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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1887, p. 2

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I n Eart.h, in Air, 1 do n ot rneau t win Lays, two little On JJand, on Sen, brothers so nearly alike that friends can W her e ILxe<.h tars be, hardly tell t hem ii part, but two v ery differ· Or plnncts shine ; ent boys in one l it tle body. You never Wide as His own eterni ty, Ile rci~us wh01n saint;::; adore, h eard of sud1 a t hing and do n ot see how .h~terna l Cod for E!verm.ore, The above Mills~ ar e now in full running order, and are t hat can be. The Pur e, the Holy, t he Divin e. ·r E R ll.4 13 : AnvISE TO MOTHERS.- Are y ou clis · Let me see. If I were to take a h andfu l turning out the best quality of Holler Flour. The Spheres, that in t heir oouroe 11. 50 '1,l era nnuw, or $1.00if 1 rnidln atl v a.11t·· t m b ed at night and b rok en of yo ur r est of almond n uts :md sit down t o crack t hem, Obedient to His will a by sick child s u ffering ancl crying with with you all st anding about m e, by-and-by Holl on for-erermore; fl&f ment strictly In a dv anne required !ror· The Mighty Laws of for ce, aubllcnbe1·s out& 1cte of t·he co" !lty. Or dera t . pai n of Cutt ing Teeth ? If so send a t you would see two little kernels .ying in Th;\t nmgnify Ilis skill ; lllaoon tinue th e paper m us t b e accompanied b~ once and ue t a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's one nut-shell. \Vheu I was a little girl I '.l'~n<:h in theil' T reasm·c-store he ~mount due ,or the pa per wl Hnot b es topped. ,., used to call such uuts philopcnas. Do you? Hath Uod \,;thin ; He reigns · bsct·lbers responsible un i.i lfullpaymen t is Soothin g Syrup . " F or children teethin~" \V ell, just ,.s t h ose two little ker nels lie Where harmo11y obtains. I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will k eep both Stone anci Ql.lld..,. its v alue is incalculable. It will relievt:l snugly together in oue n ut, which looks cxThe ohildren of His gnee, Roller Flour in both Mills, for sale or exchange. RA.'l'ES OF A.DVt : RTIMtNG: ~"' t he poor little suffer e r immedia tely. D e- actly t he same as other nuts on the outside, Wllo joy to do His will ; "\.Vho, everywhere cat ·race Wbcle Column ono year .... .. . ..... . $GOoO~ ~ ~ pend upon i t, m oth er s ; ther e is n o so do two little spirits lie inside of your OUR BRANDS A R .E His handy-work and Skill; " " Halt year ... ... , . .. . · 36 00 · 1i;j '" m ista k e about it. It cure s Dyeentery little bodies, m aking you doulJle b oys. Jn JT im w h ~re'cr tlw\- dwell .. " On e quar t er .. ... . , .. 20 00 l!! ~ and D iarrhrea, reg ulat es t he Stomach a nd Now if you look at some of the ph ilopena F ind fehowship con11)Jete, ' fllllllf Column one yeM' ...... ......... 36 00 - -·-. Jn unJson, t hei r pr a.ises swell, Bowels, cures Wind Colic, soften s t h e nuts y ou will ~ee tlrnt th e two kernels are j Half year ... .... .... . .. 20 00 .. 'fh eiL· Heavenly puls~ beat. .. One quarter . ... .·.·.·. 12 50 G u m s, red uces Inflammation, a nd gives pressed <tnd crowded out of shape; oae will Q;1:1.t11rter Colutr.n one ye1J.r .. ... ...... 20 00 t o::ie a n d e n erg'Y t o the whole sydtern. often be much large1"than t he other, but Halfyear ...... .. . .. 12 50.. " 0 ue qu arter...... . . 8 00-- 5 " Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing S yrup" for neith er will be of the smooth, oval shape A. Ourious Phenomenon. t ha t belonas to "lmou d nuts. This is be 4(:ii;; !nes?J.n dund er,tlrs tinser tlon ·. ~ 0 5~ child r en teething is p leas;int to t he t aste cause tb oy 0 are crowded two in one shell The followin g acc~unt of a recent sf,ran~e Each subsequent insert io u .. .... O 25 and is t he prescription of on e of t h e old- that was me11.nt to be the house for but one 1 occurrence was published a few days 1 0.g o m rc~m six t o t en lines, fir st inn..rtior. 0 7t " ess ~f f~aoh 11ubsequent inser t iou ...... 0 35 - 10 est a n d best fem ale p h y sicians and n nrsea nut . T he shell is only just htL"ge enough J the Scieuti,fi.c AmeriC£tn. The correcti1 QIV&r :enlines,flr stinser tion ,11 rline 0 10-:--- < in t he U nited States , and is for sale by for one ·rnd if there a re two yon see they t h e staternentH are vouched for by Mr. W a,r · Kach subsequent insertion " 0 Ui: all d r uggists th r ou µh the wor ld. P rice must p~1 ~h and p ress a nd cro,~d e ach other. ner Cowgill, Am erican Consul a t n·farn<:aibo, Ask your grocer for above brand s or call at the Mill and get them. ~'h" num ber of Ilne~ to be ·'~ckoned bl 25 c ent s a bottle . Be sure and a.ak for So each li ttlc boy was mc,int for one deat· Ven ezu e ltt. He says : Every bag guaranteed first-class and full weight· be i;pace occupied, mea.a1 1reo by a scale o "Mus. W rNSLow's SooTHING SYHUP. " little boy, and if t wo boys try to live in it, j "Dnr~ng the night of the 2ith of Odober Olid Nonpareil. Chop ground in eit her Mill a ny d ay of the week. --~ dou't you see thev crowd a,nd presR each fast~ wlncl~ wo.s rmny and teml:lestl·<JUS, a an d take no ot her k in d, ~~·~~~~-~~~~.-.~-fl"!'.l~Farmers Gristing especia lly solicited. ~lll'\lll!A~~~-~· oth er so that neither is of a right and per: family of n111e per·sons , sleep111g 111 a. !mt a nus. l'llcLA.UGJIUN ·t Rlll 'l'D, I few leagu es from Maracaibo, were aw:o.kened feet shape? I am prepared t o pay the highest price in Cash for Whea.t delivered O!!"FICF.: :- Monns' Eiunr , BOWlll.ANVILLE. d Ll I by a loud hmrnnina noise aud a vivid, daz' Shall I tell you of som:e of these _on , e : zfing light, which brilliantly illu1ui1Mted at either Mill ; also for Barley an d other coarse grains delivered at Dr.J. ~V.Mc LAUOHLIN, Dr · .1\ , BEirn, Graduf ti l ·· boys amona you? H ere 1s Harry. He IMS 1 tl · t · lice nt iate of tho ,R9Yttl ate uf the '.l'oronto . "' l . b Ji,·ina m h im wit h 1 ie m enor o ie 1ouse. Darling ton Harbor . P ositively no credit at either Mill. College of Phys1c1ane a very sunny, iappy oy o , I '.J~he occu pants, compl etely terror sti 1 eken, a nd member of tile U n 1" ereity, 1:'hysrn1an s nch a cross fretful d ouble. Some days t he d b r th I t t i t ti e encl ltoyal College of Sur · Surguon, &c. Bowmanville, October 13:3m !1apl?y b~y looks cu? tlu·o~gh_ his eyes, talks ~f thee~~:.~~t1~adsco~~ ~~i;e; th:i~sel ~es 011 ~eo11d, E dinburgh,. 111 his ' 'Otce, and smgs ~n !us laugh; the n th eir knees and com:Ucncccl to pray, but -· J whatever mamma ask· hnn to do 0 1· sa,ys he . . · l' · l · n.R. ,], (), !IU'HJ1a.1J:J,L , · ' cut tiie p l casau test thell' clevot10ns .were almost may not do t h ere rrnrrs , · · 1mmcc mi" 1 ' yt m!\ffl:CMBlm OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICJ.A.NS " All .- 1 t ',, I t hinl t h at is. tho happy 1t~1Tuptcd _ by vm,ent vonntm gs, auc ·;« en&.~'.!. anc1 Surgeons, Ontario, Ooroner, eto. 1 b0 , ng · Oth ,. <la 8 nothin" is all s1ve ~wellmgs (OJ~meu~ed to :i-npea:r m the 0.tHco and Heei.dtince, Enni·killen, H. ---·--- __ ATl';l !; N't I .. ~1~ bia~nf' lirothcr; pla.y- u pper par t of t hen' bodies, t l11s bewr( J!<Ll ·- - - - ·----· u l 11g es~ous, rnr ' · ' t icularly noticeable about the face au./ lips. D.R. 1'.AMB L l'N, Dr. E . c. "Vest's ~erveann Brn~n ~'re.atT_Uent, m:ttes, play, even ~lear rnttmrna her self, a~e I It is to he uoted thnt t he hrillittnl. light 1 )HYSlCl.aN, 8UhGEON 1u1d .A.CCOl;JCHEUR. a g:uar antoecl spec1Jlo for Hyatena; Drnzmesa, £ I eaL tll wroiw. That is been.use Master Ftct is t . db t' As nsual our n ew Office :-SiJ" er i:it.rec.L, llowmunville. 7 Convulsions, Fits. Nervous, Jlleuralgia, Head· t i b ' ,'" t d r 11 est bo on those days, was no aecom11ao1e ya Rensa. ion u1 1 · a cbe, "Ner vous Prostr·1twn,o ausecl by tbe u se ml 1gges anAllst Ro. gl t . Y l 1 ·1 althouo-h there was a smoky 1tppeara11c.:c arnl l\'. l!i, 0.Jlllll ii;'.14H i . L , L . U. rnppy 1g l L S crowr. ec .c osc a ecul itLr unell. of alc·o~ ol or tobacco, W akefu~nesa , l\~ent!!-1 anc . 1 stock of t . ti , lr t d snbl.lanistu , Solicitor, Con veyuncer, &c. Money Depression, Softenmg of the bram resultmg m agamst t he wall anll the sun slnne lS all . P'l'I insa.nity and leading to m isery deoay and death ueezecl out of him. i . JC nex. mornmg ie s_ \ \ e rngs '" to loan. Otuce, nu:t. door u, .Ntws ()j]ice, BowCANAD IA:.N, PremutureOld Age, Barrenness.Loss of P ower 8 q · . !nded, leavrng upon t he face and boll.Y large .tna.nville. - - - -3!).tf -- in either sex, Involuntary Los~es and Sperm!l-t- .Frauk has two boys also. One is a loucl b lack blotches. No special pain m1.s felt EN GI... I S H "· R lJJUU.; Slltn ·soN , orrhoea caused by.over-exertion, of the Bram , boy that stamps and shouts, baiigs and slan~s until the ninth day when t he skin peeled '& or over-mdul gez,ce. Each box con- · th0 l1 11 t i doo " His ' ' 1· cl ll.J! &RH18'rJHt, 80J,IOl'.l'(>n , &c., .MOPR!S self·abuse 8 COTCH tains one month's trea twef!t. $1.00 .a b ox, or six m ·· ouse. as :ve as ou, ~ . r~. ?ff, a:1d these blotches were tranHorme Jf.JJ BLOCK, up stuirs, K ink St reet, Bo"'l'mau boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt mate is a qmet h ttle g~ntle:naa who remem I mto virulent raw sores . AMERIO.AN t;IUe, S olicitor for t he On tario Bank of price, hers th<Lt too much nmse .d1stnrhs t he bu sy T h e hair of the head fell off upon (he iacle l"Nvn.te ltl1>nevs loaned aL the lowest rates. ' WC Gu a 1·an1ce Six Boxes or sick or nervo.u? peopl~ m t .he house. , , . which happ ened to be u nderneath :wt.en the - -·-------------'l'o cure a ny caao. With each ord er received On e of Robbie s b?ys is deaf and doesu t phenomenon occurred, the same mclo of t h_e .Juh.u. Keltb Ga l braith, ·0 sert\) Ji. U H I 8 '1' E R, SOLlUl'fOH, NO'.l'ARY by us for six boxes. accompanied with $5, we h~ar well w hen he l S c~tlled to lessons or body being, in all nine ca,ses, the mo1 will send the purchase., our written guo.l'antee bidden to do some work or when Pap a sttys, ously injured. D I:'UHLIC, &;c. Otllce-Bounsall's '1:1loc,k to refund the m oney if the treatmen t does not No. .'.J:he other of that doubl e h_ oy answers 1 The remarkable part of t h e occur1 ·?nce is King f:>Lreet, llowma nville . Money to lend, effect a cure. Gua.rantees issued only by J No. so qm cldy, pleasantly, and iiol .1tely_ when tliat ·· ·Ji" liotioe w··s unll · i.i'ur·ed, all doors and Stott & J·ury, Dl'uggists. Bowmanville, l h · v " w ROBERT A ltiUOUR, ----he is spoken to that everybody 11 res t o ave winclows beina closed at the t ime. and other Suitings is f.{!i:GU:! 'l ' R A R , W EST DURHAM ISSUE R him around, No trace of'light uing cou ld afterward be I of Marriage Licenses, .l:la rrlst er and Attor th e largest, mo st .~ I n Ned's body lives the la,ziest fellow, observed in miy part of th e building, and · l:'ler at La w and Solicitor in Ohancery. Mon ey w hoarowls out, "I ean't," "'l'oo much all the sufferer s unite in saying Lhat ther e comp l e t e and most 1 ° Aned 0 11 R ea l E state. Oftlce on King street, · . , t r ouble;' "I don 't feel like i t;" then he was n o detonation, but only the lotul hu md-0wma.nvllle. fa sh i onabl e t o be 1: so ming already mentioned. yawl1s and stretches and says, "I'1 ESTAB LISHED IN 1847. d. T , l'HIL J,ll' S found in Wes±Durham t ired. " Alo11g with him ,lives an. a:::~we, I At10t her curious attendant circumstance ~ lCll:N SED AUU'.rIONEER tor the County cheerful fellow who plays w ith all h ts nught is that t h e trees around t he h ouse showed It has no shareholders to pay divldenda to. and main, and somet imes wh en it is :;tudy no signs of injury, unt il the nint h d ay, when i\..d of Durh om, Sales promptly a.ttended, Address- Hampton P, 0. 59. Managed by and solely In the interests of time sets at lesson s w ith a w ill and is such t hey suddenly withered, almost sirn ult anet he Policy holders. a nice sch olar. I ously with the developm ent of the sores ORN HUG BES. -Licensed Auctioneer, Now is it not a pity to have two such upon the bodies of t he occupants of t he Vnluo.tor and .A.r bitr&tor. Ftre and Ll!e Its Rates al"e [,01v. , nsnrance, Notes and Accounts Collected, clifferent boys in one little borly ? Vv ould house. Mono)' to Lend on reaeona b!e terms, Ao dress Polieles nun furfe ltable an(l llncondltional.. it not be ever so much nicer to have only ' T his is perhaps a mer e coinciden ce, but it We have the goods. To inspect is t o order. Out· prices are right . Cattwrii<hr, Ont. 472 one, and that the better one, growin g into is remarkable that t h e same susceptibility Our styles command admiration. Our origin ality is inexhausti ble. t:asl1 B onus l'ald every ihrce years , WILLIA.HJ"WIGHT. t he fairest and most perfect shape? I am t o electrical effects, w ith t he same lapse of. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. sure you think it would, so I am going to time , should be observed in botli animal and [QENSED AUCTIONEER fo; ·the Joint Life Policies. tell you t h at each of you cm1 help t h e boy ' vcgeta.ble organisms. County of Durham. Orders left at the ltif Call at the cen ti·c or Style, Beauty and Chea1,ness · 5T.t.Tl£SMAN office or forwal'ded to Tyrone P.O, Though a double rish but one premium ls paid you like Lest to grow so fast as to crowd i I visited the suffer ers, who are n ow ~till receive pr ompt attention. 28:Gm t he b ilocl U"IY fellow into such clo:>e quarter, in one of the hospito,ls of t his ci ty ; ancl alfor two veople. .A.mount or policy drswu tha.t he will shrink up and grow smaller and t hough their a,ppeamnce is truly horriMe, nn first death. S. (). H1JNKI!l:G, smttller till t here is almost nothing left of y et it is hoped that in no case will the injur 1CENS ED AUCT ION EER FOR ica prove fatal. " h im h County or Durbam. Sales. attended Special Inducements to Total Abstaine'"' · Don't you know somcti:ncs you ' ll find in 1 __ _ to ans ol'tcst notice andloweatrates. A ddress 1 tf Tile T ailo , · h W' d · an iilmond shell a good, fou", whole n ut and I a~usT ·eE P . Q , 36:tf one t iny , little shrivelled np speck that 1 No Light mt e Ill ow. A.SSET S OYER $ 5,000,ooo. 1 As the train sped along in the n ig ht, with h asn't had anv chance to grow into a philo- 1 GOOD WIF E GUARANTEE D I NCJOiU.lil OVE R $1,000,04!0 pen a? Now " every man who buys his Lioenae from the nut-sl ie11 1 iasn·t any power , drnwsy passengers out . s tretched upon t h e l:KNUY SYLVESTICR . E nniskillen. $100,000.00 deposited with theCa.11adla.nGover11 to- cl>ntrol-who,t is_iuside of it. God makes sca,ts, the condut:tor W<LS obsen ·ed frequently to gr ow in it what he likes, one . two ker- peering uut of the frosty ·window into the weut for benefit of O;.nadia n volicy holders. Pianos Tuned and. Itepaired., n els.; b llt God h as made you d1(Iere11t nnd dai:kness. The night wtts black, and leaves it to you to h elp the inside Loy to u othing 1.:oukl besecn but a sh eetof snow ovel' 1NVES1'EJ> J.N CJA.NAUA., $ 600, 000,00, A RTIE S W I SHIN G i ·n Ern PIA.NuS grow. By thin.king and ta.king a litt le care !;he sh<tdowy landscape, and yet the conTnued oi· repaii·ed oanhaTe Lhom a.t tende HEAD OFFIOE IN CANADA. :-MONTREAL you canlrnsh that loud boy's voice antl step . auctor sh aded his eyes with his two lumds 0 lly leaving word .at th e DOM·NlON OHGAN so t h ey will not annoy others itnd make you and h eld his face-11 wea.r y look ing face it Co'a Ol'~'IO E, Bowma nville A. first-cla.s man For particulars refer t o seem ru de ; you can c.:ure t liat boy's deaf- was, too-close to the window -pan e. !II.OW oeing in their m plo r. ness so he will h ear e\'ery t ime he's spoko_n "Looking to see if your girl is awake for everything iµ . .. , . · "' E.L. LIVINGSTONE, to. T he lazy boy w ill wake u p and stir yet?" inqn ired 1t11 · inquis.itive passenger, ·llto U ol G e n.Ue1ne111 01~ m:<' a s~11 GENEIUL AGENT, h imself if he is only 1mtnagc<l ri ght ; ancl w ith a coarse la.ugh. i1.1n11 , no t s o fiut. POR'I' .HOPE th·~ merry, happy boy can ;j ltst swallow T h e conductor lookec l around a11<l shu dder Or t o agents throughout the county. 48--0s e. Master Fret if he i.s only givenha,lf achauce. ed , as wit h a husky voice he r eplied simply, l b , y e written t h ese f e w lines Is it hard'! \Vell, yes, of course ! But " yes." ,A.nd all I h a veto say_ h ard things are what m<tke men of boys, <Lncl And then the inquisitive passenger be. 'fnat youce.n find me Still >1.t h om e , you all want to b e men , you k now, just as came ga,nulous and familiar. He s:i,t down Iam not gon e a way. soon a,s ever you can. I beside the co11clu ctor and poked him in t he Bo all my k ind old r riendsmay oom6, And a ll t he y oun g ones. t oo, r ibs as he lightly sai<.l : " Ah, I see. Going And get t hel.r g a:rmen ts nicely made_ to get maITicd and quit the road. Going to T heir China Hall contains tte Largest .Assortment of Pum ps Cheaper fl.lld Better I n fashton s t h at a re n ew ; marry a farmer's daughter. "North much?" IThere 'old a nd young , d<'>a1·rr ien da, may mee t Mark Twain and the Conductor. than ever. " She's worth " million to me." A w efoonie 11·<letine .,l1v R. P E ATE A good story _ thttt has not yet be_en printFmthcr re .marks i!~ a similar vain cli_d the The Subscriber having b u ilt a la rge ne'll od i.s tolcl of JVIark 'i'vram by a fnend. It passenger· make, b ut the conductor deigned appcttrs tht>t winter, having to fill ii. n o more replies. S uddenly t he whis tle of .P u m p Fact ory in Orono, ls pre pared lccturi11g engagemen t in a western city, t he I th e locomoti\'C gave a long, low moan, t h e h umorist boarded a tmin that is noted for I conductor stuck his eyes still closer to t he -to furnishto be found in the district. i ts slowness and is always aYoidcd by rcgu- I w indow, seemed to fasten: his gaze upon l ar t ravelers, B ut t he lecturing committee I some object in the darkness, an d then fell EVE~Y h ad wr itten t o t h e h umorist, agreeing to back in h is seat with a cry of despah- upon With or without Porcelain Cylinder, c! m eet bim at t he depot upon t h e arr ival of h is lips. t his fraiu, and so he h a<). no alternative. The passengers g;tth erecl round t o inquire the Best Material, on the shortest notfo, Two h ours traveling, however, served to put the nat ure of the t rouble, w hen the brake and e.t the lowest prices. Mark out of patience. S topping the con· man <ISsisted his ·chief to ris~ and led h im W1Tl!O\lr TllBTEI 'XTH l'E ETB, Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied.. ductor ii,s be passed t hrough t he car, Mark into the baggage mtr. The con ductoi:'s fac ask ed as civ illy as he could : " \Vhy don't was ·1s white a~ the . snow-banks which fr inge you people run t his train faster?" The eel the iron roachrny , and h is eye was a look \. WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. con ductor, ig norant of who his questioner of te11rless grief. Pll.&CTJ()AL DENTIST, KING STR EET, BOWMANV~LLE. w as, r ejoined: " I t rnns fast enough to suit "Poor Sam ! " said t he · b ra k eman, upon ?VER l'WEN'l'Y YEARS EXPERI ENCE. u s. J f you don't like the rate of speed why his r eturn ; "it's 11 bad ni~ht for him. Four lttrous OxideGas A(lminb t ered for Palnles d on 't you get out and walk?" "Well, L weeks bis lit.tic gid h ad been ill. Night Operations. . would," returned Mark, settling back i_n after n ight he was at her bed , but th en she lllC:CJLIJXG'S BWCJK. his seat , "but tlrnt some friends won't got better aud he came back to his tmin. TO GIVE S ATISFACTION. come to meet me until this t niin ttrrives1 He arranged with his wife that if all was and I don't want to be waitin g around t he well with the little one she'd d isplay a lightOrdersP by Mail promptly att ended to. depot for two or three hours." cd lamp right in the win dow of t he sickl room. The boys all knew it, and ever y night we looked for the light >thn ost as eagerly as S;tm himself. He lives by the side DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, A Remarkably Sharp Witness. of t he track back a few m iles- and to-nigh t MOULD INGS, &c. , k ept on hand. Sam Johnsing, hav ing attended ·'1. Hight t h ere W>.1s no light in the window for Sam." school for a few weeks, believes tl1 at he is - Chicago Herald. t he smart est nigger in .Austin. IJe was a ~--· witness in a burg lary case, and croated a A Colossal Lia1 -. sensation by his intelligence. HARNDE'N,L.l'.l.S. , I think lying is older than gambling. The "Do you think you would r e 'cgnize the Graduate otthe Hoyal Collegeo !Dental primonliu.l protopltismal i:rlobule lied, I be- you can find the largest stock in above lines in this courty· bu rglar if you wer e to see him again?" Surguoui:;,.Ont a.r10. lieYe. Iu old Oly mpt1s the god~ lied like " \Vh y , boss, of course I would." OF FIClt: OVER DICKl::lON'S STOUE, "You a1·e sure yon would .identify t he pirates, aml if y on road mythology you 'll tirnl thttt J npit er h"d to l ie t o Juno ne<1rly thief if ~rou were to see him again ?" ~OLD F I LLI NG A SPECIAL And she cau ght him out " I t ell you so,.<tg'in. l'sc not one of desc every night. &te Work exeootec1 in the latest and llwooO VETERINARY SURGEON, fool n iggers wlmt doesn't know nuffin.' I ne<trly ever y t ime. Juno was a rustler. I t mprovodai;yleor the Dental .A.rt. could 'd ent ifv dat man ehcn if I nebbcr seed don't believe lying ever reachetl such ab so'JE ,i:TB E X'fR.A.C'l.'ED WITHOUT PA.IN; him ag'in . . I d on't hab tor see him ug'in to lute pcefection :1S in tt mau who came on the overfand wit h a friend of miae l<ttcly. H e the uso o! Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlthou tin j ury B:onora ry Gr adua te of Ontario Ve terinary 'dentify him:" could not be beaten, on Rny proposit ion. t o the pa.tient.. C olleg e, will a t t end t o a ll diseases Th e.' · g<>t talking about gold mines, and the ! .,rci6ular attention paid to th 6 regula.t!on o r of do rn·e atie a nimals. Califumian thought he knew a good deal Of Course, OHILDREN'S 'l' :E E 'rH. about th:i.t snbjecr.. The stranger was a mine ,_,.ALL WO H.K W ARRA N TlW.--_, "If you had a note to pay to -clay," he owner. said as he sat in au insurance office lookinc' " l"ou should see my Peruvian min es," straigh t '1.t the agent, "anrl you had all th~ said the travele1-. "l'hat's the pfoc<:l wher e A SPEC IA LTY. money bnt $5, would you ask a fri end to they lmvc gold. I've seen specimens~ by lend it t o you, or would you let your note specimens that ran up into the hu ndreds of Ca lls a:nd Or~ers by mail or telegraph go to protest lmd r uin your credit'" th ou sanrls." S. W. RUSE. " Let the note go to protest, of course ! " will receive p rompt atten tion. "\\'ell," sitid the C>tlifornittn , "l luwe was th e prompt reply. EACHER 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, CHARGES MODERATE. myself o, ~r~cimeu of pure virgin gold. " V OICE and 'l'HEORY. Terms on appli· Theu t h e clock tickecl and ticked, ancl the " Uy dear boy , I'Ye a hundr ed specimens So come a1ong, friends, and bring your cash and you wj.ll cation a. · " BIG 20." 28;ly OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. noise of a hail' falling to the floor sounded that hea.t virgin gold." - -- - -- -- -- ----·-·· -- - - · A ftret-clase stock or Medicines always decidedly get a bargain. All k inds of Fur altered an d epair ecl . lik e a crow-bar, and th o man with the note " Say !" said the Californian, " In yonr on hand. The M edicin e H a t, N. vV.T., Times, sta,tes said he gu essed it was going to snow, and tr11vcls did you ever hear of a man narnccl t h at it h as got h old if a sen sational mor sel N. B.-Will visit Willia msburg every t he en tmnce of v. couple of visitors mercifnJ . B"rou M uncirnuscn ?" .of news, but it declines t o p ublish it. Saturday of each week. 16-ly ly p e1 ·mit t ed him to cB capc. " Oh yes. He owns the next d<dm to me." The Practcal Furrier A· CARD. - T o all who arc suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, 18 PUBLISHED ne rvous weakness, early decay, loss of EVERV FRIDAY MORNIN G, manhood, &c., I will s end a r ecipe that -1n will cure yon FRE E OF CHARGJ!l. This great remE.dy was discovered by a missionary in South America.. S e nd a self· A T ·rHE OFEIOli! addressed envelope t o the R Ev. JosErH Po1UUdle1e ll oek ,Kl~~-,B· wmanvllle,O::... · T. INMAN Station D N ew York Oit'lf. 46y THE CANADIAN SrATESMA~ M. A.JAMES, YOUNG FOLKS. Double Boys. We a1·e One in God. A :FRAGMENT. ~BO\l\TMANVILLE· ~ God is a Spirit Ji~verywh ere, :E <.OLLER l\IJ:I LLS ' · 1 'TYRO·NE M I LLS. -.. .. ,, I "ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. "VICTORIA," Choice Roller Flour. "GLENCO E," XXX Bakers' Roller Flour. "EXCELSIOR," Choice Stone Flour. I . I .. EA LTH IS W EALT I~ H · J. C. VANST O NE. -- l I c\. }' 0 D ' · I TWEE D S WORSTEDS ' BRITISH EMP!R E I MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE Co . J W a Never Get left. L Gent's Furnishings a specialty. L JOSEPH JEFFERY, A ·ro or -- GO T O - P .JflUrtlO C ll B r o s. Orono Pump ·Factory· STAPLE .AN'D' ~f.A . I D E N 1' I s ·T F~ Y. I (CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS & Gi:ASSWAj@ HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. P U M PS OF OESGRIPTIOK J.M. BRIMACOMBE, VICTORIA BUILDINGS, ALL WORK GUARAN TEED At the leading establishment of c. It. l,ERG lJSON. -·----- ... ~~ JM:A YEJ:~, the Practical Furrier, · E·~ f · A· JO 11 L11, 1 ENNISKILLEN, FO R LADI E S: I n J ackets-Dolmanettes, Capes, Cips an d Muffs in great v ariety. FOR GENTS: Operations & Dentistry- MUSIC. --·- T A la r ge stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb, Bokarian and Coon, in all prices, Sleigh 3.ob es the dozen, and Caps of all descriptiors. In Gent's Furnishings- the b est s tock of Underwear, Ties , Braces, Shirts and R ubber Ooa1s. JY-C. M: A.-Y-- ER:i

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