TERMS :-11.90 PER A.NNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A.. JAMES, li:vn·on. AND Pn.orR1wroR. "fEW SERIES, NUMBER 446. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY IG, 1887. Vor.UME XXXIII. N UllrnER 7. r-1 _... ,.c ~ 0 <D CJ-f ~ "' c 0 "° 0 ~ ~ 0 ,.......... ..p ~ (]) 0 r-1 ..p ~ ~ 0 ~ ro ·r-1 0 0 ~ tll ~ I 0 ..p ~ ... . ... ANTI-SCOTT ACT OUTRAGES. The Scott Act Alliance for the West Riding of Middlesex met in the Method· ist church, Mount Brydges, on Monday afteruoon, 7th inst., Rev . ·J. E. Moore, President, in the chair. A very interest· ing platform meeting was held in th.e evening addressed by Revs. P. K Day· foot, B. A., Strathroy ; ,V, H enderson, Glencoti ; and Mrs. Johnston, of Mount Brydges. Then on the night after the conTention, about one o'clock, Inspector Robertson's house was ·smashed in, a large window was broken to flinders and kindling wood made of the doore, which was followo;d by a couple of revolver shots and the perpetrators fled. They then visited Rev. Mr. Silcox, at the Bapti~t piu:sonage, but were discovered by a woman; who was sitting up with a sick child, and made tracks. They then made an attack on the Rev. J . E . Moore, President of the Alliance, at the Methodist parsonage, one man holdin1 the horse while the other smashed the front widow lights to smithereens and fired a bullet into the parlor, which lodged in the ceiling, and did littlti or no damage. Rev· Mr. Henderson was sleeping in the parsonage at the time. The inmates were aroused 'in time to see the culprits drive off in a cutter in grea.t huste. The bcott Act .Alliance will give a liberal reward for the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. --t r--4 c\1 0 0 ~ s:I ~ OOURTIOE. Mr. L . Power, of Cadmus, ia visiting at Mr. L . M. Courtic1>s'. I MisP Pearce, of New York, is visit"ng at Mr. H. Salter's. Mr. J. Underhill and Mr. Hobbs epeut a day or two at Mr. J . Short 's last week. Mrs. J. Sho~t is visiting in Pickermg. MiBS Kate Mclntvre is visitmg in Tyrone. Revival services at Ebenezer closed on Thursday night. 'l'he regular quarterly meeting of South Darlington circuit r. ' as held at Ebenezer last Sunday mornin . T here was a dance at Mr. 0 . Mil.~ er's on the 11th inst. Tm~ . -+- -- - 00. .... ..p (J) ca (]) 00. 0 ~ re q::t 0 0 m 0 ·r-1 ~ Q) r-1 · r-1 0 J::t ..p 0 ~ r-1 CD m ~ ..p ro ..ct ~ r-f 0 ..I IL ..p In advertising bargains I mean it and intend to give bargains, and to prove the friend of every economical buyer, I vvill value your trade highly and I desire to obtain it, not one purchase· , b'ut year. There, many all through the . fore, when you con1e to the store, our chief desire is to look to your interests, to please you, to save money for you, to ·have you feel that we have really benefitted you, and that it is to your profit to trade with us. I will offer decided bargains in all lines of In coming to the store you will meet some And as the spring advances and the Let every God-fearing m1m, woman and child get down on his or her knees and pray fervently that Edward Blake have a largo majority. Why ·j Because he is a Christian, who will do what is (]) SOLINA. right betwean m&n and man and will not ~ lend himself to any iniquity. Mr. Charles Reynolds is viditing friends Newcastle. A WollAN. ia MnripoH. Mr. T. Hooper and wife of H a.ydon have been spending a few days in this WEST DURHAM ELECTION. villa:;re. Mr. W . Werry intends erecting n model ·r-1 Srn.-Though not a politician, I have drivi._,,,.hu use and st.able n e:xt sum mer, ot·mi-ftlr members of Parliament for t he and ""F 1 fl .Argue intends building a ne\l' last forty years. I was not all this time barn. a resident of thfo riding, but when I rnA hrge number from this place he&rd moved to W eat Durham I regarded it 1111 Mr. Paterson a~ Bowmanville, last week, an honor t o live in a county which was and felt l!atiafied that they never heard represented in Parliament by the Hon. E . his equal. Valentin&s are very soarce in Blake. All shades of politicians agree to the village this ye11r. do him h _onor ; even his bitti;roat oppon· Dr. Cook from the United States is enta acknowledge that he is a clear-sight· visiting iu this village, guest of Mr. H. ed and far-seei11~ man, as well as honest Hooper. and honorable. I regret, however, that R e v. E . Barrasa delivered a very able the party feeling runs ao high that it discourse on Temperance, at Eldad, oJJ. seems to be necessa ry for the opposing Sunday last. · party to try to turn him out. They acThere waK a large hop in this village knowledge that he is an honor to our last wi;ek . country, that no man would be more Miss L. H of.(arth has been visitmg of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS of Mr. missed out of Parliament, and yet their friends at Columblls. urgea them to su pport a str;mger, Mrs. \V. Vice is no bettor at time of T. G. MASON, of the STAR HOUSE of this town, p:i.rty who haa enough self-esteem to oppose writing ,and Mr. J no. Vice's daughter is intends to make a special offer to all who may feel such a man. I have long thought that very sick with inflammation. the leaders of the H ouse, both ConservaA large num ber of the people in this disposed to patronize the old stand, tive and Reform, should bo elected by vicinity are busy canvassing for votes. acclamation, so that they might be at libQuite a number of younf.( people from erty to visit the country and explain their around here assembled at Councillor policy, u ut to prevent this very thing A wde's on Tuesday evening of last week. they must be opposed ond foroooth re- 'l'he evening was well spent with singing, q11ired to spend much of tliei r time in music, g:..mes, et c., until the wee srna' that particular ridin11;, as if they did not ho.ir3 of the morn, when all returned belong more to the country than to any home well pleased with the evening's proone county. gram. But whilo auch a stat.e of affairs er.ist1, Mrs, E . Paacoe has been visiting in it behoove11 every voter, whose self- Bowmanville. Mr. W. Werry, of Roserespect fr, higher than love of party, to .d o landale ha~ bean taking a n overland his very best to give Mr. Blake a trium- ro~te th rough the w~st, in search of phant majority, believing t hat we are thorough-brede. Mr. and Mrs. Edward honoring West Durham more than West Paecoe, sr ., are very poorly. Durham is h onoring M:·. Blake. Conser vatives as well as lteformers may be TYR ONE. proud that they are r epresenter} by su ch Lieut. Ca!ls of the S. A . has been a man. "\Ve all seek tho welfare of our country a nd knowing th;~t it. is "righte- !pending a few weeks here 11moug's t us. ousn es1 that exalt<ith a natien" we. are Messrs.Awde and Vsborn, of Mariposa, the country's best friends who send men have b<.~011 visiting fri ends her e. io Parliament whose word is reliab.le, Mrs. T. T . · Jardine has been unc'ler the whose character is unimpeachable, who doctor's care this last week. seek i;ftice n ot for thair own selfish purMr. John Hodgson has moved into tho poses, but for the good of the country, house on King Street belonging to his :md who are willing to aacrifioe their own father. pecuniary interests to advan ce tho inter Hon. E. Blake will address the electors est& of the land of their birth-theRe are here, to-morrow night. The gallery will our patriots, God bless them. Fellow- be reserved for tho ladies and their es· goods ·usually kept for sale in a Dry Goods es- electors, c.. nservative and Reform, I look carts. .Come one, come all. to vou -vot.~rs of Wes t Durliam-1111 t hinkThe Sham rocks wiil play the Hamptotablishment. ing, ·irJtPlligent men, to act your psrt well nians a .frieodly ga me at foot-ball · at on tlrn ~2nd and rally round M r . Blake, H ampton on Feb. 26. Reeve H a ncock. and who.tcvcr may be the issue of the intends putting an additio n to his barn of the old familiar faces who will do all they can general elections the yoem ..n of WeGt this summer, also a stone fsundation. Durham will have cause to be proud of One ot our business men was so unlucky to carry out the above. their representative and congratulate as to take a counterfoit two-dollar bill, t.hemselves in giving to thn country a m?.n not lrn o win ~ but what it wai; :i.11 righ t, of euch sterlin g worth- ;"Vhose c pia iun is till it was sent t u Toronto for pa1ment. Markets open, we intend adding every specialty valued throughout the ...-hole Hominirm, Tt. would be ,,,.ise for all such men to be :md ts e r er li~ten ed t o m t he hall~ or om on tte Joc.k out. suitable to this locality, in 1V1iliinery and Tailoring. Le~i~lature a11 the friend of humanity and Samuel expects t o be on t he war-path Mr. PEARDON will be pleased to rr1eet as many the lover of his coun ry. D.AAN. every day, betwoen no w and the election. Then ou the 22nd ·a grea.t victory will be of his old patrons as choose to call, and from If anything clog~ the wast e-plpe~ in the for the H on. E. Blake. 8 a.muel i11 a what I have seen of his work, he stands out in bold h ous e we become :i'!armt:d, for s::iw0r·gas thor11u~h-hri;d Grit. Tyrrme Division wil.l me~t 11s usua.l on relief, and requires no co1n1nent of mine, as he is so iR apt to g enera ~" diseas;;. Tlrn c'.1ildren then, are removed to their grand-parents', Tnur~ctay night, after this week. favorably known. D rover White has gone to Montreal . · · · or kept out-of-door11 as much as pmsible, C!ittle this week. Mi.r. T. G. MASON will be In the store for thirty until the defect is rem edied . Bat the with A n:·eeti.11g will bt> h~ld in t he vestry, days introduce the -pipes of the hUlnR.l'. systei:1 aro of. . advertis er to t h e old . . i waste t<m allowod to clog, a ::Jd t be ~uffare.r, who on Thmviday afte·rnoon, by th11 ladies <;f ho churuh to see about forming a L adiea' ers, and to g ive his customers an opportunity to 1 ' c:m n ut ga t away from the poison, oecome3 tAid f:lociety . balance their Cash or note beind' ex~ nnfit fo,. w'.l·k ."' : ploit~ur", I!i 8';ch 0 Mrs. Downe, of llowmanville, was the · h I case~. Dr. P ierces "Ple:aeant Pur~attvo t d Ill case. . P~llots" will ~·mtl y T HTil ·H"e t.h e cause, nn d gue~t of M r. J . Mutton on Sabha.th. A young nuni , a wee way s6uth, takes Respectfully yours t~e effect will vanish of itself. By druga d'rivti occMionly t o t he town of Bow- ,.ct ::::$ on ro ~ ~ A WOMAN'S LETTER ON THE ELECTION. ,.0 bJ) ~ 0 bD ORONO. (Too Late for last week.) The masa meeting in connection with W. C. T. U. was not held on Monday evening na announced, on account of the unfavora.ble weather. Our R eform friends are working with a will ; if work means anythina-, succ<J~s will s urely crown the Grit banner on the 22nd. Meetings of Mr. Blake's friends are held m e,v ery nook aad corner, and if our Tory friends don'1 wake up soon we are sure of an easy victory. Our merchants report this a very dull seaaon ; cmstomers being scarce and mon ey scarcer. A number of our vil1agers attended tho apple pie and scald-cream social at the residence of Mr. John Parker, Clarke Union on Fridaf. A plea81 mt evenini;: was spent. We are at a loss to know what our Scott A.~t supporters are doing now that ;,i.IJ legal squibbles are out of the way of the enforc01!10nt of the Act, we have been expecting to hear of some of our public liquor sellers being again made to face the music. We hear that seyeral sum· mouses h~ve been placed in the hands of our "chief of police," which have not been delivered. This Tillage is in neod of a constable very m uch. Those we harn, can do more a t making trouble than quieting disturbances. ~ ~ to Bow manville this week, locating on ConcesInfo:rma.tion having- been :resion street. Sorry tu loose another citizen. ceiveCI. tha.t el?orts a.re being put . r. John J oil has been busy pr oviding forth to coIT'l'l.pt the Elecwra.te wood, horse feed, e tc. , pr. i or to moving to B~wa.:rd of the Clayton estate ; everything will soon in this :Ridin:, be ready,-and then ? $200 will be p~id. f GT infonna.,.. Mr. Jas. Cryderman las nearly finished iiathering in the t axes, taking over tion tha.t will secure the confour months to complete the work. Mr. / viction of a.:c.y 1'erson or per· C. does not n:ceive proper remuneration sons guilty cf Bri'=iery or atfor his labor; we think that To wnship bribe a. voter or officers holding regponsible positi0ns temptings hould b e well paid for their work, not votera iu connection with the kept on sbrvation w»ges. pending- alaotion for the Rouge ev._E. Barrasa, M. A., preached an excellen t t emperance sermon on Sunday of Commons in Wost Durham.. eTenmg. Mr. Wm. Everson oacupied the :0. B. SIM:t»SON. pulph in the morning. l'rea. W.:0.3 ·.A.· Messrs. A. McLaughlin and B. Hutchi· son, of Bowm .. nville, sp·mt Sunday here, the gu6st11 of Mr. If.Elliot~, jr. ll Mr. H . T. Phillips has purchased a fine 81 · residence in Toronto. Mrs. Thoa. Fowke a nd son are ont Thousands of Dollars Worth -Of here on business. Goods Damaged. Mrs. Hoidi.te is visiting friends in To· ronto for a few days. On :Monday a meeting was held by JleCl.lJNG, BINGll.UI d C4·. l'J..OOD·:n TO TllE DOCUlS. Blackstock:, to serve out some cordial to his forlorn fiock. On Friday a meeting will be held by S. H . Blako, defining thu There w,1s a big flood in Oormrnll the platform the l'REMilm will take. other day and the i.i;ooda in the Cotton . Mill11 were floaked so that they had to be so~d off at once for whatever they would KENDALL. brmg. Mc0Iu1w, Bingham & Oo., of Can Tory ·voters e'er forget ? Bowmanville, attended the anctiou sale 0 Yes! I think they can ! and bought thousa.ndd of yard11 of cottonThey usud to s~y "elect home men," ades, tickings, denims 1md >.hirtings , But now Blackatock:'s the man. which ha.ve arrived and must be sold a t once. The goods are wet, but are easily "He run in Lenno.1[, so I heard/' dried when they will l>a 1111 goud as ever. Says h opeful Tory bright. Call at once &nd get enough cotton goods "Now dont you 11ay another word to last yon a year at less than h alf price. The Lennoxite11 cant fight." Thus spake old Tory to his boy, Sending the Statesman to Friends In accen\s loud and stroni, It did not give him any joy, Every year a large n umber of our This Lennoxitie ~ong. regular subacrihers order t he /:)TAT E:Sl\U.N to be sent to fri6nda at a distance. This I dont know much about Blackstock, some times ca11se! confusion, uul1oss the But I guee1 he'· "very nice" persons t,o whora the p1~per is sent aro They say that he ia good to talk, notified of the kindly act. Will the perBut I give him my advice :sons who sent the STATESMAN tt> friends Oh ! Geordie, Geordie, ope your eye1 f"r 1886, pleaee inform us at once ii they A nothet· view to take ! wish the paper sent for 1837. We shall In Durl1am many a Tory die11, bei.:in revi1ing our wailing liats on March luin by our hero Blake . 1st, and all changes of a:ldress should be A LOYA.J, C.A.N.A.DlAN. Sflnt tu ll.!!J\ t OU.l'-6., "~r. Charle~!::r~U~~vcd , ,. , I $200 REWARD. to GREAT F L OODS f TOWN ENFIELD. The Oons·nativee held a committee meetiuli:' hel'e last Weduusday uight. Several from thi11 vicinity went to En· nis)dl!en last Wednesday to hear Mr. Pater11on, but they were disappointed. 1'110 first wood-bee of the season has been celebrated. .Doodle li terature is fl ash at present. The sick are all improving nicely. Mrs. D. Dyre isat Owen Sound attending her dil.nghter, Mrs. Ed~ar Hurlbut, who i8 very sick. And Mrs. T&pp has been at Harmony waiting; on the sick ch ildren of h er daughter Sarah, Mrs. Adams. Several fine fat Ci!.ttle left this vicinity last Saturday. Mr. Johnson, of Mariposa, is visiting at Mr. Thos . Short's. It i! intended to start a aerie& of evangelical m<ietings here on Wednesday evening, 16th inst . REPORT oF S. ~. No. 4, D.A.RLINCi'rON. -l!'or tho month of Janaary. Fourth Class,-Walter Osborne, Minnie Everson, .Tohn Perkin, Lillian Annis. Sr. Third,Flora Annis, Dolly Oke. Jr. Third,Waltr>n Annis, Jame8 Manning, Maud Perkin, Annie Blair, Fra.nk Everson, Thos Bevoi ne, Wm Oke, Allie Worden. Second Class,- Arthur Osborne, Mable 1 P ickle, A lbert Wcrden. P erkin, Anso1 F irst Book, Pt. H .,- Anson Osborne, George Annis, "\Villfo.m Blair, Jenny Oke, Frank Worden, Cecil Worden. Pt. !.,Samuel Manning, Leopold Cuurtice, M ..ria Courtice, Lorn p.,J:"kin, Eruist Worden. 'iV. N. TILLEY, Teacher. Order United Workmen. The Grand Lodge of Ontario A . 0. U. W. will huld their annual session in Toronto, to-1fay and to-marrow. Mr. A. J. Hook, P . M. W., will represent B owman· ville Lodge. Mr. M. A. James, .P. D. D. G. M , and Grand. ~dge T rustee, left on Monday morning to as8ist. the E xecutive Committ.;e in prepa ring t ho busine~s kl come before the grand body. This Ordur is growing rapidly , for it already n umbers about 12,000 members in Ontario. The following is about the m embership of the largest beneficial orde rs on t his continent : A. 0. U . W ... ... .... .. . .. . ... 174,000 K. of H . . . . . ...... · . · . . . ..· . . . 124, 000 R oya l Arcanum . , . . .. ... . . . . . . . 70,000 American L egion of Honor . . · . . . fi8, 000 Knights ard L~d i es of H(Hlor . . . . 40,000 Chosen Friends . .. · ·· .. · .. . . .· · 30,000 Knights of J>ythias . ..···. . · . ·. . . 15,000 Select Knights A. 0. U. W . .. , · . 11,000 1887- 1887* BOWMANVI LLE, 0NT. The unde· r signed having bought the stock --THE STAR-- About Seed Drills. to custom- ' accounts. pee e eac I ,-...; "'l!!:i"'C>· · '-='II"~ "1lr"' _ nl.. -W-"'1'..T(~ I N"ATIONAJ,J'ILLip11rltyt11eblood,l'egu. manvtllt'l. llcation.. ...._.~..&. ..L ..:Ir· [ Iare iitoBlaeh, Ltver and llowelS'. ' °"' gt>l~L M essrs. l\hson & Stollery have secured the right to iutroduce and sell in this vicinity a uew s tyle of Combined Broadcast Seeder & Drill, which is. attracting considerable a ttention from the farmers. lt is a purely c . . n'ld ili.11 invention , and ill aclrnowledged to be years in advance of its Electors or·west Durh am. competitors in points of durability, convenienca and drnft. As an illustration of Our stock is too numernus to be shov;n its conventence we may say the feet or in a dozen store ...-indowe Come in and hoes on this drill, can be regulated as to inspect. A. Bucxu11.. th e "lepth thoy sh:1Jl go into th ci ea<·th, iii~tcintly and cill cit 011ce, the same 11s tiltForty y e;~rs tn b usine38 in Bowman ville ing a ~;nt,?l e reap ~r or mo,.,,ei-.. In foct and st.ill hw·mirig. Oall 11nrl Rfl0 01.1r imthe operator can tilt them i.11 to go deep mense stock of Silver l~atod mtre. A. or shallow in less time and with greater B ucin,1m. ease thim one single foot or ho e can be We aro aellit~g grKl<la very low. Our adj1 1sted on any other seede-:, and it can goods are marked in plain figu res. We be done while the horees are ii:otng and will make price11 to suit every one. withon1 ; wi thdrnwin~ rhc feer. from the Come afonu;, friend~ Be11 our prices. ground. Th· Rdva1i c:,;Zos of all this is .A. B u cKLRR.. that in some place~ are hard and others \Ve havE\ beautiful new f:Ood s in great eof~, the 1tperator Is enable_d to put t he/ variety for your accomodation. Call and gram tl~e same de r tl1, wl11d1 c ~nn.ot be see th1<Jm, · 1 wi. ~h the oompfonenta of the done with ~_ny other sead '-'. r . It will pay ' s ea.son t;o you all. A. J'h;c.1n.mt. 1 rny person l!J n e1·d ,,f i. d ri:l to call an.d . eeti i t before pn:·cha.eir.g. It has n umerous other points s a perier snd ·none infeCouch, .fohnston & Oryil.~rm11.n n.!"e selrior, to other drills, which the agente ling off a lot of new \Tinter Dres~ G nods a t would be glad t o ex plain. Oue on exhi- alJouL half price. They have ""' Ji ,,ei.111.bition, cull on, tion in saying that these are by far tha N, F . .H. MA::lO cheapest ] ) i:osa Goodi. in toirn . Ree th mi Office, Thompson & Co's. Harness Shop, and you will be convinced that this is the H e desires to have a good edJ3owmanyille. Q LIMA.. X. c,iase.· Eurek a Recitations.- " Whore can I find a piece suitable to speak at sch '<ll next Friday afternoon 1n ·' What shal. ·r read at the Literary Society or Ohurch Entertainment to-night Z " " When will something new appear that eveybody has not heard before a score of t imes ~ " are questions that are cont.in ttally being asked by friends and acquaintances by children, amateur reader~ v.ntl professional ol1>0utioniet:s. \Ve havn b-nen corrl'~ponding with the principal American publis hers of books of recitatiorrn a11d have found a very excellent 11n d che ap $Bries of six. numbers in " The Eu rek11. Col!cci.ion ef Recitation!! and R eadings," carefully arrangeri hy Mrs~. An na Rfm daJ.1-Diehl, one of the moat success ful tenchers of the Art of Elocutio n, a nd well k now n as the a·nthor of sevmal stundard works on the subj vct. Each number ii! different from the other, is bound in hancleome 1.it.ogrnph cnver priutecl iu four colors, a nd c 011 taios 128 large pages. We will send Nos. 1, 2, 3 a nd 4 to any llddreBS for 50 cents. Stamps taken. .Addreea MAH SHALT. J . A. J Has, drawer 7, Bowmauville, Ont . ,'