;a~~~,. .,,;:;·:.:i~:~"'° .·ill~-,d efficaciou s in rehevmg the pu,m ,md reducing milmnm(Lt!On. As fast as tho scru,pmgs grow W E DN ESDAY, F E BRUARY 16, 1887 wa1m, take them off aud ap ply fresh ly scrnped p otu,to. -----Mm e. Blavatsky, the famous leader of -- - - I _Ti:i~ALTH. the theoso1ih1sts, JS a~ ' stn ct 111 her diet as ;:1.._. the most ngid obser vet of th~· Mohammedan 1 foivh. She is, however, fond of sweet 111011ts, A Prevention of Consumption _. ______ · ____ -c::--:. =-=-=- Jim 's patents had 1hr ee ch ,ldien a11d Jun 11,Jfoi e tho weddiug day she v; as <1ea1· ,iud was one of them 1'hc two tho,t were not he was her tteaHme, b'>t aftPI\\ .uds sh e Jnn were guls, one of them mne years of became dea1 c1 ruid he treu,stuer ,1ge M<< Lthe other eleven Jnn hnnscli was five and there was so much mischie1 ousAn old clergyman once said to P. T . ncs~ w 1 v.ppecl up withm Jnm that I am sm - ]Ja.i num, " [hope to meet you rn he,,ven.' '·You \\lll 1f yon ,;re t11sre,' ar.s"erNl Mr pnscd he <l1cl not explode A contemporar y tells of a p hyswrnn's ex fig pa:,te and (L]monds ~he on e th mg she They lt1'ea-tlns f~iml) of five-m :J. plea- Bainum. pen euce, 111 a cci t am h ospital , with p<itH;r1ts tli eads above all oth ers i s corpt1lence, and sant old fashioned hou ~e 111 the count ry The rect or of Al l R,t mts' Ghntch , Winniwho coughed excessrvely He was convm<.: she ti:kes 0 ' ~ry m0<1ns to keep her w r,ight I and 'one th·v there came to v1~it them th; ed t hat t hey \Ve1c hack mg much !~ore th,m from mcieasmg children's cous111 A,m1e- a gnl abo ut ~·s peo-, has been invited by Ins coug1eg.ition to you can find the largest stock in above li11es m this county was necessar y ot· safe. By prounsrng reEATlNG.-Great eaters never liv: long. old as J un s srntern an d one whom t liey re~gn, bnt he rnfu~es to do so T he nnsatrs \lards and pumshments, he m cln ced t hem A vomc10us appetite, so far from bemg the b~Jth lo ved dc~nly; wlnle as for Jm1, he had foctory st.tte of the 0 h urcb funds Is said to to hold t heir breath wheu ten~pted to cough. sign of good he:1lth, i s a cei tam mdicat rnn once co11 fident 1<1lly iematkecl tlrnt 1£ he cvet be the ca.use of the t ronble. He v. as sm:puscd m a short time to see some of d1se,1se. Some dyspeptws aie always ~n.nned auyhody besides his mothci 1t "I wish I was a pnhlic house," said a of them enjoying a, complete recovory from hnug1y, and feel best"\\ !.en eating; but as should }Jo Amnc ' lov ·ng w oman to hel.' husb·1 n(l ·' vVhy r 11 then d isease Constan~ henunmg aucl cough- soon u,s they hu,vc _finished cnting _they en-, The gnl's sleepmg JOorn ,\as a, lng, idry he mquued, w ith some ; degtBC' of smprise mg is JUSt like scratchmg a sore, as long as dme torments so d1strcssmg m their natmo ! chmnbe1 an<l Jun's a smaller 011e next toil "0, because yon \>oulcl run m e.ghteen or this rs contmued the sore will not h eal. ,ts to m 1ke the poor victim wish fo1 death. l Both rooms opcuc<l m to the "i<le hall and twenty tunes a cl;1,y to oce me " When persons arc tempted to cough let them ·when one's clothing becomes damp fiom \for ventilation's sweet sake the doors were "Am 111 can get 11 othiwr without Ju hor " draw a full breath hold it1 until rt warms , t t' t · 1 .. t t .' lw 'Y' Ht ope ' ' ' ' ll . b fi .11 exposm e 10 ne we.t iier, i 1s ues o cJJange a " ~ e n. S(1id a woman to a trnmp 0 who deeltned to ande,~ses every ,~1r ce anu en~ tw~ soon 1t nnmediately. Rub the sldn \ViLh a dry, ()oon ,tfkr th.i child1en's bedr,imc, on the saw some wood 111 cxc' iaJJ"e for ,, d i.mer. follow from tlus p1ocess. 'Ihedmt~ogen ha1d towel until the body 1s in a glow all i m ght of A 111nc's coming, Jun from hrn "I know better th m th~t ""he renlicd as he whrch is thus occu,sronally rota.me '-'C s u,s over. ]fot if it 1s rmpiaetrcable to ch ..nge \ lonely :piltow hcal<l sounds of r evelry in\ tu· .,..,ied awn. · "h;· cn.n ~t htm.,.1\ " 0 a,n anodyne to the untated mu cous membi a:ne the gn.1 men rs excrmse modcrntely :,o th~t the next toom-scamper:ngs ~ind scmr ywgs j , ' 'y ' g, thus satisfymg t h e desne to cough and giv- enough !Je,it 1;uty genernte in the system to u,ud w ild creaktngs of the bod-cord and "If m y dog <lo<tu' IJtte :1nytluag," explain· · mg t h e thrna.t (Llld lungs" ch(Lnce to heal. I di y t he skin and clobhmg w ithout a clnll Gh,ti ming 1nl~{)w-fights-a:nd envy b<irncd ed a Gratiot .wenue sa.lootu,t, "en.frry1)ocly At the sa.m~ tune '" smtable mcdrcme w1ll 1 in his bosom. Ho even forgot the d1gmty s.iy he vhas no goo(l If he bi1es sornpod y , aid n,,tur e 111 her effort t o r ecuperate: It is . . th.Lt dwells rn hoots and 1g 11 ored the Jngh cleu eife1 ypody savs he must be k1lle~ very unportautto cnre lLmgtroubles m then General Rules for Letter Wntmg. I est,ttc of trnuwrs and wished in his hc,tit's Seem, t o me dot dog clo::i:n' get some fau eatly stage Every cold can almost be I ore th t J ~ a l show" ·, · · · · · li Always com mence a lcttet with the most c " 1 ~ w s " gn · cu~etl .1f u,ttencled to m i ts rn~iprenc~.l F' importam subicct that you c1e&ire to cornBut by r.tud by, u,ftr.r [I, due clispln.y o.f th~ A cobbler vi8it ed one of the h11ge nrnnu So come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will 01 1 theie IS ,LJiy fear tli.at [I, thro,tt h ml"'l mnmca.te and ·vi ite all that you du,ire to 1 challty th<.tt' suliei eth lo11g nnd is lnnd, factor 1 cs the o t!.e1 d,ty, mid for t he firot decidedly get a bargain All kinds ot Fur altered a nd H· paired , 1 tiouble has been conh,,cte<l, n o times ou I' r \ write concernm" ' . ' it 'befo1e y on proceed to 1 1·· c"·inc to the foot of the sta11s ~ mac1c· l'Y m .. 'c ' h tno , " f"tllel' ~ ' ':1nd t 'une m h is lI f, c S:1W s h ocu be lost m cousul tmg a gcotl physwrnn . ' !any othel snbJe~t ' i shunted "All ,;,Led!" .1nG. rllrectly aun h0a1d ry "Whiit J.o you t .b.mk of t!i(Lt ., , asked " .tr ..L:.::2.... :'.\ """"::;....-..J_V..J.. ..L J H-, _ J -c'.l ~r.:::1.J :i is rcnB1kable liow a thorough examnmtwn, 1 I i · . t tl ie 1 >f tl1e; I· a g1cat t room 1 the foreman · " It bea ts u,wl" e ft, e d gc < . silence m the .. ~x v l · und duc~t- , , was t he l thnt t li cr c is ne 1 ,eave 1.gooc ma1grn a i l The Practica.l Ful."rier a.tH a we coi11e couc uswn w' 1 >a )Cl auJ ti to !.cc 1 it strnwi.t. i ly ,1galil he was as1ecp 13ut ater he awo1 rn ' l<>conk 'tnd s1gmfimnt 1 cply Y I ~ h' I and lS he lay thmkmg of the good tune I cess(Lrily no Ltal trouble, Y>lll even sa\ e \I l, ' from consumptwn some persons who have I arng~aph ea;.h suh1~c.t np?u w _ic1 i you I which the, ga ls had had and he h n.d missed! LcrnDoN'~ Coar, S ui'l'L; --Tbe qu,mt:t) 1 h ·come chronic inv ihc ls throu"h !L morbid write, a, that'~ ill malrn it easter for the re! l · 11 · l t t h <.l tl tl I of coal b1ourrht m10 J .011< e<n by sea at aif0 1c01vr 1 toieadthe letterqmckly e9' ' a veiy nifg 1 "h 1ceap_n 1 s ela MlOPn 'e,f~rcut rienoels amounts to J1om 77JOOO t o ·ro-~ f ea. 1 anc ·w .nsper ec ! St t 't , · hr ~ con· er o 13 mmc " · uve not o wrr c umueamug p asc:s, I "~· ld , 1t,1 f to 1 . J 011 , , ,, · J 10 000 ton~ weekly Ia the herglrt oi t he ' e nn l P ay a JO w - -such as "So you see," or ' Y. OLl knov.-," bnt 'j J ' ou n t "'lltll '. ! ,, ,~ coal 1 ~ riassmg. mto Loudou on ahout 1 101\.·ec a. suggest1m 1 o1 llCl 0 011 I exprcos1ve - , r im a.h 1 Rules " ror· Livrng We1 use gooc, words, a> 01c1me, many k' cl t nc\Ter cJ H. , 'th t fwc r'l.ilw,iy Imes ac the r ,1te of a.bout 900 11 . . 1 G d I. adJect1ves winch will m ake "lttte1 pon<le1- ' m o pa~s un ecc1e . e rose w1 g1 c,1 ' l 1 ht T ne Oatei er, l ll an ,tr tic : o11 " oo ,iy , ous yet ~01: ca.u tion, a.n d arr angmg his bedclothes so that ' to1rn prn dOlll ' ay alH mg ing" consir~ered fro1n a culmary rather than I LaYatl:. teilo us ·he could got wto bed and be dre1t111ing j On, o:N TmrcBLED \VA~ 1 HS -Ten s t c::.m a moral p omt of view, sums up the mattei "Learn the Yl11nc of a mu,n's words u,nd sweetly m th" t wmklmg of an eye if h e heard e!'s mdttdm<' all tl1 e cattle stcan>crs of one for eYerything m ll1 Jb.o foJlowmg sensible w~y · . . " . h expres~wns .tnd yon know lnm. F.J.ch man his fothe1 co1mng, he t h rew a sheet about of the gre,1t "'ocean Jinei sailing from New lf ~1vmg well con sists m hvrn,, n e1t er ! has a measure of h is own for eveiyth rng Th ts' h1m~clf ,md set fo1th. , ! York, are regularly prov11lcrl w ith a supply l~txunously nor expensively, 1111 wlrnt, then he offern you mu,dvertently in !us wmds. He HP p;i,used at the cloor of the g irls 100111 : of otl to " pom upon t1 ouhled w,1te1s" rn hos t he secret? And h_ow ni, ny i~ei;,i°f Iwho h as a superbtrve for every thmg, Wl1nt and listened until he kuew they were wileep, I case of need 'I'he oil, when about to be mode:-ate !neans t:1k~ advantage of it ,10 a measu re for 1.he «re[l,t or srnall ,, Mid then rlliunng ligh tly he made a fly mg 1 used , is plcwccl m punctured canvas bags question IS not a mfficult oi,10 tl answfi. Alw,1ys hem m '\'mrnl thitt wuttcn \1·orels I leap <.1nd alighted on his lmmla ,ind kuc~c on failed wi th oakum 0 a are a very different affau fl om spoken words /the imddle of the bed u,nd straightway pio- 1 A \Ve will put th e answe1 m tne s iape L p Th 1 ~s the manner whieh .tt~ends the speech alte~-~ I "eeded to hop about m t h e most extrr.vag,mt 1 few short I nles. ' ~HAlJ ,, 1':.t'i"G~li lo~ ' .tc~)-G·~ 1 Bu , with udgment j · . M manne" 01 a nrnn, ,tccou mg to r 1 es 1 step · ) J · · their precise mcmh ng - any (L sentence c,m · . . 1 Totuette, is twenty tiye 1nchcs; of a woman, 2 Tiny the best, for t h e best is u,mays the 1b e said with a laugh, that t ,tkesaway1tsst111g, Any gul m he1 right numl would awake I twenty m ches. The 1c,wh with t he ught Their China Hall contains t1.e Largest .Assortment of chc,,,pest. I while if written only t h e bu,1e ~ords will ap- undct SUl'll tre.1tment, o.nd an,v k rnd of ,t' foot is nsua.lly a little longer, than with t he 3. Let yom economy regulate the quanti· 1 p ear. And whu,t yon h,we w11iieu. you u,co 1gul would lie fughtcc~ecl, even i£ she d1dn t left. In \~alking, m en's feet are separated ty, not; the quality h eld answerab ,e ±<ir. 'l'herefore 1t m ve1y (awake, and befo1e J lln ha~ hopped many i latcrnlly about foui crnd one h o.If inches and 1 kb cook and one that needful t o exercise much more caution m f h ops the qmltwas <lrnwn. wildly np over the '. women's about five mclws 4 L ,t , e )Olll coo c (L . ' l writmg than m sneulnno-, even to y our ne,n girls' tt·l nfied h eads l1na held fast wit h a know~howtohiihze what~sdnowtnowHto estrulatwns ana'dc,1re~t friend~ !1rnghty 11rnsp, while from beneath t hem, A httll' four-ye.LI old , clmblJy -faced b( v the dogs, Ot' ot er~v.isc ~vas c · \ 1f you r:c 1u est a corresponcJ~t to bum sounding muffied and far :1way, rose shucl.s ~<11' ·leud1ing b.is fmgei,s ar ound a silver 5. Stt1dy sunph c1ty m the uµmber of the yom lottel' it is r· sure c011fession tha.t you aucl w~.ils 11ncl howls 1 1nd 11ppc11ls and pro dollar at the Sunday scnool service at the to be found in the district. dislles, and variety in the character of the am ,isham~d of wlw,t yon h ave wi i tten tests, m,1kmg m ghL hideous. I Methochst Ep1scop.il Church m Tyrone, me.:ils. I Aml frequently, m erely because the request Jun's fathet not being deaf was awJ.kcnecl I Sunday afternoon, ,1ucl later rcluct11nt ly 6. Let the h ot1aew1fo be watchful enough 1 to desttoy the letter has been. ma<le, the : H e rose from hi~ colllfoita],le coucl 1 and 1 ~mrende1ed it to t he !.:1-dy who collected ~he to tr.1ce the lee.ks that are liable to sprmg 1 ' r eader will consider it of unportt111cc enough put on Lis <hessmg gown and a pair of soft contubuhons to the Clmtch funds, su,ymg j t o presoive. . &hppcr,, and set out upon a tom of m vesti ! o.fterwacds . "I didn't want t o g1v~ 1~,to rn e\e1y l,irder 7. Let the rm strcss be mdeed the head of \\'hen you write to some one ask111e; rnfor 1 gatwn . Mm Il I wu,llted t o [(J\ e it to the LmJ het own household and of h er own kitchen. I mation, w it,h whom you ,uc noL m 1egula1 Just as he reu,ched the heu,d of th e stairs \ "Gr,m'"m," su,id a boy of nme years, corre~poiidcnce, be snre t o enclose a stamp, Carne u ncover ed her h~a;~ and shn,ekcd m , "How old are you "' "About sixty six," V ~CTO R I A and it 18 not ami,,s to enclose a stamped a, way to nun he1 ;,01ce . Pa, theres some 1 i ephed !us granclmoi;her " you 'll soon 1 I che, won't you, grnn'ma "' "Yes, dear, I KING STHEET, . . Oyate1s as Food. envelope directe(l to you rself , t hrng on oru bed 1 BOWMANVILLE. Use good paper, and envelopes tll<·t fit i t He had a gr,we ~usp.c1011 as to whitt that x )ee· to , " i\.nd when I die ornn'rna c,in It rs 1 all nonsense about a steady diet on ne(Ltly and fold the paner exactly straight somcth1i,nwas, aud ~om" to Jun's bod and Ie .I b" · · 1 ~-' f u ,,, ',;'Yes d'c"r·" ' wax rn now in ,. universal use, and frud 111g lt' unoccujJ.Cl ,he " took up a qml t s,ufl oe she unc<(LS s1ue o yo war,ned toward , '"t he , __ - - -- - - oysters J01_ng mJnr10us t o the syst em. M any Sealrng lwi heart I LITTLE JIM'S GOOD TIME. not sep,sick, but I ,1111 really the motion of the ves,el " disgn~tetl with - ~~ffi ~~ '1.l l.\ ~ fl--~ r~:".' \!Jlill.f ~ -.. . , i!l.J ~r (J. l!J ~ = ... At the leading establishrnent of I l the Practical Furrier, =t, I I I I I~ADIES : i J ackets-Doln1anettes, Capes, Caps and lVIuff.s in great variety. B""' 0 R G l~N TS: I I I I 11 A large stock of lt'ur Coats in Russian Lamb, Bokarian and Coon, in all prices, S leigh H obes by the dozen, and Caps of a ll descript10ns. In Gent's Furnishings-the best s t ock of 1Jnderwea r , 'I1ies, Bra ces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. 1 --GO 1 .. ' I I cli Js~os . I y I i \I .w<l:1: ! I I fIIGHEST l\1ARKET PRICES for all kinds of F..arm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. I I I I aucl w ent mto the gn ls r oom. 1 ttl, ~ whom she fo l<led closer in her Jnn, imb ued wit h such feelings as a 1 ~ 011 ,:Gnn'ma.,, so'tly w hLsperetl th e 6' v.at hor.e h as 111 lMttle, would not have la.rm([ · l :x tc'n cci' ts" U . f l b f I lt e n isca µ;nnme · e11;ten JUSt e oie go!IH:( o ec · te~i a en ' plam r ed or green, 01 · brown wax. L.1 dJe$, l1oticed t1.c appror,uh o t 11·ce tu cs o n I .' . wnh wme late at m ght, of comsc, if there 1may use any fancy colo1ed w,,x t hey ptefor <l.ians, and so it happened that wh en a blank J An anhrnmg mc1dent occurred at a Christ · is u,ny barl effect uext day the oysters are : \Vhen there «re sevcrn.l of t h e &Lm e sur eL was thrown over ]um an d ] I(' w n.s tipped m.ts tree at one of t he colm eel chur ches m 1-:g.mecl for.1~. Oyst ers hav~ excellent rnedi J n.tme in a family, t he wives rarely have ovet 1;;I'On h is sicle and the J!.l.11tlrnt wu,s l Elberton, G.t. As but few of the mcmhei s cmal qun.hties, iue nutnt10us aurl when" tlrn1r letters n;adrcescd with then own Cli1'is g atlie1ca up a~fiiur corners und he was co 1l l 1cn.d ot· write, tfley sele<tocl a colo1cd plainly coo~ed, ~r eaten rn:v a~e ve1y whole tmn names, but by those of then· husbands, borne frnm the scene of lus trmmph, h e 1 damrml who had "been to scnool" to wrne some, cspcmally m cases of I?d1gest10n. Oys thus Mrs. John Jones, :Mrs V'i' 1lliam J one,s , knew not whence his ti ouble came. \ t he names on the presents, whwh she readily ters never produ ce m dige8t10n , a nd th at rs Mrs. Sam Jones. And freqt10ntly they Me He submitted grncefnlly to l1eing carried consented to do. vYhen the piesentb "\\ ere sop1ething t h at cannot be said of any oth~r addressed in the family ciiclc as Mts. John, somewhere, t h ink ing impat tially the wh ile d1stubuted and t he names .c,}lled out, the ahmentaty substan~e. During my exp en- Mrs. vVilham, Mi s. Sam. of dog-cat chers and ghouls ; hut when h e 1 assembly was greatly surprised to find t hat encc I have found m several cases where \ ¥ h enever a do11bt is Jll t he mind concern- felt h un self lrnng np by the fo:nr corners all t h e handsomest anrl most vn luab! e preoysters have been ta~en daily t!1ey hM·e ing the rank or t itl e of t he pe1 son addressed, and knew th:tt "it" w as ~tltntlmg beside , sen ts had on them the ~Mme of the gul t~iat done mnch toward cuung the patient. I n it 18 best to err on the safest side and give him and lookmg clown at hun, or rather at I did the wutwg. An md1gnat10n meetmg vali~s have dis~ove1ed inuyste1s t he requir- higher rank , as deep offence h as been taken the situation he was in, he lifted up his was hastily held,_and a ~·edrntr1hution of the ed ailmen t, besides bemg far the most agree by acldressmg a mai or as a captam . voice m three far-r eachm g yells. presents oidered unmedmtely. ab.le footl to ta.ke. Raw .oyste~s, t oo, ar The fa~ibar style of closmg ,a l~~ter is 'I' hen th e thing that h ad caught !um we~1t AN" ADVA!\CK 1-::; vVEA'.lHJm P REDIC'.rIONS. e 1 said to b e . ve1y goocl , fm hoa~seness, a· "Ever t lnne," or " Yours truly,' or Yours away, a nd soon J rm's father an d mother m -Lieut. Powell of the U.S. Signal Servwe 011 t h ough h(Lve .n ever test ed theu men ts devot edly . " , t heir own room had laughed m uch , but sub has iven some a.ccount of t h e projected t h at pomt . It Is my bel~ef t hat the oyster The bnsm ess sty le is " Yours respectfully ' duedly weatfer service of the U m on Pacific Ra1l is the most healthful article of food known The friendly style JS " Yours c01dially," Jim dared not scramble out of t he blank- ! r oad Them will be thirty three station s Twenty-five cents extra will be ch arged when accounts run t o man. or " Yours faithfully. " et, ,md h e dared not tiy t o ariange himself in ail. Predictions will be issu ed twice a The old style, "Your humble ~ervant," or more to his Irking , for he feared that the du,y as to t he in obable weather twenty four How to Prevent Diphtheria. "Your most obedient SCI vant," is obselcte. string w 1th which his captor had tied the ,rnd for ty-eight hom s ,ihead This will give over one month. , . f If d esirous of being very 1espectful, y ou may qmlt corners together might shp oft, and he I iailwa) officials sufficient tune to t ake n.11 Tne first and most essential .agents or I write : "I have the honor to Le yours most k n ew not whether h e should fall feet or 1 necessary piec.1 utions b efore startmg the p~eventing c'?ntag10n are, clcan lmes~, pme respectfull:l'.." . . _. miles, for h e. might be suspended fr ?m the I mornm!?" and evenmg trnins. It is mtended au,, and. su nlight. T hese a.I e natur~ s great Many stwklcrs for etiquette m w11tmg strong hook m th.e pla,y room or h e nnght be 'i to make the bulletins very specific rn nature, anbsept10s. For the first !.'te(Lt e.sentrnl, lettera thmk that the nmne of th e person hung from a buck le on the swo1d belt of that th e exa ,t conditions over chffer ent cleanliness, our loc(Ll Boards of H ealth seem addressed, should always b e mcut1011ccl at Onon. I \0 · ' ay un<lersto~d and Llic coi to have but little ~ega:d If ~hey w oulf th e close of a. letter T hus "I am, my Hrn legs wer e lmnging up one side of his I ~~=~~~g~n:1:hfficllltie~ met ,,11ci overcome. 1 spend cue h alf t he time m cleanmgt ~e )ac r dear M11ry, y ours most faithfolly , John nar1ow spa(·e and lus body up the other, and I " " . , ,, alleJ:S ti.mt t hey con su;ne m mu,gmfymg.the J ones. · on tho w!iolc he would have given his hoaid· I \! ,1.r,1nm,B A1w n J OLOGICAL iJ1sco~ i· P.rns. few rnolated cascs of d1phtlwrm, t he ongrnal But tlmt is ,18 the writer prefers, and not eel fifteen cents if h e had n ever b een born. i - Mr J . vV. vValker reports some , ,,)nable inl'u,·ion ~~ an ep1~e11uc mi ght often obligatory. But shortly he fell asleep [ a;ck eologim l discoven;~ u pou tbt· s011tl~ a verted. Prevent10n1s better than cure, l<'ew person~ can wiitc as well u,s they can HLs mother thotw htfnl as women always 1 ~ 1de o[ Pme Mountam , Georgm U p on the -:but aftet ~he epidcrrnc. has once b egun, the conve1se, fo1 th e latter .~ct is sponta11eou s, arc for those 'th< y f0.., c. i eflected when she ' side3 of th e momit mn, some 200 fe.et above qtte~t~on naturnlly ~rises; how sh ,tll we while t lu; for mer is constra.med ;,b.ut th erem had laughed ,ts mnch as she hkcd, that Jim t ho famou,, G·~t rm dun:'. Mme, l'.c, finds eY1 1deuces of the sit~ whe ,e t he ane <eut mlui;b1h uut its ravages? 'l he ,firnt means t o be h es the secret of '<ood lettc1 w11tmg- i e., woultl b e so cramped np he coulclll't be I tho,1gl~t of is 1~olatz r,11 ~he patient oug ht, I the mot e n,1tumlly yon "lite, the hettei happy, and two silent figur es stole out an d 1tan ts of t lrn,t st·ct1011 fush10n ed then cookmg if possrble, to be pl,1cecl m an uppe1 front 1 will yom Jetter read placed the small sleepei in a moie long· I utensils, :M:auy oi t hese utensils a t e hut IDOlll that is light and ?-ir y, and all but drawn out osit ion. h.tlf finish ed, and ,are yet m place upon the t'dult >nembcrs of the faunly excluded. N o I h th d lf t i T h is "fintl is very mstrnchve, as it P h d cliff: ~h1ldt e11 sh ould h e p cnmttccl to be exposed N }' T l C gir 1s, \~ en e le,tt u1 ~ ui,g a 118 a~other prnof of t h e manner in which @"' to the contagion. All unnecessary furniture ewspa,pei avors. gone from then bed, Icy wit h th eir heads I t hese ves·els were for med. St one imple ff,·r shoo ild be removed , and , .ts far as possible A trade paper, speakmg of t h e frequency close together nncler the cover <, v;;ondermg l mcnts were used largely m t his work, the ...,l-1 ro er germicides should be freely u sed. of puffs asked for and received by s1 !1-all m wh1spe1s what 1t ~onld h:we been, smcert vessel being nearly completed before fina.l 1 p 'r lie followrng rules for disrnfechon, as ad vertisers, p uts ,t ~omewhat g11t~,h~~1 ecl was too substantial for <> ~host, too awk detachment from t he r ock. gn-en m G11tch ell's Key Notes, a1c ve1y 1 ehestnui rnto new form as follows. h ight \rnr d f~1 a beast ancl t oo fLt~1s1b1to. be lrn- j T . S uroN DIS/\.L'P EARI:W.- The fol. ~~l~ei~1se~::~f ~::< P~~;~~;rn:1 '~~~ e1:s~·t t~: ~~~~· th~f~r !:~l ;~~ ~~~c~~: ~~~~ ~~::'/;°tc; low :i_~ is ~llegcd to be one .cunous. ~es11 lt of simple and pediaps as good as a ny· 111dian ~~cihc RatlJ<OR !ill{ or SICK ltOOi\C. reaclm cr colu~s be given- t hrown in, so t o poun ce upon t hem ; but after a tune C,tnie t l1e opeumg of the When bnying Coal Oil ask your dea.ler for the New Oils, Potassium perm.uiganate, l dr ; ~xahc I spe.>k~with the oth er Theu~ 18 only one uncovernd he1 head and saw one of little way .-1~011ner~y the s1~,1~01~ ~ spt~·i·~~:~ amcl, 1 dr ; mix and moist en with twice the man out of all the subscribcrn " ho t(Lkcs Jun's slippeis on th o floor a ml forthwith ~- se~srm ,isceudcrl th,c rn~ei ~ne>~d ou t of quantity (by bulk) of v1atet ; m two hours I any p (Lr t icnl u· d elight m t h ut pau<tJ ,tph sumecl that t he tiansgr ess01 was Jim. 'I he muhon, aucl th P.y <0nld Le ~f 00 I k f 0 add a small quant ity more of w;ater It known' as the' not 10 e P 'd t lMt i~ t !ie p1an "ll ls h irl JUSt b egun to rema ik vigorously t he water by th e bu,ne11u 1 Wt 1 a uy · i t m1 0 1'ut srnce t 1ie rams ' ' " ,wcl he snnlcs JJL · ,, " will enn t ozone f reeIy enoug1 l f 01 a 1 a1gc w lw·e name rt cont:tl1J8 npou the tot,t1 d epr.LH t yo f b oys w 1ten J' im ' s vessc] larac ' o enouo-h o tl 1 roo·n, and i t is [Ill ,tetrve d1sm fo?tant. ;~ 80'1t ~of d eln rnm of bl·~s. 1.-l"ow, when the t ln ee sln teks 1e11chetl their earn I1om t he h:w~ begun runnrng iegi;1"{1Y ab~;:~n Try it once, you will use no other. Fo, dnnk111g wcitei, add s1 1{!ic1entper m,rn r echtor uocs out to buy he docs not. after t 1 th<y co;e1ed up their bau"s oft.he lf1e.ser, t h e 1 1 ~ l fti.ve d t h t 1e <l.ist.'\nc() and gana~c of potassrnm to r ender rt slig ht ly m tkm: !u s pm cha ses ask tlrn.t $2 worth heacls agam, tlns tnne lastrngly I clese1t the st1 t'am, and it is ef c f ~l m 0 I of' ·1rti cles be thrown i{1 The gr ocer would '.!'hey we11t to .J,m s bed m the mor ning a yem 01 so t here v, ill 1 Je ' crhy °'~ 0 1ese J'Ulct!.JOl.AL B R OS. & CO'Y, Toi·o nto I ·u1kish m strong li,'!ht, t h ou filter. ' the man out or t he · · J t 0 rm er byears T t l'eynmse "'ei c pre1 w lrnrn' H PC!J uate1 do«elo, ~ draius, aml wate1-pipes, ' kick store who h,tb1tually (Lnd found that th e1e ~as n ot lnng ]eft of lnm fi s1 of the ==-=--=-"'"=-=-=-......:::==.:' (Lsked to h ave a pound of su(1ctr tlnown in hnt t ho place w here h e h arl been, and r e seut 111 countess mun ~rs. · e l L 1 One of the heroines of t hisworlcl unknown Hot water z, gn.llons foi evei y quarter of a pound of pcppe1 he m embcimg Ins lou<l CJ ies of the m glit -t nnc cngme and the vrlJrntwn impai te(h '{; \'.c to fame, and of whom the world hit1 dly hea1s 4 Co~peras poun~s. puchased T he hardware man w ould be we1e1m wh reJre,,etl when h is father discov· w,itei by t h e ti am s r unnmf t~long t t~n ,s at all, ts by name Mrs. L,,m a ·r110mas. 4 CarlJohc acid ponn s. a ghast if h e \>11S com1>elled to tlnow in a ererl him haugiug m a, Ll.mkct fiom " (Lt'C ·npposec l t o h iw,e scaie( iem, an ereI L eft a wi < l ow with seven little <.:luldr eu and · typ1 'd f ever , d ysen - I pouud of nails for every ten cont s , wo1 t h of I port~ero · fore c"'used tl1en , uepui ture. I 101 poJe. · ,. Mr r ~n uncultl\ ,1tecl faun of eighty acres, with a E specially useful m tery etc as well '1 11 utty he sold The dry goo<l s man wonl ci · Jun did n ot tell th(' hariowm g tale of the 'l 'irn Tl\ l ~'.l'Y l!otJR UoUR s~sn,M $300 mortgage on it , ma ble,L k part of \ Vis 1 j,,' d" I and ewei·s disiufoct go out of bnsme·s if he 'must p ttt m a yard <rood time h e Ji,1d had; h e was m doubt v\T. F. A lle n h!1s given some m tet estmg data <OllSm , as her legacy, she m ,rnaged t o ex· <loi l l r ciin<l'· <fi l< ieo, One' OUt'd ' is s11ffic1 'of c'oth or a I),1rcel foi every bit of c,i.Jico ~bout how to begm 1t. The ~ils told theu 's ~onccrning the m t roduction of the new cha.nge the land and lo!! cabm for ,1 home 111 t w1l.c 1 0 11 e o unc. P · lJ " l l ' l '· I t 1· l 11· 1 Though ~ ent for one thous,m,l "allons of r unnin g sew- Mttr ia Abigail S~mpkms h ap11cn ccl to pur- hov. ~wer, !Lll( im L ic 11 t aug as llC rs enec, twenty foui_ 10\ll c oc ' sea c. St . Andrews, l'b Without the "'cans to " 1 ch(L3c The fonrncst thrn " m t he " notwe" he didn't oven smile B u t all d ay he ha d m eetmg at ffrst w1th consalerable opposit wn, convey h er [LD(t her family thither l.iy e1thee f busm~o.s is that the laro-c ~dvei t1sc1s clo not a d,tzed 111r li\ce a g rassl1opper dr owned in like most innovations, it Is gradually ex'9RA'v.'.T S steam or rail, this brave woman pnt her er age. 8 For 1f,a 7trn;; ctoihing · 1 8 k for t he extla, t he ~omphmenta1y p,1ra· its own " molasses. " t endmg. It is n.h eacly m use on the qana. !"REE.a.v.1. .L'li ' childr en 111 <> \~ agon with the inteut10n of Sulpha t e of z1uc 2\ ounces I «ra.pli beln"' merely g1Yen a.s 1111 act of cour- - - -- - - - -, dfan l:'acilk Ra1lroacl, west of Wmmpe~, WORM P OWDERS 1 driving all the way She reache<l. St. Louis Cai hohc acid f ounce. Itesv for tl~u la.rge trncle in printer s' ink, (anon vVilhcrforce evm ced the bro,1d11ess ' upon thcM(Lmtoba&Nort hwestern,Ra1{J 0 '.1 ' ., last w cek- 800 miles of her JOUrney- a.nd Hot water · 1 gallon. while the man who spends ~;ta mont h h as and char ity o! hrn views by p1e<>.clnn " in the and upon the Idaho Division °:f t ne n~on was there obh~ed to sell he1 p orn es ,1ml Soak t he olotlles t" ch <· l.:·u a, then wash ( lus feelings wounde d if h e does not receive Albion Congreg ~tiomil Chapel So1~th:unp Pacific. So s at1sfact01y has its atloplt10n .]; .lre :pl9ll.llo.nt to tal<.c. Contllin their ow& wagon, but vhe :J;53 which they b1ought, and Heavy clothmg blanl,eti., etc., to be dis- a notice worth $2,50 in ha1 cl c.L sh every ton at the monthly spcc1,tl ser~tce re(·ently , 1iroved to t he ta.ilw a.ys. and t h e to~nd a ong ,rugu.tive. Jg t\ sa!e, suro, and etlectruil w luch, it is said, w,is twice u,s much as they infllcted should 'be opened and expoHed. time h e favor s the puper with his Clistom." 'l'h~l e was no lllJllnction fl om the Bishop, l theirlmcs that proposrtionfis to lcln rC·o nc de. It dcatrorer.- oi worZIUI ila Childtc nor Adlllta were worth, would not t ake her far on h er 1ghout the Un1011 mia ____,_.,.."' way t o tie I new h omc llu t liere thc t oneh · ' room a s t1g . ll t i y a s poss1ble ; s,u ff t he Close foe t ho simple rect~on t b ,it t I 1c ]> e>lS1 iop w~s t h l o1 ·' b l'ac1 .can , t t tan ....,..,."""""""""""'-"""'""'_"""_""' ~ 1 --- -- --- ·-not cousultecl C,mon vVrlbetforce fel t rt Pacific systems ai e ~mg ~er ious1 ~gi ttfc 'l'he brillian t illumination of the Stormont of N .1t ure th.L t m11.kes t he whole world krn all cr.tcl,s and paste p aper 01i et t he key l1 oles Piace sulphu1 m iron pans , set 011 '! Equa.l to the .Emergency. h rn tluty t hus far to br eak through t h e ba1- l':wtJcular attention iscalledhto t e a? 1 a Cotton ~r"ntifacturing Company 's mill at came to her ,11d. The half naked and -bic.h.s · · Jll wash -tub· cont11111mg · a .J1t t1c »at ci. l 1 tl t ty fom hour sc eme is m use u '" Id ' Tha t rn an elegant snit you have o11," tiers of ecclesiastical c"clus1veness, (L'.ll l C ~e \~en t t he ex t ensive telegr,,ph system s Co1nwall by t he first lrghtmg of the Edison hungry chi ren were coth ed and f e d ' 0 1 1 11 11 1 a E gy)\/udiz , 11 0 match Hasten from the room, and J,eep it , God's blessing m.i«ht rest npon pastor and Afn ca, Ch nm, Austra 1.1, am cw ,ea an · su cces· and will he of immense benefit t o or prospect of future st ruggles she iomneved · 1 ~ .~ompamou c 01 h f ' l and ) N h' - .-~ --question I must decline to o.nswe1, church , and upon t> the C}rnrch umvers,t' d .......,Iii."'"'_.....-:-... cl well d irected labor health.., and comfort of t he workers 111 t he o~1. A n d s h e was not of tlie t ramp o~ d ei, cl?sed fo1 .twen ty ~ur. ours ' t l1en ope~· Uu" That wmdows wide , and arr it thoro1117hly For because I don't think t hat I need o.ny h elp that Christ ian men migh t reach over the , ot m.g :~ ~f 18 ed without it- exeent mill. The machiner y is all in ahape aga.in j eith er, but an ed~cated woman, and withal a r oom ten feet square, use two pounds of . . . th That 12 one ha uiefo whwh separated th em. Afterwards and nothmg is a am · and the mill is 111 full blast. somethmg of a writer and !> poet. 0 1 f llo ' ae tr fw sulphur and for lar ger ones a proportionate m rmnm g t e 1!? 1 1 ul.ly eql; R.l ·he preached a powerful Evan gelical seunon. poverty. 't' eme1geney ow n c 1 1 . quant i y. I p ersons tlunk so, however. It may be true few ladies close t hen letters w1thont it, us that oystern do not piodli:ce the most pie.is ' mg either a seal with then initr.tls, or mono· ant results w]Jell cooked m a twh style an d Igi am or a hernldic device Gent lemen use t b I WI t k ' · b f I l = =======-:. ._:.-=-=-=-========================== «, ' -o 0u GA l l BUI L D I NGS, ETCAL F , I I a r e offering Coa l as follows : Stove and Chestn u t ,.................. $6.25 .1 Grate and Egg, .................. ............ 6.00 1 'be LUMBER, S HIN GLES , LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. t;; I McDOUGAL L & METCALF .Far mers, Threshers and lVI i Hmen, Use Jl:fcColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. I A M A CHINE 0 1L. I I 1 1 c.:y 'TI:IE B Esr-.r TN TI-1E -VVORLD. Uk I & SUl'JLIGHT 1 n -I ' . !, I I I ~7 ~l~~l~~f~o~~~do~:~l~ 1~ :!8J 1~~i~e~p~~~lu~ ~bservcd Toront~ ~~mat~c\~~~h1f~ }~!~~~ I~~~~~~htt~j1~ ~~~t the~~1e 0,1~~~1 ~:~;:<l tl!~~ ~e~~~~n°Great Ilntanl~ I L l I I 'i - ' l t ~ou~1 ~~~~n~~~~1~u\,t:;~1~:tti~~;1~~ ~~= ap:~~~le: !~~~:p~:~to~n~:~!;:~is~~;dpa:t~~1~~~u; ° ·