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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1887, p. 4

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..Q Mr. Geo. 'l'. lllackstoJk, a lawyer of o~ Toronto, l1as been chosen to oppose Mr. ~ Blake in West Durham. We must ad,.00 mit that we are both disappointed and . . Ct-.. . gratdied by the chowe made by the Con(].) +:> -·r-1 ~ servative convention. We know t hat +:> Ul Mr. Prower was willing, jf t he party so ..:-::> a,) r(j ~ H Ul desired it, to enter the contest again, 0 -~ o~ and as he has shown that he i6 by far· $::l 0 0 the str ongest candidate tlmt has ever rtm or, that side, it is with pleasure and sat ..p isfaction that we announce that h e is not to be the candidate in opposition to the 0 . 1 Hon. E. Blake. Wh en we look back at ~ ~ the array of defeat ed ca.ndidates during ·M tho past thirty-thr ..e years, we see the names of Dr . Lowe, J as. :l'lfoFeeters, ~ Allan Wilmott, J. Milne, '!'hos. McClung, ~ John McClung, Col. F . Cubitt, R Colville, C, Bunting, E. G. Burke, et cil, all ~ defeated badly and politically buried, ~ Q) and r eflect that Mr. Prower ca me within ........... three of carrying \Vest Durham, we must confess that he is the strongest man by +:> ·r-1 ~ all odds that could be run on the Tory <J) sid e, and w e believe that no other man ~ c.m come within 200 votes of Mr. Blake, and any outsider will be completely buried. We d o not know why Mr. Prower w as not again selected ; we have heard that he failed to get tho nomina~amulmu Jtatt~man. tion, through the ill feel ings and jealousy of some professional gentlemen who d eBowMANVILLE, JANUAUY 26, 1887. sired the posit ion, but we do say that after the fight that he made singleFA.RMERS, BEWARE ! handed, for h e nppe.ired to have no cts · sistcm ce from the party, that he of all " Thu necessity for rt. sweeping Reform men deserved:the position. We think is actmittcd even by Conservati vcs, " see he has not b een used overly well by 1 1is the Mail of .Jan. 24th, and th is is under friends, but if he is satisfied, it is n ot our a heading- " 'l'he Publie Debt." funeral and we are not going to mourn. \Ve are inclined to ngrec with the ltlail; Although we de not admire Mr. Prowe r, in fact tho Mnil of late has been advocatpolibically, we cannot believe· him to be ing strictly [Reform principles, with one or guilty of the charge made ogatnst him two exception s. There is no doubt but by B·>me me mbers of his party- that he that the honest electorate will :igree with purposely caused the blunder to be made most of tho Afail'~ articles, aucl tho Ito. in serving t he notice for a re·coU:nt, in form q:eod of to-day. \Ve have about order that he might be in a position to $300,000,000 of debt! Farmers, just accept the nomination for the Commons. think of it. '!'ho farmers' property of Next to Mr. Prower we believe the Canad.~ is valued at eleven hundred milstrongest man is the Reeve of Cart wright lions nnd there is a debt on t he country Mr. J as. Parr, a gentleman of s uperior of nbout three hundred millions. Take it intelligence and ability and respected by right home, you who have toiled so lw.rd, both parties a nd who would d oubtless poll-a who have begrudged yourselves in many much larger vote than any outsider. And iust;mces t he necessaries of lifo, till your why he was set aside and passed over farm.s were paicl for. Yon have Jrn,(l this for a Toronto lawyer, " alike unknown cnurmous load put upon you. You to fame and West Durham, " we are at a have never realized what it is, because loss to und erstand ; but we feel ])leased you do not soe the inanner in which it is at the result, as we feel confident that collected and you do not seo t he hand any outsider will make but a poor run that t<tkes it from you. in the 1iolitic:·l birth place and home of Woukl you uc any the less robbed if Edward Bla ke. We ap1)eal to everv Refifty bnshels of whei1t were taken from former, yea, to ev~ry lover of this ~oun your gmnary, because you did not see the try, to rally to the standarJ of Edward thief n.t work? What are you going to Blake, the brightest gem in t his th e do about i t ? You ull know that if you brighteat Rtar of Queen Victoria',. Royal workocl yu m· farms on the principles of Diadem. the late Conservative Government, that inside of flve years some one else would own thorn. You all believe in putting in DR. Mc LAUGHLIN ISM. P . P. FOR WEST DURHAM. underclrains, tmd you all bulicve in good btirns, but you may put in too many The Globe give~ t he follo1Ving particuclra.ins and you can uuild too many b1 Ln1s lars in regard to the recount asked for on one farm. You can hire too expen- hy Jlrlr.Prower :-".Tudgment was deliversive fabor, you can have too many fe et ed ) csterday by Mr. Jus tice Pro udfo0t, . undur your t able, you can keep too numy in the West Dur ham election mandamus driving horses in the sta.ble, you can keep ma t ter which was argued before liim last too numy cows in the barn to furnish week? The learned j udge gave no opincream for the household, you can give a ion on the question which was before the dolhr to every begg1tr who goes by, who County Judge, but held that he had no will praise you, and as the proceeds of jurisdiction to order a mandamus t o issue t he farru will n ot pay ha!~ the expen - to ·a n officer whose duties. are part of the diture, y ou Citll iuortgage the farm nnd machinery of an Election Act. He conkocp 1110rtguging it, till it takes all the sidered himself bound by the Centre crop to pay the inter est. .Just so with Wellington ca11e, reported in 44 Upper this Canach of ours. Beware of the Canada, Q. B . Reports, to hold that h e party t hat_ says : " It will bat our timo." had no power whatever to interfera at It is not th" politic1ms' children who will all in the matter. The courts ·have no have to pay t he intcrcstimd the principal, inherent · jurisdiction whatever i n &uch but yours. Is it not tfo10 that you cried matters. Up to a r ecent t ime ParliaEconomy ? Is the time not co1uc to vote meut ~one could deal with questions afEc·J11omy 7 fecting electic:ns, but t hey have now deleNow that a sweeping Reform is ad- gated partof their functions to judges,such mitted even by Com;er vatives, wlrnt is thti 11.11 trying electi-On petitions, B eyond duty of the voters? To support those 8uch s t1.1tut 0ry powers,judges have no j urw1 10 luwc mado a " swecpiug Heform :· isdiction to interfere. Thr. result is that necessary 'I No !Not even when b1Lckcd the Junior Count)' Judge cann"t be or up by the ltfaii I Why docs not the d ered to hol d u. r ecount ,.f_ the votes cast Jlfa1:l turn the leaf all ·tho way over ? at the recent Provincial el ection in West Why not mlup t honesty instead of preach- Durha m, and a s he has already declined ing it · 1 W hy not t oll t he people of the t o do do so on l(ronnds of law, there now bur dens for the people of C1tnt1da, will be no recount in that C OU$tituency ." t hat have already been promised by Sir Dr. M cLaughlin the refore, gets his seat J ohn 1 md his Cabinet, of t he m illionsin t he L egislature with the positive not thousnnds- that will go into other fee ling that he is the representative of treasur ies as soon as this election is over the people. if you ret urn tho present 11arty ? The Mei-it could tell you of ex-members of P<U·CANA DA'S ENORMOUS DEBT. liament who m·c now shuwing letters from the Government to themselves- conSinoe 18G7, the µross National Debt of taining t hose proruises- showing t hem to t he D ominion of CHnada h as been inDuring Sir the faithful, to show them thn,t the cow creased by $188,258,000. John Macdonald's administrations th e i;; not yeb milked dry. There was a time mcrease has been $144, 080,000. While when promises were enough, b ut u owMr . Mackenzie was Pre mier an apparnn t owing to t he discords among themselves increase is shown of $4-4, 17!),000- .But &nd the n umber of claimants and t he old deducting the purely nominal increase of ma.n 's forgetfulness, black and white is $,500,000, caused by the discount on the loan when the rate of inter est was reAecessary. V otc for Sir John and u. lnm- cl uced by Sir Richard Cartwright from d red mulion moni debt in five years. to four per cent., it leaves 1he actual a l dm·iug Vote for :Blake :md seven mill ions less expenditure chargeable 1o capiL M r . l\focken~ ie 's term, $39,<l70,000. Of t1tx;ition per annum .. that amount the sum of 1!l32,447,000 was expended on public wor ks u nd er prog ress Dress Goods at the d isso:u tion of part- when Mr. MP-ckenzie took office in 1773. n ers hip sale, fo 1ty-fo ur inoh fine all wool The Conser vative Go·:ernments ·\re thereGerman goods worth eighty ce uts per fore directly reHponsible for t!ze entire inyard Hel ,ing fo r sixty cents, Cas hmeres crease, with the exception oi $7,322,000. worth thiny-fi.-e cents s~ll ing for twentyt wo cents, t\rnlve cent Prints for eight. PersianLamb caps aro being slaughtered :J'lfay·ff, the F11rrier, is d omg a ru11hing at th e Star House giv."n &:-up-business sale. A few dozen s till jdt - ewl and see thelll. b ua;ness - making the fur fly. ..p~ bO P-:i ·r-1 -of . ULii.J::ii&: ·aJa '"d ..µ0 +:> ~ i:: 0 P:t .9 oo . s ro i:: (ti ~! (].) . 0 0 rn ~ . THE TORY CANDIDATE. OUR DEBT INCREASED $75. 00 and sadness, his was a life not wi I.lout A MINUTE. much happy l:mghter. In Mar·ch, 188G, H on. Mr· McLellan, Fin&nce Minister, announced that the Gross Debt of C1mada was $281,314,000, an increase of $10(),357,0:JO during the 90 months that the present extravag.rnt admiuistration had then been in power, 1 showing an a.veri<ge increase per rniuute, during 90 montlH .,,?ccupancy of the Treasury benches sf $15.00. H o sang oor loves, he oor joys, he cang oor aor rowe too, U o t11i;ght us tao displae the fa use and veunrt1te that He taught ue that ho we' er ilae the b lutl, We Frame Pictures as cheap as the cheapess. He taught us ne'er to cringe to vomp. lln e. llltLll, for a · f-h&t i·· pair "e. man's a. ,.q ~ 00" ~ t;t ~ 00 ~ "d ........ O,.o <D<Ct CJ~p:f s ::s >:ii-a E-t i:t.:l P::l ro ~ ·~ c\3 ~ ~re rn,n oq ro ~ ~ lbt = 0 qP=l Cl) bJJ <Q bO ~ - --·--- ·---·· Burn'8 ~ympathy with the struggles for li berty found yoice when out of the mirk flashed the immortal democratic creed, I n that gloriouo soog he antici pated his ··r s t here for hone·t poverty THE REMEDY AT HAND. 'l'ha.t ho>n1.1s h is head, tm e.' that·" age by a !1undred years, aud laid t he E lectors, consider wher e anoth er five tound~tion for a h ight:r 111orality and code yous of Comervt\tive rule will land our of internation<Ll lalV t.hau l!Xists at preU 11der Sir John's ad minis- sent, when m~u shall b eat t heir s1k ars D ominion. tra!ion the increase is $144,089,000 . You into pruning hooks and learn the art of cannot but see h ow the memberM of the war no mc·re. As is true of the lives of present government have abueed the all men, there were things in Bum's life trust reposetl in t hem That t b e past which should n ot have been t!Jere. W.; maybe ta ken as an indicat ion of wh11.t they all know about the poet's failings. We h e fut ure, if they are allowed I kno 1v tbat th ere were te mptations he will do in t_ to remain m power, there cannot be any did not an d no dou bt manv that h e Cll U!d ques ;ion. The remedy i~ in tho lrnnds of I 1 10t resi~t, but they were, ;nany of them the elP.ctors at the poll. 1the blots of the age, rather tha n the man, aocl i f Scotland's naiional poet si nned , .th W D ·rt· ? h e expiated his s ins in suff.,r ing, and i t Wh1 er are e ri ing cau be m id only of few meu , as it can · · · f - . -d d t C I be stiid of Burns, that their very sufferTh an Ill ep?n e~ ~nee;- in"' have been transmuted the alembic . e ?pmion vattve Journa l_ on the political s1tuati_on le ot'Providence> into the histin" glory and wort11 somethmg when honestly given_ ' k "'f I · .:i 'l l\tr 1 '-f ld " 'Vl "tl truth of poetry fo r the 'I 10 h _ ontrea '-~ erci says:u ier 'l'h h sa e o b man . 't · <mu. l ·. "ft" o Wl · "t ' l t d er e ar0 spots on t e sun, u t 1 1s us l· are we d ri mg , i ere 1s 1 al o en 7 . 1. h th t k 1· h· t · ~ I f 1 b f l"t" l d JO" t, not 11s spots, a ma e um w a I_nto '~ lia t f rig 0 1 lt u a. yss po .1°'.1- an h~ is. And what struck ou e most in financrnl bankruptcy 1~ the D".mu11on to Burn's oetry, is i ts t r uth, its human be plunged ere a halt 1s called m th e mad . ·t P d l isdom P oetry career of thuse who claim to b e "govern- smcen Y an. _ a.rge w . : , · ,, t l ? H I1 . cam e from !um l ike perop1rat10n . rhere rng ie c~untry ' ow m_u~ 11l".1'e m'.s- was no irreligion in i t,. He hated can t r epresentahon and maladm1 mstr~t10n will and h Jocris : 'l'he fiam ing indignation thed people s~a~f before \hey r ise_ I~ w~j~-~ whicl{~e p o! r s 011 the travest ies of relian cast ou L ese unc ean spm s . M gio 11 which m asqueraded befor e hiw, is have made t he h~nored name of Leg1sla- itself :;he strongest proof of the strength la tu re a byword m the land ? How many of the poet's reli"ious feeling. The other more c}~ar~ers must ~~ sold, how many world was visible to him oftener and more more bl md shares , pt~rc~ased , how clearly than t o common men. His views ll11'ny more eales of ~oht101an s m!tuence ali to what it will be were perhapll the for money or moneys worth, ho\Y many k, · . I · t . f "b dl "b"li t th h tr1ie.; t that were spo en m us 1me·- or 1 8 mus pass more oo e ~o ug he believed that the life beyond " thes9 Parl~ai:nent, .h ow ma_ny . more ra.1lway I noist·S " would make our d ark ph1res 1 mbs1d1es must be distributed ar;iongst ph\in imd what seemed tho crooked ways the members cf the Commonn autl Senate, f G d ' p "d t , · ah· It 111ny be o a rov1 enc" ll ra10 · · " , . f · b 1· ·ts o lw w many more l icenses o tim er um ' granted t hat he lias wr itten some profane coRl lands,ranches, &c.' mus~ 11:0 to mem- melodies and ll·cd so111e r 11sh expressions, bers, how many morn tariffs must be but would uot dw ·' Cut·ar ti 1:;,t t urday nude a.ud c~rnm:ed and reconstructed ~o Night " counterbalance a hllndred weight put mo~ey l~ the pockets of t he M. P . ll more of such p roductions? F orgive and ~heir fri~ucls, ?ow many more m?n- him in all thin s b ut his genius he was op<~heR _eetabhshed, how much more r1ng like unto us_!a~d how much we owe le_g1sl~tton, before the electors of Canada him 1 You muse judge of a man from will rn1e e~n rnas~~ and thrust f~om then~ his highest' most earnest aod serenes t the u:ifa1thful stewards who, u~stead o. mood . ' Vhen Shelley was most a. man, pro~ctrng the property commit ted to in his loftiest vie w he was most i rreli · ~heir charge, l1:w~ themselv~s pl undere_d oua, that is, most' opposed to what ~e it ~nd promoted its plund~~~ng by thell" thought (falsely) Christil\oity to be. But allies and camp follo,,. e rs' wh.,u Burns WM m ost thorou~hly Burns, that pi.ity which he had learned from hi~ father, came most readily to his lips, "Publisher's Department. und bea t most warmly in hi5 1>oetry. We cannot accept les$ than one d ollar Burns is probably th e greatest "nation. al " poet that ever lived. Shakespeare for the STATESMAN for 1887. was not t he poeL of England, but of the We shall publish our list of paid-up universe. M oore was too r efined, too subscribers early in Februny . delicat e, too much of a "curled darling" Our premium books are going like hot to be the poet of !~eland, ,~ud sturdy_ Pat lov~s sterner stutt than Iommy Lit tle cakes. Read our offer e lsewhe1·e. could 1Vith all his art, wit , or R"enius ' Ve employ no agents. Every person ),supply. Eeranger was the poet of Paris, wh o 1van ts tho ST.A.T1'1SMAN must pay the· not -0f Fmnce. Frenchmen are not. less Publisher for it. ;':,' patriotic than s:otchmen, yet, they h ave half forgotten Beranger. Campbell lrns . . . Methodists are subscribing freely for writt en beautiful thi ngs < ibout Scotia, b ut THE 0BSEIWEn and STATESMAN. B oth perhaps his best song and very b est poem paperd for $1.50 ~~~ on Ire_ land, " ~,~~nn,or's Child '. ' and Thti Exile of Erm. rennyson ~s the W e would like to see every farmer in . . . poet of the court and the cultivated West Dr.rham lakmg the Canadum L ive cJ6 sses of Great Britai n . Sir Walter Sto ~k J ournal. $1.00 a year. S1ott was Scotland's poet, yet never so Your choice of ov1ir 3,000 Canadian and much identified with 8cotland, eit,h er in American N ewspapers and M agazines at his life, works, poli tics or position, as J AMES' SunSCRIP'.rION A al!lNCY, B owman- was Burns. Goethe was the poet of ville. Germanism . nut of Germany. \Vith The STATESMAN N ewspaper u.nd Maga;;. Uermany, the country, he had little symine Subscription Agency is doing an pa t.h y. Burns lived 37 years and of t hese immense business this season . Subscrip- about 10 may be siiid to be yP:us of litertion9 pouring in by O'l'ery mail. ar y productiveness and in the course of that t ime, besides a number of t rifles t hat Subscribers in tho United States may were lost, batches of letters and poems send good clean Green Backs, a nd 2-cent too, many of which must still be in m anstamps for odd chanfle, when r emitting uH cript imd can never be published, he for the STATESMAN and other paper· . wrote in round numbers 250 poems and versicles, 205 ballads and songs, 400 letRobert Burns, Scotland's Poet. te rs, 150 r emarks on old Scotch songs, and two common-place books. Surely On the 25th of January, one hundred all this proved incredible industry, comand twenty-eiRht yean ago, a great num- bined with the utmost aflluence, as well her of babies were born in Scotland, iq as naturalne88 of !.(enius. I n these short places little bigger than shantiel!l. _ We 37 years h e did m ore for " P air old have it on the authority of one of those Scotland's sake" than any man has done babies who grew up to b e a man , t hat since the days of Bruce. Recite against on that eventful do")' in q uestion, the him, all his faults and weaknesses, urge weather was remarkably boisterous. In against him all that. the most rigid nn ralpoint of fact this " waly boy " himself ist may urfle, you will yet find t hat it is may be said to have come to the world on precisely the character ot his car0er, that a biast of "Jan war win" and one stormy iJ is himself which gives his poetry iti :morning before daylight, a part of its distinctive interest. Burns n eeds no clay bmlt nest was blowti out, so that the monumen t . H e is enshrined in a place :a1other and the little babe had to find 11afo a~ainst the t ooth of time- in the shel ter at the home of a nei11hbor. At hiiart of Scotlaud and mankind , which is that time there chanced to be in that more enduring. part of the countr}' a woma n supposed to 'l'lte n su a l d yin g " Anl d Lang Syne" ·er} t N·ow, w Iien Has many " time been sung, h a_ l · . 'L'bro' ~ilded h a ll and llllmble cot ve 1h e y owe r of ·f~:west,.. this particular gossip came m the course It· echoes ort have ruug. of her rounds to the co t of the et0rmSing on that soog ot olden days, brollght baby, sh e was bound by natural And si ng it sweet o.nd free ; ltA rn e!Ling strtiin· will c heer t he hearts instinct to exercise h er art, and looking U ! numbers more than mo. , into the little hand s he foret old that this .JOHN K EACH IE. little boy who was " Waly, or ample for Bowm1mvile, J an. 17, 1887. his age, would be also ample in mind when 1 10 grew up to be a mau, would in fact be " nae coof," but "a credit tae Have you seen 'l'od Bros. , all wool flanus a," rnerming the whole world of lo v iu~ n el at 20c, wor th 25c. h earts. Wh at could she do but give h im FR11E SET t·l' HA1tN:n:ss.-S. Thompson her blessing ? "So, lee~e me on thee, & Co. will give gratis to the per1on b uyHobin l" Robin ! why that, was the in ~ the mos t goods at their shop during very name of t he baby, afterwards k nown 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness as 1-tobe rt B urns, who was b@m on the worth $25 .00. 25t h of J anuary, 1759, in the" :wld clay Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman are sel dirrgin " nenr Alloway Kir k, and the ling off a lot of new winter Dress Goods at river D oon, in Ayrshire, Scotland. And about half p rice. T hey have no hesitaso th e celebration of t ho poet's birt!J t ion in saying tha t t h ese are by far the is cel ebrated all over Scotland, and not cheapest D ress Goods i n town. See t hem less with Scotchmen in all corners of the and y ou will bo convinced that this is the world it is well that h is mem or y sh ould case. H is song SPECIA.I. ATTENTION s hould always be be cherish ed and kept green. war- that of the u npmd lark- of the min- give n t o the h ii,ir and scal p. There is str, l who had no hope of, or desire for, nothing n icer than a good h end of h air. place' or power, save in the fre e and true In case of balclnes~ w lieu the roots are hear<is of his co untrymeu , and of all men n ot all gone, Dr. Doren wencl's Great to w" hom life was u. ster n or ~tfoctionate German Hair Magic, will produce a ;·~a.l ity, and not a gilded show or sham, luxur iant growth of hair ; it will re8tore and , that is why his legacy of po esy will all grey and faded hair to its original rerr.1ain as i mperisl1able as truth. In his color· imd vigor ; . it stops all fallin g out lift i h e had miefortuneii great a nd small, of the hair and removes ~n t races of dl\nbu t t hroughou t hi~ vl'lried a nd tried ex - drull A litt le of tllis g reat preparation pe rience he was a man genuine and sin- used once in a '~ hi le will keep t he scalp cr~re. H e had many tears, s weet and in a h ealthy condition and m ake t.he hair b itter; U.Q hmuan tears ever will be, and soft,pliant and beaut iful. A. Doren wend, Ln spite of th e delights of l ove, and t be sole manufacturer, Toronto. J. Higgin) plea~ ure of hope, the pangs of s uffering botham & Son, agen tll for Bowmanville. o~ PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES are unequalled for quality and price. FULL .LINES OF STATIONERY AT LOWE ST RATES. ° I Wall Paper at cost. REMEMBER THE PLACE KENN ER &co.·~s VARIETY HALL. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP isContemplated IN THE FIRM UF ROBERTSON & BOND. The change to be accompl ished on or about the 1st day of March, when John Robertson, bymutual agreement, wi ll retire from the firm. A good dea l of money w ill be required in order to complete the arrangements entered into, and in order to make thi n gs move between r1ow and the first:Jof March, our VVHOLE STOCK will be offered REGARDLESS OF Price or Profit. NO HUMBUGI - -BU-T ..A.- - CENUINE SACRIFICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP: I S.A.:LE.. Couch, Johnston &Crydorman are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of I in town, and the MAKE- UP of their Clothing is ==UNAPPROACllED !== by any house in West Durham. One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville.

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