· 'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.:!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~~~==~~~~~~!!!!~~~!!~~~~~=bZ£LSZ~~~~:a~~=..Ml!!! her eat. She sobbed pitifully for "Gra.nrl· AN OSSIFIED MAN, , pa," as the night wore on. I stro,·e to hide my uneasiness as to bis non-appear.ance by 'Vho for Thirty Years Has X ' Movefl al· --I'N-telling her funny stories of Canadian little Joint of' Dis llo·ly. GRANDFATHER'S STORY. girls and boys a nd by and bye she fell asleep \V. J. B:~ss, k nown throughol " Niagara WEDNESDAY, F EJmuARY 2~ 1887. 1 in my arms. County a~ the ossified man, h: e recently IlY KORA LAUGH ER. Then I heard, amid the roaring of the wind taken up his residenre at Niar;11.ra Falls. and the waves, the '1eavy boom of a ~ignal His case is a si ngular one, and physicians in MALL FARM )rOR SALE.-- 30 acres of land having thereon good frame "-~~out five and twenty years ago, Jack, gun and I knew there was a Yesscl wrncked the section have never met anything like it. , house, barns, stables a n11 other necessary out· business called m e from Toronto on a pi.rti· upon the coast. ' Bass was born in the t own of Cnmbria <in buildings. young orc)larn of 4. acres, w!'ll wat· cular visit to England. Carrying Bonnie Maggie in my arms I September, 1810, of J<~nglish pagJJts. He ered and fenc0l1. S1tna ·ed JUSt outside the After I }w.cl spent three weeks in one of limped to the casement, throuvh which I has two broth ers, one older and 0 1 1e yonng corporation ofBowma.nv1lie. Will be sold very th l . t fL d Ib t tl · ] cheap for cash, Apply to M. A. J ..urns, e )~\srnst:po.r s '? on on,. egan o un t could see a large crowd of fishermen and er. His early days were spent i ii different --A..T-STATESMAN Office, Bowro1anville. 9·tf. 1of a httle relaxat10n and dec1decl to see some women hastening to the shore. towns in this country. i'he winH' that he l of the grand, old English scenery before I I longed to go to t hem and become one of was seven years old he Imel a s ligh'L attack of the active workers; but dare not leave the rheumatism in his right ankle w liich soon RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR retumecl home to Canada. A ccordingl y, a fter visiting some of th<> little one entrustc~1 to my care. tlisfi.ppeared, and he felt no more o [ it until SALE IN BOWlVJ.ANVILLE.-.A. V".rY comfortable brick house, nearly new, contam- most historic:tl of the midland counties, I .I could only wait. through the long hour:s, he was uine years old. At that time it aping 8 rooms, besides pant "ies, closets and·sum- jmnncyed southward into Devonshire and w1th a strauge feelmg of sadnezs and pam peared in his right hip. Ever after that he mer kitchen, excellent ·>ellar. Hard and soft stayed a a short time at Torquay, which I was obli"cd to Cl\rry a cane and could not water: very gooc1 fruit garden oft acre. Situat- thought one of the prettiest places I had at my heart. Bonnie Maggie gave a joyful cry, " G\·arnl-1 stand in" one JJosition but a'few moments at ed in the most aristrocmtio part of the town. · Will be sold on very reasonable terms · .A.pply ever beheld. pal'. is come !" .when , "t hs~, through the a time. 'When l4 his fathe\' diecl, and the to :\LA. JAMES, S'l'A'l'ESMAN Office, 9·tf.. N ext I. staved awhile at a qu11iut little rngrng of the sto~m, we pl<Lmly heu.rd the care of the family de\'Olvecl upon liim. DurCornish town, where the olc l fashioned dnll thud of men·s h eavy tootsteps, an<l then ing the summer when h e was 16 he had a ' dialect of the people seemed very strange the cottage door opened ~cntly. contract of towing t imber down the canal · and where nearly all the inhabitants' names But, oh! what a sad sight met our eyes. from Lockport to Troy, which n ecessitated - - - · Mil NUF.ACTUHIDft 01r _ _ _ began with Tre, Pol, or Pen. ~'he good old Isaac- not de'l.d _ as I had. at his being in the water more orless, and conI had not spent many clays at Trewelly- !irst supposed ; but very bad!Y m,1 ured with sequently he suffered from rheumatism. tbe name of this queer little place when I a blow f~·om the m<Lst of the 111-fated vessel For several years he managecl to work sumreceived a business letter summoning me t o - was lymg up.on a wooden s,hutter, sup- mers and :ro to sch ool winters. One season KING Liverpool. Accordingly I hastened tl1ither po_rtccl b y t h c v111o,ge d octor ano. t h roe b rave he kept a ~ stable in Buffalo. The last posi. S'l'lrnE'l', BOWMANVILL . t at once, intending to remain there the next sailors. hon he filled was t hat of a book-keener in Has now on hand a number ct veJ:i1cleo (and is 1;llanutactur1ng a gre&t many more) of the ne'lllte Tre latter took off their oil-skin caps and F . C·, H ill's harclware store in Buftalo1, Up patterns and best ftmsh, whwh I am offermg iol' sale at the lowestpricesconmstent Are prepared to pay .the highest prices ten days when my vessel would sail for New with due regard to w orkmanship and qu<Lli ty. 'l'b o following i3 a liet ot 1 reverent1Y d own to that time he had visited Avon Sprin"s I York. for a few moments k net the principal vehicles manufactured by me all kinds of Grain delivered at t h o My business at Liverpool, however, was by the side of th~ bed whereon they had ten- :tnd other p laces, and been attended by se~enil eminent physicians, but h ad been conDouble Cover ed Carnages ................................................... . $150 Upw&rda, con cluded much soon er than I had antici· derly placed th~ll' wounded comrncle. Wharf or their Store Hou!e in town. pated, and as I had :.mother week before the A lter they, w1th..the doctor, had left th~ timmlly growing worse. After leaving Mr. Single Phootons . . .. ............................. ~ . . ....... ... ........... .... .. .. J 00 " 11 Corinne set sail I det ermined to spend the co ttage to hasten hack to other.s1~fferer~ of Hill's employ i11 185:~, his hip joint became Open Bt.1ggy ... ....... .... .. ........................................... - . ....... 70 remaining cfays in N Orth vValcs. 11 the wreck, lsM,c go.ther ecl Bonme .Magg10 to more and more ossified until m 1857 he Top Buggy ................... ... .... . .... ........... .......................... .... 90 Consulting my guide book I found tha his heart and besought me, with tears r oll- was unable to move. After 'th11t t he 'dis Democrat Wagon...................... ...................... ....... .. ........... 65 Lland1dno is only a few hours' so,il from ing down h is bronzed che,;k th at I _ would ease was very rapid, and for thirty ye<irs IJUlnber Wagons.................. ....................................... ...... .. 55 Liverpool. Packing a few things in a s1mdl takecareofheras?foneofmyowncluldren. po.st h e has been uno.ble_to move f> sin" L ight 'Vagon .............. .. .............. . ........... .. ..................... . ... 4-0 II OF CANADA ., valise I hastily took the next boat t here. Ai_1d as I g1~aspedh1s hand and solemnly i;iro- gle i· oint of his bocly. H is appearance lying E W "" 11 . .pital paid Ullt is1,ooo,ooo. Uest, $::Go,oo xpress agon......................................... ... ....... . .. ............ 10 I think no place in the olcl country ever nused to brmg her up as my own he replied, in bed do~s not indicate his condition. His Skeleton . .. .......... " .. . ........ " " .. -............. ...... . .... · · -.......... · · .. · oO " ple<ised me better than thi~t small and "Thank Goel ! I_kne'". you'd do it, sir. Now features, although s omewhat sunk en, are This Bank 18-;.~pared to do J:,egitl· peacefnl VYclsh sea-side town, so beautifully I ca~ steer for f!_o11ie 1npea~e, for I feel t11 1at ordinarily good. The only portion of his Sulky ···.·. . 0 :·· 00 ·~··: ·· ··· · ·-- · u······· · ·: ········· ··U· ···········--·· · · 40 " mate Banking in all its branchee. sit uated beneath the high rocky mountain my little lamb ·,nll be safe rr_om harm. God body over which he has any control is his Pm1se8slng euperio~ fac1litiea for m_anu!«otnrmg cv.rrlages. I Intend to sell very cheap for 0 1 Fa.rmers notes discounted ; D e posits known as the Great Orme~s He11d. has bee.n very good t o me, sir," he added. lower J·aw, which he co,n move sligh tlv. or approvec1 credit. and by so domg 1 hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Wolll4 1. sell the wood parts only, or the gearingg of h11 ggiea ironed. received and Interest paid on amounts of How often I thought of my two boys in "S ure 1t was H e wno sen t. you Jrnrc. I Iiavc The r emainder of his body is as rigid , a.s :85 upwards in Savings Bank Department; their Canadian home, far away over the not much strength le~t, Sir, but I must _ t ry stone, and wereitnotforits Mtural warmth I ~lf'Jled Atlantic, as I sat in Happy Valley -& quiet and tell you that she is not my grandcluld. woultl be thouo-ht petrified His attendant :A. DRAFTS green nook of the Orme's Head-and gazecl I wa~ never m arried an<l have neither .kith by placing on~ hand uncler h is head aim At t he Shortest Notice, Painted and '!'rim med if D (osired · .Issued a.nd Collections made in Europe down upon the be:10h below a t the groups of nor. km. I saved her from the wreck ot the raise him t o his feet as h e would a stick of United States and Canada. merry youngsters playing on the yellow Anel five years ago, wh~n she was a tmy wood. Both h ands 11ty across his bocly ,~nd A.t the Factory I also d.o Planing, Matching, 'l'urning ancl Sawing with Clrole,Band ····· fr10 Saws, and prepare all kinds ot lumber ror carpentera nd othera tor builcling purpo~es. sands. baby-hers was the only life _sr,ved. It was h ave not been moved for nearly thirty years. W.J. JONES, 'O rnamen tal and Plain Pickets tor fenc"s in flvery stvle reouired. marle ·to ord M Airen One glorions morning after breakfast I my boat, the B onnie JJ1a,qffie, that r escued Mr. Bass does not suffer any pain, but he is started ou t for a long walk and toiled up a her and I named her after it, she knows no n ot devoid of feeling, although not so sensipicturesque mount ain called the Little other, for .ther<:; was no 111'.l'rk upon her tive as other men. He possesses a gooc l ap· Orme's Head. Up, up I went, through clothes to ~dent1fy her . _Brrng her up, as p et ite; eats, ;drinks and sleeps like other· some lovely woodland scenery. Up and clown your own, s~r. -I am growmg weo.ker formorti;ls, and his physician sees no reason more steep mountain sides, through more I am-steermg-Home-God b~ess i:i1y Bon· why le will not die of old age. Has received her new stock of shady forests, where sometimes through the nie Maggie-" and the old man s voice grew green branches of the trees I could first catch tainter and fainter a s he murmured over H a ving purchased the Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY, War to the Death. a glimpse of the wide, shining ocean. again, "l'm-steering-Ifome. " h op e by care ful a ttention to b t1sinese, good workmanship, and first class and invites the Ladies of Bow Up and down, up and down hill I walked, Surely no purer, truer soul ever steered Hogs h:>Ye !1 parbicular o,n tipathy to rat· material, to sec11re a share of public patronage. We have i u pausing occasionally to gather some of the Heavenwarcl than that of I saac Winford. tlesnakes, and are n ever harmed by the bite stock and are manufacturing a large a m o unt of manville and vicinity to call sweet wild purple heather or bra;cken-fern We buried him in t he little graveyard, of :the reptiles. N · drove of h ogs turned or to admire a lovely rugged view unt il I , where I erected a white marble slab bear· loose on a farm abounding in snakes had, in and ~ee her 'Pattern at last, began to grow very·, very weary and ing hi$ name and the date of his brave a month's time, d riven every one of the look ing at my watch found th&t it was near· d e:tth. p ests from the place. A correspondent dely four o 'clock in the afternoon. In all Ilounie Maggie and I then sailed from scribes a fierce struggle which took place, and assortment ot p robability I had w iilked eighteen or twenty Liverpool to Toronto, \Vhere Granclmama near a 'Vestern town between a boar ancl a Collars a specialty. We intend t.hat the repu t ·tion Hurnphrey'R Collars have ga.ined shall be fully sustained. We a.re prepared to furnish responsible parties welcomed her as a sweet little daughter to rattlesn:tke. miles. Collars on approbation. }'Ve guarantee satisfactio n or n o sale. I had just then.climbecl the highest moun- play with her two big sons. ·r11e two a nimals spent some time in skir'Ve also keep in stock a full line of goods usua.lly found tain I had met with since leaving LlandudAnd by-and-by , when Bonnie Maggie g\·ew mishing about a willow tree, and watching no and looking cown to the valley below I a big uirl, Grandmama and I, although we each other. Suddenly the reptile rose in in a first class ha.mess shop, comprising l!TORB :-Second Door Wes& ot wnuam· beh eld a romantic look ing little fishing vil· could lmrdly hear to p art with her, for she the a.ir, and t hen, with a vicious hlss and l·teher Stan lage. was the sunshine of our home, decided to rattle, struck at the b,o ar, like a flash of Of course I hastened down the steep path send her tn a good school at Montreal for a lightning. for I was hungry and weary and longe.cl for few y ears. The attack was evidently not unexpected. See onr BuJJ Bone Whips-something new. We have also in stock She returned to us a beautiful y oung lady, The boar dCldged back and sqt:attecl upon rest ancl refreshment. Ent in my hurry to make a final descent my foot slipped off tl~e and as good ancl true ao she was beautiful. his ha unches with surprising agility, an<l OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS rock and I fell a distance of twenty foet, Just the old, winsome, Bonnie Mriggie, only the snake's head shot p ast his snout. The As there are many inferior badly spraining my left ankle. The pain was older aucl more thoughtful. tactics of the bo<ir i n backing around the goods, corded with jute, so intense that for a few moments I lost all A!l(l like your fairy tales end, my lad, tree, as he had been d oing, were now exhem.};', etc.,offered i>nd ~old consciousness, then I became aware of a tiny there came a handsome young prince to win plained. for Ho1·ses and lJa.ttle, a sure cu re for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all k inds. as Coraline by some un· Shop- Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m principled merchants trad· pair of dimpled hands p atting my face aml our Bonnie Maggie's heart. But the young The animal had evidently expected the ing otl the reputation ot headland a sm all , childish voice lisping, "I'se pr ince was n o other than my eldest son, rattler's strike to cany the snake clear into our gen11ine Cornllnc, 'd yon 'se lrnro. ' · p oor, poor b' 1 Cyr il-your father, J ack,--for your dear the creek, when the current w ould have we wa>:n the ladies against so 'fra1 ig man . snch imposition by draw- Shall Bonnie Maggie look if grandpap's moth er , my boy, is the Bonnie Maggie. cn.rricd it away. In this the boar was dising their attention to the come?" appointed, for the snake, although long necessity of seeing that the ,, enough to hn.ve l anded in the water, fell name "You arc a good and brave, little oirl, with a thump on the encl of the plank crossI s<tid smiling, as with great difl:icttlty I The Queen's " Drawing-Room." arose. "And so your name is Maggie. A" drawing-room ," as Queen Victoria's ing the stream. Instantly its adver sary '"~tamped on inner sidoof all Cornlinegoods, M aggie what, my dear? V\'ill you tell r eception to ladies is called, begins at 3 seized it by the t ail, crunching the rattles ..,,. · me your other name?" , o'clock in the a.ft ernoon. But --mor e par- with sickening violence. .lithout whioh none are genume. B Turning with amazing rapidity , the snake - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -·- , ".Just onnie Maggie. ticularly of late years-the queen has not - - - - · - - - - - · "But Bonnie Maggie, what, dear?" alwitys been able to remain t hroughout t he struck the boar repeatedly in t he head, but Having decided to retire from the Jewelry Busine ss, offers his stock though the anim<il squealed with pain, h e I questioned again, wondering what my two ceremony. Perhaps, after an hour's suffer · did not relax his e fforts to trample his enemy of ·watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silve r Plate. S pectacles, etc., at TREbig boys a t home would think of this charm- ance on her part, her majesty r etires and the pri11cess of Wales fills her place. But under foot. At the same he made frantic · ing littl e fairy could they but see h er. MENDOUS REDUCTIONS until tb e whole is dis posed of. "I'se jusi; Bonnie Maggie, and nussing the princess is not the rose. She only lives efforts to get the r Mtler's hocly in his teeth. Twice he seemed to h ave a firm hold on The stock sold Retail at Wllole~ale Prices. Entire stock to be else,,, persisted the little m:tid, archly shak- near it, and the t riumph of the day is dark· iug her flossy, golden curls and r egarding ened for tbose ladies who, arriving a little the snake. Each time the rattler wriggled f<'1·om 20 to 40 pet" cent aliscount Joi· SJ)Ot Caslt. me w ith big, brown, wonclering eyes. late, courtesy to the princess instead of the itself clear of the dangerous tusks, all the New Gold Hunting Watches t·ednced to $16. $20 time striking blow after blow upon nearly "I'se just Bonnie Maggie - - Oh, there's queen. Accordingly, it seems to have OC· $30 granclpap !"and t he tiny, fairy-like figure- curred to some enter prisinit lacly that if she every part of the boar's body. The battle do "o do $~4waged fiercely in this w11y for several min$ 40 do do do $:12. 'The goods will be sold d o wn below cost. she could not have been more t han five y ears had her carriage at the gates of the p::tlace utes. Finally the boar made another desold-went flying with f:leet little bare feet an I1onr before t hey were thrown back she $;)0 do do do $ tl0. .Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flo wers, across the wet san ds, her curls cfancing in would be in pretty goocl time. At the next perate rush at his opponent, and this time $60 do do do $ GO· his tusks passed through the sn ake's body. Feathers, Silks, Satins, PlnsheH, Velvets, the br~er.c, lw; pretty face t!P.~ti tnte of its drawing·room someone bettered this, being H e h eld on like 1· bulldog imd shook his heM1 Nenr Silver Watcllcs, all nud.::es, at sanac 1·eductions. Fringes, Gimps, Corda, Collars, Frilling, sheltermg wlute sun hat, turmi;ig to lo.c k there an hour and five minutes early. T h e back and forth wickedly. · back every now and then t o see if I remam- process has gone fonrnrcl till now the clang· Aprons, Hose, Wool .Tackets, Berlin T he rattler writ hed imd fl u.sh ed through A bout 60 seconcl hand Silver Watches, from $3.00 to $8.00 each. eel where she left me. ing of noon from the clock-tower of \VestWools, Saxony, Siik Floss, Arasena , she call~d , ·m inster is heard ado\vn a long string o{ car- the air like a whip-lash, in h is efforts to <L~ Silve r Piate, Rings, Chains, Locket s, Broaches, J~ar Rings, &c., at even " 01:andpap-grn~1dpa11 !" Tins el, Embroideries, &e. gcither~ng up hei; httle frock and pa ddlmg · r iages containing fadies in lowest evening sall some vulnerable point os the boar's <Lna- greater reduction~. 'This is a BONEFIDE CLEARlNG SAL E; all tomy; but the animal clung to him with a Also a great v ariety of lt,aucy througn the waveiets to 11n itged mHl weather-1 dress sitting stonily waitin" while a mob of death -like grip, and, after a few seconds' goods warranted as represented. I purpose remaining in town and beaten 8ailor s~ated ~n an old ~en, boat, sight'.seers peer at them as ~nercilessly Rs if Goods. whose name, p amt etl rn h1:rge, white letters they were framed p i ctures of their ances- struggle, the rattlesnake's body was comwill be respomdble for all goods sold. pletely torn asunder just above tho middle. on the stern, I conltl plamly read was the I t resses. MILLER' S BLOCK, ORONO. Bomiie 21Itlfj1Jie. T here is a well-authenticated record of a Bven then the snake made several attempts " Grnndp3.p, the big, b ig man has lmrted I yonng lady w ho had carefu lly 11-n d snccess- to strike, but the plucky young boar dishis foot. Let ns take him home wis us '!" I 1 ' fully rehearsed he~· courtesy to the qneen, posed -0f his ugly antagonist in short m etre, Having a large stock of Material for all kinds of R epairing o n hand, HORSES. heard her eagerly Mk, as the old t & r lifted a.nci wh o, suilc1enly find ing h er self m the tearing the rattler's body «part with his Island Home Stock into t he boat and kissed her t enderly. r oyal presence, and seeing to t he right an teeth, and finally stamping t he lite out of the Job bing Department will be a special feature in this Grea_ct Ole.arFarm, Grosse Isle, h er ing Sale. All Repairing at greatly r educed prices: After he Imel moored his boat he placed ·open floor, forgot everythhg bnt the eom- the hissing head. Mich., is very convoWhen t he srn1ke's body was examined, niently located for the child upon his broad shoulder, carryin? j fort of being away, and without noticing Canadians, being 011 her through the shallow water and across the the queen, princes~, or prince, sk ipped to- 11fter t he battle, there were found eighteen Main Springs put in.... 5 0c. to 75c.: Watches cleaned ······ 50c. to 75c. an island in Detroit saucls to rnc. warcl the door and so _out into the space. large rnttles in the t ail, and as two or three Jewels prope rly fitted ... fiOc. to 7.5c. 1 Watch Glas ses fitted.. 15c. River, ten milesbelow " GanclplLp is going to t1 >ke you home, I 'l' he great rock on which <lebntantes split is must have been destroyed lby t h e boa\"s first Windsor, Ont. Pnr· chnsel's will find a. big m\m," she said, coming forward to mu.king their · courtesy too soon. Their onslaught, it was evident that th e "seven- Case S1Jring:; fitte(l. .. · ;j()c. tu 75c. Clocks cleaned .... . . . . . . 40c. to 75c. la.rg1.- .iumber of pure stroke my beanl, and t hen retl'eating to m in'l is fn ll of it. I t has lived with them footer" of " reptile was an old one. All other work in proportion. All work warranted, a~ in the past. broo and grade st.a.I· lions, brood ma.res place her tiny ha.nd in the old wilor's horny fo1· <lfcys a.ncl nights, 11ml t here is o, grnai; A call solicited . Killed by a P encil. and colts of all ages palm. human impulse to get ricl of it as soon <is to select from. All " Yes, sir ! If you will accept the poor I possible. Debutantes who lrnve presence of A Columbif> cohesponclent of the Atlanta pure bred stock, registered in the Frerich and American Stud Books. hospitality of a rough, old salt, who tried II m ind, and lmbi tues of court, know that the Oonst-itu-tion writes : C. H. Barber, a merPrices roosouable, stock guaranteed, Large ill~ his best to serve his Queen and his country. proper thing to do is to walk close up to chant of Florence, died the other day, from trated Catalogue tree. SAY.&.GE & FARNUM, This big iwar on my cheek I .!?ot six y ears . the .qlleen, r.nd then perform the outrageous t.he result of it strange accident . One day f.!;41N. B.-'ro save costs, over-dlle accoant; nmst be settled forthwi th DETROIT. ll:lIOB. aO-tf. ago in the Crimean war , for I was then en Hop which has come to ·take the plu.ce of t l1e ab out two months ago, while standing in Bowman ville, ~September 23, 1886. boarcl H.lif.S. Srtssex , and for which I now I pretty m:tidenly courtesy. Aft er this hfl front of his st ore, h e was approached from - - -- - -- -- --- - -- ..,_,...,.... ---receive a pension fwm her Majesty. Proud! dcbut.o,nte finds herself in a passage between behind by a friend, who playfully threw his 1 ..c'\... LL! of it, you ask Y Ay, ay, sir, I am a 'most as ! two groups. On her right hrmd is the dip· b~ ALT F.I arms around Barber's neck. A scuffle ensued 1 prnud ot it as of my Bonnie Maggie, here. l omatic circle, with many of h er majesty's in which Barber's head w<is drawn down1minister~. The prime minister rarely fails ward and his right eye brought in contact God bless her." As I gr asped t he hand and looked into 1~o st~nd by through the lon.:; _hours of the with the sharp point of a small le:1d pencil W the honest eyes of IsaP.c \Viniard, I knew . rtmwmg·room. On t he otl1er side, grouped sticking out of the friend's vest pocket. ~· that he, indeed, was making for that safe- : t o ~he left of the qu_ een, are h er many sons The p encil, which was about an inch ancl a ~ port- I mean the Hgav.enly one. Ent, aias ! an°: daughters. It ts necessary; or !Lt least q uttrter long, penetr ated the eye, . and be1 l-A8 ., I did not think his life's voyage was so near desirable, that to each rnvera1 one as sh.e carn e so completely embedded therem, as to t he entl. p asses, the debutante should make obei- haftle the efforts of the surgeon to extr act Purify the Biood, correct all Disorders o( the I must not stay now to tell you much so.nee. it. After r emaining in the eye abou t six :tbont the neat, little, one-story, whit e- I ----- - , week's .t he pcncilworkcd~t?elf out, a!l(~it (,1 IV~,;R, STOJU ~ · .Vlli , f{ Ui~PEl{S AND f!lOWELS, Sleeplessness. was th en thought that, w1tn the except10111 · · C · · d ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COJ\rl- w:tshed cottage, nor of the old man's i of the loss of the eye, 1fr. Barber would They invigorat e a nd restore to health Delnhtated ons t1tntions, an gre:1t kindness to me the tv-:o night~ I rested I . .. . . _ f ·;. . . Daily worries, as they are rm.fnl .,causes suffer no other inconvenience, but in a few PLAINTS, D YSPEPSIA, INDIG ES'r- in the comfortable h:tmmocK-bed he providare invl\lu a hle in all Complaints Incidental to Females of all Ages. Fo_, ed for me. of slceplessi:-ess, shou'.cl as far as possrnle be clays it became evident that the lead h ad Children a,nd the ager.1 t hey are price lesa. ION . A:ND ALL DI~EASES ARISI~G I am now coming to the worst part of my con trolled if .sleep is, to be more than a poisoned the op't~c i~erve, ancl soon af~er the story , Jack. dream~ drowsmes~. ::;ome men can t hrow brain became similarly affected. Barber TH:E FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE The third ni rrht of my stay in the little ofl anxiety fo_r a t1m~ when they go to r est; lin"erecl in great a,gony until yesterclay, Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs , Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel LIVER AND KIDNEYS. cottage, was, f think, the saddest I h<we oth?rs, less1 g1f~ed w_1th s~lf-c?ntrol, p onder wh~n he died. 'rhe autopsy showed that ever exp erienced. their trot~b1e~ _ rn the1 .r he_~rn.. The acl\'.aut.age the brain lrnd literally rottecl away. and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For di11orcl erl! of the There had b een a fearful thruiderstorm of the former m eve1y _w,1y is c~mse H;P -Che at it ha.s no oqual.i;hat day and towa rds evening the wind parent. It was a prnctent reso.ution which b cl. d l·d tl1 h'l h - K t to spe1 d, c . t e . There a e now a out one 1 nm rec1 an f'o r l":;ore 'l'hrroa t!!I, Bronch.ith, Cou ~hs, ~olds, \ arose, blowing in great gusts, t he heavy cf. he P i bosfop .elr ~nt ... , a -~)"f . r twcntv tnousand acr es of l and planted w ith rain pouring down in torrents The waves o [1,11 our e ore 1e re net1 eac molt in\ . , . C 1 l 't l ' b GJq.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it hat> uo rival ;-tt:'.nd for · b t t' rr l · · l" 'ts . t' .,. t ea m the island of ey on, ·me I ms een rose higher and higher, and cam(J near er and '1a· sl,t ra_cl 1~1"'. ~1s 1_m1'.1tct:olml ld prto,o??npat~onds, , demonstr<itecl tlrnt the country is capable of cout.ract.ed tmrl ·tiff jointa lt ··ct.u like a c h arm, nearer until I .l 'e·~red they Wo"ld ieach our ig · s ccpers mig · "e "' op m s me ,no · . · ll £ 1 f . . ~ prodnc·. 11jg a gre11.iier· y1e c o ca. per o..c10 wmdows. · . . than any other count ry in the world, a.nd . . , l T ~, r. · ' Isaac had· left home that morning in ~his The following lmiment is recommended l1£ll.i I.t·s 't an·_ , 11 · c,licr· pr·ices i;h"n M.anufacturec. on JI at . l:H>MA8 1.1.oLLO'WAY R r.. ~:ablrnhment. 1 · , C , _ _ i 1 1 l o 1 t ·ea. c.:an co1nn1 u. ~.. . 0 0101 Proprietor, Toront o. boo.t,accordmgtohrnusualcustom. _In~ne forearach e:_ an~pHorateL '°: ~·~ pa:·ts, an other t eai1 themarkct. '78 NEW OXI~ORD 8TH.EET,(l!l.te 53'.{, OXFORD flT.R.EET) I.OWDON we<ither he alw<tys took Bonrne 1fagg1e with pure glvcerrne 16~ parts, ancl 0 11 ot S\\ eet . Y . t . I ' ' him · but when likely to be squally and a lmo11d:;" l0 parts. 'rbisisto be well mixed ' Mrs.~prigginsth.mksthatacer ai.ny?nn1 And iir 11 ~otd. Pot la . it'd., 21l. 9d. , 4~. Gd, , lla. , 221<, , and 33s. 0ach Bo:x o:r P<> t , anll SOLD BY rougl1, as to-cll>y. he generally left her in a ucl preserved iu an hermetically sealed bot- lady of. her a:q~labrntaucc 11as nto l ~~~nse 0 1 nrny he h?..d from all lVfodlcine Y endor11 t hrough rlll t. t.lHi W nrld. 1 1 ·1 I BO'·'H Al,1';111 1r. ~0111t.r, h f f · dl · lb I lia d ' Wl ' th tl " i · t'o , h o n1a' fo by .treans " propnetoro. b1pI , 1 ec:tnsc iencl :te . nnera RIGGI 't l,. .._ LJO..LT.a. '-" <:'! .l."il c arge 0 !L noo Y nCllg l or. · e. .o.pp.ica 1 118 n.ay · ,. ·:1 I 1w1 ·,,.1 ven riuht 411J'f'nr ~ha·er~ 1<honhJ l.tlol · a.t tile l.abe! on the f' t1l.s 1rnd .i.lt1xe8. ir lh<!l «l.<lre her tiid, pr epared her fl bowl of bread ancl of a pledget of soft cotton soaked m the was passrng s e lM ier s,~ o 1 11 ,, . _ . , , . 'lk ; l:.>u t -.,;v h' t l1otvever, Ifa.1 ·1ec1 t o rrrn,k·e 1intmcn . · t nua ' p n t 1n · tlie ear · t·w i·ce ,a clay throurrh the centre of the corsage. IM 11 r.:rn. Oxro1 d B~ l"r et · .L1.n<1on. t hey nr e ~ 11 n rfo1u.I BOWMANVILLE. nn ICil, c · ,.., ftauadiau ~tattstuau. "BONNIE MAGGIE·" OR, I B GREAT BARGAINS S I oots ~'OR and Shoes 30 DAYS B D. · ·· D-A-V-I S'. I-IAIN.ES' CAI-tRIAGE WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, GRAIN Jno. McMurtry & Co. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., STANDARD BANK .. ··· A 11 Kinds of v ell..i cl es R.epa1· ~HSI McTAVISH GOODS., BONNETS, HATS LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. T~IMMINGS BEWARE BLANKErs, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION ! CROMPTON CORSET QO.' - -·- - RETIRING FROM BUSI NE SSW L_ CORNISH:J · M Rs MORRISON 'S Cleare d OUt Ill · 30 days I I I BUSINESS FOR SALg EN BLOC, PERCH ERON I I ! I l. CORNBSH. --....,.,...,.,.~""",...._.,.,.,....,...,.._._ DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY ·------- I-I FO R __,_ BITTERS CURES 'T Fl JD P .fL C)INTMENT i The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. or 0 E. M 0 R R I S . ' l.. · I