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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1887, p. 1

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TBRMB :-11.iG PER .ANNUlll, OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY ll'IRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J"AMES, EDITOlt AND VOLUME P110l'RDTOB, Nmw SERIES, NUMB ER 448. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1887. XXXIII. NUMJ!ER 9. . - c 0 0 u.. ..I. z 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ( nArr w~M 1~ M~ ' INTEREST. We have now opened out special shipments of Dry Goods & Millinery on which special pains and much carefu consideration was expended to make the collection of goods ATTRACTIVE- articles which should include something really desirable for every individual, from the oldest to the y0ungest. ANOTHER, FEATURE is that we make it a point to have a great variety in goods of all prices, ranging from the cheapest to t he best goods procurable in the markets, in order that you may be able to make good selections at ~ny price y<m feel able to pay. H aving smoothed the way for all classes of buyers, we feel warranted in assuring them t hat they will never have reason to r egret a visit to our store. Consider this a personal invitation from us to you direct, and do- not fail to come W e ask you to examin e our goods freely, with the understanding that you do not incur the slightest obligation to purchase. Buy or not, just as you please, but come and have a pleasant time anyway. Everyone is welcome. E verybody · will be glad they came. Of course we are always glad to seJl our goo'.Is, inasmuch as we make our living by that m eans, but t hat does not prevent u s from feeling a genuine pleasure in contributing t o your enjoyment, asid e from all thoughts of profit to ourselves. ..... - ----o ---MI SS EPPLETT, Who is so well and favorably know.n here, is in charge of our Millinery Department and is prepared now to execute any order she may be favored with, Re3pectfully yours, GrF-:O. :C....A.J:1'18G-. .BETHESDA. H AMPTUN. A social will be 11eld in tl1is ch nreh, on Mr, J ohn Cole jr ., had a severe at t ack 'l'his poetry i~ too late for the election ,but we Friday evening, March 11. Particulars of inflammation last week. He is some next week. publleh it fo r its merit.-ED. better at t ime of writing. Canadians ! Hear your Country's 'call Ou Friday,25th inst., Mr. J ohn Elliott , Up ! and bo doing, oue and. all; 'fhe contest·s for your Country's hreSOLINA. w"s presented with a young son. M other Nocmern success in ParLy strif..,.ConYour Country's tno ure ls the stnkcMr. Stewart Camp'Bell, of St. Mary's, and child are b oth doing well. Maintain her cause, with Enw.AHD BLAKU:. is visiting around here. gratulations. Rev. E. Barrasa, M.A., was visiting his The men you raised- in evil hourMrs. Hillis has returned from her trip 'l'o high estate. anil place and nower, daughter at Omemee last week. through Western Onhrio. Ha'To recreant proved to eve1·y trust. Mr. J ames Stel'tart, of Cobourg, sptm t And bowe<l your Country to the <lust.:Some of the citizens of this place are A w r~cll: ofCl\nada they'd makeDown with them all ! Hurra h for Blake! anxious to hav d this town lighted wi th a few days in th is vicinity last week. Rev. J . Harris came from his circuit. electricity. Uphold your'Country's girted son :Mr. W, Baker, and the trustees of the north -west of Uxbridge, to vote for Mr. G-lve battle 'till the ftirh t. is won! Defeat th" horde or cheat~ and knaves-Olford esta te, are offering r esidences n ear Bluke on the 22nd ult. "Corruption's grea·. high priest," an d slavesProf. Robertson, of the Agricult ural this place for sale. And all the plotters ln t heir wakeArray'd against your cause and D LA.KE. Mr. Jno. Vice's daughter is reco veri ng College, Guelph, will lecture 11'-'r e o n t he 5th inst. ' from her rccen t illness. Think on your Country's broad domalnThe foot-ball mat ch on thlil 26th ult., Deepoiled. for " hoodlen" greed and M rs, ,J. Maunder, ef Mariposa, is Your taxes shamefully iD orol\at d. b et ween Tyro ne and Hampto n teams, was nsitin g friends around here. That you th e bettor may be JloM'd ! an easy victory for the latter. Tl1rse Bu to their method" wide a..-,ake, Mr. W . Werry, of R oselandvale Stock goals t o one .. .And conquer with tho watohword- Blake! Fa.nn, has been making a very valuable Sr,ow B oY. Mie-rniling by the Toob they bought:<ddit ion to h is l1crd of Shorthorns, from By fraud, into a eyRtom wrought!..:_ tho famous h erd of Mr. J ohn Dryden, And bribery, by adjustment nico ENNJSKILL.B.N . Plann'd t11 give partisans their price! Brook lin. Notice to quit, now let them takeA large sleigh-loitd fro m this village Hon. Edw:i.rd B lake was the gue~t of 'fhe peoplo welocme-Honest BLAJ(E, (Conservatives uf course) went part way Mr. H . Hu t chison for a abort time on the 'Twas Blake with words of eloquence, to .Bowmanville on T uesday evening of 17th ult. Exposed the truitore'~h a.m pretense; l ast week and on hearing of Mr. ·mack· Fearlessly, !or bis Country's good Mr. R. Hutchison has r ented his preHe sought to:etem Corruption'~ fioodstock's defeat returned home h eavy· mises and sold his stock on hand to Mr. G1we heart and brain , nnwearifld toil, h earted. Nethery, of Consecon,wh o intends carryFor j ust rule on Canndian soil. ing on a first-class general s tore i n t he Mr. Wm. and Miss E llen Elford have Supreme he rose- in eoorn of 'Vrong, old st;md. Mr. Hubchison intends deretuoned home to ] 'enelon. JACK. Scatblnit the shameless, co~ ard throngvoting himself entirely to t he implement Banded f<'r love of d!rtypelfTo barter !tigh t , and 'fruth, and Se,ftrade. ENFIELD. No !-self·reepect they could not reel- · Tha annual Public Sch ool EntertainWho traffic in their Counf,ry's weal! Mr. B . P owell , of Enfield, ha.a bo nght . . from the Ro~elandvale Herd, W. Werry, ment w1~l be held .rn the 8_chool Hou?e Stand by the Man, whose noble aim1 And ~·tairc l eas life yo1tr realty clalwsproprietor, Solina, a very promising next Fr~day evem~~. 4th m~t. It will The patriot, bold in Virtue'· caureand ltierary, kmdergar ten young Sh orti Horn Bull, 11 m onths ol d. b e musical Proclalming equal rights and lawab l 1 ·id d d' l d .A. Home HuJQT, a,nd no mistakeia ogues an 'r he farme rs in this section should en- sonp;s . Y t le c n ren an And poll yonr vote for EDWARD BLAK&. rec1tat10ns. Messr s T. B~own, Les ka~d, 11;e Mr. Powell's .enterprise by giYing coura. and F. Brown, B owmanv1lle, will ass111t.. )tiffi:'th.eir patronage, ·· Ye men who proach - ye men who 1'>Mh "Tl p t f t h S h ·l" ·11 l A. Pay, Whose voicea,- ·hlgh and low do reach- · ie e o e c oo - wt l 'he people of this vicinity were thr own ' For J u3t'c", Honor, love of kind, 0 Be to the Truth no longer blindin a state of melancholy, when they be presented by t wenty .Y .u ng people . one and all. Adm1ss100 10 cents . For Honesty-Heligion'e sakelearned of the sudden death of Mr. Thos, .Attend , l k K enne d Y·a H a11 - Yonr voices ra.ise for EDWAUD BLA.KHI. · 7 :30 0 c 00 · Fields on Sunday evening 20th inst. H e Th"re m ust be Iota of money in the hoh ad been in very go@d health up t o the His high example, pure career, Teach young Can adlane to revere; h our of his death, altho ugh he was sub- tel busrn;iss under .t he Scott ~ct, as Mr. Aseist him now, by tongue and pen, ject to heart disea1>e from which eause it J oho M oyse has gLven np his lease and And all the hopes or honesttmen:.A brighter day's about to brel\ki1 su pposed he died . He was respected sold o ut h i8 right in the Occident al, t o the L et in tbe Light,- and ste.nd tor B L AKE! '\{iy all ~ho Jry-'o w h im an his death is a P,1'.opriet.o r,Mr. E. Gitr~rd, for $500. ~r. : g?ea~to t he family and the com· G1fferd mte~ds to agam tak.e poe.s ess10n H e certarnly rntends munity. 'l'he bereaved rel&tives have of the p remises. OUR HERO, BL.AKE. the sympathy of the entire community . ke6ping a l!trictly temperance house, &.s it The funeral on vVednesday t o Columbus would not be profi t able to pay fines in AN AC:lW~l'IC. was one of the largest ever seen in this ad diti on t o the amount paid for possession . vicinity. Hurrah ! Hurrah! for our nobl& b oy! A µ;reat treat may be e:xpec~ed at K en· Ontario's pride and Canada's joy ; Miss :Mary Ash ton is visiting friends a t Nobly h e fought the battle throughColumbus and M is8 Martha. H obbs has ncdy's H all next Friday evening. In &.cldition to the n umerous politicians been visiting in Mariposa. Every st ep was tried ..nd true. [cry. 1\Jr. Silas Tapp is in Toronto d oing the who have favored us with thei r presence, D ~i ve Blake from Durham 1 the Tories the followin g hn..-e been among tho list of West Durham rises to r eply, [sh oui:;, city. vlaitors during the past few weeks : Mies And from her breast theru comes thia Mrs. Daniel Dyer has taken a trip to Madge, of P ort Ho pe; Dr. and .Mrs. Tol'Unt o and the West. R eformers J will you turn him out? Montgo mery and daught er, Ardoch, DaDarlington reaches h er st urdy hand, The revival meetings are st il rou;ress- k ota : Measrs. A. McLaughlin, Owen in g with en couraging results. Sound ; R. J. McLaughlin, Markdale ; Back from Clarke comes the command :L et us st and by o ur hero true ! R ev. Mr. Salton preached t he fun eral T. L. Sta9 les, G. Rig~s, Chatham ; R ev. And Cartwright fre ely answers t oo. sermon of the late Thomas Fields, last C. Taylor , Midland City; E.Byam,Goodward. Keep a.11 the boodler wolves at bay, Sunday to a crowded congregation. Every true patriot now will say. Mr. T hoa. B r imacombe, of Haydon,haa The village has again r esumed · its JOHN STEWART. wonted quietness after tho elections. t b ough t . the Podonk Saw Mill, aodhaving Kendall, Feb. 25, 1887. is hoped t hlllt any hard feelini:a t hat have put it in good repair is able to do custom been caused by politics will soon d ie out . sawing for cash or on sha res. Haul in your logs. All kinds of timber sa.wod. COURTICE. Se11 bills. CLARKE UNION. Mr. and Mrs. T hos. Courtic0, of Port P erry, spent a day at Mr. L.M. Courtice's (Too L ate for last week.) Eureka. Recita.tions.- "Where can last week. , An election boil broke out on the b~ck The M isses Pen foun::l, of Tyrone, h of my neck and t hna prevented me from I find a piece suita0l11 to speak ab 11cb, 'Ol n ett Friday afternoon i" " What ah a.I. ' writing before . been visiting at Mr. John Brooka'. read at the Literary Rociety or Church A very pleasant t ime vras spen t at W. Entertainment to· nill;h b 1" " When will Mr. J. L . Courtice, of Pickering, has H. Benne1/s on Thursday inst. been vi3iting his brother. something new a ppear that evlilybody has Mr. Roger R o we sold i. .fin,e y ear old n ob heard beforo a score of timea 7" are Mr. Henry Gay is disabled by a felon colt to Gilbert Ki, of B ethany, for q uestions· t hat ar e con cin ual'ly being asked on }1ig thumb . by friends and acquaintances by children, Mr. Harry Coleman, of Bowmanville, the h1mdsome s um of $ 125. Messrs. Fox & S harpe were visiting at amateur r eaders und professional <ll1JCU· efficiently p erformed the duties of R etioniets. W e have been corresoou ding Pontypool last week. turning Officer here on t he 22nd ul t. Yfit h bhe principal .American publishers Our old neigh bor, east of the creek,got Mr. David Clarke's flag floated triumof book1 of recitations aJ.Jd have found a phantly in the breeze on the 23rd ult., in too much moxie nomination day and very excellent and che~p series of six celebration of t h e ret urn of H on. E dward showed his intellectual powers to a great numbe1·s in '· T he Eureka Collection &f (dis)ad vautn.g e. Blake. Recitations and R eadings," enrcfully Miss F. C. L in ton was u nable to att end arranged by Mrs:. Anna Randall-D iehl, Mt. Carswell is now n early on a par to her school last week and her sister one of the most succeflSful t eachers of tho with Bradley's School House. Art of Eloculion, and well known as the There is a young daughter at Mr. Wm. filled h er office. Mrs. J. Fox fainted on the evening or author of severnl standard works on tha White's 'rR111I . Thursday last and foll on the fl.011>r and subjt·ct . E11ch number is differ ent from br uised l1erself badly. the other, is bound in h andsome li togra i;h TYRONE. Mr. and Mrs. T. Couch were visiting e'>Yer printed in fo ur colors, and cont ain· Miss B. Welch , of TorontQ, is visiting at Mr. Walter Cobbledick's on Sat urday 128 forg" p11gea. We 1~ m Mnd N os. 1, here. · 2, 3 and 4 to any addreH for 50 ce:i,WI, last. Mr. H enry M0rris ls t he g uest of Mr. Mr. Frank Manning, of Tyrone, called Stamp11 taken. .A.ddr&M MAR.SHALL J. "IL J. P ettenger. Junos, drawer 7, Bowmauville, Ont. on h is old friends on Satu rday last. Mias Graeo Hoidge a nd Miss Bert Mrs. John Allin has been very sick. Gardiner has tl\ken up t heir abode in CONSTANT WORK FOR THE UNM iss Ida. Souch is vieitinst at Tyr 0 ne. Hovnnanville, they will be missed here EMPLOYED , Our young men foruied a bllttalion of on Sundays, in the ch oir and Sabbath cavalry and met Hon. Edward Blake. school. The Subscribers can n~e one hundred men Mr. Pat Cox has nearly completed his and women addltlonal to the lar!le etatf they Mr&. J ohn H odgson was brought home now employ, nu ehing their popular ann rA.pld b oats. last week. Still very ill. selling .Books. Bibles and Alburns in the vari· OUB towns an<} to'IH l!lhlCB or the Dominion. H as William had anf>ther att ack of t h e 'l'heir catalogues 'Miss Uruce and Miss VanCamp, of cn1brace the most saleable or C .r·wright, wer e th e gue~t of Mrs. W. gout? books, and in all variations or prices· ·At 25 cencs they have a nopnlar line or userut and R. Clemens, last week. A singing class is being organized to b e practical b ooks. Io the 50 cen t aeries are 'f.!10 hrst social in conn ection with the Jed by Mr. Chas. Sharpe. Mr. Sharpe fo und the Sermone o f Sam Jones a.ud Snn1 Small. Talmege's Marri!li;re Hing and Labor Ladies' Aid was h eld on Wednesday is one of t h e best musicians in the neigh- Sermons, Pinkorton's Deteotlvo Stories, Life n ight . Proceed s $11.50- not ao slow for borhood, oJ J.ouiR Hiel. Etc. 'l'b e pQpular Dolla.r S<'ries H erman says matrimony takes the tirnbra<'e a fine line or Dook11, viz: 'J' he ~'.iut the lad ies. l'reachers, Mood1's ureat Joy Sermons, Messrs. J oseph and W illiam Chann on, cake. Moody's 8eltect Works. Chnl!'" Sp1·mons by .\:1ootlY. Coc k !look. Dr_Na.J)ll} 'R Pnysi· of M ariposu., have been visitin g frieudi. Mr. .T. H. F ox h as bought a fine organ cal Life Honie of Women, and 'l'ransmission of Life, h ere. from Mr. R . 13. T hornton, the boss agen t Mlle Farm '.l'ree.enry, by Prof. llrown, Ingra· ha.m's P rince of tlu li·mso ul David Seriee, Miss Belle Scott lias returned from fot m usical instruments and sewing Pi.igrim,s Progress, an<l acl.vanciug np from ines. Port Hope. this tlgnre m"Y be found on lfUr C111aloguee such splendid books asEco ~ omlcal Roneekeep. A young m an , of Bowmanville, tr.ied to . n g the States man to Fri · ends 111als, iu II'. Piaei<st1 0 or Lil'c 8 tock nnd Domestic r...n iscare one of our boys very badly at Bow- Sendl Perfect .lo,. els, and m·rnY oth\lrs. \Ve a rt· t h e only lJPhllahcre or he beau tiful Poor·sd "y night by acting n1 a nville on T u1 Every year a large nu mber of our l~s !:'arallel l<'amily Bible ar;d Ilaydock'a " Hazardous." If J - k only had fair Ou.t.holic Bible. Our Booka are sold only by play h e would h ave got more " Mu tton " r egular subscribers order the STA'l'l3S.M'.AN subscription, exclusive territory is given our to be seut to friends at a d istance. This agents. Editions of all our leadim: books, th an h e could stomach in a week. · f · h ·reaching h igh up into tl1e. thousands, are uold L\llses con .uswn ,. ut.l··ss t e ~v"ry year. ""ailure !~ i ru po&n lbie. even on Mrs. Jas. B ingh:un is visiting friends t1nies C to whom the paper 18 ~ent th e pan of iho moat ine:.;pe .. ienced, Ot'r pe:·s0ns 11t B urnt Rfrer. notified uf the k indly a.C t. Vrill the per- h<>Ufi!< hid! b~ L\ 081'at1 li8 Jled. O VO>· J2 year~ , nnd . ha~ a repntat1 on for square e.nd Hberal deal· Master Fred Werry is attending t he sons wh o sent th e STATESMAN t o friends Ing , that It w1.U always maintain. Catalogues High School, Bowmanville. for 1886, pleaee infor m us at once if t hey sent free on applic&tion, and 11ny qnestion re· CLIMAX. h j· · I · · t f 1887 w l n methods <lr 1CmJS r.iletJrflJ)' and promptly wrn. r, IA p~ .er sen O~ · · fl B l!l answered by m e11 r.iou i.n 11. k yout· l 1t rcr tho begm rev1am g our Ulatlmg lists on March name of this paper. .I.It· ftol1ert~ou .&Uros., -----·-----------~ FllEF.~I AN'S WOUl'IU·Qll'ltlll t S r equire no . l st ' nud a.ll uhan gea of address sh ould be llJnn ll>nlltllnir, 'f'!ronto· . n o ·1nmtln· St. . oilier t·m·v,.. tlvc , ·t l·C.l' a t t, ~aio anti sarc to . 't t t J ,ondoI>,C0 1'1Jcrl"r1u oc, \'1lllnm 11ntl (:Ruu-e.h r e1110Tc all Tarletic!§ or lVorm~, · 11en o us a on ce. Si s., St . John, l'i.B. THE COUNTRY'S APPEAL. UNITED WORKMEN. The annual session of 1h0 Grnnd Lodge United Work· me n, which closerl in 'l'or onto on .Friday F eb. 18. was ono of the moht intorestin <> yet h eld. '! 'he various repor ts preeente~ all s howed t hat gn,ater progress has been made during the pas t y enr ihan ever before. Some tw1<nty new L odges had been est.ablished d uring the year, making th e total mem bership in Ontario at the 1st of January over 12,000. D ur ing 1886, $614,000 were paid t v friend11 of deceased brothers Jn Ontario, at a cost to each member of only $14, or in c t.her words, th~ cost of carrying a $2, 000 po'. fry for the 12 months of 1886 was on ly $7 p.;r thousand. T he average death rate du tfo~ 1886 was only 5.63 per thvUS1>nd, a very sat.hfa-0t ory showing, i ndeed. The Order is incr;;asing at the rate (Jf 2, 000 per year, and now mun be' s 27G L odi;:es in 0 1 t.urio, with a total membersh ip in America of 18(>,000. l\'Ir. Arthur J . H c·ok, P.M. W. , who represented Bowman·>ille Lod,.,e; gal"e a very interesting and intl'lligent resume of the a n1111al session b~·fore the Lodgo on l!' ridt1y night la.·t, for which he received a U1111nimons vote o f t l1a11ks. THE GRAND LODi·E OFFICKR fl lW R 1887-8: H . B. Taylor, banker, Whitby, Grand M ast er. D. Spry, P ost Ofiice I nspect or, Barrie, Gra nd F or eman. Rev. E. P . Cra..,.ford, M . A., HrnckviUe, Grand Overseer. M . D. Carder, St. Thomas, · Grand R ecorder. Ja·11es lt ushton , R id get own, Grand Receiver. J ohn 0. Walker , Guelph, Gra1.1d G uide. J . J. D iley, M ontreal, Grand Watchman . Dr. J . H. Widdi fie ld, Newmark et, Pro vinc;o.l Medical E mr'n ' er R G "" r · rh t N M. xa . . . " ig ' apanee. . A . J ames, B owmanville, and J n o. K ent, Toronto, Grand 'f.rustees. Past Grand M··ster· Cul ..... D D I ·d a ' · .Lu. · awson, ~on on, Warren Totten , Woodstock, an d H. )3. Ta.ylor, Whitby, Supreme L odge ltepre· sen · ta·i ' 'I' · t o, w . ·'ves. J aQ ". B . N 1xon, . or.on Totten' and H. Robert~on, Committee on Law. J ohn Miln!', M. D . Dll.waun, a nd 'r . C. Irving, Finance Committee. ,J . R. P aet Grand Mat ter Dr. Widd ifield ~nd· :M.. A. James O~oomittee on Legislation. R ober t Fe~gnsun, P.M. W.~ of Orono Lodge, was appoillted D . D. O-. M, W. for Durham District. '.l'HE C.A.NADIAN REL!El" flOCI I!TY. The Canadi11n A. 0 . U W. R elief Society met. at t he close of the Grand Lodge seu ion, when t he r" port s of its officers were presented and adopted. By unanimo us rtisolution it was decidecl to ;idmit th e wives of m e mbers of the A.O.U. W_ t o this bran ch of t he Order, on the same condition as their huebimds . 'f he increase in the membership during t ho first year has been highly satisfactory, and members are j oining rapidly no\Y-. Major Kerns, M , P. P., Burlington, and M . A, J ame~ , P. D. D . G. M. W., Bowmanville, were elected t o fill two vacancies on t he Board of D irectors. The elecL iou of officers resu lted as follows :- President, J . R. Miller, P.G.M., Toronto ; lst Vice .d o. , D. Spry, Barrie; 2nd Vice du , R ev. E . P. Crawford, Brockviile ; 3rd Vice do. , A. D. E llie, P .M.W., Simcoo; Secre tary, H . M, V vtlkin11on, ·roronto; Treasu rer, James Watt, P .M . W., T or on to :; Medical D irector, W. J .·' R oe, M. D ,, Georgetown. The entrance fee waa r educed from $5 to $4 till August l at. , and otiurr proposed changes i n t he constitution were adopted. The Canadian A. 0. U. W. R elief Society is incorporated under the provisions of chap. 1G7 R. S . 0 ., and is inti;nded to give a helping hand t r, members of the A. 0 . U . W. in Canada. Application forms an d full part ic:ilars may bs had f rom John Keachie, and M. A. Jam~s, B owmanville. ol the Ancient Order of I Farmers, des il"ing to. obtain a copy of the. B~i!let-in may secure one by eond ing their name and addr011s to the E xperiment al F arm, Ot t awa. The openi ng ar ticle in t ho March Ilarp er's continues the importaut se:-iea of paverR on the great insti t utions of New York City with a 01 u efol s ~udy of "The N ew York P olic11 Depart.ruent, " by D r. Hichard Wheatlev. FRANK L EsLrn' s P OPUL AR MoNTHtY I 1-on MARCH.- The great nubject of the day for the American p B O (.lle, is t he exposed condition of our greo.t seaports, in a dozen of which, one·fo· irth of tho weall.h and rel!ources of tho wholu nat ion is accumulated. D estruction of a great port wou ld spread ruin to all p arts of the country. M r. Joseph Nimmo, J r., in h is articl'l. "Our Unprotected Beacoast," gives a lesson that all should read. Leav· ing t he sea-shore, the Popnlar J l lorithly for March n ext takes us wi th Christian R eid for a guide, to ' 'A Fairyland of Science, " the rich andtJii:tnresq ue mo unt am land of North C1uolina. T(} know h ow Rqssia is carryiJ,g civiiizatiun into the heart of Asia, we can 11oe in a careful aucl btorestin g art icl r\ on "The T "ancas1'11-s. Pierce devotes pian Railway." some enthusiastic pages t o t.lrn lifo and heme of a gl'Oat-h e&.rted and talented woman, Helen BunL on.(H . H .) Helder, t he naturalist, tells of "Stone Forests," and articles on "G:i tdeD~," on "Vest a and the Ves t ,al11," on '· Linureus, an d Upsala U niversit y," an d ou"Sir Ph ilip :::>idney," wi th very clever stor ies like AusbUl'n 'l'owne's" A Very Peculia; B oy", C,·llier ' a "S1raugo H.cvd ntion " "Her F ather'::i Secretm·y ", "!'he StRtu~e a nd th e Lam p," give nu.t eer a~ entortaining a nd attractive, as t.he m ni·io serious ar ticles are interesti ng and instmct1ve. The whole combine t " ntBlle ,,. number which, i n matt er a nd the n umber, variet; ancl exctilhrncc of tha '.:ngra dnga, aro a model of a Popular M onthly.

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