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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1887, p. 1

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OUR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD .AFTERWARDS. N°ll:\V SERIES, NUMBER M.A. JAMES, EDITOR.urn PROl'B.JJ:TOR, VOLUME 444. BOW.MANVIL LE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1887. XXXIIL NUM:BEli 5, ro '~ 0 .,_..,. ,.......j KIRBY. ..., R'Jeeived too late for last ilsue." Mr. Jno. Treleven, of Kirby, a.nd Miss E . Gilbank, of McCrea's Cornern, were t:mited in the bonds of wedlock r ecently 1 at Mil brook. We wish the happy cou ple ;< a long and peaceful life. I Mr. .:Jm1. Ryan, of Ooldwater, and& Mr. ! · E . 1\{iller, of Kendal, h ave been visiting I 1here. " 1 ·Clover threshing is now the order. ' ']here aro two machines in th is vicinity, i ·and mor e cowing. \" We :are ~lad to see the smiling face of ' Mr . .John·Clemence in midst once ENNISKTLL.EN. A Social in connection with the Ladies' OOURTIOE . Miss Beacom, of Salem, has been visit ing l\.'Iisa Emily Cnurtice. MMter Luther Courtice, of Bowman· ville, ~pent :::iundit.y at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock, of Brook· lin, hav e been visiting fri ends in this n eighborhood. The Reformers of t his polling sub division held a meeting in the Sons' }fall htst week to organi<1a committees. We extend our heartiest congratula· tious t o Mr. W. E . Court ice who wa~ married on the 27th ult. bv R ev. R. Sanderson t o Miss La ura R undle, of Harmony. We wish him and his amil\ble bride much joy and a long life of connubial bliss. 'l'JtJM , Clarke Township News. 01'nno N ews. .Mr. W, T igh has r eturned from a. visit ·· re ro... ~ '~ C) <D LESKA. RD. Our vHho-e is very quite n0w as we Q) have no s~ A. The officer has gone IDOl't:l. home ·om a visit. . Miss :B. Thornton has taken her departMT. S. Kelly has sold hie h ouse and ·~ ' ·ure to Eowma.nville t o attend th.e High lot to Mr. Jl:::. Collis. i :School. :~ +:> , Mr.:A: Chapman has abo gone to NewMrs, McGaragall is slowly recovering TYRONE. 'O) 1 .castle to attend School. fron her sever e illness. Drover Whi te was in the regio1 1s of (]) We would like to kno\v if foe young t he north buying cattle last week . ~ CJ) . Mise iBertha Chapman i-s sei-iqusly ill. man !ha.a found his ahu·ts ? Mr.Kand Miss M. Clemens, of Newlint o u~ a child Swa.shbo~o, mihto 9i;.sha - ~ castle, spent Sunday here. son C) f:: SOLINA. inst.was given-at tep en s on t e ~o~ ;~ ;Miss 'K. Wright, of Port Ptirry, is ""r: J p B f A th . . ' t' d ' ·visiting her sister, M ra. J . .McConmachie. :r·.r<r. · · eer, o r tir, IS v1 s1 m g Tommy has ma e a trade. seme of his old friends h ere . M <l M vu E M' h ' ,i Mr. Nelson powers is d:i.nge, r Qll.ts'ly il l. r. an rs. '· m, 1 ar1' of IC igan ~·:A. large number assembiled by surprise Mrs. Hil'lis is visiting friends in the arrived here last week. They purpose Q) Q) living on the fa rm known as t he "Bur· 1 at· th e hauae of Mr. John Oha.pman, sr., Wes"t. 0 g·ss" Place. : on Tuesday evening last where ::.Ht enjoy- . '!\'ks. W . Vice is seriously HI.. 1 :-ahle ,night was spe nt, dancing being the , Mrs. Ann W erry. of Bowmanville s Mr. Wm. Cryderman and wife were ~ chief amusement, and was ·oontinued · ·visiting out here. the gursts of Mr. F. A. Weeks on Stttur· ~ I .until the wee sma' hours. ; iQuarterly meeting will be held at Zion day. :·Mr. D ..Lockwood is in thj.a 'ricinity. ;< church at :U>.:30 a. m. cm Sunday nex t. Messl's. 'l'hos and Leslie Bingham are (]) ( , Mr. ,R. Treleven had a bee 'cho pping f :Mi: . ·Geo. $a.ntell has bomght several visiting friends at Kinmount. t 1 -wood on Tuesday last. ~ !fine horses in this section and it will be Another of our fair ladies have gone io ' +:> ! ; noticed itihM those sired by John ,Toll's Bowmanville this~week-Miss Ida Branr. J · ORONO. ·"Pride of ·Sc«tland" brought the highest . ton, +:> ;; AA1ocia.l: in connection witih 'the 'Chdst-l 1 prices. M1·. Albert Hillis sold one fo1· We hear the taffy pull came off very t:_ 1 ··ian Church of t his place wiH <\-;e held at· -$210 ; and l\'Ir. · w . Lammiman on e for nicely on Thursday night. The Guests ~ ~ i tb~resid,euc~ of Mr. Jolu.H ~M"k~r, ·on: ' @190:; Ml'. T. Bake'!:, '!!. team for ~'00; ' ,w ere Laughing Frankand Smili ng.Jennie, C) o~ \ rFrnday e_venn~g, .4th Feb., ·~o w~1oh aH Mr. H · .Abraham, teaw. $4~0; Mr. Pretty J ohn a nd .1:111.te Eyed Bert , Curryil are cu1d1ally mvite? ;, Plemty·of ' Scald- . : .r. Vannest. one fox a good pnce. Mr. : com be Art and witty Bertha, "Bye the ~ Q) ~ .cniam alil,d Apple-pie aud lots ef other Thos. Ward ·sold a ·~hree year old geld- Bye" Marlow was there and others who ; g<Jod things will be se rved. <Go:nveyanoe". i ng a short ago for $16 15, and l\'lr. we did n ot learn. ! will ileavo Mr. Gamsby's s~©u.e at about W. Ashton one fot.. a biR fig,lre. The young folks have heen enjoying i "7 o'clock to take all who w um to go. ~ ' --- - -th,.mse1vea on t he tob"ggan slide this Ul good time may be eY.:pected. OSH.A W.A. . week, eepecially the ladies from t he city. +J " R eceivea too late fo1"w1if;.ti~s·ue" On the ·28th Dec. , Mies Annie J. AnDry goods are selling as cheap aa wet (]) Q) "l)ur;local politicians are ready drews, who for some years has been head- goods in this place. (]) ;for tne fray. Tho last contest :being ,£G, mistress of the ~ary·st Public ,School, Meetings are now held here in behalf near a ,tie giv~s h ope to all ;and we ex- Oshawa, was married to Mr. Geo. M el- of Edward Blake, the s uccessful candidate ·r""'li pect, to.see..a hard fight this diimo. ' '. ?ourne, ~ popnlar and succes_e ful teacher for w·est D urha m. ~ CJ) Roads aTe almost impassible wit h tthe m,O.ut~r10 county, llev. S. H, Eastman The 3rd Quarterly meeting wlll b a ~ he11.vy rain~. of th o past few &y,s. o~1crnt.m g. A .large nr1 m.berof g u ~ats a~d h elrl here 0n l:iunday. Rev. J. 'l'. Morris ~ . , . · friends of ,both .eontractmg parties wit.·'A little, d_aughter of Mr. lRobt: .G ray, neased t he ceremony. 'l'he pvesents to will preach. Service to commeuce at Cr.IMAX. feU on t he .ice the other day a.nd IDJUreG., th9 bride were numerou3 and valuable 9 . 3 o. anJ inch1ded ·the following: h er arm. ~ ..p ~,uite a number from here -111litended the · From her friends of the Prea11yterian surprise at 'M r. D avis', Clarke \l!lnio11, .·.m : ·Church with an ·appropriate addreaa SilFriday e \'ening last. 1 ver Tea P ot and Sug;ir Bow l. ' D EAR EDITOlt.- What h as happened old . :F -10lding, of .Minden, is atqpFrom h er pu pila,!11aty-st School,Hand· We~t Durham? I w& s very sorry to see piug a.t Mr. J. H. Jackson's and :is pre- ' some dressing_ ,casa the D octor in with only three majority. paood t o do anythin a i n t he DroessMaking . Mr. and M rs. Geo. Andrews, Os l1 awa, Were all the othera snowed under, or are line. "' ! \ Cloth parlor suit and China t ee. set. you actually man ufacturin g Oonserva'.[ :A d D . D rnner ' tivea your town I think y ou "" "' T'he ..annual meeting of the lUetbodist ! M r . 'n. u . · 11 rews, ' ' etro1t , · w in t D l 1 factories? db t I in es f d ur tm m ia p to s. S .1was,held OD Monday, .fan. it7 th.' >-Set"· . d l et er wa b '<e k u. '" a.nd M ""' ""elb ourne, R a sense . oE ut H y an ch rop I C errnge. Mr. JR.~foment was r e-electecl. :auper in- ! 'mr. l ·rs.\, .. · agl an, If d your t k d1 d tend.ant , ·.The reports were aJH :11ait.o.sfac- 1 ver cake basket. we ID as uron a ne wor e . 1 ~r wc would not h ave seeu the maJ onty PRACTJl.ClAL ;CHEMISTS, tory and i.the school is now in gQonl IDun- \ Mr. I. Andrews,_ 9shawa, Chamber r olled up from 41 to 443_ S ome of us ning ,~rder. , sot a nd ,p~tc Otilery · dishes. h ad hardly a whole night's r est for over 1 1 ,il.1r. and M rs. 'Welbourne, junr,·II'oron· two we.eks before election day. l hope E NFII.l!JLD. to,,Crystal water set. to see an d hear better things from my old A f 6 el' f d ess was c st o't'.er this : ', T he Misses Welbonrne and Messrs A. native riding- W est Durham where 1 ~tlg. o sa n a 1 · I : and .J. W olbourne Raglan S ot plated have s pent my best d·ys-1 ' n iz ·11 t lie pendi se11 a t moderats iPrices~ commwuty by the announcement ,(JJl 1 tne 1 'fl t ,., , · 'f d' f l d ~ _ df ..the beloved wife of Mr. W.111. · a ,irons: .carvmg · m e an or ' 11.n one contest . Give B lake a big majority. He O . . t<;; .· t E Wh'tb 'Th . dozan knives and forks. deserves it. 'l'. l l. M. ;:nns dll, .iJ t.r t .,h 0 :~s~h i Y· h ',, t·'~ ' .Rev. Mr. :md Mrs. Eastman, Gila wa, d eoe~e ,1e ome ll1 er us11a1 ~n1 ·:a · 'F iR Ha on ChriGtmas day to make a visit to M.r . · .· verga1' 8 poems._ . D EAJi l:im,- T h e S tanclarcl of the 26th ·,.a., .., ., th h 1\Ji1ss Kena1·d; 1i>etro1t, Peach E low lt . f 1 11 H enry J , .u.uery s. n 1 .e ere s e was if ·t ..,..... 1 u . , gives a u 1 r epor t of t h e Consorva. d · h b _ _.. l.IUl tvis l 1 1 taken s1ck,::auc espite t e est ro.,.,i1ca ·M · nominatin2 convention, wherein Ml'. Il/Ir and rs D ,(farr ow Dozen , Ha~r Brushes and Combs, J3inge's Cough Syrup, skill tha.t be prooured, grew ste:tdi- and fo~ks. · ' ,· R . Loscomb e is r epr esen ted to say , F i\V G s·w "There was no Joyal man who:would not tm t1l death ended h er suffomi.&is ly worse 1 1 Tt.G#ilet Soaps, Rose Glycerole, on 'l.'uesda;y IJ.3th ult. She was a zealous ~;. . ..MaIM-row,G ·er spoDons. t agree with Mr. Prower's sister." I did A lal'ge number from Oron '"' atteurled ,.& , p b . h h .. tu.IRS , · ar1.1ow oz cu ,g lass a surprise party at the r esidence of Mr. 1member <i>· rtme res ytei!lrnn c urc a nu. ·. bl · · ' · ' not k now that one must agree with some- II Perfumery, Corn Cure, 'l vum eFS. b d , . · erman Davis, town line, on Ftiday M z. C h St M ,8 S"l o y s sist be loyal, but I l1ave al· .h a d b een f 00' .severa1 T wo sma1 1 - ways 21 ' .children a;rad ,-0, husband .mourn the loss [.,; ames t oc rai<e, ' ary noticed that those people who are evemng, . 8 t u 1t. An oyster supper was large Imperial Dentifrioo1 C hainOiS· a \"<tJrY . h d 'f Th 1uu ·· er cas or.. se _rved d uring the evening, and a pleasant i!beok. of a lovmg m ~it er an a true w1 e. e Miss Luke v~haT-a Silver but te always howling about loyalty , are among tim e spent. ' ' the first to show the white feather. When Sponges, &c. i ·foneral on aoeount of the bad stllte of th~ knife. Camphor Ice, roads was pooijponed from :Saturday ~nttl Mr. MdDugall Ragliw Silver piel:Je ' you hear a ma n a~waya boas,ting about his ~OVE.RTY AND D1sTREss.- That poverty Mond3.y wl!i.en a large num!:oor of r elatives t .r ' ' !honesty, watch h1m. Mr . Loscombe alao whrnh produces the g reate11t di.1t;·ess is a nd friends the ?or,pse t_ o Union I. U. Wilson Oslcawa Silver frtli.t " r eferred t o B~ake as a· man whose au- not of the purs a bnt of th e blood. D eCemetery, Oiiha>Wa where it was rnterred . b& k t · ' ' eestors left their cnnn try for th e same prived of its richJJesB it becnmes scant ·t now. " and watery, a condition termed anemia in s ti · Metcalfe, T oront(\, Silver pickle ,c. We have a.lso ~o annonnc.e ,th e d eat h o f M.iss a.use tha t 7 w ?ugl1t · t.o 1e~ve 1 the ii11fant cliildl .of Mr .. and M1·s. Wm . C&Stor. Ouce up_ on a time a ~ertarn gentleman ,nedical writing. Given t his com:ition, th0 1 t t Id t b t t 1 and scrofulous swellings and sores atineRe<:l11011. .Miss E. Scthnour, Oeba'll:a., Silver cake . . '.ug 1 I wou con .r1 u e o us own r al and ner vous debility, loes of fl~sh and De. Mitchell i'll ifirequently ~oon around baaket ancil 11f:'it ,of Toilet rnaits. tJafoty_ and the benefit. of the town to here. A bad sig n. Mill.ii Pratt, 'iforonto, Gol<tchatel&i11 lea.1/'e i t and lef t accordmgly. a.p petite, weak lungs, ihroat disease, spitBowmanville, February 1, 1886. . . . d M' n . d ' . f , W t pendant. Yourl'I truly, . tmg of blood and consumption, nre a mong M1. :3n u s .u1 r.l. s:1:i.w, r.(.;m es ern . ONE WHO DOE 8 Nor Amnm Wl'l'H ]}lxi. tlrn comnH,n results. If you ,a,~0 ~~ s u!forOntarw have been ws1tmg friend~ around . Mr. and !>frs. Pratt, Port U m on, b eauL os:eoMBE AND PirnwER's SISTER. er from th in poor blood e mploy D r. here, ttho Mr. R. Gr:ay,of Newt onvtUe, and hfol Han,grng iamp. - -- -· Pil'lrce'11 " Goldim M edical D illcovery" his siEter. Mi11s Maier, Ea.stSagenaw, M ich., el'fl·hich enriches t he blood and cures the~o Mr. w. Ashton wk.o creditably pasl!led abor~te toilet ~et. . Publisher's Department. grave affections. !l!I more nutriti-re t han the last Entrance examina tion isatt.andiug Miss. L. Maier,_.E11.s t Sagenaw, Mich., cod li ver oi!, aad is harmleas in a.ny conthe Hiii:h School at Pot'it p .,1.ry . Doz~n table napkms. . We cannot accept l eas tlrnn one dollar di tion of the system, . yet T\Qworfal to - A T. M ies Boyd, Oah&wo., Pluah ca.bmet al- for t he STA.TESM.A.N for 1887. cure. By Druggiat1. · S urpr1se. par t" ies are ,tlie ord er o f the bum. day. . Mr. R.R. Cameron, 'l'or onto, HandW e shall publi11h our list of paid-up '.l.'~e following fa e. summary of the Several .sleig_ hloadd 4f yo ung p eo{lle some eight-day clock. H ubscribers early in Febrnary. b usmess tran.sacted at the l'!f'S~ion of . b k .. . Clarke Council, on Jan. 17: Members 0 ur pr emium utteuded tlte ec;n1:ee ·lt C o1um b us. Th.ey Miaa McPherson, T oronto, Set toilet oo ·s ar e gom g like hot· llll present . ·G · 1 L I> ·a ·fi d . . · · " · ong, "eeve, pr esi · e'.l.m e 1 wme &at l e · mats. cakes. Read our ofier elsewhere. mg . R. J . R owe was appointtld a~stial!lor. Mr. Jonathan Bray hae retired and Mr. Misa McLean,Oshawa,be&utiful crayon. We employ n o agents. Every person R. B. Thornton applied forjcullec torship. Miss R ice, Oshawa, Dozen table nap- who wants t he STATES)U.N must pay the M essrs. · Stark and J ack son were deputed S am. B ray h ae tak -en the f arms. Tliey kius. have exchanged residences. d h D f . Publisher for it. to procure a supply of ctidnr for E. M.R. , . . ' and Messrs. L on« . anct B all for W . l\ir. R. . . I ,i Ily T h orn an d Mr. A amson , 0 ~ awa., ozen rmt sauMrs . S. H ohhs, M1sA M h d. "' J. Mast er Wm. Thol'n have bt:eo visiting in cer e. .et u ists al'e s ub~cribrng fre 11l.r for ' So11Jl't accr;uuts were puend wh an the Mr.J. R oss, Raglan, Orystal fruit dish THB O BSERVER and STATJJ.SMAN. Both Council adjourned to Feb. 1. Mi>.ripo~a . aud r11ou11 lauh~ <.: \lp . M rs. Wm. Tapp has been ill, but. is Miall Gal braith, Bowmllnville, morocco for $1. 50 AsTO.NlflHINO Succ11ss.--lt is t~o duty whis k b older. W e would like to see every form er in of every person who has used Boschee'~ n ow recoverin g. T R 0 h · W . . . German Symp to let its wonderful quali· M r. an d M r 3. "· Mr. John Bray's child is dangerous1y oss, e awil, pan· est D urham takmg the Canadum L ive tie:J be known to their friends in ~uri'ng ill with typhoid fever. handsome vases. St k J 1 ~ o Mr. 11nd Mrs. John James, Maple o: ourna · '11'1. O a year. Consu mption, seve~e Oougha, Croup, The school bo. y s have a new foot-ball. y our c1w ice · 0 f ovwr 3 , 000 c anl\d' d Asthma' P neumrmia, · ~ m · J'ac t a11 GrovH , Dar lington, val uable silver ci:uet. 1011 an an-. There is a · "eey large a.I ten d:,1 nce at our lvir. ~ill - M rs .. Taylor, Galt, beautiful Amor icun N ·nvspapers and l\111.":~zines at t hroat a ntl lung d ..sear;os. No rn»;0i1 can school this wiuter ; the pupils coming cheese dish . JAMJJ:s' SunsomrTioN AGE:!iCY, "'Bowman- ' u se h with0ut iunnodiate 1'el ,.,f. Three from five different tichool -sectione. Mr. and Mrs. J . Haney, Osh awa, set ville. a.uses ~vill r elieve any ease, n!id we conTbe y c>u tJ1 of this village h ave b een eleQ"ant wat er pi tchers. The STATESMAN N ewspap~r and Magaz- sider it t~e duty of all Dru~gists to rech old ing t heir cllrnival ·h c .· past week, the M:r~. aud M'isHEas1;man,Hamilton boa11- 1 lne S ubscription .A ge ncy i,. doino- an °.'. 01110""·~ it to the poor, dying consumpi· ska. ting oeiug e:xce!leut large numbere are t iful :;:iunel. ' imine ,11H buHiness t hiil seaso n. S ub:Crip- t 17e'. r,t e:ts! to t ry h-,·t tle, us 8.i ,O()() seen every nigh Lskating 0 11 the flab wost Mr. and Mrd. MrColl,Oshll.wli, t wo tion~ pouring in by cvtry mail. weM P!'. ld h~$r, year, and no on\' etise 1 th S u bacn"b crs m . t.1e r . where it failed was reported Such a 1.,re 1 Of 1 .i: co . s. ...: 1n L 0d States may m di · t h (;f , · · . el egan t t abl » There was lmtistrnlly lar".9 congr egaM r, aud l\1rs. J. Scorgie, 1 doz. ilver send good clenn Green Backs and 2-cent l t e c~nf ask e trrrw;,i :yrup cannot ~o I tion~ at the church l ust ~unday both tea spoon~ and silver pepper caB t ors. stamps for odd cha11"e whe~ r1;;mitting . ob _ w; '~ y "- nownb . :. 9 y ( Ut . dru,(gis~ · f th S "'d ' a uu . it. aamp111 oUlt e t o ,ry, aokl at; 1 f d a ternoon an evemng. or e T..1.TJ:SMAN an othP.r papers, 10 cen t~ Re~ J · t S l..J 75 0ThtJ ladiei! have boycotted oue of our i' D !ll8T I W l' TUI" 1"0"RHS "r th1·y HlllY Iles· - - - ·- -'b · · · !U 11.r · ize, c'? u 11,. troy tbc ·lllltlr.,n. Ilse Frcoumn' Worm N.t.T IONAL PILI.ii p111·i fy Ute blood r e11:n· ' Y al1 D1·uggists and Dealers, in the young men. rewdc1·1, they expel all kind· oruerms. lale lllomHb, Uvel' 1tn1lBowe1s. ' United Sta.tea and Canada. 4~ :~ rD. 0 a , == ; 0 ,0 E ~ ~ +:5 'd ...... Aid Society of t he MtJthodist Church will be given by Mrs. Jl~. H.ogers and Mrs. Mitchell at the rnsidence of the latter (Dr. Mitchell's)Wednesday evenmg Feb. 2nd. A large time is expected. A meeting in the interest of Hon. Ed. Blake to be addressed by Mr. J.K.Kerr of Toronto and oth er s, will be held in Kennedy's Hall, Friday, Feb. 4th at 7.30 p . m. "O ~ 0 ,_..,. ::-. 0 C+-i 0 rel bB ~ +:=» +:> ro re ,_..,. 0 bfJ ~ rn. s 0 rn. ..0 .. ... ~ ..p 0 1~ ~ ,.0 ...... = ·~ s ~ U1 ~ ,.q A 1 I ~ 0 ~ \ = 0 -+-' p. r/.l ro ,.q ~ ~ c I> 0 rn I 4 o3 p.. ~ 0 IQ 0 0 J. HIGGINBOTHA & SDI~ s CD WAKE uF;'WEST DURHAM. J?· I Is the Ri.ght Plaee to b uy Drugs. We keep t he best and W E k ----o--- HA.VE ON n. in the west. Newcastle High School has an attendance of ovor GO . Mr. J ohn Me.son, near Newcastle, recently broke h is arm. Mr. J ohn Carveth, Oron o, is shipping cattle t o eastern markets. Mr . Thos. Venner, of Orilliu, has been visit ing N e wcast le friends. I t is ru m<.·red that Prof. Bullock has decami:ied le»ving unpaid s tore billa. B E ON Yoo R G uARD,-.AgainE t Budden coltls, irr1ta.tin<z coughs and soroness of the throat. Keep Hagyara's Pectoral Balsam at hand for these prevalent troubles of Fall a nd Winter. Mr .·J. H. Rya.n, <if Coldwater, is visiting a t Mi'. J. vV. Henderson's, Orono. Mr. Almond Ga.meby, of 'frontc>n, is .. t. vis1 rn g among fn. e11d B a roun d 0 rono . Foun Y EARS OF S OFF.RRINo.-Mr!!, ·ror M N' 1 f S . ' 0 rance l c 1s 1, o , rmth ·Falla, nt. , after fou r years of i1ttense suffering wit h scrufula, from which he r head became bald, was cured by Burdock E~lood Bitter11 a fter the beat medical aid l1ad failed. The Consflrvatives hav<l secured t he Sons' Hall, Orono, in which to h old their Committee meoting$ in t l1e present campaigu. Th<:J W . C. T. U. Mass Meeting will be held in t he Son's Hall, O rono, Monday F tib. 7th. Son" service ill connection with usual ser vices . TnE DEAF MADE TO H EAR.- " After eight years sufforiog fro w deafness 80 bad that I w;;s unable t r> attend to my business. I was cured bj the use of Hagyard 's Yellow Oil. With gratitude I make this known in the benefit of others afilicted." H arry Ri ca<dR, 'l'·Jr on t o; Mr. John Spencer , Vcternal'y Surizoon, h as moved in to the room· fo rmerly ~ occupied by D r . J. P. Shaw, over D. A. Ga msby & Bros. store, Orono.. A Li:::cKY EscAPE. - Mrs. Cyrus K ilborne, of Boam~ville, Ont., h·.d what was tl1ought to be a cancer on her llO'illt, and was about to oub1wt to a cancer doctor's operation, when she tried Burdock Blood Bittern, which eff~tEld a ra.diool cure· This medicine Gures all blood d isease-. Th e H.eformers of Orono and vicinHy h uve opened a committee room in Mr. H enry 's bl ocll:. Hours of meering from 7 t o 10 o'clock every ni~h t. All ar&. welcome. Sum: Ct'nE }'OR R HEUMATISM .- H th.& syste m io properly cleansed by soii10 medicine tJ.1at acts upon the bowels, kidneys . and skm , such as Bur dock Blood Bitters, and th e suffere" wi'll use H~ ,·ya.rd'a vellow u c ~,.., ... Oil according are few ., to directions, th er~ n ca.sea of rhe'c1m·t1 ' sm, however b · d but . ~ ~ ' will yield promptly to t he t r eatment. The Orouo .Nev:s. very tr.uthfully re mar.ks .on .the political campaign that . ?r~a1117:ahon. ts th~ secret of succvss, and . it is this which will count on the 22nd of February. , T.aitEATilNED.DANGER. - _In the fall of 84 " d 1 1 M 11 · [\.an a r 1 er! of Mait_land, N. S,, wa~ p~o~lrated to his bed with an attll!Ck of rn mp1011t consumpt.w n. Cou> ·h r(\me-· a· 11 f ·1 d " ies a ai e · Ile rapidly 11:row dolapi -· dated, and frfonds desp11.ired of his reco vH . d .B ery. e tne urdock B lood Bi'tte·a wit h immediate r E>licf, follr·wed by ,3 speedy cure. ' - ..,, - ---o---- Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. eaMr: TOD BROS. ----o---- Q Big Bargains in Dry Goods for the next 30 days. I Before stock-taking we shall clear the b alance of our winter stock A T C 0 S T· I · t ,l ·t WI "}} be t 0 you1 a dvant age. Ca11 and 1nspec TOD BROS. I I ·

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