McDOUGALL &METCALF, are offering Coal as follows : HEALTH. CATARRH. Stove and ,.................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, ...... ....................... 6.00 Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run over one month. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS , POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGAL.L & r\ilETCALF. ---·· -- - -- - -- - C REAT ClEAR~NC --C>F-- SALE ~.DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING I \Ve beg to notify the public that we will begin a Great Clearing sale of Dry Goods and Clothing, on MONDAY, OCTOBER, 4th. During the time of sale, between the 4th of October and the the 31st of December, we will ofter goods at i:.uch prices as will make it easy for the people to decide who sells the cheapest Dry Goods and Clothing in town. The RE u PRICES of every article will be marked on large tickets, to show the extent of the l'eductions. \.Ve are crowd ed with new l>tocl~ from cellar to garret. We mean business, therefor parties asking us for bargains will not be disappointed. ELLIS02'T & N. B.--Some Job Lines will be offered at half price. Ex bargains in Ready-made Clothing. Bowmanviile, October 1, 1886. co_ 40-3m. RIGHT TO THE FRONT. . vre place our elegant n ew goods, complete in assortment, · splendid in quality and overflowing with generous bargains in ~ BOOTS AND SHOES Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks and Valises before you at prices that must iead to a speedy sale. The Latest, Newest and Best Fall and Winter Styles at the Lowest Prices consistent with Good Quality. Try our best FRENCH POL~SH AND BLACKl: NG, none better made. John Hellyar's Boot and Shoe Emporium. are still ahead of all imitations. AGENT FOR- CATARI<a:.-A new treo.tment has been dis· The Siok Room. uo vered whereby a permanent cure ot this lt is no part ot my mtention to enter into ll.itberto incurable disease, is absolutely atfect· any discussion of the question as to who ed in from one to three applications. no matter should undertake the care of the sick. whether standing one year or forty years. · r his remedy is only applied once in twelve days, There are none of us who, if we look at t h e ~nd does not interfere with business, Descripquestion candidly, will disagree with Dr. tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by ·weir Mitchell when he points out how un- ' · B. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West wise and inJ·urious a thing it is to have the °f)ronto, Canada.. WHAT IS CaTARBHl care of a chronic invalid devo!Ye exclusively Catarrh is a dangerous disf'aso which thons· on members of the household. But there a.uds are consciously or unconsciously sufferinFI' are many maladies not serious enough in trom. It ia a muco·purulent discharge caused · th · b · · l d d by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the t h eir nature to warrant · mr emg me u e lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he preclispo~ · in a discus~ion of this kind. Maladies ing cause~ are a morbid State of the blooct, tbe you can find the largest stock in above lines in this county. which, while they m f·Y be of short duration, blighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ polAon yet invoh'e a good deal of tact and car e in of syrhilis, mercury, toxomce, from the retention or the effete matter of the skin, suppressed their management. p<>rapirations, badly ventilaced sleeping a.part· I have only a few and very simple sugges- ments and the germination of ot,her poisons in tions to make on tbis subject; so simple ap· · .he blood. Irriiatcd by these, tho lining mem· 1 · brane of the nose ls evei· ready for tbe recep. paren tlY tha t the womler nH·Y Je m m any tion of 1 .he parasi1.e, which rapid ly s prea ds .up minds why I m ake them at Rll, and yet for r.he nost rils and down the fauces, or buck of all that they are the very t hings which I 'be throat, causin1' ulceration of the throai: up have seen neglect ed again arnl tlgain. I do ·he eusti>cnian tubes, cn,nsini,: deofu"""' bu;... ncit speak unadvisedly. It has been my Jot rowin~ in the vocal cords, cau:;ing hoarseness; 'l.Snrprng the proper strnctnre of the bronchial to have a larger experience in the care of tubes ending in pulmonary consumption anct the sick than falls to t h e lot of most women, '1er:th. and I have seeu this Jack of k nowledge in Many ingeniousspeiflcs for for t.lH~ cnr·? oi . j f . 1 .'O.tarrh baVO lw <.·ID invented, but vntbottt BUCd . · d" l I1ttle t hmgs tsp aye even JY pro ess10na Cl>SS, until a pbysiclan of long ".La.rHling rlisco·· nurses. ered th" exact natllre of th d1se11ee and the ' '-' Just. h ere I beg to say that I mea.n t o ouly appl~ance which willporrna11Cntly tleHtroy nu1ke no criticism of trained nurses, a corps th·~ pari:t:;11.e, no mat.Le.r bow a·<f!rtt.v< ited the ' .,, ' · of women to whom I think too much h onor ior ease. Suff"rers should sen<l stamp at once descnpflye p<1,1npblet on catarrh. to f.he · J can lmnlly be rendered, n.nd were it left to h~siness managers. A, H. Dixon & Son, 305 me, for cYcry illness of 0Ye1 · a. week's dnra . Krn g bLrbet, west, Toronto, Canrtd<> . ' ' · tion I should ahrny s call in a tminerl nurse.. ~~;~~;..t~!tf;:'L!/,J/;:,,,sici:.:;:,~~~;!/,~1·b':e ~1.fe~r.~: So come along, fri ends, and bring your cash and you will ]3t1t as one star diITerethfrom another, so do di·t Church of Canada, has to say in r eyarrl d · l '] b · All 1 · d 1" 1 11urscs, and there is a further di3tinction To A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatment fo,. ec1c eu Y get a arga1n. un s uf £ ur a tered a.nd repairec1, ~.:.1l n.lso to be made b etween the trained nurse (',atarrh, and the w om an who goes out to nurse. Oakltins._ Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 ~~ A_ At a.ny rate ' since it is not possible for llfe.881'8, A, H. D ixo1i & Son: . t h d The Pract1"cal Fu r l'l·er . l.JEAH Sms,-Y ours of the 13th rnst. o an · many people to have any nurse at all, n o (t, seemed almost too good to bo t rue that I am one will be any the worse for following a curect of Cat.arrh, bur. l know that I am . I -====~ few directions have had no return of the diomtae, and never There arc fe.iv more grateful t hings for a le~t better in my life . I h1t.VC tried BO many . ·· . . . thmgs for Catarrh, suffered hO much and for mv1tl1d t lum cracked ice ; few more effic>t- 1~o many years that it is b.o.rd to realize that cious things in cases of certain troubles:ef (am really better. . the stomach or in attacks of nausea. Yon r consider t·nat mine was a ."or.Y bad _ case; it · 1 . I d. . t· l · h I 1 , waa aggravated and chrome. 1nvclvrng the 1""' e throat s~rnp e as a1c t 1C nee .10ns w 110. 115 well . as the n risal passages. and I given below for preparmg tins ic ·, they thought it would re!J (tire the three ~tr eatments, have found their way into very few formu - but I feel fully curreii hy the tw_o sent me. and Jntcd rules for the sick r oom. I have never I am thankful that I was ever mdueed to send 10 · · ti l- f 01· musmg? ·· you.are at liberty to use this let ter statmg . _1e t ext ]joo,s a:ncl You seen t h cm Ill I know that lll some of the best tl'll.mlllg thut I have beEn cured at two treatments. and schools they are not known or have not been Cshall gladly recommend your rem edy to some known till h~ t ely who aremany sufferers. . · Old-fashi oned sout hern . of my fnends Yours, with thanks. WOBLD~ people never had to poun d or hammer then· REV. E, B. STEVENSON. ice. They used v er y simple implements-a And hundreds of oihers When buying Coal Oil ask your dealel' for the New Oils, long st rong c<1.r pet needle and a thimble. With the aid of the needle and by following the grnin of the ice (the thimble merely prot ecting and giving strength to the finger), small pieces of ice could be rnpiclly and noise· Jessly shaved off. Nothing could be more Try it once, you will use no other. convenient, and, moreover, the fact that the operation is noi selos~ u,ncl ra,pid makes it one of great importance. Cracked ice can in I\'IctJOl-'1-' BROS. & t)O'Y, 'll.'oronto this wa,y be had at any h our of the night or day. A lump of it six inches iu every dimension can lie kept in a sick room for twelve h ours or more by simply wrapping it tightly in a piece of flannel or t1n old bl anket. The ice, however, should first be ""-"' w11shed, so as to be ready for instant use. A I ·""~ cle>tn pieco of linen should then b e put over it to keep ofI the lint of the tlannel. Then wmppingitall closely and thi<.:kly in flannel, put it in;; china bowl. Somewhere net1rthe -:BY-window is best, of course, but almost any. The above Mills~ are now in full running order, and are where in the room, unless close to the fire, turning out the best quality of Roller Flour. a piece of ice six inches squ aro and thick ,.-1 am fullyt1rep11red to attendFuneralson will keep for twelve hours. It is always the shortest notice, at the lowest posai hle rates well to htwe two pieces of flannel on hand, '.)a.qkets and Burial Cases ready on short notice so that one can be thoroughly dried while irst-claes hearse on very moderate terms the other is in use. This keeps the ice bet- Shrouds and Coffins Oil hanil. F·rn i'al cards supplied at onoe. Furniture Shop&; ter, and prevents their being any of those how Hoorus-Bounsall'~New Block · I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will keep both Stone a.n<l clamp smells or exhalations t hat always arise from wet wool. Roller :Flour in both Mi Li, for sale or exchange. Now in 1·egard to keeping t his cracked K~Y TO .:H~LTH~ ice by the bedside ancl within re<tch of OUR DRANns A R.E the pa.ticnt. N over, in the first place, leaYe the spoon with which your patient is to eat the ice, inside the vessel holding the ice. The metal Mting as conductor, the ice melts with astonishing rapidity. Lay the spoon in a saucer, or, if n ecessary, across the top of the tumbler or cup. Then :i.s rer,ards the Yessel t o hold the prepared ice. Never put it into an open mouthed, nor in a.n uncover 'Unlocks e.11 the clogged avenues of the ed silver vessel. It melts too mpidly. Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carryThere are to be found in some old.fashirmed ing off gradua.lly without w~ening the .Ask your grocer for above brands or call at the Mill and get t hem. country houses ceria,in sorts of drinking cups system, nil the impurities and foul Every bag guaranteed first-class and full weight· meant to stand on the night table, on the humors of the secr etions; a.t the same outside of which wool is tightly compressed. hlme · Correcting Acidity of the Chop ground in either Mill any day of the week .-~ This keeps the water cool. But I lmve Stomach, em:ing Biliousness, Dys~ ~Farmers Gristing especially solicited. neTer seen but one or two of these, lmd they pepsia., Headaches, Dizziness, are difficult to find. A subst itute, though I am prepared to pay the highest price in Cash for Wh~· at delivered Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness n ot a beautiful one, I allow, but very useful of the Skin, J)ropsy, Di.nmess of at either Mill; also for Barley and other coarse grain s delivered at in "' sick room, is an ordinary piece of white Vision, .Jaundice, Salt Rhe11m, Darlington Harbor. Positive1y no credit at either Mill. flannel, fitted and sewed to the ou tsidc of a ::Wryaipelas, Scrofula, Flutteri.L6 vf glass tumbler, thereby preventing the melt· thlil Heart, Norvousness, and Gen{3:3m Bowmanville, October ing of the ice. I am indebted to a very era,! Ilebility ; 1111 these and many dear old lady for this simple idea., one which other similar Compla.infa.1 yield to the I think she originated herself. At any mte hanpy influence of BURDOCK I know nothing more sellsible. If one's eye BLOOD BITTERS. is offended by the flannel cover, it would be possible to put the whole inside of still anI<. Bm.m;1L'I & CO.. T'to:-irl~wrn. Toront.o. other vessel of some material which would not act as a conductor. Something made out of woml I should think: was the best. I have space to mention but one more subject- another simple but oft-disregarded fol' everything in thing. It frequently happens that young babes han to be fed entirely on other milk than t hat of their mother's. M any times nurses, and monthly nurses at that, think they have done all that is ne<.:essary when they have put the pitcher containing the milk into some cool place. Oftener t han not it is either jus1i outside of the window or else on one of the sashes. Now, we all know that milk is a tremendous absorbent, and Their China Hall contains tl.e Largest Assortment of yet in nine cases out of ten the nurse leaves it uncovered. There is nothing more simple nor more efficacious than ph1cing a wet p iece of linen OTer the milk vessel, the w et cloth preventing the passage of any vttpors. This is often the only way to prevent milk souring in smnmer. I have seen milk kept perfect 'to be found in the district. in this w11y, when next it, without these preoautions, the same sort of milk became bad. Milk >trranged in this way can with perfect impunity stay all night by the bedsideofanyonewho necdsitearly in the morn· ing and y et who hesiLtLtes to call any one to get it when pnt further away. At the leading establishment of lv.C_ lY.C A YEF«., the Practical Furrier, Ill Jackets-Dolmanettes, Capes) Caps and Muffs in great variety. FOR GENTS: FOR I~ADIES: .A_ large stock of Fur Coats in R ussi·an Lamb, Bokarian and Coon in all prices Sle1·gh Robes by the dozen and Caps of all descript ions In Gents Furnishings-the best stock of Underwear Ties Braces Shirts and Rubber Coats M:: Y- E R:i I Far me r s' Threshers and lYI ii l 1n e n.. .,Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated . ~LAJE~DI MACHINE T HE BEST TN o~ T£IE l. Coal Oil. I N . u ~BOWMAN VILLE ~ LEV I M QR RI S · ' · TYRONE MILLS .. THE "ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. "VICTORIA," Choice Roller Flour. "GLENCOE," XXX Bakers' Roller Flour. "EXCELSIOR," Choice Stone Flour. J. C. VANSTONE.. · - G O TO- Mur1locl1 ·Bros. STAPLE AND FANCY l (CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS & GLASSWiiiE) HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. BUTTON'S RACJO:L. HAMU, TON. JS, StaJJ.dards. STREET, BOWMANVILLE. The truest and fullest con ception of right and duty ' vhich a man ca.nJorm must he his 1 Parents and teachers would do well to re· lilli7"EM'll"'r&lilmlil-aliilll!l-lllllliit· 1·:LiUl!l!A mlll91----·-· standard for t o-cctty ; if he is living a true -SOLD BYm ember tha t per manent deafness has been \ and no3le life, incr easing intelligence, wis- . caused Ly such 1~ homely reproof as a box j' dom, and love will combine to form a still 1 higher ancl better conception for to-mouow. ' on the ear. · - - - -·- - - { We cannot always dwell in o.n imaginative A.T 'fHE PARLOR BOOT & SHOE state, be it ever so pnre and goocl nor would STORE :NEADS' BLOCK, i~ be desirable. \York of hand ~ud h ead where ate n ow' ready for inspe-:ition comn ghtly absorbs much of our tlme and . w· F G thoughts. yet all duty will be better per- plete lmes of Fall_an~ mter .elt oodeformed for the refreshiu" a ir and wide out- Rubbers-Canadian . and A~enran-Overl look gained Ly frequent~y dwelling on the shoes In Latest style.s. Mens and Boys heights- that is, by gaining and clierishing Coarse .Shoes, L~d1es' Fme Boots and clear conceptions of the right, the good, the everythrng found ma first class Boob and ti·ue, and the be11utiful, and bringing all Shoe store. . force to bear upon thefr still further eleva Ordered Work a Specialty. Our Galvanized Iron EaYes ·troughing, in si feet lengths, 18 tion. U napproached for · the best and cheapest to be ound. Try it, Tone and Quality. :Bachelor friend (to newl y married man)" Mother," said a, little girl to h er parAll ordered work g1mranteed. " ·why this dejection, dear boy? Have you cnt, who takes a great interest in charitable CATALOGUES FREE~ suffered a disappointment?" "Yes, IB'f wife institutions, " I wis~ I were an orphan !" Newspaper A d vertising Bureau, can't sing." "Why, that should not distress " Wly so, my dear ? "Because I should 10 Spruce St., New Y o rk. you ; I think you are to be congratulated." 1 see more of you ; for yon are al w<0ys going Seind lOcts. tor 100-Pa~e Pamphlet. to the orphan asylum. " 1 BOWMANVILLE. " Ah, but sl1e thinks she can." 3D-3m. beyond question, the bes& SHOE DRESSING KING for ladies' use ever made. Try it I VJCTORI A BUILDINGS, JENN IN GS "BELL" ADVERTISERS c EVERY STOVE C~Je~RANTEED . ~,ORGANS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in An1erican papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., L. G. QUICK. BELL &CO. Guelpb, Ont.