Raglan, Out. L icens· Oshaw>t, at 3 p . m . Credit , 10 months. ately. Apply to Mns. McAR'rHun. 46 tr to her sister at B rantford. street, R . .EI. Osborne, leasee . ed Auctioneer for the· township of DarS. C. Humcrnu, Auctioneer. ROWN LEGHORNS- A fo w superiCrn ivda iire coming for our cheap Gr ay B efore ynu bny a new cutter be sure to ling ton. All ordm·s for Bales in this SATUlmAY, D1w. 11, - The hou~ehold or hirds, fer sale. A . R . MOUTON, Nl\'17· F launels. Ellison and Co. see the new styles at Morris' Carriage vicinity, left with F. II. Mason, Bow· 46·tl effects of Mr. J ohn Bussell, con sist ing c.G<ollo, Ont. . Work s. They aTe "dandies. " W e cannot begin t o enumerate the artie!e manville, will receive prompt attention. of parlor, dining r oom and kitchen Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Q11or Tea at L evi Mor 34-tf. furn it ure, bed room suites, crockery, SERVANT WANTED imrn erl iat ely for or describe thei r b eauty, but every per- ris' and get a $1..00 book free . Miss Bar ofather, formerly of Brantford . general houscwo i·k. Apply to Mrs. S. C. is in charge of Robertson & Bond's Dress g l assware, tea aud dinn er sets, chambei· Hillier. King-,,t East, · 4!l-tr. son ahoulrl see them. Most of our goods If you want good work done let May aud Mantle making d epartmen t . sets, etc. Sale at 1 p . m.;at SHAW & ~-·--------------- ar~ bought direct from the factory, and nard the Jewelli:r do it for you. ToL~ ~·s auction rooms, Bowmanville BOAR FOR SERVJCK- A P ol:md · -'ersons who tried the Li-Quor Tea for bea uty of finish and elegance of. Choice Crauberl'ies, Malaga grapes and sold by L. Morris speak favorably of it . L. A. TOLE, Auct ioneer. ' China Boo.r is kept ror Sl'lrvice on lot. 33, cuu. 2. Durhngton. JOHN l '>:N~'O V ND. J G-tf · JUST TO HAND. Spanish onions at W: Quick & Co's. You get a beautiful book with every doldesign, mrnnot be equalled. SATURDAY, D1w. 18. - The farms advertisThe STATESMAN will be sent free for bal· Jar's worth. ed in the STATto:SMAN owned by Mr. , W. \,t" ONEY TO LOAN. - Jn Sll, a] I or c an early and mstke your selec- ace of 1886 to new subscribers for 1887. Layer Val encia Raisins, . Potter, will be sold a t theCent ral Hotel, ..'t'.l.Jarl(e am ounts. Priv.. te tund·. In L c.rtlllt We are offering this week as a special ,_ d V J · R · · 0 s l iawa. S ale 3t 2 p. m. R. H n'l'CHJ· "'"'soni;hle. 'la.le notes boui.rht. Inquire {3-tf 11t lhe tions and have them kept S e 1ec~e Mr. W. Glover h as a handsome new bargain, a line of A ll Wool Casbmi>r es in a encia a1s1ns, 3TA'.1'1.:sM.1.N OvFrc&. · --for you.sign over the e.ntrance to his Livery all the latest colorings at 25cts per yard . " Sultana " " SON, auction eer . ·" -·- - - - - -·- ·- - ·- -·--·stable. R ob ertson & Bond. \loslizza Case0Currants, Mo:rnAY, Di-;c. 20. - 1\fr. J{ob t. """ .ofl',·1tt HO OSE ·ro RENT (1N QUEEN.ST. p t C t m. - 'l'wo i:lt.or y Brick. \ Vill bn m<tde vc.ry Kenner's Variety Ha.II b egins to hike The best stock of dry-goods ii1 town is a ra. ase urra n 3 . ( o n Capt. Bunt's farm, Hampton) is <.>u lll for t..,,ule for '~ re·pectr·b1e f&milJ' . A n p1y on an holiday appearance-attractively dis- b · ·fi d ·r t D · · f · d 'll h to "'J eweller. emg sa.crr ce j i you wan any ry ?-®'~NEW PEELS. -~ givmg up armrng an w1 se 11 y - - -Huc!<:urn. - - - -- - - - -- -- ·- -- - -46-~t -·play ed. Goods go to the Star H ouse Sale and save Black Bas k et, Choice D ehosa p ublic auction the whole of his valuable S ALEPrr> pei:-ty owned hy JI\!!, Ca'l and examine Maynard's fall stock THE L E ADING DRUGGISTS. on all you buy. and L ondon Lay er Raisins. f ·.rm stnf:k, i mpl ements, hay, turoips B 1Jwi A on Chul'c h··t Newcastle>, co noi·tlng of watch· s, clocks and jewelery,the finest 25% W est 'u Cough Syrup i ristan tly relieves e tc. Sale a t 1 o'clock, sharp: See bill~ of 2 lot.a wil h fru it tree·. house. ;<hop and bam. We h ave secured another large ql!lantity in town . and speedily cures bton~hitis.,sore throat WM. QUICK & CO. for particulars . IC HUTCHISO N, Aue- A bargain . .~ pply__on the premises. -tS-tf of those Illn rninatecl M:ttch Sa.fas which Our subscrirtion list is going up, UP, and all throat diseaset. T1·y it and be tioneet'. HO USE AN D LOT FOR SALE.-UP. Seven new subscriptions came in we are gi !Jing free to all our customers. couvinoed. All dr uggists. SATUltDAY D EC. 18. --Gre-it sale of fur- , - T l brick ~t<mse on Onta rio last Sa t urdity. ·11 k · · t . ' ' . . , ·Street., Bowmanville, occupieo h y Mr. .J. H. P oor h · A .k c G 'A k .eaIt}1 W I ma 0 an y o:re R ex is Illture aud B trn krupt Stoc k 111 \Vils01J s Crydermo.n, Apply to Mr. w . F. ALLb~Y. lf yo ur silverware wants cleaning call L ad1es atra an oats, ents st ra an ence misernhle. There is HO m ore frui tfol B lock, Oshawa. S. C. HUN KING, buy a box of E l ectro Silicon from · andCooncoa . ts- th)e be·t _g . oods th~tbcan cause of dincase than c·> lcl and we t feet. A u c~1011 · eer. B OARS FOR SERVICE. - One th OTo~h ~ <!i!nnatli~u ~tat£~ma~. ancl b e procure d , no l e tt,er 'a1ue anyw er e. To avoid either we advise our readers to Maynard tlrn Jeweller. bred Berkshire and one Chester W 'h lte ....,,......,.~~~.....,...,,...._,-._- .....--,,-.,_,....~,...... ~,. Couch, J ohaston & Cryderman. I to M J H ll , f b cl Ther e will be another big sale of F ur· Hou.r ll ro kepr. fo r aervice on lot 33. con. 5, Da~\Ve direct the att ention of our readers go t r, . " yar s or ools a n ·t l ·] ' t. 1 t ·sh ·'I' l ' lin ~ton , Price, :ii. .Jony 8ANf>.ER S, 'l 'a;rntoo . Ladies, d ont forget the open m e<>ting I tl t ·u 11 · . H m ure anc o. ic ea a aw < "' o es in Cartwright t o advt. of Mr. Bigelow's ' M" . "' . t . . th s w es ia w~ . give exce , eu I; service. . _e Auction H 0om a on Sttturday n ext, beg · iu. - -·.-· - - 49·3w . lumber yard at Caesarea. h W f o t e omens 1Ss1ona.ry 1 :-1ocie ym e has . a mag, mfkent stock ~n lrn·1 ,1d. aud is in,Q at 11) . JIJ . · STALLION FOR SALE -· "Gleniffoa" ·, " 7 M eth. church on 'fhursday at aelling vecy cl1e· n S ee l11s 110 " ' dvt j '" Church-st. A v~ ry large number of communicants ~ . . ,. ,.. . . . .. .. . . on ----~ bay; heavy draught. ri~m "" ah . years old. an 111s1de page. He mv1tes rnspect1011. Further partic11l:1rs can bfl oht11ine<1 on the partook of the Sacrament in St . Paul's 3 p. m., to which you a re all invited. Methodist s ,ibbath School · ' \ ltl:u ·l'lng e Notlee.s. /' H > ' " lnt.a ; l>irtba n 1ul premises or Joe. Gn!lENwooD, lo t 29. con '!l, -st. church on Sabbath morning last. Cllurch St. P aul's church Tea J an . 17. - -- - · -- · deaths, 25 cent~. Clarke. nr J..eskard. P. O. 48-2w··· will hold their :rnnual Chri·tmasTreo enMoney saved is m on ey earo ed-Go t o Farmers, attend J. Heard's sale to-day. the Star House Giving U p-Business-Sale BIRTHS. . M~!I n;2;~~?e~~e?~~ oi~i. :i1~;~:: N o corupflt it or cau unde rsell Ellison & and get a suit at cost a od save mouey. ~:.:~a~l:~~~~!~;~if:1:l:1~ ~~~~a~~~t. A o · Ho10- .In Oshawa., Nov. 30, the wife of Dr. \Vl nda.t t., Darlington. Ow nee "an ba ve Mame Co. W , Q11ick & Co's grocery is in good holD. i:l. lfoi g, o f a sou. hy calling nt 1 h e ::;,·1'NI'ltSM,1N Office aud p·ov- That tho oyste.r i· nutritions, Yon ouaht to see Ellison & Co's Boys' Q·1ite exqu\sit;ely delicious, t:IM A J,1<-fo Oshaw<'. Nov; 26, the wi fe of Mr. ing property and paying for !hi~ notiee. 50·lw iday shape already. They show a fin e asI s a statement that can never be ilenicd. S uits. " If yon buy him 11t Lh e G r.,.11<1 Central. SELLING OFF CR.AZE.- The WM~.u~~;::~~i,,"d::~·wriJht. ne.~r Wil lia.m:,. ![yg1FE R - S 'l'R.A YED=-~Fro-;11--·the sortment of h au ging lamp-<' china, crockP eople wonder how E llison & Co. can fruits and sta.ple and fancy p urchase of g,1 ods by the consumer at bn rgh, on the 80th ult., tilt: wife of Mr. Wm. ll -Jlpr emlsea of the subscdl:>cr, lot 3, "on ..8. Mr . J . Lestock Reid, P l'ovincial Land ery, glassware, · · M ·· 1>111lingt cmt a yeurlirn~ hei ror. color Ji~ht, red .. 0 f a d aug1 1 t er . ·,s ell so ch··ap. auction or a t any so-called che·p sales · oun·.1oy, .lllforma·ion " ' her whereaboute w ill b e thnnkS11rveyor , who has been engaged in the grocen es. 'l'h <'y claim to have the largest stock , h as been proved by m any t n be most MARRI ED. rullb received. 'fnos. S;11ALE, .Uo wmanvm~. '"" Dr. Oliver h:is removed from Cartwrigh t, N orth-Vvest all the season , is home fot· 49<Sw th e best r an,.,cre of l'>rices, and the cheapest unsatisfactor y. A uarrra in rn11y 1mmetimes win t er. to N ewtonville aga m . · ., lIODGrNS- SA:NGUINS.- On the 29t h ult., at P. · gray :tfonnel s in town, at the West End b e ou taiued when 1 1oug-ht by anctinn, hut t.hc re·inence of th e bdde 's fat her. by ltev. u. Th"s. Greenwood was fi ned $5 for usESID E N C f£ 1\ N 'D LANDS FOR. Mr. Trebilcock Is offering great bar· 'rhese Allin, Mr. A.lbert Jfod;;lM or LitLle 8rit.ain w S.AL·m .- That beaut.Hui reoidence an·d ing profane language on P or t Hope streets. H ouse. You had better call around a nd it is r arely t hat such is the casfl. gai ns in Wall P aper to clear oat. ·f M.iss:Annio, s~cond da. ugilter of Mr, \ V'illlam grou n ds si1 uttt od Ot \ Li bert.y -"it., 1inw m a.rt\7 i ll,-?.~ sal es wou11 c no t b e so f reqnen t 1 no t. pro- Sanf(uins, of Maripooa.. Our Chief could easily find a fe w such ~ee whet they ha ve or not. and owned and occupied by CHAS. YOUNO. is The Tailoring D upar t:in ent is booming cases here. Queen: Vi 1toria h as 30 gran(Ichildren . Ji table an d in order to make them profitCowAN- CLA mrn- AtSt. Paul'8 ~.fonse. Bow· n ow oJfored for sale. ·r1tirteen acres uf lu.ud.; at Couch , Johnston & Cr yd erman 's. J3·tf. Opeued out this week lovely colored W!lat a pity she d t.eS not k uow ihat J en- able th e gn ods that ar >i sold are rnanu bc- mt,m'ille, on Wed nesday, Dec. l, 18l;6, by Rev. goorl orch11rd. grades of st ock H. D , Frnser, M. A ·. Mr. .fo mes Cow11u, nud Miss Sara Morris hns returned from Surah Silks only 75c per yard . The best ni nf.!~ has such a choice 8ssortrnent of tur cd of th e very lo,ve·t 0 " M i ss Ida Jane Clarke, b~ th of the 'l 'ownship Kingst ou accom panied by her niece. r 1 0RSE F O R S ALE- A bright bay value eyer seen in those goods. Couch, boots and ~hoes, so that she might buy a which cannot f.!ive sa tisfactiou . Si nce of Clarke. Don' t subscribe for any newspapers or J oh'lslon & Cryderman. air for each of them for a Christmas box. starting i t has beeu our ai m t o gi ve Ar.r.rN- OSBonN1;;- At t he resi<lonce of thl'l JC: heavy draught horse. ri'1ir. g 1 excelP lent bono a nd mnsc!c . S ir·~·l by ·'Lord Lyon." s<1tisfaction to the b uyer, a nd in order to bride's grandfath er, iu the Township of Clarke, u. m agazine ti ll you see the STA'.l:ESMAN rates. very s uperior anim".l, well broken to work. CHRIS'.l:MASBAZAAR. - MissSt ough ton. will by t.b<1 ltev, E . Jtoberts. on the 1st inst., Mr. Apply Au m·roN S.uRs.- R. Hutchison, Licen - do so we buy o11ly f·roin the beat 11ot1·es to SAMUIH,' \Vn oLOUW(l..E, lot 2, 0'>11. $ , W'illi11.m H . Allin, to Miss Amelia Osbor ni:. " Mr. J . K. AllM, b;i,nlter, Ne wcas tle, h old h er annual s:tle of us,.ful :mrl fancy sed Auctioneer for the T ownships of c , r , wri11ht ; Shirley, P . 0 . ~G.5w. in the trad e getting t he ve ry lowest p rico bot;h of G.tlt, Ont. has m oved into his handsome n ew b rick articles at her reside nce Sil ver street on Olarkt>, Man vers, Cartwrigh t, D arlington that cash can comm and which 1rnts us in J ACKMAN- MAYNAUD- .A.t the Queen Street T uesd ay and Wednesday DGJc. 21st and and Whit by.All snlcs attend eel to promptly a r esidence. OR SALE.- T h e h ouse a.nd Jot o n t Parsonage, on th o Jst inst,. by It ev . position to sell goods at r)r ices that MethodiR E U ol:>er ts."fr. J umea mtin, t o Miss Mary They lrnve recei l'ed a new lot of mantle 221 1d. Q11eon Stt···et., Bo w1minville, the pro1}erty and at reasonable rates. W here i t i s not cannot be t ouched. A t presen t 0111· stock Maynar<l, both of n owmunville. pf Mr. .Joseph Neil, o.t present occupied by B efore buyi ng any thing in Mantle or .cloths ;i.t; th e Wes t E nd House. Call and Mr. Tho·. H. i::lpry. There a1 ·e 7 rooms in the con ven ient to see me, arrangements for is large embracing all ki nds of staple an d HATG - i\'[c Lwoo - At Highland Home, Dec, Ulster Cloth s every lady should aee the .see th ;m'" they are ueautics. lunBe. a good cellar. a nd <'hotit 2ll fruit tro' a sales cau be m acle with the Editor or by fancy dry goods. A call from iMendina l at. by Hov. C. IT. Cook. Mr. Andrew P . B aig. in the oro ha.rd, l<'or ru rttl'·r 1J>1,ri,icular~ av. p ly ~ or Baltimora ,\and Miss llfaggie,eldest daughter For the most elegimt Dress Goods, th e grand assortmen t of th eije goods now ad<lressi1 1g me at E oniskillen, P. 0. p11rch ·sers will convince the m that Tod to .J OHN K . GALBRAITH, B1 trrister, J~owr.mi.nof Alex. McLeod, Esq., Pluir. ville, Ont. show ini~ a t Couch, Johnsto n & Cryder· dinest assortment anJ t he best value, call ffi~ ~ N . B. - 1 have no age nts out begging for Bros' is the right place to buy d ry goods. - - - - -- - - --- -·· -- - - - - - - ~& man's . C6uch, J ol.msten & Cryderman's. t f. sales for me. R . liuTOHISON. TOD BROS. DIEJJ., Silks have advanced in price, i f you WmTE - A t Kentlal , on Sunday, 2lst alt., tho . The Methodist church was again crowdPouLTRY ~'OR SALE.- Mr. 'r h os. Shaw, infant d"'u ghter of Jlllr. R obert White. -ed to tJ10 doors on Su ncb y evening when think of b uyi ng a new silk dress soon, go Commission Merchant, 34 St. P et e1· St., OTICE '.l'O PAY UP- All unpaid R ey C. E . Mcinty re pr<:ached on " gam - t o the St ar H onse Giving-Up· Business- ?ifontreal, sends the STATESMAN the foli_ 'J'R.X08 Jntl8 t be Settled llt OUC0 for to meet Sa!e an d get on e at less t han presen t whole lowing: In order to obtain full market BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. tho den·auds of the Council for School aud b ling." sale prices for sarrrn quality. other purposes. Ir not paid shortly, costs will value for consigum entll of po ultry to the Capt. M ills has bei>n called from the be incurred. All persons concerned will please Corrc ctc1l l > yJohuJ,yl e, e vcry TharR<lay , We have received from the publishers Montreal m arket , theBe instruction s take notice and govern t hemselves according· Army work h ere on acco11nt of t he very of th e Western Advertiser, a copy of thei r JAS. Cl<YDHRMAN , Collector. 5()-2w ly. should be earefnlly observed :- " Do not serious illness of her mot her. Her d epart F wu1i , ~ 100 lbs... , .. ... $2 00 to $2 50 P ublisher's Department. beautiful chromo entitled the "Holly feed for 24 hours before killing. Bleed '\lre is much r egr etted. Fall, ~ bu sh .. .. . 0 70 11 0 77 WHEAT, Queen." I t is r eally a most superb work 11 Spring, " 0 70 11 0 77 Tremencrous crowds are b uying goods of art, an d is worthy a place in any home. well a nd pluck clean, leavinp; on the h ead, HAY WAN'l'.Ell. - A load of good m ixecl also the wings and toiil feathers i o. EnBARLEY, ~ bush. , . , , . .·· 0 45 11 0 54 .at the S t1·r !louse Gi vrng-U p-13usinesshay by th e Publisher of this paper . OTICE is 1 1erehy given that a By-law The young man in Cartwright who trails should not be drawn, n either should B,YE, II ' · ·· · · · · · · 0 45 II 0 48 S ale . If you want good goods at lowest w ill be introduced lH the m eeti o ~ of the We sen d out n ea rly 3,500 copies of the OA·rs, 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 30 11 0 30 't ownship Com;cil of ]Jarlingion. to ta ke pla-ee prices you have e~ er heard of give them a swore he would never marry until wheat poultry be scalded. lt is easily det ected , W tLS a d ollar a bushel is d ecidedly out of and m ean s fr© m one to three cents per STATESMAN this week. .Any person re- PEAS, Black eye, t" bush ... 0 70 11 0 73 on Saturday, 2oth December next, at the Town oall. . Hail, Ha mpt.on, providing for the sale, to .rno. The Petcrboro D ·1ily Examiner has b een sor ts, and th e girl's fath er talks of b uy ing pou nd r eduction in val11c. When per - ceiving t wo copies will please send one to 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 55 Penfonnd, of 180 rods or the sottth end or tl1e his wh eat at tha t price t o get the matter fectly cool (do not freeze th em) pack nllnwance between lots :JI and 3) in 2 con ro1td 11 B lue, 11 0 50 11 0 GO enlarged to a 28 column paper. P eterboro 'l 'ownship . R. WJNDAT'f. fi rmly in n ice, clean cases, holding fro m a frieml . .h as good reaso n t o feel proud of its s uccess settled . BuT'n m, b est table , ~ lb ... 0 12 11 0 17 of48-Jw. ·r ow u ~h i p Clerk. W e cannot accept less than one dollar L ..rnD, 'W' lb . ' ' ' . . . . . · . . . · 0 10 ll 0 13 P oULTHY ' VAN'.l:ED- W . R . R . Cawker on e t o two hundred pounds. .as a, t own and of t ho enterprise and sucwauts ony quantity of well dressed poultry A very inter esting meeting was held at fo r t he STATESMAN for 1887. EGGS, 'lJ' d oz . . . , . . . · . · . . . 0 00 11 0 18 ·Cess of its Liberal joun1 al. Deputy ' Ve employ no agents. Every person POTATOES, ~ bush . . . . . · · · 0 25 11 0 30 The Q ueen street Methodist Sabb ath d eliver ed at his bu tcher stall in Bowman- the barracks on W ednesday evenin g last, which he will pay the market ville, for Staff-Capt. l\forris, w ho was present ±ur Jfay ' . . . . .. ' ' . " ...··. ·. 9 00 ll 10 00 :Sch ool are arran ging for a ·,grand Christ who wants the STATESMAN must pay the TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE. p rice in cash. Also cash paid for hideG the pu rpose of commissioning ser geants, m as Tree En ter ~ai n ment. An excellent and slieepskin s. taking command. Capt. Mor ris ' son, < l lit- P ublieher for it. T o the Electors of t he '[own of Bow 1 nanvillt: gram is bei ng prepared, further pai::tic'[ll'O Addressed'envelopes and blanks will be 'l'he Scribner's M aga:t.ine is likely to be tle lad of about ten years, charmed all LADrns AN D GEN'l'L E M EN.- H n v i ng a ct ed &9 .u lars of whi ch will be a nnounced m bills. Councillor tor the Nortl1Ward at your Munioi · a success i n England, as well as her e, is present by his 8ingiug and skillful playir\g sent out in n ext week' s STA'.l:ESMAN. Also pal Council for the pnat nine years. I respect· The D . 0 . & P . Co 's Band are arrang - abundantly proved by t he fact t h at F red - on t he cornet. T owards the closl1 of the our big clubbing offer. D on't 0rder a newsfolly oiler my service3 as Depnty H effH l for ing for n gnm d Concert b be given in the erick Warne & Co. , of London, wh o aro m eetin g the following members of the Arthe year 1887. I am not the nominee of eiLher politiclll partY. but if elected will discha.rge 'Town R a ll, on the 10th mat . A program to act as the agents for the sale of the mag- my were called to t.h e front and C(>tnmi~- papers or magazine till you see our terms. Y oung M en , Bachelors a nd t.he duties impartially in the interests of the of melody, wit, and m irth is b eing p rep ar- f1 zint: in GrMt J.h itain, havo bound out- sioned as sergeants of Bowman ville cor ps · Your choice of over 3,000 Canadian and 50 3w T H OMA.fl BUH DEN. Town. Widow er s , ,c d, and a pleasant 1.vcning m1J.y b ti 8 X !J CCt - right 20,000 copies of the new magazine. for the yenr 1887:. W , Hn tchison, G . D . American Newspaper s a nd Magazines at ed . ll'ull pur t iculars in bills and · p roFletcher, Thoe. Barret t, J . R endl:tr, ' V. JAMES' Sull~CIUP'.rION AGENCY, B owma.n, s R ev. G . ,V. Wallace, 13. D. , of George- ~~is h foy, W. W orden, B . J olliffe , J . K. .ll For & check for $ 20 we w ill pnnt a ten-line :gr~~; Chi~m R all of Mesers. Murdoch . tqwn, will pr each in St . P a ul's churchnext Galbraith, W. P inch ; Me11damea Gilbert , VI e. adver~iscment in One Millie!' iesuee of lca.ilit\g 11 1 Sabbath m orning and evening. R ev. M r. Ayr c9, S co tt, Hutchison, Eastwood, and b The Church-st. Methodist Prnying B aod Will g·ave a Half Dozen Arn.,r 1can Newapape:rs. Tins is at tbe rat.6 o ! Bros., is ell wort h y of a viait Y a a- vV;ilh ce was conductor of 1ihe " one-1'1 1 th of ,. eent a 1'110. for l,QOOCi: "3Ul· 'd ies nf · is- v icinity. T her e are to be Abroarl i n 1886 "- th e µarty of Cauadfons, Miss L ot.tie H oney. Mr. Mark A yr·es wa,:s were upset a gain11t a wire fence when r e- Silver Plated Tea S poomii a.tLon! '.f l?e a.d~ertisem ent will bt1 J>la.ced oo!oz.e " t i end less v~1·1 "ety of the be:st appointed Secretary. Each of the new turning from Tyrone last Thursday night One ti 1ll1on d (ff·-rMtt neWM!>t\]>er irnrcil:usorfo'lnd there · " ~ including t he Misses Hagarty, Miss Dick· mad e officer11 testified to the aa···ing power b · with every Wedding Rio~· or ] ' IVE MILLIOM R ll:ADll:ll il' Ten lines will~· quality of china, glasswar$, crookMy, an.d inson and Mrs. J . Barne1, of Toronto, ·of 1 i.:owmodat.. a.bout 75 words. .Addrff!s w1~h Chriet 1 md of their de1ire to prus onY t ieir horse bliao1J;1ing frightened and fancy good11, which we ve nture to aa&el'~ 111 Miss M. 1il,. Stuart, of N apienilla, Miu ward and their will iugn011a to work at all leaving the r o& oopy of .A.d..-. and cl1eck, or .sand fiO oon ~ .ror d bed. Besid es eeriolUI be sells during· h iliCleariaag .Book of lW PQQ'0!1 . GEO. P. RO>VELL & CO.. not surpt.ssed hy mii.ny of t he li.rgll en y Thomas, Bow!)lanville, Mr. McPherson, ~Q lQ ilF il!J-OJ!l ST., N:aw Y o.llK, time11 fo11 Him . r~nb in theiJI clqthes, little harm resulted. Out §ale. atol'0t1. of London and the :&ditor of thll S:r.u u'K li\li~C>V~ &;..\ ·CZlil'.0:.-C:lio.-u:a· Cola.· D~u'i gxd.oJ."a'pi.per Oil magMiu11 t.ill yoa WOIUllil ..a- 4.ed:r·}' ek,UllRA. b,111 !iIA?J i n t,hQi.: jo1u·1i:e7i.iip iia. ~~ Old. ·"'1Jtwl·ll ..K ( J.o"I0"4 JllS!:p lil~W lllUI\. ltr0(9td'i Wuilijl l"ew(le~& '-"~ Wu..., W ~.Ji~~' · cww:.t w -.,.~c;.'.q:\d ~ ~. ~ -~ Q~ iil·li dw. MW weak. ' ..Utl ...... ML-,-.;11111. ~ .,-~. -NOTI CE. Wedding Presents and Xmas Goods. l B NEW FRUITS STOTT & JURY, FOR I . Local and Otherwise. I -·TM I · -· ·---------. R F Darlington ·raxes. N Notice of Sale of Road. N Reevesh ip. TO ARRY T0 ADVERTISERS. ,.