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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1887, p. 5

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· 3" WWWIUWJ 2 WWW:UIMi!WWW kS .. Oysters, solid meats-fresh at Grand \ See the cheap Dress Goods at Couch, Central. (Johnston & Cryderman's. Figs, Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons T1rn STATE8MA:N and THE METnonr.s1· at Grand Central. OBSERVER to Jan. 1, 1888, for only $1.50. BRAND OF PURE Farmers, before purchasing Binder Farmers having clover seed for sale will Twine see Sha1v & Tole, Bowmanville. find W. Quick. & Co. prepared to pay Persian Lamb Caps selling off at great· highest market prices. ly reduced prices at Couch,. Johnston & Dr. Potter, office and reaidcnce, J>rowCryderman's. er's Block, Kiug·st., l:lowmanville. 1-tf. Men's and Boys' Ready Made Over You crtn get your sk ates ground, polish Coat~ at clearing ollt prices at Couch, ed and nickel platecl at tho Bow111anville ·Johnston & Cryderman's. Si lver P latin g vVorks. Charges reasonIf you have a cough or cold you cannot able. F:RllE S:ET oF ILmNESs.-S. Th o mp~ou use a better remedy than Stott '~ Jury's Cough Syrup. Sea their advt on 1st col- & Co. will giTe gratis to t.he peraon buy· ing the most goods at their shop d uring umn of this page. To FA.RMERS.- Tho undersigned will 1887, a set of all N ickle Single HameAs I pay th e highest price for Wheat, Oats, worth $25.00. . . Peas, Barley, etc., at Burket-On Elevator. ·Vv. llazzlewood, H.aglan, Ont. L icensed Auctioneer for the township of DarJ. B. McKAY & Co. lington. All orders for ~al es in this The Great Standard for all The young people of St. ,John's church vicinity, left with F. II. Mason, Bowwill give a gr:md concert in the Town ·weakness and diseases of the ungs Hall, Feb.7th, Monday n iqht. Miss How- manville, will r eceive prompt attention. 34-tf. den, of Millbrook, will sing. ·~mpared nutrition, etc. Bargains at the dissolntinn of partner· Candies cheap for the children small ship S8le, bleached and unbleache d This Oil is Pure, Fresh, Nearly Choicest creams for the peopl e older, Cottons worth eleven cents sellmg for Try them, we will please you all eight cents per yard, all wool, 11.reyFJannel "Tasteless, and therefore most suit- With goods that da;ui;le the beholder for ei1d1teen cents per yard. Robertson & At the Grand Central. able for delicate digestions. Bond. The Ladies Aid in conn ection with the Pethick the Barber has laid in an imNone genuine without the name M ethodist church, N ewtonville, will hold m ense stock of smuker's i:-oods. Pipes, IZDAHL sta,mped on each c~psule. a social in the Sons Hall on Tuesday ev- Cigar Holders, Tobaccos aud Cigars, in ening the 8;.h inst. A good program will endless variety. Call and see this, one - WHOLES.ALE BYI Le rendered. of the l:w~est :issortments ever brought Cheap nt the dissolution of partnership to the town. Hair cutting and shaving, sale, black cashmere hose worth sixty as usual, in the latest styles.- tf. o~n ta selling for f1wty centd, fonr clasp - ORkid gloves worth eighty-five cents selling ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ENTERfor si:x:tv-ftve cents, saxo ny yarn in all TAINMEN'r. colors selling at fift een cents per package. Ro bert~on and Bond. A grand entertainment will be given in STRA1.'~'0RD, June 6th, 1885 the Town Hall on M onday evening next Mr. D, W . Campbell, who has travelled For several yt>ars I w~ greatly troubled Feb. 7tl1, consisting of vocal and instruwith asthma, som etimes having to sit up around the world, will give an entertain - m ental music, tablt' a 1 1x., etc. M iss Annie swen or eight nights in succession, un· ment, on ' ' London" in the Town H all, Howden, CanaJ.a's m~st popular and able to 2!eop and almost unable to breathe. on Friday e vening, Feb. 4th, under the talented voca.lht, will a ppear for the first .A friend recomm ended Dr. Jug's Medi- au:1pices of the Temperance Association time before a Bownmuville a udience, in One hundred .cine and Pills 'l'he firs t bottle gave me of St. Paul's Church. some of her b es t selections. A good ,great r elief itnd after using six bot tles beautiful dissolving viewR r ecently ob- orchestra will also b e present. See pro· tained are exhibited. It is a useful, in: was cured, aud oat1 no w sleep and work grams for particularo. Tickets 2oc. to b e structive and pletisinf,( e ntertainment · had at M essrs. Edsall's, 'l're bilcock's and .a&. well as ever. Sec small bills for particulars. PATHTCK l:!'Lt.l\IGAN; Farmer, Downie. Maynard's shops. Tickets for reserved AucTION SALEs.- R. Hutchison, Licen· Dr. Jug's Medicine is a blo6d purifier sed Auctioneer for the T ownships of aeats 35c., to be had only at Big 20. n the stricte~t seme and by its wonder- Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington Doors open at 7 :30, concert at 8. CP. lTICI BMS OF 'l'IIE PR~; ss . :fol clf<unsing p rorl9rtie3 it removes till irn- and Whitby.All sales attended to promptly ,purities from t he system and cures all and at reasonable rates. Wh ere it is not Mia'! H o wden possesses a. fresh, clear itl~ose di~eases which a rise from a sorpid convenient to see me, arrangements for soprano voice of good range, and full of liver or d isordered stom1 tch. sales can be made with the Editor or by m usic.-Globe. STOTT & JURY. Miss Annie Howden ha.s a verv sweet addressing me at Enniskillen, P . 0. Agents for West Durham. N. B. - I have no agents out begging for soprano voice of excellent q u ality, and --- - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - sales for me. R . H UTCHISON. she won a pronounced succ'e ss.- M c l'iZ. tf. Miss H owden sings with remargable Mr. John M ason, jeweller, successor to & Ma.eon Bros., has taken charge of '· The ease, and this, with her bearing on tb.e Can be bought cheaper at Stott & Jury's Bazaar" and opened out a stock of clocks , stog,~ , make h er l\t 01100 a favorite with watches, j i,.wellry, pl"ted goods on one the audien ce. - Toroato N ews. :Medical Hall than any ot her place side and a stock uf general dry goods on Those wl1 0 had the pleas ure of hearinJ in the County. the other . l\fr. M.ason is h·mself in Miss Howden at L ady 'rilley's soiree charge of the former with Mr. vV. P ercy, musicals on Friday and Monday were as assistant, and Mr. S . W . Mason is in· charmed by her r endering of h er aungs as charge of the dry goods branch. Look well as by h er voice, which is a rich Is. ruanufactured by Stott & Jury, the out for announcement n ext week. In mezzo-soprano. She exhibits high culthe meantimt> call an<i see what a plea· ture. -Ottawa Citizen. Leading Druggisw. eant shop they h ave. Miss Howden is 11. d elightful singer. Sl'ECI.U, NoTICE.- Every p erson who in H er manner on the stage, while showing t ends buying a set of Ilarue88 between perfect self-possesdion, is charmingly Bpeciai v11l11e in the finest q uality of n ow and spring would do well to call Oll winning and mod est ; her voice is highly ,go9ds at STOTT & J URY'S. Prices, S. Thompson & Co. We are building a cultivated, sweet, powerful ann symp1>lot of superior sets of Harness, both thetic and her articulation agreeably 25 cents to $10.00. single and double, out of an extra grade distinct. - Gazette. nf No. 1 l eather, picked out especially for Df...., .~\li'ti"·« .l'httt 6"<tutll!'n-tttUJt.· our trade, and we intend to eell thiiil A WONDERFUL JOURNAL. "1!VU~ ~V~all-""'4M~ CV' oM- A-.,.fiMjj..,. H arness at going prices. W e employ n o - - cheap workmen, no apprentices, nnd Tl~ere.are 1:1ot more. t han half a d?:i.:en EoWMANVILLE, FEBRUARY 2, !887. guarantee our Harne!!S No. 1 in every pubhc11t10n11 m .America that can rightrespect. R emember, also, we have come fully claim a circulation of over a hundred to stay. S. THOMPSON & Co. (May'11 thou sand copies per week, and among old t:\ffil.) weekly newspapers but two or three can A very pleasing event took pl ace on boast that number. Mrs . .T. 0 . r,,~Belle has been on a vis~t' Tuesday, 25th ni t. , at t h e r esid ence of One of t hese is The Weekly D etroit ito her brother, Mr. W. '1'. Greenw 11 , Mr. S . Mason, viz. the marriage of M !ss Free Prees, which is so wonderfully pop· Port Hope . Rilda Mason t'l M r. T . J. McMurtry. ular th1:1t it circul ~tes in excess of 120,000 Do you smnke7 One t rial will con ~ nee The ceremony was performed by tho Rev. copies each week. A little calcu lation _31ou that the Gmnd Central carries the E. Roberts. The g uests invited were eh ows that to print this immense issu eonly the n ear r elatives of b oth p arties. The Free Press being an eight page,fiftyclu:licest b:rands of l eading ci11;ars. Order Doors, Sash es, Blinds, Pioke ~, h a were numerous, beautiful llix column paper- it requires rolls of pa· .etc., at Morris' Plan ing Factory, L ib erty an costly a.nd evidently showect in what p11r aggregating 135 miles i n len11;th and .t;reet, R II. Osborne, leasee. high edeem the bride is h eld by all who 13, 550 pounds in weight. It is a busy were present. After the ceremony the day in the Detroit Postoflioe when the Great redu ctionHn the price of cutters happy couple left for a short vist a mong Free Press is mailed. There is a lso an al;. Shaw & Tole 's. $45 cutters will be their friends. May the sun of prosperity Euglish editi on of t he pa.per, pri nted in ;sold for $30 ; a.nd $35 cutters for $22. 60. shine on them as they sail togeth er over London, Eng., 80,000 copies being sold Mr:. Charles Ruse, who is taking a full life's stormy ocean. every week, making e. grand tot al of course in m usic at Baxter Univer!!ity, W e are pleased to call attention to the 200,000copiesper w eek. Friendship, N . Y., has returned after W.AYERLY MAGAZINE, a 16 page p&per The popularity of Th& Free Press is a t · o11pending the holidays among friendl in devoted entirely to literature. Its inter- tributable to the peculiar charm and at. W est Dul'ham. eating stories, many of wh ich are loIJg tractiveness which pervad es i t s columns, What you can buy a t tbe di111olution enough to be p u blish ed as novels, poems, appealing strongly to the sympathies and .0 f pRrtnership Sale, Dress Satin Rhadame music, ancl great variety of entertaining compelling the admiration of readers. It and M arveilleux worth one dollar and a raiscll&nea, r ender it one of the best of occupiba a sphere of its own,aud is unique .quarter p er yard selling for eighty cent11. f111nily story papers. One number alone an d unapprnaahuble am on!{ n e wspapers; iR.obertsou & Bond contains twice t he amount of r eading thero is no other like it. On Saturday morni11g 11 atrny crow- tl.ew mnttu provided by other journele. Read The Free PreBB is a high toned literary Qyer the t own, indicating by h is m elodious it, and you can uot fail to b e pleased with family journal, which s.;eks to i nstruct, voice thut 1ipri11g W·S at hand. Whether this good old magazine, n ever more pop- a muse, elevate and improve t he mMses, the crow wM astray in his weather vredic- ular than now. Price 10 cents. Sold by by publishing only that which is pure "nd tions or mearly at tempting to play a prac· all newsdealers · See pr4>epectus in £OOd. Its literary 11tandard is the high est, tical joke on our citizens we c1mnot say. another column. its p 11ges being entirely free from the de· The China Hall of Messrs. Murdoch The hotels of 13owmanville are &Jl closed grading and poluting t r&Sh which charac· l and the hotel keep ers seem determined terize11 many other so-call~ literar y and 'Bros. , is well worthy of a visit by al la- to do th~ ir b est t o make things unpleasant family po.1)er11. Celebrated the world over dies of this vicinity. There are to be 1 we understand for its wit and delightful humor ous sketoh found there an endless variety of the b est for the publi c general y. l there is some talk of prominent t em p er - , es, it n ever descends to the low and q uality of chiua, glassware, crockery, a nc arce m~n forming e. join~· stock company, vul garin 01·der to create a laugh. I t is i n fancy goods, which we venture to ~ssert is purcha1inf.( one of the hotels and opening short, a bright, crisp and wholesome nut surpassed by many of the large city it as a fi rst -c1ass temperan ce h ouae. 1t · 1 ·s magazine-newspaper, whioh any m an , etc-res. certainly time t hat some t hins:( was clone. worn&n or child will be the better for Mr. A. B. M cLeod, writing from Br· · - We see no r eason why a good co1 Icie h ouse read ing . don, Mau., last week, says : Weath er could not be made to pay in t h e town if The b est known a u thor s and writers very cold, but pleasant with very little only some one could be f0tmd to take contribute t o The Free Press, and t he :Snow at th i6 point . Some are still usin~ the matter un. · assurance t Iiat f or tne · ,. T hey are made to pay in pu bl' u11 iers give whei ls. B usiness is somewhat s 1ow to other places even wh ere there ia no Scott year 1887 1t · wil1 "f possi bl e, b e b etter , 1 what it u sed to b e, owing to the s h ortage · Act , and surely one could manage to fir:; d an d more enJ· Oya bl e t J11m ever. E yery in crops and low prices. B ut t h e · g ram · sh oulcl take Th e .r ..,,ree p ress; i· t · 60 an existence where it woulcl have l ittle foanly b\1yers e.rc dom g b etter n ow- paym g op~itfou·· gives more fo r tlu;, mon ey than any ot.h er ~ents per bnsh.:il for whe~t. / What migh t h ave been a very serious p ublication in the world. 'r he price is The D. O. & P. Co . J3a.nd favored us /accident happen ed in Gal t last week . only ONE DoLLA.R per year . with some very sweet music on Sat urda , Mr. and Mrs. T .·T. McMurtry, who were Sen d fo r sample copy, Address, De~!'enin"' last . Their mate, Mr, Co in lately mar ried and wer e t hen visiting in troi t , Mich. M cLet{;l , who i> confin ed to his h ome Gal t , wer e sit ting in a bus, th e door of th.rounh illnern, h aving expressed a , tiah which was fastened fro m th e outside. to he~r the sollnd of the well-kn own in· The driver alighted and wen t in to an strnments again, t he b:ind very rca,clily h otel to hun t up some paescngors, leaving 'ut, and did th eir b est to c eer t h e h orses untied, when suddenly th~y t ur n ed < the invalid. ·. bolted down the etreet. .~or~unately A large number of our t ownsmen \ of ! h owever a. brothor of M_ r . M cMrntry saw t h e A.(). U . \V., on :::-.unday attended tl~' t hem cornmg and lmowmg wh o were the funeral of their late b roth er W m. Lang:"ci.~ants of}he bus, h e m3de a _ d esper 1nerclmnt <·f Oslmwa, who was F inancier \ ate enm: 0 st op the~ and ~ncki~y . s ucof Osli:iw1t Lodge , Somo of the m embers ceeded, barely ~scapmg ser10us 1~3 ury. of B owman ville Lodge also at;tended the Tho occupants or t he bus the n. altghted funeral of G urshen J,, Nott, Secreta~y 0 £ I saf? ;i.ncl sound t~ong~1 badly_fr1ghten~d~ the s~tXJe L odge on the Thursday previous. ; Thrn is an~the.r warmn.~ agarnst leavrn .,, M r . N olt was broth er ,Jf the late Hev. H , j h or ses unt;ied m .a public strnet, always a J. Nott uf this town . I da? gerous practice, for no matter h;iw ' qmet a horse may be, yet thPy are like D K . L @1'T'S WORJU S '.l'ltUP wm ··emove the revolver t h at "isn 't l oaded " havin~ Wcir m8 autl Cau se, ·1n lchu· tll m l a11y othe l' 1 f ] . f . ff h l t' t d Mec'Ucine. a as uon o gomg o w en eas expec e · USE ONLY THE IZDBAL N-O R WEG-I J'\N Il. 11uN,rnD's MuswAr, WonLn.- Tbe J ;m. uary number of t hio favorite magazine eom <lBlo us elFtd in a brand n ow dress, and is even more iri teresting than any ;irevious edition. T he pubiishers seem to be deter. mined ~o lenve not hing undone to make t be WcRr,D t h e mosl popular and valuable musicRl journal extan t. This number oon taitJS th e following nbw music : " My 1,ov. er is a Sailor L ad." by George Scllieiffarth; " Sooner or Later," by W11liaiu M. Hulchi· eon; " L onging," by Ad . Jensen ; "m~l n Kissc3, by George ffo hieifforth; "Volunteer's ] 'arewell, " bl' J ohanna Rinkel. S'\ . scription priue $1.50 per year; single copldreas, S. !3RAINA1 w's ies, 15 cts e11ch, Ac S·JNs, Oleveland, 0 . At the dlsBolution of partnership Sale, _you can buy L ace Cur tains worth two ,Jol lar s for on e twflnty-five pe r p air, a nd Curtains wort h five d ollars fo r three. 11,obertson & B ond - -- ----- ---~·nrrlage N'ottces. 50 cent. s ; births an1l ~~~· 2~ cents. BIRTHS. ·11 J 3 h R · EYNOLDS·- I n l3owmatwi '" on an. O t · the wife of :Mr. S. H . R eynollls, ot twin daughters. --- - --- H ORSES WANTED. - Y oung G-eneral purooaH 1'eam. Mares prererred 4- 3w. _ M. GAnvrn, NcwcasUe. DIED. BA rnm.-.A t Paradena., Cal .. on the 2nd of Jan .. E SIDENCE AND LANDS FO:R S.A.LR-That bea utiful residence and grounds si·uated on Libert.y St., Bowman ville, and owned and occupied by CHAS. You::rn, is now offered for sale. 'l'hirteen acres of bind · good orchard. 43· l f · ., 1 -·--· -LADIES.-1\IRs . B oRLANn , Dre~s 1J.n d Mant le m t ker, is prenared to teach the 'l',.,ylor s··stem of cutting. No limited number of l<'Hso.:'s, tenns moderate, Waste drnlt uut for 25 ct;s. Rooms over Mr. Horsey's Hurrl Store. Bowmanville. 3·.lw' -·- ~- R t Ot con i1v1a LYMAN, SONS & CO, STOTT & JUR Y, BOWMAH VILLE. Soaps, Combs Brushes The Best Cough Syrup by a fall from a huiltllng, thll beloveil son ot Robert and Marvwillmiuia Baker,and grand. St. John's Church announ ce an enson of11fr. William Dempster, llowm11nville, t ertamment in the 'l'own H:dl, 11/Ionday, ,ged ·.u years a1J.d 4 mon ·h9. F eb. 7th consisting of Music Siu · McCONNAO llIK. -In q >uke. · Jan uary 2-lth, · T bl' " '· ·· A h · ' .t .Jean ) foCounach1e, relict or rhe late .John u~ g , a eauo, '"~ .. ~",c. c ow_ e proguam GonnBchie, aged 53 yeal's and 9 mout he . IVll! be rena crnd. Th~ Comu:nt~ee tla . tl '"" 0N1 r.s,-On tho 31st J anuary 1887, May E lizaol ~o engaged \ he se1v10es of Miss An re beth, t:oloved wirri or W. ,J. J ones, agent o( t he Standard Bank, Ilowmnnvillll. Howden, of Millbrook, Out .. who, as a s.Qlo v. ocalist is un surpassed. SpA l\king of he At Newcastle, N.R. ,J.,i.nuary, 25th, 1887. th e Toronto M savs: " Miss Howden or bronchial croup, Allred l.lurwash, youngest child or Rev.1:3. II. Rici;, !l!-(ed Z years, 8 mos , won lhe cl!ief honors of the evening, her and 23 de.ya. "He is not tor God took him." charming voice nnd plel\sing Atyl e creating ---------·-·-- · - -·- ·- - - · - - qnite a farorc. 'f be eong " Marguerite," BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. by Perring, won a double reMll, and Dln· montbal'd uT,ove, the Pilgrim," created so Correctecl l·Y .Jobu Lyle, every Tue~dny. i;reat a dcmonsiralion of applause that she was compelled to give an enoore num ber." FLOUR, :ii' 100 lbs.. . . . .... $2 00 t o $2 50 Remem ber the date. FurlhA r parlicnlars W HEAT, Fall, 'Ill' bush . ·... 0 80 11 0 85 in anoth er issue. 11 Spring, 0 80 11 0 85 ScoTl' Acr.-'l 'he recent fine s of $ 100 BARLEY, 'IP' b ush ...··· , ·· 0 45 11 0 50 iwpoeed on t he hole! keepers of t he town, R YE, II · · · · · · ···· 0 45 I I 0 48 seems l o lmvo slraighleued tl.tem up for 5he OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 30 II 0 30 lime, us on Salurday night everylbmg was P EAS, Blackeye, 'Ill' bush ... 0 70 11 0 74 locked up tii;ht (yar ds and all) and still 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 55 remain so. As Roon as i i was ascertained 11 Bille, " 0 50 11 0 60 ho\V ;l.Jings wue,the J<.:xeculive of the Scoll BUTTER, best table, 't!' lb. . . 0 12 11 0 17 A0t Association m e t and arra11geme111s were qutekly made for the entertainment of peo- LAIW, ~ lb . .. .. . . . . . .. .. 0 10 II 0 12 ple comin g to town, so that very little m - E Gos, 'IP' doz · ·. ·..·· . ... . 0 00 11 0 18 1 0 30 convenieuce was iuciurted lhrough t he ac· P OTATOES, 'IP' busk ·· ··· · .. 0 25 1 lion of the hetel keepers. Things are HAY ...... ... ....... . .. . 9 00 II 10 00 rn Hoos .. . . . . . . .. . 5 00 11 5 50 moving along just as c 1uietly wilbout them D Ress1 as w illl them , and the oo ly ones I hey are injuring is l he m~elves. We claim that as ihe Scott Act is a law on &he A latutes and will have lo remain so for tbl'ee years at le 1Et, it shoult.l be observed j ll sl as much E ls any other law in exielence lo·do.y. No --ANDd.:iubl ahe hotel keepers h&ve gricvanooa, and the chief of thcue is the meanness on the part of 11. certain class of 1'emperance p~ovle who grumble al haviug to pay five Will address t he E lectors of ·west or ten cents for shed acoummodatiou. We contend thut the hole! keeper has a right Dur ham in the interest of the to ch11rlle fo r 1his, as for an y othe r acccm· modation; but he has no excuse for violahng lh e hiw i n the selling of liquor, and lnis i s j usl where tl.te trouble be~ins . 'fbero is a good living in thia town for two fi rst ciaos temperance houses,if proper--0 Nly managed, aud we rtgre1 ill11t some of our holel ke~ p 6rs caL111 ot see l heir way c!eiu lo open np in this way. We congratulate the Inspector on th e ste.nd he bas t1tken and hope tbat the en tire lemporance community and all law abiding citizens - A.NDwill asstst lo give t he Acl a fair h'ial. Meals and accommodation can be procured The P osz'tion o/ S ir J ohn and a ~ lh e- seve rnl restaurants and bourding houA es in lown, at low figuree, and t he his ever-changz'ng Colleagues: cbtuch sbedR or e all open for horses, and were stabling i s required it can aho be had. ARM TO RENT. - Pnrts of lots 7 F and con, Pickering, !toresbarn and stables suitable for stock- U O acres 8, 2, 200 L :1.rg& fall plowing-Im mediate possession.if required. Apply to Ciu s. 'TAYLOR or H B. TAYLOR Whitby, a AlfiO the dwnl!ing!I over the St,.1Hlard 139.n'lc aatl over Tait &. Morri;;on's Abop: A puly t.o W! M. HO llSE\r, 3·tt .Bowman ,-i!le. WELL l NGS TO l ,ET .- Two dwelD l ing houses, cont1tinini: eight room· wit.h hard and soft water,anrl garden attiwhed. "' with stone stableu undernea th. Separnte tenders must. bo given for carpenter work and mneonry. Plans and Specifioations may be seen at John McMnrtr y'd Grocery Store, or on 1tpplicat.ion to u. YOUNG , V . S., J,ock Box 4, Bowmanville. 5 2w ENDERS WANTED.-Tenders will T be received up to Tuesday I·'ehruo.ry 15th (or the erection a Barn, 36x70 feet. of · Executor's Sale -m· - FAR~S James Woodley Estate. HE U NDERSIGNED HTmF. BY otret for sal" the whole of the valuable es· tate of the late J am s Woodley, o.s follows:Parcel Number One.-Com posed of th e llome· trn.d property, heillg r.ot num b<ir 8. Concession 8. TownshiD of Darlington, cont·1inin ?," t.wo hundred ucre~. more or le·s, about 175 acree of which and in an excellent. of cultivation, the bti,Jance ls well timbered. 'l' hA soil is a rich clnv loam and well watered. '!'here is a good bearing orch,.,rd of &bou ~ six: acres of choice fruit t rees, 'l'b.e are. composed of a lA.rge brick dwelling, frame barns. s'ables and other ou tbuildi ni;s, Parcel Number 'r wo . -OompoR~d of ·outh part of nm·t.h hFtlf or J,ot n11mher 9, Concession 8. Darhngt.on.1 containing aevetity-tlvet aores, more or less. about 45 acresof which are cleared. & ndlbalance in v ..Ju11.ble cedar and other timber. 'l'he soil is mostly clay loam. Parcel Number 'l'hree.-Compcsed o f north. east purt or south h!\lf or Lot number 10, Concession 8. Darlington. containing about t welve ac1·es. Parcel Number Four .-Composed of north east part or Lot number 10, Concession 7.1 Uarlington : conta in inp; a.bout se v en teen acres. HONaS. H. BlAKE T J. K. KERR HON.E.BLAKE Government for Canada!" Spectacles I Local and Otherwise. Oft'ern are solicited ror any parcel or · th& whole. Torm· of p1iyment. to suit pnrch'lsers. Posse~sion imn1ediately. 'rhe valnablo far m stock. implements and household i:coods of tho estate will be sold at auction, of winch due notice will be given. J !'or farther n.pply to D . Burk&Sim pson. Solicitor for ihe Executors, or to tbu TOWN COUNCIL. undersigned. · U. F,f,LTOTT, J r. I Special Meeling beld, Juu 24Lh. Mem- ~bURTICE, Sons' liall , Mn. KERR, RICH. WOODLEY, EXECUTOUS. WM. BRF.N T , Jr, J bero all present, \he Mayor presiding. at 2:30 p,m. Darlington, Jan. 211 . 1887. 5· tf A petition was preeoated from Mr. W. H. Willinma Rnd 11. ot hers, preying tbe TYRONE, Sons' H a ll, MR. B L AKE, Council 10 exempt from the opernlion of 2:30 p.m . tbe fla0w l:h-L&\Ynil North of Dr. Allisou'11 gs.lo, on Libeity-et. Received and fyl6d. A numb 1r uf Accis were· uresenled and BOW1'1Al\TVI f... l,E, 'rown P ursu ant t o a Decretal Ord er of t he referred to Ille F inR.nce Com. Hail, lUr. Blake a1u1 Mr. Chancery Division of the High Mr. Andrew moved a resolatiou, 6econd· Court of Justice made in a n acKeri·, 7:30 p.m. ed by Mr. Losoombc, That tLe Council tion between Margaret J a ne gran f lhe use of the ro&d nllowanoe immeThompson, p laintiff, and S arah dir1lely north of the G. T . R. at t he staiiou Ba rton, E mma Orr, Marga ret for the purpose of unloadin g lumber and Jan e Vercliere, John Heal, I<'redother merchandise, the 6. T. R. haverick Heal and Charles Heal, ing promised to make a siiling running LESKARD. Sons' HaU, MR. KERR, Walter Heal and H arry Heal. norlh of the freight sb.O'd , so as to preveni a.t 2:30 p.m. mfant s , under the age of t w en . t he neoeesity of trains crossing the t rack, Referred to Roads and St8 Com. to report KENDALL,Sons' H all, MR. B L AKE , ty-one, defendants. " CANADA FOR CANADIANS !" Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, t Notice for Creditors. Thursday, Feb. 3rd, OD. Oouuoil, on motion adjourned. THE LA'l'E ANN HICKS. Ann Hioks, was born in Camelfotd, Oornwall, England, in the year 1834. Her parents being pious and devoted ohrislains , she had religious influence, example and training from M r childhood, bul though h er sur roundings were favorable to early 0012sccraHon lo God, youthful piety wi&h iie many 11dvanla.ges was n°' hers 10 enjoy. l:lhe,like loo many olherlf.,al!owed ·he morning of h er existence to pass away wit bout seeking the one tiling needful. In 1848, i;he was united in marriage lo Mr. W. H . Hicks, and in 1868, oame t-0 this country, and eeUled down in Tyrone. She wae eon. varied i o. God in a prayer.meeting, about nineieeu years since, daring lbe ministry of tbe Rev, G. Leach, & o whom she feU a speo1al atteohmen&. Her sonl being now filled wilh p11ace and j.o-y,and bope,tbrough b elieving, religious ways were to her w11ye of1 pleasantness. lier cbrietiao life was chanc!erised by stalnlily of character, earnestness of spirit, purity of molivc, and by the realization of Christ's presence i u t he heart. She did not eeek to make a grn11t show of her piety ,yel it could no~ be hid. The regenerated heart can DO more bide the alhibntes of 111or11l beauty, than the sun oa.n hid her light , or tho stars. theirlustre. The beauty of tbe Lord .our · liod is upon 11 8. Her piety spoke and shone, e.nd acted, \u the home, in lbe S1.1bbath School, and in the church; she un folde d noble p1·i11ciples, and developed cbris\ian life. Sbe took grei.t delight i n t he means of grace, and was seldom absent if she coul<I eUead. In hor removal, h er d t · tl l f II h ~s·ban__ sus au~s ie ,0 ss o an exce an 1 wife . tier son is bere1ved of a g0od aud loving mother, and t he church hn8 lost 0110 of b or bes t ornnmonts. Her siokuess W it~ f.hor l, but. ller mind was peaceful, will ros1 gued, testimony clear ns a snnbeam, nud h er prospect IJright ns t he noon day. She bo.s gone to rest, aod to ~hare in the . f e1· .. immorn . 1pttnly, im.y, tly an d gl ory of liea,,en. "One more preClious saint's !IS'.:euded To the lofty throne of God, Praising him who oondesend ed, '.l.' o r edeem her by his blood, Now she sounds Immanuer s merits, Tl.trongh the heavenly plains above, Joy celes:.ial she Dow inherils, Swimming in redsemiug love. " ·n · d Tl . d Irer dea. was imp r~ve on rnrs ay afternoon m tho Met uod1st church ,Tyrone, by the Rev. W. Kenner, to 11 full eongregation and h er remains were followed to _ · . . Beluesda G raveyard by.a loog trarn of sympalhizing friends. at 2:30 p.m. ORONO, Town Hall, MR. KERR, at 7:30 pm. NEWTONYILLE, Sons' Hall, MR. BLAKE, 7:30 p.m. Friday, February 4th, CAR'l'WRIGHT, Town Hall, MR. K ERR, 2 p.m. ENNISKILLEN, Kennedy'fl, MR. KERR, 7:30. Mr. Blackstock is invited to speak at t he above meetings. D. BURKE SIMPSON, Pres. West Dnrhatn Reform Assoc. GOD SA VE OU R QUEEN AND CO U!'I TRY. ,,-· K. Ulll'R, L manville. Dulinirton. CJ..r ke, Manvere ; alno East Durham. tx'Omptly attena"d Cartwright. All orders to. Terms liberal. Addrea WiJC SMt'l'H, or F R ANO!B llfAt!ON. ilox: 4G, Bow48-tt wanv1llo. IOENSE AUCTIONEER for :Bow- UILDING LOTS, 3 neres, for sale on B Liberty·st. North, or wlll sell my whole OB P ou.ARD, nroperty together if desired. JAC Bowman ville, :-1·3w. fiOUSE TO RENT ON QUEEN.ST. - Two :::iLory Brick. ' Vill lie made.very comfortable for a. respectable family. .A.pp)y to A . BUCKLER, Jeweller. 4.5-tf S ERVANT-GJHL\VANTED - IMM. F.DIA.TELY _ for general housework, Only those willing to leave town need apply. Inquire at STA 'l'JJ:SMA.Noffice. . . . . . L.ADIES .-Ladie~ wantm g pla1!1 sewmg and dressmakmg done o.t U1e1r homes will inquire for :Miss J erome at Mrs. S. 'l'hompaon's. corno1 Sil<>ct' and Church Sts., Bowmann!le. l ·3m. HE CREDITORS OF HUGH 'l'homp~ o . late oftho 'l'ownship o! Darliugton, in t h Conuty ot Durham. b11ilnor ,who died on or a ·O llt the 17th day of October, 18'16, and all ot,Jter persons having any specific or genera.I lien or other ioc11mbran,·e on the foll ~wi ng village lots in the village of E nni·klllen. in the c.muty ot Dm·hom, one being haU: an acre, more or less, vart of Jot eiizhteen In the se>enth ooncessson of the 'Township of Dnrlingtoo, in the Conuty of Durham, c lescribed as follows :- Commencing nine chaina in a southerly direction from the north-west; OOPner of snid lot number eighteen on the ei~st. side ot 1he Scugos: r oad, thence eaetel'ly t wo chal.ns and firty links. thence l!OUtherly two ct.aina, t hence westerly two chaius and fiftv linlta, more or less, to the Scngog road, thenee two. chains, more or lees, atonlf the Scngo11: road to t· h e p··ace of beginning. The other bcinir a village lot In sald village of E nnlsklllsn, ooataining one quarter or an a.ere, being composed or part ot said Town~hlp Jot number eighteen. commencing at a vost planted eleven chains trom the north.west corner ol said lot number eighteen on the west side of said lot. on the Scngog road. thence not·th, seveuty·folll!' degrees east two chains and fifty links, tllAnce 11outb. ftixteen de11:ree11 one chaln. t.b.anoesouth eeventy.fm1r de!ll'ees west, two cl>alneand fifty links. thence north sixteen degren west. one cht<in, more or leas, to the place or· be1dnning. Or Q11 11ny undivided Interest.or estate there· in ot 1rny of 1he said par ties by means of l\DY mortgage or other lien or secnrity on o~ before l:laturday the 12th dayof February, 1881. to send llY post prepaid t-0 ' V m. Kerr, &.q ·· barritt1er,Cobourg,a1rnut for William Mortimer Clark. soltci tcr tor the pl&intiff in 1<aid aotio.n. their ohristlan and surn ames, address0d &nd dcscrlp~ions, t he full var.icnlars or their clr:i.lme, a statement of their account·. and the n!4tare of the securities (if 11.n y ~ helcl by them, or in de· fau lt thcreol, t hey will be peremptorily e'.ll· cluc: ed from the benefit of the saic1 decrctal order. E very credit.or holding tiny security ie to procl uce the same before me at my chambers in Victoria Holl, in ' he town or CobO UQf, on Moncla:r, the 14th day or 1'"ebruary, 1887. a.t eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being the time apuointedfor tho a··judicatlon on clain1s Dated t bis H th day of J anuitry 1887. ' (Signed,) GEO. M . CLARK. 3· 3w Local Master at Co bourg. T I rro MUNN & PATENTS co., of t ho S CTF.NTTFI C AMERI CAN con - I· M 1 I I WANTED. I Red and Alsike Clover Seed. HIGHEST PRICES P AID. l W. QUICK & CO. USIC. - MISS .BYROM is pr epared ..1.. to give instruction on the Piano and org:in ~o 1~_ Ii mi ted number of pupils. 'L'erms on. npplic11.t1011 "t tb.e residence, Church s,treet. " 2·tf F ARM FOR SA.LE.- One of t h e best in the 'l 'ownB hip of Darlington 70 acres, good brick dwelling, goo<l outbttildings, good orchard. well fenced, well watered, ono mile or the town of Bowmauville. For partic· ulars apply to 'l'no~ias WOODLEY. Bowman· ville, 1'. 0. or on t h e premises, Con, 2, Lot 6. 5 .tf TENDERS WANTED.- Sealed ten· _ ders will be received UD to 1Saturday, February 12th, uy t.he undersi~noLl for the erection of a Kew Brick Chnrch 111 th~ village of Willia,msburg. P lans and epecifications may be seen at ~r. T. A . \ Vright's. Lot 7, Con. '1, Cartwright . The Oommlttee will not be boun<l t o accept tho lowest or any tend~r. 1R . H . PRUS'!'. p _ M,. Sec. 5-2w. Cartwrigl1t, P. o. ·- --·--·-·---- ·- - ---- tinue to 11.ct as Solicit ors f or J'atentM, Cavc11.ts. trrnd& Marks, Copyri~hts, for tho United, Cana.da., Engln.nd, I;'r ance, Germ any. et c. Hu.nd Book 'l.bou~ Pat.en ts :ient free. Thlrt;:-..q~ven years· cx1H.:1·!ence.. P1 1.t.entsobtained throuJ,.!nMONN 1.. 't CO. uru noticed. In the flCJ ll!N'.rIFIC AAIEUICAN , t he l a..-gest, bes t, and most w1d<Jly c1 scieotltlc papor. $3.20 a year- !ormation . S1>ecimen copy of the 8cie11tific A ine ricun sent free. .A<ldrc's MUNN & CO .. SC llli'l'lU'llJ ,A,'11E1t1 CAN omoc, Zill Broaaway, New York. WeekJy . Splendid cn~ravlnf.?S a nd intercsUn:;{ tn- HO FOR SASl<ATOON! 1'he Temper:rnce Oolon!zation Society (limited) will P1'<1v1de tree ra1lwny passages to all wriphclders for (or t.hcir representatives) ·vh<> will, on or berorc the 31st duy of DECEl\Hl.lUt 1886, pay up ari;ea1·s due the society, aud jofo'. the :first excursion to the Colony in tlrn spring ~or the purpose of settliag ou the land. ' By order of the De11rd, C. POWELL, Manager, Society's Ofilcc~,115 Kh2g st, we2t ,1'erouW...

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