USE ONLY THE IZDJIAL BRAND OF PURE ~~ ~,-..HOUSE :OC>~'T N"ORWEG-IAN · We have sold scores of DRESSES that will not be used before next summer: of SUITS that will not be used before next spring. We have sold lots Why ar-e they buying? because they are buying at very much lower prices: than will rule next spring. Wool has gone up in price, SQ has all woollen goods. Silks and cottons of all kinds have advanced. We are selling and will continue to sell up to FEBRUARY 1st, at les& than present Wholesale Prices. Tkhe Greadt .J!~tandarfd h fi.L· wea nessa.n .~eases o t e ungs .. . · THE SHR EWD ONES ARE S i" APPIN1C UP THE BAR CAI N S. au You can save money by buying now. Anticipate your wants; it will pay you. Even if you had Only a short time left. If you want a Drass, if you want a Suit, if you want any Dry Goods, save - - money by going straight to' t!re- nutrition, etc. This Oil is Pure, Fresh, :N early Tasteler;s, and therefore mosl. suitable for uelicate digestions. None ~enuine without tho name IZDAHL stamped on each c:1.psule. - WHOU~SALE t o b uy a t regu1ar prices . ·t Id pay to buy u p goods now, but at our prices . .,,. . SAFE AND SURE l wou fo. 1s a ·· SPECULATION. On many lines of goods you can save 50: per cent. DY- I Star House Giving-up-Business Sale. DON'T DELAY. STAR HOUSE. Oysters, solid meats- fresh at Grand Central. 8Trinity church tea will come off next Monday evening. Figs, Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons at Grand Central. ·we expect t¥ have the town lighted by electricily nex.t week. LYMAN, SONS & CO, -OJ~- USUAL TERMS TO C.A:.SH CUSTOMERS. T. Gr Jfii: O. ~A..SC>~. .T he benefit concert t o Mr. W . Arch iA h t he d issol ution of part nership Sale, -O·E S IDEN CE AND LAN DS F OR Se e t he chea p Dress Goods nt Couch,\:!1 SAI.E.-'l'he.t bMutitul reeidence a ncl ba.ld, h ae been postponed. Johnston & Cryclerman' s. Yomca.n buy Lace Cur t ains worth two grounds sitttated on Liberty St.. , Bowmanville. Dr. Potter, office nnd residence, Prow· Mi8s Carrie Youag who has been seri- dollars for cme t wen t y-five p er pair, and and owned and occupir.\d by CHAS. YouNC.}. i s Cur t&ins. wor th fi ve d ollars for t hree, . now offered fol' sale. Thirteen acres of hind ; er's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. 1-tf. ously i ll, is slowly recovering. Robertson & Bond good orchaird. 43·tf. -·-· · ··- · - -- - -- -- - Mrs. F . H. Raddy, Tor onto, is visiting The new C. P. R Telegraph line is now . ···--... · LADIES. -MRs. B oRLA.ND, Dre~s and open and 'loing business. Tbeir office in at her. fat her's, Mr. Chas. Young. Hltl"rlng.e N:<>tlc.,~. aU cents ; births niul l ; : Mautte m&.lrer, is pre.pared to teach 01e. Mr. Jno. McKay, of th e Caledonian den·tJ1 8 , ~r> c-ent.s. 'l'a.ylor·ayetem of cutting. No lln:iited n u m ber Bowmanville is at Andrew's Big 20. ·· of lfissons. terms moderate. W a.ste rlmft cut Mills, is shipping pot barley. to Winnipeg. JIS for 25·cts. Rooms over Mr. Horsey's l:fard w11:r e. M ayor Horsey has r eceived notice from BIRT . Store, Bow1 u anville. 3· ilw* Vye hope our 8ubscriben will forward the Singer Sewiug Machine Co. that they THE ST..t.'.l'E8MA1" and THE METHODIST their dollars at once. intend to continue their works in Mon- Oni,iv.Rn;R to Jan . 1, 1888, for only $1.50. HA NNA·.- At Ennis:.lllen on tne 10th inst., :.\\RM 'F'O REN'r .- P11rts of lots 7 Persian Lamb Caps selling off at gNat- t re111. Miss Kate Hamilton of P ort Hope, 'the wine or Mr. A. Hanna, ot a daughter. 11.ncl 8.eon. :?, Ptckerinll.', 200 acres. Larga l'.foom· - J n Tyrone on the l!th inat., the ly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & You can get your skates ground, polish- has been visiting at Mr. J . K. aalbrsith's wife of Mlr. Ja. bez Moore, or a. de.uithter. barns and stables euita.blo tor etock-90 a cres. tall plowingI mmediate poaaeesion.lf req uired. Dr. Jug's Medicine is a blo"d purifier Cryderman s. ed and nickel plated at the Bowman ville A let ter from Mr. J as. Knigh t on the Encrn:I ~TON.-At Burketon on the 12th inst., Apply to CUA.8. T A YLOR n . the strictest Aen11e and by it11 wonder· Men' s and B oys' Ready Made Over Silver Plating \V(lrks Char"'es reason- 1May oralty election is too lat e for this is- thiil wife oi l.'ifr. 'l'hos. Edgerton, of a son. or H B. '!'AYLOR Whit by, MUT'.llON.- ln Preecott, .Tan. U, the wire of fol clA<\\nRing properties it removes all im· Coats at clearing out prices at Couch, able. " sue. R. D. Mutton, Captain Se.lvo.tion Army, of u. purities from the system and cures all Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. T. H. Vann is the Returning offiMr. and Mrs. \V. Y . Brittain, of 'ro- d&n1thter. ·n .WELLliNGS TO LET .-Two d welthose di3eases which arise from a sorpid 8ANDKR8<H'l'~ln Car twrlirht, on the rd ' . · ling hoUlles, conte.inlng eight rooms eact~ " · lf you have a cough or cold you cannot cer for West Durham . Mr. Vann is well r onto, have be!in oa a vi11itt to fri ends Inst., tlie wife of Mr. Frank :Sanderson of a with hard and soft waler.and gnraen attached. Ii.-er or disordered 11tomach. u11e a b etter remedy than Stott .l'I; Jury's qualified for the position and w i ll we be· here. daughter. Also the dwellings over the Standard Hank STOTT & JURY, Cough Sy~up. Se.e their advt on 1st col- lieve perform the duties satisfactorily. Far mers ha;ring clover s eed for sale will JoNlllR.-At Bowmanvllle, on Monday, .Tan. ·and~ over Ta·iit &; Morrieoll'B shop: Apply to Agents for West Durham. w : M. HORSEY. '24-th, the '"ifie {)f W. J . ·lone~. 8ta.nde.rd Bank, ; W. Hazzlewood Ra~l:m Ont. Licene- find W. Quick & Co. prepared to pay 01 tw1n diaugllllten. ;i;tf Uowmanvme, - ·-·- -··-- -- - - -- - -- - - - umn of tins pa11;e. The ~est Ly bater Shirting only 12~c. eel Auctioneer fo; the to~nship of Dar- highest market prices. & Yo1;1 Will pay 18c. for same kmd ne~t lington. All orders for sales in this Prof. R eynolds gave a week 's entertain MARRIED. spnng. Go to the Star House and l&y Ill Ticinity, left with F . H . Mason, Bow· ment h ere. Onr r eaders who get an opCan be bought ch eaper at Stott & Jury's a stock. J ACJJQ!O.:S:- 13<.&J .llt.:n.- At the MH.nse.Osha wa., m anville, will receive pi:ompt attentjon . port 1:111ty shonld pat roni?:e him Je.n. 19th· by lt.,v. ::;. H . m astme.11, James H. Mediclll Hall than any other pllice To F.rn~11ns.-T~1e undersigned will S<!-tf. \ Veo havo bad a great rush of snbscrip· · .T.ackaon,. tGl>Jane. eecond cle.ughter of Arch'd, ·ll"tmsua.nt to aDecret al Ord er of the Balmer , alt or Wllitby. in the County. Cha ncer y Division of the H igh Pll>Y the lughest price for Wheat, Oats, Barga.ins at the dissolution of partner· t ions foi' THF. OllSEltVElt the past week . . - - - - - - -··-··- - - - -- - - - Pe~;, Barley, etc., at Burketon Elevator. ship s ,.1,,, bleached and unb leached I ts s.ucccssis 1 tlre1 uly assured. Only $1. 00 DIED. i Court ()f .Just ice made in a n acJ. B. McKAY & Co . ·Cottons worth eleve n cents selJing for for TJJK &1'AT&,;ilfAN and 'l'a} ; OuSERVER. · ti on bet wesn Margar et Jane 0T·lf0Rl>> -At S-Olin:~ J ..n. 18,Ce.the.rine,re1· 1ct i 'rhe young people of St .Tohn's church eight cents per yard, all wool, RreyFJannel ~fayor H ors'e y gave a b:i uq uet to t he,· of the late .J:osep.b O.f<>rd, in her ao~h year, . Thmn pson , plain t iff, a nd S arah Ba r ton , E mma O rr, M a r g a ret Is manufactured by Stott & Jury, the will give a grand concert in the Town for eighteen cents per yard. Robertson & To;v,· n Ovnncil and Corilorat ion Officials, WooDLlllY.- ln D" rlin1tton, on the 21st inst., " II ow- B on d . James WoodJ.ey, in h is S:kd year, · )1t . M 188 Jane V erdie1 ·e, .Jobn H eal, F r edM d 11 F b 7th H on ay mg on :Monday uight , 'l'he repast was par · · a , e . , Leading :Oruggistii. Ru1 rnmc.-At Exeter. on Saturday . · Ta n. 22~. 1 , ·11 · d en, o f Millbrook · , w1 smg. Many of the friends of Mrs. and Mr.R. excellence, a n d it couple (1 f l1 ours wen 1 · 1887'; 1ifory Elii=beth Run dle. belovo·l wife of ; er iek H eal a nd Cha rles Hoa.I, T. Geo. Me.son advil!ea his many regu- J . Shnw surprised them the other e l'eniug pl e:isan t ly spent in t onsts uud rnsponscs, Henry Rundlo, ""cl daughter of Rich, 8ouch, · .W alt er H eal a nd Harry H eal. · g m ore I war t1 ·1y I10nore d tlu m Darlington. in her ye.ii'. : m fants . under t he age of t w en. lar customers to call soon and get their and · present e d M rs . SIiaw w1'th a very none 00m B .\&'ilit>1.m;'.-ln c .. va n, .Ta.n. i m.h, 1887, ;. ty-()ne, d efen dants. parcels for spring b argains are being handsome b erry dish on a silver stand, '" Our H <.1::.t and H ostess. " Col. Cubitt Willt·nt· i;i:. &rnhut.. only son of Mr. ~acll·· · Special value in the finest quality of given that you cannot get again. the occasion being t he 25th anni ver sary presitlod ; '.h im ' Vesley, Esq., and H.. .lt :. aria. Ba..rnhu.r t aged 2o OREDI '.l'ORS OF B UGH ~ .4 oods at ST8TI' & ,JURY'S. Prices; o f their marri age. A vtiry plea!la nt socfal LoscoJ1Jl 1P, Es< i., lmiug vice-clrnirmen . _ _ ·.------------~= 'J!'hompson. late of tbe 1'ownship of Dar~ More silk dreeses now aold at the Star t ' · d liogbt:m . in the C'ollnty of Dnrl1 e.m. builder, w ho 25 cent s to ~10.00. ime Wl\S enJoye · · l'<fus D imsdale delivered 1nwerfu l and BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. die4 oa !>l' about tJ>e 17th do.y of October , 18 . G. House sale in one week tha n are usually and all otl!>er persons l·e.ving any specific or sold in ~ix m on t iis. lf you want one buy P cthick t he Barber has faid in a.n un- eloquen t discour-ses to large coul(regat ions general lien or other iucnmbran,·e on u1 e folp 1pes, · . Cllurel1-s t . M et ]10 d"is t c l 111rch l as t S a.b · (;or1·eetetl lty Joln1 Lyle, every Tnc·<lay. I"w·ng , v1 ·1 l <>ts mt . h c v1 ·11age o f' E omq . k1 'l· ' -er 's 11 0 0 d s. oll.e n ow you have a chance that may not inonse stock o f smu... in ·o. Ciga.r Holders, Tobaccos and Ci.!!ars, in bath, and her address to the youog~r· .,, .,. lb $ OO t .:.o, ,,,. lenc, iu tho c .,unty of Durham, one being lialf Occur- ag·i ~ ., r t 0l\OR ,,. 100 s o 'IP:>< ..,.0 an aere, more or }ess, \)art or lot eighteen i n 2 endless Yariety. C;\ll and see t his, one members of the Sabbath Sch in the 1 · ' ' ·· · ··· · · · O· ov a"' tlle seventh· eoncesBSon of the 'l'ownship 11 , 0 Candies cheap for the children amall · ool W1m &'l' F all 'Ill' bush .,... 1 · of of the lar"est asaortmenta ever brou:?h t afternoon was bot h instructive anc1 inter · ·" ' .' · 11 · · · · · 0 80 11 ..,ap fogton, rn ounty ot Dur11 am, d escub· BowMANVILLE, JANU ARY 26, 1887. Choicest creams for the p eople older, "' " d l h 1 11 Sprm g 0 80 · O· 85. ed as tollows ,__c ommencing nine chains i n o. to t he town. Hair cutting and shaYing, esting. G reat success h 1>e . atten e..b t ' · · · · 0 45 1 1 ,., 'I'ry t h em, we w ill p1ease you a11 h · e \ B.&Ru ;nr ,.. ,,. b us h' v . 50, southerly direction from the north-west cor, ,., 0 1 4 0 ner o:! said lot.nui:nbereighteenon the e..sts ide as usual, i n t he late11t 5tyles .- tf. special special s ervices w1 u c a re emg ,,,; ·. . ' · · · · · · · ·' h ld er THE SCOTT ACT. l h b eo 11 With goods thatda:ui;ete hid 1 " th I hd · tl k .ll\ITiil . . . . . . . . 0 "'5 " "' oJ!t he Scugog roa d,t,henco ea.aterly twocbains At the Grand Central. The following are the officers of Alert e ~ e c iurc . urmit te wee · (i) A1.;, 11 : : · · · · · · · 0 30 1 1. ( } 30 nnd :Mty links. t hence southerly two chi1,i us, Hose Co. for the prE>sent . v ear : Captain . Durmg the hohc lays th,ere has ~ee?-· a· ,l?E:AS, Bla.ckeye, 'Ill' bush ... 0 70 , 11 . o 74 th.-ence westerly. t wo chains and fiftv links. The Inspector has been uttending to It pays people to read the advertiae· W Ii more or less, to the Scugog road, thence t\vo · ti E 1 St eam ~s m g.·· 1 1 Small 11 0 50 ·11· O· 50. ·chaine, more or less, along the Scugog roe.Cl. -duGy lo.t<>ly a nd several hotol men have ments, just as it pays the advertiserto ex- - N. S. Youna ; 1st Lieut.-W. Trewin ; b ig b oom m le ·ag e Blue ' o 50 , 11. O· 60 t©otlrn p'ace of beginning. The other biling a 11 11 been fined. In town the hotels and sh~ds pend money in advertising. W e b elieve 2nd Lieu t - C. Stonhouse; S ecretary- Machin e, n otwi t hst anding the election ·e~- : n t nd many ' table, ~ lb... 0 12'. 11 ' 0 l7: vmagelotin said village or 1£nniskillm1, con1 , ' ::BwrrER, best . . homes have . ' · been were closed t o the public on Saturday that tlHmsands of dollars annually are Geo. P eckham ; Treasurer- T. Percy i c"tem e ' 8 · · to.ining one quar ter or an acre, being eomposStewardG D. Fletch er ; Briinchmenrna~e h appy by then· introduction: . ] he· ! hlllD, <jjl' lt ., ... , . . . . . . . . 0 10 11.. 0 12' ed of part of said 'l'ownship Jot number eighnight anu closed. 'rhe church saved to r eaders of the STA'l'E!>:l·CAN in th iii · Asst. ladies to a. ma n say no such m achme · wa11< , · 1""~~s, 'Ill' doz .. .... . · .. . .. o 00· ,.. o 1S tf'en, commencing a t a post pltmtcd cl~ven Ge o. Dowriey and Wi'lson N eads , sheds are all opened for horses, the board- wa.y. d 11 k l ..,....u ·ihain11 from the north-west corner ot said Int Branchmen- Louis Lyle and John Reed . ever sold 1·11 ~Iie country an a ac n ow ~ iP OTATOES, ~ b usk ....· ·.. 0 25\ ,., 0 30· nnmber sightcen on the west side of said lot. inp: h ouses and restaurants are open for Cheap at the'dissolution of partner11hip e~ge t hat !tis the b est washer on . eartJh:. : HAY..... .. ........·... . 9 00 11 JJO 00 on the Scugog road. thence nor th, seventy-tour travellel's and othns, and sample rooms sale, black cashmere hose worth sixty Mr. D, ,V. Campbell, who has travelled 'Ihe . machme can b . A seen. at Cawlteu· &;. , D~Es~ED H oGs. . . . . . . . . . . i; , 001 11 , 5. 50 degrees east t wo chains and fifty links. ~hence llave been provided for commercial men v south, sixteen de!lrees east one chl.\in, thanoo eents selling for forty centd, four clasp around the world, will give an entertain- Allm's store , b es1d es in maay, o f ' taS< I · ·· ~ south seventy-four degreee west, two ehrune Business i!;Ocs on as usual. kid gloves worth eig hty-five cents selling m ent on " L ondon " in t h e Town Hall, houses in Wes t Durham . J no. N,; Ki'v:e11 ' 11.nd fifty links, thence north sixteen degreeit ----·------~.,.___··· ---west. one chain, more or less, to the place or for sixty. five cents, saxony yarn in all on Friday evenin~, Feb. 4th, under the sells this Washer and on e of t he best wnfa~- · W. K. !!M.ll' H, beginning. colors selling at fifteen e1:ints per package. atupices of t h e Temperance Association er11 io t he market. L ICENSE A UCTJONEER: for lm·W· Or sn any undivided interest.or estate there· Robert~on and Bond. of St. Paul's Church. One hundred P URE TEA I PURE LITER>..'rUIU~·!'!'--:.ll'he manvi ' ll·. Dorlin.,.ton. Clarke, (llartwri~h.t, in ot a oy or said parties by moans ofon any v ~ "' mortgage ortl1e ot.her lien or security ar e or beautiful dimsolving views recently ob· The Copp Clark Co. , Toronto, has isLi-Quor Tea Co. is the lr u gest andi bef!t 1\fanvers ; nlso East 11urhe.m. All or ei;s before i:latnrday the 12th day of Febrne.ry, 1887. Why can' t we ha.Ye uniform time in Packet Tea Co . in the \\orld. .A hand promptly a t tendP.d to. 'l'erms liberal .. Addntl to send by post prepaid to W m, K err, E~q .. tained are exhibited. It is a u11eful, insued a copy buok for senior t hird and .town i \V il~ SMr'ru, or I< 'RAN O rs MABON< llox ·16i Bow- barrister,Cobourg, for \ V111ie.m Mortimer entertainment. l!!tructive 1md pl easing fourth book classes; the aim, which is a b soms volume giYen away with. every 31 s manT1lte. ,1.8;.U' Clarie, sohcitor for the plaintiff m action, Do you smoke1 One trial will conTince See small billa for particular&. their ehrlsUo.n and surnames, adfil'essed and of this celebra.ted tea . It is not neeessary you that the Grand C~ntr~l carries the sood one, is to afford practise in writin~. ILDING LOTS, 3 ae.res,. foll sale 0n descxiptions, t he tull or their olaime. to familiadze pupils 'l'l'ith those business Au cTION SALEs.- R. Hutcl1ison, Licen· to pttrchase the three ponnda at one tim e; B U choicest bramls of leadm!! cigar s. North, or w ilt sell m y whole a of their accounts. and the nature J.ibert.y·st. forms which they can understand, aud eed Auctioneer fo r the T owns hips of a. voucher is given awny wit h ever y half nroper ty together if desired.. J>,\c om Po.i;.]rAllD, ofstatement the securities (it o.nyl l1 eld by thetll, or 'iu deThe Kingston Whig is, withrJut excep- whicb will be most useful to them. ound. B y drinking theLi-Qµo11 Tea11, th Bowman ville. 3..:l. w , Ce.ult thereol , they wi 1 be peremptorily ex-· Clarke, M anvers, Cart wright, Darlington p tion, the lie~t prinu(l daily paper that · · · h eluded from the benefl' of the said decretal order. Every creditor haldi ng any security Arcturus is the name of a new pape r, and Whitby.All sales att ended to promptly consumer becomes n pnrt1c1pa.to1t in t e ~aches our office. \Vint press do you which thls company possesses flOU SE TO RENT ( IN QiUEE.i.~-ST. is to produc1i tho same before me at my che.mfounded by J . C. D ent, ·one of Canada's and at reasonable rates. 'Wh ere it is not advantages use, Bro. P e ase 9 aebS< 8 better - 'l'wo ::5tory Brlek, Vi"ill be ma.d e very hers in Victoria. Ila.II, in the town of CobOurg ·. convenient to see me , arrangements for over all competitors, for he·"' comfortable tor a respecta.b le tam.Uy · .Appty Oil .Monda.r . th" Hth day ot Ji'ebrua.ry, 1887. at What you cau huy at the diaeolution ablest and best known journalists. It will sales can b e made with the Editor or b y te" a.t a. lowe r price than can· be procured to A. BUCKLER. J eweller. l '!' > -tt eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being: the t ime, not be unlike the Week. but livelier, ra· ' -0f partnership Sale, Dress 8atiu U.hir.dame appointed for the e.~judication on clai ms. addressing m e at Enniskillen , P . 0. elsewhere, and he shares in, t he ioestim· - - --·-·--- ·· ········-·- -- -·-·-----·--- -···and b etter calculated to please the cier, and Mar veille ul( worth one doll1u and a able benefits of a gigautiie enterpri!e. SERVANT GIRL WANT .RD IM- Da,ed tbis l Hh de.y ofJe.m1e.ry, l887. N. B.- I have n o agents out b egging for ma11ses. As a "Canadian journal of liter· ISii.:ned,) GE O. M . CLARK. MEDIA'L'ELY - tor gcAersl housework, quarter per ye.rd s elling for eighty cents. Came e11irly and !(et t h" b enefH of our DD· Only those willing to le&ve town need apply. 3·3w Local Master at Cobour!f.. tf. ature and life" we hope for Arcturus the sales for me. R. H u TCJIISON. · lwberteou & Bond . broken sto01k. LEVI Mloa:1us, Agent, Inquire at S'l'ATEBMAN oft'lce. fullest measure of s uccess. rhe Pictorial 'l'imes is the title of a new BEOI>I Yo uR GuAttD,- Againat 11udde11 Boumall's Hlock. 11-t f O LADI E8. - 1"'dies. wanting plain S ubscriptions are coming in fre ely . illust ute d paper jnst started in Montre -0ol.ds irr1ta.ting coui.:ha and sorenell8 of The anniversary of S t. P:.111's Presby· 188 7. sowing llnd dresA me.king dono at their 187:J. the thro11ot. K eep Hagyara's Pectoral Those who cannot find it convenient to al, the first number of which is before us teri~n church , Bowma.urillle, w as h eld homes wilJ inquire tor Misa J nromP. at Mrs . 8 , Balsam a t hancl for these prevalent pav at the office will please send the ir S nch a paper is wanted in Canada. and Jan. 16th and 17th. Two of th e ablest Thompson·~. cornet Silver and Churoh Sta., (;A.NADA'S tJOHlC ,JOIJllN.U,. ··Sm. doilar by post. Dont let J nnua.ry P"~s proper ly conducted is 1111re to be fl great seTmons we have h ea.rd for rnany a day Bow me.nville. troubles of Fall and Winter. success. The ilh1Rtrations and literary AKNOUNC F.MENT ) ' QR 'l'!IE CO~IT~ G VltAR, without having paid for your pgper. The On Wednesday eve ning la~t, a· certain wer e preach ed on Sa bbath by ltev. S . M. U SIC.- 1 \USS BYROM is 11repared contents of the first number am very On man took a horse up over the front 11teps way t o have a good newspaper ia to pay credi table, and if t h ey may b e taken as Pe.rsous, of Knox church, 'l'oronto. to give instruction on the Piano and GRIP is uow so well known aa to :require. ·o f one of the h otel s in town , into the hall promptly in advance, and then the pub· an index of future issu es they are liictily Monday despit e t he incloment weather a Organ to a limited number of pi11Jils. '.l'erms very littlo or either description or praise. l t i a lisher h as the m ea ns to make it good and on application at t he residence, Church S_ treet. Tlte only C:a:rt&lln F:ipcr ill <Js1uttln, goodly number parto ok of t he excellent and closed the front door. Surely it reo,lly interesting to all. 'rak e our ad- to please the Canadian people. Single r epast provided and servecl by the ladies. 51-tt and it is furn ished at about One· the co\lld n ot hav e b een a Scott A ct horse. Price of similar j ournals In the United States copies 5c; pe r annum, $2.50. Address, T he tables were beautifully set out a nd ' ' ico this time . GRIP'lilC.A.R'l'OONS Dr. B arnardo, of L ondon England, is The ninth annual report of the Woman ~ Pictorial Times, Box 138, M ontreal. µresented a. m ost inviting a ppearance. in addition to being st rictly impartial when .sending out the first week in Mardi, 200 Christian Temperance Uni0n of Ontario ev. Mr. P arson 's address at the public R they refer to p omic~. are a lways on t he side ~JWIAL No1'1CE. - Ernry person who in boys (1·ges 10 t o 16 and upwards) for has been issued for 1886. The report of m eeting w as most a p propriate for such an MUNN & co.. of t he SCIEllTIFIC A~nmI CAN. con- of patriotism and morality. tends 1rnying a set of Ha.rne~s b etween farm' labor and other employment. Those unions shows that the society is in & very t.rnue t o a.ct a g Solicit.ors for Pa.tent :!. Cavea.t.g. 'rrnda The late improvements are universally all· 0 now and spring would do well to c<1.l l oa occasi on a nd contai ned valuable instruc· d esirous of securing such h elp are r ecom- h e1 fr~a~1~~ g~ite~J~;~t~Oo'T:\1~'tig;11t mired. 'l'l1e journal is enlarged to 16 pages.and ilthy condition and steadily growing S. Thompson & Co. W e ar e b uilding a tion for eve1·y congregation i n the l and. tt~~f,~~£ f.1;:-!fc~~~-e it is printed upon hea vy toned and well·calen. 1 l to apply e;1,rly to Mr. Ed . Duff, The work among diffe rent classes, partic· m en dec "'~:rc~t:~iin~~~°d t~~~~;ri-~U~ NY~'C~.~~~ri~~Pc~~ dered paper. 'l'h1 R ev. Mr. Warrin er and an other cler ical a gives boL h the engra.vinga D r . Barnardo's H om e, P e terborough , who ularly amon g soldiers and sailors show lot of superior sets of H arne ss, bo th l n t h e S CI ES TI U 'IO A MER I CAN. the }(llrgcst. host , u.nd and the letter-press a beautiful appear11uce. wide!} c ircu l at1~1'.l :wie n tlfic pa.per. ~3 .20 ti. year. single and double , out of an extra ~rade gentleman from Owen Soun d followe d roost And. notwith"randing t his enlargeme1tt a nd will furnb h all n ecessary p W eekly. S plend icl en~1·avi n,1?s an<l in te ~ in · thut good purposes has been made by nf No . 1 leathor , pick eel out especially for with interesting itu d amusin g ad dr esses. , t he price of Grip i s for mation. S pecimen copy of th e !Sch~utili c A111er· improvement. On S undu.y l a2t , two y o1;1n_g m en cam e t hose who have charge of ~his branch. lcnn sent fr ee. Addres· MUNN & CO., ScIBNTil!IO On ' Vedn riH day enrn iug a s ecoad t ea wa s On l y lB2 a year; Saua:.i>ic C:1111tes. r. r.m1ts, our trade, and we i nt en d t o sell this .i.AlfilllCAN OQlce, 261 Broadway, N e w Yor k. down from Oslm wa, d n nng a black 'r ha number of pagea of lite rature sen t (the price it commanded when but a four ·pago H arness a t goin g prices. W e employ n o served when t he Sabbat h School childre n They upset at out by the literr ture departme nt wra h orse wit h a white face. sheet). ch eap wor k men, no appren tices, and en joyed a jolly ti me . Over 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE the T own H all, the horse running 271,925, valued at $387.85. GR I P'S P LATF ORM. guarantee our Har n ess No. 1 in every north and jumping the Scott Act bar· l hnnor \ VUll&ow.t. ·va.l:;arlty; l'nt1·1otis111 P1rns1rn'l'ATIO~ . -A few even in gs a go, r esp ect. R emember, also, we h ave come ricade at t he Alma Hotel. The only ' vlthout l'nl't l za111>Jtl1·; Trulli w i thout D. M. FERRY & CO. t o i>tay . S. T u o:1,r psoN & Co. (May's WAN1~ED. f ll f ..,; a dmit ted to be the damage done bcinit a cracked dash oard. t.he friends imd p at r on s of D arlington TClllllC·'· U nion Sabbath school, one mile east of old st:w.d.) : ~ :_ g lARGEST SEEDSMEN A fter arran1'in;!; t_ h e cutter, they drove -o ~~ c, itt the wtJr ld. Ilowmauville, presen t ed M r . J ohn J oblin, itarDo not be without this favorite Canndian Mr. Geo. J . B enn ett , n ews editor of through t own wavmg a black b ottle. ~:., D. M. FERRY Ii CO'S Cnr founder of th.i school and latterly teacher toon P aper. I ts price places is within t he. o: I Uudratcd, Des.. tm, " who RusE'::; TJllMPLll OF Musrc .- One of the of the bible class, with a ver y brge and the Toronto "Evening 'l'elegr1 reach of all. is also Gran d R egistr ar of t he G rand SElo'ANNuA °L A.ddress the Grip Printing and Pl1hlie1'in~ mo~t ellwan t c~le ndara we h ave seeu this valuable family b ible , and nicely worded Forl887 Co., 26 and 28 Front Stre"t '\Vest. Toronto. -~. year con~es to us from R use's TE-mple of address, in recognition of h is ser vices. L odge of Canad a, A.:F. & A. M ., h as just will be mailed New suhecribers, ijending ~2. will receive the Music, Ci 8 Kin g si::-eet west, Toront.o. 'rhe was reucl by M r . George issu ed "The Freemason' s Pockl"t B ook, FR E E to alt po.per the balance of 188G, and to lllet Dec. 1887 ~p1icants, nnd This is a large oil chromo of Qnef·n V ic- R ick ard, t h e present superin tendent, a nd Dia.r y and Calendar for 1887. " It is a SPECIAL PRE111IUM OFFER. t o last season'B c ust omo1-e . t oria ,in comm"'mombion of th e J ub ilee of M r. J. Galb raith mado t h e presentation. com pre hensive guide t o the Grand and All subscribers to GRIP . ne w or old, arn <tithout orentitled to a copy or t ne magnificent lithograph H er M a jest y's reign, June .30th , 1887. S hort speech es wer e also made by Messrs . S ubordin at e Lodges of t he Dominio n a nd <lering it. " CONSEHV ..l.Tl VE LEADERS;" or the companiOI) I n roluct.ble to It is a fiue picturfl of H er Ma1 esty,crown· J as. G. Rickard, T hol . Kirby a nd H. C. rni~y b e correctly t ermed t h e Masonic plate "LIBERAL LEADERS," shortly to be puball.E oery per. Within. " N o Mason sh ould " E ncin ire on usi ng GaT· li~hed, on p a y ruent of 5 cents for poste.l!'e. ed as Queen and E mpress, with t h e blue Brittain. d mi, Field or be without it. The book Jom prises n ears.a11h of t he Order of t he Garter . Flointr i EEIJS should ·tmd for i t. Address F Ult TllE CO~fpJ,EXlON,-lfo1· J'hnples. 'rHE SIGNS 01<' lVOJUIS nre woll·known ly 300 pageSl of :neeflll m atter el egantly OAR F OR SERVICE.- A P oland 0, M, FERRY &. CQ, - 81 t b s Ta n lllld n il ltchh·~ h11111or· or. b ut tile r emedy 1" IIOt ahrayA J;<l '\t'Oll de- e ncased i n leather, gilt edges and costa China Boar is kept for ser vice on lot 33, tll: .ti~~ ." u:ie ' l'rof. Mlow's ltlnt.(lc Slllpllnr termlnc1l, '\Voro1 l'o,·nlcra will ·kst1·oy W indeor. Ont. con. 2, Darlington. JOUN l'ENl· 'OU:'>i'D, 46-t.f but 75 cents. , Soa·· I them, June Gth, 1885 For aeveral years I waa greatly troubl ed with asthma , some times having to sit up seven or eight nights in succession, un ·a ble to sleep and almost unable to breathe. A. friend recommended Dr. Jug's Medicine and Pills The lirat bottle gave me great relief and af;;er using six bottles ·w as cured, aud cau n ow sleep 111nd 'vork a11. well as ever. PATRICK F'LANIGAN; Farmer, Downie. S'.l'RA'r~·oRD, STOTT & JUR Y, BOWMANVILLE. I I l F Soaps, Combs Brushes Notice for Creditors. The Best Cough Syrup Spectacles ·THE Local and Otherwise. T GRIP! M --- - --------- - - - - I PATENTS f ERRY'S SEEDS Red and Alsike Clover Seed. HIGHEST PRICE S PAID. QU~CK ~! ·'· · " ... .~ ~~i ·I W. & CO. B