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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1887, p. 1

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t TBRMS :-11.50 Pn. ANNUX. N 11:W SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M · .A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROI'lUlllTOR, VOLUME 447. BOWMANVILT..E, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1887. XXXIII. N UMBER 8, ... Ct-I 0 ..p r-t Ul ~ 0 " r-f 0 ¢? ............. (]) .p ~ ... . (]) H oJ c 0 0 . <: ro w. H ... (1) 0 ....... 0 0 ~ H ~ ~ (]) ~ p. 0 0 (]) ~ SOL IN.A· There h~ boon a coal famine in thle village. Mr. W. Elford, of F enelon, is vieitiSlg friends here, M r. Fogg, of Bowmanville, is visit'lll,; in thi11 village. · M iss Lilla Pascoe, of Enfield, has beea visiting friends here. Mr. E. G. Pascoe has sold a horse to Mr. Geo . Bantle at a g.,od price. The fire brigade was called out one nignt last week. No serious dama"e was "' done. Mr. John B. Allin, of Bowma.nville has beon spending a few days around here. Large numbers went from this place to Bowmanville on Tue11day, of last week, and t o Cartwright on Thursday to hear Hon. E. Blake. JACK. HANPTU.N. M rs. Hoidge has returned from '.roronto. Mrs. T. Fowke and sons have returned iio their h ome in Muskoka. Mr. J . Y. Cole purposes starting fo r a trip to Hamilton .md other places of interest this weell:. Our down town blacksmith was pre· sented with a fine young daughter last week. Mother and child are both doiug well. Congmtnlation T. J . C. · On Friday last, a cow belonging to Mr . J ohn_ J ewell went ou t ou th e pond and fell into a h ole where ice had been r eBy the assistance of s everal moved . strong men she was roscued . The meeting on Friday in interests of Hon. E . Blake was farg;ely attended , Mr. S. H. Blake gave a telling address. The worst t'ie Torys can say, is that they can go to church wlien they want t.o hear a No doubt they heard more sermon, truth's than they are accustomed to hear at Tory meetings. . Messrs. J. Abrabam11 and J . P ooly have returued from the lumber in the northern woods. SLOW BoY. ENTERPRISE. Miss L . J . Allen is visiting in Orillia at Mr. W. B. Blewett's. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Thoraton have ret urned after their prolonged visit .. .P oor Willie, don't be playing al'ly of Elisha's tricks, or you may put another hole in your foot. w~ are glad to hear that the prayermeetmg has started again, we hope to see a good attendance of the young people. Enterprise is a lively village, partius are all the rage now. The young people gave Mr. B lewett a surprise party on Wednesday, t he 9 th inst., and a very pleasant time was spent. NEWTONYILLE. The meetings that J1ave been held here in the interest of the Reforu1 party we re,. w_ell at.tended., H on. S. Blake carr. i ed his audience wi th ~is .splendid speech'; it was also very gratifyrn~ to see so/ many ladies present. Th e H on. E . .Bl k e was . . . . given a most enthusiastic recep tio ; the hall 'v·· ll decora te d , · l arge "" b eau t'f· 1 ,1 y b anner was stretched across the h I with the foll owing: " Welcome to the Glad11tone of Canana. " The ladies had p ced beautiful plants and bouquet s on the t· form . There were a few 'l.'ories pre 8 e who ne ver heard t he lilce before and I think they were " almost fJersuaded.,, . . H owever It w~s a grand time, 1J.nd all left the hall deh<>'hted with l\ir Blake's h M 0 S 131 . · . speec . r. . a11e wa~ t·ntertamed by Dr. W. W. D ickey, V. S. Th p b t . N uwton111l!e, . ·1 e r es y ~r1ans, w1 I h old tlrn1r anmversary on Sunday and M d r h h . on ay next , 1 t and 28t ; 011 8und:.1y R ev. J . Abrahams, of Whitby, will pr each at. 11 a'. m. On Monday te:i. will _h e served f10~ 5.30. to 7:30, after which add resses will be given R evs J .Abrnham, J. W. Mitchell and J. Whi tlock. Music w'Jl · 1 · of t h tl fi ' rst 1 b e f u;ms 1e d by th e c h 01r Presbyterian church, P ort Hope. Tickets 25 conts . All come. MONDAY NIGHT'S D EMON..~STRATIONS. r COURTI CE. Cadet Brokenshire ia the new officer in charge of t he Salvation Army here. .Mr. D . Sander son has been teaching a week. for Mr. T. H . Kirkpatrick, wh o is very ill. M r. and Mrd. A .E . Clemens, of 'l'yrone, ha ve been spending a few days in this vicinity umong their fri ends. ~ra. H obe rt Courtice, sr., died on the 19th inst. She had b"en an invalid for a numbPr of years. The friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Th ere was an enthusiastic roeetinl{ of Reformers in the school house on the 18th inst. Stirring speeches wer e made by Messrs. Ormisto n, H enry and Hunking. This division goes strongly for Blake. Pc r-1 t; <D w. (1) r-f ro 0 ,.q ..I IL J..887 _ _ _ __ ·~ ro r-t H ~ ~ 0 z A NTIOCH. OD M <D 0 0 :J..BBr'7' I ~ VI LLE 0NT BOw MAN · ------' 7 ~;~;:0u;;::n!~ ~eeari;r~~~ ~~fl~~~ :r~~ I The undersigned having bought the stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS of fMr · t · HOUSE 0 f this own, T · · G . MASON, 0 f the STAR . intends ~o make a special ~ffer to all who may · feel disposed to patronize the Old stand' ----TH E STAR n a d vertising bargains I mean it an I · llltend bargains, and tO prove · tO d give f t h _e f r1en o every economical buyer, I Wlll va1ue your trade highly and I · b · · d es11·e to 0 ta1n 1t, not one purchase, b ut many a 11 t h rough the year. There.I?. iore, when you come to the store .our . ef des1·r e i·s to look to your 1·nter'ests, Chl tO p 1ease you, for you, to +': 1 to h saVe money l h ave YOU l.e t at We laV8 really bellefi tt8d YOU, .and that it iS to your profit tO trad 0 Wlth US. i will offer decided bargains in all lines of ~: s~~~<l goods usually kept for sale in a Dry Goods establis hment. in COfiling to the Store YOU Will meet SOfile of the old familiar faces who will do all they can t th b to carry OU M~rkets opell:, w e i?tend -~~d~ng every sp ecialty suitable to thts locallty, l ll 1\1.hlllnery and 'llai ·lori'ng. Mr. PEARDON will b e pleased to m eet as m any Of his Old p atrons as . ChOOSO to call ' and from W h at I h ave seen 0 f h IS Work, he s t a nds out Ill bold r elief and r equires n o COIDtUent Of min e as h e is SO Mi~s Jauie and ~'ass!e Colville, Mir<s<i~ .c. ' bl k ' Tm.v ...nd Anme Col ··ille, lVfr. H . Gib~on LaVOra ~. llOWll. and M iss Maggie .Colville and several '11 b · th t ~ h' others who we were n ot acquainted with M r. T... G . MASON Wi e_ in . 0 S ore iOr t Irty The present wa~ bottght from M ensrs. W. d ays to introduce the advertrner t o the old cus tom- Q uick & .o?. who. are u oted for fast -class ers, and to g ive his custorr1er1:':l a n opportu.n ity to good at Jmug p c:icM. b alance th9ir accounts. Cash or note b eing ex- Farmers having clover seed for eale will pected in each case. fi~d W. Quick & Co. prepared t o pay highest market p1 ·ices. Respectfully yours, JlESTIW Y 'll'l(V. '4VOlUU:! nr tltf'y may d<lH· 1 i And . as · the Sprl .·ng adVallCeS and th . e 0 a OVe . On ' Monday Pveniug, Jan. 31st, about 40 of t he friends of Mt. aod Mrs. Thos. V ickers assembled at their residence to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their wedding day. ..lfter the customary greetings, the visitors were brought to order and the host and hostess called on to come forwarJ, when Mr. W. ·r. Little on behalf of t he friends read a. nicly worded address and Mrs ..Jas. Hunter presented them with a beautiful parlor lamp, handsome eruct stand and a complete crystal tea eet. Mr. Vickers in suitable words thanked the donors fo r t he t okens of esteem to wards himself HAYDON. and his pari·! rllrin life. The company Mr. Robert Luff is very sick with Ery- t hen ropaiP d to the d toing room whe1·e a sipelad. sumptl)ous repaiit had been spread by the Miss E Ta Brown is visitm" frien ds in ladies. / A very enjoyable time wi.11 spent by all until the we ama 'ours. . Olllrke. "' _ . Mr. F. Mallory J1ad a valuab horse TYBONE. lucked.last week. is t hou rrht it will "' h ave to be killed. . . ~$dies' Aid_ haa recently bi:ien organMr. S Slemon, who got a Bever e kick iz u m connection with the Methodist on1tri:e ~and fr<;>m a horse a short time ch r ch . The following were appointed ago, is improving slowly. as \ oftlcers :- President, Mrs. Kenner · I Several went fro m h ere to Cartwright V ici( Pres. , Mrs. W. Clemt1ns ; Sec., Mrs: Cr eeper; Treasurer, Mrs. P . Werry. They eld t heir first 11ocial on Wednesday t alk good comcnon sense. Severa.I went evenin!(_ the 23rd inst., in the vestry of to hoar S. H . B lake a t Hampton, and t o theChu~h. Mr. an Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McBurTyrone to hear Mr. Blackstock Md Laidla w on Friday. Mr. Blake made an ex~ ney, of Ho e have been visiting friends here. 1 0 1 Several from re attended the funeral of Mr. B lsckstock's. A number went of the late Mr. T. lJ... Mason, on W edncsto h ear E. Blake on Monday eveninO' .. nd day. Mrs. M.81!on has the sympathy of heard the issue of the day fairly d isc;ssed. t his neighborhood in h er sad bereaveSuitrR1sE . A ND PREsK NrAnoN.- On ment. Uur Miller liaa been ta.Icing in a 11r ~onday evenmg Feb. 14th about eighty supply of wheat t hiK laat week. friends of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn MoL1mghThere was a dance at J ohn's on the 14th !in .met at t!1eir residence to celebrate the inst. fiftietl1 1mmversary of their wedding day Mr. Ed. Channon is visiting Mr. John and presented them with a. beautiful Dames, :Mariposa., who ie very ill. 1 h mging lamp ~s a alight tokeu of their Mr. Wm. Uhannon, Sr., had the misrbecp.e.~ncYesteefn. Mr. Thos. Brown,teaddresstowhichMr. fortu ne t o elip on t he ioe and ~hak e his ~cLauRhlin made a s uitable reply, thank - age<l frame, very badly. Mas~er John Pettenger, aon of our popm g them for the unexpected but we1come visit a.nd especially for the beautiful ular miller, has gone to Bowmanville to present, an d expressed the wish t hat all work for Mr. J. C. Vanstone. Success would enj$y themselves, which we think John. The High 8chool lassies were all home t~ey did, some tripping th e light fantas t1c and others furaisbiug excellent music on Sunday. A large number from h ere attended both vocal and instrumental. The ladie~ brought well filled baskets from which Hon. E. Blake's r eception on T uesday of a spieudid repast was prepared about 12 lust week. T he Shamrocks go to H a mpton on Sato'clock. All r home at an many early urday. hour wishing t Pturned he host and hostess Mr. R. :Branton cut cords of hard mor e years of wedded bliss. '.l'he followis a list ot those present and who con- wood in. l@ss than two h ours. .Beat ~hr.t tributed: Mr. and Mrs.D .W ood ley. Mr. if you can. Where di d t he band disappear to on and Mrs. Wm. Patton, Mr. W m J .J . a11d Miss Beacom, Mr. Colin and Richard and 'l'hursdtiy night ? \Vas it getting too het Mi11a Maggie Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Sta- for the T ory friends t Moxie seems to be pleutiful again. Too ples, of Cobourg, Mr. Robt. and Miss Virtue, Mr. C. Vir tue, Mr. and Mrs.Ed. strong for the "General." Be careful Virtue. Mr. Wm. and Mias Farrel, Mr. J ohn, don't be too generous. Mr. ·W. H . Hicks has been visiting friends in the city. :: Bets are freely given and taken at this Mr. H. Hooey, Mr. Wm. and Miss s. Hooey. Mr. Wm . and Miss E . Hill, Miss election. Someone will sure to lose. Bon. E . B lake's m0eting on 'l'hursday A. Shaw, Mr. 'f. Stinson a1,d l\fisse3 Meeight was a grand success. 'l'he hall was Laughhi, Mr . and M iss N ichols, Miss R . crowded to the doo1·a, some h aving to go 1m.l ljj J . Wylie, of Haldimand, Mr. Jas. IU·d D McNeil, Mias M .Malil1inson, Mr. away. The Hon . gentleman gave aome J as. Maun, Misecs Lizzie and Minnie hard n uts for our Tory fri ends to crack McNeil, Mr. T. Cole, Mr. T . H arris 11.n d on a we~ day. R eeve Hancock filled the chair 11s t igh t as uaual. Miss Gardner, Mr. a nd M is11 Scott, Mr. The s ick are n ri better . G.n clman, Miss Burrnws, Mr . Thos . Who's to be appointed Mayor 1 Brown aod Miss Tyr eman, Mi~s Dobbiu, Mr. I saac <Jonch Q'ave an A ]oqu<1n t. 3flrof.London , '1iaR I c , a P.rown , !\fr. an rl Miss Montgomery, Miss Wood Mil!!s mon ~o a large congregation en Sabbath Irwin , Misses M. and E. !1.igg3, M r . D. mornmg. Mr. J. R . Hoidge and wife, of T oronto, Grahan'., Mr. Jas . ~ouutjoy and Misa Jo!!, Miss E. M ount Joy,Mr.J:<.:. Vans tone, were home on Sunday, looking hale and CLIMAX. Mr. Wm. Col ville, a nd Mies Oowan hearty. :~~etn:e:g:~~~ b~: ~e ~i~ ~:; t~~~~ :i~h s~aati~~~ftMr~n;~ BM~~;~; Q..~C>. :C.....A.::CN'"G-. rowd.er1, tluiy expel all k inds 1nm~. t1·o y lllc c nlldren . Ilic Freem a n ' Wor m During tha holidays there has been a big b~om in t~e E agl? Steam W ashing Machme, notwit hstandmg the election ex citetwmt, and many homes have been · 1rnppy by t bei·· .in trodu.;tion. The la.dies t o:;. num say nt!l suel1 inaehiJ1 e w1is ever sold in the country and all a.cknowltic lg., tlw.t it is the la e ~t .v1>sher uu eart h. The machine can b<-1 seen at C"wk:er & Aliin's st ore, besides in many of the h ouSP.8 in West Durham. J no. N . K ivell sells this Wagh er and one of the best wringers in the market. Every year a large number of our R~clf::i~:~ ·~~:"' :am:"' 0? li<ic;.10n of 1 regular su bscri bers order the STATESl\LlN . d b M · · eadm;:;s, car efully to be sent t o friends e.t a distance~ 'This arrange Y rs·. An?a, R im dall-Dieh' . f . one of the moat succel'l!ltul t ea ..h1Jrs of t h .., ._. . ci I ,: ' ·· .., some11mes ra .1 ~ e8 coL usion , unl·· ss the Art of E ' }!Ci'S(>ns to ,,-bnm the p;,,per is M:ut ar e . . .ocu110:1, u.11 w ' I oiinw n M th ; noti' li . ed of t i k" u ' l . ·t W 11 ti aut~lOt of .sev~r.~l &tu1\.lard wn.-ki. <Jn th .. l e m y ac . i 10 pl:lr- 8 b t E h b · di.ff' s on:i wh o sen t tlic STATE flMAN t c friends u 3ec · . ac nu_rr~ er 111 er~_nt fro1 for 1886, pleaee infor m us a t once if the J the otbet', is b?u~u Ill h >wdoowu H r.ugraph 10 wish the paper sent tor 1887 W f' shSi c l over prmt ed fo ur cnfo_ra, and ~ontaina be · · · .. . · ' '· 28 lurg;, pages. W<J v. 1'1 ~ ·nd. N 0 a 1 gm reviam g our .,ia1lm g hs ts on !!'larch 2 3 d 4 t0 ·d<l ' f " i:; "' · ' l at, ,.md u.H cha ogus of a.Jd ress shollld be St an · k any Ad lid rr?ss or oO cJel}m,. sent to us at on ce. umps .,a eu. · ie;.s ,y1,~J\lllLU.L · 'At J.AJ\DS , dra wer 7, Bowtnanv1lfo, Ont . M onda ni<>ht wi . 0 , 11 0 wildest s~ene~ of e!~~y"se~ ~ : , f the q uiet old town h as amen d ~"t our N t' ever pai, 3 e t<1rough. o e1ec 1011 contest for mar.y years I created one h ~Jf th · t · t' ·T h C ias tn \Jr · tl e onaervative party "Ie th d oe !l from East We ;re ha d 10 , clans near! eve~. vot:r' in ort a.n Sout.h .; his si~ters i?nr1 h' 3 0 Weat Dduh~:<m, wit h his step-mot he-r ~11~ ~1~Inhs. an, aunt~, 18 · t . . ' ? ·ll ren , Wt\8 1 ~ 1ownMt~ a~;:~~nt ce1l?bratrn~ t.~e. occa." . . N s oc.t s pr occss1 011 Wlllt g,ar r om ewcasthi t · 1 · h 0 · t all true Oonser~·ativ ··8 d'· .: wA u c P .m o'clock t h · . " Ic" e. bo.u · n me · e pr e.cession r eacht'd t owi1 h d ed by a la roe reai ': t 'f "Y ea · ' adl\" bearin~ to~c~~n oFu · llo o_ungtC I an. o . wrnv iesa C!lme t he Ca rtwright :B,.nd. N:xt f 0!lowed ahout 200 slei"hs and , 1 ·t · · · ., cu · ··rs some with torches au d 11ome wit h 0 t' b 11 t evt'ryone shouting and a gr · ~ ' wavi ng the!r hats.' About t he e~ent~~a~~ th e procession W&:i a ban d made 11 of a detachment of the Oro-an F t p B d and other pl :.yers ~ ..;[ briii~c 1 ory atnhe ' · ' ·tit· of ti· " llgD up roar camo the r emaind 0 & l'. Q ,, , instrumentg As t h .e · '. pasaed by the Tu ;~ Hall , teh pr o :lcession . . , o cm was terr1lic, cries for Black1Hock a nd Blake ~'· ere prehy ev.enly divided between those HONORING BLAKE. m .the pr?ces~ion aud. those looking on . The procession which formed at Kew· Al t t he tim~ t lus was g··iug 00 Mr. Blake castle, on 'l 'uesclay, 15th to escort Hon. was addre.ssrng a vi~st llndieace which ha-d E. Blake to Bowmanville, was the finest gat hered m the t.own hall. As th ti ehouts thing of the kind, since Mr. Bfako's for - of the Conservative procossio n d 1·ew uear mer r eeeption . H undred3 of sleighs,cut· the Reformers i n t he lrnll, like tru~ tera and horsemen gathl·red to do honor Bwons, s~ut t ha windows, det <Jrmined to their chosen caudidate. Mr. S. W. ~o hear their cundidate in spite of bray Saunders, per fectly equipped and ·uni· n~g bands, ffamin:< torches, clfluda of coa formed, filled the position of chief mar- oil l!!moke, cracking fireworks or wilt s hsl and was ably assisted by Messrs. yells. After the procession h;d passei J ohn P ercy, j r., A. vV. Burk, T. Spry, ~hrough the front s treet t "·i(:e, they ad W. OsbornE>, and W. Paint on-quite au JOurued to the drill-shed. Soon aft e1 army of young horRemen were likewise th e Hon., E. ~fake finished his st irring ss, ID which he refuted tho wild and ready t o give assistance if necessary. addr& Upon a rrival at the market square th e unfou nded ac~usationa th 11t had been nat anthem waB played by the band, m~de agat~st him by Conserva til e sp ~ak and with cheers the proceerlings were ad- ers, es pecially by Mi·. McCarhty, during the last day o~ two. T11en there was a journed till even ing. The meeting in the evening was well sound of bras11 ~nstrument s on the town attended, the hall being litterally packed. hall comer, winch was the signal for a ll Mr . F. l!~. McArthur occupied the chair. Reformers to gat he·r t r> do h onor to their After b rie f addreest>11 by the chairman great leader, a~1d al!!O t o show that old and Dr. McLau ghl m, Mr. Simpson rean W cat Durham is !Itill true to laer colors, mark11bly short iim 0 400 tnrches a n addreB~, and Mr. Hall's little clauo-hter In a re_ Nellie, pre11ented Mr. Blake with a beau- and ·Clunese lauterns were lit and in the tiful basket of flowers. Mr. Dlake on hands of those who were smart eno ugh to coming forward to respond wa!I again sa.· get them, and h~d t her e been 400 more luted with h earty cheeu, ~nd as he a.c· to; ches they would been sp9edil c:epted the offer ing he kissed the pre ~ ty s~ized and bor11e alof~. T he old .Refor~ li~tl~ donor. We hav;i not space for the h on of Wi;s~ Durha m was fu ily a.rousd, st1rrm g address which followed, but it and dc~ermme:i to show it, too. Tl'1e was such as rarely " reets the ear of a processi~;n Wl\8 the larg,~st and fi ueBt one Bowmanville a.udie;ce, anc l all who wor e of the kmd, that has eyer enlivimed our th~re liateued wit h interest and delight town, .and the most inter11stm!{ t hing to the sp eak er ' s masterly eloquence. ' about it was, that t he t orch bearers with scar cely an .excepticm, were voters. 'After the p rvcession h~d .wonnd its length up and do "'n t he p;mmpa .~ treets, in which PORK PACKING. many of the residences wero illuminated In Oct ober, 1882, the Marshall pack ing each one of whic? was heartily cheered: house b egan operations. In the four three cheers bemg also given fo r the years that have since elapsed, the hemes STATES~IAN while .p assin g t he r.osidence of of workingmen have clustered about t he the Editor, it finally brought up in front works until Packinatown has become an of Dr. McLaughli11'11 residence, where the impor tant portionof" Marshalltown's pop- rai~ks opened out allowing the Furnitu:re ulation. . The Jking house to-day . Co 3 .Band an~ Mr. Bia.kc to drive through e~1ploys sixty ~eo, the majority of whom the Imes, amidst t he wildest cheers. Tho own their homes or are rapidly hon. gentle~nan t hen 11ddr"sscd the elecpayrng for them out of their earniugs. tors, t~ankmg thern for t ha very hoarty No i nstitution in Marshalltown h as been r eceptton they had given h iai,after whicll of greater value to the farmers of Marilh- the crowd returned t o the cormuittee all county than the pack ing works. Since r ooms, stacked their tor ches, and disperstlrn 1s t of last November they h ave paid ed. The most re1m.r kable thing about out $2'75,000 for hog~, and of th is sum at the ll·hole t urnout was th .- fact, t Ji,,,t with 1011st 30 per cent has been paid to the all Lhe crowd and excitt!me11t ther e was farmers of Marshall county. T he killing scarcely a ny rowdyism. With t he excepseason began Nov. 1, and t r em t hat date tion of a. few hot -headed youths who to Jan. 18 they had killed 28 000 hogs . seemed to be inclin ed t o resort to blows 'l'he six large ice houses of th~ firm have a v~ry good feeling existed. 'l'ha Conser~ been filled with ice fo r n ext summer vatn-e~ were delighted t o see such a large 6,000 t? ns in a\L. '! 'he t otal shi pment of gathermg on thei r side, while t he Reformpork, du:ect to Liverpool, by Brit tain & era wer~ h appy in the proud confidence Co., durm g the past year, has oeen 381 t .h eirs was lttrgli!r still. cll:r d, or 9,500,000 p rin nds of pork. Thie TUJ!SDAY :Nl OHT. will probably be mcreaseJ 50 p~r cient G t · · during th"' year. The l\larshalhown rea excitemen~ previuled from the gr,,ods, from Brittain & Co. , have made nhoment of t he clo111n_g of the polls until an ti:xcellen t r epntation in t he L iver ool t e r eturns were all rn _. As soon a s tl1e market and are much sou ght after . PBe- result was knom1 the Reformer~ shout!l ~ sides this there is a certaii1 a moun t shi . with~ great shout. The 400toroheswer ;,r p~d to Prnri" an d other points. Hotels 5P'~tf 1y bbr~ ug!F i~ riut. and !"¥ai·\ ligMed .; in the city of Des Moines in which is an 6 · Y le urui.ure Cos. Ba.nd, th·1 located a packing huusu of con.qiderable procession mar ched throu~h the 11rin cip~.j illlportanco, depend on B rittain & Co.· for :~~et:t8; Many 0 ~ ~he re~1de11~cs on the t heir supplies of tbis sort Se l er? beaullrully 1llummated, but t owns wi thin a few miles of DP.s sp1>cefo~bid~ our ennumerati!lg them. The ship to B rittain & Co. About one-third btoces~1on finally brought up before the of t h eir eupply of ho,1(8 is drawn from owm~ttee R_oom11 w here the Ban~ :played Marshsll county. Duriug t.he past y ear lso.r:he llvely ~m1,M1mdBtlhe p roceedm gs fin. the worh also filled G,000 t ie" of la rd w1 c ieer1 or r. Their pay-roll foots up $800 a week. I outside of thrue salaried heads of depart~ men ts, aud the wagea range from $1.25 Eureka Recitations.- " Where can per day, paid to boys, t e $3.50 per day I find a .Piece s uita ble to spe"'k at SCL<1'0) for th e most ekill& d employees. The firm next Friday afternoon 1" " What shill> 'f have a fine reputation as exact aud reli- read a.t the L iterary Rociety or Ci:turcli. able bn~iness men . Their bn~i.nese is Entertainment tn-nigh t ?" " When will mnuagoil by tw'> active bU11ine;;s gantlfi- eomething naHr a ppe»r t hat ev·lyb·Jdy has nrnn- p artners , in the firm- Mr . B enj. not heard before a score of t imes 1" ·a re Bt1tt:.1u «1.d .u'fr. .R, i~.eid. A t nircl quos~1ons t nl'!.t c.,1~,..i, ua uy 1 1 (m1g asked partner, Mi·. Thos. Bassett, who r esides by friends and aoquam tances by childr en in Canada, is also here a po rt ion of the amateur reader·a unci protes.-iional 'll<JCl:l~ time. t i<_mi8ts. V'.e ~10,v" b.;en corNsv<·nding with the prmc1pal American J} Ubhshera Sending the State3man to Friends of booka of recilatfo1:111 a11d have fo und a. very excePen c " n d c. h e 'l' sariH s of six 1 t '!di! ---·----- ---- 1 1 M:t::a 1 -------·-- I

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