Russia produces two-thirds of tl1e t otal BY J OH!f IMRIE , '.l'OROClf'lll!>. CATARHH.-A n ew treatment has been dis Chesterfield said, " No woma.n is homely flax suppl y of E urope, or 11hout 350,000 covered w hereby a p1mnanent cur e of this The consumption of food by dairy stock is when tastefully dressed." tons of stripped fl<1x. Britam irnported " I (ood-bye ! good-bye l " what kinclly words, bltberto incurable disease, is absolutely afl'eotpaid back in a three-fold way-milk, growth W.EiJNJ<~SD.AY, FEBRUARY 2, 1887. .At Queen Victoria's table t here three 1,186,827 cwt. of flax from Rusoia in 1885, As they fall on the p arting e;i,r; ed in from one to three applic11t.ions, no matter of stock, and the value of the manure, which servants to every six gu ests. at a cost of £2,083 ,579. The quality of the whether etandrng one year or forty yearB. This; last often balances the first cost of the tood. T~ike t he singing of smmner birds, remedy is only 1tpplted once in twelve days. .A London lady, who recently died, left Russian flax is for inferior to t hat of the and does not in t~rfero with business, DeeoripIt is in tliat respect tlmt stock-raising is su- £100 to a. poor clergyman and £ 10,000 to I rish commodity. W ith their wonder ful p ower to cheer : tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of by perior to exclusive grain growing. the dog's home. '.!.'here arc no fewer than 1!,067 architects T heir meani ng t rue~- H. Dixon & Son, 305 K ing et.r eet, West 'l':ironto, Canada. Gilt-edged butter cannot be procured un· St. Petersburg is in ecstacies over a and J,173 anrveyors in London, while of Puar~ .Arn A N llCllssrrY. "Goci-be-w1th-you !" WHA'r 1s CATARRH1 loss the udder and teats of the cow and th e female tenor, and yet n.lrnost any female can builders t here are 7,333. The tot>1l ttg·with kiss and si"bhCat arrh is a de.ngero1 is clrnease which thousT he atmosphere is a most importan t factor' hande of the milkei· are washed before milk· sing tenor ; th e trouble is to find a. male greg.tte of 0 11 the vanoL1s classes of trades \ nnde are consciously or m;iconsciouslysufl'ering in disease. It is always contaminated with ing the cow. The milk must then be re- who can. who ttre eno-agec l m t he b " reat con struction" Good-bye ! good-bye !" from. I t is a muco-pur ulent discharge caused "' ~ · by the presBnce of a vegetabl~ parasite w th a. dust contaiuingminute par t icles wluch cause moved from the stable as quickly as possible, 'l'he Queen-mot.her of Spain ha,~ made iin al a1 tis 11 little in excess of 125,000; if we "Good bye 1 aoo·' bye 1 ot "F"re- lining membrane nf t he nose. 'l'he pred1spos,, putrefaction aucl fermentation. I t is now as it will absorb odors as soon as it becomes 8 t 'th h d't b l · I1 1 take into accom1t the ent1l'e kingdom, we "' u· mtiau n w ing causes are a morbid state of t he blood. the asserted that these cau se all malarial and cool. 'k·grecni;2nOOw0iOO efr hci e 1 ors, y w idw t lsue reach an est imated total of 688, 11 4. well !" blighted cOl'Tmscle of tubercle, the germ poison eeps ~ ' o er revenue an iey {){syphilis, mercury, toxomre, from the retencont;tgious diseases. Stagnation in the atIt would not be out of ple.ce if farmers take the remaining $ 120,000. Her life is In Bnglan~l ancl vVal cs at the I.1s t censu s But a wish fo r our 1,itther's care ; tion oftheetfete matter of the skin, suppressed mosphere acts as staguat,iou in w11t er, which would p ut their names over their gates, in there were, over twenty-Ii ve yea1 s of age , Ho·v sweet when hearts t heir fullness tell perspiration8, badly vent1laLed sleeprng apartever y one knows is unwholesome. 'l'he body order to assist those seeking particular re- htkwily insured. ments and the i;ermlnation of othei· pmsous in requires a vast amount of air, and the poi- sidences. The plan is as ,ipplicable in the P Vil'c are now to hea.r of lectures by a royal 569,864 more women th:1n men. ln t he In the words of t hat loviug prayer : the blood. Irr1tatf\d by these. the lining mem"G cl b db !" brane of the nose is ever ready for the recep11ons off by the human system are d<Jad- country as in the city. Even the fai·ms aersonage. The Queen of Rumania, alretidy Colomes the state of things is r evc1sed. In 00 - ye ! goo - ye tion of the parasite. which rapidly sproads_ up. ly. If br eathed over and over again they along a r oad could be numbered from one 1 poet , has engaged to cleh ver a course of Canada there is, 011 the entll'e population of ectm·c·s on Mod ern Literat ure next y ear at all ages, 1111 excess of u:l,000 males; in New May God be nigh; che nost·1le and down the tauces, or back of ~re deleterious to the strongest constitution. . h S J J s011tli Wales, of J1toie th,.'11 100,000 ., V ic'I'b . che throat, caneini;; ulceration of the tJ1roat; np. town to ii.uother. ti 10 B uc h ares t H ig c 100. e meanmg truethe eustacbrnn tubes, causmg denfness: bu,!.. Defective sewer pipes are perhaps the most At this season, when the corn is being fed The beautiful aml costly state carriage toria, 68,000; i n South Austr.Llia, '..!3,000; m "Goel-he-w ith-you !" rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness; serious cause of fevers. These should receive -t h 11 1 b 1 th t bui"lt foi· the ti·i ' uinplrnl entrywhich never Tasmauia, 8,000 ; tmcl in all t he ot hers a usurpmg the proper structnre of the br oncbiaL immediate attention as soon as bad odors t o the l10gs, l s o u c )e remem e1·cc a, 1 1 f h C d Cl b d propoi tionate outnmn bei in:?: of the fan- sex. tubes ending m pulmonary consumption >mrt ~ The words are sometimes idly sa idde·ath. a.r·e detected. Especially, let the house be the warmer iincl more comfor ta.ble the hogs toot p ace-o t e omte e iam 01· mto South Austr,tlia i s the l ec,di ng wheat ex· Like p11ssing sunbeams on the wallMany ingenious apeiftcs for for the cure ot w ell and frequently a.ired itnd its impmities aie kept the less corn required. Before hogs P,tl'is is now the stiite c,i,niage of th e Qu een · among t he i~ nstralim1 colonies, And on the heart falls cold and cle!1d, cato.rrh have been mvent.ed, but without s ucswept away, as the tide clraws off the drain- can fatten the bodies must be supplied with of Greece. She paid $5,000 for it, tibout half porte1 fi th · 11 cl of what it cost. though the quantity exported to England in oeeo, until a physician of long sti,ndrng discovage of a city aud carries it on t to the ocean. suf Cien ei1t to protect agamst co c, 11,11 Of 'Tis then no fervent IJntver iit all ered the exact nature of th diseaee a nd the 1 the greater t he amount of he<1.t saved t h e f d recent years h,;,s fluctu ated greatly. tie , only applu>nce which will permanently destroy 1 In Bavaria i t is n ot good form or a ti y ~ B u t p Jam" good -b ye 1" ~ tl te larger the gain in fat. -.t-,78 6 ',000 acres o f Iand unJ er en lt' 1vat' 1011 . the parasite, no matter h ow aggravat eu FACTS ]'ARMERS OuGH'l' TO lCNow. t o shake han ds with a gentleman u11t1l sh£' is nearly 2 ,000,000 are under wh e,it, the grn<1.t A f l ca~e. Sufferers sbould send stamp at once .A perfect strainer is 1mi.d e of three t hick- well acqua,inted with him, and n o unmarried f I f h' h I orma cryC or descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to the P arsnips may be lef t in the ground nhrough · 11 d t0 l th t t ccrca1 crop 0 t 10 eo1ony, or w ic muc' No k1 's·s no1· s1"ghbusiness mananers. A. H, Dixon & Son, 305 nesses of fi ne b olting-cloth in a tin frame, woman is a owe spea < on es ree to of the southern regwu is fld apted, ,1Utl for King street, west, Toronto, Canad~ . the winter. like the hoops of a hair-se1ve. Tt should be anv of her friends of the opposite sex, no which patches ttic here and there found fav.Ah, friends-why ? why? What the Rev . E. B. S tevenson, B.A., a ClergyGround bone and kitinit with some muri- so constructed l.lmL (he thi ee cloths can be matter how well she may know them. ourable m other districts. '.!.'he value of the nian of the L ondon Conference of the J.IfUwate of potash 111,tkes a good plant food for taken Off ar1cl clea11ed scp·'rately F11'10 dust " '11 I n t ransii;,e.a.n · t" s t a t es tl lat the tot ,il expo1 t in l 884 was £" · 1, 000 , and o f Remember when we say-" Good-bye !" dist Church of Oana<lci, llas to Treatment say in 1·err.ard ~ . · ie · ~,±9 To A.H. Dixon & :son's New for the peach orchard. tlmt Will pass through one t hickness of cloth famou~ treasur_e of .tine, capt.ured by Gener· 1t his £861,230 worth went to Eugl1.tncl; in Life is uncertam, short, and fleet ; Cata.1-rh, In purchasing hens select carefully from or wire gauge will be arrested w h en two or al cle Co~uey m the Imperial Pa.lace <tncl 1880 the cimount was over £ 1,000,000 st er Then, Jet the Jove-light in your eye Oa.klans, Ont., Canada, Mai·ch 17, 1883 w ell known ya1ds, to avoid the introduction three are laid together, and not a h<1ir will sent to ]ranee, and which was supposecl to ling. ·iid .1 fessrs· .tI. H. Dixon &: Son: of diseases ancl lice into flocks. rro through b ' wo1 ·t h 15 000 OO't francs turns out to he Show friendship'a bond is st1 ong ~ DEAR Srns.-Yours of tho 13th Inst. t o hand. "' · c - '. ' f' ll Tl .A nnmber of the men enrolled in the Brit ish sweet ! ct seemed almost too good to be true that I am · Th.e production .of o,Ieoma~~arine f~r doThough long cu stom has given the prefer- on examma~wn n~ v~111~ at a · te Volunteer force are young in ycurn and also oured of Catanh, but I know that I am. I mcstic consumptrnn _ is. ofhcrnlly estimat- encc to l<trge hogs, yet the small carc<tses supposed ba1B of silvei aie simply lead . m lengt h of service. Of the 224,012 enrollThus, lmml-in-hru1d , have had no l'0turn of th e dwease. and n ever . t , h as o b - etl l ast year 90 ed at the rate of one million pounds per year 1se11 b e tter t i11111 tiie h eaner · w h en sent t o " Wi 'II' · ·?ri ' eiids \Inder·staud relt better in my lifo.suffered I have tried m any iam Bl ack , the nave1is . , 8"" uo were uncl er 2" ~ y ears o f _. thiugs for Catarrh, m nchsoand for 80 Progressive cuiti:1 ators ii: the north-west-1 market. Expi;iri.ence has taught. many tt~ined a verdict for £100 damages agai~st age. Between thu.t 11nd 30 there were last The me<Lning true60 many, that it 18 hmd to reti.1fae tba.t 1 i States succeed m gro~rng fa1~· crops of! far.mers that it 1s cheaper to rai:ie po~k B_ow B etts .for libelous . !1sse~·tions r~spectrng ye<tr 84-,499 enrolled ; between. 30 an d 35, " God-be-with-you !" l am really better . . 'ry't!11;ehes every year by g1vmiz wmter pro- c 1mcldy than to keep pigs over wmter m )us early life and pa1s1mon10us habits. The 19,057; betweeu :JG and 40, 12,7:39; between I consider that mine was a very bad case; it i: ~ was aggravated aud chronic, i nvcl-dng th!'J tection. order to allow them fifteen months' gr owth j main inj ury was tlutt it called him a "canny 40· ancl 45, 8,409; between 45 and 50, 5,282; -throat as well> as the nasal pass11 ges. and I Experiments made at t he :Michigan .Agri- instead of ten,. as a good spring pig will be Scots1i:i-an" anil >LCcused lnm of marrying for aud over 50, 2,471. There were 121,382 Dr. Dufresne says that he has just rccciv- thouRht it would require the t hree :tieatments, ' t appear· t hat the reu.dy by Chnstmits. fiuancial advarn:emcn t . with less thau three ycM·s' service, or 7,000 1 th 1 . t 'ti' d l f t l l d but I feel fully cured by the two sent me, and: eultuI·al college make 1 ec . e c e<1.r I e eec o 1e 1>1n some · I am thankful that I was ever induced to send es of corn cobs have a value as manIf ther e be any ma t erials that are unfit for Mr. Gladst one was paid $1,250 for his arti more than in the year before; of men w i th rns1deuce erected by llngh Sutherland on to you . . nre of $2.50 per 100 pounds , which is more use on the farm such as rahinas le<1.ves ele in the Nineteenth Ce11ti1ry Review on b etween three and four years' service the Armstrong's P oint at a cost of $50,000. You are at Uberty to use this letter statrn~ than twice tliat of hard wood or of wood or dried weeds, donsign them to ~he flames'. Lord T ennys,?n's . '.' ~ocksley Hall Sixty tota l was 21,,)86. .Altoget her there were ~wo y ears ago it was offered at a tax sale. , ~~t~fr hgi;~ ~~~~i~~~;J ;~vt:'r t:;~t~~nt~s~~e 11.s hes. as it is much better to do so than to have Years Aftei, wb~cn 1s one of. th~ 1<1.rgest, if last year in the force 26,:387 who had ser ved Ihe doctor w.n.s. t he lucky one to secure. the Qf my friends who are sufferers. t h em in t he way. l! will do more to de- ! not t he largest, price ever paid m ~nglancl 10 ye<1.r s a.ncl upwards, as compared with knockdown, 1t is rumored, at the amazm/?ly Yours, with ma.n~ thanks, , REv. E, B. STEVENSON, s tray weecl seeds and save labor dming t he for so short an essay. However, it was <L 25,7G4 in 1884. The numbot· of men who low figure of $1 ,600 and the taxes, which Do i:otf cool~ g?od, sound, wholesome roots growincr season than any otlrnr agent At' lucky hit for the H.eview, as it had an enor- joi11ed durmg the year was 50,828. were very small, The necessary limit of And hundreds of others 8 or gram_ or ocic.' this se:mn get ready for t he next by ~educ- mans sale in consequ en ce. time <tfter the tax sale (two year s) has re~ Now is the t ime to loo~ over the seed in11 the n umber of articles. Queen Victoria is reported to be breaking "Does it .l:'ay to Be a Woman?" ceu1ly expired, and he therefore receives b . . th t sh, c<tmlog ues a nd make selcct10ns. " .. . .. -dl . . . . . hie clea.r deed. The house stancls on about It is said that if apples b e fed to cows the Do not store your root crops in mounds if ve1y ra~1 . ' y anc1 to e c?nscl10us aTl .e The above question rs bemg agitated mi seven acres of land on one of the prettiest fl · ilk .11 b d ' . . h cl it can be avoiderl as it is diHi cult to get at cannot ln e very many yeu.1s anger. 1ern many of our exchanges, and many of the 1 t . w· . Th d t t ow ox m w1 e . umms e ·. them for u se wh~1; the 1·ournl is frozen. is a genernl apprehension among the p eop_le views respcctiug it are very amusing. One I spo s rn ~nmpe~. e ~c or propose~ o Dry earth oi· .muckm stables will sn:ve i~1an l'Yfake bins in t he barn them in dry of Englim.d t h at the Queen may not live t ill writer, evidently a wonrnn whose path i n takel\'~_P tres.~de~ce ~here nexti ~prmf ur?, pre:rent disease o.ncl keep t he milk from earth or sand. Rnde~vor to avoid all the the ycai: ts completed. The appearance_ of life h as been,, thorny one, compfains bi tter · 1 t~ld ~· t~xu r~~~t~ 'andnv:iI!r~s c :i~:s hi~ bemg ta.mted. · moisture possiblE . In this manner t hey will 1 , old. a~~ is m~st clear~y marked m her j ubilee ly tl_ia.t 1t does not pay to, be a woman and , )ro er t was inE ~ll sold ihe claimant The Crow~ Prmce of Germany ~ells 1,000 ; not only be protected from frost but w ill be p01trni~, wlncl~ has. Just b_een compl~te~ ~nd receive three hundl'ed dollars a yen:r fo~· the ~iif robabl not s~cufe ossession as e<tsil qmuts of nnlk every day from his farm at within easy access a nd iu any qinnttty d e- placed m the gallei y leadmg to her puvate. same work that a man woul d be p atd six or I ~- . . t ~ P Y .Panetz, neM' Berlm. aired during the coldest days of winter. apartments at vVmclso~. . Ieight hundred ~or doin~. .i;.t, the same time 1~ Some dairymen sa\re the last fourth of the . .. ,. I The Centivry llfagazine prmts for the firs t she calls attcn t1011 t~ the fa:t that w?-en a milk f10rn th e cow in a separat e vessel and The foU?wii:g rs the ..method of cu:, m g I ~ime the~e .words o~ Abraha,m Lincoln, gi:cu 11m.m usurps a wom11n _s provrncc, he still re- 1 1 pour it directly into a cr eam jar . Ii hams t~at rnceived t h e pnze at a New Eng- '! m an ofI1cial reprnnn.nd to a young officer I cmves double pay, as m the case ot cooks and . 1 land fmr: To evei y 100 pounds of meat who h:1d been court mai·tialecl for quarrel-1 l audrymen d b A co~mon hoc, strnig itene out Y a l take 8 pounds of salt, 2 ounces saltpetre, 2 1 lin u " '.!.'he advice of a 'father to his son Anot her"' woman " finds i t an easy mat?lacksm1th, makes ~ c1 1eap and excellent i pounds brown sugar, l;j; ounces potash and 4 1 , BD · f t. t l b t b · ' ter to nnplement for choppmo- roots for stock ll n:t · h h . . , eware o en iance o a quarre, u emg 1 Pumps Cheaper and Better 1 pour t e_ 1 ! in, bear it that the opposed may beware of ,. 1iqmc ~ "' · · · · 1 ga ons water. l ix t em anc " Sit on a cuslnon and sew up a seam Jiroz~n appl~s m ay be ut11Iz~d ?Y beu;ig lover the hams after th~y have been m ~he thee !' is good, bnt not the best. Quarrel And ln'e upon strawberiies, suga1 and cream " than ever. n~acle mto .c1.der. Some . vanet1es will tub two days, they. h avmg b_een r ubbed with not ~1 t all. No man r esolved to make th e! She <loesnot appear to reflect, that to many yield more Jll!Ce after bemg frozen than fine s.alt. whe!t P1;1t m t h.a tuo. They should most of himself can spai e time for pei sonal of us the seam is an endless one, that all The Sub scriber baving built a large ne11 before. rema111 1ll t lus pickle six weeks, then t<1.ken contention. Still less can be afford to t ake 'l cushions are not of damask and down, t hat Pump Factory in O rono, Is prepared FREEMAN'S Secretary· Sha.ffer states that the use of out, hung up three days to dry and smok ed. all t he consequen-:es, including the vitiating much of the "cream" of life is only skim pyrethum on cabbage plants to kill th e -·- ----of his temper and the loss of self-control. milk, and that it is given to only ·a few of -to fnrnishPOWDEB. S~ worms has been attended with entire sue.R1tl , F W' t Y ield larger t hings to which you can show I us to have our strawberries served upon 1. -cess. e~ or m er. I no mor e t h an cq1ul right, and yield lesser l' Sevr~s. .a... plea.aa.nt to t&ke. Contain their owt. A German cattle food, which had a large 'fhere are a number of rules for w inter Oll(~S , t hough clearly your own. Bettor give I Since, however, the matter is one beyond f111!1!\ttTe. I~ a. e,.,ro, ·nro, and allect&U sale, was found to cont>0iu vegetable ivory , goi ng t he rounds of the press, which, while your wrath to a dog than be bitten by him our control, and ha,vrng b 3gun hfc ttS women Wit h or without Porcelain Cylinder, at «INWl"lr of ,....,... in Childr"u or Adlll.6turnings 88 parts and common sal t 12 parts I very good in their way, will admit of some in contesting for the righL. Even killing! we canuot well change our role, il seems to the Best Material, on the shortest notloo in 100; value, nil. slight improvement. We will g ive a few the clog would not cure the bite." mo that the n1ore p ertinent question is, 11ond a.t tlrn lowest prices. [rregular feed ing will do more to cause' for the benefit of those w.ho ha;e not s~mse ---------o-- ___ "~Vhnt mltnner of women shall we be?" cows L o d ry off t ha.n ;my othe1 method, while ll enoue-h to observe them w ithout mstruction : Surely. a wom<1n pays her s~x a poor comCistern Tubs a nd Pumps supplled!. the practice is extravag<1.ut, inducmg waste Never lean the back upon anything that The Jingle of the :Be!ls. plnnent m cc:iselessly lamentmg that heaven and loss of time. I is cold. Do not select a ~hnnk of me or has not ma?e her "such" a man. In the I 1 WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. Wheth er prices be up or down prime· a snow d1ift to leitn upon, and if youl' feet A~;1~~~d~e;~~ 1~~~~~~ '~f~f::,~~ :~1it, present enlightcucd age, we w~men have mutton sheep are alwn.ys salable ' and at should suddenly slide from under y;ou, t hus And January wrnds .tic calhng really very littl e c,LUse for complarn.t; uear' 1 · co_n I u s to scenesol tare d c11 1t 1 ly every bu 0 1nes~ aud all Jlrofessious "le · ) good prices. 'J'he markets are neversupplied ' b.nngmg your b ac~m .ac t WItiian icy g.1. with choice mutton. s1dwalk, get up unmeil.111tely and hurry There are rogmsh eyes th~t glisten, open to us. . i\oo . . away as you remaining in that position A~s ~: r~~~~~,~.~~~~~~~~·tl~~:e~ Some years ago, a fady movmg m the '.'£.~: j~.£,~:~~i,,~ L If your hay is fallmg shgrt cnt the hay aud might occasion remarks. For the jmgJe of the beltsmost refined circles of New York, with an - ·- -~ 1 str~w together, add bran. and shorts, with Never begin a j ourney until the breakF'or the jingle and the tingle elegant home and every enjoyment in life '~ 1 It"~ TO GIVE S.ATISFACTION. a sal water to . b ecn ea t en. If you 1 Of the mc,rry wintei belL5. that money cou ld buy ~ ·\ thhttlc l10 le t 'll b e· tc moisten the m ass and f ast 11as 1ave no appe. , by a sudden i·everse II ew wi e a ll. tite yon can always get some one to eat the of fortune that ohen comes to the very Orders~by llll'a1·1 promptly attended to. If b u tter-mak er s on]y possessec1 h a lf tl10 breakfast for you In'Twi~t the Cnpid-hnunted vnlley, i. .Ill. the old huls lymg lo\\ , wealthy, l ost every clollar o f h er money. I -F.~"Y-streng_th_which mu ch of their product does · Never take w~rm drinka anrl then im.Where the summer breeies dally, next saw her i1;1- the log cabin _of a Califon~ia §,..!t!."vm! ~n early m its career, they could d efy compo- f d t 1 t - ti ld . S't l<'n!Js thelover-che1 ished snow. settlement, domg for her family t he duties s, ~ ~ fi'\fl rt. -OOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS1 1 1 sition with f1 forge -sized defy. i me ta 1etf gto ou dnt i/e 1co f arr. 111 0\~~\~ \,~i~e~; ;~-~l~de~'is 1 of nurse, cook a nd seamstress. In the one d ' I am fully prepared to attendFunerE;,la<Jn .1 MOULDINGS, &c., kept on h and, 'fhere n ever was a time when so many '1 aromr te s ove af b'~r I~- a And the hc:ut " 111 gladni,.s borrsvr room Lb at did duty for parlor, nursery the shortest notice. at the loweBt possiole 1 1 Jd_'cs 0 8 minds were at work or so many efforts rnadc Ot' ~ tY afi g.a f~ t h j WI e From the Jmgl~ oi the bellsand bedroom, with t he aid of t h e tin wash j C:!'ske ts andBurialCaeesready on short notice 0 t d tl moie ene cia f'1om the tmkle, tinkle, tmkla basin that took the place of her luxurious irst-claeB hear ee on very modert<te term~ · · i ·. t' e sa oou rneper. m var10us c u ec wns ,o a van ce 1e prac-1 N t b d th Id f t If Of th b 11 . 5hrouds and Cofilns constantly on hand Fun tice and science of agriculture. . e".er .go 0 e ~l co ee · Y~,':r e never ceasmg e 8 bath-room and toilet eqmpments, she ch eer- 'ral cards supplied at once. Furniture S hop & _ . wife llrnl~ts on havmg cold fee~, shieJJ.illl Jmgle 1jm!;lc1 m the starl ight, fully washed t he !muds and faces and how Rooms-Bounsall'sN ew Block. There 1s nothmg b et ter for t he mn.nure another room, as to do otherwise would Tmkle ! t111kle ! 111 the dark, smoothed t he curls of her li ttle ones with a -~~~-·~~"'!=~~?eap than so<tpsuds. It prev~nts fire -fang- J compel you to violate the first rule given Gliding swiftly toward the far light smile and cheerful word for all. It '" pays" mg, arrests the escape of volatile matter and I above. In the window, but " spark! to b e such a wom> tn. "Her children shall . N ever omit · i·egu1ar b a ti11ng: · E very. man Thero can be no Joys completer l ecompos1t10n. hastens chermea1 cImuges an d c Than the ones tbe snow foretells: rise up iind citll her blessed, her. husband, '.l.' rv crnde petroleum, which will cost 1 should l;>athc a.t least once clurmg the wmter, Ah 1 my darl mg-, who.tis sweete" he praiseth h er." ~bori"t lO ceuts a gallon, as a woocl pr·eserva-l and do i t regularly. loss behrnd bells ---·--·'"·'"'ct-·· - . .P.~····---.--AJ:J'rlmn they a jingle, jmg-le, the Jingle t ive. Applied to fen ces and wood t ha11 ~ever sp eak much when h oarse, or the O'er the snow, tlie sle1ghmg belli 1 The Professor at the :Boarding-House rests on the ground, it will add y ears to the voice may be p ermanently lost. Observe Table. wear. this rule strictly yourself, but clo not atLife 1s but a dream of pleasure I t t . ' t t i Thu.t returns with every snow, "Good mornina:, Professor," said the If you have any spttre time rlming L he I temp o nnpose I llpon your mo ier-m Winte1 fills to-daJ the measme ~ wintei· it can be put to profitable u se in fork- l aw . Emptied often Jong ago. landlady sweetly, as that individual entered m g over th e manure heap. The materials Never keep the back to the fire a_fte: 1t 'Neath the cutter's lmry co> era the bret,ldast-room tmd took charge of all the , get S ' "11arm en0 u gh Many heart laurrh with mpture swells, mormniz papers. · cl · can nov be too fin(, or t I10roug11 1 y d ecompose~. . ' hec a use by c ontin Ull1"' o And t hea merry of lovers ~ 1 ,, l' d ..of the bells" I hadn't notice 1t, mal ame,h rep ie t b nr ned - . t d li bl t a:s ai e lii " gh t lie best way to o , o so you _ are !L e o ge G1ects the jmgle t hat eg Now = a t th 1 1 ht l tl1 · 1 the Professor, seating himse1f on t e papers "tie ee" V\ hen gomg from on e atmosphere mto a r0 ee g 'nere rr1 ,ab ne <ll" ° Jrng · get t hem is to have w arm quai·ters for the 1t 1 · e",'._ ., 1 to keep t he other boarders from getting hens aud feed on a variety of food, with coId er one, lrnep . t l1c mout h cIosed . If you them. meat asa portion of the rntion three times contemplate a trip to the North Pole, do On the road and in the wild"ood "Hadn't not iced what 1,, asked:Mrs. Fog. per week. not m eHt ion it, or you may be considered a A:C;~~~~·h~~~~ ~"~~g~ ilc';;~'t~~oocl "That it is a good morning ," retorted the .An excellent mode of utilizing any spare fit subject for a lu~ati.c n.sylum. Will be heard to-morrow night I P1ofessor amiably. "It's iaining cats and time of winter is to cleau up and buru a ll Never st an <l still Ill Y~ry cold w eather, l~very,, here the hells will jmgle clogs out. 'Vher c is my u mbr ella, Mrs. d t ld d b b t 'Neath tb e st.ii ry st·11tmels, · 1 0 dried grass and w eecl s. T r imming t Ile trees or expone !L co wm · ecause~ And the lassie's cheek Will tingle Fog ? I l eft i t iu t he corner of my i 00111 on and vines may be done any tune between any f?ol know~ en~ugh to observe tlus With the krss the sou nd impelsgoiug out yesterday morning, and it's not now imd spring. rule w ithout telhng him. With a kiss that gently mm<:les there now. I can't understand why it is With the laughter ol the hells! · · .. t 1 Far m rrofits vested in permanent im that t h e mornlit), mtegJ1ty i e- t h e 001_n- Tw·c11ty-fi ve cents extra W l'11 b e ch arae d w h en accounts run 0 provements r eturn larger dividends than Gas as a Measure of Love. Oh, the bolls mJ heart rememhers, mon every day honesty of life, seems +o cl1swhen deposited in bai1ks or invested in With their music solt andlow I appen,r when one gets wit hin the portals of j other directions. A farm cannot be to "Rebecca, I ton'd vish dot you should o1rt,~~1~1r,~1~~~~1!',gota~~e! winters this h ouse. W here, madame, I demand to ' oYer one month. keep gompany mit dot I gey E isenheim some " b k I · b 11 ?" highly improved. more.Y' I remember eyes that glistened now- w 1ere lJ! my um re a 'he fall col t~ rnav be gi ' ven all t h e grou iid \ Vhcn the snow \\as rn the dells; " \~There!" replied the la.udlady, st riking 1 ~ , "Vhy, fader,Igeyvasaweryniceyoung Jrememberears thatll·tencd h ' l1 G d · h t t o h 1 As ti1e m · r es w1·11 h ave mau ,. ,, F or tb c Jmg l0 0 1 tiie b· 1 1 a»ltrnen.l ' g x in an het· ponnn g 0 wa er ver e or 0 -,·ts tl1ey ca11 eat. · · w sC excitement. "Wher ? ' but litt le labo1 tu perform at this seaS$n " Dat is wery drue put you don't lofe For the jingle, Jrn!J'l c, jmgle d d ' Vil! be no neceasity for weaning the I t 1 .1 · 1 · 'll Of the nch und Jolly bell~. "Why the owner came hem y ester ay an rel ·e tllei , gey ru y unu pesic es <tor gas pi s vas covered it !" colts b efore spring. higher a~ d ey vas for cl"'.o vinters vile you .Anil the silence that came over the meal S Stock, 11S a rule, 'a re naturally clean and vas k ecprng gompany m1t M oses SchoeffenThe Wrong Book. .A\ ,.S so hard that no one could lireak i t. w ill not lie down to rest in a manure pile if sdadt_. You lof~cl Moses mo:e as I gey. Dot "Have you broken off wi th Miss Smythe, ~·n<--·· _,,, --·· -· ·~ mor e cltianly and comfortable quarters Me gas pill never fails. I ~lmk 1t vas be~ter ?f De Robinson 'I " Causes of Dull Trade. provided, and we all know t hu.t cleanlinefitl yout khe~d ?,ompany mit Moses. T imes is "Not exact!Y· She broke off with me." There was published on Monday last the I S conducive to healt h. poo Y aI · " How did it happen?" report of the British royal commission on It is said thn.t wh en a horse strays off he , ~- · · - " Through no fault of mine, you may b e the depresswn of trade. 'l 'he evidence of j is usually found wandering in t he direct1011 He Understood. · 1 su~·~· Her fa~her is wortl:,~alf a m illion ." i the witnesses goes to show that the deprns- ' th e wind is blowing, thus turning Ins back How wits it, old fellow r i sion is clue to t ho following : · ' . d t' to t he wind, but with sheep the contrary is "But, fath er," sb e protested as the old "Well I heard her exp1ess a w ish to 1- 0 verp10 UC I OU. d k' " d0 t t0 ' f the case, as t he sheep ace t h e storm. man cease spea mg, you no seem .. r ead a cer t ain book of poems, so I called 2 .A continuous fall of prices c11used by Q O Try cutting clover into shm-t lengths, un,c!crs ltalbld thielcase<: h 11 around to the bookstore n.nd ordered it sent ; the.appreciation of t h e standard' of value. 0 ~ steeping it over n ight in hot water, and feed. ~ 1, ut .co. . J. OU s a ne"."er marrr, I np to t h e house. The next evening I drop- , 3. The effect of foreign tariffs and bounin a to the hogs. It m11kes a cheap food but 'V~)lmm, evcmif he,~s my coufidential clerk. I peel in to see if she h >icl recei ved rt. ties, and the restrictive commer cial policy l ~ ~ on"e of the best, not only assisting them in Fathe.r, y ou".Antl sh e had, I suppose?" of foreign countries in limiting our ma1kets. @" ': 'fl~at is t>ll, ~elen~o.y no.more." . "-!'-ser vant handed m e 11 small pack"'.ge I 4. Foreign competition, which w e are b e - 1 g rowth bnt greatl y promoting h ealth. 11 l!om d<1._ys later sh_ c wrnte hnn ~rom Tor- and rnfoimed me t hat Miss Smythe was m - gi nnin"' to feel boi;h in our own 11,nd in n eu II All t h e plans fu1 next ~eason should be ar- onto, saymg : ' ' w111 and I al-rived her e disposed.,, I t ' l " k t l'~ -'1!! a l!I ranoaecl now. Have ever ything in readiness f 1 and were marr ied at once We have' " d l k . d " 11a m .i,1 e s. sa e Y, · · t An tic pac age contame l 5 A u increase i11 local taxation and burb to begm work w h en nsy spnng comes, as $60,000 of your money. Is all forgiven or j "A briefly-worded note of dismissal ' d c · l t. · ll tl l b i" n o time ca.n be to attend to those l ll 1 ens on me us ry gener,, Y· ~Je.tte1·s ·vl1i ' cl1 niay be overlooked now. s rn we set e <odwi: fere : l and the book sent up by that of" dealer. " 6 Cheapet rates of carriage CllJOyed by ,, '" ' He telegraphe !us orgn-encss. · "'l'he book yo1t purchaoed 'I" f t 't When buying Coal Oil ask y our dealer for the New Oils, 'rl · h ti 't · J ·· '~ 1 ou1 0te1gn compe i ors. 1e"C IS as muc pro m iorne-raism g ns "Not to finy visible extent. '.!'he P'1Ck - I 7. Legislation affecting the employment uf itge contain eel a volume entitled : 'Useful bbom 111 mdustrial un dertal,ings. " ith any otl1cr clas& of s&ock. A good P<Lijture will e1mble the farmer to rntse two or It seem s th:tt Lieut. Gr eely bclieYes in t h e H ints tor Ugly Girls.'" i The superior t echnicu.l education of / 1 t hree eolts r.t but little expense, and if t hey theory t hat there is an open sea, some 1,500 I 8 0 al'e well-bred they will al ways sell at good mtles in dill.meter, round abou t t he Pole that j' \ woi·kmen in foreign countnes. '" prices. n ever freezes, the conjecture being that th e The ma,n who s1wecl Victoria's hfo in a 1 Try it once, you will use no other. Mr. W. It. Halstead tried wheat Pole it;elf is ~he ~cntre of <Lll ice-capped ru_naw!-':l'.· when sh e wn.s two years old, is I As a gen eral thing, the man who s11ys in cli·i!ls and cultiv11ting rt like corn. The land, c.overed with ice frcm 1,000 to 4,000 s~11l livrn!l, near London, at the 01 smart thmgs is of no earthly use for anyJJ.lctJOLL BROS. & t.:JO'Y, Toi·onto productfon was llot1 b lcd. Re recommends ect thick. · eigh ty. thi11g else. ~auatliau Jtatt~mau. pl11.nting the rows sixteen inches apart and cultivating with the bull-tongue plow. But it would be a lot of trouble. MEN AND WOM EN. STATISTICS. "GOOD-BYE !" CATAR RH. --- - -- ----- ----- -- -- FARM. I I °. I I l l 1 I ! ! I Ss B D uN N I s l I I pow D c R :_;::_:_-=e- _ -= THE COOK'S BEST FRI END OrOllO Pump Factory. ! W ORM PUMPS OF EVEijY DESGRIPTIOM ! I I I I I ,. "' ·'tJ 0rt R l AK Q!L"r.1 RI c All WORK CUARANTi"'ED tr ".h -b' 0 T · RGUSON. I 0' I McDOUGALL & METCALF, are offering Coal as follows : Stove and ·Chestnut, .................. $6.25 G ra t e an d Egg, ....... .... ........... ....... . 6.00 l I I I l l I ! I I ILlJ Nn BER S HINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Al ways on h an d a 1 owes price . t · MC D 0 U GALL & M ET CAL F l Farmers Threshers and Mi II men, ! I L.... A -se c U M 11 B a - Dr s. & Q ' o. s I: N E . Celebrated ..m- M CH NE 0 l . I 1 · ! THE BEB'r TN TEIE WORLD. FA ILYSAFE~I~Y & SUNLIGHT Coal Qil.