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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1887, p. 3

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··<<'<~>'!!'<~ ·~·"'~ ~··11i·"1·~J:l>h!hltir-n~li1l°:'!'!el{,<:1\\14<:1:(W<"l'\~'!!lW.t.<~~v~1i~_::;1:~~1!.~~~l!!.~~1'"""""'~"':._llmK""1il~t.m'.i'&~~JW-~ ~~~~~~~~-~~~~'f.<..m; and the nroma of the sweet flowers see1 .~d WRY ONTARIO NEEDS TREES. ve1y beneficial, but general ones would be to float 1bout Ins sen,es so m ,1 much gieater proport10n I should Do'an 01 ept out mto the p tss11ge agam DY R \I P HIPPS be glad to rec:en e and embody m the next The pistol was nov. m lus hand forestry report any suggest10ns as to how OI{, "Ah 1 A rnan Ah 1' I should like, on this occas10n, to su,;gest this could be practically set about Ile had no difficulty now m 100!, 1 1g to your 1eadPrS some conside1,tt10ns con LO'\iiF.. Al': m VENGEANCE AlVIONG THE Sll/!UGGLERS throuJh the key hole of tlie door I hero , .-.t eermng the mfluence of 1dJacent woods, or the berea\ c<l fai;ne1 !\. ,h trp, cold cunont even, 111 some cases, smgle lmes of trees of Hrs Salary Didn't Go Up of au cimethr ough trn 1:e)holc of the: d oor suffiment he1,_4ht and density to retard ,md , ] h ll,d been workm.; for tht ee years for and Dolan'" cy er, ~marted ,,, h e shifted Ins bieak the fo1ce of rapid wmds, on tbe Olle of our old tllne wholesale houses, said a position so th 1t first on° ind then the other growth or vegetation m fields w1thm the 'f'rnontom m w ho ~ 18 callmg up rennmscen glared rnto the room rnfiuence of their p~otect10n ln all the , I fi 11 h l d h I ' A man, he muttered "Who md range the v~i10us "11tern on these $Ub ces am1 ia S cone1u e t at oug t 11 1 what is he ? How much does he know ' jects, I have not found any who lmrl Jut 011 to WE " aise of safary I began on $4 roo much, of com se There must be 111 encl th0 cirplanatron of the piocess of growth (or per week and wa., HHsAd to $6 but the re it 1rnd stuck for tw 0 yearn rhe h ead man of ITo\I mt I nf h11n 1 h 1' e gone too far to caie abOLit a if they had, hid not thought it worth illus tl c foru w"s a cohl, 8tilf, ,rns ter c man, who life now He has uo ne h e1e, £1ncl t ins place t1 tttlon) wlnch I am a bout to endc wor to seldom reco mzed ai1 employ e and was 0 "111 h<> hh grave ('escube Yet it 18 of all others, the most kaowu to be hail he 1rtetl I hes1t1ted a J?~lan ,_c,ovtlered carefu~lytlthe lochk of ;~~ :it)o1\Y:isntma~1t 1edr ,m;~1cles~1yn1oi1~w1~~11~~~~~~:~ long time before danng to approach lmn on 1 e rong pi s wl wi 1· l 1 e corner 0 soi .. tl e ~ubjed neare~ t to my hea1 t , but one Jay co 1tee that b e wore ~ fo wanted to place it facts we know to t heir tlirect sequ ence, we I shcl mto the puvate office when I knew on full encl, arnl h e "as afraid that the shall find that 1t must be con ect In the lie was aloue chcJ, of the sprmg would the of first place we !,now that , , Well, sir · he snaps out, short as pie· the solemn an cl melancholy look mg min who A Lr 1 LAN TS AN I) TRF.~ s crust s,1t , all unconscious 0/ lus d ' 11ger, m the next dern e ""ho.t food the eo.r th gives them " ' I - I came to- to- 1 ' room of the cottage through opemngs rn "hat are called the ' 'Came to what, S1r 1 · H "as a very hght sound that the lock of spong101 I I "i t l ot es o f t h eir 10ots ]' ~ut tie nouns l " 'I--I came to ask you if yon-you didn't che p1si ol made, all< l ( aptam "' or on c it1 11 ment close to these soon becomes exhaust ed tlnnl,-- · lw~,r ~t , 1 1 ) How does the root recene the food whwh "'See, here, \Y1lham 1 he said as he one, thrng -v11th you i:rN~w, ~~ c} 0 ola~cl ht the ban el of the hes a little way from it' B y means of the wheeled around on me 'if my daughter 1 10 ( aphm .e ug gt eat ca1ne1 of plant food- wate1 m motion loves you, and ) ou love her , I ' e no ohJeC cot l lie1cawa) f101trng I don t see p ocket a small folded parcel , and upon open pistoJ m s~lCh \ mb1 ~f\ to tf; !eyholf ~f Thete are two movements of water through t10n to ~om rnarr mge :Fix: it up between IH" it, it Vias found to be 1 fla.g J the Loot "mt t te u 0 con e mace 0 tlu s01l wluch chiefly effect this, namely, yon and don t bother me agam' 'I will give yon tlus' he said, 'antl speed on its pa'SltJC ancl reach the heart or tint of g1aut)' by which it IS attracted to ' The old R eynard I He had a daughter, ,, 1 kn els o' G1 i m ueln m ~d at will Vlnte on 1t "Capt m1 Mo1ton owes bt ims of ( ipt till Morton without the ~e wards the centre of t he earth, or rather but I had never spoken to her m my life, 1 '.~ ln~f or t' e r Stm 1 U uee tn t<) W tl such a one She is tall, ra Mr· Waguec one thous1md JXJLmds Yon 1 cessity of hrn (llolan s) .sn mg ,my a arm Y to a ce1 tam depth v;ithm the crnst , ,mcl and he knew it He answered me the way ' t het - h t3 nu 1nr,1 lH111-d ll i{er than a ubmn, shall send tlns were yo11 pl< ase so tbB,t openm 'the doOJ even 1 i;tevlc( m width that of he it winch d1 aws it up to the sur I he did to stop me from askmg for a raise of ~ - - - -- - - --, m d s b mo'< "O h gbth y on m "Y HJtln n it to me " J en give yo 1 But he found t h J.t t hi' "ould rot do Ihe f 1 c 1nd nt~ ,he air I here are othe1 move salary It was a year and a half after that 11 i"'~~ A, ~\~ !"Ii l\ n·~, Jl, .~~ I ' Aubmn I "11d tlw lioy, with a puzzled the t l10 1S1nd pounds "'luclu -will do so 8 ( ull k e} hole v, wS too small, <l bcoilel, hel l~st me uts but these t wo all a re acquamted )I before I was hftecl to $8 p er week " ~ ~~ !"- ~ U frlA i ~ w Al·~ » y; i loo],, ' 11 lial A that: Gu ce bas snch beau las I pl tee yoLt on h~'td of a 'essel bound all perc,eptwn of llm w beu h e P acec tie v. 1th ~hd it is they which clnefly d o the 1 111fu1 lntr 1 t 18 h"" t 1 sea weed 11ght fot C:wada a11d my dear cln ti~ wit1 me hau el 01 the prot >l to it I" urk And it is to be uot1cecl that the pro 1\fo rnu v, 111 rn () F CA N 1!\ DA · " V e,y well- wait he1e "No That w ts 1 fatl lre f vmon of nature is that water w ill seldom 1 ..way 'ov. n ,ti ne lw·to ·l o ti e bw :r-the 0 \? "" ,;&~ ~~, ~t, tf;;IG , tKl sea vt <u ti tt " on t e\ e· come u p-you J ten upt y ou I will bung tl c !Ll t o \ ou Tnen Dolan p h eod lns luwl un the lock can} plant f )Od too deep, fo1 most soils fil · 1 <upH 11 P "'1 '"" ~ _,,, :_ tU:\y see ·t m t he w"'te1, ~' n m g all about "Be qm ch-qmck as y ou c n I will pay the door ""1 slowly-oh so slo" ly-tnrncc~ te~ it too qmckly On the othc1 hand, va 1 1 Thrn B ink iB ,Jreil~re<l to ~ o L r g1ti· 1like hr ' es lair bu' th 1t vmc 1 1 com es up ~ ou fift) p onnd for every fh e i m n ·rn Jou the htndlek He kll~\\ tf1"L \ h ' (\an mfinnt pol doe, c:o.n y t np :va1 els, a , 1he a1 o na of a 10~!~;f;'.,~1 ;;;:tb~~~ ~ 6~~r;~~e ~I ~~~cb~~n &~s 11 1 .,ie ne c w1thm the hom + Bani 11 g ' P all its br · he~ Ii· so mff rent ity 0 CI ea i~'g ai( e e t eae i m~m(nd damp r 1d1 fld d wl en the hot sun comes from l tut!Jerto mcurnble drnease IS a bsolutely affect· ·n ,. e " t ] unt , Dep >GltJ I l i " 0 - Ur LC e i yon - nme, hoy, yo l that it "ou c ma e some o I s aecus me belund the eJ,,ud soon tolls u s These t i\ o ed m from one to three apphci1tt0ns no matter 1noises ancl st at tle the stranger F .\'tPieH< no e ' i;co " ' t 1 f I vn ll h l rn 11u"l hu ], on"' moment upwatcl and low;wai cl mo\ cments of wnter whether st and mg one year or forty years This 1 1 ~HCt'li'l d In ' er<~· p~lv ~'\~e ~ ~ ~ B t 1 ' L Cl< ' ·~ s h01 t i 111 H sp1rnt1on on CHAPTER X.X:VI -J'H 8 i,11, Uk C \ l T \I ~ N - all was still Dol<lli h ad t h e ltte~ tlnough the soil ca1~y th e pl m t food w1thm ~~'d~%~sn~~~~it:f1~ ;~~~rhb~~m~:~~l v:be~o~i'~' ft">u pv ar( e hi S,v ~" , :, v -" l ' t ne P' t <tr 1p c~rn Moitoll md he pressed <1.'l J>t.1' fi ee He hacl nothmi;, nov to po but to pns reacl of the 1ttractmg milncnce winch roots 1 t1ve pvmphletsent fi ee on receipt or stamp by ~) 1! }!. f. ~ ~ ns , 11 d, 111 11 h , It< irt tc i , moment or , the door g~ntly md it '~ ould open ll1V\ arcls p ossess '.Ih,s IS the pnncipo.l Catbe, a,ppai ~ H Dixon & ~on 30a Kmg st.reet, West 11 ! & H 0 e 1 two b< foi c h e ccul till t i1 e ernot on tlmt High tnnc, she s 1cl hi2h time I Then Do1an neatly cried out 'loud, for a tl h th cl nd vigo ous 'l: ~ronco, Canada I~ med and 0 o11.,d " ;1 ' " ' ' h "' 'c mr m e1 him 'I' hen rn r>ok: a< am w ill he ud of Dobn row , om and for all I shrill voice m the fwnt JHS~ ·go of the little enft ) ' wl y 5row is sot rnpb1 t al t 0 Wd H ~'.I is CAdTAnnni l h th U t.Bd '-'t 1 ( a n d Orn lGb ' o d t k b t (\ b cl C o. <1 a s 1owc1, an assis mg u esse1 cause .ta-rh rn a angerous 1aease w uc ous 1 m 'a " ~ , , I " You 1iave see 1 her Jere boy 1 You on novo ar)tlllga ou ' e ec an an cott1tge calledou t being also the clef).nsrng of the leave~ an cl ondB11re consc10uslyorunco11sc1ouslyauffermg llf · ·f . J n ) ti/ l~i..· I h 1, se.,1 slHh ,,, y om g crnatme here? a_;la hut they " ' c s01 1e\\ h eie away horn I ' Mm 'Vagn er Mis \l\ ,igner 1 Here be 0 emu, of their ores bv the rnrn Vegeta rrom I t is a rnuco-pur ulent d1sctiarge uaused k 1 riv the p esence of a ' ogctable p11r.as1te m t he Ai on Oi y c I know ( rncc 1 i::\ 1C 18 Grace England A thu t an(l pon ds I 'I hat w 111 some soJCIS a comlll' down the lane 1 M1 s t P ll t 1 1 1Pt1m~s-w11 ~ " <lo w1thv.hat l hwerotttlr e~Jy f10mDofon v\7agne1 sone SOJ~lS COilllllIT UO>ln the 1011\'l 'u SUCl e,as 1emar et,lllnmgmembtane fthe n<me '[hepred1sp08· " 1 D o1' " I I l 0 the v; atc1 IS p assm.; tlu ongh the earth lr g cau·c& are a morbid stntc of the blood the ] ] " 1 ,, and with wh,it nu'1 piet ty we w 1 ere to l,u1e d own" ar d s and upwar L l s (fo r, 1f ,,, "tche< ',, bl ... qhted corouscle cf t uberc e the o ~erm poison ¥J tf.l:Q-' i. t "' ·'lt:.c~ : ; . . . I ' No' no t I' d II f f db 1 11 /~i t· ~l , \i;}'~·""'~ 1 ·Oh)<" n e iH, rnil~.erl Von d .,i ti 1aymy 1ian<sLpOn rn ,1, o e is Dolm st~1 tec1 to l11s c et, or 1 ie 1 11 een boththcsc r occsscscunbeseen roceedmg C'fsyrhil!s mer11ury 1oxomCP., f10rn t h e ieten \, · "'--' ill I ";l;,4 Ii- " '~! · k now bLL C I d o S he nd Gei ald used oftc» past further hop He means t o uetrny t he kncelmg by the do01 of the wom t t Pl d 1 ecd trnn of the etf~ te matt~1 of the sk m su ppressed , P 1 R ft I f t th h I t l l f t I a one nne an c uni g "1te 1011ge1 sncc pmsp1rat1ooa badly v ent1J a ed s 1e >nmg apart · ' to come heie' but they don t now so much l ,,rr e1 tam o l ' ong l e "on Car tam Moi:ton too ,1 al tee to ns ee mg peuod when tne first process chiefly mentR f1n ct the ~e1 m n11tion of othar nornons m aud bra e was Cl ) mg when she came iast 1 I tell m e Oh I hate h im now I I l .-.te him ' " l hat is it-- wha.t lo it I h e cned concluded the s~cond of v ipor nsm ' from lie blood In~tated oy the·· the .rnmg nwm hen w rtf> i h tt 1 Let th1~ fotl e1 or the gn l have the girl Opemng t < door of the room rn "h1ch he the surfac~ under the mflucnco of the"' SUll s lwane of the nose 13 ever r e>-1u} fo1 the recep 1 , >B I T he ho· shocl hi< ltead Doh n- h' h' 1 'rnen 1f T w , 8 ] 1e found bi nself hee to fac.:e ~ ith the h t t ll t k d trnn ol tile oar11s1te wln cllf r aptd·Y sp~eadks upf 1 ];hat will sp ite l "'n' l P"l es the I 'H 1 L l >-'" (11 OW , ' l ~ tl b t 1 Do b 'h t tl b l ea , is · 1 con mumg- ma e \ ery rap1 tle uos< rtls and rlow n t 1 1e a 1H s or ,1ac o "' .,,. 1 · · " ....« J ' ] 1011 t ' eem to rr eollect JUSt wnen 1t I "1111 nunagl;) 'Joll u ie oy, 00 ar m e oy e 1 Hit rne C.11 1C eae 1 I plo"ress mdeed so tluit 1 rn common to say Lhe throat cansm?, icorat10n uf th e throat up ln.n nvll) ~ 3 nd to caIJ was Im c Jl'1lllJ- - Well, I lIJ commg I '; 1e qu1~e fo1geut,n~ the bO) No" WP. "v\ h a t 1· it I tha~ the cro s ~an then' almost be seen to ohe eustaci11 rn tuhea caosrnµ dm fr"""' bu ... <t t '[he 1Joy 8 eyes weie clu ectcd to the tot w ul isee, lvfl ss (~ 1ace, 1; het 1c1 y ou call he SoJ efo, sn \\Tl oe 1s M ' \\ agner, 'l.h t h t , f r< wrng m th" vo· a[ ,,01 ls cauorng hoarseness, "ncl se~· b t ~:r P 1 t l <' ( lJ f D d " , i, fou nd m tltc ca' e or not ! "niirnsr yon 11 e sir gr o\\ e ac s " ovc m en wneet oun a tu urpmg the p10per structure ot t11e bronchtal 1 1 '" " tae,e o c la l o.n CajJt un iY1cr "on UO\I, uy h , '· -f G ld l 1 ll 1 lmk rn the cham of reasomn" eonccrnrng the tnhes endmg rn vulmonar) consumpt1011 and 1 t:! l Ji "f' """' follo \mg the t hen g1ze sa" that some one t etc o11, )<Hll f reat a\01 tes, ern ' Sh e J.a i gone - ,,,01 e IH } mow value of shelter tohelds "' death E;~ (i (~ ""~ ~ e ~ J~ ~ :'·:ii! ,i,t th undmi w 18 .,Ji<tlun.s an mm tlneat cl ' t h at old J, se ph I hope lle' 11! he where, hut 1t 1., on an 1 tr rn d foi I Man> ,ngemous ape1t1 cs for for the cm e of 1 I 1 - t b I' t th 1 lrn I..( - ) e· I ~hould lJ \e b u n itlH M111 tu1 lo Oh there lw is I\ HEN A SIIOWEh .l<ALL~ 011tarrh have been Ill\ en led but without sue ttnd et,,sc1rtuu·nt ot emu" y '" ie oy ne eap am en no< l l l ll l It l l b t ' I t l b ll th cusB untr o. pllys1c1 au u( long etandrng chscov I <led sn t.lecl to Ch uhe a id le1sm ely JC ,,Lnt,, au o n won c e a ,src1 ' \Vho w iat Ill su~:tnei , as no wee a o>e, a can see e e1cd the exact natnre of th drnea·e and the }-~ Tu. · ,/[ !.\. ,~ ["-,f 1~-:;.. (..., · w 11k ecl up to the cottage d oor J e ief to niy rnmd t o hau" Dulaa -111 clwn · Rou111l frnm t h e b tck of tic ~o tta,s~ l hc1 e efiect m uwre,tsecl ~wwt!t Tlus eflect is, lnl:v appliance V\ \ ich \H ll permanently destroy 4 _ !" " - l VJ _, , ·~) I " N t tL o- t pl>bet- I should hl e to do that ' dv 1 ted w 111 m a nd "1th e di ( ulrna1 y sl'c" d a· said, lai.sely owmg to the pass age of J che parns11e, no matter how aggravated the I 1 1 1 10 saH1 0 I ow' ca1rn, cam, cam V\ onld you s,,,1J Dol"u ;,i,s ] "' put Ins h e 11n do\> n to th<> be1cll water through the 8oil both rn separo.trng I 0ase 8uJfo1ers shonld send stamp 11 ' once 1 · lumsclf " I muot not let myself be oppress nea l rn at the door of t h e r ~om ' \Vould · " 7hn 1 that ' s cl l C t[lbm .llio1 ton I u1cl pi e1)a1mg the atom~ of pl mt food 111 the tor rle"cnpl ive p1tmpbl ·t on c1ttarrh to th~ " .;1~0Ui · S<:!CIHH\ n 1 · ·~ .,.~ on "~ 1 01'!.·'" · eel by too much fe elmg or those V\ ho ha ve I btrnmes" manneers .A II Dixon & Son, 300 h a·drnr >ltot!l I teallv "C iptttm Dofan e,1rth fo1 n ouushrnent to vile gr owmg plant, Krna st ieet w est Ioronto Uanad 11 usc 1c a~ a" ei1.pon o.g..mst me tha t you, 1and m eauymg t hem w1th1n reach of it~ What the Rev E 'B Steven ·on n A a Clergy J none \H !lhs W 1gner did not scrn tm-she" O« too " An. Hold -stop, , 1llam 1 w ill soon wound my ohai t J ho111fied for that- but she stoo1 l like a sta Dolan "' 1th 1stomsh TI" speed reachetl roots It is now to be noticed th ib where m an of the London Conf e1 e11ce of the .llfeth':t IIc tapped o.t tile door and it was msta.nt tue w1t b he1 bonnet stnngs m her hand th n f the se t Lirn trne lad 11sen fields possess the shelter g11 en by woods dial Cha? ch of Canada has to sau in r eaar Jy opened by no ot her th an Mrs W agnei I ' e marg 11 0 To A Ii Dixon & ilon s 1'o ew Treatment for lf d fi t , h t glarrng ,1t Dolan in d om of the bo~t~ that we h "e rernem this 'aluable process will hst much 1onser, 1 C',atairh 1 1 1 1 11 iers~ wtw [ ial c ka e atnh, t"lvet 'l wt tal S he wa8 certamly fascmated h1 Dolan's bcrod 1" berng on the heach, V\ as afloat He for tlns reo.son, that the m01sture -will re j Oaklans Ont Oo,nMla March 17 1883 '.JF WORTHLESS !M1 IATIONS llOW er rn 1 Jouk as he 1 se1n ug tlie mam 111 the l a nc, l d ryrng out s1ow1y, w h 11e I Messrs A H Dixon '"' !'Jon ' t ' sor o h oo aoon f la e t very slowly <:i,me mto Jthe room spran< mto it in a moment an<, cap am sees e was prepare<1 or rests ance J 11 k l f t d' " d fl man OJ)en country it piob~hly would not llEArt :ims Yours or tlu t:lth rnst to band. As there are mnny 11fer10r 11e 0 1 118 eyes upon ier- ascma e 'Mi~ \V"gner , said Captam Morron sti eeprng ous, p u [t Beemed almo·t t oo good to be true that I am , goods corded with Jute I , \Vell, sir I' C ipt::tm J\lortou 1ead eel l is own boat last one fourth of the time Vi e w11l un cured of Ca tanh 11111 { kn< w tllat J am I 8 pcOJ?le tu 81 irJ to be by thee) es of a ser hemp, C llC , offered o..nd sold tt pent, an cl Dolan s movements as he crept up o.n d, do.slung rnto the surf, he boat ded It dei sta.nd tins better if V\ e consider how it IS had no rn rm n of tl, d1Be1<ao, and never as Cornlme by some un I "I 1 t , wan o spea{ oyou tohctV\orc re )til ehke 11Jdcallcdout thatthe r,tp1d p tssageof currents of an1reltbetteirnrn 1 life [ h r.n tried so man:v pnncioled met chants trad I rng ou tbe rep11tat10n of You Jrn, e yot r tongue, then, I fancy ,y It ,, " '{:hat man Jn the artlle>-o' ei ti ke lnm 1 across a countiy 01rries off its me rntn e chm.;s for Cami rh suil"er d muuh anu for our r~en1t:iH1e (:lq)i'U.hnc~ ,., t , 'Out of TI!) way, wom 1n 1 said the cap ou ' "Ill VI ou 11 c you ( ll \Ve ,.. " f· , -'"·· th~ g ~o mau:1 yea, s t>b ..t 1 t '" h t\I d t 0-real1ze that 1 tl - p 111 cl fl cl She h,.d t ·pea,k ,1, me an o:i.1 "1 ·w 11 0 JI s.,.a um o au pa svs ...,,,oso " 1011110 , rum re11.lly tlei we wm n t1Je ladrns a a1nst 1 1 I:m, wit~" sud en 1 ercenass,.J-r;t a at me - - '1' (JU w oulcl l!J,e to see ine hnng' b , l am yet Mid recei ves fi om <onhct ' certam proper r consider that m ue was a very bud cAse it :m en impoB1t10 1 by dt a.w ing thct1 e t e LITw'!fr,'11 - !TI! r grre wonc er :ave pa A ur Ylll1 ound only came from the ' A~ "Y Sil s11d the sailo1 and the t1on of the m01,tme m the soil 13nt that I was aggrnvllied itnd chrome, rnvchrng the u ecesf:nty o~ som ig t-wt the t1ence with your rnsolence and don t call my g g gW ' b t 0 t 'the N antilus sl ot tin HI 0,It the wa.ter strntnm rloe~ not , ontmue to pass next to I th1oat as well as the nasal passages and I name men and lock you np a t once Out of t hP throat of Mrs agner oa f h h cl o·ight it "ould i equla th< &hrno LieaLrnents, ( ibhet ccl-eh n pinsm tof Dohn the t,'lound, fo1 t he vapo1 o wate1 w JC it out I feclfnlly cm ed by thB two sent me and d 11 1 g 1I 1 1 1 1 w,,~Y-a c bau kc 'lIUJc · nsho entt'o'f edec t , ~r I (TO Jll' CO NTrNTn u ) h 1s 1~Ni1vecl h< m g much h,;hter than an >tm thanklul tha.t T " 110 ever mduced to send ' l you e qmc sa1c1 a e 111r i, us ~1 o- -n) :Nleicy on me ca,nse:s 1t munechately to rise o.nd be replaced o H m nto,mped on mner side of all Cornlmo goods, itl Place1t t here-thatw11ldo' ' Ah --- b ,.i 1101 one \\htchm itsturn 01rnesoff Yonntc1ttltbertytousoth1s letter stating )1 18 \Va<rnei obeyed Captaw Mortons 01 [ 0 \ms with somethmg bet~ een ,\ howl I ) 1 'll ' ' f I ~hot I La ve b"Gu cmed ,,t two treatments and Without which nono are genume, "' f I I d d tl t 1) l her Gurnnt10 Giants its s mre ns process r!Oes on, o course, 1 r shall gladlv rccommencl vour remed~ to some 1 d e s b .) a sot t o mstuwt e la cowe I an t1 } e 1 rn o an sprang upon ' I when fields are sh elte1 ed~ and 1s valu,tble to of my frrnnda who are sulterers h er an l c tu,;ht h m b) the t l 1oat She rel! to The ex1stenc e of whole nations of gigantw «rowth llut >1 iicn they are not it proceeds Yoms with rnanv thanks ' \Vhat? sh e sarcl, "whoth~ floor Ill a swoon pcl sons may well be queohone l but there ~1th unnece,·ary rap1d1t)' so as especially i=;11:v E B SI EVll:NISON 8 _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ,_r_o U i! 11 " Silence 1 ' \Vlut JS that cued Capt,1rn 1\Io1 t on, can be 110 reasonn hl e clonbt of the r eality of Ill a dry tnne when evers showei 18 , aluable, and lrnndred_ s ___0 _ h_e _ r_ culturistof much benefit __ I She was silent on the moment i , 1 ( ope ned thedoorof the1oomm \\hICh c01tammdn1duals,"hosc he1ghthasg1e<\tly t depnv e the ,,.,11 'Shut th,, dom ht Vi ,s w J.itmg ' vVhat is that 1 exceeded that of n1en m .;ener al The gu:mt 1~s crops mwht e obtarn cd from the por JY En tire B LO cJ, to be " x es sir t · 1 h e1e " as no reply as a cu110s1ty has been seen by nearly e\ er Y ;ion of r 1111 ° w Juc h fell !\. sh el tel ed field '\.Vhne s the g.i.rl y ou call Grace 1 Be The room 01 ene<l 111 the dn ectwn of the Canad1 m bo~ in the museum ancl m the is dned by \ "low upward nlO\ ement of 1 qmck I' ·01mcl that lJolan had made, on to ' little, CII CUS '1 h e stones of gieat gmnts of the v 1po1 An unsheltered one IS dried hy the ·:Grace claik pur;s,ige, l1nd it was horn that ago.m ·ges a re more thln mteres~rng 'Ihe 1 ,i,pul, h,ilf cucular, or elhptw movement No" dare yourepeav my words without that the ch 01 of the apartment Dolan ex 1et he1,.,ht of Og, the Kmg of IJashan, ho.s of successive waves of an-t r11tnral d1ymrr 1 'Ihe goods will be sold down below cost answermg me? Be qmck-whcre is she o.nd Mm \V ~gne 1 -v1ereopened, and through been f1 eq uently gnen gome supposm.; hun machrne, m fact Fi om the ,,bo>e o.ny on~ ~ I h e v nee m which Captam Mor ton spoke [ which Dolan had appeaiccl, to the sm pr ise to ha V< bt:!en rnore th"n twelve feet lll he1Jht, will see the 1 e1tson, so far as at present un Hats, Bonnets, R;tbbons,~Laces, li}owe 1s, j w.-.s such " roar that 1t tilled the little cot and the constcruat1011 of 1 110 gmlt) io8<)cmt e wlule others tlullk his stature did not exceed derstood, why erops of all kmds do better, Feathers, S1lk8 Sat w·, lnshes, v elvetg, tage and tetnfied Mrs Wagner Dohnhardlyperm1tted h1ms 1f to b1eathe eleven feet Iu like manner the gi<1nt Go other tlnn"s berng equal where shelter ed fl"RQI('~ lOl~ST Ii 1mges, Gimps, Cords, Collars, l! r1llrng, "Ornce Dolan?' "I thought I heard a cry, saJd Captam hath, of the Bible is 6enerally computed to hy woods ~r rov, s of tree; Th., passage of !WY - ~ 1'. I'" Ap1ous Hose, Wool Jackets, Berlm "No" said Captam Morton "You Morton h ave been mne feet mn e mches lugh 'hut water through the s01l do\\nwards by Vlool8,' Saxony, S11K Floes, AraRen , know that sa h e I vVher e his she 1 Qmck 1 All wt1s p10foundl3 still now, and Captam commentators suppose thrit he unght h:t\ e gravity, upwaids by the ~uu" attraction, is T nse l, Eruoroiderie., &c the Heaven abo' e us l Morton returned to the room He thought be,en ful~y ele\ en feet 1 TIIli G:itE u ME\ NS m lll!:AIUNfT 1 LANT Foon. He rose from }us ch 1ir and laymg hold of h e might he mrntal,en, and the natural dis Ihe E mperoi M'.tx:ummiB "as mne foet Also a great vapety of Fancy 1t dashed it to pieces ao-amst the floor of the hke he had to mtrude mto tlieother dep ut m height and severalothe1 Romans of eq 1 1al to the1ooto lhat mo·ement 1s much and Goods cottage " m ents of the cottage deterred him from stt1tm c a te said to have IIVed <lurmg the lllJur10usly sho~tened where currents of atr Pumps Cheaper and Better "She is not here- I declare, srr, she is prosecutm[,, t search reign of Augustus A ccounts ate sweep unmte1ruptedly over the soil 'Ve than ever. MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO not here,' said Mrn Wagner He sat down qllletly to wUit for Mrs m the philosoplnc 11 tranS<tct1ons of the will carr~ the deseript1011 of the process of --- - "Not here Fire il.lld fury, "oman 1 If \vo.gner and Grace- as qmetly a.she could, Royal Society, of hum,m skeletons dug up growth t little fmther, so as to give a fuller )OU don't fetch her ,1t once- " with his feebn"s m such a tumult of e:x:pec Ill E ngland, rneas1 rmg eight and nrne feet idea of t he mo\ement of mo1stme through The Subscriber havmg b1ult a large ne11 PERCH ERON HORSES. "I cant, sir- Oh I cant 1 tatwu "' 111 length These were probably the ie earth il.nd au Ihe plant or tree recenmg l'urop .l<'ac:tory rn Orono, IS prepared Island Home Stock "\Vhy 1 \ \ hy ?' roared the captam Then Dolan opened the door le tdmg mto mams of Romans M my fabn Ions an<l con noi,nshment by its rnots r ece1ves also muc h -to furmahFarm, Grosse Isle. " Beca use s he 18 dead 1 the assa e and listened very attentively tradwt01y stones ha' e been told at one tirnc water whwh is the vehicle canym g it By Jlhch, LS very conve.. "Dead 1 Dead Dead 1 On, Heaven 1 , ~ hogl; here 1 he said " \Vhat 18 it of the Patagomans who accordmg to ;ravel t ins it is c1x 11ecl to the lea\ e 0 and there ex Q l!'! ll:S~RIDT rm ~';~~J .{ ° ~b~i~dfg~ 'Joolate- toolate i (xrnce- mych1ld-rny tho.tcanhc here? Some one spoke- who le1s,ha\ebeenaraceofg1mts AnEnghsl~ posed t~ theact10Dofthea11,>1h1ch gives PUMP~ U i'J.'l iJ~ li Ir an I slaud m De110it ! O\\n-my cbrhng- dead 1 Oh, Cod 1 Oh, can it be?' offic11tl once deehred th tt heh Hl me ism en it o.11 that poi t1on- o. ve1v cons1der.ible R1ve1 tenmllesbelow Goel H e wcut and shook M is yVagner 1the bones of men m sepulchies m Sot th qn,mtity- of pla nt food, wlnch can not be W it h or without Porcelam Cylmder, al ~~i~~~r·w ~8t fin~a Ile Eank to I\< b 1ees on the brick flooring "y\. retch 1 he said ' vVretch, tell me i\.mmw ,, between eleven an<l twAh e feet obtarned from th e soil, hut from the atmo t h e Beat Material, on the ahortest notlcr larg~.iumberofpnro of the co·ttge and sobbed bitterly who is 111 the cotta.;e? lngh lmner, the nattuanst, declares t hat sphe1e Ihence the food b sent to tll pa1ts ttnd at the 10111 e~t pncea bredandgrndostal "Ah 1 s ud llils Wtrrnei " I thotwht , Bah Imustsecfor m sel' It"illbe he once saw uponthe co tstof b1ace oftheplant butthewaterdoesnotrcmmn ..., _ 0 i.T l th t "'t f t Y of gigantw sav.,ge~ one oI whom "'s w1th1t Mostof tlns h as p t$sedm\apor OmternTubsandPumpssuµphed. lions, broou mares I H t andcolts ofallages so .i.,ow, s1r U)Oll a eany rnb os"'y o worse 01'\l 1 10evoii rn t 1 f t lt 'I b 0 l 1 t wi1 ot f ti th 1 1 to select from All me ou will e1 ha JS alter vom tone J)ol n ere t out mto the lit tle passage we ve ee m ieig aWl1) rom JC 1co > es ow giea e c ec u' pure bred stock reg G1~c!1s n ot aea~ iLn~ I alcne can restore and ciouche~ do wn close to the door of the 'l: UJ ne1 l ' oil the more CJ edi hle, liy the st,tte qu :mt1ty of w ttcr thus passrng rnto the at WELLS CLEANED & RERlHRED . latered m tho French and American Stud 13vQks her to o u tf on rti e her father roo 11 m "hich C 1 t am MOl ton V\ as The ment of M Thevet, of l ranee "ho , n his musphe1e m ·y be 1mas,ned f1 om the fo ct r~~~ ,c~~~";.~~f:;~kgSAVA~Ed& ~A:n'k"u~~ "NJt-no~ de~d? key w ·S 111 t he i!ck on the rns1de, a nd Jt rlescnption of Amenc,1 vu ul i·lteu m l an s Ill that" ~lhlfiower h as by expcruncn., h een g DET!l.011', M:ro!L "0:ctG<>ll ly not Get 1p , SlI I Sit down I W1S 'c:Cldentallv so turned th tt it stopped 1575 aoserts t hat h es tW and mc1sm ecl the fo 111(1 to enut t hr ee half pmts, incl a cab " l~ ~· ft B~AD i ~J-1 Do ou hea me S., ,}own l <Ja tho kc hole l'1 r ou h the lock,, 011 sloeleton of a Sontl1 Ameueart w lnch \as l11ge2 ) 11qmdo m<;esdauy Forcsrstransp1re l.HUl U~P fl../All'\i !!:. U \ (\}tarn Mo' ton lo >led ~ulml~ a t M s 'he ot?et side of the gent rnnce end tne key eleven feet fave rnc hes m length Io the e 1mll10n" 0£e,1tllons daily, ancl t ms greattlans \ \\a,,~er " P'o cctcd !Lhollt the eP htb of an rnch remark' hie mstance1 uw,y b< ulded "' ell p a tt1un of uool rnpo1 ascendmg meetm,; 'fO GlV~;: 8A]'[Sl·'ACTION I "b l d " f h k t I " propo1 boned In mg man w homD1crnet u oel done! i ch trved ~ 1th war mer \i tpor effed5 I \Voman te sat ' I you t 1Il O as I Dolan tned with his nails to get hold of sa" at Uti edlt n1e 1sur u o Cl" hb f<cl s ix piecrrntatw~1 a o it ts ~alletl that ts to s ~:v I surne an} ~ower over me on 1cconnt of what '-1118 I t nro,ection and turn t he kev He B ,.., "' t l 1 ' ' I 1 f s tgn r , m ches D1 ecamus an anden sc '" tP, i o.m fo ests bern0, t hus the cau se of tl.e cle Orders' by Mall p1 omptly att(Jnrled to. I vc 1 m iy 1 1o l" 1ost c111ld, yo l 0 rnld th I not I t ' h h · t trnow oI my k 110 'i co.n 0(ue~s tile , f I 1 J r eports 111vmg see 11 y<u o ume ee, a seentofmuchmore,1101stm et ant eyuause ~ are nns a 'en wP mcers he mutter ed 1 ta man of ten feet 111 l a wom~n nme fcev m t o 1tISe I lie~e mo' emenfa of h eat and 11>: rnelrngs and ohJ< cts of such as ~ou I will pmcCTS l\h yes 1 tlus will cto it- this will , t I t t th t .i DOORS SAS H BI.IN DS PICKIJ:TS 1 ~. 1 bu of ou the mfoimati m I seek and you Ine1g11 m01s m e 1c m; on our ear , c1 c b e an" 1 , ' ' r,t I Y ~ do it 1 \V,iltei P~rnons who act ed ll.S por tc1 to noun sh all 1 eo-etable lite ' , , ' "' must sell it t 1v1l ly 01 I will manage to get 1t I He took from his pocket a pistol bullet Km( J wmes I of En hncl, was seven feet six '"' MOULDI~ hS, &c , kt pt on hand else-,1 l1c1e, a,nd, l~ that caoe, I will v.t once mold By openmg 'hen t\\ o cunc,t\ e pm rncl~s Ill stattire t th e Chme'e daim I \\I c RI \I L > rnTJ<Rl J>Rll t tke yon m,o c 1 tody twns, he h1 d a, l 11il of p n ce1s, ancl h e t o ha\ e men arnon 1 them m tl e l tst c:cotmy 1"1th anti checl t hen beneti.,ia1 com e w hen i" ho were fifteen feet ln l Howe H t, th is we flp,p 1ve ,, h,ul of too gr e tt ,1 p o t t10n of " A truce, sir, ' said Mr \V «ncr " I clutched the end ef th" \cy \Hth the ll " Ihar w1lldo 11e -v1lnspe1edft 1tl) lrepoit may ltavcno rno~ e fo nmlat10n t h 1 r its forest prot ectwn It is not ut 111 ioo 1 A LL LIVER A N D KIDNEY COM- k now all about t nc g nl Shcwo.swreckcd fiorn an i\m..,nca11 ~hip Oki H utchrns 'lhe],oy turned l the <lu onolo ical fables o' the sous of rrnoh t o s1y t lt1t uow m uln eefourths of PLAlY1d, D YSPE PGIA, fNDIG ES r- ),nows al about her, too, for she lived with A s h 0 ht i.01se which it m ode caused Cap Chum "' \ se ttled Ontil.110 1t is ti 110 t o mttite the ralc lnm and h is wife for a long b1mc tam J\iorton tos1)l rng to his feet I _ hc1e fl,R i t i< m No1>1ay, that for every tree j IO N A]'.:D ALL Dl~il '\ SEf, AIU·,ING ' I tuow tlrnt H u tchms told m e so and "What 1stlut9 \ c 1t clown t lH· slnU be planted T he woods Fl~OMDtSAR H A N'GE1\I1iJN \ ;::;oJ TBI ~ that Dolm took her from h un He is Dolanliashecl away rnto tl e othe 1 1oom ~{1lsHrn 0 cn,theN011 eg1an whohasbce 1 wJ1l shelt.e1 1 ountryare,.smuchameans 1 ma m oment and closed the door noiselessly n o mrnated fm Cong ress to s ncccecl the lite 1 of cultn aticn, 111 th eu w ity, as 11re tht dcarl ' LIV EH. AND Kl DNEYS Hu tch1; < dead? He then t ook fwm his breast a pistol :111d W I Pnce of ' ' 1scons·n will be one of the plough· n <erl 10 turn np the sc 11, and the ex - - --I ' Y ~s I wa , \Hth lnn'l m his last mo held 1t m his hand, \I ith the imrnde pomt et! gr c11t men of the F1rt1eth Co 1;n ess, so far as ptnence of oth< r lands shows us that if the . ! ments and be to1d me all he k new I nOIV toward the door ·1zc goes Hern si x fEet fom mche,, and forest~ be c l est10' ed a tune will come when PU!'l- 1 ~a 1t r:i.y daughter, " ho 1s thw G"'Clcc Dola n, But Capt,un Morton did n o+ seek h .m 1 pv~1., nts 30) p ounds He oweo Ins g1eatness the plou g h may be used m varn I Jrn,ve de · "\TT a, she has b een called so long If voa aid He contented htm"" lf by merely opemng the marnl y to Ameuca, 1s he IS not mu h of I ,oted thrn let iei p 1 me ipally to one po mt m fi v'J me 111 gettn g at 011ce p ossession of her YOU room door o.nd look rng oi t 11to the little 1 No. wcgian Like most d the ptomtn ent fo1esti y, nam~ h' the dcsn ability of so ~~ ~'"."" ~~']1 ____ m 1y almost nwme :you r own rewa· d p sage I Sc1ndma>J tns he came to Amenca when hi sheltermq; f1elcl as to prevent too r apid dry I ,... ~ "jl\ if ~ .,..... r-. M 1s \Vaguer .1 eficcted 'N <tlrn13 ' h e said " Ihe " IMl, I sup 1was a b aby, and was ed ucatcd to b e an Am~r rnt; of t he so1l ft er mm, ,,nd thus g1 vmg the J I.VA.{) \~_., I " America 11esMd, "and f1 thousand po'e' J1can 111 Qpeech rind ])ahit· Haugen ts a ctopsfor 'lornei space oft1me the benefit - - SV'-' -·· ~ Q ) pound" Ile cl osed the door ae,am and e1J down 1grncluate A thehv, ,ch ool at Ann A1bo1 lofthe ch ief nthual aRststautof growthL~v~ P 1opnetor, Toronto I A 6 1eed lsmy--hild hue ' P~raway then ilewlns thonghtstoln sonce 1 M:wh, ch·~ of 74 JTe 1s a frnc st eno thvpas·age orw1tei auclthevapo1 of water, 1 a!',, a ~11. I · _ _ __ ! "No hap py hut iwvi cle"olate- o h 1 so dc~oli1te- gr iph er , and made lns hvmg tt com t re Ione dowmva <l 1ml the other upwar dl!l/f' I am f ull:vprepar ed to a.ttend Fune~aln on SOLD E y '! "\\ l me-w't rn the 1 ~ In any of these home m tne N ew \\ orld- that home wluch poi t mg for seveial years He h is been lll t h1oug h the sOLl It" ould be' er y desirable the shortest J>.ot1ce at the lowest poss1bln rates cotta0 cs' Spe 1k to me 1 'I ell me where he yet h oped to br ng the smishi nc of JOY the St Lt< Leg1sl,1tme several terms, a nd that eour1ty or township authorities could 0as kets and Buua~Casesrnady on short no"ice 1 BiG If~ JI ?ii it \:1.f>'I 111~ & § 0 NI' she JS 1 01 Ct111 J 011 gei ho ab once for me; I mto by the presence of his long lost cluld smec 1882 has been State l~a1lr oad Ci mm1s 1move 111 this rr11tter so as to make the pre S~Is:u~:~~J.'c~';i\~s~on!:~:Kt1~~~e~:~~.teF~~ The m oney-" In nnagmat10n, he would hear the breeze s10ne1 He hts ,\ big, round, moon face servatron of s1 10lter general ov e r considerable ral oa.rdssupvhed at once Furmtnre Shov &; BO 1~ l\'.I A _-i- VILLE i "Is here-here m tlus p ocketbook a'.Ylong the maiestic trees of lns natn e woods and m very hght m complex16n Istietche· of country Iuchv1d1Jal efforts a re 1 how Rooms-Bonnsall sNew Block I Jno. M.c};lurtry & Co. 1 I rl S -----1 tl D K I =-- CATARRH. I 1 11 1 I I 0 I --- £' I ° I l" I 0 0 10 (\j I 0 ' ,;v '1cm1ty I ¥ I I I I i\i N 1' ·r T l I BE I ! I I 0 I r ! '° I ! 11 I[ n l ·-·--i msolU'S I Im, Cleared Out in 30 days l l I I 0 DER NOS IN c 0 THE E'RIEND I I IR) ()rODO Pump Factory. 1 05 l'!lf EVf.&'JlY I I lun I l I I ji.\ l wnn rEn I I I" BI ourt J"R I I ' I l'\t I I I I 0 0 l " I I The Greatest Blood Id er in 1,he or . I I £' t{ I 0 urn 01 . TA KiNc MQ!e)RllS ;:::::, 0 I rm I " I l

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