;.,, Two English teachers were m conve1sa -----The Remedies of Natme CATARRH - .A new treatment has oeen dis t 1011 and, of com se, they were talkmg of Ras~ia has suggested as a btsrn of nego L · then expeuences m school One w is an co' ered w1:te1eby a pe11nanent cure of this WEDKESDAY, JANUAR\ 26, 1887 Many ye1rs ago an emment English phy 'itions bet"' ccn tue 01gi utoues of tl'c Beil u old man , w ho, besides h wrna served aa hit herto mourable disease is absolutely affec t· sic1an wrote a book entitled "N ctme and to "' f 41 ed rn from one to three appl cet10ns uo :nittter Ar t m th e Cut e of Disease," m winch cLtell tre"ty fut Lhc settlemcut of t he BnlgatJ 1 Illa th ema t ico,1 mo,st CI o,t 1 " n 01 0111rty whetherolandmgoneyou,ror for ty years 1 J11e trnn '\ as call eel t o the u npo t,iut fact that m q 1test10n, 1hat the Bulganan Regents res1g s years, lmd been for another long peuod remedJ is only a pplted on<e m t weh e days the healmg of t h e swk N atu ~e docs the re cl that a new Soh1anJe be elected fot Bulga a maste1 of a gr eat school at Wmclso 1 ']he I and does notmterfr re with busme·s, Descr1p at tive pamphlet sent flee on 1cce1pt of stamp by vro1k, the p 1 1ys1c1an 11ds Ly achwe and re only th it two Zankoffites oe aclm1tte<l mlo otner was a much younge1 man ' thou'"'h "' '\. H Dixon & Sou 305 Kmg s reet West g1me11 a nd I emcdies, but nat ure repa is the the Bulg 1no,n Cabmet, that l:'11necN1chol to tiie b e l cl o f t>l tmpo1 tant mst1tut1011 TJron L o Canada Ho1rnekeeprng r he yon11ger m,1n su d, "I shall r,ot ln e .WHAT IS CA'l'Ailf!ll! lllJ m y or l emoveo the obsraclc, mid r esto t es of lVJ mgi elm be prnposcd to the new Ro bran1e for the Baig cuan rule1sh1p, utcl th t For good hoiisekeeping there are t w o le the s1cl, one t o heal t h No,ture l ernell su,> to be as ok1 as you u,re The boys will kill CAtnrrh is a dange ons disease wb1eh thous an 01 drnary l'ro\ mcrnl Assembly be co 1 8 me before I r each yom we" Rntln areco·1oc10ualyor uncon c10uslysu.ITcnng qmsrtes " absolutely eesenti ·l as mon e)' p!tcs nu mc1ous 1emec h e· win ch ait of rncs " ' " fi om It 11 a muco· purulent clisoharge cn.ustd 1 '[] and without w hich (Ju s end <.:inno t be !W tnnuble worth m the he,1lrng or ch·c,ise o,s voked f m R omneha ie o d man iephetl, It IS the boys uy the presence of ti veg· table parn·ite m !he complished, namely ' knowledg a nd method well as rn t h u preset\ ahon of health lhe \:N~EXUION OF BELGIU~r w ho keep me ,1hve ' lmn..1 m embran e o! the nose lhe piedlSPOM· At first glance, especially to t he young and value of such simples as pm e m sunshme, A Beilm clespntch "ays th , t ' there JS o, One of these teachc1 s euJoyed what woi j t:og c&uHe· are a m or bid state of the blood 0the 11ed and xha t d th tl 1 ului:hted corousole of tubercle the germ poi on mexpen en cecl, i t n1<1y seem tu ·t good house wa ter, heat and cold, exci cfoc, rubbm£,s, rumour t Iiat B Igmm w11 118 e 1 soon f 01m part >f c e 0 Jet· anc any one nr syrlnl!s mercury toxomre from t he reten kceprng is not a difficult matl 1, granted a (ltet, etc , , 9 too often 0 , eilooked The the Germo,n hmpne, 111 wluch confedernt 1011 , ,ho r emembers hio school life c111 gn e 1 1 ion of the effete matter of tho skin supp~essed sufficient allowan ce of money ~tr ength and Scientific .A r,zerzccin h,\s r ecen t ly done its rt will r ank secoml to B Lvat a I t 18 188e 1t pi etty good guess at the ieason I n a per3p1ration s baolyvent1lated sleepmg ap..rt· r e cders a se1vwe b" c, llmg attention t o o, eel that Prmce B isniaick h<ts been w hisper school of a hundi cd boys at least nmety nienos a.nd the ge1nunat1on of other poisons in t une, but m tin s tn ey ar e sa lly nnstcken THE OOMMANDMENTS. , sr bjeCt by an emm,. ,, wo,s1 Cook 1ng " nu a 11 11 l '1 h t t l the blood Iirnated by these the lmmg n1em nllJ, swecP 1 ·g aml d ust seues of papern on tms mg soft t hrn6q mto tho ea1 of t h e Belg1 111 r e usna Y so we r isposec t a my give ~rano of tho n ose rn ever roady for the reccp mg, these are snn pl e enou1:,h !hey exclaim, ent r~nglish phystckc 1, , 8 follows _ krng IIe h 1s told hnn how bis fr ontH rs little w eairnJ t10nble to a f 11thful and m tlon of tlie p ar asne wh10ll r»p1dly spreads up ill ve1 1t t11e to say that 11 l st of Theolog ans of prommence e1e d1$cussrng but I ~· .. ie si i P e ~ " Presumably 1t rn the mtent10n of these \1ould b e protected from 1<1:tmce if an mtci L ell1ge11 t t eacher T he distress 111d exhaus tho nosL n ls and doVln the fauces oi baek of "om done p! O{JCrly b ccause (one l tli e ou ~ .i:malfou n of the Ten Commandments, papers t o convey 11uport 1nt and timely m natwnal t hese ls Sel u witr 8 110 llld t.ke place, and the t10n are caused by t he rem unmg ten some he throat, cauamg ulccmt1on of the th1oa1 up ,,ge Ir'· ti e l 11' tter of an d the Bishop of Cm hsl e suggests that they f ormut 10n t o t he med10al faculty , t hey ' h the eustachmn tubes, causmg d e1tfnoss bn,... ' vlthout kn o'vleu h 0 ~ f k mg i~ supposed to ha' e been n1<ide to se 1t "' om are s t up1d , ot liers c::crc1ess, ot ers o wrng m the, ocal cm ds causmg hoa1seness. stin " f ot exa l t \1 e1 e given to Moses lll the 1ollowmg con f 8 " eepln" 0 'and d·· ~, "'P e, iow few densea foim mmsh ,,t t he sam e fame " hmt to the pa m that hght I n tlie "ay ui wtual mforma meiely 11e1vous md 1estless, and, per h1ps, uaurpmg the proper strncture of the bronclual " '1 do it p10periy 1 he departm 1it of coukmg tiont it lf1rge, \\ brch if he I c wise h e will t10n , t lus mte1estrng statement tppe ns to t.vo 01 t b1ec really denra\ ed tu bes en ding rn p ulmonary consump tion and IS t h e most impor tant a nd mt11cate connect 1 T hoa sna.lt h ave none other God beforn hasten to ,wail himself of Perhaps it 18 depend excl u~1vely upon the f 1ct that I I c Th e a r t 0 f goverurng " l ea th mgemous spe1flcs for for t he cu10 of a ~cl1001 cous1st s c l\!uny eel ~nth good h ouse!tceprng, Y ~ it is n ot th e Me the author's 111tent10 11 t hat h e should, for at German tiams rnnmug through Belgrnm cluefly 111 k nowrng \1ho,t to do w ith the low oat·irh ba'e been mvented but w1thont snc· housewife who, with the kno ,vledge of t h e 2 Thou sh alt n ot rnal,e thee any graven one moment he seems t o chop his , 01ce to a contm11e to be m ma cd by herman guat<ls er ten aud it IS JUSt tha,t part of the art ces0 until a physu 1an of long standmg d1scov 0 gratest nu mber of recipes, 111d access to a 1111 1ge whisper 'Aln le .ccl momshrng the frat ermty maiead of clum:zrno! gu J,rds as at other fi on which 1s least capable of bcmg commumc tt ered the exa.ct nature of th dtsuaee and the ~ ~ ] E b on ll appliance which will permanently destroy lar ge vauet) of matenals, 0 1 · get up with T hou shalt not take the pame of Jeho that they i rnst stop dor. mg and druggmg, 3 tieis ' e( 'cry oy Is a new case, l eqmnng the parasite no matter how aggravated the <lehberat10n an elabornte m e"!, who rs the vah t hy C:rod Ill. varn and at another t ,u, 8 111 st ent onau tones D1 Blo111i~, the Paris conespondent of special "ttidy and peculiar tleatment Yet case Sufferers should send st.,,mp n.t once · 'I hon sh~lt remember the Sabbath day o'er t lwi heads, wanung t he public to the 'lime~ pooi ttvcl) confnms his r ecent i t is the nmcty good boys \1 ho can most 1or desoriphve p1>mphlet on catarrh to the good hou sekeep e1, but 1t is sl e, who on an emergency, sa:1 t he ttnval I unexp ected to 4 kee it hol look to nature rather thau to a i t for re sto,t ement t l1"t R11ssi· ancl Gcr1na1 ' · ·ve rnadrly mfluence the othe1s N ot 101 1g ago husmeso manse eis A fI Dixon & Son, 305 1y 1 '" f fi Km 1~ st1 eet, west forouto Canad~ . · guests, w ith the 01dmary m ws at hand, P Y ) h ef from 11!1 the mmor n1lments to which coneludccl a w d1tect alh u1cc T>r m o" 1tz om Ot ve uf the lower t en we1e engaged What the Rev E B Stevenson,B A a Cler gy such as poultry, eggs, mlll, bu tter, fiom, o 'lhou 8halt honoI thy father and the hum rnrtv rn heu It may, perhaps be adrn says that Ly the terms of t lus iilhance Rus 111 th e mean "port of makmg fun of a poor m an of the London Oonfei ence of the J'lfetho spices :>n d hoi b~, Call propau t sa1 ory alld mot her iippomtment to t hose who ha\ c com e t o leo,n sm bmds hciself to 1 ema,m n eutral m the old woman who lost her mmd many yeaIS d1sl Ohu1 ch of Cnnadn has to sa11 in >egai d mvitrng meal 6 rhon shalt not kill upon t hen medical a(h ise1 hi advice and event of a,\\a! between 1'1,mce md Ger ~go by the sudden loss of he1 children b~fa,~~Dixon& Sons New J. ieatmcntfo r' \\ c a ll know, wh o have hv tl m the cou11 1 I ' h 1th t ] h ] 7 ~hon shalt not commit ad ulter" re Y upon um ,or ea , o t 1111 t at t 1e many, MJrl Germany hmds h~rself to r ernam dhe was a harmlcs·, good cieatme, \\ho Oaklans Ont, Canada March 17, 1883 try, t h at t h e butcher does n t come every ' effo t 0 f f j 1 t l 8 Thon sh,clt not steal cs res au ai e mm e P >ten <Lm en neutral m the event of a wa1 bet " een Hns went about chattermg words without mean Jrlessrs 1 Fl Dixon & '>'on day m the week, nor evei Y n1her day e\ en, ch !Jll0 tha.u a1 t1f1cial stunuli, an 1l exei c1se sm and !\..ustrrn He furth0r s 1 ys ti tt, mg, and these thoughtless, cruel boys were Di.:AH Srns-Yours of the 13th rnst t o hand. ana we have ,ell n oticed that / <tests from the 0 lhou sh 1lt not beax folsewitness mor e to Le deJJcnded on t h tn ]"'lar· 1t .,enu while t ltci e can be 1 0 doubt about thE' exist pullmg h er dress and langhmJ at he1 It seemed almost too good to be true thtt I am cu1ed of Catarrh, but I know that I am I city exp wt more m the coun t' Y t han they do 10 Thon sh alt not co\ et a t1ons of aromte an d l 101!adonna 01 e'en en ce of tlns Impeu al compact, the1e are LWO 0 ne 0f tl ie upper m nety came o,long He have had no return of the disease and never m the t o"' n, bem g n uder t h e 1111prcs>ion, ev1 A 10 0 0 f ti ti f ll £ br ead p ills H e m vel'.,bs a<> mst tho prnc st on es as to the manne1 m 'II h1ch t h e t rl' tty did not h mg ' 10lent nor chd he mdulge tn lelt better m my hfe I have tried eo many dently, t hat even damty d 1 uhes, h ke the ) P Z f ~fs aBe dJr ~ owmg tl e co7 i tice now unho,ppily p~0, alc~t of att ickm " was effected One 18 t lMt 1t was ne11otmted mdignant speech He mc1ely said "Fcl things for Catarrh, suffered so much and for fl u ts grow on the tiees m I we can iea<hly m L'I C men so ie u u s s , recen y pu) j th ' ft t d ' ' o many years that 1t is har<l to reahzo t hat d Ilish ed 111 'l'he B1 ooUyn l!,no/e m a seues of c e cc s, 01 out war signs of a disease rhr ectly by the Cr.at and Ii mperor \'Vil! i m lows, 1t JS mean to t reat tlus old woman so" 80 ' f t t t k' 1 see t b ere me t1 la 1 ;a, es 11ore 1 ,now1e ge .trticles on Bt ddln sm w luch " ' is the only re instead of th e cause, or sc ' '· of t h e ma1a d y through pe1so1ul coircspondence I he I ] hat \\ cs iill, and it W!CS enough '.they de ri::o~~~~:r ~~~tt~nne 'Aas a very bad case it d ' h k to b e a gloo ou se b eeper 11 t1 e com1td 1y I h g10n 1hat condemns ~ntox1cr-i.tron ,ts a cu m e -a practice wlnch some~imes p10ceerls from other rs that Prmee Hismai c!, and M de I sISted, and t he p oo1 woma11 went her way was aggravated a nd chronic, 1mclvmg the than rn tie town w IIere tt 1 · c f arel h an Y I _._he ~ , 1gno1 '11ce thou ] t f l t d t 1 thrnat as well as the nasal passages and I (,ie1s contnved t ho ·llmnce by i ersonal ch~ m peace th c comm tndments of Buclcllu sm 1ue ull " ' g 1 I is o ten ac ip e o a \I\ h en the mncty act 111 th 1t manner tho11ght it would requne the three t1eat ments, stores to run to, or a sor s >f 1 rca 1 meats I ot '" n egative character I'heu , w latron lay the feais of the patient · ~ sv. ellrng Cus8 lon ' but I feel fully cured by the two sent m e and l 1 and m ade np delicacies m w l 1 c 1 tne !arc e1 mus t b e no t on1y a comp1e t e a c t , bu t a 1 suddenly appears on o, n s Ju ce whereat ' 1111 tnoug10ut the ten "ill not kill then teach I am thankful thll.tl was ever rnduced to send so 111 , , 1 fi cre11t It b c h 001 s t h e conn t ry tentrnn '.i. he are may b e re says the autho1, he fiioo rn .,,1a1 m t o his RUSSIA O!POSED !IO J"P.IXCE ~J XANOERH J<E ers, and they themsch es will probably es to i ou hou sewife t hen to stucly '\ a) r u,nd moo,ns not j Y I p hysician I he J.,,tter ·ets hunself chh ru ItN cape ho,ngmg 'lhe worst boy narc not face You a~e at liberty to use this letter st ating only fo1 emergen cies b ut to inakehe1 home 1 Ilion sh 1lt abstam from clesti oymg or gently to work to r emove the 8 vellrn r, ,1nd The Jo111 nrtl cle S t Petersbm g so,y>1 the public opmion of )us school if i t is ex thal I h»ve been cmed at two treatments and ' , l shall gladly recommend your rnmedy to some attrnctn e for h er "h1Jd1e1 herself' and J c,m smg t h e destrnchon of any hvmg tlnn g to tlie JOY of Ii1s pat 1<:"1t , succee cl s ¥I lus, ~ Ihe zetmn oI l ' nnce Alex mder to the J' ul pressed so that he knows what it 1s of my friends who are suffereis those who go out into the :finltl or the worJ.. 2 lhou shalt ab stam f1om acqmnng or he says, 18 like stoppmg the alai m b ells ganan tlnone w ould constitute a ieal p10 _ - ·Yours with many thanks REV E, B STEVENSON, shop to beax the burdens of I he day Hav k et pmg by fraud 01 nol ence t he proper ty of 1vl11ch tell s th 1t a fir c has br< ken out w e vocation and ad d a. fresh element to the con Too Far Ahead And hundreds of others m g knowledge, the n ext almust equally im imother should be attenchng to the file and let the il1ct It might sm t a combmation, but it portanto,cqms1t10n must be 11tet h od m u srng I 3 llw 1 shalt abstarn from t hose Y\ho aie bells nng' " ould threaten t h e gener,tl p etee heuce " ' Vhat d o vou want " she snapped , as 51 t h at knowledge, for no household can be not proper obiects of thy Just \Vlu le we may not endorse every lme of even outsid e of Russm h rs retu. n is not re she held the front doo1 open about thi ee seren ely happy m wh ich the duties are }Jel Nobocl) 1s w1llmg to rnches 4 rhou shalt abstam ftom deceHmg t he o,bme, the truth ,ind good sense winch cened with favom fann ed u regularly and w ithout good cheer othern either by woid or deed i t contam s, commends the opu nons e:xpi rns p atrousize it The1e would be no chance " Y\',int to clean the snow off yer side And t}ns latter expr ession bnngs with 1t a _ ed, to all mtelb gent persons Ihc present of any attempt berng made to re1hze it if w elk, he replied ~uggcstwn I can see n o Ie»son why the I <> Thou shalt ab.tam from mtox1cat10n 18 1111 era of pr ogress, and t he visib le garn m m certam poht10 11 <;entres reckless men did " Hut i t is clean ' cooln ng should p e petually be l elegated to I methods of t i eatmg disease pi onuses for t he not exist who w ere resohed to 1rnike every " Then I want to engage t o saw some on e m d1vidual , unless tho,t pernon p1 efe1s Austna-Hungary. fnturo still gr eater a d' ances Ill. tlu s d ir ec endeavour to d1stm b th e p eace wood for you next summer Ihe exigencies t he oecupat10n t o all ot her s nor" h y there Of th e two gi eat Empires which are now t wn ENGLAND AJSD '.lilt FORT I' of th e case demand that I get hold of some should not be a change about m S\I eepmg, confront mg each other with a constan t R ustem I ' 1sh c, the Tm kish .\rnbassndm breakfast somehow or othex r urht off" to Enghncl, hts asked t h e Earl of Id<les d1shwashmg, washmg »ncl 1ronmg, cookm g thi eat of \\ai m Ea~·crn Emopo, much is and churnmg, thus mal,mg each member of known ahont Rnssrn, md but little m t in s Newspape1 Talk about Health le1gh, w ho is t he British M1mste1 of the fannly t hornugh m nm ny w ·.) s mstead countr y abou t Austria Huncrary Yet both It 1s o, good omen tor any irood cause when Foreign Affairs, ' 1hether t he E 11ghsh of berng excellent m on ly one A chan6e the lnstory and the pr ese~1t cond1t1on of the new spa1 ers, wlneh are genernlly dcvot Government mspired the artwles lll about " ould b e conducn e to rehevmg the I Austua .l:Iunaary ire foll of d eep mter est ed to the ammaclverswns and party schem th e L ondon press, urgmg the Porte to JO!ll. weaun ess of monot ony complame<.l of by foi those wh isc t astes lead them to enioy mg of poht ics, under t ake to charnpton the England and Austria, and uot Russi.,,, un so many wOikers, who tn e of t his bnnch or the st u d) of natwns a.nd political systems cause of tiny good r cfmm It shows a gen the Bulgand.!1 quesLton Lord Idde~lo1gh t h at brnnch m w in ch they aIC alw iys en ~s t he very n ame unphes, Austna Hun em! wahm up to the importance of what h as ieplied, refe1 1mg t he Port e t o the h be1 Pumps Cheaper a nd Better 9 gaged Nm ncocl 1t m any wrne mterfeie gary 18 a dua l monarchy, that is, t\IO refonners have been pi eaclnng aLout, al ty enJoyed by the English p1ess, declarmg than ever, ,nth method, because t h e clmnge about monaiclucs combrnod mto one by a common most unheed ecl, perhaps, for a gcnentwn that the articles made the basis of the en should be as methodica.l m its r e,;ulanty a s tie '1iiere 18 only one ot her mon archy of I prevwus H ere 1i e some good t houghts qmr y had not been msp1recl, although, he The Subscriber havmg bmlt a liugo nel't the washmg and u onmg, 01 ,my other branch the sor t m t h e world, that of Sweden a.nd impiessivel y st ated, frnm a contcmporaiy !cdderl, t h e Government aud the maJOilt) of of wo1k Ilu s, of course, could apply only Nor\vay wluch t \' o count11cs m e s1 a ll mor e ' It used to be con s1dcrecl fash10nablc t o the Engh'h people sh ired the uews expres FREEM.AN·s Pump Factory m Orono, Is prepar ed t-0 where t h ere 1sa large family of d aughtern drstrnct 'hom each other t han arc Austna take no exer cise, 1nd the picvarling custom eel Ly the press Sn \Vm W hite, l3nt1sh -to furmshW ORM P OWDER.Se or othe1 female relatives, then numbers m and H migary, for t hey have no common of lit tle, ci ampmg shoes, too shot t for the amlMssarlor t o the Por te, m answ er to a foot , and further m cmnbeied with a French srnular i equest b y Said Pas1m, Turkish cr easmg work ancl tedwm Y\ ithout such go\ ernment whate\ er ,be plensant to t !l.ke Contain their o'WS. ch ang e and chvis1on of lo.bor By a S) S I Austria, thatpartoftheEmpn e which h es 1 heel set 111 t h e centieof t he sole h elpcd on t Mimstcr of ]foreign affarro has made a h rcatno I a a ea.fq, Btt ro nn cl cllcctrul temat ic change of occupat10n , and method wost of t he River L eith,,, imd Hungary, th e fancy Vei y delicate yonn g women s'1tatemen t substantially the s,1me as that of 1 With or w ithou t 'Porcel1t!n Cylmder, ct de/ltl'O;er oi ll'Onii# lll. Chilwcn or A.dlllta m canJrng it out country housel~cepers es winch h es east of that 11~ er, t orm each a who could n ot "1lk a nule wi thout gwan Old IdcleslciS'h bho Best Mat er ml, on th" ~bortest n otice remally \\ ill find the.1 <.:tell h a\ e tun e not kmgdo m entirely by itself lh e cluef tie m g we1 e t:i; pica! beauties Now gtrls learn 'I uhKJ Y PR , AH.ED TO ACl '\ ITH r HE POW Jens only for homely needlework, b ut for t he between t hem 1s t h e f 1ct th at th o s ~mc per to row w i th then brot h ers, trnmp with '.i'he Pm te believes tlmt Tmkej would and n.t tho lower,t prices dam ty and more mtme 0 tmg hr,rnches of son IS the sovereign of both The Emperor t hen fathers, ,mcl a1c qmte as fond of the mai.e 1 1 false step if she ,ccted v. 1th R11ss1a 01stern Tubs and Pumps sup plied. work by winch they can make t h en homos of Anstn a is also Kmg of Hungary ,\rtd 1s ITTrnnasrnm as a re then masculme admirer~ 1lone, ,md is now seckmg a "oh t 1011 of the pleasrng und attiaetivc to t hen fatnet s, son s cro"ned both \t V iem11 tbc .Austr;o,n capi Eighteen m vhcs about the belt IS no lu11ae1 Bulgau,m drf:ficulty that shall b e m .<ccord and brotho1s after th e toils of the c h) t«l and clso ::Lt Buda l';,stl1 th1 1:-Iun > arrnn <lesn,th'e, llOl 18 p ;llor md 1 catn e of ggod ~ rth the gene1al wish of ail the power" No WEJ.. J,S CLEANED &RERAIRED. Bool,s on cookmg m1cl hou·ek eepm g iind cap tal "' L eedwg It is ce1 t1mly t rue that w e owe defim te action however, will be taken until fan cy\\ 01k ttre excellei t m then way, and 1 Bu t othen11se o lCh Kmgdom ha· its &ep om clnldren a Ct ltn re of the bod} 1< well as the i eturn to Constantmople of Cacllmn much can b e glean ed from them, but of ar cte Par liament, ,ind i ts o :vn Cabm et, or of t he )Jr 1m A little fellow with sprndlmg Pash a t he speci«l Turkish em oy to Bnl n ecessity t hey go only f1om cover to cove1, mimstry F ach makes its O\Hl lrn s, m1 hmbs ma) ha" e b1s musclesJu d1c1ously de gana whose au n ,cl ts awaited o,nd one has to" a1t for a new boot f01 new poses 111d collects i ts own taxes and m»n 'eloped a h ttle n aid w i th c10oked shoul j It is tlie pm ages i ts own p ublic aila1rs ln ,each h.mg ( 01 s may b e<ome as str,ught an d symmetu THE l ORIE s en CUI ·:a i ec1pos an d sugges t ious TO GIY!D SATISFACTION. pose of tlus department t o select the best, <lorn, too the Calmiet is i espon sible to the cal cs h er n e g bbor 1£ her pments wrll,itteud Lo1d Idclesleigh )~'1.s ieplied to the Porte s and as far as possible t o a\ 01d recq > es th»t two b odies w luch cnnstrt ute the national to hmm tune If , mothei should permit a cncnlar, issued 1ist~Jecembe. oO t h e po~ e1s, t arn of httle prncttcal use t o its 1eaders, to lertrsl iture gu l to 1 each the ,1ge of nntuuty witho Li t suggestmg the acceptance of l 'i mcc :N icholo,s I Mail ;romptly attended to. gn e mfoun ~t10n ft om time to tllnc of n ew I "' 1 beie is hov over an a~rnngemeut b y learn uw to 1cad w e would blame her ex I of Mm1,,1eh» as a candidate fot t he Hulgar -::B"Yd1shes oi old th at will meet the exigen cies of w hrnh t h o t~1 0 Kmgd~ms a. t m concert o,s cess1vely yet ,/ e condone t h e offense \\ Inch tan tluone Lord I ddesl e1gh says he is 1g DOORS, SASH, BLIND S, PICKETS, special occasions Snggo<t10n s rn certam on e Empire m 1e,.,aid to all matters of I p er nuts bad teetb bent shoulders and s cl nor ,mt of the cond1t10ns wluch Russm at · por t1011s ot t he depa1tment will be gi ven on pohtical m~mcnt c~rmnon to then both low skm In all ~osco t here JS a p~te tablet tac hos to t 1 1e recogmt10n of P 1m ce N icholas, I t1lr I am tully prepur eo to attend F unerals on MOULDIN GS, &c , kept on hand. ot11er sub1 cets connected wit h housekeeprng, Tins o,11 Il"emcn t con· rnts Jf 1 body which upon \\ In ch to \\ utc the iecord of ca1e aucl t hat ts Bu lgu1Ia does not favor hnn, ;,ue ksh~rteedt nBotwe1' cM the1io"drest po~hs1btle ra ttles 8 o~ no ce b u cl cannot i ccomr11en(I lu111 to tl1e B11l ~n.s e s a n hearne uria on ases ea Yon su eIi , f or exump l e as tiic se1ec t w n anu 1"'Y is called " the 'Dclerr1tio11s ' 'I'he lJeleg,1 ' l bci e rnno c1oubt about the i npor tance I Erwl ~ ,, ' 1 irat-class very moderate terms m5 of carpets, t he buymg of cnnams 1ind tious ai c composed ~f sixty clelcgates f,om uf pliys cal cultm e ']'he hair, the teeth , ganan throne Shi;ouds nnd Coflinsconstant ly on hand Fun f m mtme, the healthf1 l au a.ngcment of bed each Kingd om ch ason bJ the Pirh aments the eyes and tlu skm a e subject to the u 1 _ _ ....,,·· ~ -~·- . ....... .. _ ra oa.rds supphcd at once Furniture Shop & 11 ti t t t of l eds and b edclw o' h ' ' I how R ooms- Bounsall sNewBlook rooms 1e rea men J "" who m eet ever y ) co,r a1tcu1 tt e1 y at t c t\\""o I fiucnces of ch gest1011 mi d 1s not the latte1 A Startlmg Fact I -~~----·· etc I n ad d it10n to cookmg prnper an 1m capit11lii, o,nd dehbernte npon ,ubiects of to be almast con t1olle<.l by t he diet bath mg 1 port mt feature m 1 10u sek eepmg is wh ole imperml concern '.I h ose subJects a1e for eign 11 cl ri esh an ? People go all the year 'Alt!~ 1 knew 'mm who marued a. sweet and j some cannmg of f11u ts, and drym g of fr m ts, ttllau s, fiuanee, and milit,cry 1dmuustr atwn l t h e pores of t h en skm clogged, ,ind they lovely girl She was \ <Jry devoted to him for \th1ch special kno~ ledge 1s r eq mred to 1 Con espondmg to t h e Deleg,ctwn s, ,cml J rave 0, er the benefit to be obtamecl at the and ' h en she chscrwcred hrs d1ssi p ited attam good results ] rom time t o time as responsible to them, 18 an Impen o l Cftbmet " u,t er cur e, simply bee ttise t hey do t he re h(l,b1ts, she endeb.' orcd to shield 111111 \17 hen ' reqmred or rerpw st ed t in s Jou r nal will be whwh compr ises onl y t h ree mu n stei s The 1 wbitt t hey neglect uthome-bathe r egulaily , he stayed on t ,,t m,;ht, sl1e would send the prepaied to r1ve all kinds of household r e first of these mm rs ters 15 at t he h ead of the syHtematicall}, an d p lrtwularly l t rs, of seFVantsto bed, while sh e waited and 'A atch ceipts, n ot reachl:; at tmned m the coun try, I dep artment of for eign ailan s Ihe other comse absmcl to pr escuLe certam luths e l foi hnu , incl then, rn her m ,sht clress j and t h e knowledge of which rs t h e sa' m g of t wo mmrst ers hold the portfolios of w ar and as rnf tlh bl e cu e alls '\Vhat will do for a a nd a pair of shppe1s on her feet, she w ou ld money finance 'Ihe po" er of th e Imperial Govern , robust p e1 son "' ill kill a frnil one b ut the glid e down ' er y gen tly and let him m --ment, ,1s stwh, 1s confided , therefore, to I gonernl rule of fr equ en t ,rnd JU(hci~u s bath One m gh t he cam? home late I'he sen Pract10al Recipes diplomatic r elat10ns wit h oth e1 powei s, I m g may be laid clow n 'lhen comes the o,nts were m bed The house had a f10nt ~ The followmg r ecip es ho,' e been chosen the nl<magement of tlie army and the con J fi esb au cr ize lhe wmdows of a house door, th en a marble ' estibule and then an w ith a spccml view toutihzm g t h e maten als duct of wa1s aml the fi11aneml measures sh ould be numerous o,nd opposite aud thei" mner door She opened t h e one, steppod 1 ' 1 l 1c1 be p at cI1es o f G ocl's strn11g ' h t OH t 1 upon t hTh e cold ma1 hie and 01Jcned the ou t er oidmarilyat h and m count 1yhou ses iee ded f or tl1il v <.lep"rtmen·s " v s1ou ie d 1 k en ' i !US b an d en t eret' 1 seiz c p D 1t l A u stna. Hungar y was for man y centuries floor m steadof th e ,esthetwgloo m sodep res OOI e (run AWAMED ARSC'IIPS -:; oi cm er, scrape, a despot ism RS haHl and as ab solute ,,s is I sm g to the :; oung '\\ ho ,\re t o b e ca1 efull eel her by tne slwnldet s, swung h er round , an cl slice leng thw ise l ut over the fh e " ith t hat of Russia to da.) But Lii en ty yea is t nmed The '11 llter would ur <re mnasti~ opened the mner door, quwkly passed t wo tablespoons of bu t ter, pepp er and salt, I ago o,s a i esu lt ot its overwhelrnm g d efeat I exmc1ses »head of Gr eek and Laf~ cl th1ough , and lock eel it before his "' ife could an(\a ht~e ~nme~~ba~lsley Shake ~~ttl ~:,~ by t he Pruss11ns, it b ec1me a constttu t 10n tl romp m the green fields befor e a ny i:u~:be~ enter S l he woulclnot spei1l, o1 c1y out lest ! m ix m e o1 s is ie P ti smps, a o ie monarchy T be Empci or ceased to be of ' olumcs of 101e Let t h e youn ' p eopl she shou d disgrace he1 husog,nd before the sa.u cc three tablespoons of c1 earn m "'hrch b l bl I 11 e ser vants a solute, mrn1st ers \\ Cl e mace r espons1 e dunk m the blessm gs of health a ll around h cs b een sturncl a, tiu ai tcr sp oonf u1 of flo ur to the 1cp1esentat1ves of the people' n.ml us and about ns and withm t each In the mornrn g sh e w,is founcl "tth her Boil once, a'.;d poUI ov e1 the parsmps I th e people \\ ere ad mitted to a very large I ' L kl m ght dr ess drnvn under hei feet crouclung T run Po111.ro CROQVET'IEs - Pai e, boil, o,nd 1 tl t 1 f th G t I ast " ee tic wntcr ov01 hemd a very m the corne1 aln ost ch11led to dea+ .h 0 1i wen t 'J\: fi"e · cents extra nn r1'll be charged when accot1nts · l amsel convcrsmg on t h e her death bed ' 'she told her father all · about m ash smoothly a1Jout six goocl sized pota s 1Me , m 1e con lt r f ot l o l e O\ ernmen l tl mueI1 (l r essell c "s ,, rcs u o n s iappy c mnge, ie t · th ti ,I f toes Add one- t abl espoon o butte1 ' two Austl tm p eoples w er e <Lccm:ded hher t) of I s ree, co1ne1 w1 a y~n i , s~,crce1 y it , OI th e Clrcn mstmces v. ould no\ c1 have over one mont h thncls of a cupful of h ot rwh milk 01 crn1u11, h d f f k uOW \\h,ct 1t is to w,1lk, sh e sa1rl and I been k n own There is much tnat 18 never I 1 the w hites of t 11 o eggs " ell be lten, s ilt and sl ecc an conlci~nce, i ee Pfe~s, ~ efc om 1 do so d rnhke exeIC1se The close obser vor kno" n as well as a vast amount of nusery 1 0 \Vhcn cool enou g li to t mdarlrtal'fl e an e tAica iont anlt w ic e Y ex 1 t ook m the er unped features, t he be w ily and d~oraclabwn tlrnt doe" crop ont "Jld P epper to t ast e en ec su t o,ge n en u e y ne\1 career , I d l l l 11 1 l J " ~ ' " ]1amlle work mto sh 1 p e, r oll m egg !tml "W as opened t o t h em as on e of the great pmvc ere s nn ' ' 1t 1 t1e sa ow co 01 oo, \' Inch rs stm t hng rn its reality L1eatl crumbs, «Ml fly 111 m ce, wholeoome t fE rng t hrongh , obse1ved th o t ightly drawn hot lard Ina ions 0 urope face veil which pmned dOY\n the eye lash es, B - Cl t i 1 ·e m cel bu t do net Cumposed as t h e empire Is, of m any chf and sl uddcrec1 as the eye fell on t he prnch To Prese1ve the Sight. l ~TS ean e y, 1£erent Jealous antLgom st1c races of w inch ' 1 SI 11s 1ed "a1st on a sh ort piece of t he tl ( ' ' M agyars Czec1 and no,uow shoulders , and tins Pare them ' leavm !I ~ d 1e xerm au s is auc l f 1 1 k A d b l Do not read or sew "1th m·11fhc1ent 1 st alk to retam the colou ng ,in sweet Juices ti f ' k f h passet or goot oo s gu 1 nee not e c 111 t 1 of t h e vegetable Y oung b eet s will cook ar e 1 e c1 u e ' t1 re tls 0 011 iem t<J 1coarne to be v1gor0Hs, uor mascnlme to h ave 1igh t tender !11 an hom old beets rnc1m re sevcial 1ghethettas on e natfwn has b eefn didf cul bt tJBut muscles Her ah oulde1 s sh ould be t hrn.vn 2 Ne' e1 t f>A'ld nm study with light< om m g 11tic1t1 r ec om y tcse b 1 h ' cn done, skm qmc kly It e utamment I t d 11 ec tly f rom th e fron t hours bo1lm g \ Vh l 1 I o po l th fr lt I ac <, ex eye k een, an(lh er co101 good 1i icn Y \ I ln le hot sh cc mto your' ec ct,cble dish , pu t peo h es Eias esscne<. ec f JS a cn me to lose one's teeth at fo1ty, a chs 3 Ne' er 1en.cl n oi sew 111 the twilight I ' "' b ti j lp e 1 mpc1 or was neve1 so seem c o 1 118 t l t t h t , ty on s«lt , p eppe10,m1 a 1i tt1e ut ter, an t1 1ey <lon111110nswhenhe\\asau tb~ol 1 to d es ut g10,ce o la\ e consaD e1H1ac1ce.G \\ en o' i Nc"crrcadnorworkmastooprngpos are t hen !eMl) fo1 the table I l h b een smce I10 g Me t P t 1 ' p and m dlJC tion b no more a pa1L of her tnrc sit erect 10 PARSY JP°> Fu n o TN BUTT~ R - Scrape t he as 1e as e ea1 th ly lot than l s sn1<tll pox Go to my j _' 4 o li evei I el(1 when ly mg 001H - t h 1< 1s arsmpo and boil gentlv fmty fhe mnn tes port1011 of his power , and sha1ed it \\ ~oh Ins lunch party and watch tlrn cl ehcn.te women ~Vbcn cold cut m lon n.shces about on e thmllsUbJ eCt~ b Tl~e A~Sill l Ht~1gt1:,m J mrue I t ax their stoma.ch s an d yet t h ey wonde1 'cry t i y rng t o thee) es of m md; tlu c!. Se11son wi th sal t and may n o e ong w m g ' u 1 I S cer a,m why they u e not we11 Trne, we rno,y m 6 Hold the boo! from which you iead · ' ' · i>epper Dip mto melter! butte. and t11 11 th at it would h,n e fallen to piec~s long icgo heu t cer t "'rn orgam c t1ou bles h om rndis ftom 12 +o l o m e hes fl om your eyes, and !,eep I ,, £fav t 0 t 1bles ioons of bu tter if despotism had not been ab,,naoncd and erect an cestors , su ch 1s the mcom emencc the page perpendicul ar to the lme of sight 1 t ll0 u n r c " l l 1£ a fl ee coust1t ut1011 had not b een' ianted f t 1 t b t to f l ,,.,.- ' m the fry mg pan , and as ·UOl.I. as 10t , p ut m " Io en a1,men u we can s p u1L1e1 7 Never re,td nor wnte before b1eakfa t, "' enou5h paismps to co' e1 t he bottom F ry "I M ,, transnuss10n Bad breath ough t to Le l ouk by co,ndle h ght nor aas light t o weanness brown on both sides, and sen eon a h ot dL~h , n Itigat10n ed on as " ui se t li au soiled lrnnds, and yet 8 1' ever la t~icl,s with the e es 8 lo Ro\::;'!: A GooSJ' - Ha' 111 , d rawn an d '.Ihe Laird of B - - , h avmg g iven hrs I you wo uld '~ n cel y excu se a lady the latter t P Y ti Y ' " l t t t f 1 tt 1 t sr1 tu n rng or 1 o11 l!lJ iem smgcd th e goose, "ip( out the m side w>th a coac nn a n no ice o qm or i,cvmg over o, ac u nen ~ "T:_ -:r T c,c 11 ,., hite cloth and ~pi mk le m some pep t urned the carnttgo co1mng home from a l ......._. -·--~--!) Do not iea<l small pu nt rn sticet or ra l _..,,, ..i..-::L L · p e 'Tncl si tt M:rke a stulfiu_s of four good dmnm party, vms wut ecl on by t h e u efaul : Iottl earn wh le m m ot on 1 Wheu buymg Coal 011 ask your dealer for the N ew Oils, ~ize l o mons nm wed fiue and ha lf theu It er next mornmg He aclnuttecl his ollencc, A Very Common Kmd of Skm Emption, 10 " When en ' cgecl in 1n olonge< l stntly, if I qu antity of ~~een saga le vm , mmced also, a i~ut m m1tigat1on said, " I wam 1 so,e vmy j :ii r rnd- " p 1 my chm foels sore a.s if I the") es beco1ne 'lmrnfol 1 est them fr eque11t1 Y l u ere t e teupfnl of grnted b 1 e 111 c1 umbs a c runk, anrl ,;cntlemen, ye !, en , whvlcs get w s gettmg some krncl of a skm eruption ' by lookmg a t distaut objects p1e~e of butter the size of awalnnt, and the! drunk" "\Vee!,' was :he 1epl), "I elm I Pa- "llow Jong ha\c you had 1t ' ""'--.~ beaten yoU s of two e.,,,;s, with a little p epper 11111 say ye wei e 'ery drunK foi a eo,whrnan, 1 Maud- 'I ve only noticed tho pncklmg 1 'I'. es sn ' ' , ud D11 bs car iestly we an 1 sait Mix t ic w hole together and 111 l saeail ye go sen sataon c1mmg the last few d ,L.)S sho 1ld ~lway s loo! upon Jon" hiined men Try it once, you will use no other corpo 1teth emY>cll Put thestufhns mto --I P, - "..rcllthat fellow, whu calls t o see w1threspe~t It 1s t smctytl~attliey ]1<1, e the goose, and press i t m ha 1, but do not Patience may be bi tter, but t he f1mtwill you so nrn ch , to sha..; e T his und e1 the not lJeen m pnson or the pemte.it mi) for a 1 Nlc~OI~L B ltOS. & t::O'Y, 'J.'01·onto 1mseltoe busmess has been o' crdone' "Ju le e 1ta ely fill 11p t ne c cn ty, ts t he m ixtur e be sweet. HOUSE HOLD. will swell m cool rng Tie the troolse secure ly tound with a greased 01 wetted strmg, a nd pape1 the b1 cast t o prevent its sco1ch mg lhe fire must be brisk and well kept up It will 10r1mro frnm two hours to t wo and a ha.Ir to 10,ist "Daste it at first with a httle salt an cl water, and then w ith i ts own 5rnvy Take off the paper "'hen the goose s half clone , n d ch edge 1t ¥nth , httle flour toward the last Havrng pa1 boiled tD o !Iver and the heart, chop them and put them m to the gr 1' y, wluch must b e sJ,1mmec1 well an d th1cJ,ened with a little browned fl.om Send apple sauce to table wi th t h e goose, alQo rrrnshed potatoes It is \\ell to p arb01l a goose befor e 10,is1rng as 1t mikes 1t mo1 e dchcate esp ecially if the bu d is not ver y young An old goose is, er y tough and not fit fot roastmg RUSSIA AUD GERMANY Boys CATARRH. I ! I I l I r' I I D LJNN S BAlKINC P OW R ·---------- THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Orono Pump Factory. I I PUMPS OF EVEqY DESCRIPTION I I 11 t , All WORK GUARANTEED I I I ! I I I R T AKIN IUNOE I EV I M QR R I S c Ordera~by R I i ! I M-o GA LL &ME TcALF c 0u a re offering Coal as follows · G!JSON. I I I I ! I I I I I I StuOV e and Chest nut , Grate and E gg, .$ 6.25 6 .00 t I LUMBER, S H INGLES, LATHS, POST & C O R D WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. ff I McDOUGALL & METCALF I I 'Fat"mer s I Thr es he rs and fl/Ii Um en, I Im- L A E use McColl Bros & Co 's Celebrated ° " I B E 8 T M ACHEN IE 01 L. N T H E W 0 R L D I I - ..,,...,...._.._ - I ! Coal Oil.