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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1887, p. 6

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the errors and md1scret1ons of youth, nervous "eakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c , I w ill send a r ecipe that EVERT JFRID~ll NIORNl'UlfQ, will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. T h ts -Dv<tre~t remf d y w,is d16cov ered by a m:ss1on· n a. JYI , ary in Sou+h America. Send a self· addressed envelope to the REV. JosEP.fl AI '.I.HE OuJUC!i: ' N ..:J "'ta'·on D .Lue·u ...,.ork Cit". 46" l"oa10llh:eB oclL, Kxng~t.,ltowman vill<r,,'91:1 t T. I "'M .1., ~ t, -"' " .J. ' .., .;1 1t!&!!!~!!!!~~~!!!~~~-~z~~~~~~.!!.!.!.! _~ __~~~~~~~~-!!!' *!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~i!Wiilf ~-~--~~~~~ -~~~~~ l~"~'"'R'R~~~' ------·--~~-ou_ t_s_o_f_1::1ghte~=:-:~~:==~~~~~ YOUNG FOLKS. i cn \\ho WCl e ont of sight arom l the cox THE CAMADI At.I STATESMAN A CARD -To all who are suffe ring from Ill l'ia\I IS PUBJ 1l:!lIED H A.J-AMES, T:F.JR~t:J: ·1.P ,1rnrannum,or $ 1 .00if~micltn ad' unce li'OJment strictly in u.clvancE> reqmrticl fr urn .nbl!lcrtberB outsiue of tho county. Orders tQ :418oontinue the paper muet b e aoooropun1ed by luu;mount due, or the pal)er w1 !I not bes topped. abl!cnbers urereapons1 bleunt1lful !payment is 'Ulade. Whole Column one year ............ ~60 oo :;;~~ " " Half y e in .. . ·· · ·· 36 00 1i;;;; One qua.1 ter ..... · .. 20 00 ~ ... Salt Column one year... . ........ 36 00 - " Halt year.... . ·..··. . 20 00 " One quarter .. ..... .. 12 50 :QU&rter ColuJL.n one yeD,r .. ....... 20 00 " " year ........ ... 12 50 " One quarter . ..... .. 8 00 - - 6 llx 1.nos andunder,first msert1on . l!O 50 Jl:e.o{l subsequent inser tion...... 0 2~ _ "°'om six: to ten [lnea first mserti01:i. 0 7o _ subsequ ent mser t iun ...... !JTO? tenhnea,firatmsert1on,pcrbne 0· Kach eubseQuent 1nsert1on, " Tho nnmLer otlmes t o be reckoned by lie apace occupied, measured bya scaleo olld Nonpareil. KA.TES OF A.D'VJ ltTISING : '::~ = 0 gro --10 ~- DJts. ltlcLA.UGHLIN dl BEIIJI, OFFJCE - MoRms' ELoc1c, Bo~MANVILJE. Dr J.W McL.AUGilLIN., Dr A BEITH. Gradu licentiate of the Royal ate of the '.I oronto C-0llege of Phlsicmhns Untvers1ty .l'hys1c1an and member of t e · lto;)'al College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. geons, Edmbm gh,1 -- -- --- - ----~ I pJt, .J, (), llil'llC HELL, ·~-------------- EMBER OF COLLEGE mr PIIYSICI.A.NS and Surgeons Ontar10, Coroner, etc. M Ontoe and Res1d~nce. E nmsk1llen, 7!. -----DR. T,\.MBLllN, P IIYSlClAN, SUl<GEON o.11d ACCOUCHEUR. Ofilce:- S1lver ::meet. llo"\\ wanville 7 "\V. S, OllltH~'lctN, J,, J,, U. 138 rust er, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ottlce, nex t. door LO ]l'etcs O.Dicc, Bow· manville. 39-tf D, BIJRKE SUIP S ON . D .A.RRISIER, S OLICITOR, &:c., MOPRIS DLOCK, up sta irs, King Street, Bowman y.Ule, So1Lc1tor for the Ontario Bank l'rh'ate ltlonevs loar;ied at the lowest rates. .John Keith Galbraith, ,._1' PUB LIC, &c. Oftice- Bounsall s Bloc,k B BJ!ng Street, Bowmanv1lle. Money t o lend, ,B.08.ER'.f A.:&ltlOlJJt, A J. Rl::JTER, SOLlClTOR, N OTARY -- -- ... _,.. 'n o! Marru;ge I.1cenaes, BarriBter a.nd At tor ··f' at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Mon eY 1o.5ned on Real Estate. O.tnce on King s~reet, ~owm1uiv1!1e. iD KGUS'l'RAR, WES'f DURHAM ISSUEH. - - - - - .a. T. PUU.Lll"S L ICENSED AUUTIONEEH tor the County ot Durham, Sales promptly uttended, Address-Hampton P, O. 59, OHN H UGBES.-L1cenijed Auctioneer, Valuator and .A.rb1 tiator Fire and Lite 1111ura.uce, Notes and Accounts Collected. :Ji(oney to Lend on reasonable ttiims , .A.a dress Oa.rtwrighi, Ont. 472 J WILLIA.ltl "\l'JGlll'. County of Dmbem Orders left e.t tho L i!<A'rES:M'..AN office or torwa1ded Tyr one P.O ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the to .. un rtceive pl'Oropt attent10n. ~ S. (), HIJNKING, L ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the County of Durham. Sales attende<l on shortest notice and lo>Aest rates Addrt'BS 10 00C:RTICE P. Oo 36 tf A every man who bu ys his J_,icenee from l:l!ON RY SYLVES'f.11llt, Enmsln llen. .Pia nos Tuned anct. ltepmred .J f l];S WISHING :rn1miPIA NCJS '.l'uned or repaired PbyAR' leaving word t he 111 GOOD WIFE GUAHANTE.JW 'rO oanhavethomatL~illl.o ..i DOMINION Ol<GAN o o·s OF!l'ICW, ilowruu.nvllle A. tlra··clas ma11 sow oeini>. 1n t hoir mvlo_::_ _ _ _ __ _ _ '1!!Jo D-;! ··en.tlemen o f'F:nsb iou, not ~o I h .r vew:rltten these few lines .And a.!l I have to say_ ~!tat yoll.os.n find me lltlJlat home, I Am not gone a way . &all myk1ndol rtrrlends may oome, And all they oung on es , too, &tid got thetl'garments nicel;y made I n f a shions t hat a re now ; ~here old a.ntl young , d6artrle1~dB me.y meet A w elcome v~oetino: b~R. PE.A.~--- 0 ENT I STRY. ~n~u TEETH. J.M. BR IMA COMBE, PltA CTICAJ. DENTIST, IJVllj,R TWEN'l'Y YEARS EXPERIENCB, iattrou10x idcGas A.clmb1Jstered for ' 0 1'.li'IC::E Ot·er o,tlons. MUCl.lfNG'S ULOCJl. c. HARND E N, L. D.S. Graduate of the Royal College o lDental S urgeona, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK::sON'S STOl\ E. lOLD FILLING A SPECIAL Work ex ecut ed in the latest a nd !lmoae e.~e lmprovedstyleo! t he Denta l.A.rt. 'IE'!:'lli 1 E X '. rRAC'rED WITHOU'.I' P.A.INi o!NitrousOxrdeGaa.withoutinJury t o the vatlent. ",.rctimlar attention paid to the regnlatlon o t CHILDREN'S TEETH , ho ns·~ _...ALL WORK W ARR.ANTBD. "1bl. MUSIC. S. W. R USE and T.l:IEOltY T VOICE e.·t·on " ll!G 20 " M E ACH ER OF ORGAN, PIA N O, 'J enna on aoph 28;l y 1nalities we dis - We a ttract h ear ts by the c .Play, v. e letmn t hem by t h e qun.ht1es w e ':Possess. nei 'When. I dHl see them I sl od perfe,t A young I3uddh1st pnest from J,1pan has ly still There wme fo m h t tle chtldie 1 au 1vecl lll Ceylon to study &outl1ern Bncl -without O\ ersh oes, or o' Clcoiits, or mittens c1lu:sm, which is r eg,·idecl as t he purer system BYJULU.M LIIP)J \ X;s lJ 1. They h.vl ,m old brnom ~nd twu o c er uoys of t h at faith , wl nch counts so many nu!hon Fom fimoll shoos with coppei tip·, were 1111llm a l· .m along hy the ]1·mdle The belie\ ers in A s1,, , Two h1g cl rums ~' t" o :sm dl wb1J 1s, -; 1 l ll T" o b>Jght h·1<ls "ith golclenc;i ~iort11 child, a g n l. we.~ rnnnrng ' ong 10 c Mr '\V ..~lungton E Connor'" ,L nts a yacht Cut cm ofI I they ie uke 1 gnl s m u the httie one on t he broom Their eyes thc1t w ill nuke mneteen miles an hom, with w:re shrnu g, cheek:;, lllst hkc iooe~, Cake must be enou·..,.h fo1 twoJ 1 t I t I th n.nrl l out 1er,.LILl to cost, and t he English l>mld One bur p1Pce wo11 1<1 nernr do t iey cei mn Y wcrn J U S !LS 1appy ll.S oug 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -- --ers, to whom be lms .,,pplied, ai e w1llrng to T" o rn1lk cups and two high< ha. ist hey hr1.1l t he most bea ntifol o t ~lods ADVISE TO MOTIIERS -Ar e you 1lis I vc1 vthrng '""'t go m paas The foll owmg convexsation wa1 overheard hy Io1 i t f1oro a common llUotch 9 or Eruption, turbed at mght and b roken of your r est ,tmong some little cluldren Mme Auelma P atti is one of the m ost rn1 TA> the WOibt Sc fO~nla. Sa.Jt-rbeun1, I ots of noise 1\Jth h1,.r toy < h nms, "11; e-.o er-sores," §cu l y or llRough Skin, by a sick child suffering and crymg with Three tmy, i ,1ggecl boys were play m g to g1,1c10us of women m gmntmg her .tutoJr,tph m 'I\' o loud shouts \\lien JP pa comes, slr01t, ail <11s< nses cnusc<l by bad blood nre pam of Cuttmg 'l'eeth i If so send at rwo s umll heads ~t mamm i.. s n:nee,gether rn the sunshmc 'lh11rsday on a s1tle rankrng next to Mme vV1\son rn tins 111<Lt conquewd by tins po1\erful p1m fymg, a nd T\' uis are tued as c in be orne Gl'cat Eating Vl.valk near O'ie of th e Nor th Rnd rn1lway sta ter , lint she is a collector hei~clf and ho,~ lnvigo1nt111g morl1 once and gtt a bottle of " Mrs. Wmslow'a ccrs r apHliy he I unclcr its bcm,,:n mtluence. t10ns A fourth youngster c,tme up, h i, eyes a m<>gmficcnt alb um Soothmg Syrup." For children teetluni]', Especially hns it m :rn1fcstod its potencv i n J3aibara's Lesson. ahstcn ng with pleaGure, h is chrtyfacc proud The f rrnuds of Joat1um Miller ar e suggest- cinmg '.4.'ettcr, Iitoso ll.luslbt, nous, Car· its v alue IS mcalculabl e . It will relieve li:luncJe!ii, sore Eyes_. Sc1o 1tt l ous So i Cl!i the poor little sufferer immediately. D e"Bar b!Ua 1 'lhe l1t tle rosy cheeked ~v1th delight "Oh, boys," he ~1 ierl, "I've Ulf! ~ that the name of Goa,t Island m San i!Uld. S· n ·eUiugs, H1p-Jf 01ut JJ» i scase, pend upon i t, mothers ; there 1s no ownei of tlrnt name was lym iz on tie l 1oungc foun' a t rn crnt piece " l l 1 d Fianc1s<.:o Day should be changed to Mill et \Wblto swelllll[,{9, GoHre, or Thiel~ Neck, nud EnJargct1 «Han·ls. Send ten ~ The ot hers crowd erl <L101111c a n< c 1scusse or Joa<Jllln I"l,mcl out of re·.-,;r d for t he m1Stak e ab out 1t. It cures Dysenttiry m thes1ttmg i oom, very much mteiested m "'! I'h h t l " centa in. stltmps fo1 a !urge treatise, \Hth colt he t reasu1 e exc tt en) . ' en t 0) StL c own poet's sen ices m securmg t he observu.nce of ored plates, on Skin Diseases, or tho same and Diarrhrea, r egnlates the Stomach and r e,td rng "Dutt y Dimple " on the om bstone to iemm1scences Arbor Day nmouut tor a trent1sc e n Sc1 ofulous A:trcct1ona. "I s'pose gin.mlpa's left his cane most f k f l Bowels, cures Vii rnd Colle, softens the 1 0 8 "'.l'HE llllAHJlJl) IS '.ll'l!CD~ JLU'E ." recent u c Y me f t On t he o<.:cnrrcnce of the thr ee hundredth Gums, r educes I nflammation , and g ives likely," 8hc 8 ,~Hl to heiself " [t seems as if 11 piece 0 a top, yes ei ann1versa1y of the exect1t1on of M ry ~'horoughly olcanso l t by usmg Dr. Pierce's ' 11es t man I e vet saw "I foun' mos ",hn t h ti f 1e e is most or6c H' ,, l If , b b w Golden l'lli:cd1cal Discov ery, and good t o:ie and energy to the whole sy8tem I most believe h e hides his hat and ca·rc c fay, saH one ' oun ,L tg ono m our Queen of 8cotq, whwh will occur on Febru digestion, n :llah· sl<:i n ~ bUOJant spjr. " Ml."s, Wmsl uw's Soothmg Syrnp " for when be comes 111 so's to hfwe me hunt 'em ·.Hey, a n 'orhll big bone," said a secon cl,"n' ary 8th next, will, not 1mprobably, bcgwcn i ts, v ital o;trcu gtb, a.1ut soundne!ls o:I! c onstHutlou, will Uo estnblished. children tetithmg is pleasant to the taste u p 1 1faybe he don't, but 1t seems so ' I 'm gom to m,Lke a Jttmper out of it " a rn emonal celebrntwn of " pubhc cluuac a n d JS the prescr1pt10n of one of the old, .1 "B b ,, The ~ oungest cb1ld-th e veiy d u t 1cst, at I'etei bor ough and :both en ngny 1 1 11 m u.rn ca eu "6" m Jrnnc apa s smallest, i;ltmnest bab:y thatcvcr wal!,eu-had ~ est aud beat female physicians and nurses qmvermg voice J1°te11ed with" sn11le of perfect content, and Mr J ohn Jacob Astor, though not fanu m the United States, and is for s ale by "!'m commg, " sait1 B ar b aia, JUSt t 0 cl' met now " he clumecl w l b 11 l 0t arl s 0 f tlie "'h1ch la 1s Scrofu lous Disease t l1e 1 m, m <L tone whose JO) and "r \Ht a ti10 m um t cst c J:,uug6, promptly nnd ceitamly or on ested all drugg1sta throu o,, h the w orld. Price lwr conscience, fo1 she knew \ 01y \.\ell pride no wor ds can cnll'vey WOi k of c11talogmng the Asto1 L ibrary, is and cuted by t bls God-mvcn r emedy, if tuken 25 cents a bottle Be sure and ask for grandpa. could not hear h er "'I'hrth mornm' I foun' a p can·it " t'11tirely coin ers,mt with the fa<.:t tha.t he bcfme tbe last stages of t bc> disease mo i enched. "Mus WI)<SLov; 's Soor.EIING SYRUP." " I i ust v.ant to fimsh tl11s chapte1, antl -"0, 1 sec, it is 1 yeti 1 Lills for the mstitu Ftorn i ts wonderful power over thls tcr11bly 1ave, wliat h,,8 to pay a good manv 10t wii"t t J.. ' ~ J fatal d1sea5c, when fhot o!Icrmg this now celand take no other kmd, besi<lcs, grandma thml,s you go ont oo you fin<l, thEtt m,,l,es you happy, but t ht use twn, and hopeo tha t t he r eadmg public is ebrated r emc<ly t o the pu blic, Dr PlERClll m uch," added the naug hty gu l to l1 er self yon make of it If vou u se It to enJOY i t , well served by it thought seuonsly of culling it his "Coc1· ~~~_!!_l!'.'lL~tl'.mm~~~, ThensheV1entonw1th her readmg, but , { Th :fi ti t l rH· n~ptiou cuuJ,"b11 r.n bando·ied tl1ntunmo get ,ill t he ple,Lsure <1nd pro rt t liere ism it e i s icense evet g1,m e( t o a \\Oman 08 too limited for a mccl.cme wlnch, from 1ta she did not ellJOY it any mor e, so she put Lt out of it, yoll will be hn.ppy 1111ts possession, to 11m a stea,m engme v. as ohtn.mecl a few wonderful combmatlon of t ome, 0 1 etiengthenaway, 11nd w en t to see wha t wn.s wu,nted of bu t rf you thmk all the t une that you want c\,t;) & .~go lJy Mr~s J\iar y S lliennan of lng, nltemt1ve, 01 blood-c!cnnamg,nntl-b1hous, h er ' of not pcctornl nuliltivc prnpc1 Lies, is unequaled, the t hmg y ou ho,vc not got, or cannot have, C incmnat1. SIie h ::ts 1ong 1. ueen a stucl ent on!~ and as 11 remedy for consumption of the Your attcnt10n lB d11 ect ed +.o the immense 'G rn.nclpa c~l!ecl you to go d~;vn to the you lose a ll t he ple«sme loekecl up m yom m ech'1-mcs and a fiequenter of the bo1ler iungs, but for all s tock of store with 1 11111, said gr,mclm<t He waut present possession l:ou kno\\ Paul smd, i oom, ,md would be deli ghted to dcvot<' her ed some pep rnmt drops for Ins cold, but j "I hrtve Je 1i ned rn \.\hn,t soever state I am whole tnne to h01leis ,Lnd nmchmery. a. · j he's so fotgetful I don't hke uo trust hun the1e~Hth t o be content ' Now tl, at is~ The Rev. Mr Hn.rrrn, ,, m1ss1onary who m THE a.lone, and 1 wasn had to hun t en VOll to t hlllk a.b out. Ptaul meant bill because 't let any nge a I do tlollar hope text fo1 ,1 d l t l t has JUSt returned from Japa n, tlecl::t1od Ill R ~ fi! of every deacr1pbon st h 't 1 t h,tt he nae1 earne 1ow o use e pt escu a n a<lcb eos m Sin Francisco t hat Chnstiamty I ~ a U!i 1 1 1t 1 y 1 1 d 't I10 11 1 1 e won oose ~~ c i n Lt um t une, t h e p1cscnt <:lifts, the inescnt f11cn t s , m,tdo i cmarL1blo inogress m the laud {J I ;Up(~ ft !~jjt\11 ~] ca~~· did you, Barbara th,ct it " ,L s not ' !Se to keep g 1aspmg n,ll the of t he M tkado He piechctecl that by t he Jf vou feel dull , drowsy, dcl11lltated, have ~flJln~<9 UUA~ij~~f ... l:, ~ ~ h I 1 -0 g t andmAa,dJUh otsee th,\t rnbm<lm.. l t m 1 c fo1 sorneti1111g out of ie,tch Ilnuk close of t his century .Japan wonltl accept eillowcolor of s1,m ,oryel'o111~t,b1ownspots t e Jl um ti ee ' n ere t omes gran P" t t t , on fucu Ol bo<l;, f1clJ ueut Jicurntclm or d1zzl· She has JUSt opened out one of t h e largest all u g ht ,,, a >ou 1 Chnstiam ty as i ts i1ationa1 fai th. ncr;,, bad tnste in mouth , i 1l crnnl heat oi ehillsi and most stylish stocks ever brou ght " I don't .},no"', " said Grancln1a Grey , -- ~-~ .._____ I n Honrr l{ong iecently a h ttle Clunese: ~llteu1uting vnt h hot 11ut.:1hcs lo'v spJrfta nna 0 l f gl JOm ~ lJore\Jodmgs, 111egu l!t1 appetite, and Worel S We1 1 IT to town, cons1stm g o f : gomg to the door "He looks as if h e w,LB sec" boy o se ven yea rn was sold rnto bondage, coated toni.rno, yo tt me sulfc1rng from J1ull· Silks, troubled, or somethmg " Some expicssions are so l1:1pp y that they like Joseph of old, by hrs elder brother, who g e st im~, Jmys 1·e1> si.a, und 'J.'01pid Liv e r, D I · 1 0 Ill i I Ill Cr Y' re s s "o Giandp 1," faltered Bar barn, "wh.1t stwk rn the memor y hke burrs They a re );ce1ved '!$26 as t he price oflu s cnme. <l The 11 Velvets, &c., is the matter? ' epigiams born like bubbles, aud sometimes ntish auth o ties weie warned, an t he a 10111edy 1or 8.11 such c:tses Dr. Pierce'· "Yon havn't lost the money , I hope, " li"r<1l" "Cl lived t J n L.rbbles, but never 1esult was bi other, lliedieal Discovery has no 1a v;1th a very fine stock of F eathers and ~ J 10110 · th t h t h at Jt he unnatural .1 l ll with d «:rioldon nl Flowers. a dded grnndma, ,mx10usly H thcless as ti uly forms of art as a1 < t hose t ree o Bl s '" 1 10 n.ss1steu nm, w1 spen (<lJJot ·weak L1111g,.., Spitting of El'J ood, 1 l3ut t he old mim drcl mit 11nswer c laboriou~ly evolved 111 t h e closet en years m J<1 Sho1tncss o~ Broat:in, 111 ond1lti111t Call and inspect this fine display, which dropped down on the nearest chair, and be Some one s1t1d of Thmeau, ".He expen It is ,mt horitatrvely shtted t h,it a t last Sever o Conghs, Con..uunr·t ll ou, ano. t t f f t , r , nffect1ons, 1s a sove1c1gn emedy. 1 h k t d cannot rul o gi ve sa. IS ac 10n. gan to turn rs poc ets 111s1 c ou nervous Y enced nature .is most people experience ieh the l\ I 1 o'ar t ;nonument m the St .Marks kmched Send t en cent o mit stamps for Dr. rPlerce'a "I don't know, mothel ," he s, 1d, \nth!\ ,71011 ' vVbat could give one a more em Cemet ery, V10nna, is t o be t1 ansfetrecl to l>oo!, onConsurnption. Sol<l byDru ggl6ts· hopeless look ' 'I'm afrn1tl- I c ~n t seem pthtt ic impiesston of t h e rr1<tn's st range per the new mtmw1p,1l graveyarcl (the Centi a l D!Jl llE d OR B@TTLES 6 to r emember, but I'm p retty sme I put It sona h ty 9 l<'uodhof), an.l will ther e be pJ,i cc<l next to nm;. I. ' JHm. $ s.oo. m my pock et when I pai d for thE thrngs Rufus Ch oate wa~ comtantly throwm g ofI tho tombs of Beethoven and Schubert It Yes, I'm pretty sure, but 't1sn't h ere." app<Ltently C1Lreles8 uttemnces which held will be tecollected that the rcstmg place of World's mspensary ~10tlical Association, " Wt:!!," said grnndnrn, w1pmg her eyes the germs of genms In speakm0 a of John the composer s rcmams never has been nor Proprietois, GGS Mam St,'ALO, N. Y. ESTABLISHED IN 1847 on h er apron, " yon ,,re too old to go to t he Oumoy Ac's rnler1tlessness ,,s ,, debater can be Hlentled with prec1s10n. stor e alone. I don't knov; how w e can spai c l;e said, "HP. bad ,111 mstmct fo1 t he Jngu' Comstock, t he cliscovoret of t he n ch Com It has no Bhareholders to pay dlv1dends to. the money, but t he1e will he some way Jar vem a nd t he carotid a1tery as uneumg stock Locle whwh has made nnlh onanes of ;. '"' ,~ " tn..,rr" Mlllle.ged by and solely m the mte1esta of Don't feel bad, fathe1 W e don't need m any I as that of any carm \ orons mumal " a half doze; (),thfo1111ans and L1 oken clown 'I>'!IC· 'II. '-' ~ ~ the Policy holders· thmgs," antl t he clear old lady smiled t hrongh Of a lawyer \ I ho was as con tent10us as h e I gamblc1s of as many thousands h es buued '\. 9 a Sa""\, LIVER h er tears, and took up het kmttmg. "'"s dull "itted, he decbred, "He is a bull rn t he outskirts of BozenMn JI.Iontau a Tei U,... {?,a.'\.\" 9 1 Iltl!l Rates a re Low. 1dog w1thconfuscd 1dous" 11~01y He d iscovered fi v~ ofthenchcst P oorl3arbar,i Sh e fel t as 1f she could· For notw1thstn.vcl The com ts once demanded t h ,·t heshoucll s1h e1 nanes m Ne1' ad« yet he sold h is pro ANTI ·BJU:,J[@US and CA'['HA UTJ!C, Policies non fol'fettnble an<l lU lContUU.onal never be happy nga111 mg her h eedless ways, sh e had a t ender find,, pi ecedent fot a comse of action he p erty for a tuflc, and, likernost p1ospectois, sold by Dn1gg 1sts. 25 cents a vl,1l. Cl\Sll Bnnu~ Patil every tliree years. he,,rt, and dearly loved her grandparents, had p xoposcd h e lIVed a hfe of e0< posure and h u.rds}up who ha<l taken he1, a feeble baby, fr om h er "I will look , your Honor," he r et1.1ncd, <md ched 111 extierne poi er ty ' dymg moth el 's arms, and h<tcl been to her alJ \\ rth )11~ pecul mr COUl tesy of manner " t\llcl 0 t th f tJ p [j l}J \g Joint Life P olicies. enclea\ or to find ,, pieccclent, if :i,ou ;e<1mre whon:akc a ~e:h!t~ri~~~~1~i:he1Inch~~ ~s ~~~~t is offe1 ed by the propnet ors Though a double rish but one premmm la paid t b,tt father and moth er could he How ofDr.Sngo'sCnt,nrrhRemedy !or two people. .A.mount of policy drawn S I k much sh e owed 11 them ti , t l 11 b 11 it ' though· tsecrnstobe apitythtttthecomt G eneiaIBH 1weII , o fCh ico, C t>!ifoi ma H er u " · ie n ew veiy we ie en co ar i shoul d l o<.e the h ono1 of bornµ; the first t o husband owns oue of the largest ranch es Ill fora case of catunh which they on first death could not be spared wit hout Mc11ficc establi sh so J11St a r ule" C f carmot cure. D I d 1 1 1 1 1 1 She slipped quietly om of the house, and < f an udy n.i tist who hacl pmnted n, por l n, orma, on, w nc M1s a B 11;,:ger nt ian V I If you haven discharge from 0 ~ ' rage, or ?CtrlC1i erui rs wwc11 en yeaIS tbe nose offens!\ e or other. ,., t t 1 , I f ti I 'd lld went d own the v111agesree, ook m-.caie ti L 1tof h11nselfhedeclare<l "It1saflav1ant a -w1se, partrnllossofsmcll, taste, t t '"t l ·bt 1 peeia n ueemen s o .LO a ,,., s am,er·. fully as she went; but she nothmg of hkeuess ' H is c~sual cn t{c1sms v;er c full ago, opcnec a sc1 100 or icse n rans, an · orheurlng. weulceves,dullpa1u the money a!ld he1 heart " l e\Y h e:.wicr every Aft' l I th I 1 sm ce then she has taught i egu larly three or pressure in bend, you luwo Cntnrrh ThouASSJE'J'S OVE R $5,000,001), ' of me1Lnm g _ ,.,, er oo cmg i o ug 1 n. vo h ems eveiy d ay O Su nd y sl10 e er i;encls of cases tcrmma te m col'lo~mptlon. ' ' " moment t\ml t he hot te,t1 s d opvcd on t he ume of " l'oetry of t he E ast " he said i~ a pi a ies Dr Sage's CATARRH R1nrnDY cm es t he wodt INC::c~;iio; OYEll $1,000,000 blight !~aves at her fee t S lie cen.ched t he "The 011entn.l seems t~ l;e mnply 'com 1' srmpllc sbonnm 1 h So 1nnct'}1 aptitudte l ftor cases of Cata··~ hh "Col«1l in t h o lf.l!e1ui," 1 1 0 music 1as een s own )y 10 men ia a and cQ···~~·· e~"'~ ""cen· t t le a l l tl " l1eie grancIpu, went o rat , 'nc petent to metaphysics wontlex fully compe h b 1 h h ~~u. ~"" al ~""- e·· ·u~· ""' ..,. (6100,000 OOdepoa1tcd with theCana.d1anGover1 giocer) 1' \\ 111 e 1e - - - - - - - - we it Ill a s! mg 111 IL tr embl m" t one '1 t t t iass , as een o1 gam7.e< 11 men t fot benefit of C&nadian policy holders, 'l , ~ , , " ,~ ,, tent t o poetry, scarce y compe en o ,v women ancl g1 ls lMve bECn taught t o sew ~~ "O M1 Cummrngs, d1cl Grandpa Grey - tn~, tad utte1 ly mcompetent to liber ty aml iu cool, So gient 18 Mis Bidwell's 111 i...__.., l3efoie she could timsh h er q uestion, t he I lh1s \\ aS expression t 1eatcd as a fm P. art, fluence ovci tlieseludrnns Mid so thorou oh INV~S'.11.1) UV l:AN .t.DA, $600 , 0110 .00, 1 g10cc1 .Lnswerecl, "Y cs, he left lus change but tho~c of us who Me not geHHL>CS nugl1t ly hu.s she \\on then confidence that tl~cy CONCERNING HEAil OFFICE IN U.>1.JS.ADA.- MONTREAL on the countc1, cmd he got out of sight be make it a fmet ::trt than we do i du ,,lJ uuaueh to hei, and u,bide by her j fo1 e I could call !nm Here it is, Harb,irb,t, 1 decisrnn · .4 · Y'f/ ,-' For par t!culars 1efer to but h e 1s too old- vom grandpa Is- to go The Breton's Prayer N tl i\" ( l l · · ~~ tbout alone ' · o ong ago r:us .x M stouc was v1sitrng 1 E, L. LIVINGSTON1JJ, " I know It ; " 1 t w as all my fault," said I in B A CH1 WP o" a country hot sc ,md t he rirnt e \ emng a t , 1 GENER.AL AGE!>'l', the little gnl " I 11 never let hun go agam. I L T he Breton marme1 offe1s up a beautifu l I dmnorl wdc a. b\a ' k la~e sca1 / wiapped ii::( 1 ~r ..,oc Y 111 tie most ex POR'1 HOPE Thank you, tlear Mt Cunmnngs, fo1 keep I pi<iye1 when he puts to set It ts t in s aroum an aioimc 1 or to 1.gents thronghout t he county . 4S-6s e, m g t he clmngo, and Bai barn lrnrned home j " K eep me my Goel, my boat is so small ;~ wrclmary st:> le t Lveiyz,ody wond~i ed at ~ 18 an izrng cos m oe 18 with the money 11 elcl f11 mly Jn h er h11nd ,Lnd Tky oc~an is ·o wide '] , om,, up 0 t 1 ,. - - - - - - -- -- - - -a nd wtpmg the t oarn from her eyes, she, drnwmg mom a.fter dmne1, somethmg st rnek H d l On to the o&he1 side mi J011111c i hea, sha1ply ;vamst the st< urs at C\ ei y st ep she ha .I cue ,,\ppall ccl' I gaze upon tn anoi J scu, ' t 00k ( f k 11 ' 1 t t " l 1 I !UM " It's all t 1g ht, g r,mdra ' I ' e got it h ero II1~h 01 e11tead nie no p1opit10u" slues, " w 111 t is, s ie c,i m Y 1e , t'~ in my h,mcl- don 't you see 7 I hcM d you l \\'htlc ""' cs a1c spoi tJI g " ' th 111 v \Joat and me ml\rkeu \ \ lien I ch es<.eu I could not Jmcl · 11.:.&' callwg me all the tune, too, and pretemletl A one, 1 h1n.1e the tcmpe8 t n.nd its st 11 re the waist of my gown , so I w1n.ppecl tins not t o hea r but I'll llC\Cr 111 all my hfe be ,\,Jone, to guide tl iough billo" " n y ft ;1 ! bal k' sca rf arotmd mu ms t e,l(I f>ly ma,1d ll1 JMCk so nauuht/ a"alll 1lf you'll onlj fmgr.,e Alone, to trust my all , m) clea1cst l!fo, irg som<'tlP1es pms the wau,t m 1de t ho 1 me ,, " "' ' ,\ lone, 1'nnd the " "' es, 1 desert wk skn t ' An d stoopm g clown, sm e enoiqh it "You a re a good little gnl, Barbara," said ~l\ s1 J ht qmte fails to scn.11 the , Mt e'peo nsc, \~as t he ml',sm g lmk of t he costume J\~ rs "'""' p-t ,mclpa Nor 11ill tile helm rnv ne1voless trm obc) , Gladstolle reL 11cd ·L'1rl 1ewppe<1red, hmilng But Grnnclma Gi cy too], off hf'r spccta'les ~IJ hclplcss11ess each t e1ro, does cnh 1ncc laicl asule hr, '5 1otcsque sti b~tr tute m 1a vor ! ~ As m then 1.111ght ,t,£r .u nst me the\ :11 u:q ·ic <om ent iontt] " ' 1st, anr] ··11 wi t i1 t' 0f t. md wiped them carefully · t hen she bent Ile Unapptoache d for St1ll madl1 on thioug h waves mi ltttle cia!t, most CO'npkte uow l1alw1r e clown n,ud ki:ssed t he httlc g~rl's tlushetl , pen Tone a nd Quallty. itert fa ce, ttnd said, "I h ope t ins will be a h1orns dmn:o,11), "" g olla 1 tl1 she -tmcs' - - - ------ - - MJ aching ej cs keep lool.. mg fore and a ft , -gr · l lesson to you, my dco,r child, for grnn dpa uut1 ! subme1ge<l, alas 1 Hupe m me ches l r it 1 ihe (~ucen. It 1s the only prepn.1 i:;t10n in the world that CATJU..OCHJES FREE. and giandma a1e growm g old, n.ncl J O U w ill will do what1Schwnedfo, it. It has p1oduoed have t o take car e of t liem now , The rn,png !oices 1\lll not b1001 , cont10!, Sn llcmy !en.els the"' n.y to Her ~L,1 esty's lux:nr 1ant gro"' 1hs of h air on b>1.ld heads" I1ere No ·i-111 of mme cnn wal e mi he'1 t feel bra1e , p1 l \ ate d raw m g room, a nd t he VJS1to1 finds b1tldness hos e x1ste<l ror ycaro l t ba!! ie~tored The " omler· o! the sea apall mJ soul, hunself lll the prcseuce of l{,oyalty, xt nui,y the colm and vigor to n uuiet ous CJ ops or ;zruy As; n 11 ns its d epths, a' eritable grn1e f I H and faded hau lt has relieved hundreds of be oi tlc first tune e is soon icassm personsofdisagrecableDaucliu1fa.nd hassaved The Lion and the M ouse. "Keep me, m) r..od ' I cq 1n lll) affHg ht, stued, aud unless he is a st~immen ug chm l, m1 tn)' 'i>hon hlllr was Lll1n,;;, trom bccoru mg Send Th.) g ood :mo-el soon to t:.1ke t h e h elm J A lion was sleepm g in hrs lair, when a wh o would be 111 at ease many lady's corn bnld " No compass h l.i e 1 hc1e no lamp ah£ht all\ he soon feels ,Lt home H e 18 sure to a::ir Remem ber t hese fa»ts a11d if your hair is mouse, not knowmg where he w as gom g , An<l. ius hmg \H \ tet& w11l m) lJoat oe1 d-1elrn ' , failin g out and becom rng tl11u, get a bottle at ran over the migh ty bMst's nose, < ·ndawu,k e " <:eleb11ty, a1'tl the Queens krndly 1 1ues once and save t he g-ro "' t h , or you mar Jos" it ened !um The hon clapped Ins paw upon "Out of the dept hs" o.sccnds the solemn pmvor, t10ns a s t o the "foi te" whwh has made lum , fm over A~k your dniggtl't fo1 H.A.IH .MAGIC the fughtenccl little creature, and \\ n< about " 1,eep me, mi God lf rhou mt by 1J1y side f,tmons se11 c l him ,Lway q111te hap py afte 1 and t1.Jrn nothrn g elHe Thon<i'b" wcs like monntarn s 11se up cve1ywhere, t h<' ten' rnrnutes' wter iriew to while away .6. DOltENW ENll, Sole l\fonnfactn1er, To· to make an end of \um 1n a mmntc VETERINARY SURGEON, I n /)1de lll pe l ( l' , thOU£h Oll Itn oc.:eun wide ron to Then the mouse m a tone of pi ty \Jesoug ht t h e t nne t ill < lmne1 ~!us he can do Ill !11s r1 n1 ..., , , 1111.r rno· 11,1.u:r 4 J1!1 & ~01\\l' 1 1 h un to spare oue wh o h ,td so thoughtlmisly ' h.ecpme,myGod, s1u:geontl1011nug ry sea, O\ VD d. pa,1t1ne n ts or in tl 1e sal<JI1 of the t;!j ..x·111 .111 1!;.JJ .lt.ll.ii..l:B. l l i..:: l "9 ' 08 1 0 offended , a nd not sta m his honornble paws ~n<l tlu thundei stmm" rnaJ t c er it m lc, la.dies and ~ l!ern lemen m wrutmg, as he A GENTS J<' OR. Bow;.JAN'VlLLE. Sufel; ou.rh nil sh1 ill p.106 mi bout with me Eionorary Graduate of Ontarw Vetermary with so t rifling a prey. The h ou smih ng at GuKled lJ y Ihce 11pon t h) ocertn \11de pleases. College, will attend to all diseases the little prisoner·~ fright, genei on$ly le t bun --- -- - '.l'heclinn er itself is 1,1ther m oretr; rng. of domest1e a m mala. go El!!;hty Years a So: di er. T o b egm with, it is not ser vecl unt· 1 nme Now, it so hc1ppened , not long after, t hat o clock, so that the 'is1to1, iI it be his fii st the hon, while ra.ngmg t he woods foi his prey On the :first of t he p1esent month t he VI81t, will be blessetl ·nth an a lderman 's a p fell mto the toils of the hlll1tcrs , and fintl ve11e1able E m pcr oi of Geu nan y celebt,tted pet ite l>y t he time Im fmcls hmiself m t h e m g himself entangled, without hope of es t h e eightieth annner s try of lus ent ry m to J 1cceptiou roorn, 01 1athc1 corudor, adJ ummg I A SPEC I ALTY. cape, s et up a 10ar tha t filled tho whole the Prnsomn al!IJ) H is has had a 1emark t h e prn att: d m m g ioom m t he Vwtor m forest with its echo. able c,uee1 He was born m 1797, JUst as To wer M1 Gladstone and scv ernl otht0{ Calls and Ordeis by mail o r t eleg r aph 'lhe mouse, h eaung the voi ce of his fon n the fame of the first l'i apoleon WRS beg11111mg old stagers alw,iys p1ov1de themseh es with er preserver , um t o the spot; a nd wit hout t o impress it self on t he Cont rne11t T lus san clw1c1ies, whtch t hey eat m t hen 10oms will recei ve prompt atte ntion. morn ado, seG t o wor k to m bble the knot m IIohe11zollcrn prmce was bor n before the Tnc C.;J,ueen enters :J,t frve mmutes to the CHARGES MODERATE OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. t he cord that bouncl the hon In a. short close of N,q oleon's seeond <.:ampmg n <1gamst h o111, s.1ys a v10r d 01 two to each guest, and time he set the noble beast flee, com rncm g Austna . At t he age of nmc he saw !us owu the u pi lots the wa y to the <'lmnm trtble .A Jl.1st·claijS stock or Medicines always !um that J,indness is seldom t hrown away cotmtiy baffled and beaten on t h e field of Hcie the u cn ous 1l& Ltor 's happ.nes> depends on ho.nd Jena , and when he JOm ed th e army t he grc,,,tly on lus Incl,, If by ·tny ch,mce cont muas to do a General B<i,nkrnf: Bnsu1e11& N. B - Will vrn1t Williamsburg every pov. ei of Napoleon \\ as at its height En Pi . ncess Chu. tia.n lhtppens t o be dm rn O' a t sllo wroanv1l1< llranch. One Way to Be Ha11py. Saturdav of each week. 16-ly rope was ,,t Ins feet, wlule his puppets 1e t h e ( as tle a nd h e sits i1cxt h er, h e is DIE ltl"'OS M '11:."'§ M ost boys and g nls thmk th at 1f t hey ech oed hrn commands fl om u dozen chffc1e11t t o lmve a good time. Prmcess Louise, the k D , ,eeverythmgthcy \\rnted to h B t tl t 'N I· , c; It tl a l> tecelved in Snln;{BRan epa11 JIJ Ol't11rir; ! A l con ldonlyhn.1 0 1 1 1 JA weai , to amuse t hem, they woultl never be .1,jh: I cr o~s ot dtosatis:fied T hat is a rnis ·aken su1ted (l JS,ts trous ly to tne arms of .1..·t ' " ancc ot}1er JMn d , tie ) l >rmcess of \Y,LIPo, tliong h ~IJ.)ab l<' on rl. ci m.uiil, idea 'I'hmgs outside of your self do not M isfoi tm 1es n c\ er come sw gly a nd such hei manner l > d 1aun;.ng , rn, from her deaf l ~X CiM.l&;~l)i;; ft; mal,o ltappmoss. I I-new a boy once, a bum; was 11 0~1 t he I11 the campaig n of 1814 ness, rathei a tq i<1g n eighbor to ,L nei vous mne years old, w h o it seemed !Me l e\ et y and HJl 5, which 1esulted m the complete visito1, \liulc Pnnecss He,d 11G c is so < JUIOt f 3ought a nd sold and Draft~ issued upon J~u1 01 ~ tlung that could make ,t boy happy- ,1 lo\re ovcrtlnow of Napoleon, \ 1T1llrnm took pa1t as to gne ,ttfughtenocl stt ,1nl1cr a c m tt er - 1 Jnited Stater. a nd Canada, al ·o Gold ::;ilver "'a 1 Queen J nited Sta~es Greenbacks bo1~11:ht an<l uol<I , ly home, ,, papa and a i who did He has lived to <ee t h e wo1k of t he Cors1cai1 1011eous nnpress10n of ha utem '!'ho eve1y thmg ·11 the woild to mak e lum h appy nnuo11 e, a11d the p1est1g e oI lu s own F ather a.duresses, m t he cour se cf t he meal, oP e H e hatl a puutmg pi ess, ~ velocipede, " la nd mo1 e than reoto1ccl A < 1 ,i, nwmLI"b sentence to each guest, win ch he rs expect bicycle, sled, shttes (ice a nd rollct ), hooks l l b b tt th 1 d 1. tl l lj ll h ., )tly 1 1 1"de u,t en Pt nt ratoa u1ion all "r _ h ' l t h tl10 t 1e ms een e er an« gr ca m,tn} ex c 1 ,o answc1 urte y uv \\ c. , , ot er con "tr<G,n1' "ri~ ttatn t h·'- Um t ed Str.tes ' ..., - eve r yt m g; anc y e e v; as mos un pocted, a nd although ambitrous Ins a,'n ' e1s,i,tion ce<>sm;:; duung the llmlogu e ~imt~~~fLOine,ua'. " au cl Uo 0 ], appy d nlcl I ever rnw. Ono wm tcr morn b1hon has been to benefit his eonntry lhe Ther e IS llO s1ttmg OVCl v me liy t he l,catlc Of mg the street s were covet etl wit h snow c 1nl\11el w1t h Frn11cc wasone v. 1ththe Bona inen , < 1ltd1 ·1 eue hom they are allmthc 'jfa--ll.t.;:;!l'.<l.~~Ji?r 'l"rr:Jl~llSf'li'l'lll All the boys m t he nOigh borh ood were out 1mr tes mthcr t h an wi th t he lrrench p Pople, 1ocept OIL i oo n ag,Lm '.!'lie vuest;; do not fm l Lr~ " 01 small ·l!Ol R 0 1. ~11 pan~ ol 111 ! with t h en sleds, shoutrng and lau~lnng ' d awl the ~ictmy of Seden cle 1recl <>W:1V tne sit, but ,LdV Ll!Ce 1ll tun1 <u~d say < few I Cunacia 'l'nls l s ('SPCC! ~iy adra.rita1rnu~ L~ · · l h,nmg thebcst krnd ottunes rlns boy ouca· greSSlvC dyr.,1sty "lhwh W<J,~ vit1ily \ 01cls t o H ei M1 cstv \~ho t h enbo-w to lPCT60:t.8 liVl!l~ID '.\{an1lc>AL,:!T t , l (1 Nmthv<>,ll O" went ,.bout the house f10wnmg growlmg, rntcr:steCL lll k eenmg Oc1m111y dn idcd tlic comp L :1Y anr,J rct;i es to 1 er pu:n,te &9 it'll ~k·'B t l1<> f~ndR ava1l,\,,le ct on JO llt tlie b and '1 hmmg '\'VL1t .1bout, c lo Jou thmk ? I , a· .11 'men ts. i11ormn th e !Jll!ce o> ll"Y i > cn.. .... He was not satisfied hecau:;e lu s sled was - · - l!llro bp f t t' g " Fol'.'f·irt her part wulara c&ll e.t tho H<'nu.1n~ ,, n all the 1 Ja.ppiness r ea 1 { a.s 111 neLL own i 0 0111s , a n(1 a I c ex rr tl t i H 11t 00 not longer and utterly iefoscd go out e symp a nze~ i ' ectctl to le11vc b h"'lf ast ten. l he' do .,,oi,irn., T ' ' " T H e "would n ot rro out w1t li snch a mean of ot hers enJOYS tne safest h ,1pprness, and h e P Y P Y ..i .~ BHODI.~. G i~O· ·1cG r.r., N evvspapel" Advertrnmg Bu r eau , cl 'l'i'J t fte I lk t h,tt 18 \I ~rnctl uy the folly of others lh sat not, evcept m the c<tse of l\hnisters, see the I Aeconutant. ManH1 e 1 1d , h 10 Spruce S t' N e"v York s e ' e sa1 ra ,L r noon was w,, t,·1i1ecl t l1e so·· ·' om. Qt'een m t lt e mo111rng { Iv , '111deot " '"is u Senti 1t0cts. lm H.liJ..P..gc Pamphlet. mg uot far frnm t l11s boy's house wh en I Two of Them. -- CURES All HUMORS, 0 CONSUMPTDON, LA.DI S, , , I M I L L I N E RY '1i I CI"TRQNIO DISEASES l"ver Blood dlungs l" 'a ~~' ~' ~ W~~~;~~)~~~ 3 ~~e 1;;~~Ku~~~e:d °.1~ 0 BRITISH EMPIRE I I I $ O O MUTUA L LIFE ASSURANCE CO., I I LITTLE e'\'\e'-5 P ILLS. I I $ i:::no D£WADD n n s I -rT'IACy-1-, ..J:::"I 0 I I IDI"· DQR E NUTE ND'S Z ... .. I - BELL·' ---"a RGANs I 0C I ?" 0 Ir '*"' 0 ilJ 0.. .. BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. F. A . JONES, ENNISKILLEN, It I I I Operations & Dentistry I I THE ONTARIO t l BANK HI'&&~ ~,L~~J.~ ,ctti~g S~J,i~:,1i ~~~J~~:~n\:~s b~;~y1,c~;eo~1ll ~~:~l~~~~ ;,f ~:i111p~1~;e~\)11 the 1 i"'o~11~~'~/e,~~~ed1\,~l~~';;~~:ats~~;'. e1lua~~upoS1~ ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact Cost . f any Proposed llne ·· · A · a dvertis1ng lll n1er1can l I I papers b 'Y add--ess1n , I Geo. P. ROVi'ifell & Co.' N~x" "t1~,ts

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