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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1887, p. 4

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,.t:1 ·sd8 "p ,.00 +:> ~ ~ bO ·r-1 ....... ~ 13~ · . ~ ~ w "d 0 ,.,.-4 0 +:> <D s:j ~.8 '+-1~0 00 Q) ..p ~ U1 as~ ...:I ~ o·~ oo" 0 0 s C'J . l> <D .. CD ~ ~ 0 RECKLESS EXTRAVAGANCE l'AY AT'.IENTION TO THIS . ELECTORS! Electors of West Durham. 0 ~~P1 As the leader of the opposition, Mr. Edward Blake, has· duties to perform which prevent hie being in West Durham more than two or three days before th(> UNDER CONSllJt\'A'l'll'E ltU(,E, election on the 22nd instant, and gi-t·ing Debt of Canada in 1878 .... $174-,957 ,000 personal visits to you, he has to leave his " " 1886. . . . 281,314,000 interests in your hands, trusting that you will guard them well aod that you will Increase in 8 years.. . . . . . . $106,357,000 give him your vote and iufluence. Annual expenditure, 1878 ... .$23,503, 000 " " 1885 ...· 35,037,000 ~~ ·,.-111 ~ tll +:>8 ~~~ ~'"d ~ ;.j ~ JI1 . THE PROSPEOT. Never dicl the Liberal party of C&nada enter on a contest in better spirits or moro determined to win. The dmost unbroken series of triumphs in the Provincial a 7.!d bye-elections of 1886 have inspired them with fresh vigor and courage for t he fin& ! struggle. Everywhere they a re uuited and enthnsiast,ic. Everywhere they are bent on "turnin,c: the rascals out." Increase per annum......... $11,534,000 Farmers r epresent about $ 14 out of every $15 of the taxable property of the Dominion. How long are you gorng to stand this extravaganue and be blind to yuur own intcreste? Electors, you have the remedy in your own hands. By recording your votes for Mr. Blake you can drive from pG>wer those who have so shamefully abused the trust that has been committed to their care. Vote for BLAKE and economy. Mark your ballots as shown below. Election for the Electorial District of the West Riding of the County of Dur ham, Ontario, February 22nd, 1887 O,.a 0 Because be it remembered that 106 of tho 281 millions of debt have been added since Sir John A. Macdonald took ~ <D r-i office io 1878 . The people gave the hero of the P11oific Scandal a new lease of ·r-t power and he added 106 millions to their .--4 debt! Q~ Nor is this o.11. The a1111u*l rO\·enue, Q) notwithstanding the increaaed taxation ~ under the N. P. does not meet the ex · penditnre. There was a deficit in 1885 of $2,240,000; in 188G of $5,865,000, and l . George Tait Blackatock, of there will be u. deficit this year of about the City of Toronto, Barrister$4,000,000. at-Law. Would any sane business M'lan keep in his service a business mllnager who financed in this way '/ ls there a Tory BOWMANVILLE,FEBRU.ARY 16, 1887. 2. Edward Blake, of the City of business man in Boill'manville or 1iny 'l'oronto, Barrister-at-Law. other town who would do 10 ~ N ot on". --·- ··- - - - = We repeat, the nationa.l debt ancl tho HON. E. BLAKE ' deficits al~ne constitute not only a suffiWednesday, Feb. 16,iu the Sons' Hall, cient but a. most ur~ent rea.son why Can.aNewtonville, at 2 p. m., and in the Town JUSTICE ON THE TRACK OF dt~ should have a change of Governmout. Vote for Blali:e. Hall, Orono, at 7.30 p. m. d .-0 · ·~ ~ (!)'~ c\3 .l4 '"d r~ 0 (a">f ~ o~ re) r-1 ~ P-t f:t +:> ro ,.o = bJJ ~ Q;) Why Make a Change 1 = 0 <tj 00 ~ BLACKSTOCK. BLAKE. There is a public debt of mort1 than $1,000,000 on each of tl1e constituoncies in Canada. The public debt of C1ma.da has iu·;reased $75 a minute during the whole of Sir John MacDonald's administratio11. Allowing 10 working heurs a day tlrld 26 working days t o th<i 'DOnth. Hon. Ed. Blake defi nea the Libeml Policy as follows : " I believe in the vi"w of the Moderate Protectionistsan ample advantage to the home nrn.nufacturer. Free Trade, as I h&ve often explained, is for us impos~ible, nnd the issue is whether th<:1 prt'sent tariff 1s perfect, or clefectil'e and uuj 1.rnt." A Mail Quebec special s:1ys Mr. Blake ha.s written to a friend in that city statin~ that if hi~ Qnebec supporterR can evenly divide the provmce in the l<~edeml elec· tions, th ey can count upon a majority for their p ·~rty in the House of C1 rn1rnons, of 37 votes. Tue Lib 1~rals in Quebec cbim tho.t the province will give Mr. Blake a majority of at least ten. The published RtatP-ment shows that t he receipt~ of the Dominion Treasury for the seven months of the fiscal year ended on January 31Rt, were $1(),735,303. The tota.l expenditure for the same period was $20,532,575 Deficit $788,272. There are just two wt1ys to get away from these deficits : increaae the t"-xation or reduce the expenditure. The Tories will never consent to the latter plan if they are left in «>tlice. Bettor get rid of them before it is too late. .1 When a Tory is reminded of the infamous a cts of tile Macdonald Government, which cannot be defended, his reply gell.erally is, one party is as bad as another. Thi8 aMsertion is not correct a.ncl cannot be sn8tained by proof. Dnring Mr. Mackensie's administration not a smgle charge of corruption, or even a dis~redittlble tran5action was eTer brought homo to him or any of his colleagues. His slanderous opponents asserted that he was guilty of corruptio n in the of steel rails, b ut they failed to p rove the charge, and the l\fail a short time a1<0, in j uetice to Mr. Mackon·ie acknowledged that it was utterly groundless. OontrHst Mr. Macktinsie'R t\dm1uistratioa with that of tho presen 1 G < ·vernment. Sir John Macdonald, M all know, haR ret·ined power by the mos!; disreputable mea11a. H e was thrust out of office on account of his corrupt act~ in connection with the PacificRailway, and to retain power, bart er~d a way &he public domain to secure the support of the members of Parliament to enable him to place on the Stntut0 book two of the most infamous measures tha.t ever receivecl thA aauction of a. deliberative body, the Gerrymander n.nd Franchise bills. 'fhe enactment of these laws was a gross infringement upon the rights of tho irnople and was perpe\rated to aid in eecuriug the re~urn of members of Parliament of his own easy politic·l virtue, who, if elected, would vote to retain him in power. O~ PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES as cheap as the cheapest. are unequalled for quality and price. We Frame Pictures FULL LINES OF STATIONERY AT LOWEST RATES. Wall Paper at cost. REMEMBER THE PLACE : KEN NER & CO.'S VARIETY HALL. ...,_ _ · · o -· · · · ·· · · · H o ·· · · x O/SSOL U TION OF PARTNERSHIP AFTER THE BRIBERS! THE EVIL-DOERS. On Thursday, Feb. 17, in the Town Hall, Cartwright, at p. 111., and in the Twe Teu Tho1unu1l Dollar f!luilH fe1r Bribery Sons' Hall, Tyrone, at 7.SO. l1tstlt11t-0d- A11d lllore Co J:'ollow. The North-West Trouble. The misgovernment of the North-west would of itself be a sufucient r eason why Sir J ohn A. Macdonald should be defeated at the p olls. A Government in Britain guilty of the one-hundredth part of the iniquities of which ours was guilty in the Northwest 'Tould not be kept in office a day after Parliament met. For every dollar of the millions spent in puttini:: clown the insurrection, for tivery drop of bloud shed, the government is directly responsible. They have acknow'.r11ey have 1.idged their respGnsibility. pleaded ~uil ty. They have not doue so iu words-though their ~r~an, the Mail, did so for them-but they have acknowledged their guilt by their acts. If tho claims of the half-breeds were not just, why did the Government send commissioners to the country and eatisfy two thousand of these claims 1 Had theiie two thoueand settlers no grievance 'I If they had, they should have had redress years before ; if they had not, commis. sioners should not have been sent to give them thousand& of dolla.rR' worth of scrip. There is no escape from this dilemma.. If every other act of the government had been right this N orthwest buoil)e11s was enough to hurl the go\"tirnment fl ;um power. Vote for Blake. · is Contemplated IN THE FIRM OF ELECTORS. Hon. S. lI. Blake will address the electors io the Town Hall, Hampton, on Friday, Februl' 18th, 1887, at 2 o'clock p.m., i n the interest of .Hon. E. Blake and. good government. A LAST WORD. This is the lRst iesue of this journal before the election. Next week we shall defer publication one day, eo as to pre· soot the result of the grand victory we coofidenMy anticipate for the Hon. E. Blake, a11d the Liberal party at the polls next Tuesdo.y. The reports from all Canadian manufacturers are not blind to the fact that their interests are safe in parts of the Dominioll indicate that Mr. the hllnds of Edward Blake whose avowBlake will ha·e a large majority at his ed political principles are . s uch as elicit back in the ensuing Parliament. There :l.dmiration from every honest, upright seenis to b e an herculean effort being mao, and who has so explicit.ely declared that in regard to damaging changes in the mad.a to defeat Mr. Bl,.ke in West Durtariff they have to foar norhing from him. lum,but there is no doubt of his electiou At Belleville the other day the following by a handsome majority, if the Reformu.ddTe111 was presented to Mr. Blake, 8Tl1 do their duty between now and five the £ignature1 of nineteen im. A New View of the Public Debt. bearing portant firms engaged in manuf~turing o'clock next Tuesday night. Those perPROMISE AND FULFILMENT. e.ons who have been able to sell dogs, cats, In 1878 the n et public debt of Can"da industries: "We b9g, sir, to assure you that we view with satisfaction your wellwas $75,720,000. · fowls, canary birds and nil other emall '£ rust me in power yet once again, said defined position on all matters pertaining it is over $220,000,000, within thiogs at such "satisfactory price·," can Sir ,John, and I will make many reforms. to the good of om· country. We abo a fraction of three times ef what it wns Promise-The Northwest 11hall be wi11h to 11.111ure you that your declaration Yote "according to the dictates of conin 1867. peacefully governed and thousanda ot set1ciencc," when they retire in privacy to tellers and millions of English capital For nearly every doll11or of this increa~e on the tariff qutlstion commenJs itself to us as the beet calculated to develop and tl.e rories 11re respomibie. m&J-k t h<>ir bul!ots. If you want Canada shall come i11. ' guarantee the permanency of our home The increase means far more than Fnlfilment Anflther rebellion, 200 governed <luring the next Parliamt!ntary industfies and afford remunerative emwould at first eight appear. ployment to the laboring classes. Placterm by men of honor and integritv, if Jives Jost, $5,000,000 wasted, few emiOn Confideration Day, 1867, according g rants, and English capital locked up at you want the national debt decrea.aed, if mere mention of it. t o The Toronto Loader, fall wheat was ing, a~ we do. implicit confidence in your integrity aod ability, we would unhesitatquoted at $1.85 per bushel. ;you· waT1t our country aaved from bankP.-And the national debt shall be reOne bushel of wheat would then pay ingly place our own and our country's in1;uptcy and ruin, if you want our credit duced. terests in your hoods, b6lieving that they I<'.-It has increHed by over $160,000- off $1.85 of debt. will be 11.druinist.ered in such IL manner as abroad maintained, in a word, if you On January 27, 1887, No . 2 red winter will conduce to the prosperity and welwaut Co.nada to be a free, proeperous ,a nd 000. wheat was quoted at 84c. P.-And there shall be no more deficit. One bushel 0f wheat would then wipe fare of :Ll!." In Belleville at least there pro1r,ressive country, support Hon. EdF .-Eight millions in two yeaL·s. will be no telling of employees that if off only 84c of debt. ward Blake and the CQndidates who will P.-And the a nnual expenditure shall Blakti wins the factories will close up, as So that not only has the debt been ' aasist him in Parliament. We have bad be decreased. has been hereabouts, by fanatical and has increased from $23,000,000 multiplied 3 times, but the paying power subset·vient manufacturers and their two terms of Tory rule, and in epite of to F.-It $39,000,000, and no one knows how of Oatario'll staple produce has been re- agents. If Belleville maRufacturcra are duced by 54 per cent. the fair promises of the Tory party in much more for the current year. In that t ime our population has in- conficlent of prosperity under the coming P ,--,--And tJ1e cost of the Civil Govern1887, our country has gone worse and creased ob©ut one million. Allowing for Reform Government, Bowmanville manworse, ,wery year_ Farmers were hood- ment shall be less. this, th e burden of the debt upon the ufa<'turere ancl their employees have no F.-It has gone from $823,36() to $1winked into supportini Sir .John and his 139,495. earning power of our chief product is ati cause for fear. followers the n by their specious promises. Those who remember the v oluble deP.-And the amotmt of departmental graat as a debt of $372,410,000 would have been in 1857. nunciation by the Tory oratora, of the They were fooled b!\dly then, and we mis- salaries shall decrei>se. The debt in its burdensomene8s has c1·iminalitv of a G overnment that would F.-Thtiy went from $65,000 to $922take the sentiment of the yeomanry of been multiplied about five times. allow a dt-ficit. to exist in the country's 000 . Ca.nada if th ey a llow themselves to be balanc<i sl1eet, iu 1878, will perhaps think P.-And the cost of public printing euohered G\gain. As we s1:1id last week, shall be smaller. it curious that n ..,thing is heard this camFacts About the Pubhc D t:bt. paign on thia particular branch of politiF.- lt increasoci from $17,40G to $244the. issue in this election .is not the Riel The gross debt is $281,000,000. cal financing from these same Tory speak) question, nol' the National Policy, but it 505. P.-And the Provinces will be firmly The net debt is $220,000,000. ers. The reason is obvious. '£ 0 mention is our Ni>ti<>nal, Debt. Read the sta te· knit t ogether iu conten tment and prosThis is over $1,000,000 for every con- the subject, much less to discuss it fully, me.nt.s contained in this issue 1tlone, pon- perity. stituency. is to snj!'qest to the minds of t he electors F.-l:'rin0e ll:dward !&lan.d is appealing ove:- them, comp·r l' your own system $2,000,000 for the average Ontario the u n princi p1.1l chll.ra'.:ter of Tory p olitical w< 'Vhat was the attitude of of cJnduct ine your busiues with the ruin- to the throne for justice. Nova Scotia is county. · threatening to secede. Ontario has car$:100 for every family . the so-cal 1 ed Liberal Conservatives toous extravagance of the Tory Governried case after case to th e Privy Council. $50 for e\·ery man, woman and chil d. wad s the Ma.ckensie GovernmHnt wb.en ment nud con~ider eeriously if our coun- Quebec has been threatened with re-conIt has increased ~75 a minute under as the result of th e serious depression a tr1 can afford to 1 olerate such recklc8s- quest by Sir John's oflicial organ, and Tory rule. deficit was unavoid'.l.ble 7 They declareil If piled up in silver 35 trains o[ 20 cars that tlie existence of a deficit was an d must ne&S and c"rrnption. such squa. nderiog of e ven the meek and docile Norquay has be in every case a proof or incompet ence the revHn112 and resources of our young · uttered threat.a of seces~ion. If there is euch would be needed \o carry it away. a Dvminion left t o us to· daY. it is not Sir It would pave a highway for 105 miles and mismanagement. They dicl mor e. cOlllltry. Gi~ e Ed .. ard Blake a chance John that is to be t hanked for it .- Mon- with d olhtr bills. 'i'hey said, "give us t he reins of power and to show you what good government in treal Heralct. It would take seven years' wheat crops deficits will be u nknown. " In their mad of nll Canada to pay it. plun~e for office they 1vent furt~er. Tl:ey c~nada really will do fo1· us. If after a A Sufficient Reason. If used to wheat at $1.00 a promised to prod nee a surp_lus without mfair trial he dmis not show a b etter record bushel 24 5tl0 trains of 20 cars each cr!l:tsmgthe burden of taxat10n . What have than Sir J ohu has clone,-he certainly The enormous made t o the would he 'required to haul away the thcydone? During the last three years they cannot do :m y worse-turn him out aud debt of the Dominion by Sir J ohn A. wheat. h ave raisecl in taxes alone an average of put a better man in his place. Again we Macdouald's government, nncl the annual ' If the wheat were loaded in wagons 825,360,000 a year, or $6,360,000 a year urge you to vote for Blake and uood f;(OV- deficits of the last ~w.o years, would of placed in line as on a roacl th e line would in Eixcess of ~ackeuzie's :l.Verage: During t.hemselves boa sufficient r eason why the eucircle thE. earth at t he equator and lap the same per10d the debt has mcroased ernuient. · Boocllers should be immediately drivon over. about $62,000,000, or an average of $20,from power. A government that 11.dded, The annual interest is $21 a minute. G50,000 a yettr as against $8,100,000 unas ours has done, to the burdens of the If the money were invested in wheat d er Mr. Mackensie's Government. Worse N ational Debts Compared. peo ple would not be t olerated in England at 80c, the wheat loaded on wagons, ancl still, they have during the fast two years fo1- a day. The Toronto Ma·il puts the the wagons, drawn in close order along p iled up the enormous deficit of $8,000, 1886, 188G. national debt at 285 wmions. The Tories a road at the rate of four miles an hour, 000 ! Truly if broken pledges, delusive ' OA.NAD.t... UNITED STATES. admit a debt. of 190 millions. Mr. Blake for ten hours a day, six days iu the week, promises and enormous deficitcs be a Netdebtper .Met debt per Jigures up 280 millions, and the Globe it would take s ixteen years for t.he pro- proof of statesmanship Sir John is unfamily of family of doubtedly what his friends claim him to five . .. ... $120 00 ti Te ..... $234 00 281 millions. It waa about 280 millions c ession to pa~s a given point. sumo months ago, but the Ma·il, knowin11; The debt is equal to a mortgage of $11 be, "Oan11da's gr~ atest statesman. " May Interest per Inter est per 4 15 head . _. . 9 35 the Government well, probably think& on every acre of cultivated Janel in the we not say has Mr. Blake recently said, head . . , . live millions must have been added since Province . "Mine enemy h ath written a oook and the last statemQnt was made. Quite likeIf every dollar of eur revenue were out of his own mouth have I condemned Mayer, the Furrier, iii domg; a · rushiag ly the Mail is right for once. . . applied to paying off the debt it would him. " Electora, "turn the rascals out." l.<Ju$1ess -making the for fiy. It is P.asy to say or write 285 m1lhons ! take six years for us to "get even." H~ve you seen Tod Bros. , a.11 wool How many of us have any idea w1i11.t these Men's and Boys' Ready Made Ovev figures mean¥ Theartiele headed "FacWI ·el. at 20c, worth 25c. · Da. LelT"S we1t:t1 SYJtllP ....111 r-ove Coats at cl.oarinrr out p1·ic1N1 at Oouch Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Te& at Lni Mor About the Public Debt," will give ye11 ~Yorw·a.iulC'~use, qiilllli:e1·U1an any elkc:r · J I t & C "'d , ' l*llhlolne. ry orman s. 1 o lJlJ! on 11ome idea. s! e.nd get 11. $1.00 Hole fne · . The Central Reform Committee, Toronto, some days ago were furnished with information from Ottawa that it large sum of money- no less than $4,000- had, upon Sir John MacDouald's return from Toronto, o.fter his interview with the Tory manufacturers in the billiard room of the Qneen's hotel, been forwarded to Messrs. W. R. Northrup, of Belleville, and D . R. Murphy, of 'l'renton- two well·kown agents of the 'l'ory party in Hastings and Northumbedand. Relil\ble evidence as to where a large portion of this money was placed by these gentlemen has been furuished to the committee, and writs have been issued ag11.inst each of them for $10,000, for corrupt practices, und~r the Election.Act. It will be llor1te in mind that these counties are fighting-grouncl of Fathcr-inlaw and Minister of Cuotoms Bowell, and i t is not difficult to discover his wellknown tactics in the transaction. 1t might n ot have been altoge~her wron!{ had one of the summonses been d irected to the Minister in person . The1·e are_mru:e....oi such writs to follow. r:;er-tne Bribers aud the Boodlers beware ! . They are being tracked, aud justice will be both awift and sharp ! ROBERTSON & BOND. The change to be accomplished on or about the 1st day of March, when John Robertson, bymutual agreement, will· retire from · the firm. A good deal of money will be required in order to complete the arrangements entered into, and in order ·to make things move between now and the first of March, our WHOLE STOCKwill be o ffered REGARDLESS OF Price or Profit. NO HUMBUGI -E "UT ..A.- - CENUINE SACRIFICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHI~'! SA:LE.. Couch, John&t on &Crydorman are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of I 1n town., and the CU,_I' AND MAKE-UP of their Clothing is I I ==UNAPPllOACllED by any house in West Durham. One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville.

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