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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1887, p. 8

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· &kc ~ana.dian ~tattJiman. ~7r:{~::h~; 1~6. ·1~~7~ D ARLINGTON COUNCIL. TowN H AI.1 ., Hamplou, Juu. 15th, 1887. T he members of Cou ncil elect for 1887 met th is d ay pursuan t t o statute. P r es· ent: '£ . H. H ancock, Reeve; C. W. S mith,lst De pu ty-Ree ve; T hos. Smale , 2 nd Deputy .R eeve; J as . B. Wor den a nd (h;o. Awd e, Councillors; who made the declarations of qu11lification and of -0fficc b efore the clerk, and took their MASON BRO IS STILL COINC ON WITH UNABATED VIGOR, · BIG GIVING·up·BUSINESS SALE And as we have less than six weeks time left we will make still greater sacrifices in order to clear out the st ock. W e have still a full assortmen t of all grades of goods. ::B Fl..C>S. LITTLE, BUT 0 , MY ! 1:10\V A YOUNGSTJ<;R Wl:llPP~D s eats. A communication was pr esented from the Clerk of East Whitby, in reference. t o wol'lc 011 the town line. Heforred t o Mr. AwdA. A cornm unica.tion was pr esented from J esse Salter, apµlyin g tor th e office of Assessor. L aid over till 11ext meet ing. An order was p resen ted from t h e Tru'"1:~es of S. S. No. 6, for pay fo r use .o f school house at the la t e election. Laid over t ill next meeting . The Cler k was instrm.:ted t o ask for tenders for the Township p rin ting for the present y ear. A claim was presen ted from Mr. Virtue for the price of his horse which was found dead on the road . Not en ter tained. On m otio n th e Reeve and Messrs . S m it h and Awd e were appointed a c?m· m ittee to ex.amine the bridge on the Scugog road in 4th Cou . , estimate t he cost of a ne w bridge, and r eport at next m eeting. A by-law was passed appointing We~loy Clemens and J ames Maclean Auditors. Als'J, a by .Jaw a ppoi11ting m emberA of t he Council Road Commissio ners. Moved by M r. S m ith, seconded by M r . Smal e, t hat th e Reeve d o gran t or d ers on the Treas urnr for payment of the followi ng sums : E . Trenou th , r epairs on t he Town H all founda tion, $3.40; nale & J ames, printing, $11.06; B. Rogers. taking Cat herine Currie to E xeter, $23.50. On motion Council adjourned t,ill Monday, 31st inst., at 10 a. m. . R. W INDATT, T p. Clerk. '.l'HE COUNTIES COUNOIL. T h e n ew Counties Council will be composed of the followwg gentlemen:.A lnwick-- Reeve, John T h ackeray. Brig hton Township- Reeve, Da rius Crnuter : 1st Deputy, W. H . S mit h; 2n d D~p u ty, A. M . Macklam. Brighton V illage-Reeve, 'f . D . Weller. Bowwanville- Reeve,GeorgePiggott; D eputy T. Burden . Uampbellfurd- R.eeve, Chas. Gillespi. Cartwriirht- Reeve, James Parr; D~i p uty, J l'lrn McKee. Clarke- Reeve, G. M. Lon;;; 1st D eputy, J ames S tark ; 2 nd Deputy, Juhn Thornto n. Cavan- R eeve, S. E. F er gueon; Deputy, J . Thornkyke. Ccamahe -Reeve, Mr. Pickworth; D eputy, Gifford Roney. CC1l borne ·- Heeve, W. L. P ayne. Darl ington-Reeve, '11· H. H a ncock ; 1st Deputy, W. C. Saiith; 2nd Deputy, Th umas Smale. Haldimand-l'teeve, John Grimiwn ; 1st Deputy, Jas. Grosjean; 2nd Deput y, Ch as. Sargent. Hamiiton- Reeve, Jno. Bowman; !st Deputy, W. J. Westington; 2 nd D ep uty , S . Pureer. H astings- R eeve, H. M . Fow lcis. Hope- R eeve, B . Elliott; lat D p,pnty, 'l'. M. Welch ; 2nd Deputy, E. v. D yer. Manvers- R eeve. John Kenn edy ; Deputy, J:i,mes Clark. Mi ll bro0k- Reeve , A lex. Ferguson. Mon:i,ghan- R eeve, .John Riddell. Murray- R eeve, W. C C hisholm ; Deputy, \V. C. G . May. N e ~ c~stle -Reeve, J . · T. Robson. Percy - Reeve, C. A. Milllory ; Depty, G110 . B. Boyce., lJ'red. Macoun ; D eputy, Fred l:'eake. ~~~~ttfJQPlWWi:IUAWJllJR)3SCL4AW A BIG RIVAL ANlj DISTANCED AT.L COMPE1'1'1' 01!S. W EST DURHAM UNION AGRICUL'l'URAL S OCI ETY 1'4EE'l'nm. The a nnual meeting of t h :s Society was hnld in the Counci l Chamber , c;n Wednesday last. A lar ge number were in atterda11ce and the m eeting was one of the best that has been held for y ears. 'l'he following were elected as offi~ers for the ensuing year : Pres. -J. Davey. 1 Vi.ce Prcs. -W . Roy. 2 Vice _ Pres- .T. K ydcJ. .Directors, Clarke-G. Gray,A. Tambl yn , W. C . B lackburn, W. McCormack. Dal'lingtnn- S. Allin, J. Lisk, L. VanCamp. B owmanville- W R.R. Uawker. Amlitors - J. M cMurtry, W. R Climie. After some short spcech eB by the -0fficers el ect, a. vot e of t hanks was m o ved, by M . .Purter, seconded by W. Pollard, to th e retiring President, Ii"fr. W. C. B lackburn, for the efticient manner in which he had discharged his duties the pa3t year. Carried un ani. mouBly. Moved by Mr. W. Pollard secor.tded by Mr, .,Et. B Andrew, That this m,~ t j ng pledge!! i tself t o support the Di r~· - 11 tors ip th[:l tnm:hase of n ew groundl'l i.o'!' . .the Fair. Pl}.rr~ei:I, A discussion (pJIRii~f, mi this question t1m:l ~!l pr~~EJnt ~of!m~rl 1.i'.'ilYi!J~e~ that the ~inie had arrived to ileciirl! itn·~er prem ises. '.l,' ~e Directol'S presented their annual tephtL __ r The 1'rc:i.ililr er 1s lte p0rt shows that the total l'eceipt s for t h e y ear amol.11lt!;)d to ~21G3.70, while t he entire expendi· ture trni;l ))el;l'!l $~088,ni l~iwinj .. I\ bal1.11.ce in the TrMsUl'llHl Jmnll.ii or $74. 79. Im med iately ll.t t h e close of the ni eet · ing t.h e Directors m et for .business. Mr. Windatt was elected Secretary,and Mr. M. Porter, 'l'reasu rer. Mov ed by Mr. R . B. Andrew, Seconded bv Mr. W . C. B lat.:Kburn,that t he following he a committee t o r evise.the P rize List, and r epon at nex t meeting, MtJssr~ .K ydd. Joness, Coleman, Black· b urn ,P arr ,Tambly n an d Beith. Carried. On motion of M r. An d rew, seconded by M r. Kydd, it was carried 'I'hat tb e M e.1 i1borHhip Ticket be printed with a C upon attached , so that each ticket will .ad mit two Jf t h e same fami ly. l\iPMr s Kydd, Beith, Blackburn , .J oness a 11d T ambl yn, were appointed a Committee to con fer with the Board of '.rrado of t he town. in r eference to t he selection and p u rchase of s mtable g roun d > for exhibition pu rpose~. M eesrs. Andrew, Cawker and Roy , wer e appointed it P r i nting Committee, a nd a ll p rinting rec1uired is t o be -0r der ed by this Committee. The meeting t h en adjourned to m eet o n the h gt Saturday in F ehruary. . W e nr e pleased t(l se 3 that new life h as b een put int o the i::iociety and t hat a. determination is b eing evinced t o make· this Fair a success. We see n o r easoT\ why West Durham cannot have a Fair s urpassing anything in th!s part of On tario. W o ha\'e th e matcn al, and all t ha t is rP.qu ired is to w"rk it up W e understand that the D ir eot ors will rn ak" a p·~no 11<>l can vas r ight tlir ough the Ridin g,sol iciting names for me mber· s hip. Ev tJl'Y farm er should bocome a m ernher. Thi8 is the only way to ma ke the success complete. .Aw·t h :w idea whice wa2 mooted at t h o m ~e ti n ~, we think is a good move and 0n e that we yet hopo t o see accorn · plishPd , viz. : the d iscontinua:ice .of th e small '1\1w11 R h ip F.tirs. Wer e t h is done m ore att < mtion wo·ild he rlirected t o th·e ' ai1·. a R every one would. b e inC 'lll' ·v T< tel"' ~ ~ ·c ; in it., <\nd t hosfJ who h a_ve be<m working foi· t heir towmhip fairs would be hatter pleasecl in the end . We would eug2est 1haL th e D ir e-ctora of t h e County Fair m P-11! t he DirectorR of the Oiarke a.n 'l Cartwright Fairs and talk t he t hin g uver. Size and stren~th do not alw:.ys go to1:ether, and some times sim and stren~th enclos~ a weak and cowardly spirit. Very often littlP men and little women , too, who are smart r.n:i spunky and determined can ac complish a heap more t han big hulking people, who are always stumbling over their own feet. THE 'l'ullON'.1'0 DAILY AN D '\VEEKLY NllWS is an example of t ho ~uccess that has been achieved by t he small but bright and courageous papers both in politics aud in business. THE DAlLY NJJ:ws is the young· est daily in Toronto, and is equalled or excelled in circulation by onlv two papers m Canada, it having made a sworn statement that its average circulation for '85 was over 20, 000 per day. I ts chief aims are to h o right and readable; its chief character is in itR ft-ar!ess edito1·ial style, which recognizes neither friend or foe in its sweeping denun· ciati<)n of wliat is wrc>ng and uojuat,both in the parties and in t he c-enernl political syst em. It:s pictures are rivalled by those of no paper in Canada. having madfl arran~emen ts with the leading il!uatr>Lted pap~1·s of the United Stat es to recei~ e whatever cnts are de8irable from theil' column·. In this w11.y the re::tders ot both TH:E DAlLY and W:EEK· r.Y l'iEWS get th t choicest pictureP from " J udge," the celebrated N ew York comic Faper, from the New York Evening Telegrnm, New York Journal, and from the artistic society pa1:er ·'Life," B.esidca these 'l'HE NEWS h as msny 01·iginal p:cture8 drawn ancl rngraved by its own artist. Last y ear year "Dolly," a st m·y of Canadiau life wa· one of its chief features. succeeding t he l'arm Sk et ches by th~ Fnrroin' ·editor. A story by t he s:>me author will appeal' dming 1887 . Talru age's sermons arE) still n feature of the So.turd'l.y a1.d Weekly News. The short langhable sketches.the reliable madrnt reports, together with the brii;:htly stocked news ~olum es, where the doings of all tile civili7.ed world are daily chronicled, make up a galaxy of bnlliant journalistic features unriv:i.llocl by any paper published west of New York. 'r Hi:: 'WEEKLY NEws is only $1. 00 per an· num, and each subsc1·ibu is given a dollar's worth· of books free DS a premium. 'l'hosti who don't desire the premium will have a liberal reduct ion made in the price of their subscription. The Comhination Offer- t he W eekly and Daily- -suitable for farmers who have lei.sure time during the wi uter. bu~ are t oo bn·y in t he 1mmmer t o read a daily , and is a great feai:ure 1 f THE N EWS. In this way for $2. 00 yon Cr\U get the '\VJ'iEJU.Y for six months, and THE DAILY for six months and a's worth of books as a pt'emium, \'~ T:trn :p~n~>; for ~h1·a~ !J.l\ln tl·~ and Tm~ WEilid .Y for iline months. ancl a Joifo.r's wort h of booka for ~ l. 50 . N 0 one need be witbput a daily papPr during the winter months. A gener al Do· minion tilection i~ approaching, which will bAone of the most ferr.ely fought contests ever seen in CanadD,. 'l'he next session of Dominion Parliament will be >In arena in whicli th e concentrated bitterness of all the Canadian factions will find vent. THE NEWS presents a concise and brigllt repo~t of Parliamentary p~oceedings, which is not dull and dreary like that provided by its big and heavy competit ors, but which will interest iiver y farmer and cvel'y farmer's son in the country. Ee sure and snbscrihe for either 'l'm: lJATl.Y or Tim WEEKLY. Subscriptions will be forwarded from this Offi ce. and the following utt>s are offored to elc:bs of - -and '1'1rn NEWS . . ENJOY LIFE.- TO MARRYAnnual Clearing Sale Young M en, Bach elors a.nd Widowers, - A T- Will ;.;·1ve a ff;\ JC Do:ie.n Silver PJ:tte d T ea S1·oons 'vifh e ve1·y Wedding Rin"' h e sells dtu·ing· llis Cleal'ilrg Out Sale. 50 ! I T O D BROS. ----o---- GREAT !Bargains' - IN- Big Bargains in Dry Goods for the next 30 d ays. Milli nery a n d Before st ock -taking we shall clear Fancy Goods. the bala n ce of our winter stock . A T COS T. SELLIN GO F FA TC O ST i · · · FOR 30 DAYs. !Call and 1nspect,1t will be to your advantage. ' - - -- TOD BRtltt - A fine stock of the --- - - -· Newest and Nobbiest CLOTECS in town arrived at the - T ::S: E --- Eolipso.· 'rh e clothing, as usual, cut by the only fi rst-cl ass cutter in town . -V\TIS:E-IES YOU T :I-IE- PERSIAN LAMB CAPS a great variety. C o1n.nlimonts of tho Season. I. . Collars the very latest, T ies and Neckerchiefs a .La Jifode. E verything appertaining to a firstclass POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'l'his powder nevei· varies. A marvel or purity, str ength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinar y kinds, and cann ot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, 11Jum or phosphate powders: 801<1 only in cans. ltOYAL ll.A.K· ING POWDER CU.. 106 Wall St., N. Y . -4Kll4~ HOUSE MEN'SFURNISHING HOUSE. be~we~n this anli 'Xmas for bargains in Dress Goods---Great ReP lease to call and inspect our ch eap ductions. Call a t t he qy~rCQ~ts, w E ST END t 1 W. H. I VES. r - ----:-,,,, ! Jl~L!®··-------~~ ~' ! (00/i H llNl Ill THE CAt'r 1CtiA NC?! ,.!{11.:i.! I JJMJQ~ gc~{W~~1lJ?,lf~ Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at LeTi Mor ris' and get a $1.00 book free. The China Hall of Messrs. Murdoch B r os., is well worthy of a visit by all l adies of this vicinity. T11ere are to .b e found tl1 ere an endless variety of the· best quality of china, glasswar e, crockery, and fa n cy goods, which we venture to ::.ssertis n ot surpa~sed by many of the large city stores . - 1 ' 1 l AGE:NTS · w ANTED "'!! J n every town to sell the Improved t he [SHANNON LETTER""' B ILL FILE l'rice, $ 2.·.>, greatest J...A;OR..SAYING I' O FFl CR DEVICK ever invented, :md MONEY SAV ED. If you want to suve from Ten to Twenty p er cent. on bu_ving your ·Ha1·ness, call at 1 THE COSMOPO LIT~N · Price, $, the best illustrated l owpricc mat~azi nc in t he w orld. l t cootains 64 pai;cs and is brim full of first..: cla ss short stories, tf'avels , adventures, scknLitic aud litera ry article:s 1 by distinguis hed forci ~n a n<l American "\vri ters ; :.tlso cntertainJ ng J U VF-1'ILE and CABINET PHOTOS NOW F O l't- ST ORE AND GOODS FOR SALE I N 1 . ill What a t r uly b ea u tifn world live i n? N atur e gives us grand e ur of we monnt11.ins, ~lens and ocaaus, and 1 thousands of m eans of enjoyru eo t. We · can desire no better when ln p erfect H · R,...'EllO:S D E, POT' h ealt h . bu<. how o fte n do th A majority of ts. i· · ~· p:ople'feel lilrngiv ing it up di.sheartened, ( King-st. W est, opposite W . Glover ' s discouraged and w'.lrn .ou t with. d1se~se, Livery Stable, .. nd be convinced . when there is n o occas101;1 for th1~ feehn.g, _ _ __ as Eiver y rnfferer can easily ob tai n sa t1s · d fac t ory proof t hat Gree:n's A ·1 ig1ist Flower, M y H arness is all n ew stock, a nd ma e willmaketh~mfree fromdisease,as when of the best m aterial in t h e market, by born . D yspepsia and Livet· Co~plaint competent workmen, and g uaran teed to are the_ d irect causes of per give sa tisfaction. c~nt. ~t sue!~ malad1es u~ H1lh~us .~ e,, s, Indwest10n. S ick H eadache, <.Jostlvenoss, J\ ~,·vou 8 ·:Pn.strntion , Dizdness cf th e l Head, Palpitation of t h e H ear t, and A SPECIALTY. . t · t o Tl1 ~ec d<'sns ot1 rnr d 18 l'eSSIJl!l: . '· d .' "I ~ symp ns. of A iw1ist Hluwcr will prove its WOil ,arr ~ - -- effect. S am ple bottles, JO cents. '.J:1·y i t . A full lino of Horse Furnis hi ngs al ways 41. in stock. such :i,6 Blanket s, B ells, '\Vhips, ~---. Cltrry Comb~. etc . Order Doorfl, Sash es, J3linds, Pickets, R epairing promptiy i>t.tenclecl to, aud etc., at Morris' P laning Factory, Liberty cl?ne in the hig hest style of art. street, R . H. leasee. . . fir"D"l nten d in g purch aRers w ill find it t o If y ou wa11t a genmne bn.rga.m in n e,,. their advautaae t o calf a'.ld exa mme bofore · l.. S H b. I ~ · 48 dry·g(Jod.8 go to. tie . t;~r ouH) . 1g ea o. purcha~ m g 11lscwh er e. If Y' 'll wan t. 11 <rJ~anhc humbugging, at. . . - ··-. - - -- - -- _ . _ ._ :.. b . ·-· . . l f" d d. " l ,. · . . , .. . . tempt uO select ,\ pai ce ~ ,..,oo ry ,,ooc s . . T HE N1·w J k-· -"~ I o Tn S<.l""!l · ont of an ·old accu mulii.t1011 o'f b ankrupt I RF.D at Church , or Home ·l . ·~ l!lH nte. Eh1cut lon. Gesture. Boouti· S oc Co. I ~<:?OKS.folly n:net111.~0<l. , ~;y mall, lOo. 12 ' 'l°OUiUS of ten '" "'"c ;;"riollS Uln1·,.·~. Tiu~ I different nu~',be,r~, ln a prnt.t.) c.ase, $ 1. ..~g~nts c·u ·., ;,, ~~;".'S '1l'f1n·m Sy n it>. Holcslr"y~ ' WautP.<:I. ]l; .TG1< .NE J, H .4.J,L. ll l\{u .tugoR .an +l-e:s.v c ls \V.,r.BtS'<'fi.'eot"rnll~-. Ave., Chicago. Ill. J R BRAD LEV'S $ 2 50PER DOZ I !l "l\ T ( 'l\T?il? Ci;l) ifi>'l'r'. 'I(_ ~ 'l\ 'fr'., ~~ ~ ~ ~~~8 ~~ ~..., '. f i · '? · - - - - j J -f O RS E C 0 L L A BS H aving fully decided to ctO ou t] f B . I ~ "st k - -- o- - o usrness, now o~1er my oc inva luable Hoi;sEIIOLD D H PAl~ T :\1ENTS Best quality taken in all of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Crock.ery, G et SAMPLE Boots and Shoes as well as PH m COPY at N LWS k inds of weather ise~ for Sale, on easy t erms. Any S 'I'A Nd or "en<l 20 - ATperson buying can have untill c ts. to the P L'DLISH. h N o. 4 A File. :E:ns !or same ·w ith next Fall befor e .t ey P~Y any Price $2.25. full p"rticulars. ~I! ~ QR~!SDN 'S, mon ey, if they w1sl1; 0 1' if. t hey $4.75 in value for only $2.5 0. i.t.l purchat e Stock and d ont wu-h .to SCHW.WT &. F!El.D GO., 1!3GHES';U~r1._!·_ purchase premises, w ill rent. In BOWMANVILLE. · . l . 'll , the mean tune . Wl commence N. B.- Cheap Fan6y Goods A UCTION SALES · !!reat va1·1 ·ety. Or "entleman wn ntecl in each town in U. S. ·to Ill .._, d 22 d 0 ciw~ \·uas for a b ea.n t.ir11lly illu~t.u teO. t& mily on Wednes ay . n at ne p. m' m agazine. now ill it8 t we!Ilh ~ eul'. $1.00 a. year HO FOR and at 7, and continue afternoons wit.a s11lendid p1·emiums to i,vc1y subscriber. · y--- M -- - - ONELADY AGENT 'r:? Osborne~ ,;!>e··" and evenings, at which time . ~~,$~~1ll. 'Foe:~o1;~1~\~ ~,~'gi~t~ :;;,~·;r z~~~.~~J~~l~~ . . . . · · will offor Dry Good ~, Grocerief., ~~e~~dress.COTTAG Ii: UJJ;AHTH co .. Euston, J Teas Boot.. <; a nd Shoes. Come and --·---------- - - - ___ J get ~.o ur Xm~s ~rocerie.s~·· . , ·. A.D~E~ ~I~ERS. · 01 !1 chnckt fo., <1 2 01\ 'rhe 'Nmperance Clllooirn.tlo· Societ;y (limit- · Al1ow l lle to say posi..1v<J) tlu l .1 '~\J " 11'. pir t ";, l ~H ·ll11 ? 1 1 ~ · · .: nI. l I ·t l O.<. ver i seO ·f' U · 1n 0 no 11i ' on HS1 : l:.~: Ol 1 Ntl1 1net ed). will l>'.'e"1'.~u ire;' ,'. ~". way .1'.a~~~i::;~. to a i 18 uo hum 1 a , :; niei.:.n 1 rt.n( ~trn ·Anh:l'ica'!. New·pr.pere. 1 his '" ;.t t.he n~te of ecr11 p'1.olde.1b 8 r,o,. :o'j,t.. ~;i"t'tfP;~~el~E,CE1\1?a'El1,'>: d te· m1'ned to have all sold ou t and on.Ji' one-11fr.h ot "'c~1.111. lrn r. f.c"· .J.Ollll Cu cul· w~l, on ~l ~ ~~~- t e ·. s a . · . ",r . 0 ;-:"I." 1 e r ~hon! ~l'ho 1titv,,,rt 1f'f'n1enfi vil l1 bf· plA r:Pd hefore 11 ~-o ~" p a : l1P .-1 . c.,r . . n··<' 1 111' so~1~.t- .· . anrl 9 .n 1 J i b th 1 s t of ti'Larch n ext. u n11 1 .i111ion <f'IJ}tre11t " '""fir.aper p1p·cnas!'rs:~he first excn rs1on t? t.h!" ~olonvm thd spung, IC OSe{ Y e · · 0 1· F·rv1.: l\! nLH>~ Il;<.ADm , i3: Ten .L'l!~s w d l UC· 03 SASKATOO N 'I !mg OU t h e ( An expericn ccd rnnv& sGn clln ca··n from $30 t he purpose of set Ian . lBy ordc;r of the Board. . c. PO'WELL. Manager, 1o r "';,ciet "s O'trices US K ing st. west.'i'orunto. ~ Y · I ' I R HuTC HIs·. 0 ' 1\1 · ' Ill I . . · . ' ' ' Ii I'll !II . ~1 ~ i; ' con11nori" t" ah:llll 7;, worrl~. A (1drr "~ w1!h J copy;of A ~v. un<I c·ll!· r·.~'. . ,.,,. ~~nd , :~) can~s,.IJ?r tl302J, .of l:i~)-.~""~": yy.o. !."· u rn .· . LL & v v w 10 :sri.ucE ::;1. , Nh:\\ >:ii.di.

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