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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1887, p. 2

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rooms at mght with my book~, I 11<,d little met lum He was a t horough iepresenta they had erstwhile applauded, cheered, opportumty for notmg the chaugu" that t1ve of the French school of nobles as then honored Away, perhaps not half a mrle a IS PUBLIBHIB I> spread so rn.pidly over the pohtwi.l .tncl ex1stmg, courteous to a degree, dressed with home, where the husband built, \Hth hrs nervous weaknes@, early decay, loss of Yet extreme care, yet without great display, of wife, lovmg plans for the little ones asleep even the pnv 1te life of the countr~ E't'ER'I J'RI DA.T l'llORNING , !llanbood, &c , I will send a recipe thll>t the first commgs of the approa( luny, storm a tcoe1ved manner, and apparently devoid above, cluldten krssmg then father as he -BYwtll cme you FREE OF CHAilGJ!:. Thi~ Th e Secret of a n Old ilian's Life did not escape m e One day a studc11L, who of aftection or of sympathetic feelmg. H e returned from his labor, men kneelwc at great t cmedy w11a discovered by a mission had frequeu ~Jy made overtures of fneudslup, recen·e<l me for some time 111 hrs library, the feet of the "omen they nopecl t o spend lVf. A .JA MES, ary m South A merica Send a self The last remnants of the dmner nacl been chan<.:ed t,o talk with me m the liLrni 1 of the where he h,td collected many valuable tr ea th\ rr 11 ves VI 1th, e~ el ywhere allecti on, home AT 'lBE OFEIOE addressed envelope t o the R:i;;v. JosEPE removed from the table, the cm tarns weie Umvern1ty I was hundlmg some oltl !ohos smes of hterature and of art; and as he was life, bnghtness, godlmese And these meu l'o··Ol!lte8 ~ck,KlnglH. , Bowm .mville,rolll T I:1rnAN Station D New York a~t'l/. 46y drawn across the windows ; the oil lamp of the Fathers and notmg the opm10Bs of \cry anxious to learn somethmg about the were t o die ere the sun had buce set 1 was pla.ced between us, the fire roar ed up the gieat French theologrcal tlnnke1s, when, men and m,mnern of that pioductrve set of "But to resume As man aftei man rose T ERl'.\il:S AIWISE TO MoTHEIUl -Are you rhs the chnnney, we faced each other rn two pullrng me by the 111m, he s111d 'My fue11d, scholars and w11te1s who had lately adorned to denounce ]us vzctun, it happened that 1. ~v J1,1eratJlUn1,or $ l . Ot11fp11ldln advance turbed at mght and b1oken of your rest aimchairs, my giandfather and I It was why waste your tune? ,Do you not know the clubs of London, Imanagedrna measure the namers apptoachcd myself, so much so "'"yment strictly in advance required !rom by a sick clnld suffermg and cryiog with the anmversary of hrn bnthday, aud I, Ins that Frenchmen no longer believe m such to wlerest hun But it was wearymg "01 1. that tlic ve1y mcmbe1 at my side began to 1ubaor1ber e outside of the county. Ord ere to pam of Outtmg Teeth ~ If eo send at grandson, the only rehtive he had left m books a,s these i· I stared at the speaker, for me srttrng there with that grave old num, spcal, vYhat e111 spmt spoke to me then llllcontinue t he piiper mu8t be acc01np11meo b~ be s mount due,ortbepape1 w11luo t bes topped, ooce and get a bottle of "Mre. \Vmslow's the world, had spent the clay at hrs fireside, and the \Olnme fell hom my hand as he dressed Ill Ins solemn black, the diamond Il,no1' not onl;, thzs, t lmta grea.t wave of abecmbers are respune1ble un ti 1ru1 Jpayment lB Soothmg Syrup." ]j~or child r en teethml(, more m pity for Ins lonelrness than for any poured his m s1d10us words rnto my eaIS buckles upon his shoes alone r eh cvrng the 11repres~1ble anger rnshed across my mmd made. its value is mcalculable. It will relieve love of kmsh1p They sa1d I should mheut Then, for very shame, I qmtted the hmld dulncss of hrn attu e, and knowrng that destroywg e\ cry impulse of good, and lert the large fmtmrn he had acquued, none mg and retued to my own rooms I pwtur Maria, so full of life and pwturesqneness me for the moment as one of the "retches JU.TES OF AJO'EltTISINGs _0 the poor httle sufferer immediate I" "· D e- knew how, but the life of this sti ange old C(l to myseIf tile ol cl h ome w1til tl10 v111age an d color, was sea.npermg across t h e great that sat by me v " 1 heu my neighbor had W hole Column one year. .. ... $60 oo ;:; ~ 1: pend upon it, mothers , there IS no man had ever been an enwma to the few church, where puuty and belief went h,t.nd parJ, with the dogs, or kneelin.; at her de fimshed speakmg I stood and m a loud ' HArlf yeur · . · · 86 00 '°,., ,., B ,",, " One quarter. .. ... · 20 OU ;:l ~ mistake about it. It cures Dyeentery who wei e mtnnate with bu~ and none could m hand, and I shuddered lest a rumor of votions m the chapel a very type of gn l , 01ce denounced Monsrem le Baron ,Tenda\! · 1· ,,o 1 .~mn one year. .. · . .. · 36 00 - and Diarrho:il1, regulates the Stomach and foresee frnrn <lay to d") m '..vluch dnection I thut which I had heard ,should ever enter hood and puuty and love Yet those homs "' Wbospe,tks ?'said the l'resiclent l:lalf yea.i. ...... ·.. · . 20 OU Bowels, cures Wrnd Colle, softens the the next seemmg ficak of his folly ~ ould that <lmet coqmrnmty But, thank Goel, my of hea\ y expl.tnations of the pecuhantrcs of "'A bas ,, shouted the crowd-' a strang · One quarter ·· ··· 12 5U Gums, reduces Infiammat10n, and gives he own hfe was never tamted with then wo1 ds, Johnson, the foibles of Boswell, the failmgs er' ~ni:-r1e1 Co!urr.n one ye9'r ·· ··· ·· 20 ()(i to::Je and energy to the whole sy~tem So I was dmmg "1th lum on the nme my ears tefused to receive their mockery of Goldsmith, wete alike forgotten when at "'lam a stranger, citizens,' I replied · Ralf yee,r ....... , .. 12 50 One quarter ·. 8 00 5 " Mr~. Winslow's Sootluug Syrup " for ticth anmversary of hit buthday and when and their blasphemy. dmner I faced her' and could fo1 some mm ' but I spMk m the name of Liberty, Equal'. Jlx lnes a ndunder,flrst insertion .. $0 50 children tetothmg is p leasant to tho taste the repast was fimshed, we had' dr a wn up "The s tudent who so advised me utes be enhanced with the soft Leauty of ity, F1atcrmty.' J:aoh s u bsequent insertion , · .. 0 ~" and the prescription of one of the old the great arrnchaus, and m silence I..,, atch came to my rooms one evenmg with an in her face, with the sweet gentleness of her "Grandson, I hed-h ed 111 my heait, 18 rromaixtoten llnee,Jlrsttnsertlon 0 7· · and best female physwians and nnrses eel the deep glow of the firelight p1ay upon v1tat10n to lus clnh to hea1 a great speaker 1rnids. with my tongue I spoke iather m the name Each subsequent msertwn. · 0 ilil - 10 est m the Umted S tates aod is for sale by hrs haggard face, as he seemed to sea1 ch the Thou!!h I \Vas no fneud of the boy, my cun "'Ah,' you ask, 'why h ·s my life been a of pride, of anger, of a thirst for rnvenge !JY·r ten Unes,flretmsert1on,perlln e 0 10 ::' th ld P mmost depth of the blaze with 111s me1c10g os1ty led me to accompany hun, that I mystery" The key to tlus Ill) ste1y is In that honr I dest10ycd my happiness for Kach subsequent msert1on " 0 O~ e wor · nee aud outstandmg eyes Hts life hHl been a might assme myself that the pretended agi buned m those days, when no " orlcl seemed e\ er a 11 d rugg1s t s th rou~h The number or lines to be reckoned by ~,5 cents a bottle, Be sure and ask fo,~ mystery to those who had known lnm, for tat10n was bnt t he work of a few fai1o1tics so fau as l<'ranee, no woman so beautiful as "As I heaid the cn cs of applause, saw lie space occupied measured by a scale o olid Nonvare1l. MRS WINSLOW s SooTHING SYR;UP I years he h?cl lived rn that ltttle house with I entered the hall It was crowded with M,uie. I loved her as I believe no man the name of t he llaro.1 mscribecl upon t he t:= ·~~~~~~~~~~and take no other k.nd, but one seivant, and 1t was only on anm some hundreds of students and wo1kers and ever better loved "' w oman' and she, too, sheet, the ioom s"am beforn my eyes D ICS, iUcLAl!GULIN .t B MTH · ~.w· z: ···1&amll1li'D··n·m··<·"'" versanes of his bnthclay that I dmed at bis rascals, the last apparently drawn ±rom the rntmned my affoct10n-not with a careless ·rottcrmg, half swoonmg, I reached the 1 t alJle It was on such occasions as these worst slums of Paris Aman upon the plat word, not 1\ith a half ptom1se made but to stieet , but the words I had spol en yet 0FFIOF -MtRlilS' EICC'K, BO'WMANVILLE that I had learued enot1.;h of the old man's form, withfe1 \tel 01 at10n advised the exte.m be broken, but with the whole out pou1111g rang Ill my ears ; the very sky seemed red Dr. J. W McLAUOIHIN Dr. A BEirll Gradu· life to know thi>.t some hea\ y see1 et lay on m,ttion of Kmg and nobles Hrs" ords were of her a!lcctronate natme, with a love that w1th the blood of the commg sacutice As lice nt late ot the Hoyal ate of the Toronto hts mmcl, that some one act m his long span at times drowned by the storm of applause was strong-because rt was a love 1 I paced my own chamber a deadly spirit of Col le ge of Physicians u.nd member or the University, l:'byercian Your attention 1s directed to the immense of existence had ma 1cd and seared the ie they occas10ned I l e1rned afterwa1ds that - .. It was but m scattered moments that I exultation crept ornr rne, the whispers of 1 lto ya! College of Sur Surgeon, &c. stock of mammg years. The fevered mutteungs, the the man who spoke was Jean Paul Marat, could speak to her, yet we fow1d them all remorse I s1leiwed, as I mmmured ·Mane ge ona, Edmburgh.· starrng eyes, the 1011g ntsof abstraction, fol and thic there were many such clubs as the sufficient to bmld for ourselves m futme IS mme-mme for ever But as her face lowed by hoarse pleading, as if forp1ty, had one I that mght attended The fana with every stone a wealth of happmess rose before me rn my self created vision it DR · .J. C. MIY<:HELL, told their tale. Occas10nal mention, too, of tics then were many , m a short t ime w But at the very foundation of om hopes we seemed tlrn t a gr eat gulf J,1y between us ·'011 1\;1"EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS :i.:YJ. ,.,an<l Surgeons, Ontauo, Coroner, eto. ea1 ly days 111 Pans-of spectacles the1e that were able to say that they VI ere a maJouty met i cbuft One muht, as we returnee! from her side the crystal stzeams, ii,nd the g;een of every description a t Omce and Residence. Enrnsk1llen. H ha.d dulled the courage of stoutest hearts, m the city the httle chapel, she confessed her fears to swards, and the golden valleys, where mun MDS n 101~.r· ELY 'O of woman and men dymg at the hands of "F1om that elate the tide of revolution me Her father, blm<l toeverythmg around endmg bliss the good had gamed their le DJl. TAUBLTN, lffJH · U ~ II 1~ 9 fanatic R epublicans, of httle children falhncr flowed !ast Iu the succeedmg year the !11111 but lns own mterests, had, ,,fter the \I ard , wlule vn mme, the bleak cba.8 ,ns \D liYSJCJAN, SURGl!ON and ACCOUOHEUR. She has JUSt opened out one of the largest m th e w1desprei;d si;cufice--all these led m~ Bastille fell, and J!'iance, nay, Europe, re fashion of !us own countiymen, entered where t he cries of the w1ong doeis echoed ll[ Otlloe -Silver Suect, Bowmanville '1 and most stylish stocks ever brou~ht to believe that it was m Paris that my Joiced as, from that rehc of despo.ism and mto negotiations for the of his from rock to rocl,, and where a sprnt of W I', ()JH UISTON, J,,J~ B . to town, consistmg of: grandfather bad spent Ins earlj years, with darkness, the pnsone1s VI ere iestoted to the da.ughter VI 1th an old and ail:luent member e' il descended upon ull I crushecl the 'Barrrnter Sohc1tor, Con' eyancer, &c :Money Paus and w tth the past tlrn,t Ins secret lay light of day I was before the gates as the of one of the noble houses of l<'rance I s111d v1s1011, and all the next day lay upon my to 101111. Office, next. doo1 to New~ O,fflce, Bow ]JI i I) i n e 1· y, Dre S S Silks, More I know not; mote I dared not ask, mob of women and of men perpetrated that nothmg, but leavmg her, ~cut home to bed awa1tmg the commg morn 'l he mght roanvlile 39-tf V I t & for I was always 111 at ease m the company wonderful and :m1pnsmg deed, and never thmk As I passed through the village, seemed endless , I was afraid 111 the dark D . EIJE KE SIMPSON, e ve s, "C., of this strnnge old ma11, whose very eccen did I witness a multitude that displayed the peasants, many of them half naked, all ness The low 1oar from the city ceased very fine stock of F eathers and tiic1t1es repelled the least advance such a. v1v1d resolution >tnd such umtccl ac of them wanting bread, were gathered Parzs was sleeprng At every sound I start' wit h a ARltISTEn, SOLICI 'l'OR, &c · MOP~IS BLOCK, u p stairs, Kmg Street, Bowman F l owers. "\Voulcl he ever tell .i1e more' was the tion But a glance at the m,tss of upturned around a speaker who, m fiery terms, ex ed, .mcl fro 11 a fitfol doze awoke, and Ille. Bohcltor tor t he Ontario Bank Call and inspect this fine display, which quest10n I asked myself that mght, and as I and repulsive faces showed the danger of horted them to break the chams of despot t i P.mbled as the white light from the moon P rhute MoneTs loa.ned at the lowest rates cannot fail to give satisfaction. watched the qmvennghp ttnd the tremblmg tnflmg with peorile who regarded no sacn tsm that bound them and to establish the fell upon my bed a.nd cast heavy sha.dows eyes, and heard from tune to time the mut. flee of human life too great for the accom new order, T hey banued me as I passed upon the panelled walls I could ::;[eep no .Jo h n Keith G a l b 1a u1t, ter ed prayer, I felt that his secret would phshment of then pm pose. through then nudst, for I was from the cha mote, but watched the day breakmg over A R R I ::! TE R , SOLICITOR, NOTARY pensh with him. But I was mrnta.kcn, for 1 "It was shortly after such an event that, tcau In the words addressed to Lams the the spues and domes Cold and gray the PUBLIC, &c Ofiice-Bounsall s Bloc,k suddenly he turned his chair from t he fire, wall,mg w 1th a felloVI student near the Kmg, 'it was no longe1 a revolt m Frnuce, light struck the ioofs , a workman p~ssecl Klnlil Str eet, Bowma.nville. Money to lend and clutchmg the aim of it as if with <le p1lace of Veis,iilles, a carriage passed us on it was a ievolnt1on' That mght, \\hen I on lus w.iy to hrs daily labo1, a few caits B,OB E R'l' A.R1'101Jlt, termmed purpose, he began to speak m & 1 i~ way to Pans ThevehiclewasoccLtpred by arrived ,it my lonely rooms and lay down iumbled on the pavement, the sun rose, a low and solemn voice In a mmnte l learn au aged man and a girl, who must have been to rest, Loms XVI had left Pans and was golden orb m a scttmg of 1111st. It was Jl:GIS TR AR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ot Marriage Licenses , Barr1ster and At tor eel that the tune had come; the mystery but twenty years old. It was m the sprmg on the road to St Mcnehould When he day De7 a t Law and Solicitor In Chancery Money would be Jndden no longer. time, and the woods were wlute with blos was brought back, and the mt1zens received "I opened my door and breathed the 10 aned on Real Estate. Office on K ing st reet , I has no shareholders to pay dividends to, "Grnndson," he said, "it comes to every soms, aud the cottages filled with the scent lrnn rn silence, I fo"esaw that a c11s1s ~as 1 fresh (l;nd mornmg air, but I walked as one llowman.vllle. Managed by a nd solely in the Interests of man at a certam season to know that the of the May flowers; and as the rapidly apprnachmg, and detemnned to t hat 18 1rn1lty, and felt ashamed as I stood t he Polley holders. end of hi5 hfe 1s not far distant, that the came slowly a.long the hard mad frnm a make at least one effort to secure the hand m tlus great purity of ru1ture By and b) d . T. l"B ILL ll'S day is approachmg when he must face hrs 1chateau that stood upon a netghbonng lull, of the woman I loved I would go boldly I the stieets filled, tbe c1t1zens, laughm!! and ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County Its Rat es are Low. Maker When such a season rs come to a I I felt that one occupa.nt of it at least w:i.s to her father and state my wishes He re I wishmg 'good day,' were mostly walkmg ot Durham, Sales promptly a.ttended, .6.ddres11-Hampton P, O. 59, Polldesnon forfeltable and uneondltlon al man, it behooves hun to thmk of those who I worthy of the glorious p1ctm e that natme ceiverl me with his usual comtesy, heated to one spot An ures1stable unpulse drew s gone. unfolded around us Ah, :Marie 1 how can my 1equest with the most busmess like air, me tluthet. It \'\as to the de Mar s w1ll mhent his possessions when he 1 OHN H UG R ES -Licensed Auctioneer , C:ash Bonns Paid every three years, I have thought over this difficult question I find wmds to speak of you? Grandson refused me with a smile, regretted that where the gu1llotme stood I can see rt all Value.tor and Arbitrator Fire and Llfe a.nd I have made my dec1sion Youaie my 1t is enough to say thut smce that hom he~ other arrangements had been made aiam, ay, so v1v1dly, for the scene hasne\er nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Motte:v to Lend on r easona ble terms , Address only relative , you wrll mhent such property face has been before me day a,nd rught, sleep " \ Yhat could I do? Pleadmg with such left me day 01 mght. It IS my retribution Joint Life Policies. I Cartwright, Ont !172 Though a double r1sh but one premium la paid as I possess, but more than tins, you will mg and Vlakmg, m prosperity or m1sfo1.une a man woulcl not have recompensed the loss A great crowd had assembled there-a sea learn from me that win ch uo doubt has often Everywhere I look I see those eyes of hers of d1 gmty entailed. I was dumb befoie of faces, diabol ical, fierne, makmg merry ll'U.LIAl'll WIGHT. tor two people. Amount ot policy drawD. trnubled you, the secret of an old man's hfe I speal,mg to me, those hands lifted m plead lum; but my bram ieeled under the blow, with death 1!'10111 their midst, on a plat on first dea th. IOENSED AUCTIONE ER fortl;e It has not escaped you this weight that hes rng, her lips movmg as she bids me to her and as I left the eh~teau and t he great form, rose a tall, dark obiect, that chilled County of Durham Orders left at the upon my soul and th;eatens to crush rt side, i;nd I cannot stir !" gates closed behmd me, it seemed tlmt my me as I saw it-it was the gmllotme. liJTJ.TXSM:l\ JS office or fo1warded to Tyrone P 0 , Special Inducements to T otal Abstamer ,, Others have often questioned me, an idle I The vmce of the old man sank low the life had been left m that mass of stone and "Then, and not t ill then, did I realize my 28 om wllll :receive p1ompt attention curiosity tempted them to do so, you haYe vems 011 his forehead swelled he stretched buck that stood over the 'illage Along crime, and with returmnl? reason I would S. C . Ul!NIUNG, shown yom senseandheltl your peace Your out his arms, then for a rnom'ent or two he the ioads1de, the ragged peasa.nts gathered ~~lllmglyI~ave ~iven my life to ha'e sp.'\d ICEN S~D AUCTIONEER FOR A.SSETS OVER $5,ooo,ooo.· d1 scret10n has not escaped me, rt shall be was sileut, and hIS hea\y breathrng and the ha1vest I envied them their lot, they ie man rnd estroyed But it was too J tl>e Coun t~ of Dmham Sales attended INCOl'llE OVER $1,000,000 rewarded by a. gratification of your supp1es 'i stifled sobs alone were heard had their lives, perhaps the women they l~te. Already from the dIStance the roai of 111 the room on shortest notice and lowest rates Address SI00,000 00 deposited wit h theCanadlanGovern sed cunos1ty, pamful though it may be for After a tune becommg somewhatmoie calm loved The ga.y clothmg of the fields, t e 010"d wns borne on the wind. Those ()OOUTICE P 0 , 36 tf laden with the golden gram, UI1t,.ted me aroundi,as the shouts of 'A ba.s Jes ansto ment tor benefit ot Ganadlan policy holders. me to give rt You have learned from the he co11t1nued wo1ds that have escaped me that images of My companion in answer to my ques vVhy was all so fair, and I so souowful, so crates became more distant, elbowed me GOOD WIFE GUARAN'l'EED TO the past nse ever befo1e me, images that tious, told me th~t the old man was the de,oid of hope, by which alone man hves ? j to the front . There, surrounded by groan every man wbo buys his License from INVESTED I N ()A.NA.DA., $600,000.00, :IENRY SYLVESTER, E nmskillen. ne\er leave me day or mght, that carry me Baron Jer.dav1 and that the girl was Mane Ah I the dream rs ended, yet I would live mg and sliootmg men, whose hornd cues his daucrhter '1 followed the carnage wit'; my life agam for a repetition of those homs of execration rage m my ears, I could see, H EAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-M0NTREAL back agam to Pans and to my crune. Pia.nos Tuned a nd Repaired " The old man paused a moment here, fo1 my eye~ unt il a cloud of dust ,tlonc markc~l "I returned to the city, now dark and ye\somet0 otid t he waigon that bore t he For particulars r eter to emotion wa.s worl>.mg strong withm !um , its progress alor.g the mad; then, with little 01 cicast, as the w luspers of the terrible \ ;~cd~d~l f ieu ~~f s it drew nearer, 18 ARTIES WI SH1 N G TH EIR PIANOS then recovermg himself, he went on hur ce1 emony to my fnend, I turned back and reality forced themseh es from the slum$ they b ie ~? th nj_~b mctease, had E.L. LIVINGSTONE, · r uned or r epaired Olin haTe them attende nedly w;i.lked straight to Pans and the low faubomgs mto the great palace d eendal e,b f ey wou b 1 Ja\ e torn the 1 0 bf leaving wor d at the DOMI:<l!OJS ORGAN " -..r £ th h lf f I t d ud tl h f th 1 M fl d con emne un rom Im In an agony GENE RAL AGENT, m,y a er, m1se a. man o et ers, e "It was only when was alone m my rooms a ie ouses 0 e n c1 any e ' of fear I turned m h d f Oo'e O F i ICE, Bowma.nv1lle A first clas man POR'l HOPS cided to educate me for a literary profession that I asked myself what prompted tins many Ind themselves 111 fear, none knew ternbl~, ovenvhelu~n e~e~~:;e· ~~:i~rr:iorse SlOW oeillfl In the ir mt>lo r. Or t o agent s throughout the count:r, '~ e. W ith sense and discrrmmat10n he planned strange action I had seen but for a few when the reap mg would come m all its me as t he horrible ~eed f ' pon for me a scheme of education which em moments a. face by the roadside, yet I be ludeous mtens1ty I rarely left my r oom&, ab~ut to be acted Bnt tha~ ~evengef w~s ~o Ho! Gentlenien o:f'Fash bodied a wide range of readrng and of travel he,ed that not one a.torn of the beauty :>fit yet I hated their lonelmess I could uot agam pievailed, and I ~as sc~:g:lleds~~ 1011, not so tast. I was to work my way at Eton, to study had escaped me In that sh ort walk I had stir m t he streets· the surface gayety, take one look at the death ca t f 11 for a tune at Cambudge, tl:ien to seek the created to myself an ideal m a world of never stilled d urmg that perwd of blooc'! of men and women. Men, tl~e h ht;a;f ~1 1 tia f e1vrltten these tew lines great centres of learnmg upon the contment fancy, which ere tlus my 1magmahon had shed and vice, galled me to despau a.s my tellectual stren th and cultureg no A.lld all I have t o say_ and t o fimsh m the nchly stored hberaues I never penetrnted Before II was the scholar heart went out to the chateau , or rather to warded for thet~ labors b th ' 'IY" ref llhat J'OU can find me Still at home, l a m not g ene away. of the East It was a grand idea, worthy life was for me i l l the ma~s of volumes that the fair woman witlnn its walls I would those for whom they had laboied c~~X:: o &o a\l my kind old Crlend s may come , of a noble and generous man. Alas that his j h:ied the walls of my rooms and of the have ~tudied-her face was on every page, the fauest and most mnoceut 1~ Fran~~· And all the y oung ones , too, generosity was so thrown away I hbrnIIes, among the thoughts and t he re h:r ~~es looked mto mme from evexy pamt w ho clung, trernblmg and weepm , t~ I.lid get t hetr ga,rmen t s nlceJy made "I went to Eton, and passed through the searches of those who hacl left to then fel ~o~ed ~opeimdlng 1g~ned d£1a.rr was fol b10thers, or fathers, or !01 era, so powgrless In fashions that are new : school, makmg friends here, gammg honors lowmen an imperishable record of the l abor h d tl ka th11 re 1 t ieI man who to help them A spell hel d my eyes 'Vhere old and young, dear trlends, may meel there, learnmg somethmg of the classics, for the good and the elevation of rnan1nnd. a rns ro en om tves n my rage "I looked for the Baron He sto~d with A welcome "'""etini:r. bv R. PEA'l'E Unapprcached Cor and of those d1fliculties an d d1sappomtments If I had looked mto the futme, it was with ~ heapbd obloqu)i '1Jen his aged head I his b1,1,ck to me, his head. bowed down bur Tone and Quality, that face us all when we start on the battle the hope that I should then find mys elf :ve 1 een pums e ' may my pumshment ied in his hands but clmgmg to h~ arm filed of h fe At Cambudge I was a scholar stnYmg to follow the example of these a one was a girl with her hair streamm<> over her CATALOGUES FREE. a.nd took honors I remember 11ow the I great men, per haps wmmng some of the "I wa.itcd my opportunity for revenge shoulders: lier hands upon the n~ck of the gladness of my poor father when the news rewards that fall to t he succe~~ful m a for nearly a year lt came. V1s1tmg aga111 !'man at he1 side Foi the moment I co.:ild came to him t hat I had mounted one rung I career of lettern But such mattei s as home the Jacobm Club, where nearly two yea.r~ not realize her presence· the ca,rt passed of the ladde1 before me I hear agam his hfe or w ife 01 clnldren had never caused me before I had hei;rd J ean Paul Marat de close to my side · she tu;ned and here es hearty words of c:;ngratulat1on, feel agam a moment's thought. Th., change m me, nounce the monatchy I listened to violent I met mme The;1 she stretched out U 1;se the warm pressure of hrs hand, undergo I then, was sudden and sta1tlmg As the and unrestramed demands for the unmech arms to me; those lips moved as if m plead once more t he welcome labor of wutmg to 1 scene that delights us one moment rs forgot ate sacrifice of the leadrng nobility who had I mg It was the rnnder, lovmg face of my mother It 1rns a happy t ime, for I was ten m the beauty of the one that replaces rt 1had the courage to 1emam m their natn e 11\'.fane t hat looked on me her reat e 'es full of hope and confidence m my own pow i' so did my amb1t10n fall as the foce of Mane country The scene "as one I shall never j that spoke, her anus that ;m ited ~e 1 a I T B TJ:l:TB. ers, and a round me were those whose every rose up before me A ne~ r ealm of ideas forget ' the clamor of the ruffian crew-then heaven forgive me- I had sac1diced th~ thought breathed a prnyer for my welfare was opened, but the new would not blend faces remlered more rnpuls1ve as the flicker daughter with the father 1 She was to die V E TERINARY SURGEON, and happmess. with the old, for the one was abs01bed m mg oil lamps shed theu yellow rays upon Reabzm~ the ternble crime, with an awful PBA.()TICAL DENTIST, "Then rt came th,tt I should set out for the othe1 them-I esounded through the vaulted cham cry I trted to force my way through th 'lVll:R TWENTY YJ:ARf.I E XPICRIE NOE, P aris It was wi~h iel uctance that they let "'When common sense had rn a measure bers hke the roar of distant thunder Had crowd, to JOID her rn life ,ind death, bnt th~ · sv.u 10 x ldeGaa Adrutnlst ered ror Paln les Honorar y Graduate of Ontario V et ermary me home, for at that date the first returned to me, I bcll'an to 1emember that you pierced mto the hearts of such men you sold1eis beat me back, the mob pressed upon murmurs of the mighty torrent of revoultwn my hopes and dre>i,ms rested but on a name- I would have found no trace of affection, of me, the cart h,,d stopped The people and Operations. College, w ill attend to a.II dLSeasea w inch SVI ept o\er ]!'lance weie begmmng to '.Mane Jendav1, the daughtei of the H11rron good, of right knowledge, of auy m stmct bmldmgs a1ound gr ew famt and confused UF.FICE Mcc LtrNG'S BI.OcK:. of domest1e amm als. be heard The writmgs of Voltane and Jendav1, of a~ unknown chateau on the road of humamty They were h ke so many befo1e my e) es,fet, as the deadly famtness Rouseau were commencmg to bear their to Versailles We were seemmgly separat w~hes howlmg for then prey, al!d t he 1came ove1 me, saw that face of ungurnh frujf Agitators m the byways were de ed by as gteat a gulf as divides the Old srbht of them would have clnlled the I still lookm<> fo1 me Grandson she he 1 cryi~g the Kmg and demandmO' liberty as J vVotld f10m the N cw Whum chd I know biavest heart I watched the procecchn5s hevcd that "I could s11ve lier · she kno" s the low moanmcr of the wmd before the 111 Pans, then, that I could go to n.ud sa.y, 'I I from a bench m the rear of the room At now that I bi ought her to her doom A SP E 0 I A L T Y. storm 80 were these the warmngs of what I have a fancy to be rnt10Jncerl to the length s1lenC'JiJ was somewhat 1esto1ed, a nd a I bad k1lled 1lfane my love 1" was to come But I had no fears then; daugh ter of the Bar~n ~ enda\'1\\ ill you tlo ternble pro~ess Jkuown as the ' nammg' com I 'lhe old man c~ased speakmg ; he half Calls a nd Orders by mail or telegraph rather I hoped to learn much from seem" a that se1 vwe fo1 me? Such a 1cilect1011 dis menced '.Ihc l: resident iose m lus seat and I rose from hrs ch au and the fire sho\\ eel will r eceive prompt attention. country whose people had commenced bto tm bed me more than m those clays I would a<l<lressed the turbulent crowd 'It was II that he "as deadly' pale H is mmd , 1 as CHARGES MODERATE. test the trnths wlnch the great plnlosophers ha1 e b een w rllwg to have confessed. Ag1 the mtention,' he said, 'of the Clud to 1 a 0 J.lll enactmg that terribl e scene At OFFIOE H OURS, 8 T O 10 A. M. of so many years had preached m then tated with fear and hope, I paced the na1 j hasten the cause of L1be1ty, Rq1Mlrty, ,md l ength he ~tretchecl out hrn arms, moamn" wntmgs and 111 then teachmgs You must row 10om \\heie I lodged, ~mtll I sank upon Fratennty, by 1emon11g those who so pro i "Mane, Mane<" and fell back 111t 0 hi~ A first claae stock or l\fod1emes &lwaye HARNDEN, L.· D. [5: · on hand remembe1 , too, that none could then foresee my bed from wearmcss Vi ho would unlock mmeutly stood m the way of its advance seo.t H is hfe's tale was told-my grand Ja11t3, he went on, 'how father was dead. N . B -Will vmt Williamsburg every that under the cloak of fieedom men would the gate that shut me from the presence of rncnt Ah, mi' e77 ~l'ti,duate of the Royal Collegeo I Dental loose theu mstmcts of humal1lty a.nd would the woman I 11 onld have staked so much to great a lesson have 1we Luught our oppressors Surgeons, Ontario Saturday of each week. 16-ly 1 rn the past years The aag of p1 cg1ess rs become as wild beasts that rap;ne and vice have seen' J)~ J~JCJJ; OVEH DlCK::lON S 8'£0R E, would prevail whern 'virtue and goodness I "In such e. mood, I chanced to rnmcmber uufurled ' the file of those who would en What Girls Should Know. had been, that women and cluldren would I my letters of mtroductron Iu n.y negh , slave 1 1" rs enkmdled, we shall soon sift the Should a n ls kn0 tl f LD FILLIN 0 A SPEClAL 0 be sacrificed to ambition and to fear. thllt gence and desire for sohtucle, I nac:l made use a~hes .md sweep them away, but w e must self t , lC acts necessary for ~te wor k executed m the latest and Bmoml 01 the land "oald c he under tlie cmse of mis of the one to the head of the Umve1s1ty be unceasmg m our \rn1 k ; om cont age must th prese~~" ion cl ~~ p~olle thmk that lmprovedstyleo!the Dental Art. inle. My father could not foresee tlus or alone The others-and they were many- 1 be unfa1l111g, our self del1lal unboundrng If j aJ{Y mus e ieare m rss u ignorance of '!ES:TR E XTRACTED W ITHOUT PAIN I should nc' er have loft the comfoi t~ble lay as I had brought them from J!~ngland it IS nece&sary fo1 the safety of t he conn try, :~nous thrngs lu hfe · espi;crally, ce1tam . he nae of Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlthoutlnjury home m the mHllancls and have faced the 1 With some anxiety lest thev should be mis wn es and daughte1s, fathe1s and mothers b~odeers miffmett ]n.t o, fine p.ir1 mm~would Go t he patient. dancrers that soon awaited me m Paus smg, I opened my \rah se, ai'id after a short must be h,uided to the c,ue of unswe1vma nee /Is l~~ym~hn any orm ' e s1m 0 1 · ,r,lcnlar a~tent1on paid t o the regulation o 1 \Vh;n 1 airived m that great capital it was search, found them mtact There wa.s one iustrce. They must die 1 ' j ;h~ bs ~ 1 ~t tl t this Is wrong-frls 0 hard to believe that beneath that ',ayety to Monsieur Bailly, the talented a11d a.t that , "The P1 es1dent fimshed, and produced a to puoste et ~ el someft mg C H ILD R EN'S T E E'fll . 1 ll ia t and bughtness lay ludden a O'reat sfrntum tune popula1 Mayo1 of Pans, and another to sheet of paper A man rose amono !us hen ther1 k/ Y as wt~ ~s ltl lem<lseh\es- or rnf iKJlll'ALL WORK WARRANTED.~ 0 of discontent and poveity a;,d crime It M,tdame de S~el, also to Lafayette, at that e1s ,ind de11ounccd ·Bailly, theb scholarly 1 the 0 n;epmg ~s rn ~a la~ 8 0 afpprnless 1 1 1 8 wasyetharder toheheve as one heaidthe tune the Captam of the National Guard 1 and courteous :Mayor Another iose an l allowed ~~~ atr~n 1 tmcre b g T are 1 8 1 flenz1ed cnes of welcome 'that greeted Kmcr The others ~ere to citrnens of le~s pos1twn, other death ..,varra11t was signed ay~ as I (bee us ft~ emse ' : } \epadra t e r'lJ)"ll)l, andQueen,thatthecues were a mocker/ andI did not attach much irnportancf to smelyas rfthe\rc+m1 thPnstoou'upon'the neve~ l~i~ 1tr ptlet~s bse ocrme ancl that the vmces were but empty som, ds' the possession of them for the pm pose I hatl t 8caffold I shuddered I sawh t he list motl ' er's wl _,atunlr nycrampe ecome<lW pos1 I\estanc 10n e cl Ias e tours, SW RUSE 1 1grnwmg, gi owmg, an mew t at those <lm rng study, ovei ex er t10n, and \\ orst of all That was the year 1788, and the Bastille 1 m vi w had uot yet fallen, Pitt lumself sc111ce gave I "I presenterl my lettern at the car host op , \\hose names were wutten there, though at acceptance of fashwns which dts lace th~ EACHER OF ORGAN, PIANO heed to the rumors 'Why then should I, a po1turuty, was cordially received, and, by 1 the moment sunoundecl perhaps by \v1fe md mternal 01 >ans 1mtil fhe ca VOICE and THEORY 'lerms on aop!t' oation a "BIG 20," 28,ly student, foresee beneath this wealth of the mstr unenta.hty of Lu.fayette, introduced l and clnlch en, would m forty eight homs be not ev~n be cured b~ the smgrnny i,{; loyalism a nsrng power that would crnsh mto t he fanuly or the Baron Jendav1 I say numbered with the dead Haweiss sa)S " these are some of th The best way to worship Gad is m allay an~ kill both the landers and the lauded? family , but I should add that the Ba10n and "Contrast the pwtm e, grandson a. low, v1c10us habits' wl1lch a1e snappmg the come Ne·w·spnper Advertising Bureau, mg the distress of the time aud unp1ovmg So I began my studies at the Umvensty 1'1s daughter alone were numbered m it, he vaulted, ~trflmg room, 3000 men like flends fort of thts geocr,1tion and th<' mental aucl 10 Spruce St, New York 111.e cond1t10n of ma.nkmd Send 10ct:s, tor ZOO-Pl:\s:fO Pamphlet. Makmg few fuends, ietnrng t-0 my lonely havmg lost his wife some ten yea1s befoic I ask111g fo1 the life's blood of many of those physical VI C'll bemg fo the next " ·-a rFK7KIR PM?____________'_fl ' tl:W'HZFO A CAil:D.- 'l'o all w ho ar e suffer mg from THE CANADIAN STATESMAN th e e rrors and m d1scretions of youth , :a. a 1 4 ~ilh!': · ·uw = MY GRANDFAT HER. I I L AD I ES, M I L L I N E Ry I B B - I - MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., BR ITISH EMPIRE I I I R L J I I L I·o I A I " I P I I w:r " It I Yb K ° ° DENTISTRY. I BELL &CO., Gnelpb, Ont. I I P. I. JONES, J. M. BRIMACOM:BE, ENNISKILLEN, I I J l Operations & Dentistry ,o I 's ADVERTISERS I pl ia MUSIC .. T can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in Ainerican papers by addressing Geo. P . Rowell & Co., :r l I

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