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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1887, p. 6

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,11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'.!~!!~!!!~~_.! -~~~-~~·~~[i!~~~~~~~~~~· at' auadiau SKfatt.!JUUlU . ~ ~ {WEDNESDAY, :FJo~HRUARY HEALTH. · Ill.' w. A. llLAICELY. t o receive company in. Be it ehild or ad ult area amount to over 2, 000,<00,0IJO tons. H a ving purchased the Barness busin ess lately carried on by Th'Iro. H UMPHREY, the excitement of meeting friends is always E >Lch man has but a limited right to t he hope by careful att.entiou to business, good workman shi p, e,nJ lirot class "I came out here for my health, and I . SM.ALL F ARM F OR SALJJ.:.--30 followed by great depression; the more se- guotl things of Lhis wodd ; aml the n atural materirJ, to sficnre a share of pul1lic p atronage. We have ill acres of land having thereon good rrame .have lived here tbree years now, and am no vere the illness, the greater 1md more danger- tillowed way by which h e is t o compass the etock and are manufactnrmg a bHge amotmt of h onse, barns, stables ancl other necessary out· better than when I came. This climate oua the depression. possession of these things is by his own buildings young orchard of '1 acres. well wat· don't agree with my constitution." As I Insomnia can be avoided by taking a sho r industrious acquisition of them. ered and ' rencen. Situated juec outside the heard a neighbor make this remark, I said corporation ofBow mauville. Will be sold very Prof. Collett, t ho Norwegian zoologiat, rIE~A eap for cash. .Apply to M . A . J.uur.s, to myself : I should not think it would ; walk immediately b eforn retiring. A good STATESMAN Office, Bowman ville. 9·tf. nor any other climate either. The man and harmless sleeping mixture, in extreme announces that the b eaver is now extinct in cases, is fifteen grains of chloral of hydrate Northern Norway, but estimates t hat about was well built, and had a. well formed mixed with half an ounce of or:inge·peel 100 are still in existence in the south, chiefly Collars a specialty. We intend tlw.t tlrn reput,1 tion Hurnphrey'R Collars have gained RICK H OUSE AND LO'r 1!'0R brain ; but neither his !Jody nor his brain syrup, shall he fully suotain ed . \>Ve v.~e prt·pare<1 to fun1ish r esponsible partie11 taken at bedtime. in the P rovince of N cdenaes. SALE I N BOWMANVILLE.-A very was doing him ver y good service. He was Collars on appl'obation. We guai·amee s a thfoction or no sale . comfort able brick h ouse, nearly new. contu.m· broken do wn in healt11, and his head troubl· Au inter esting experiment is now bein g W e alao keep in stock a full l ine of good s usu1tlly fouad lng8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and sum· ed him con~idcrably. in Newfoundland iii an attempt t o in· mer kitch en excellent cellar. Hard and soft IS WAR INEVITABLE ? in 11 fir st class harness shop, co mp rising It was l'eadily apparent to the close obtroduce Scottish game. A number of fine · -wa ter: ver y good fruit garden or i acre. Situat· blackcock have just been sen t out from Scot. ed in the most aristr ooratic part of tho town. server why one of the most healthful cliA l'OREIGN llll'LOMATlS'r 's Ol'lNION. Will be sold on very reasonable ter ms. Apply mates, a genial sun, and an invigo1·atin g r\t· and, aud J,ord Moray is ab out to despat ch a .to ::.\I . A. JAMES, S'.l'A'l'ESMAN Office, 9·tf. mosphere, did not have a beneficial effect . In the .course of conversation. a foreign ·~ousignmeni; of>:ic from his P erth . upon the " pa.L ie11t." On visiting the place, ~hploma~Lst, who~ a, long career lll the var· shire esti1te. See on r Bull :Bona Whips-some thing- new. We have also in stock 9 one saw a house of pleasant appeai·ancc, a i~us capitals of .1£urope has rendered :-spe· Capt . Bogardus is li4 y ea.r s cf age and has f large frame barn, an easy carriage, and gen· 1cially well a.dapte~ ~o pro~ou11?e an opmton been champion wiui; shot foi 16 years. After .. era! convenience~ for comfort. on the present pohticai situatioi1, made the 1887 he will retire, lmt in the meantime he But on eutering the house, I found t hat followi1 1g r emarks : would like to get on a match a t 100 bir ds he did not live in " t his climate" at all, THE lWSSO·GCRMAN Tr t;:ATY. with William Grah am , t he Euglishman, for for Horses and Uatt le, a surn cure for bruisen, sprains, cuts , and sores of all kinds. but that he had an " artificial climate" I rlo not believe in the existence of the aJ. from $1,000 to ~5,000 a-side, half English Shop-Sign of the Big Collar . 17-3m p~culiar to the Mr. Johnston's pl_ace. 'l'he leged treitty between Russia and Germany, half American rules. air was warm aud cluse; ev~ry wmdow ~ms which I consider to have orlg ilmted in t he Old and mutilated bank notes when re· Are p r epared t o pay t h e h igh est prices closed for fear that th~ healtn of the fomil;i:, imaginative mind of my good friend Mr. de tul'ned to t he U nited St;1tes '.l'reaaury ar e '~hwh, .of cours_e, .was m a. very bad . cond.t· 13lowitz. Of course musL uf the p ersons all kinds of Grain d eliver ed at the twn, might suilcr if a particle of outside air holding any prominent official p ositions to chopped up and int o a pu lp, which is moulded into various sh<qies and forms. should enter ! In fact, the room r e.all)'. smell- whom you may apply for their views on the The lo.teat design is a minio.ture b ust of Wharf or their S tor e H ouse in t own. ed biJ:d for. want of proper ventilat10i!. I present situation will declare tha.t every- Mrs. Cleveland, which h as a ready sale. bore it patiently (apparently), not havmg a I thing points towards the mainten ance of I t takes $ 10,000 wo1th of old . bank notes " sextant" to whom I could " appeal" to peace There are but few holdi ng i·espon- to make one <>f these desivns. ~pen the "winde~s" a.nd let in soi;ie " are .." sible ~liplomatic positions who could afford No teacher w)io does not try it can know Then a:fter lef.1.rnmg what <'.onstit uted his to utter any contrary opinion for publica usnal bill ~f far~, I c~ml~ plamly s~e t hat .I tion without exposing themselves to recei v- how easy it is for children to use wor ds OF C A NADA . hu.d been right m thrnkmg t.h;~t neither tlus in" a severe rnp over the knuckles for their they do not lmdcrstat1cl. Y..' e were in a Having decided to retire from J ewelry Busin ess, offers his s~ock <:aptta l p a itl up, 811 ,000 , 000. Rest , $~60,00 nor any other climate would " ag<'ee with indiscretion The i·eal trnth is that we ;ill schuol the other day wh en a pupil spelled of Watches. Clocks, J ewelry, Silver P late, Spectacles, etc , a t TRE"heroine." "Writ e it in a sent ence," said This B ank 1s-;:;;pared to do Legitl· his co!lstitution." In fact, hi~ surrnundin&s expect a.n e~rly out bi·eak of war, which m1u- the superint endent, with whom we were (- MENDOUS REDUCTIONS until the whole is disposed of. and dietry w ere enougl~ to r~m any constt· not be long delayed. .mate Bankin g in a.11 its b ranches. going the rounds. "I went heroine and 'J'lle stock s old !Retail at Wbo!e~alc P1·ices . tution, however strong it m igh t be nat uralF a.rmers n otes d iacon nted ; Deposita ly. Flesh-meats, including pork, were l'R&l'.Al~INC FOR TUE STUUGGLN. cau ght many, " wrote t he child, who knows l·'a.·om ~Oto 40 pc'· c e nt discount Co1· S1·01 Ca ~Ja. received a nd I n te r est paid on a.mounts of largely ea.ten. The food was taken into the \ Vhy, even h ere in Engfancl, we arc in- more uf h cn i11gs thtm of t he her oine. '85 upwa.rda i n Savings Bank Department. stomach ntpidly , in an insufficiently m asti- formed t ha.t Lord Salisbury intends to clivei·t Charles Absolom, t he famous cricketer, is $ 20 New Go!d Hu in fi n;:; "\'7 atches r educed to $ 16 . cated state, being washed down by hot public attention from the troubles a t h ome $30 DR A F 'l'S do do do $~4. clrinks,- h e invariably having tea, coffee, or by inaugurating a v igorous foreign policy instanced as a living testimony to t he ad · $ 40 do do do $32. Issued a n d Collections m a d e in Europ o chocolate for breakfast, coffee for dinner, abroad, and military preparat ions are the vant<iges of teetotal ism. He h as been " to. $30 United States and Canada. do do do $40. and t ea for supper. Pickles and the usuo.l order of the clay . You know that several t al abstainer from intoxicating drink and tobacco for ovc1 thirty years, is now in his $ 6 0 list of highly seasoned, unhealthful, and in- battti!ions of the Gua rds h:we been instruct - seventieth d o d o do $ ii0 . W.J. JONES, yei1r, has been before the public digestible, so·called foods, were in abun· ed to hold themselves ready for foreign serAg en for fifty.five years, his performances in the New Silver Watches, all mak~s. at sa1ne r eductions. dance. "Variety was the spice of death" viee, and arc being submitted to a special on that table. Insufficient exercise, foul medical examination,. Now, the Guards field to-day equalling those of some of the About 60 second hand Silver Watches, from $3.00 to $8.00 each. air, and a stomach overloaded w ith an ex- are rarely despatched abrna.d unless some best of men in their prime. Silver Plate, R ings, C hains, Lockets, Broaches, Ear Rings, &c., at even cess of innutritious food, is pretty sure to extremely important campaign is in prosAn English gentleman has secured the ho knows if the determination of services of thirteen clever boys drawn from greater reductions. 'This is a BONEFIDE CLEARING SALE ; all make any climate affect an invalid in the pect. W" H aa received her new stock of same way as our neighbor was a(focted. Lord Salisbury to adopt a military foreign all ranks of society. These ar e now ueing goods warranted a~ represent.ed. I purpose remaining in town and But we find such people everywhere. The policy unsuited to Great Britain has not educrtted in a most p eculiar manner for w ork will be responsible for all goods sold. medical business in this country is simply been one of the principal r easons of Lord among the p oor of t he ea st of L ondon. The invites the Ladies enormous. Invalids are almost inuumer· Randolph Churchill's wit hdrawal from the boys are taught whist, billiard s, fencing, Yet all of these things are laid to Cabinet? gymnastics <ind secrets of skilleel labour, manville and vicinity to calJ able. " climate," "misfortune," " too much SIGNlJTICAl"T INTELLIGENCE. the dignity of which is impressed upon t hem Having a large stock of Material for all k incls of Repairing on hand, and see her P attern business," "overwork," etc. See the significa.nt military int elligence w ith the necessi ty of helping others less tbe ·Jobbing Depar tment will be a special feature in t his Great ClearIt is trnly a " misfortune" for any one to ~hat rct~chcs usfrom Coustantii~ople. Tnrk.ey for tunate than themselves. ing Sale. All Repairing a t greatly reduced prices: b e sick. But generally it is the individual ls mass1;ig an enorm ous force m Macecoma. '1'obogga!1ing h as many advant ages over himself who is to blame. If the proper at· A fortmght ago there were over a. hundred roller slrntmg. In the first place, it costs a and assort men t ot 1 tention be to the laws of health, a per· a.nd twen~y battal i~ns of i.nfantry and thir~y - gr eitt _deal more and .is ~most charming and Main Springs put in.. .. 50c. t o 75c.: Watches cleaned ...... 50c. to 7~c. son can , as a rule, do almost any kind of I six b~ttenes, of. artillery 111 the Maced.o man effective mode of r~heVIng a_ri o.ver-b11~den J ewels properly fitted ... F>Oc, to 75c. 1Watch Glasses fitted.. foe. work or live in almost any climate. Bu t I provm~cs. This enormous conce:1tratwn of e d .:r,>ocket-book. '1he;i,, it regmr~s a Case Springs fitted .... 50c. t o 75c.J Clocks cleaned ........ .. 40c. to 75c. doctors may warn the people, our h ealth II troops m the presen~ sca~on and m the pre- umform. A sport which, l; ke roller skatmg, !!TORE : - !leeond Door w est o r wnunim· journals bring it repeatedly before their sent st<1te. of Turkish finances could not does not ~emimd a special cos~ume, can All other work in proportion. AU work warranted, as in the S·tehcr Stan minds and our public men lecture on the have been mtondedforshowpurposes. The never obtam a permanent popularity. Men A call solicited. subject over and over, and still these 1 Turk s must ~e lookin~ forw·trd to a war on and women li~e. to d ress for an occn:sio~. people live on as b efore · apparently they I the Macedo1rnm frontier, and they are not A toboggan smt is an absolute necessity if love to have it so. ' ' quite ccrtaii\ whether it mt1y not begin be· yon wish t o slide in style winter . T he dimensions of an elk's head and horns ~N. B.··-To save.costs, over-due accounts must b e settled forthwith .Another common complaint is " t oo · fore the winter is over. OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS much. business. ". A man gets up in t}~e AN EARLY WAR I NEVITABLE. shot in Montana are given as follows : 30-tf. Bowmanv ille,~September 23, 1886. mornmg, eats hJS breakfost-- perhaps his . . . . Face, from back of ears to t ip of nose, 2!J inAs there are many iaferior food may be of a wholesome charactc.r,- 1.. Moreover, the hostility w in ch ex· ches, . butt of horns, 15 inches in circumfer· I I I h t b t th R dG goods, corded with jute, h emp, etc.,offeredand sold and ie then goes to wor L '? a s ort trn~e, is ~ e ween · e ussian a n . er·n;an p opu- ence at th e base ; spread of h orm[in the w idas Coraline by some un- somebody calls and offers lnm some frmt, 1lat101:1s re~ders an e~rly war. mevitabl.c. Do est p tir t, 51 inches ; from top of brow to principled merchants trad· which, of cours.e, h e takes ;, he also has a you imagme .that .I rmce Buanarck s ~ool point of horns, 62 inches ; dist:mce acr oss iug on the repntation of f 1 th c Czar . h as h a d t '!ne from tip to tip, 12~ inches ; dist ance bet ween our genuine C:o l'alln«l, ew craclrnrs w1 th some f r m t , f or a. 1unch l enoug j1 t ~ w~it un t 1 - -I !N - we wam the ladios against 1 whenever h e ge~s hungry. A~tcr eatmg :i-n I ~ arm Ins '.mmense ai:my w~th rep.eatmg: eyes, 11 inches; _weight of !iorns_, abou t 70 such imposition l>y tlraw- apple or two, ot an orange, t ins suffices hrm · nfies a nd r1<1s doubled the smgle lme of j pouuds T he annual was lulled JUst before ~~~e~~ft~grt::'i~~th~t~~: until dinner time. This is r epeated in the 1 railroad at present running along the west- shctldi~g t iw velvet which made the horns 1afternoon. Then , as he has work to do in I ern f1:onticr of .Rll:ssfa ? ~~>t only ~he look magnificent. ' . name 'faDftM coo~ET I the evci~iug, he takes some ~upper. From fimu1c1al and. economic>1l coi:id1t10n of B~1ss1a, B h laims the followin a is the proper U R.IU Yl"!l n~ \Ill t wo to !ive hours are spent m work , and but also the mtcnsc 11nd w 1desprcac1 discondeac fc · . A f ll "i I t · t en t p erv.i . d rnga " 11 cl· , :-- b tu 1 ou 'RRtampedoninne1·sideofo.l!Coro.linogooda t h en Irn ret1rea. "'"ses o f tiw, c;zo.r·'s su b· mo etho trowmg"ti h , . ong trca.c .. . ht . w1 ·th t hi h · ' The n ext m orning he wak es up with a jects renders it ine,·ita blc that Alex<Lnder 1 olor e oes; w~ th aun: s ' a ou w c none are gennme. headache. He has no appetite for his III. will soon give way to the .demands of s iarp, c1 ean ' ~~ c 1 . 0 . e w~ ~r; a powe~: - --··-· ·- 1 ,,.,,.1kfost. " I worked entirely too har d the Pa.n-Slavi sts and seek to direct public ful '. steadf Y, hor izo ntf.~l strnktct , hwith an app t hf - -... ~T - 'd a t tent ion · f rom 1n · t crna 1 d'1111cu "" lt'1es b y a .. ca.t1011 o t1 ie w io e f orce e momen ' o . " '"' 1 ' ' "~ccrday" hesays,(well, he~·obablydt ti a l 1 1 1 l G 1mm"rsion · a c ean ea icr am a ow llUlC ' ' · " with h is cliv:estive orffans). .is stomach popular V1>arwit1 cmmny. ' · h, · t tf t' f t l k' 1 " d ft t' · recover s ootmg ou 11t >C momen o 10 _· 1ti - - -- - · - - - - caimot. wo1: proper y, an a ~r con mumg GIRDIN"G :rnn TIU: nanT. ·Ph. 'Historv r e Jea.ts itself. This says J - some tune in such a cour se, he is p rostrr.ted, . . . m ', . · .I ' and h as our " h eart ·felt sympathies" be· Concernmg !"ranee, i t 1s Heedless to talk. mt ~ngbsh pa.per, is ~he o~d, old ~troke that · e e . Enbre stock t o be cause h e h as betJn "over-worked." He N ot a. day passes but t hat the ~ewspap?rs carried O;cford Umve!·sity to v!ctory ~or ne\·er seems to underst and why h is di ,,est-1 contam accounts. of th~ prel!arut10ns wh~ch ! s?ven or mght consecutwe.Year~ in th~.s1x- .. ive orcrans do not work well, a.s li e is';', al· Oen. Boulanger 18 mak~Llf'. for the con:mg two and was used by Rcmorth rn lns p111n e. ~:{' A ways c".'arcfo l to ha ve only sood, h ealthful strug~le. -'\S t_o Austria and I.taly'. l T HE PURI'rY OJI M~D·ATLAN'rTC Am.- ln' ,...., · · L\.. .L!J The goods will b e sold down below cost. food on his table ; and frm t ~g among t he standm g thell'. 1'.!1me~~? fin n.ncml clillicn~tws, ; the course of an address on the a.ction of Yery bes~ cf foods," he says Ill reg:ird to they are r~rn;im., t.hc ns\, almost ~f ~~tional 1 m icro organisms on surgical w ounds, P rof. 1 Hats , Bonnets, Ribbons, L H ces, Flowers, that. wh1Ch h<> had eat en betw~en .me<ils. bankru~;~y m t.h.eir ~florts to P. eP 10 for! l!,. 8. D ennis, of New York, stt1tes.tbat Feathers, Silks, Satins, Plnshes, Velvets, But it was uot wlmt h e had eaten m }ns ca se;! the strn,,~lc whbch mi]:Y now break out a; ' during his last trip across the Atlanbc he - --M.ANUF'ACTURER OF--0 F' ff c d Oil F·1r itw~::;when<mdhow. . . lan)'.mo~ent, . ut t rn.commencement ~ \ madesom c experiments to test thepurity . · . ~ 'W·~·'loN~C'.b ~"' o . ' rmges, imps , or ·, ars, r i rng, I t is a well known truth t hat the v1olutwn wln~h will h ardly b.c dcl~:yed .b "'¥~ml 1~e:i.::t ' of the air about 1,000 miles from land. H e ft !1 ODE A"E~ ~LE ~ lf1 U ~'lo ff ' j I ~M l'l h1 Aprons, Ho"e, Wool .Tacke ts, Berlin of Nature's laws w ill bring N ature's penal· Apnl. See.also Prmc~ Bisma1 ck s anxiety employed capsules of sterilized gelatine, and U.~ HU U·lU OJ' (.) H.11 lfh.n ~ ' g U ~ 11,, ' ~.,._ ' Wools, Saxony, Siik Flogs, Araseno, tics.. The stomach must have re~t; to get the bill for th: i~lorease of the. Ger- exposecl t h em for fifteen minutes. One capKIN G S1'HKiJ:'£ , BOWMANVILL Tinsel, Embroideries, &c. not giv·n by ~he person voluutlmly, it w1~l m an ar 1 by 10 pei ee~t. passed tht o~ig'h I sul e was exposed in the st~itero?:U ~tpon now ho.nd a. number of vehicle' (u.nd i s manutu.etnrlng a !;'Teat ms.n:i: more)of the nciq ts' 1 11 Also a great variety of Fancy be taken <tt h.1s e~ense. \Vhcn <~person rs 1 111 ~he Rei~~3h ~·. No, 110 ' I do ;iot bel~e' e i the main deck of the steamer. ' " it hm 18 Ha 8 and 'beet. ttmBh, which I au1 r;itroring for :iale B·L th., lowe~1 vr10es ~;onaiateni coust~ntly v1olat mg the m<;>st important the moim~cnomce of ~eace. I ~eparatrons i hours over 500 points of infectio~1 had ~e-yel- 1 with duo i·egard to w_or1!'m&nsbtp and quality. The bllowmg 1~ a lIBt Of Goods. princip les of h ealth, we certamly cannot be would not h::ve been ma~e on s uch a scale, 0 ed. Two capsules exposed m a sumlar t h e prmc1pal vehicles manufacturod by me · 1 to h ear IJ~rsons. say, "Th ' c,,i-, r and at such immense P · 41'150 Upward11, . . sacrifice MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. surprrsc< . . is t a t ti . were . . , not the! manner ma cab" m .on t 1 1e _promena dc cl eck , D vuble Coverud Carnages. . ....... . . . ........ ... ..... . ....... ............. ... ... 1 18 11 mate don't 1igreo with my constitntion ; ~ ru"'g. edmore unmmen Mn gen era Y where th e circulat1011 of arr was free, sh ow · S rngle Phretoni> . ....... .. ..... .. . .... .. .......... ...... .... .. ...... . . ..... ...... J 00 11 and to find that "ove~work " breaks down , su ppose · ed five or six: points of infection each ten u 0 i~n Bmr<Yy ............ :. .. .. ... . .. . ........ ... .......... .. ............. ·····.. 70 dh aysb tifterfwtard.h. A capfsule dextpobsed to:ver T1,P Uurrgy. . .. . .. .... ...... .. . . . . . .. . ... .. ... .. .·...... .. .. .......... ............. 90 " HORSES. 110 many of our professional men, 1 . , . . t e ow o ie s 1p was oun o c en rre· "~ W · 65 " Island Home Stock , Work of Orgamzea Chanty for a Year. ly uncoutmniuated. T hese experiruonts arc Dcmncrat , agon. ................. . ...... . .......... ......................... ... Farm, Grosse Isle, 55 Health Notes. '['l w C lian ·t·y o rga.m·zrit ion · S ' oc1e · t y o f .i. u, ew ' on the same lines as thoRe of P 'ist en r n.nd l..111i1ber V. agomi .. . .. .. ... · .... ... · .. . . ... .... .. ...... . .. ... .. .............. .. "' Mich., is very conve· · ·· , .. , nr 40 niently loco.t e d for . K~ep your sleepin.i< rooms well ah etl even I York City, has just m;tde public its annual 1 '.l' yndall upun t he moun' ain air of Switzer· L1;<:;1t n aff011 . ......... · ...... ....... ............... · .... " " ... .......... · ...... . Canadians, being on 111 tins cold wcath?r. Many a h_eadachc and: sta.t ement. It says that I ,Hi3 str eet beggar s larni, <Lnd, so f~r as they _go, they s~ow the 1:xvresa Wagon .... .. ... ........ . ... ... . . . ...... ................ .... ···· · ··· ····· 75 " au Island in Detroit Sk.iJ.,ton. ... ..... .. ... ... .. .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. . . . . .... ... ... ..... .. .... ... .. .. 50 u River,ten miles below unpl~asa1:1t '.·astc m t he mouth IB caused by ; havP. been dealt with in t he past twelve germless con d1t1011 of und-ocean. air, an~ Windsor, Out. Pur· sle&.p1ng in impure atlnospher e. f inoth s, 710 of ·whoin \Vere abl e-bodied, and 1 also t he need for much 1nore efficient v~nttS ulky . . . .. ... ... .. . u . . . . . ... u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · . . . . . . . . . · · ·· · · · ·· 40 " chasers will find B Men in business have a v ery bad h abit of only 60 apparently n eccly and worthy, and 11.ation in the sta.terooms of even the first- Po~eet1sing ~np<w[or t aei!!ties for amnu ruotnring carriage~. I Intend to Gell very cheap tor 11 .. larg;, .lumber of pure ' 157 wer e not destitute an d h ad mean s of , class Ame1 ·ican lmers. o.n <l by en doing I hope to gr inor~rnse mY_ nn.rnher of sales. Vroulil bred and grade staJ. k eeping th eir lrnts on in doors. To this 1 0~ appx·oved credit. lions, brood mares oattse may be ascribed the distinguishing self-support, while 504 wern p ersistently - · ______ ___ _ sell t he wood ps.rts only , or t.he gcanngs of buggies irone<l. and colts of all ages to select from. All t he middle aged Canatlian - bald· The Child's Life Blast ed, pure bred stock, reg!stered in the French nnd American Stud BoQks. Non e of the minor " ills" is I' u ore troubleord er to cal'ry on their and , Many, any year s 11go, awa.y down in t he At the Shortest Notice . Painted and Trnmned if D esired. Prices reasonalJle, stock guaranteed. Large llluit some tha n !\n ingrowing nail. By pouring! those .who make a busm eRs of beggmg be- bottom s, m in an old wooden shanty, t.her.e oc· :trated Cat.aloguefree. SAVA.GE & l!'AR~UM, tallow over the nail, the hardened flesh ' cause it pays be. 'tter t han honest worl.' and ! curred a tragedy which ar.ous.ed th.e mchgua. A.t t he J!'actor y I also do P, Matr.nln~:. Tur;11ug anel ~u. ~i;i g wi th Clrc'.e, Band · fc1° hot D11:morr. lliicB. 1 Haws and prepare all kiudn of lumber for C!l.rJJ."n n d o,.b.,irs !or hmlclmg purpOBes. 11.bout it is shrunken and relief is immcdi- whose su ccess 18 a con stant tempti~ttun to tiou of all the cit izens of Cmcmnat r. A man Ornamental and Plain 'Pickets tor feoo.·N 1u """rll' Rtvl.-, "'"' """"d. n 1>i<lo !.o oroN'. ·---------- ate. honest .workin g peopl e. ~ s a n illi:str:>tion ' named Cow>1n got 11p in the morning mid 'When any pttrt of the skin ha~ been froz- of the first class thefollowmg case JS cit~<l: : bminecl his w ife and two children. Such _.i) ·. en apply ice snow m· cold water. '.!.' he " John 0 ----, fifty year s of age, a blmcl ' occurrences were mre in t hose days aud the .Pi.. vi~inity of a fi~e a nrl warm room should: bo a;ricl '.arne beggar, was !'rrestecl.. He had [ L ' entire city abandoned business and went in a vuitletl. If t h e p:i.rt blist ers treat it as y ou tm sign hunF. <tround lns neck with t he . fol - p ursnit of the murderer, who was captured would a. bm·n. · lowmg : 'B1md and lame by an explosion ? i somewhere n ea.r the foot of Price hill. When 1l A drop of cold water, p laced in th e lobe I Chari~y_is the -?'oblest work o.f rr:an. Our ; <:owan beg:i-u his.hrutitl as8ault he h ad one of the ear will ut a sto to hiccouah or if ' h ope 18 m thee.. H e wr~ ?0 drunl, thftt he. lit tle boy Just big enough to run a round. this does' not ~roducc ~he desir'etl ~Jfect, to p~·op lum self agawst an. elevated '.l'he little fellow saw his brother and mother r_ [l f.i~ f:ll i_ L~ ~ i:t press firmly on the arteries of t h e wrist, \ ratl~oad pillar, and h~d tu ~e ca:rned. t o t h e . and sister felled to t~e:ith, , a nd. he er.owled st.i.t10n house. On mvesh g;ctton it was uncle!' the bed and !ml. '.I.he sight of th11t Purify the Bloocl, correct all Disorders of t he lse is felt 1 1e e t h IV r ~ pu · , . found that he ~as .a dru11karrl a.n~l a dis· 1·horrible morn mg ho never got over, J;ut be, . . . , ~o perwn .should bathe when t!1c body JS 1solute man lodgrng 111 J ames-st., w ith lewd came a h opeless idiot, and h as had hrs home lli lfV 1E R ~ '"1"0 iVI ;~ :!) ~ f,!j , !Ii~ l.@.'~ ![~'IV~ it ~ D 1$1.l~WE ~,!~. ' ·· . . · · ' :i .ALL LlVEH. AND KIDNEY 001\1- fat~gucd ~y either mental or ph:i;sica.l la~r, r womeiJ, and his only ~·iln was to get money at Longview for almost h alf a centur y , or ~nm edia.tely after. a meal. J! ~r ~u.1'1l11ng , for.self-ii~dulgenc.e." . l whern he sits on summei· d ays out on t he Th i~y iuvigoro,t.c: a,ud re:-iture to h ~alth D::1b1!1t;a, Con:,;tJtntIOil8, !!Du 1 PLAINTS, D YSPEPSIA, INDIGEST - purpo:;._csg !n summ~I ', t} e watei sl.ouid be! As an il~ustrati~n of the s.ccond class, . it . porch of t he colored :M;ylum and t"'.kes oIT 1.u<e invaluabh· in -.11 Oomplatnt.11 t11m<lC'utal t.o l< om.ales of all A [~0~. For says, "A lrne-loolnng mai: w ith a long white his ha t to everybody wh o passeo. He lrns.1 Children fl.lid t h ll 1·.geil <.hoy 11.rl' pr1 c0leaa. ION A~D ALL DI'5EASES ARISING about 10' iu w:ntei '. 80 · In case of bemg bi~tc.n by.'1 sn ake or dof$, bear~l, who bor e ur;ion lns breast a plact~rd r never had a rational moment from t hat early ,- , _ . .,., · -~ T'1 ~ :-r ,...., 1 FROM DISARRANGEMEN'rS o~· THE suck t he wound (~t':~hng it out) bathe it ; ren.drng: "I am blmd ; I have 1 i wife . and : day to this, and will probably die as he has :f'l Jt, () .E'..J !L w~th warm watci: to make i t bl~ed freely. Ifive c.hild ren," wa..s arrestcu .asa pmfcss10nal ; lived, m1 ic'!iot. Most of the p eople w.ho . · ., ., , l·, · , B j I g d B. , ·t Old \\' ounds Sore! LIVER AND K IDNEYS. "1'10 a handkcrcl~:cf m·o~1~d t he hrnb above I heg$"l' and comm~tted for SIX mont.hs to the ; li\·cd w heu the fo n.rful cri111e::shocke<l C!n · I s an infalhol e ll~Ill V 5 fot A,( ..egs, . a l eus s, 'f l th ~ wound. Give spmt.s and water to t workhouse. H e is not totally blmd. H e { cinnu.ti are long tleall and buri ed, t he city «nrl Ulce m. It in funNib f~r G o.ut 11.nd H.hcu mat.ism, !<'or H!Ot'uer. o t le drmk. . . . c~n see. wit~t one eye to play c:1n)s every hus incr ea sed tenfold, the c1·ime h~~ been - ·Omi·;t it h :,,fl !l<· eq ual.·. A good h111111enc to r emove pam a!1d swe~- ml!"ht 111 -!-3:i.xtei:·st . . rie has a. wifo, who 1 forgotte n, th e onl y r cmindel' being t lns n od· 1 "i' · ~ , 'll'G · '!l It~ iBlr®i!U ~ MllU!>i Uou <r~ll !ii Co M.!!1 hug, from any p art of the human nody, I S I does not live with bun, and ·uo children to L ling imbecile. f't On · Olr!C u·.~ .. ' ' , £. 1 !.'t ' > :nade by r ubbing ,up ~me o~moe of cam.phoi· suppol'~; aud he has a bank a.ccount of 1 ______.....,..,_.."'b----Gl~nduhi.r S·welliiwti, il.Ud aU Skin Di:wases it ha:::i n o rival; and f1»r , ·ff · m four ounces 01 olive oil. Rub bnskly $1.000. .. . b . ·cl . t · 1 rot< 1ike a ch nm 1 ·_ on t~1e aching par t and r elief will soon be j fo conclu.sion the l'Cpor~ Rtat~s tb ,I; .trom . Home·bc.~ck riding ~omb~_1;es more llt'.<11!· 1 <: ontrnc1,., a.m1_:~=-__!~ n_::_~-~~· · mamfcst. p.rnt experience:::; t he .societ.y is eonvmced Lle8 of h m<lthfnl cxe~cise. t l"tn !Llm~st any .. · J An emetic tha~ aften pro:res valuable in I that thci:eis. no rn:Ll need of justi licat:ion for ; othel'. · It secm:cs air, ,li~~1t, : xerciPe, an d j Iifannfact n red only ut 'rHO.MA.S Hot~OWAY'H Efltahlrnnrnum., Proprietor, Toronto. thr cu.L,,ncd mscs uf crottp,is compo~cdaslstreet hcggmg, tintl to e ncourage it does : pleasur e. .A ride- onc . nd.e. ".chy. ake·nl ~ NEW CXFOJ'D S'1'REE! ({atu !j83 OXFOlrn STY..ElsTI Lmrm:ll(f follows : Powc'!er of Ipecacua11J111 ancl pow- 1mor " h M·m th au good. ~regularly , is bot h a pre\ mun. c ;J.11,~ ,, cure ,,., .., · .\.. ' , ' , ,., "' > d ered alum, mch one-half teaspoonful. ?vhx . --- - -- --- for neu.1-ly all ht~ mn.n m~lad1cs. l.u o rne, l Anii are nolc1 t.~t ls. H;d., 2<'>. })<l., 4z. !id., lb. , i.:~1J., il<ll d 3311. l:.,o :x ~)J: Pot, ,r, c SOLD BY _ I wit~ water, .an~ repeat dose if it docs not The S~1l~c111 of Turk ey, like the Czar: of advice mnst be g1::en _ ,o ude slo: l!. ; tmt to 1 m ay bo h~~d Lmm 1111 rl~fo<liuiw~ Vendo1·<.throughout t.h(\ \"lorid. JllGGll\IB®'.l'llf!t..lWi & §01\ , ! act m t en mm1Ms. I I~ur;sia, is m constan t dread of assassma.- others, we rnu.y s .·y_ m t he lan,,,tl .. gekof t he j . ·. . J l '1 it>uk ,., tll'" Lul>d ou , i"vfa auc nuxe· u tlH· ·<hllJ:>e 0 0 . A 1 . c d " ' "t' ' I t . 't ld polypharma cent1sts . " vVhen ta. ·en to b"it Flt!tC><ll§C I ~ ~ UlU . , · ::sore throat ;J.lso is common a t this time. ! t1011. P ain itn a ian s c1 i zen s o isn o ·,, , . ' 4 Iii " u:::~. O;r,.fo~·I EifrrP-t . f,.,,. d o ·<· tl'luiy ,.l'e ~ll>n Pfonb ·. BOWMAN VILLE. An excellent gargle can be easily mn.cle by such a bad one, aft er all. · l;c well shaken. c 2 1887 How "This Climate Don't Agree With very soothing to the throat. cc,al in N :1tu.l extend over an al'ea of 1,400 My Constitutict.. A sick-room should not be used as a parlor square miles, and that the cord.cuts of this a tumbler of water. ;~~~:t:l~d ~~~ ::::E~~~f~}s ~~ ~~~~:i~~e: As a gargle this is It iH estimated th at the worlmllle seams of MISOELLANEOUS. [;] ' IDnLI ~[I IB - rn lJ ~ · 9 ITi] fil lJ rn IB 1.JGlfT A.1\i:D v ·y IIPJ..JlNESS. B ~~-.._,.,,,.._-~~ BLANKHS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS , BRUSHES, ETC. GRAIN Elr,LIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION Jno. McMurtry & Co. RETIRING FROM BU SIN ESS ·! ~L- STANDARD BANK I CORNISH , f~~ c TAV ISH of Bow GOODS., and BUSI NESS FOR SALE E N BLO C, BONNE T S, HA T S TRI MM INGS I BEWARE I l . CORNISH. . I GREAT BARGAIN S FOR30 DAYS · PT"M (:ll'll,' ! Boots and Shoes ---M · · '8 R S ORRISON M l · I I., f 1 1 I ! I i D .. Cleared out in 30 days H'. "A I N" E CARRI G -H! "WORKS I 0 ' GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, l ! !1! l l cu·r·rERS PERCHERON l I ~~~~of I~~:~f;~~e~las~~s~~~~~~\;~~\~~f~~- :::il~\~~ I ~is2olute hab~ts All Kiri ds of ·v e h_i cl es Repaired '· L I .. DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY I'.I E L'T' Fl l 8 tj i I H I_,, CUR ES I J 1',,. T . · J \1. .N , .,_ ~· The Greatest Blood P urifier in t he World. ! ! i l a· ' " E. M () R Fi J S 7 I ! /'

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