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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1887, p. 5

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~armers, before purchaaiug ~inder \ See the cheap Dress Goods at Couch, Twin· e see Shaw & T()le, Bowmanv1lle. lJohnston & Cryderman's. · TnE STATJ>Si\IA~ and THE METHODIST Farmers havin" clover seed for sale will 0 OBSERVER to Jan. 1, 1888, for only $1.50. find W . . Quick & Co. prepared to pay BRAND OF PURE Persian Lamb Cape selling off at great- highest market prices. . ly reduced !)rices at Couch, Johnston & Mr. T.C.·Jewell, Past Select Councillor Cryderman's. No. 48, Royal Templars of Temperance, The carnival number of Grip is to hanu. attended the annual session nf the Grand · Lots of fun and color, and the price is Council at St. Thomas last IVeek. only 10 cents. The W. C. T. U. will meet in the A m11til is now made up in 'l'oronto, for Qaeen St. Methodist Church on Thursday England, 11:oing via New Yorlc, e"ery day afternoon next for the Election of officers of ihe week, except Sunday and Friday, and other bminess. If you have a cough or cold you cannot There were no through trains from the use a. better r emedy than Stott & Jury's cast on Satnrday last, all traffic being Cough Syrup. See their advt on 1st col- stopped on account of the snow. 'l'he unm of this page. trains on Mcnday were much delayed. To FARMERs.-The undersigned will At the dfs9olution nf partnership Sale , pay the highest price for Wheat, Oats, you can buy Lace Curtains worth two t l t t B k t P eas, B ar1 ey, e c., a t ur eon E eva or. d ol h1rs for one t wenty-five per pair, and J. B. McKAY & Co. Curtains wonh five d ollars for three. The Great Standard for all Mr . J<,lrn N. K ivell, Past Prosident of Robertson & Bond "" 11· L d N 19 S f E weakness iind diseases of the ungs ne mgton ge, 0 · ' ons 0 ~ngFm:rn SET <>F IIArtNE:is.- S . Thompson land, was in Barrie week in attend- & Co. will '>'ive gratis to the person buyo !i.mnared nutrition, etc. ance a t tl1e G ran d L d ge. ing " ·oods a t their shop during ~ -- the mos t . "' Cheap at t he dissolution of partnership 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness This Oil is Pure, Fresh, Nearly sale, black cashmere hose worth sixty wo th- $25.00. 'Ta.steless, and therefore most suit- c~nts selling for f~rty oentd, four cl~sp,.,, · -" D e'.'lth has visite~ onr ~0\\:11 once again, kid ~loves worth eighty-five ceots s~lltng carrymg away Miss Mmme McMurtry al:>Je for delicate digestions. for sixty-five cents, saxuny yarn rn al 1 who has been very ill for some time selliug at fifteen cuntslper package . The funorsl to0k: pbce on Sunday las~ None genuine without the name colors Robert~on and Bond. ~d WMVtlry largely attend'1d. IZDA.HL stamped on each c"psule. The ~hina Hall of l\fo~r~. Murdoch W. H1tzzlewood, Hagl:m, Ont. LicensB_ros., is w.ell of a v1s1t by all la.- ed .Auctioneer for t he township of Dar- WHOLESALE BYdies of this vic1mty. TJ:ere are to be lington. All orders for sales in this foun~ there l;'ll·endless v1mety of the best vicinity, left with F. H. Mason, Bowciuahty of chrna! glassware, crockery, an_d manville, will receive prompt attention. fanc?goods which we venture to '8ser~1s -ORno t sur · se b Y many 0 f t lie I arge ctty '_r . Geo. Mason can be seen at " The ator he. D. 0. & P. Co. Ba.Rd went to Star House" for thirty days where he will oronto on Saturday morning to take be pleased to iutroduce his successor, M.r. part in a concert, in Shnftsb11ry Hall, Geo. Laing, to customers· 'l'hia will also under the management of Joseph Ruso. give an opportunity to balance account· The Toronto News says : " The progr11.m cash or rrote expected in every case. wa~ t,-and he band selectiom Dre·s Goode at the dissol u tion of partdifficult, an'd executed with brillumcy ntll"11hip sale, foriy-four inch fine all wool a nd care." The boys .returned home 011 Gorman goods worth eighty cent~ · per Sunday evening. ' .· .,. yard selling for sixty cents, · fi Jr f C·shmerea . Mr. W. Cutts, Arti·t ~.ud Te11cher of worth thirty- ve eerlts se m~ or tw~nhtyPainting, whose studio is No; 14 Duke two cents, twelTe cent Prints for eig t. CROUP, WHO OPING-COUGH, ETC.; St., Toronto, was i n town 011 Fridu last. MBTUoorsT OllSEJl.VER and STATJESllAN. < He brought with him two fine oil' paint-Saverl\l persons who have paid for 'l'mi: Should take SToTT & Jo&Y's ings, one of the Rev. Dr. M.acnab and ST.&.TE~M.A:N have asked us if they can get Cough 8yrup, because the other of our worthy Ma!!istrate, Mr. 'fHE 0.nSDRVER by "' 50 f · f paying I ·bthe · extra. H&ine·. Boih pictures were life-like &nd cents, m terms o our c u bmg 0110r o evidently show that M.r. Cutts under- the two papers for $1.50. )ur answer stands his buaine11s. is, YES. 8end along your 50 cents. P ethick the Barber has laid in an imAucTION SALES.-R. Hutchison, L iccin· ·<ln~ using it, always rt-ccmmend. it and sod Auctioneer for the T ownships of mense stock of smoker' s goods. Pipes, 1tlll noL use auy other klnd. It acts like Clark£>, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Cigars, in and Whitby.All sales attended to promptly endless Tariet.y. Call see this, one M agic, and children like it so well tho.t and at reasonable rates. Where it is not of the lar~est assortments ever brou~ht they· f or t o tlie t own. H air · cu tt'mg and s h aTmg, · convenient to see me, arrangements sales can be made with the Editor or by as· usnal, in the la test stylaa.-tf. · k'll p 0 addressing me at E nms 1 en, · · f · In En..,lapd, where people do not Jive "' b N. B.- I have no agents out eggmg or under the benign influence of the rrlorious ifor it Try one bottle and you wil I f R H tf " oil is ·· ·· sa es or me. . UTc:rnflON. · N. P., the price of American coal neve1· be without it in the 25 t.s . J d 1 · · Id f SPEOUL NoTICE .-Every person. who in c . per ga.; goo ca.1co 111 so or house again. sugar tends buying a set of Harness between 5 cts. per yard ; granulated · 1 h cost~ lb 3 d . ; 4!l a goo amt of c ot es can no" aiid spring would do well to call oa cts. per I · .. a bo bouf.1 it for ..,5, anrl for 25 cts. you can S. Thompson & Co. We are buildin~ · ] t lot of superior s'ets of Harness, both b uy a d t-cent ia · llingle and double, out of an extra grade ·T he picture of the famous Percheron nf No. 1 leather, picked out especially for stallion Jupiter, painted by Rosa Bonheur, our trade, tmd we intend to sell thia is attractini.: a p;reat deal of attentioR in · 0S8 a Sam ·. Harness at u1roinii: pricea. We ompl~y no Paris. F Jupiter himself is owned by Savcheap workmen, 'no apprentices, and age & arnum, protrietora of the I aland onr Harness N6. 1 in every Home atud of Pereh eron hor11es, G rosse Cures Chapped Hand~ qu~ck guarantee r eepect. Remember, also, we have come Isle, Wayne Co. Mich. A l'ery good ento...atay. S. _ 'fHOltl..l'!UllL...& Co. (May's graving of him.made frmn.R osa Bonheur's , .er than any o"flter reirredy. old sta.1d.) sketch, appears in t heir cata.Jo~ue. Tho funeral of the late GcorgeR. J.imes "The Morphine Habit", by Dr. B. ~IUatliaU fook: placo on Wed. 9th inst. , to Bowman- BA.LL, of the Paris .Faculty of Medicine, ~- -~,~.,~.~--~~-~-~~,~v ville Cemetery. Over 100 brethren of the J Fitzgerald, Publisher, 108 Chambers Ancient Or1lt:ir of Forllstcrs attemled the St., New York. Price 11:> cents, post-free. BowMANVILLE, FEBRUARY 16, 1887. funeral in the beautiful regalia of their This ia a highly interesting treatise on a Order, each member wearing n mourning subject of ever increasing importance. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. badge, a sprig of eTergreen and white The morphine habit is disastrous to mind gloves. About 30 members of Oshllwa anci body alike. Thia · work by Dr. Bt\ll BOWM..A.NVILLE ST..A.TION. Court wore in attondanca. The members U! t imely, and deserves to be read and nro a fine body of young mon and presellt- pondered by every one. For sale by R. GOING EAST GOING WEST ed a. splendid appearance as they march- B. IHtltW!'"'°"' !.ooal . . ...... ·9.00 11. m Express . , ..·· 6.20 a m od through tho town at the heu.d of the We regret to h ave to announce in this ress...... 10.0~ a 111 Local.·;.· .....8.20 am iHue, th e deat.h of Mr. Thomaa J . Mason, ed ...... ... 4.0<> p D' Express ...... 9.16 am procession. Tho funeral cortege was l! ......... . 7.20 p ru Mixed ........ . 4..05 p ru very large one, tho vehicles numbe11ng of Toronto, which took place 011 Sunday ~rees ...... 9.39 pm Expre116....... 8.'5 P m 110. afternoon last . Mr. Ma1mn was a resi*Except Mon.days. A very large and enthusiastic Re orrn dent of Bowrnanville for aome year1,and ~A!JADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. meeting wo.s held in tho Town Hal on was highly r espected by all who knew Wednesday evening of last week. Ne rly him. He l eaves a wife and child to BURKE'.l'ON ST.A.'l'ION an hour before the meeting commeu~d, mourn his loss. The body will be brought the hall was well filled, mostly by pere~s to Bowmanville for iuterment . The Gonro EAST. GOING WEST, from tho country. About half-past seve funeraj...w.ill take place from the residence Bxpreee ·..... 10.29 a ro Exprees .. .. .. 9.45 a ru lllliq1ro&8 .... .. 6.62 pm Express ... . .. 7.42 pm the town electors began to crowd up the ·f4lls father-in-Jaw, Mr. S. Vanstone, Senice at Tl-Okete nnd fn rther information may be had stairs, so thn.t in a short time the ball was this Wedflesday afternoon. ,r .m R. B. ANJ:>Rl~W, Big 20, Ra.ilroo.d, and literally packed, the crush being t errible. 2 :30, funeral at 3 o'clock:. Silall'lboat Tlol<:et Agent, Bowmanville. At eight o'clock Mr.. D. Burke Simpson At the meeting of the Gn.nd Lodge took the chair amid loud cheers, and after of the Sons of England h eld a t Barrie NO RTfl'ti;J{N RT A.GES. Stage leaves the Post Office. Ilowmanville, making a few remarks he called upon Dr. last week the following ca blegram was · daily (Sundays excepted) for Hampton, Ennis· McI,aughlin to address the meeting. The received from Her Majesty in answer 10 klllen, Haydon, Cartwright. Cadmus and o(}iasarca, at po.sop. m. , im d returns to town at Dr. in a few words apologized for Mr. the m ess1&g0 of congr atulation sent by Blake's absence from the riding so much the the m to her :- T o Worthy Grand !f:p. m. Tyrone arrives at Bowmanville at during the campail-(11, and he also defend- Pre1iden t · Clayt ou , Sons of England , aoa. m., 11.nd rnturning leaves own at 11 a . m. ed his action with regard to the vote of Grand L <Jdge, B arrie:--'l'he Quee n thanks censure upon the Govermmmt. The Riel your Grand Lodge for t h eir kind congrat question, h e said was neve r a Ji..,e issue ulations. (Sig oed), Pousonby. " The with the Reform party, and never wonld r 0yal m essage was r ecei.,ed with hearty Dr. Potter , office aud r~aidonce, Prow- be. He did not wish to take up t oo much British ch eers , tho whole Grand body er.'s .Block, Kin g-st., 'i:lowmanville. 1- tf. of the time of the meeting but would ri sing to their feet during the read i ng. make way for th e n ext speaker . The AN IMPOST01i. - A woman of medium Order Doors, Sash es, Blinds, Picket~, chairman then called on Mr. Paterson, .etc., at Morris' P laning Factory, Liberty of Brant to address the meetio«. Mr. !ieight, abou.t 55 or 60 ye"rs of age, h ,gfil:eet, R . H. Osbor n e, leasee. l'aterson then arose, and for nea~ly two tron g ray h1ur and. sharp features, g1v rng s anbd D~vids~n, h as Great r edu ction in the price of cutters ':tours held the audie nce spell-bound by , hfe rtnlam e ets pav1ek · II 11 1 or ie p as six we~ s eeu unposmg on a~ Shaw & Tole"s. $45 cutt ers will be his ~loqueo c~. e went over a · 1 ie the charitable cit ize ns o f B owmiin ville. sold, for $30 ; and $35 cutters for $22.50. leadrng questions of the day and clearly H · th t h · ·d th t h · l t I J d t er at ory is a s e is o. w1 ow, a e e The E lectric Light has been placed in porntec ou t 1e wea {nesses an ex rava- h as bee n a resident of B o wmanville for the town hall, it was lit for the fir~t t ime ganses of the present Government. H e the 18 v aars a nd tlrnt slrn h!!o3 t o su pmncd the present system of spend·~ . last Wednesday evening at th e R eform conde · 1 f · b · · · t pol."t four orph11fis, children of her daughmeeting . mi;: o.rge sums 0 money m rmgmg in t or who died l'ery rec ~ntly. H er story · a ll pure f a 1ae h oo r , What you can b uy at the dissolution this country annually i . A Ia rge num b er o f . thousands of workh ts .of partn ei·ship S11le, Dress Satin Rhadame men to compete wtth an~ cut down t e citizens ht~s at varioua times releived of our own !llechamcs a nd laborers. her with money ,..nd food. The food anu Mar voilleux worth one dollar 11nd a wages w11h the present S enate . · · £ ·1 · S I <JUllrter per yard 8H lling for eip;hty cents. H e found fault . f fi b · ti ' given her lo used rn the arm y ot a out 1 d b Yt~ead mg ant at be'v-t · hg arests owkmgle ie Ward r £sident where she resor ts and with Rob.ertson & Ro a d ac ua1 ime spen y em a wor , c ar h The Conservatives h ave some very ly proved tu the a udience that th ey were the. money she collects sh e pure ases · l I Th R f wluaky . H er pro per name is Tan ell, a t ouching r:hromos past ed up around town e e orrn married woman a r eside nt of Oahawa ·represeuting t ll':l s tate of the country certam Y a :use ess expense; .he ~aid were determtlled upon a re- where her husband r es'ides- bewara of before an d after thti introduction of the party construction of the Sena te m some w.ty. h N. P. Thi;y very beautiful pictures, Tn concluding, h e advised all young men er . hut aro a ltt tle stale, as they are the present, b efore casti ng in their lot with !!111----------------~ s;wie works of art_us<Jd some t en ago either party to take up the history of this ·t o rl!lprese ut the vutues of a Patent A x le or imy other country in which the two G:rc:ase. ~reat parti es had part, and i·ead for RuNAWAY.- Last Thursday aa Mr, W. t hemsel ves the acts of each. If they .Joness was comin g out of Mr. Simpson's would thus co otrast th& r ecord of the two ::Y~rd with a loa d of ~traw the horses got 1political parties, h e felt sure they would a ll ~1·ighter:e d at the noise of the loa<l scrap- I be prepared to stand by tho gr eat Reform mg agawst the gate post, and b eca!11e I party, to which we owed all our g reat 'il:aman ageab!e. '£hey ra.n down the s1de privileges and lib;;rties. .Afte r M r. Pat· line at a g,1od pace, which caused the top erson had taken his seat, Mr. K err, of o·, the lo~ d, with the driver, to fall off Cobourg addressed a few words to the au·t;:lle sleigh. Shortly after the bobs came dience. The meeting dispersed after giv.a part lea.ving t he horses with _just the I ing cheers for the Queen, Mr. Blake, Mr. front bob attached, after runnmg some Patterson and Mr. Mackensie. liistanoe in th is way they turD ~ <l into a. far~ y1i.rd and were stopped. No very! tr1!;1~~t~~:.~~~:o~:,·;~e~~.~!...!ua~.. '!~:: .;s1rigµ11 damage wa,5 clone. · Pow1lel'S, th"Y oxpd. nil kluds ur wvr··e. USE ONLY THE Clarke Township New111. Orono N ews. Diphtheria. i1 repoded near Le11kard. Wm. Litt hl, Kendall, has a fine pllck of fox-hounds. Wm . .Allin will erect a new shingle mill at Enterprise. The Council is advertising for a supply of cedar for 1.887. Leskard Division ha~ reorganized and meets Friday n ights. A horse of Mr. D. Cornstock's,K1:1ndall, broke its leg recently. Councillor Jackson was serenaded lately by the Kendall band. Jar.neB Armstrong, Kendall, will erect a. n ew house next summer . · L illie Allin, of Enterprise, has gone t o resido in Toronto. B11. ] 'r.ARED No fl'oE. - N ero fiddled when R ome was burning. 1Ianv now-a da.ys seem equally indifferent t~ daugfi by the manner in which they neglect i 1health. If takeu in t ime, there is ~care 'l:y a chronic diseuse which Burdock BloGd ·Bitters will not eradicate by its purifying, regulating powers. The Standard B ank, Newcastle, has on exhibition a bad $10 bank note. Mi~s IZDllAL NORWEGI N ° ° 'l'llOifffis. OR SALE.-An entire colt witt1 live straight crosses, rising 2 ye ur a old, ale<> two yo1mg eows in calf, Apply t o '\'V1LLrA M FRIDAY, Feb. 25th.-Mr. James Cousins, JOLL, Hampton, 'l-2w: who is r etiring from farmiug, will sell the whole of his valuable farm stock:, USIC.-MI SS BYROM fo p1·epared implements, et c., on t he premi1es, lcit -'- to give Instruction on t he Piano and Organ to a limited number of pupils. 'l'erms 32, con. 8, Clarke, near Leskard. This on application at the residence, Churoh St.r110t. is an important sale and should be very ti2-1t largely attendid. Sale begins a t 12 ANTED.- Early in March two g ir!!f o'clock, noon. The horses, cattle and -one for kitchen work and the other sheep are gond. See large posters for as house maid A.nd to do needle work. Apply Rs. R m u , King Street East, llowma.nville. full particulars. L EVI A. T OLE, Auc7·2w.. tioneer. FRIDAY, MARCH 8th.-· The Farm Stock GE NTS WANTED, -To sell t he best Steel binder manufallfm·ed in Canand Impleruents of Mr s. Trimble will full line o! other harvesting maada., wit!J, be sold by auction o.t her resid ence, chinery. a Apply at once. Address hy post Solina, a lso a q uantity of household only, TRAV ELLEU, Statesman office. 6-2w. · - ----~ -- - ----- furniture . S. liUKNING, Auctione er. GENT WANTED. - To sell >igri cu:i7·3w tural imploment.s in the Townshi p o? D!trliugton. W e ha \' tl an extra .l:Hn<lflr and full q. N o1"' but. Nla.r1·iage No U ccs, 50 cents ; births au d lino ef agricultural implemenlc live men need llpply. Apply at once to 'I'uos. d ca ths, 25 c ents. ,V, UNDERWOO D, general tt gunl of North Americnn M:an'f'i;: Co. ot London , Ca110.d1\, OHONO P . o. Ont 6- 2w. DIED. MoMURTRY. - In llowmo.n vi!lo. on the 10th. Minnie ltllen McMurtry, fourth daughter of thelo.te 'amnel Mc Mnrtry. aged 21 yeard, 9 AUCTION SALES. F M W A A Notice to Creditors. tile matter of LYMAN, SONS & CO, SJOTT & JURY, BOWMANVILLE. CHILDREN Toubled wtth BAD MOTHERS Q ( CRY STOTT &JURY'S R B I lbt .f1aitJimau. I I HULL.-At the residence o! his ha.lf·brother Mr. Wesley Mountjoy, Cartwright, on Jan. 26th In a"flt, John J . Hull, agorl 36 yrs. Mason.- I n ·roronto on the 13th inst, 'fhomas J ..Mason, aged 38 years, 8 months. S.ALT&R.-I n Oahawa, on Suoday morning .Tan. 3Clth 1887, Rosetta Salter. daughter of Mrs. F. Waldron, Newcastle, died last 'l'homa.e and M.A. ::!alter, aged IS yrs. 11 mos and Z6 days. week of consumption, aged 42. ·Willium Gerry, Oronn, received serious CON'SUJIP'l'ION CURED.- _,,n 01a vhyeician injury by a kick from a horse recently. retired from practice, havi n~ had placed in his by an Eastlndia missionary the formula hands A GooDNAME.-The bestrecom1nendaf a simple vegetable rem~dy for the speedy tion of 1mything is its popularity where o and perJJl&nen toure ofUoneumption,Bronohitis, it h a.s been lonl.\est kJ>own. Throughout Cat1>rrh, .Asthm1> and all throat ant Lung At the Dominion of Canada there is no more fectiona, a lso a positive and radical cure for Nervoue Debl!ity and all nerl'ous Complaints, effectual medicine for coughs, colds, aft er having tested its wondertul curative hoarnme;a, sore t lll'oat, bronchit is and powers in thouse.nde or oases, h11a relt. it his asthma, than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, duty to make it known te h111 suffering fellows. Actuated by this motiv·o and a doeire to relieve for sale by druggists. ht1man eulferin(!, I will send tree of chariie, to J. 'Y. Tufft, Newcastle, has been fined all who denke it. this reoipe, in German,Frenc]J., EnllliBh, witb 1ull directions !o1· preparing $50and co5t,s for violation Gf the Scott or &nd uein11;. Sent by mail by addreasin ¥ W ith Act., namioll' this pa.per, W. A. NOYJEll 149 ·Ii FROM M.&.NITORA..- ln a letter from Powt11·'s Bloef.;~cheatllf' N. Y. J ames I rw1n, . B eaver C reek , ,..,,. u.1.auitoba, h e .111ast summer wtt . ha BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. saye, ' 'I was tak en 1 very severe pain in my back. By using <Jerreeted by .Jeltn Lyle, every. TaeMday. one bottle of H al.(yard's Y ttllow Oil I was completely cm·ed." Yellow Oil also LOUR, " 100 lbs... . .. ... $2 10 to $2 50 cures lumbago, rheumatism and all ex- F WHEAT, Fall, 'IP' bush ...·· 0 80 0 85 ttirnal and i nterno.l pains. " Spring, 11 0 80 · 0 85 d f J h M N 1 0 50 A gre.n son o o n ason, ewciist e, BARLEY, ~ bush ....... . .. 0 45 . 1e cemetery 1aat was burie d in B owmanvil R YE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 0 48 week. OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 30 0 30 0 75 Mr. J. L. Leigh, of t he Orono Found- P EAS, Blackeye, ~bush ... 0 70 ' f oot crush ed b y o. b. " 0 50 0 52 " Small, ry, lm d h JS 1g s l ed ge hammer recently. 11 Blue, " 0 50 0 55 BUTTER, best table, ~ lb, . . 0 12 11 0 18 HICm LivrNa .- High living is unquest- LARD, 'IP' lb . . . · . · . . . · . . . . 0 10 II 0 12 ionably bad for the liver, but whether E aas, 'IP' doz . ...... . . .... O 00 11 O 18 from that or olhor cames, the liver bePo1'ATOBS, ~bush ·.····· , 0 25 11 0 35 comes derangiJd, t he best cure for liver HAY. .. · · . · · . .. · .. · . · . .. 9 00 " 10 00 complaint or biliousness, is &hat standard · · f or sal e by d rugg1sts, · B nrd oclc DRESSED Hom; .. .... ... . , 5 00 11 5 50 medrnme Blood B ittu·rs. Remember B. B. B. 1 ·· CL0v1m S1nm. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 " 5 30 ~ ALSIKll , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 " 6 00 the special trade mark. of this medicine. Over $20 was reali;-;ed a t the social at nn. Jl . c. lllc DOWllU',, M r. J o h n p ar1 . It i:er , s ti1e o t h er ;mgut. . bl ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE waa a. most euJoya o occasion. Gf Ph y~i cians. I..onc.lon. l'.nl!'.; Mom her or Recent visitors to Orono have been College of Phy·icians anu Surgeons. Ontario. !'ICE:- Rcar of M ' ssrs. Mias Rob~on, of London, at Mrs. CheB- SURO !i:RY AND Il.1<:SJDIC Higgin bot ham's Drug Sto1·e, BowmanvHle. 11-lyr." ter's ; Mr. W · J · McComb, of M into, at Mr. l{obt. li'ergusou's; Mr. W. Mt1rtin, W, K. l!MITll, of Chicago, at Mr. W. Batten's ; and Mins L. 8 . R c iwe, and Mr. and Mrs. C. ICENSE AUCTIONEER for :BowD.inca&ter, of Bowmanville. mlLnvllle, DarlinQ'ton. Clarke, Cart wright, Manvere ; also East Durham. All orders ttendi-d to. Terms liberal. Addres P1wmDITION AND PoLITIC:i.-The anti- J>'·omptly & Wi.K SM:l'l'H, or FIU.NCIR MASON, Hox-46, How· lia'.ior q ueation ia a. strong plank in the manv1 !S·tt lle. political platform, and one s to lay LAIN COOK WANTED by 1st hold of. A ll intoxicating bel'e ra~es .Apply to D. B. S1MreoN, Bow· Biifest when let alone, even in medicine. illtlllMarch. Yill.,. 7 - tr, Burdock Blood Bitters is not a bar beverage, but a s trictly pure medicine, reI TU ATION W .ANTED.- A situation on a farm for 8 months a.t $16 a month. liable for diseases of the stom:u.·h, liver, ALEX Ku,r.MAN BowmH.nvillo G-Zw. bowels, kidneys and blood,and will not aid in making dru11kards. ORSES WANT.ED. - Young General purpose Team. Mn.res preferred .A sad accident occured in our midst i - Sw. on Wednesday last b y whioh a fme liitle M. GARVIN, Newcaetle. da·ighter of Mr. F. L. Andrus loet her U ILDI NG LOTS, 3 aores, for sale on life. It appears she w11s on her wa.y to Liberty-at. North. or will seU my whole RD, school aml bein>( a little late took a. short oroperty together if desired, J..1.0-0n POLLA BowmanTille, 3·3w, cut, and in croliaiug the old Cronkhite mill dam 11he elipt l\nd fell 11ome fifteen EED BARLEY. -! have for sale feet into t !1 e floom below, and the current about 500 busl1ele of clean seed barley,quite free rrom noxious seed otany kind. llrcH ARD ooiag strong shEl was washed beneath 6-i w.* soae loge from which it was almost im- PASCOIJ:, Enfield. In JA ~~f'ES BRA DLEY, of t!te T own of Bowrnrinville, in tli.e Cou.nty o f Du1·!tarn, ria1·ness J,f akm·. rrHE INSOLV ENT HAS MAD E .AN . a asil(nrnent of hie Estat.o to t ho undersigned, in pursuance of a.a Act re8pecting Alisignments ror the benefit of CrcdiLors, ~8 Vic., Chap. 26. and the ·c reditor9 are notif'l cd to meo': at. the Office of K H. C, CLARKSON. No. 26 Wellington Street East, Toronto, ou FRIDAY, llTH FEBRUARY, 1887 .AT 3 O'CLOCK, P. M ;, to receive statement.a of his affairs, appoint Inspectors, and for the ordering of the n.tfuirs or the J~atate gener,.lly. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after 20th March. next, the said 'l'rnat-00 ' vill proceed to distribute t he c.ssets of rJ.1 0 said Debtor nmon11: tlie parties entitled therew. having rel(ard only to the claims of wlilch NOTICE shall ha.Te been given, and that he will not be liable tor the assets, or any part thereof ao distributed to any person or persons ot whose doibt or claim ho shall not then have had notice. J OSEPH PEASE. 'l'rustee. vVelliogton St,, Toronto. 7· 2w. F cuy. 5th, 1887, Executor's Sale - OF- FAR~S James Woodley Estate. HlU UNDERSIGNED HEREBY offer lot· salfl the whole of the valuable estat.o of the late James Woodley, as -followoi-Parcel Number One.-Composed of the ho:.-neAtEad property,hoi11g Lot mun her 8. Concession 8. 'J'11wnship of Darli ngton,. containing tw<.t hundred ncre9, more or lees, about 175 ac. res of which 11.r e cleR.recl o.nd in ao excellent state "f cultivation, the b..lance is woll t i m bered. The soil is a rich clav loam and well w..tored. There iAa good bearing orch11.rd of o.bout Bix acres of chi:>ioe fruit trees, '.rhe are composed or & large briok dwelling, tr am" barns stables and other outbuildina:s. Pa.reel Number · rwo.- Composed of 110 11t b. p!U't of north half of L'.l t unmber 9, Concession 8. Darlington,. containing sevent.y-fivet a cree. more or less. abont "5 acresof which a re cleared. and balance in ve.luablo cedar llnd other timber. Thtl soil is mostly clay loam. Parco! Number Threo.-Composed of north oaet part or eouth of Lot number 10, Con· cession 8. Darlington, containing 1:1.bout twe1va. acres. P a.reel Number F onr.-Compoaed or north east part of Lot number 10, Conceo8ion '1. JDa:i:lington: containing about seventeen ncres. Olfers are solicited for an·y parcel or tho whole. Terms of payment to suit purch~sers. Possession immediately. The valuable farm stock, intl)lements nnd household goods of t he estate will be eold at auction, ot which dne notice w ill be given. For farther particulars apply to D. D1.1rke Simpson. Solicitor for ihe Executors, or to th u undereigned. } H. ELLIOT'l'. J r. RICH. WOODLEY, Ex1,;c u1·oi.:s. WM. BRF.NT..Jr. Darlington. Jan. 29. 1887. 5-t t L L T P S H B S I posHible to extricate her. I t took a number of men upwards of an hour t o get t he body out. 'l'he girl was eleven years of age ; she was bright and of a very amiable din position, beloved by all lier school mates. The unfortunate affair h as cast a gloom.over our village and deep sympathy is felt for the sorrowing parents. AMONG TBE INDI.ANS.- "While my hus · . b and was trading in fu rs he across an Indian who W!\B taken to his lodge t o die. He h~.d inward p:tins and pains i n all his limbs. Ho gave som e Yellow Oil inter nally and a pplied it ex t ern..lly, and cured hiio. I t also cured my husband of rheumatism, and I fi nd it val uable fo r coughs 1md colds, sor e throat, etc. " Mrs. A. Besha w, Cook's M.ills, Ser pent Ri ver, Ont. 'fhe members of Orono L. 0 . L odge No. 409, m et at t he r esidence of Bro. J. W. Giffo rd, on 'l'hursda.y evening week, and p r esen ted him wit h a.n address, which wa.s read by the M aster of the L od ge , Dr. J ·. P . 8ha w, and a handsome Paet M ast er's J e1>el, as a tok en of esteem . Mr. Gilford is one of the oldest Orangem1:1n of t his district, and has always t aken an active and zealous part in all matters perta.ining to the welfare of Oran ge 'Tlen. H e was t he fi rst master of O rono L odge , a position he ably filled until the presen t year. He is also an officer in both t he District and County L odges. To t h e o.d dreM M r . Giffo rd mad e a feeling r eply , bidding all a. h ear ty welcome t o his home, and expr essed a ho pe that all woul d enjoy the rnsel ves. It is nee dless to say, a happy even ing w t1s spent . OUSE TO RENT ON QUEEN-ST. H - Two Story Brick. be made very a reepeotable family. Apply comfortable to A. BUCKLU:R, Jeweller. for Will 4.3-tf O LADIES.- Ladie11 wantin g plain sewing and dres·making ·done at their homes will inquire for :Miss Jerome at Mre. s. Thompson's. corner Silver and Chureh Sls., Bowman ville, 4·3m, OU ND LOST.-Strayed from H ayH don on Friday. tho inst. a. black and ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF whi te hound pup anewel'ing to the name ot Blake· Anyone harborin him af ter t his no· t ice will be proeecuted· ·v. J. HAYCRAl«'l'. Haydon. T WEST DURHAM. o1 Local and Otherwise. U BLIC N OTICE is hereby given to ESIDE NCE AND LANDS FOR the Electorai District. R 8.A.LK-'l'hat bea.ntHul residence and P the · Electors S grounds siluatod on Liberty St., Bowmanville, aforesaid tbat llnder the proviSiOU oC t he 121 L ° and owned and occupl~d by CHAS. YouNG, Is of the Dominion E lection .A.ct. George r ait ~la.ckstock. Esq.· a candidate t(J now offered for sale. Thirteen acres of Jund ; represent the West Riding of the Uonnty of 4.3·tf. good orchard. Durham in the House of Commons, of Canada. has appointed as his agent ·watter S. Russell. ADI ES. - MRs. B oRLAND, Dress and of the town of Bowmo.nville. And notice i~ tnl'ther given that Hon. Ed ward Mantle maker, is prepared to teach the 'l'aylor syst.em of cut ting. No limited number Blake also a candidate t.o represent tho of lessons, ter ms moderate. Waste draCt out Riding in the House or Commons, o! Canada. for 25 cts. Rooms over Mr, Horsey's Ha.I'd ware has appointed llS bis agent Francis Fer rier McArthur, also of the 1own ot Bowmavville, Store, Bowmanville. 3-4 w~ Manufact,urer, of which all person· a,ro h er() by requeeted to take notice and govern t h em ARM F OR SALE.- One of the best selves a ccordingly. l n tlie Town~hip of Darlington 70 acres, Given under my hand at Bowmanville t h is good brick dwelling. good outbuildings, good 15th day or Jfebraary, 1887, 'l'. H . V ANN orchard. well fenced, well watered, within one 7-tf. Returuing Ofilcer. mile of the town of Bowmanvillo. For particul ars apply to THOMAS \VooDJ,U:Y, Bowman· ville, P. O. or on the premises, Con, 2, Lot, 6. 5. t f OR S ALE. - The house and lot on Queen Street, BowmA.nville, tho propert.y of Mr, .foaeph, Neil, at present occupied by Mr. Thos. IL Spry. There aro 7 rooms in th e house Young M en, Bac h elors and a good cellllr, and about 20 frui t trees in the orch1<rd For fur ther 1>articnlars apply to W idow ers, JoHl'f K . G.ALBRA iTH, Barrhter, Bowman· v ille7-tf, F F TO MARRY I I WAN1,ED. Red and Alsike Clover Seed. HICHEST PRICES PAID. I W. QUICK & CO. OGS W AN TED .- 10,000 logs to saw into lumber at (R, Clark's 0ld mill). AsTONISl':IING S uccRSs. - It is the duty ll1w!ng secured the services of a first-class of e ver y person who h~ used BosChee'~ sawyer, we are llrepared to do a. lo.rge amount Germa1 i &jmlJ to let its wonde rful quali- or Cuatom eawmg on terms. .As the Machinery is going to be removed, this is t ies be known to t heir friends in curing positively lhe l year the m ill will be in Consu mpt ion , se vere Coughs, Croup, operation. therefore parties wanting lumber do well to embrace this opportusawed will Asthma, Pneu mon ia, and in fact all nity. Satisfaction guaranteed. J ollln Hare & throat and luJig diseae~. No person can Co., Hampton, uae it without immediat e relief. Threlil doses 1 vill r elieve any case, and we con- flOUSJi~ AND LOT for sale near sider it the duty of all Druggists to recSOLINA.- l'he undersigned w ill o tfer "t t tl d · for sale at auction on Tl!URSDAY, March 10th Olllmen d i o 1e poor, ymg consump- 11S7 on the premises. tho.t desira ble property t i ve, at to t ry one bot tle, as 80,000 known a.a the Olford Estate, being one acre of were sold fast year, and 110 one cMe la.nd and good house with a stone cellar, ~ood woodshed and orchard. A desirable situaticn where it fail ed was r eported. Such a quarter of a mile east 0 1 Solina, and a mile and m edicine as the G$rnicm S yrup canu ot be a half from IIampt.on, in the 'l'owns"llip of DarJ · k d · t li11gton. Some stovr-s and furmture in the "d l t O WI _e 1 t nown. a.s your r uggia house will also be offered for eale. 'l 'erms and about i t. Samp!A botiles to try, sold at particulars made known on day of sale, or 10 cents .. Regular size 75 cents. Sohl \ on applicatlo.n to WILLIAM WEHR.Y, Sol_ ina; or . ' . J oN .\ T HAN ST.lla'HENS, Bowmauv1 lle, J!lxecuby n.ll Druggists and D eal ers, m tJl.e tors. s. HuNmNG, Auctioneer. United S tates and Canadn.. 42 Solina, Feb; H.1887, 7-tli· L Will give a H;1u· Dozen Silve1· PJated 'l'ea Spoons wit h ever y \'\7 eddin;· .Ring he selJs,durin;; hisClearing Out Sale. 50 ANTED.- Parties t o en gage in t he W manufacture of my Patent Snow, Shop. Stable and Malt Shovels."J'(e and I ncreas- ing 'l'radc in t he United States, Libero.I in· dncements offered to ri ~h t p!l.rties. HENRY C. COLE, Wallingford, Yermont1 U .S. A, 'DVERTISERS by addressing GEO. 1·. ROWELL .t c ..., 10 Sprnce St., New York, ..a obtain all needed iniormatiou about any pr oposed line or ADVER'l'ISl!llG in American News})&peTB. '1a.171:·1m:;c l'u m phlcf, 3@ c. A rr·C. :a.ow'g i511lplrnr wor~1 .llr1111Uo11~, JIOlt NJ;T'l'LJ:: KASD , IC.cJd11~ anti au ~k l11 1hscascs, J·lJc~. Rtng;- s ..av. 11~.:>

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