=================-==-=---~-=- C!taua:dinu jtate~mau. · I :OusEH0LD.. When I WimNESDAY, FEJ\1{,LJARY 16 1887. Mean to uy 1 G <AXE MalTY· ~~;:i;:;;~~=~:~~:JfID I1u~~~~-;ra:~ ·~ ;! L!J ll\ l!l l\ ~ Jfil' ~_\ Li liJ .Miscellaneous. Sit down v·J,enevcr you c,111 find an op orturnty M. ny staurl evan when prep11r P rng veg etables for d i nner, a w ork that 1~ ' j ' l · mue i e"sier peuoim et sti; 1mg Do not attempt oo <l1y c,1hcos and grng11,.111s out of Lloorn at this se,tson of t he ye ,r. l'reczn'g c;iuses the uo lors to fade mvie c \Vas}i , nd 111tuldy than anythi.'i; elee hang up to clry rmmedrn.tely m &,d.ne~ 01 k1lchen. 'l.' o renovate black stll,, g1 ,,te " lan;e number about 10,000,000 n1<'n, 11 1 1 11. an ad-1 Ul v,rnce<l s t,1te of preparation fo1 w 11 . . IL i· computed that at the p1 · sent tm.e Having purchased the Harness bus;ness late!" carne<l ou by Mr~ HUMPtHPRY th t to lwpe b Y cart'!·Ui 1 ·' ' " ~"-~ ' e own popul ,i t 1011 " f 1'rnssm 8 mounts atlentlon to b1srn<>a· <.(Oocl woll.inH1!s tnp ,.w( nr·t cI 118 , ' 11 000 000 le O"O tl·c rnral pom.! ,, · l , t o sec11re a sr.iare , ' + t 'd t'l whi "OO ~ · Rhon JS es mat1: i.1,1 of fJubhc p .tr<lH.1.·' e \' Ve hav·l rn ,1ma " ,, 7 ' " ' v ·. ·I .l are tuanu f ,1 ,, B·"C' an·..< c t 'hlnl.( a 1ngP ,1mo11nt; of S(,hool fees couni 101 ne[Lrly 12~ " l· c,1 d rn f.\cotl,md, ,i,,;amst 10s 6d. m J~n~ lu.iid, aJJd IT , -.. 1:.JPJ"'I J:rt; . 'V if]" :ii, l:"ti 1\ 7 'f-"1 '"'I ( ~1 1 tlmt notwithstnndmg that thei · l', a far - 1 l l~:1i J'.J. · !!. _,,_J .x.. JL~ ··].., J_ l-1. .r:\ .I.. < ;,l J~~ ],,1 ge1 pl OJ orthHl oi free ~cholur · tberc tl till in England. J Colla· Hurnphr"y ,~ Coll,n·~ lutVe g.l.me.d · ,s a opecrnJty. V·le m t enc1 + ,h at I h P niput n10n When clo l mcan to mauy ?- Well, '1'is td'etodisputewithfate ' 't i 1 you c11oosc t o '·iea1 me t e JI, )" P.~y hstcn >1h1!c r fix the date, Only $1 U.l.USTRAU'l"WJ~ V~y J'lfu U , J,·()stpi,hl. I·'U~~~; \Ylle~1 daughters NO Cnn ma.k~ 1he pnddrng-&w h Ith thGv e.it~ hJtste '\\ tth e.1.~E'r fou~, A ruothe1sd.uly101110 sh ~ue, And mend the stockrngs "111ch the~ \\ear ; lJ A' T\ ..,.tT 13; v .t.D.. sS · '\'lw11 rua1dcns look upon a m::in AlS 111 h1111sclf \\h....t thej "ould many, Aud not .ts anny !:!Oldiers sean A sntlPt or a comm1M;.i1y \.Y he11 g-01tln la.d1e"'- \f'hO hn.' EC got Conse1 t to A. Great llle1Ucnl 1'1'od~ The o:Im uI a. lover's ha.nd, IJ1re h1~ And clo not mean bui lot of l~md , e:uthl} lot, On llfonllo<><l. Exhausted V1tahty, Nervous and Pb's <H1 Deb1Jtty. Premature Deohne m ;\1,,n. E1ro10 of Youth, and the untol<l m1aenes resnl tmg from mdisoretlon or oxce~ses, .A. book fo every man. young, middle-aged and old. It contams 125 prescr1pt1ons for all acute .md chrome drneaeea, each one of winch is invallt"'· ble. So found by Author, whoso experrnnco for 25 years 1s such as proba,bly never before fell to the lot of any pnys101an. 300 pitges. bovnd in beautiful ]'rencn muslin, embos>ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to hn a finer work in every sense than any other work sold in this country for $2.5Q, 01 the money will be refunded In every mstance, Puc" ouly $1 by mail, po8t baid, Illustrativea ·ample free to any body. Send now. Gold medal awariled the uutbor by the National Medical Association to thri President of which. tho Hon P. A 131.sell. and associate oftlcet s of tht1 Board the reader is respectfully reffened. 'l'he Science of Life 1s worth moro to the young and m1dllle-agerl men of thrn generat10n shan oll the gold mmcs of Califorwa and the silver mmes of Nevad·~ combmed - S P. Ohronicle. 'lhe Science of Life points out. the rocks and qmcksa ndson wbtch thocon5t1tut1<,n and hop% of many a younv, man have he<'n fa1t,ally wrecked.- Man· hest<r 111" ror. Tile Scien<e of Life 1s of greater val110 than all themedim1! works publ<shed in tlusoountry for the past 50 years.-Atlanta Constitution. Tho Science of Li fe is a superb and mu"terty trca1100 on 1rnr\·ous and physical deb1 1 ti).Dett oit l."1 ce Press. '!hero 12 no member of society to whom the Science of Lite will not b9 trneful, w hethe1 ;)'Outh, parent, gu;:ud1an, mstructor or clergy· man -Argonaut Address tho P e!1bodv Med1cal In~titute, 01· Dr. V'l. H, Pttrker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street Boston ,Mass, wbo may be consulted on all diseases requnmg skill and expenenm>. Chronic uncl obstmate drneases that have baffled tLe skill af ~ii other ph y·ic1ans a 8J.H'Cl·1Jty. Such treated successfully "1thont an mstancn of failure. l'.11ent10n STA£EBMAN. Bowms.nnlle, Ontano. l7·Y· ......_ \Vh en youn;:r m 11<hnmcs are nJlO'\\ ed To frnd a.n<l " ed the fonnc1 s ~1rl:'3 V\'ho dv t t expect to h o e11dowec1 W1th 1nb1cs, dht.monds, and pearls , '" he11 "n es, m sh01 t, shall f1 eel} gn e And ln " is t hey "~re \\ ont to live \V1th1 1 th ~n s11 es' one sto1y houses; 'rhe1r be.u~!:i an<l ha.nds to md their spouses, The'n, rn~dam, 1f 1'1n not too old, lteJoiced to ct mt this lonelJ life, I 11 brush m\ be wer, cease to 8cold, And look about me for a wife ' -------- ·---- __________ Prc~e rve ~ Use Ii' YouM.· Sight. LAZA RCS' (late of tbetlrru of Lazarus &, Mori is) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· Glss~As. They are the be ~t m the wo1Jd. 'l'bey never tire the eye, a nd last many years with· out change. l<'or salo by Kenner & Co. Bow6 1f. manv1lle. JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGEO£·, Honorary G1 aduat" of tho Ontario eterrnary College, Toronto. Registered member of the Ontarrn Vete1mary Associat1on, m acco1danoe with the Vete1innry Act. Is prepared to tiea.t ull diseagea of the Dom· estio Ani male, accordrng to the latest theories All calls personally, by 'l'elegraph 01 'l'ele phone wlll receive prompt attention. ff"OFFICE- Mam St , Orono, one door north or W. Henry's 8tore. CHARGES MODERATE, THE KEY TO HEALTH. SHppose when t he tri,1Is come yon go amounted to£ 1,180,000 In 185H only 80, about w1th a long face, moaning over whut 000 acres were alienated from the Crown, KlN G S1'JtE:U:T, BO\\'l'd ANYILL hurts you, constantly fl ettrng about your ancl of these only 2,000 acres were under Has now on hand a number of velucle, (and 1~ ma.nufoctn11ng e great m any more) of the ne'I'< te~ losses disappomtments worrying about cultivation. Now more than 7 000 000 acres pattor1rn 11.n'l besi finisb, wh10h l ar.1 olferlng for ~ale o,t the lnwe~t 111:10es consistent , t 11 H ' h l . ~ ., I t l d "I" 000 ooo' ' l l With due regard to worlnuansh1p and quahly. The f · 'h<~mg l· a hat or w lw,t is mevi a J e ow 1111.c r o you gam arc arena O < an u '" , acres easel the princrpal vohiolea manufactured by mo \Yha.t 1s there at the end of the turrnoil of fo1 pastoral pnrpooes, 200,000 l>ClC's heing r; mind th:>t yon hM e i-<t.iscd hnt .i hnndrerl nuder cultn{at10n, rncludmg of couisc crops Double Covered Oiurmges..... ........ ......... ........ ... ... ...... .. . ...$lu0 Upward~ . 11 folcl more of trouble tha,n you needed to of e very kind. Hrngle Phretons .......... . ....................................... . .... ....... JOO 1 70 ' have had "- Chri<tian rt,t TVm k. Within the last ±ew ye,us there has bePn Upen Buggy··· .... " ........... """ "' ··· .. " """ "'" ... "' "" · · · ""'" -Unlocks all the cloggecl avenues of the 11 It rn the fash10n to talk about the baneful a decrease 111 the number of sheep in VwT op Buggy... · · .... . · " ·· .. · · · ..... · ........ · ................ · ·· ·· ·· · ..... 90 :Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually mthout weakenmg tho effedsof1eadmgtrnih Buttrashnfimete tori,1 ;in 1879theie we'e ll,7i 0,000sheep Demou1·at Witgon · ........ · · .. · · · ........ ........ . · ... . ........ 65 · system, all the impurities and foul ly reLttive \\01d. What 1s tr,JSh to one man in the colony m l8S5 there were 10 fi37 000.1 Lum1ler Wagons .. ............ ...... ......... .. .... ....... ...... . ... .. ... 55 hwnors of the secretions ; at the same is not trash to another. Shapespeai e's poe-tiy \ NotwHhstaudmg the decreitse, the ~x:µ~it of 1 Light. \V' agnn .. ...... .. .... . ............. ... . ... . ........ ...... .. ...... 40 time Correcting Acidity of the would be traoh to an angel. It Is nnposs1ble wo<,l has not d1mnnshed. In 1881 it Exµ1·p~s Wagon... . ......... .... . .. . .. .·· 'i5 Stomach, curmg Biliousness, DysOrigmal r.ucl Tested Recrpes. to ptt· om seh es m another's phcc and un t I t 98 467 309 lb ' l 1 t £~ S' ·I · '"' 0 .,' ( ~ton "······ · ... "· · ..... · ·'" "" ' .... "" "· · ' · · · ... ·" · " ·" .J<> " cle1st,mcl the pleaoure and ll'Itnment he may ~~b ~~8~< 111 ~884 to' 119 30Z ~4~ ul~ ~alu~d pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, 40 Gooo PUDDING Sn·cE -One half cup· draw frnm what is poison to us. The T)OOl at£"" 34'2 87M I ;"he b·,1'!k of ~uhe u.'ool "Oe "llky .. . ,. ........................ · .... · · ...... .......... ... . . . · .. . . .. ' Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness fulAsugai, one-q11n1 tm cupml h11tter, or less, , v J. · .. ,, l , · ll t bl _ laborer may eHJOY hu, crust of bread more to G' , t' B ·t 'rl1 . , 1 0,3c·"'·35,1 P<>"s' osing e11par 1or rocilltws for ru>nuLoturing carr"'il"A, I !nwnd Io " oil 'CIY cho up f< 'r " of the Skin~ Dropsy, Dimness of one egg. F ~n.\otulg, 1 emono1 '\D.111 a, a. e l d i-ea I.l iun ere WEie ' u,.. oranproved cred1t and b/ sodoui.k J. Uopotop-r1.~1-lt1> iuc:r.easeu1) n111"'her t'f ~.nles ,:\,. ,...u'd Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheu.m, spoonfn l of flom , bea t all toge1 hei Pour thau a pa.mpeier monarch oes the nchest I acies under whea t m 1583, showwg a de seii tl1e wood parts onl~, or t.ho vrn.1 <It.(~ ol h1lgglcB 1rnn<·d . · ' Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of f r 011 boilino- w,iter inst before sei vmo- the pud· [ vrnnds. Yet we pity the laborer Mtd em y I crease of 8,038 acre· co un'"red with J 884 the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- dmg, ,1ncl"'Rtirthoroughly Excelle~1t, almm,t the IIIOllMCh. -Lippincott o. ! I 1he entne area, 1mdet cult1\at1on ofa.11 lumb l J eral Debility; all these and many equ"'l to a "usta1d. - -·--""'"'i"r-..~ - -m 1885 was 2,~:;') ,49:~ fl.Cle~, show mg a n m - I "other Sim1lar Complaints yield to the 1 0 01tANC.E S K OW -Scant h ilf box of g~ In,. 11.um. cr ase of 107 5~0 M:1es over the pteV!'l<lS l At the ShorteBt N ot1ce , Pa uterl ,m::l 'l' nmmed tf De»ired happy influence of :BURDOCK tiue, let rt stand t1venty inlnut< s UL "cold . O ver 4,000,000 bu3hels of \Vhe..-tt were .>,. i t.o.ie Fu otury I a.h;o do P!ti..nui g , !v{l'.l.UJh itt~ t'1u n· n; t-t.r1 \ ... :1. ;vln " ~q 1th C2"'\ HJ nd ~q o 1 year. .BLOOD BI'l'TERS. watei enough to cover rt , drdll1 off, th on acl<I In life we consoa.ntly see rum about ns 1 e'i'.ported m 18ti1, v,~lned flt f.l ,420,000. t->< i"' a, ~.m1 p :ep tre all kmeio o( lnmb~ lt11 c;t " "' " , , , Pd v <h<.10 for b1.11Jm>? ,rn11 ~"e , . . ~ _pnit boilinJ \Vd.itc r, · w hites of two eggs, ' Ve find iu111 of business, nun of charac ter, ! ..... ...., ~ ·':i-M-lf'<\:~'.141i:t::i:t:-~--_,.... Or.nflmfP1tv.land Pla.1n Plokets t o1 f f v~ il P'I M'Y' n i ' '"!. '\. !'"' 1 f'l<J1111ur' n, ,1., in 01(1 r \ u T. JllIJlURN & CO,, !'l:oprlet.oni, 'Jl'o!'Ol!lf.&o 1 1 Jmce of two ornn~'es ,nid one cupful of tum of health and nun of happmess. .Most I - --- - - - - -- -- - - - -- - 'll1'i' ~ 1tJ1<t, li'fflW&V? ouga1, lieat thoioughly until it becomes a 1of these evils .ue duectly, embed .111d con J True Politeness ! W e W e {~~ ~~~~ ~ " . solid foa,11 set on rce to hai den t1 oled by man lmnsalt This means that Tl b l l 't h l . f I t) each one btgely molds Ins own destiny At . ie JD rec l)O 1 eness .w ic J <pn ngs rom , LODsTrR SALAD -Chop, not too hne, th~ 1 , 1 t 1 18 ti ,_ t f t nght heartedness and lnndly feelmgs , 1s of 1 VETEHHT AI\ Y SUR.G:E.ON. 1rneu.t of ono laigc 01 two sm,,Jl lobster s. t 1 ea~ ie £ le impm ""~ r ale ort ml ma n ng no oxclus1ve rank 01 stat; on. Tiw rncch,1 nw 1 I t t f tl : ns own 1i ea succe....:s \ e co no , lOV1'ev e1 , t t J t k 1 ,, ll o ,1 g..inelOtlS q~um 1 y o te, nte,LStne urnn's suecess L t he 11,iuow , reed, w1 10 wo1 s a, ne Jene1 J may TJossess l , as 1 IP0111 nv e1 · above sal"d dics.rng, and mix thoroughly. I f d ll cl tl Y w ell as the cl01gy111an or the peer. It rn hy 'I 1 1 1 0 181 18 Sr,r l' f' 111 lettuce le,wee piled 111 fo1111 of a l , tel> afo anl 9ensfe' n ei , JeTalpp ange n<J means 11 nece~s.1ry cond1t10n that fabor , 1 a au uri.<J1 toa. oi d w ' "01 c ie rum 1 ) I G 1~; L d ,111111sI1 wit1 1 o1rves, capers, anc1 f , 1 ll lJ b 8 h onlcl m any respect b c either rou>'h or 1 1 pyr,nnH 0 1 : R rntreRofcoldbeet Besmethotit1svery· omi ] m ~1ell> nes ' u< ge ln leraf' Y be coarse. From theheighest to the l~\cst, j Pmify r,b e Blood, cnrrect, ·dJ Drnoril-'r'o ('i tho 1 1 1 ' 11 I · bl I ""Lil l et >Us tu e's \\ tel , > <;GU < o .en e , evaded bv Jndrcwns maJ'au1oment Althou<rh the rwhest tot1 1e poor est to no rank<'; con I 1 co; " ien sPut oO ta e . fl\ TH'l -Oue pmt of bo1lmg milk, tlncJ, en "'t b r i" ' cht10n m life h,is n atnrn clcmed hc1 lPglwst s .iii V !"? ..,,,, §Iii:'"""" 11" "' ~ · !' 1 11> n.; it ii" o, ""r" ~ ~ i"" °:'.I fl"'"""'""~.·" ,~, L 1 1 1 I tl t ll f 1 J 11 f 80lIJe.,lHH~'1 lleVl aiu } ] rr ~4w "'l..:.il4t°"" "" al "'4 1' ~ ,,_~"! r,;~ 1 ~'If!,._ " w 1\1. ~ !! 11 !'W 1· r-: iJ'~'rt~' ~'·ii.II ~ °":'1"'"""" 1e / d· lt1Sl!lt:$S d~ l Ute b rw !l ionc a)espoonh1"1f cornstal1ci, ye l:SO IS notrataltoone se'xistence Destruct10n oon,- t 1 e g rc't mar· 'here IJU\'CI ) e t 'rh . -1 t L t Ith T· b'l.L :1' t't t' d t 1e two eggs, OJlC a cupfu suga1 'Io f l t cl l Jt] b f ti t ex1Rtec1 a gentl em,.n IJ'l t was lord Qf a . ey lflVl[l'Ol"ILt (' 110(~ re<;; 01 e vO t1All , _ r (:: l l <,~~teo \_;Ofl S ,J U ions, Cll I s~t vc, pour cn2t ai;1 magIass d is1 cl d o c ia,ac er a.i 1ca t ar e y ar w mos t I t A d t h " t lf · , , b 1 1rrv;i.l.rnbJ.' 1, an rop s euoi , dra.~ -backs to ,, s ice< ssfnl car Per grnr, 1~ar . Tl lB lll[LY e't 11 1 itse I ··r" m d l 0ompl~tnt,1 tuGJClant1·l ;o I'emalea of a.ll Ages. F o11 Unexpected Company. A volu me could be written on this snbJect and many a housekeeper who has found her self lll a twht pla ce with an unannounced guer,t or g~ests" would welcome its advent with gr o it Joy. H,we we n ot e,ich and every one of ,18, with compr.ny m t he parlor and nusgivrngs 111 om heat ts, started for the pantt y to fin<l that, lik<> Mother Hub bard, when we" got there, the cupboard was b are, ' an d d muer, ancl ,, gaoll one t oo a neecss,iry of the near fuLmc. The Canad1<J,11 hen ha s <lone considP1ablc fm h er ~ount1y, ,md has 11eve1 rev·ived a tithe of the homage to wluch she is ent,tled 'l'he guest who Cdm10t m.;kt a "atrsfactory dmne1 on scrambled egg~, ot omelet and baked po tatoes, IS not the lneml to beieceive<l ,Hth open arms And if the !aider shows a lrnlf shce of h .trn, or some shavmgs of smoked beef left f10m a ptevious meal, t he omelet is a littl e nche1,aud ,1ble to satisfy a good appetite the more. The iemains of,, fowl may, at the time "lien the hungry guest sits m state m the best room, fill the eye of the beholder with xegret. Not with sorrow for its loss, but th,,t it IS not cts 1t was yeste1day, cnsp ,md whole Take courage- mid a good kmfe-,111d strip the bones of all the remammg meat, and with the dreosmg, pnt it m the fryrng , P an or" srJider," wrt11,1 Iittl ewaterancl out ter, and some giavy, 1f any wa;; 1of t f rom yesterday's dnmer Toast some shees of btead incelv, , turn not water over them, and turn off all that is not immechately absorbeel, put t he sliceo on a platte1, coven11 them 1i t t 1e with ~he p1cnared f O\\ l or cinek en meat will go'a gre,·t w"y pi epaieu ill thio l cl b d manner, ,\nd the gooc muer c ,1n assure fact. i. f Or the quantity of meat may not ve su ficient even for this d1oh, Lu~ rnay p e1hu.ps make enough croquettes to help out the elm ner ~lre,1dy plannell for the fau 11ly. Chop or crumb stale b1 ead very fme Also chopanomon, addrngthe chicken picked from the boiws, and season with salt, p epper, and celer y salt. Beat nP an egg, add it to the chwken and b1ead crvmbs, and mold with the hancls into flat cakes, or rolls. Put some butter in the frymg pan, and when brown put the croquettes m, lettm" them cook until the smface is browned and crisp. It 1s not,\ necessity~ cook ~hem m boilmg ht, '"s so many receipts affi1m, as the sm,,11 q11ctntlties of butter iender" them qmte as good and much morn digestible Both ot these dishes m"'y be p1epared m a ;eiy shmt time, and have the meut of bemg a little different from what comes to tlrn,tableeveiy day. . lite cans of s,ilmon "'nd. lobster V1lnch so many housekeepers _keep m the house con· stani;ly, ale convemeub, ancl many suppose them only smtablefor snppers, "8 they seem rather coll! for a dmner clwh. Km w theu, that m croquettes they are c,dled exce~lent, made lll· the same manner as the elnuken above descnbed. . . . An appet1zmg dish IS made by ovemug a can of salrnou and dr.tinmg off the 011 Take a bakmg dish, pnt rn it a layei oi bie1'.d 01 umbe, then a layer of sa:mon, until the salmon is all used, the bread 01 umbs makmg the top layer H eat a large cupful of milk thicken it with a dessertspoonfnl of corn starch or flom, season v. ith butter, salt, and vei y httle, if any, pepper. Turn tlus sarno over the salmon and put in the oven, lettmg 1t remam until browned 011 top. Thts will make a good meal for se'ien or eight persons, and 1s ,i,n excelleut substitnte for meat We shall hope to give in succeeding issues more "emergency dishes," of which v.e thrnk a housekeepe1 cannot possess too gi eat a 1·epe1 to., e. 'iVe slMll be glad to receive additions to om o'\n stock, wl, 1ch may be guara.utecd to be good and in frequent use, ,1s are those already g rven. I I put,.Lo, ,ttlcl a pmt of water ,.nd btH ~~pon,;e The a mount per head spent m Jfogbnd on , h.<ll bt fully ~n,t arnecl. \Ve M e prep.ired to f ur msh r · i:lpon'Jlble paH1ea the silt with tlns, u srng a }'LUC of bbck b e<'! and ;rnn its fell fr~m £,.,3 3 s ti 1 1~ 1881 Uo lars on app1obMt0 u . "\Ve guarantee sah~ f~ct10u or no aafo . 48 2 cloth to <t]Jply it. Do HOL nun 1he d,k, b.,t ~~s~of G .l O~ l~ ';;-cll~~ £ ~ ~ I~~/;~~~~~, ~1 W e also keep m Btock a fnll lrne of g oods us11a!Jy found roll it on old b ioom handle~, ot on 101.i1d , ;hmm . d in a l.i.i~t cL,,s harness shop, comptlBHJg smoo,h stick~, vciy tii:,htly, ,.i.cl lay os1dc lll e same pcllo · until perfel tly dty lt \I 1H ha\ e an appettt · 'l'hete am in ,111 800 policemen for pubh c WHIPS~ ,>nee almost equal to new, ,m<l " i:l not lose and 99 pol.ce,ncn for pnv,i.te ~en ice in the its stiflness much soone1 than new silk City of Lnndon l'hese l)OO r!'ell l«we to SN,- onr Bull Bonfl Whips-something new. We have also m stock gnmcl tl1e greatest mM~ of acc mnnlatcd wealth 111 the world m1d i egulate such a Daniel O'Connell and Biddy Monanty. t 1aflic a~ ne1thei ex1sts nor evci has cxrntcd Mm. Monanty, an elder l y dealer· in anywhere else on the snrf1ce of tbe globe. nM1rne stores, who flourished abo,1t forty years smce 111 Exchani:re st1eet, Dublm, "as In ten yearn the consumption of rarnin~ for Horses and Uattle, a aure cure for bruisee sprama, cuts, and sores of all k1ud11. Shop-Sign of the Big Colli>r. ' 17-3m famons for a bad temper and a 11tte1 tongue. and eurr,rnts m Fr,mce ho1s mcre.Jsed from On one occasion these, her spoc·al g1ftH w ere about 6,000 to 65,000 f,Qns annn,1lly. 'l'hey the snbJect of conversation m the bs.11 of are r.i;cd m the mauufacture of wme, HIH.l the l< onr Com ts, mid O Connell und ertook thehqno1 prnducocl is <leclat ecl to be perfectly for a bet to silence the viiago. 'rhe bet "as wholeso:ue, po 3sessrng many of the proper "t t l · ties of w me mt,de from the JltlCe of the l and tlie grev,t ,L accept e<' g! a or uwmg - - -- mused the old J,idy s wmth burnt in uriou gr,ipe hei as follovvs. Tf all the pe t sens 11 ho m1J,c then l ·ving m O'Connell,- " Vvhy smc your neighbors England by the stage were g,ithered 1o all know very well that you keep not only gcthCI ll1 one place, there ,ue not many " ~-" hypot enuse, but "h;1t you have two dmm to" n, m England that would hold t hem eters locked up m yom ganet, ,1nd that yon :YJr Hollmgshc,1d r ecl,·ms til e number rn go out to walk with thl'm every Sunday, London alone at 150,000 Not the half of Ha ving decided to retire from t.be Je welry Business, offers his stock yon heartless old heptagon " them -even gr"utrng the d<01 \ , s a nd the of Watches. Clocks, Je we lry, Riiver Phte. Spectacles, etc, at 'l'RE" FrB · "<>r1" r1ty "011 hear ·-l1at vc 1 "nts ballet ,1Nl the "n11iers"-are fJlayers. in -Y.lv " " ' ' c" 11.11·KDOUR H F DUC'IIONS until t lw whole is disposed of in g lory- Oh, there's bad languag<· fl om a 'J'h e numbe1 of 1101<,es expo1ted tro·n Eng fellow that want& to pass for "' 1mtlemo.n J,tnd to d ifl ermit co1rntue'i> JP I H8.) was Ci,09 l, 'll'h~ ~tocHr:: §OM ~l!eta H :~If 'fl& blfl>h'!i<~n k Price1!!1. Mft.y the de vil fly away with yo t" yon val.red ...t £3i:i3,3G&. (>< 1'.ll ,,Y()J "'ge of £59 l?o·o1m ~o to llO J~CI(· CCtt~t di1!lC®Uilllt f(n- ~DH}1 {;a1sh. nntcher from Munstei' and mal,c ccl~1 Y 1:-ls Der he11'1 i;, lg mm was tllt' largest 1 $20 1\'ew (l;ohl Hmrnti11q.~· \\la.tchc~ a·e~nnced to $Hi. ~ tll~~ of ) our lunbs you n'eJ.ly moi·t.iet. b,1.1 e( .Au strnl,.sw., the smalleo~ im1,01 kt, ljf;gjl@ cfo do do $~4. J~~ ( oon. "Ah 't 1 ti h ! l g,w,, the h ighest 1)[1ce, an a'ierage oi £272 onnc11'you ~<Ill ( ei,y }e c, argc. (j~ sa each for h01ses' wntle the Argen $LIO do do th> $32. 11 Y0 ; 1 i~iseiable submultipl e of dup.icatc trne ]{epnbh, to)k 97 at, ,111 :w eiagcrnf 1::210 $a@ do do do $1UJ1·. ra 10 17s $60 do do do $:i~~. . Mm. Morianty- " Go, u n·,e yo,ur mouth ln 1863 t here were 80 tame ostnchcs m 1 itcner, n.ftex C,·po Golcriy, the export of feathers from lll the Ltfrfy, you nasty twkle 1 New § .Hve:a· Watclse!>l, aH !lna!.:es, at san1e u·1t~ductions. all the b,.d "ords you speak it ought to be these Lu <ls L>cmg 120 It> ln 1870 t he export hlthier tha~! your faee, you dnty chicken cf rnu.chcd 28,78() th , y,,Jued at ovc1 £91,000 A bout 60 second hand Silver 'Natches, from $3.00 to $8.00 each . Bee!z~bub. " 'l'hIB rapidly m me1sed untilm 18821treach Silver Plate, Rings, Chains, Lockets, B1 oaches, Ea1 Rrngs, &c, at even 0 _?mlll~ll- Rmse your, o\\n mouth, you ed 253 954 lti, v,1lued ,,t over J.:1,0 0,000 greater reduct1on1;. Thi:> is [~ BONEifIDE CLfi:ARING SALE; all wicked-mmdcd old polygoi.- to the deuce I ste1lmg ln the rn xt two ye.trs there VI as a I purpose 1emainirw m town and pitch you, you blustenng intersec t rnn of sh"l t tech1 1 · b t l 11 188- the <1 1 t t' . goods warranted as represent.eel 0 seenfan CY Ruperficies." o t c t2 u ~ 1 a n 1 J ex: will be responsible for all good s sold. M t "Y t" k , pmtecl was 2.>l 08t 1b , though t he rnlue as rt~ oftl»ll Yd-'t ou sancy Ill er·,~ ap,, given rn the e.rport returns h, 1d sunk to P1 en ice, i yon on cease yom J11W 1 11 £ ·g· 278 Bnt hem she gasped for breath, unable to hawk UI' any moie words, for ~he J,,3 t T he total area of ,!?Teen crops m Grc,1t ) 480 , 400 'l , Having a large stock of Material for all kinds of Repa1rmg on hand, "olley of O Connell had ne u l y l,nocked tne IT> D n t am 1as t year w~s .,, , acres, or,'·, windo ctt of h er. OllO ac.es le8s than iast yeM s figures .t< H1X tbe Jobbrng D epartment will be tt special feature iu this G1eat CleaiO'Connell- " V\ hile I have a tonrrue I'll was g10wnon 3,000 acres In the few local rng Sale. .All Repairina at greatly rnduced p11ces: "' abuse yon, you most uumitable perapheIJ I t ies w I 1ere I t s acr eage h ass1igl1tly m creased Look at her, bo"< s, theie she stands- a con 1t 18 ~tated to be rnamly expeumentitl . 'rhc J ' e mam· Mam Spring.; put in.... 50c. to 75c.: \Vatches cleanecl ...... 50c. to 75c. uctell pe1pen,liculttr m pettwoats. '.!'here cult lYat lOll of h ops h as not b een qu1 . t [ U b ) t70 100 J ewels propeliy fitted. f>Oc to 75c.1 Watch Glat:Jses fitted.. 15c. is contamm,ttton in h<'r cncumfer ence, and a.mel, teie erng a,)OU , ,1crcs giown she tiernbles w1thgmlt down to the extre- m ~.8811, as c?;npaied w1th,rn,th~ 111010 ohan Case Sprmgs fitted .... 50c. to 75c. Clocks cleaned, . ...... 40c. to 75c. m1t10s of her cnrolialles Ah , you re found' 71,.,00 m 188.,- a. decre,tse of l,~oo ,.c 1 c~, or All other work in proportion. All work warranted, as in the past. out, yo11 rectiliueal antecedent and e(1uingu nearly 1-8 per cent ~ A call solicited. Jar ohl h,"g "Ti~ with you the devil will For Great B11tarn's 35,000,000inhab.tants fly away, you smnlitudo of the bisection of them ,1re 25,810 medical men- that is to a \ortex" say, one to e-<>ery 1,350 mhab1tants In Ovenvhehned with this tonent of lan I·1ance there is o1ie phys1c1an to every 1,400 g,uage? M t s Moriarity was ~ll~nced mcl1v1duals. In Austna, Germany, and ~N. B.-To save costs, over-due accounts must be settled forthwith CaLchwg up a sa.ucepan, she wa.s aimrng at No1 way there is one doctor to every 1 500 Bowmauv1lle,lScptember 2~{, 1886. O'Connell's head, when lie Hny prudently souls; m the Umtecl States of North .An~er1 mo,Lle a tuuely ietieat. ca one m e\ery 600 persons Russia is very "You have won the wagPr, O'Connell badly served there bemg but one docto1 to Hct e's yom bet," eiied the gentleman who I every 6,226 people. The total number of proposed the contest. doctors among the Russians is 11ot above J 5, --I'N-000, even to ieach the le1,el of li.:ngland 65RECENT OPINIONS ON I.IVE TOPICS ooo would be teqmred. -'1 T heileath-iatc of English t1001·a t ..r the I thmk the wo1 ld of to d«y" ould go m,td, wl·ole of lrnha rn 1883 84 was 12 fifi per JUSt frenzied wrth 'tran, .mcl p1cssmo but 1,000, as ,.g,mu,t JO 88 durmg the pre·wus for the blessed mst1tut10n of Srniday . ....'...Rt1 . yeat In connectwn with tins nwrnase, 1t B1ookc He>foHt should he ment10ned that the rate for the Ii\'e don t cl~velop civihzat10n by dr iving per10d 1870 79 wasa,n a>ernge c>f :-lOper 1,-000, a wedge mto society. VVe drive tfte weuge and that m the oldei clays 1t was .:1s high under thc· lower strata, and when we go up as 70. The returns for the native ,umy are --AT-at all v e all "CJ np together - J-fon. R. S more favouralile. The hospi tal entties Hm,.. "' show au mcrease of slight ailments, but the There is no i1'<1.l merit simply in sitting in death iate fell from 11.76 to 10.50. 'iVith a rockmg chair and 1eaclmg the Hible. Some regard to the civil populatrnn, the registra. people do nothing with with thell' reh!.!1011 tion of v ital statistics is reported to make ex< ept bihousJy to enJOY their misery with b11 t slow progress. 2 4 1 BLMll<HS, ROBES, RUGS, HOf'8E COVERS, E l,. LIM/~N'S BRUSHES, ETO. ·--·-·-··1»<1<····- ----- ROYAL EMBROCATION IRETIRING FRO ..I BUSINESS --------- 0 0 0 cc M I " "' ' BUSIN ESS FOR SALE EN BLOC. I l. CORNISH. I -- I GRE.AT BARGAINS F~OR Boots and Shoes 30 DA_YS D. · ·· D-A-V-I S'. LIA I N L!J 'f.:i'l s·' CARRIAGT.il L.: .. .I.!J WORKS GEQT->GE C HAINES p .I.\< · · it. - Christian Union, P1obably we h,we enough physiological knowledge t o effect \'ast nnprovement in the pan mg o! iud1v1duals, if we could only apply ~hat knowle.dgo to make fitting marriages, m stead of gnmg way to foolish ideas al)ont lo"e and the taste~ of young pe~ple, v.hom ::t~~J;~l~Jza;rSc~e~~c~lMo~~l~J~en own bun-1 ;~~ie ~·:: ~~~?~~ at 2-~~~5i~~ ::~pol~~~l ~~I GARRIAGES, Tho commerce of the colony of Qlleenst1nd \\ hwh 2() ye,us ago ammrntc 1 to £ 1,000,000 'ltedm!?,, h as now grown to £ 11,000 000. 'l'!,e wool export, wluch m 1860 >ms >.alued at £ 4·14,000, m 1885 reached over £ 2,000, 000 sterluw. The suga1 mdustry pract1eally did uot (Xist in 1859; m 1885 the export 00 i..!JI~ I ' t ropr1e or' I I j SLEIGHS, GUTTEHS, WAGONS, &G ' - - - M.A NUJrAC'l'URElt 011'--- I I· I I -· 0 I i l l ' t\ l l K in d s 0. '.J eh cl es Re oa i red 1 1 ) l I I --== --=-=----=---=-=-=--==--=-=----::-::: ' ' ! ' l 1 "[' f::g "'Ill .. > l eel two 011'.nges, and reroo\' c £1 om !;hem all the thick, white sl, m, Id I l I ivH1c· rnto tie smal est sect10ns, and place I at 1egnla1 rn teivals 111 the snow. ' ! Auin M \ i.Y's Brt0\1' BhBAD -One cnp : ful Indian mc,d, one Cltpful grah,,,n Hour, i twotl11r rl cupful J)Cand fillup cup with G ad t r the Ont11rlo Yetennarv Colleg(l wlnte f10111, one half cnpft l molasse~, one R~g1~t'!;r~dom~mber of the Ontarto Vctennary ' t ettspoonfnl of salerntus dissohecl ma little Merlinal Assoc1at1ou. \ hot "ater. tlnee cupfuls of milk, one tea U-Ofilce and Residence, Newtonv1Jle, Ont. spoonful salt, one tea.spoonful but·or. Steam Will vi<it Orono every Tnesday and Saturdtiy frorn fo,u to fiv e ho·us See t'rnt the w ,1ter Office h on is from 10 ,. m., to ,t p. m., at docs not stop boilmg, :JI bnil entncly 1 1w ' Y Coulters' Ho·ei Calls by 'l'elegrapl1 receive ' S f immediate attention I AI,AD IJH~o!:.Jl\l' - B cat th , eye11 rn o 01g1 lt CHARGES MODERATE. eggs, ,1nd ,idcl to ~hem < I cnpfnl of sugar, a - -- - - -- - - ----·- - - ___ t abl efipoonfnl e,·cn of salt, mustard, and black pepper, also a little cayenne pepper , to $8 a day. Sam ples and duty FRlCE andha!L1cnpfnl ofcream Mix thorou ghly },ines not under the hor~e'sfeet. ""nte Boil 2, cupful of butter in one pmt and a E . R:REWSTER'S s .urE:TY REIN HOLDlliH half of vmegar. P our tlns upon the mix 'Ill Co .. Holl, Mich, ! u.1e 8110'1 on it $5 Brnldmg u p a o-ood name I~snl~s mostly undm t .te hod1len gr,cy of the peaennt ,is , Oh!ld~eu im<~ t}1,1 ~gGd thciy Pl"o prIC(':'"$~. f tl, ff t 't ' tr '.1 1 I t h ~ndor the heed cont of the J,oble. · 1 rom 1e e 01 o te mt1 1\ 1uu11, ,e ow f'"Jn i:'.Jt ~ evei the deca,yed r.:erm of corru twu 'euter 1 "The true gentleman !his 11 k een scn~e of ' ..l · ~ll , ~. d' 't t . Cpl t ' honor, - scrnpulously avo1drng mean .ietions. 'I . {' ll. bl "'re·H<'·j y ,·" l ""d I~1 " " u ,.. d Bi·e"sts Old wrounds r.!ore· ' d · au nun is a 1nVJs ccr 11111 i:uac er is JI t d 1 1 ""!l in" 1 like <l dike, wluch is )le,tkest wheie the is s an a!C o pro·11ty 111 w or am1 <1c,10n "'" '~ " · " D<~ "b'"' n.. w , n " .._, · water has once broken tl~ugh A good is lugh I-fr does n ot shuflie nor prchWl- 1 and Ulcer~ It \3 fomo,1· for Gou1 11.nd Rh0urnati~rn . For d1 so1."dtw· of the uameisasesscntrnl a pmt ura 'mcce~sfnl c,i,te,dodgen01 skul k ; hut 1sl1onest,upright, 1 --Cheat it has no eq11a1.hfe as "ood h e.11th. Sometimes a person is imdst" a1ghtf01 ,, arcl Hrn lav. is rectitnde, - 1 ~'(~Jt ~'l·i~!r'~ Tmu·<I)» ts ~itr iuu.:H· ~U r;; !ll'~l>U'.-filiS not re~pons1ble for "' failure. Heud1t.uy :1ct1011 m right lmes. 'When he says ye8, it ·~ ' ' ~ " ' ~ ~ ~' chsease .md w eakness cannot be controlled 18 a, law' mid lie <.larcs 0 say tlw rnhnPt " 0 c;Jq,ndnl:MJ Swellings, a nd all Ski:a Difrna~es it hail no rival ; for by the viutun Uenernlly ~pc.dung, good ,\t tire fitt_mg seasn~J. J;, gentlen><~'l will not oonb-;i,ct,,,tl unCI stiff j.,ints j t ,wi;:i like I\ ch,i,tm . he..lth Cflll be ·n eservecl 01 ,,amed hy a suu h e bi 1hcd, only the low m rnde<.l ,o11(1unr111101 I _____ - - - - - - - pie ohedienue r to 'l<Lt\lral la~vs 'l rt· e h.,p Pl"<~ sell themselve8 to t hose i11te1est~<l rn f buyma" M:;.nnfactllred only :it THOMAS Ho1.r,ow"'ir's }1!·t~blishment, · 1 1 pme~s can on1y 1 )e rmnec }y 1m1s o h ealth ~· or c-h.LU(!eJ T:t"Y ,ne tlie g 1Mt comlima l - - - ' : ' - -...~·-!<·-- - -I Td, ffif:EW OlU'ORn S'I'JHrnT, (lat< oa:~. OX)."ORil 2'1'1H~E'!'), LONDO.l\i tio1.iwh1 nunloc,,,, thedooianclletssnc~1ss Acer t,i,m pl11losophe1,reently<lece~s erl , · " ld L· 1"' ,, 9d 4 6' 11 0 ·>.2 l1 B p iln" 11d'l " 3 s<0ape ·1se<l to d1v1de the µ001 rnto tln ce cl,,·,ses- ,,._n t;t !\.!"!:ill at '" !!"·' -" 0 · · ·' a. (>.' ·' ,,,· ,f.'.' '~ ' ' ' · e:.c , ,,x or ot, " - -·----- - - - - . - - -- -the Lord·s po01, the devil's pow and the m ay b,;; ha.d from all Medlchu, Vendo1·2 i.ti.'011ghout t,he World . A Crawthers, of Hai woocl, sold a fil(i 11! po,,r devils. H e clauned that the la:;t elass~bf 11"111:0:-u·lurn"'x " ·hoc l~\ \ook at t!>.<e Ln.l>d ·m che l'<>t<> an<l 6uxe~. H t h<' · a ;Jxe hog at l 'ctcrl>mo' rec(ntly. 1fic,1tiuu was t he most numero·1s of them all. j inn 533. Oxlord fih<1oet, 1Lm1dnn. Uuiy at'" ·lll"-<'l<liJI.~ !