BUSINESS CHANGE! Having sold to J. J. MASON the stook and good-will of the business formerly known as Mason Bros'., we can confidently recommend our late customers to continue their patronage, be1ieving they will be fairly and squarely treated. MASON BROS. In connection with the above we desire to say that i.t is our intention to carry on the DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Towis: HALL, Hamplou, Jan. 31 st, 1887. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING BUSINESS m all its branches, and to offer to our customers the latest styles combined with good value and moderate prices. Having secured the stock at a Very Great Sacrifice! we are prepared to sell at far less than the original wholesale prices. All desiring to secure bargains should ca lVe have also · opened out at once. Several Thousand Dollars' Worth of New Goods, And solicit the public's inspection and comparison, as we are confident by combining the Dry Goods and Jewelry Business and thus reducing expenses, we are in a position to undersell all Mr. S. our competitors. W. MASON, who remains with us, will be pleased to see all his old customers. J. J. lYJASOl'l. Bowmanville, February 8, 1887. J. JllGGIJBOTH!M ! . SON, . . ') . .,, . ...., I PRACTIC~L 'CHEMISTS, ,, --i ~ Is the , Rf-J~/i1;t Place to buy Drugs. .We keepthe best and sell at moderate prices. ----o---. WE HAVE ON HAND: Binge's Cough. Syrup, Rose Glycerole, Corn Cure, Imperial Dentifrice, Camphor Hair Brushes and Combs, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Chamois, a v:ilc~~rge Sponges, &c. · Ice, ----o---Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. Bowmanville, February 1, 1886. Annual Clearing Sale -AT- Ton· BROS. Big Bargains in Dry Goods for the next 30 days. ----·o---iefore stock-taking we shall clear the balance of our winter stock AT COST. tll and inspect,it will be to your advantage. TOD BROS. · h d" - l · f t rgam s at t e 18SO ution o _Par ~erTHE New Pie~· To ~peotk In Sr.ftool. s ..1,,,, bleached and unoleacned RED at Church, or Home Entertain" monts. IoClocution Gilstnre. Beautins worth eleven ceuts se]J\ng for F' i 1BOOKS . I'lustmle<l ' By mail IOc 12 ~e:...ts p ar yard 'aII wou1, grey rn.nn" I different nnml>e:rs ·inaJ. · retty case, $1. Age"nts :(hteen cen t s per yard . R obertson & I Wanted. EUGENE , HALL, 11 Michigan .A.v~ .. Obie~. Ill. 0 Council met pursuant to adj ournm ent Members all present . Minutes read !l.Ld confirmed. A petition was proeented from Wm . Pr> ton and 19 others, praying aid for Miss Ellie. Also a Jetter from Dr. Hillier, on same 1ubjeet. Laid on table. From Dr. M itchell and 19 others . praving aid for Mra. Jiu. Sproule. ' Tenders were presented from Sim NEWS &ndSta t esmaH uffices, for township printing-the two lacter in partnership. On motion the tender of Messrs. Gale & J ame3 w as accepted, being lowest. Applications for the dfice of Asseseur were presented fr om W.R. Knight, K H . Bunt, Chas. Rogers , Obas. Pas. coe, I. L. Brown and Thus. McLean. A communication was presented from the clerk of Manvera, enclosing 11 resolution of council proposing to expend a sum of money in improving the town liRe if the Council of Darlington would expend an equal sum. Referred to the Reeve and Mr Smale. Meesrs. Worden, Awde and the Re,we were appointed a committee t.o examine the road allowance between lotR 34 and 35in 2nd con., a portion of To Ou.& SuBSCRIBERs.- Next to the which Mr. John Penfound desires to necessity of 11 good .l\'.lethod;st paper like purchase, and report at next me1>ting. THE OBSERV ER is that of a really good .An account fol' shoveling snow was religious family newspaper like the presented by Mr. l\fong:imery, path- Christian at Work, now the leadin~ master, and referred to Mr. Smith. paper of all the undemoninational weekMoved by Mr. Smith, seconded by lies. More copies of the Christian at Mr. Awde, that the matter brought be- Work are probably taken in thia country fore this council !Jy Geo. Allin, respect- than of any other first-class religious Ing road be11t on lot;a 25 and 26 in 2nd undemoninational newspaper, and its oon .· be referred to Mr. Worden to excirculation throughout the United States amine, and see how the same can be is simply immense. \Ve unqualifiedly better divided. Carried. _ recom rnend it as superior in every respect Moved by Mr. Smith , aeconded by to other papers of its class a nd price, and Mr. Snl&fo, that the Clerk is hereby in- should subscribe for it ourselves in preference to others: It is one of the largest, 11tructed to give the necessary notice, that meetings will be held ai the follow - ablest and best religiouii newspaper pubing places on S1'turday, Feb. IV, at 12 lished, and a year's volume amounts to o'clock, p. m. , for nominating pathmas- almost a cyclopredia of information on all ters, fence-viewers and pound keepers : subj~cts connectod with eithel'. the home town hall, Hawpton, school house in or the Christian life. The home departsection No. 5; school house in Tyrone ; ment is not only the able<it cor,duoted in school house in Mt.C ·rswell; and Brad- the country, but fa entirely original, and ley's school house. Carried . is illustrated by numerous and costly A by. law waa passed ·for tho appoint- engravings, which have greatly contributment of Asaessor-Mr. W. R. Knight's ed to its value and usefulness. The name being inserted. circulation also ha~ largely increased Mr. Smith presented report from since this attra ~ tive and expensiv,ll .fe.M n re special committee appointed at fast has been added. I». .:-10~ ~ :~ :,,. an illusmeeting to eunnoe bridge on Sougog 1.rated ,.nr-l'.n:... u~, literary, scien tific, agrtroad, in 4th cou., recommending cer- cuH :..rnl and family newspaper, fully tain repairs on same. Adopted b j abreast with the times in all departments, On motion the Reave ~n" = ... r. Smale and just what no intelligent family can we1·a appointed to r ' - ~~1 me the Treas- afford to do without. If there ii a family nrer'~ securities.. ·'" in this county who does not already take Messrs. Orm; ·'~vn and W1lliams made it, just send a postal for a free speci men application t ·; the con. line tranacopy to The Christian at Work, 216 ferred to ) 1.: ~m in lieu o: the road openBroadway, N. Y. Its regular yearly ed acros~ iheir lots. Referred to Mes&rs subscription price is $3.00 in advance, or Smitr and Awde, to report at next t wo years for $5.00 mee,l;ing. ~==============='!'! I\fo"ed by Mr. Smith, seconded by RATES OF SUBSCHIPTlON ]!-.OR THE "..t:r. Smale, that the Reeve is hereby instructed t.o grant orders on the Treas· urer for payment of the following sums: Jas. Rundle, jr. , compensation for THE W'.1.v&Rr.Y MAGAZINE Is the largeet sheep killed by dogs, $3.33; Jae. Runever vubliahed in this country. dle, ar., dittoi $1.33; Levi VanCamp; Nowweekly in the thfrtu·eiohth·year ofits existtnoe. ditto, $8; Hart & Co. ,municipal blanks ; its prospects are brighter than ever, while the policy that made its su ccess rems.ins unchang$5. 79; Mrs. 8 . C'ernens, 45 loads . of ed. Its contents, which cannot fail to please gravel, $2. 25; J as. Oryderman, sunder· the most iastidious, embrace ies as collector, $10; mdigents , Weller 8TOHili:S -AND P OEMS FROM THE PENS OF WELL· XNO'\VN WRl'l'ERS: INTEREB'rING ESSAYS and Mrs. Sproule, $5 each; Ailsworth, ON C UR.Ill~N'l' MAT'l'E RS : EXC ERP:rS 01·" $6; Campbell, Mallett, R. Luff, M . lilS'l'URY AND lllOGRAPHY; S KETCHES OF TR.A VEL; SCRAPS OF 1V1SD01\l Luff, Cornish, Court ice, $4 each; Lane, AND U"UN ~ l'UZZLES F·Oil Reard, Wils::m, Robinson , Trick, Dell, YO U NG-11'0LK ; AND ·rn~ HRS'l' 011' MUSI C. Orchard, Dean. Stacey, Elli11, $3 each ; This lo.rge variety of interest.Ing reading matGregory and Staples, $2 each. ter is all classified nnder appropriate headings, On motion council adjourned till so that any article mo.y be easily found. Standlast Saturda;· in February, a.t 10 a. m. ing on strictly neutral ground, the paper ex· 1 eludes partisan politics and theolagy; contains R. WINDATT, Tp. Clerk. no radical opinions. and is oharacterized by a high moral tone. It circulates all over the land from Maine to California. For sale by all SCHOOL BOARD. Newsdealers. Sin~le copies 10 cents. TERMS-ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Meeting held Fob. 2, 1887. One copy, post·paul, ror 12 mo111hs, . . $4.0ll One CO(ty, JtOSt·1~aid9 fol" 6 JUOJat:J1g · . , 2.00 Members present : Meesrs. W indatt, Our- copy, l)OSt·ru1id. for 3 111onths,. . 1.00 LaBelle, Bleakley,Brimacombe, Couch , For clubbing, to Pub.lishers, Postmasters and Fair'Jairn, Tod, Lyle and Burden. Agents, the price is 53,50 a year. Six or three Mr. Bleakely was again unanimously mos. in same proportion. Clubs cf lour or more will be sent for $3.50 a elected Chairman, but declined to ac- year per copy. cept, and on motion R. Windatt, waa NO DISCOUNT FROM ABOVE PHICES. elected. 'Ve will send the FVaverly Maoazbte, and Minutes of last meeting rea.d a.nd coneither Ballou's Monthl11 llfagazine. Peterson's Lady's Maoazine 01 Galley's Lady's Book one firmed. year for $ The Sec.-'l'reas p7esented his annu al J.ny one s nding us $7-ClO can have the Wrwiltatement with the Auditor's report; re- trly 111.agazint and ei1her Atlantfo 111.onthly, Ha rper's ~lllga.tine, J.Veelcly, or'r, or ferred to Finanee Committee. Cent·uru ..1..llagaz ine, tor one year .. A. number of accounts, amountinl{ to , Foreign enb·eriptions; One copy poet-paid $217.25, were presented and reforred to ~ for6 month~, $2.50; one copy poat-paid !or 3 months, $1.25. Finance Com. of A1lver1isl11g- :t'IHY cents per Mr. i3leakley presented R.e port of 11'.Z-Ratcs Agate line, e~~ch ins~riion. Visiting Com. Adopted. Address all communic&tions to On motiou of Mr. Bllrden, seconded WA VERLEY MAGAZINE, by Mr. Tod, the Visiting Com. were in. Loe.: Box 172, Bo&TON, l\IAss. S·llw. structed to purchase by t ender or otherwise, the wood required by the schools for the eu.uing year. On motion of Mr. Lyle. seconded by Mr. Burden, Messrs. Ble:o.kely, Tod and LaBelle, were appointed the Visiting Committee for the prnsent year. On motion of Mr. Burden, seconded by Mr. Tod, Messrs. Fairbairn, Couch and Brodie, were appointed thfl Finance Committee. On motion of Mr. Burden, secondfld by Mr. La Belle , Messrs. Horsey. Lyle and Rurden, were appointed the Property Committee. Board adjourned to brat Friday in March. ' J ; McDouGALL, Sec. VrcK's l!'LORAL GurnE.-Love rfl of the beautiful in art and fiorioulturo have in store a r"ich treat in the per~sal nEVick's Floral Guide for the year 1887. Each succeediDg year brings great illlprovement in this popular an:mal, 11nd the present addition is far in advance of previous issues in beauty of exterier, number and elegance of floral and vegetable illustrations, and the large variety of subjects thoroughly and practically treated. The title illustration2, a bunch of Pansies, and the page in colors of " B"rdor and Bedding Plants," are triumphs o f ohromo-lithogra.p hy which have probably never been excelled , while the hundreds of smaller illustrations are t rue t o nat ure and thr>ro ughly described. The volume opens with a series of practical articles of great service to both amateur and professional gardeners, is followed by faithful illustrations showing t he i nterior of th.e immense Seed House, an d t hen by engravings of all the leading and rare varities of fl owers and vegetables No w ith directwns for their culture. pains no expense ha ve b een spared in the production of this volume, and every effort has been rnade to render it worthy the reputation of its publisher, Jas . Vick, Seedsman, Rochester, N. Y . -T:S:E--· West End House -WISHES YOU THE-· Comnlimonts of tho Soason. Call at the WE ST END IiOUSE between this and 'Xmas for bar. . gains 1n Dress Goods--Great R'Sductions. JJIIQe M!cJJrlmB..~Jttlf~ Waverly Magazine. CJ t I -~ GREAT I 1 Bargains -IN- The u· of ST.A T. G. Iv1 intends c Millinery and Fancy Goods. 1 $2 50 MRS8ANDERSON · PERO~ -NOW FOR- SELLING OFF ·AT COST CABINET PHOTOS FOR 30 DAYS. IONEY SAVED. If you want to save from Ten to Twenty per cent. on buying your Harness, call at Best quality taken in all kinds of weather -AT- ---o--- J. R. BRADLEY'S HA.RNESS DEPOT, King-st. West, opposite W. Glover's Livery Stable, and be convinced. My Harnons is all new stock, and made of the best material in the market, by competent workmen, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. BOWl\'f.ANVILLE. N. B.-Chea.p in great variety. Fancy Goods 1831 THE cu;_:;;v ATOR Country Gentleman.. Tlll: ·t:S'l' 61' TDiE 1887 In ad"\ intend the frl. will v desire but m~ fore, V\ chief d to plea have y fitted y1 to trade I will o~ ACRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. Ge,.tZ~wi i· th e leading journal of .A.rnerioan Agriculture. In amount aad practical value or ConietJts,ln extent and ability of Corre·pondenoo in qualitJ' of paper and style of publioailon , it oocupfoe the J'irat R&zilt. It Is belleTed to iµ>Ta no ·nperlor in ei!her -0r· tbe three chief div!slans ot goods USUE tablishmen The Comitry In comi of the old f to carry ouy, Markets ope. suitable to tl Mr. PEAR\"' of his old pa. "'C'""' I have P ' lief, and req -:rfu.vorably kn(>' Mr. T. G. IV!: I ENJOY L1FE.-vVhat a truly beautifu world we Jive in? Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oce<>ns, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when Jn perfect health; buo how oHen do tha majority of p llopll" foel lik,,givin~ it up d i ~\>ea.rhmerl , 1 discouraged and w'.lrn out with disease, 'rhe Temperance Colonizatioa Society (limit· f . ed) will provide free rail way passages to an when there is no occasion f or t b18 ee1 mg, ecrip~.oldars fo r (or their represent<>tives) who ae every sufferer can easily obtain sa t is will, on or b<Jtore the 31st dav of DECEMHER, 1886, pay up arrears due lhe society, and joi11 f actory proo f , t h a t Green '8 A iigiis t Fl ower, the tlt·st excursion to the Colony in thr. spr.icij. will make them free from disease, as when for the purpose of settling ou the land. born. Dy"pep11,a and Liver Complaint By order of the Board. nre the direct cause. a of se venty-ri v" per c. POWELI,, M ;mai(ar, cent. of such maladies ss Billiousuess, lnSociety's OIIlces,115 King at. west.Toronto. digestion, Sick Hea.dache, Costiveness, ·--------- ~ervous Prostra.tion, Dizzin ess of t.he Q Read, Palpit ution of t he Hes.r t , and For a chec k t or $ZO we will prrnt a t,en·li ne other disties8ing sy P.> pto ns . Three d<,ses 1tdve1 ·cieemenr. In On"· Million i ·· 11~" of leading of Attgust Pl11wer will pr rive its \'Vondwful A m ,.dc:> n N<>w:·IJRP" r s. 'l'h. is · ~ "t the n t.e of only one-fifth of a cent e, li ne, for 1,000 Cir culeffect. Sa qi pie bottles, l 0 centei. Try it. ·tion! T h.- e. r'verci~~m 13 n t '\'·ill bfl placed hefc:>:e 41. One Milliond(!T<rentnew@paperpurchasers>-- - ·_ _ ___ _ " '"FIVE ilfILLIO N H1'ADETI8' Ten lines wiil oo· rnm1 111od·1te about 75 ,,,.ord ,;. _ '\. .Jd· css w 1rb l"O .Jt Jl'l!Tl'LEJtASR . · Ite'llia;: Pll··· ltb·:r· copy of Adv.. and check, or senil 3\l ~ents ,!.or "'"'""' E .-m , a o,.. 6 , r,IJ a lllm dt·ea~ e·, ..,.., J10n k <>f mo pap-eo. GEO. P. HO\VhLL & CO I Pl'ef. L·'lf'I i·lttllu.· S@llp. I 10 tlPnUCE S T., NEW YOl<JC, SASKATOON! HO FOR HORSE . COLLARS A SPECIALTY. A full line of Horse Furnishings' always in stock, sueh as Bl1>nkets , Bells, Whips, Curry Comb,, etc. Repairing prompt!y a ttended to, and d·me in the highest style of art. _$©"-Intending purch&Rers will find it t-0 their advantage to call examme before purchasin~ Als(lwbere. 48 Ear1n Crop!! aad rroo~s. DortleuUure w hile And as~ T ADVERTISERS. it a!"° rnrr>l lllt<1rest, ouch c.s t h 0 Pvu!C ry,Yard, Ento· . molo!ty, Bee-ICeeping, Greenhouse Gr&Pf!· ry, Yeterinll.ry RP!plif~. J.l'...nn Q11esli<lne and .A.nswsn, Fire ~ldi> He.><liol"., Dmn,.tlc Ecooomy, and a !'tlmm""J' of the New~ ot the Weelt. U1 Market H.eporls a re U Jlusu p.IJy complero, . nnd much att<'ntion ls P ·id to the pro·~cta or the crop&,"' throw! " " Jil(h ~ U)>On illlll Of .rife m~r. 1 m11 omn t nt all queo· ti«n<;- When to ·11uy and When to ~ell: I t ill li brlr J.ll J Illustrate<l and is Intended to supply, in a continualll inCr0a.slng degroo, and in th e be· t senSA o the . te<'m, s llltfl J-:rotit·G11)wlnl{, Lh'e·l!itoel< a·cl Dnll'ylng, inclnrlM ··ll rd ,,c r d0partment. of ,,,.,ll when paid ot··ldl;r i11 <><l v < ··:: ~cc: On e Copy, one year, 1%.50 ; l!'cur C<ipie·. $10, and an additional c0py tort.he vc""fre.~ tc the se:idnr Mth2Club ; . 'l'en Coples, ~~. and an a.d.ditional copy for the·. year free to ihe 1,endEr ot the Club. c.:r SPJ<CIME;J)i' COl'IES F nEE. .Address, 1.ll'l'HEU T llCliElt d; 8 0'.V, P u blisher s, 5 Jw, ALBANY, N, Gr8atlf .E n l.9.1·~ t~l~ tL.e r,.gr ;r:ns OL n T ..i.nue R1' below UVE AGRIC ULTURAL NEWSPAPER. Altbou;ih t h e Counti ·:, Grnt ! eman hwi b&en days to introd ers, an d to g balance their pected in "$ ia m.laie Y.