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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1887, p. 3

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· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-~:~~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!~ .. ~~ ~··~·~ 11~2~~'*4~'9'!!"'~...!..!.!.!!!1!!!!!!~!!!!! ..!_"~·~!.!!!!.!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!' f' Captain Morton looked on all tliis, but .ie " It is nothing-nothing, " he said. "It Grace a lon e there ; and then h e mtended to did not know how largely he was interest h ed is nothing." take the girl out by the openm" into the rain what he saw, although, m regard to ' e Marie clung closer to him, and with a vine and mak e his escape, "overland, as OR, throng of people and to the coach, he har' n look of pride, pale and sad as he was, the quickly as h e could, afte1 taking from the WEDNESDAY, :MAlWI 2 1887. strange, undefined feel mg of interest t :it F r enchman courteously declmed all help, cottage the plunder which he had bur ied. ~ -- ----- - - - - made lum keep them for a time steadily rn 'l.nd lifted his Marie tenderly from the boat A flashing idea was m his mind of taking his view. to the shore. t he life of Mrs. iVagner before he left-as STANUARD MEDICAL "W ·iJtK t' OR It was in a sort of 1everie that Cuptpin Then it was as the police sergeant had he fearnd she would be a dangerons mcum.Morton remained for a time, and then l1e said, that the captured p11rty, amid tlie brv.nce to h im. TRI! MOST FASCINATING 00EAN ROMANCE i:5INCE THE DAYS OF started forward with the mtcnt10n of reach wailings of Mr Suffles, were for the brief (TO lll! CONTINUED. ) COOPER AND MARYATT, Only $ 1 B y 1 U nll, Pos l 1·nitl. mg the p1l as quickly as possible, in wlucl1 remamder of the mght conducted to the he was told he"" ould find Mrs. "\Vaguer, 11nd preventive station, and m the morn lLL11STRAT H E SAH l'U~S FREIE ili O A.LL. Behiml the :;nowy loaf is the millwheel ; as he chd so he saw that the coach suddenly mg, as Capt'lm Morton saw them, ,rnre oe behmd the 1mll the wheatf10ld ; on the CHAPrE R XX V'Ill. - {Co"'TINUEn) "Good night 1 Cast off, my men " turned down some narrow lane, which was mg escorted to the town They saw l11m, then, stand up 11. the boat The revenue galley drnappeated in the 1 hidden by its hedges, and disappear f1om "It is a gflod Job," said the smgeant, whe<1tfield falls the sunlight, above t he sun and look over tne b11lwa1ks of the cutte1 by da1 knes~. lus sight. "that somethmg seems to ht1.1e set the Is God.- J. 8 . Jlu,sell. clrnging to its side and scramhlmg up ,1 foot "Thank you, M1 Snffles," said Martm 'l'h1s d1sappeaiance though was but very smuggling frnternity by the ears, and they o~trich farmmg IS obtainmg prominence or two. The·1 ]>e dropped mto the bo,1t "Oh, don't mention it Busmess, you par b1al, as Captam M~1ton ha~l not proceed seem ,1nx1ous one to tell of the other I m Ca.11forma At a recent picking on an agam and began <lowly to pull away frcm know, IS busmess l'm evei so much bettet ; ed another quarter of a 1mle when he sud fancy the end of it will be the 100trng out of ostrich farm fifty pounds of feathers were the Rift Sndrlenly he paU·P.Cl Sometlung and if Dohm goes ofl u.ncl you, Mr .Martm, dcnly lieu.rd the tramp of ho1ses' feet and the whole of it." obt,uned, worth $lb0 per pound, or $8,000 had r,ttrncted Ins obserYatron m the°" ater set up m the same lme of busmess, I hope the sound of wheels and fr om a lane there "It's probable," said Captain 1foiton. fo1 the pick. A. Grent .U e1Uenl '~ orJ, Ou ~[.rnbuod. Oui friends from then boat, too, saw that you won't forget :i our very humbl~ sei vant, eme1ged, almost close upon him, the coach A shat p 1ide now of ibont ,1 qnaiter of an Exhausted V1taJ>1v, :t;.,r vous and Pl ya oal somethmg Chvrles Olympus Dufram SufJies, l<,sq ·who and its mounted police eecort, hom brought the coach with Mrs. Wagner Deblllty. PrernttLure Decl111e m M1~n. TD·rore "\\That is it 1" wluspered Gero.Id. w ill he to harpy to purchase any caigo So close c hcl the vehi le t 0 h' tl t and the Ameucan c«ptam to the door of of Youth , ana the untold mlsenes r<·snltmg "Hush 1 Nothrng." of ~on on iea<onable terms" , c como nn rn A 1 . l Cl ff l' 1 from rndiscret·on or excesses. A b ok for "Oh, , ou will, °"ill you?," said the Yoi'ce c.~pt:am Mor ton-seerng tlie county police c mna i .ou s 101,se. , man youn1' "Ah, I seen rn Ben1amm." ·' 111i if01m w h ich h acl J)een pomt ed out t o Inm l'ut 'vlule all t'11s 1s goi'"g 011 a st range c ATARRR. - A neV1 t re11t men t }rns b een d is· e "e1y of I·ieitteil"Jlt Aiider·son " I tlioii.,,"llt we > 1 ., · , r111d·!ln ' " ,igetl and old It 1 See I Doll1n Contams 125 pies( r1ptl0t1R fo. all ncnte and "His bcdv, He is drowned · · ru b f tl ht t Id b d t s ene \' bc1 g t l th f ··o~ercd ,->iereb' · pern1°nent cure of this J ·liould liave ,,011 soine d Mr. Suffles "'oti e ore 10ug I wou e a goo oppor u c n end.c ec m e caverns o u · · , ~ ~ chronic rhseMe·, c 1cl1 one of w hwh IS mv!1lt1!1· , kno\\ s hnn now I" ~ be J "thl y .1. mty to ask it the lane from wluch the Cl1r the cliff hlthe1 to 1,1, tu able dlsease is absolutely affect· ble So found by -..mhor who~e experie.. ca Th D0 1 b ti10 81d 0 f th mve en 1ong suspec ec. on .ire my l h \Vh D l h 1 t d d ed In f 1om one to three appl!cat10ns, no matter for 25 years is sueh a8 probaoly nevm beforn ey saw an ov; over e c prisoner sir and a.II m this boat,, nage emergec was a near route tot e couneu o an ac so mys cr10us1v e1u e whuthm """ Hlrng oneyearo~ forty yea rs. 'rh111 fell to the lot of ar.y pn,s1cun <>00 paQ'e8, boat and turn the hotly over, so that the ' ' ' ty Jin! the pmsu1t of Capt::im Mo1ton, he had do·1e 1HHH:ly I· only applied once rn twelve days, bovnd m beaulif"ul Ihencil muslin emlYs>e'l face was Hsrble, and then he at or.ce recog "·will this lead me to the countv )all ,,, 80 with the double ob]C( t of gettmg out of ·><! d.o·» not mtertere with busmees, Descrip covere, full gilt, ;i;nornntocu ta b "fl·:er wr~tk mz ~ti Beniamm. CHAPTER XXIX. h k 1 l , tl f l 'f l l , b ·vc P"-lllJJhlet sent free ou re< eiJJL of stamp by m every sense ttuv ui.) o'het wmk so,d m t.11s e as et, oudly. And hardly had the 1e way o one w 10, i re 111.u nt once .,_,ot , H. Dixon & Sou, 305 King street, West country ro1 :;"!Zoo. or ' he rnonAJ 1nll bo rerun leu He did not say ohe word, bnt be1.t to the noL 1.N "ElhS RE\ i:NGE BY '.IREACIIERY, words escaped !us hps when there was a ,, clutch at !um, would been the T n onto, Cauada. in e\ery mflt.;'ncn PJice 0111! Sl by marl, PO~t I oars tmd plilled qmcklv to the mouth of the \Vhcn Captam Morton gave chase to Dol scream from the intcl!or of the carriage and likely man mall the world to let hun go WHAT IS CATAR iml ba1d, tvee le frne to irny boi~ c,wc1n · an Ill. t l1e br1"ts of the Nautilus, it was "OOU tl th M W t J h d igam nd with a ue' f ffi d l Catnr1·11 rn adanp:erous dis1>a8e which thous Send now. Go·d mcdnl a.warned the 11uthor by Tl1 · f I I h 1 ~ ., no o ier an rs agner pu ier ea ' ' a v o '.' o1 mg no c ue &nda are oonsc1ouely or unconsc1ouslysuffen ng t he National Mcd,cal Assocmuon to the Preere was one paru 0 t 1e sai st at cos very cVIdcnt tlmt the accurate knowledge out at the windcw, clcsp1to the oppos1t10n of to the secret of the cave1n m the cliff, Crom. It 18 a muoo-purulent discharge caused a1dent of wnlc'i the Hon. P I!. fllosell and ed tha entrance, whwh con ld easily be push winch the smuggler captam had of e' ery a police officer who was ms1de and called Hence, then, Dolan took advantage of by the presence of a , egetable parasite m the associate ofdce!B cf lhe Boanl rlae reudei is ed. n.s1de so ,ts to allow a boat to pass out, set, cvciy ripple and m; ery eddy of the tide . out · those few moments when he had donbled li!Jln1: membrane 1 ,f the nose. The p1 erl1spos· cl. it was to" ard t hat part that Dolan gave Imnagreat "van d t age. " Stop-s t op , It ls · tlie gentenmn l d ancl was ont of sig1 It of () ap Ing causes &re a morbid state of the blood, the respeotru1ly roffe1' Life '.Ihe Sc10nce<,f is wo·th more to the ancl d with t] ie l ieadlan' bhghtedcorp1,scleortube1cle, thege1mpo1son 1 young und m1tldle aged men of this gonotation rowe · Notwithstanding the utmost exettions of the little flag. I must speak to !um. Stop t tl'l Morton, to sciamble on to the rocks or BYl'hllis, mercury, toxomOl, from the reten· slum all the gold vnn e;; o! c.,,11fo1mo1 und thl'l He was evidently escapin!' with a. tteasu1 e Captam ]\for von, Dolan succeeded m reach -stop 1" after upsettmg the boat; and he conce,1led t10n of tne etfete matter of the stun, suppressed silver mmes of Nevada combrned.-S F. chest from the ca.vern, and then Martm mg the promontoiy and in ronnding it at Captain Motton at once rushed to the himself amid such a mass of sea weed that petspirntions, badlyvent1l11u01d sleeping apart· Chronicle. '- and said to Jooeph · h ~" least Jive 1n1nutes befo1e Captn.m Mm ton, wmdow of the cal!Lage, calh11g out to h er, nothmg sh01 t of actuelly landma and tread the ments and the geimmation of other poisons m 'rho ::>cience of L1fa pomts out thll 10c<:e "SI " blood. I rntatod by the,e, the hmng mem11111 we stop im qmcksandson which thcronot tut1on an 1 t hopes The first thing, then, th,>t Mo1ton saw aloud mg upon him could have enabled any .one to brane of th<~ nose is ever ready for the recepof many a ~ ouni>; man have been fo.itally "No,' ,mterposed Gtrald. " Let him go." Captam ~101 ton paused a moment or two, "Tell me-oh, tell me at once-where find 111111. Crnn of the parasrte, "\\ h1ch ra.p1dly spreads up wrecked,.-i\fanr lle·ter Mirror. ",But it's very unfair. 'l'he rascitl 1s and then he saic l to the s~ilor who was with can I seek fo 1 my cluld? Speak t o me-tell Dolan wa· a bold and boood swimmer, and the nostuls and down the fauccs, or back of The Science of Life 1s of greater value than I' l th f tl h 1 d f the throat, cansmi;i 11lccrat1on of the th1·oat; np all tl>e medwo.1 works pnhbshecl m th1·country m,, ' 111[5 away wic 1 e money 0 ie w 0 e hun me at once and your re" ard shall be none no sooner 1 i,t 1ie e1t ,1ssured that Captam the eustaohinn tubes, causmg deafness, bu>. for t ho pas' 50 yeaia.-.Atla nta Constit-utwn. ciew. "Let us r ight the boat. The i,,scal m11y the less." Morton hod given up the purnmt of him rowmg m the vocal cords, causing hoaraeneasi· · '.l.1l"e S cience of Ltfo 16 a superb and mastet!y "He cannot go far. " be benc,tth it yet. I ha\e heard of such "'l'he cliff-the citvern." than he launched hnnsclf mto the bay and aaurpmg the proper structure of the bronchra treatrne on nervo11~ &ntl phye1cal debrhty." vVho kncws ·1 He m ay have some < >o1ttet thaws." "What cliff-wlmt ca' ern ~" made hrn way with the tide fo1 the cavern m dt1e1baoths _endmg m pulmonary consumption an!l Detroit F'rte Press l t f l th fl o 'l here is no memher of society to whom tne or sc iooner "'at mg or nm m e 0 mg· The boat was righted, but no signs of ()ap "Helloa 1" said the sergeant who was 1t he cliff, Many iugemous speiflcs for for the cure of As he swam Dolan reflected upon the cntf1rrh ba~c been invented, but without auoSmence of Life will not be n se"· I, whether and, before d,iylight, m,ty 1" foi <'t1ongl1 ol1 t11m Dolan wern vISiblc. Then C'tLpt11m with the patty of police. ' ' I don't think I 1 0 ~outh, parent, i.:uardrnn, mstr~c 0 or clerg;;- It seems a hard thmg to let him go easily" Morton loo],ecl carefully uhout ]um, ilut ought to itllow tlus \Ye are takrng our piesent prospect of hrs affuns and felt any cess, until a phys1c1an of long standmg d1scoV· mAandd.r-~ed.s'Y?nhaeirtl:'.·"·bodv 1\feu'i'"'l te, or· ,, D " I cannot contr,,ol you, sighefl Ge' ald tliere was nothm g t o b c seen b u t t'nc b ::ire pnsonc1 b e f ore ti10 mag1st ru.t es. 'I'ha t is t o 1thing but ~att~Jled with them although he only ered apphance the exact nature of th d1seaee and the ~~ v~ I ti"tx'tii , wluch will permanently destroy Dr. W H.Pa.rker No 4 Bulftnch Sneet Boston as you plea·e rock and w11te1s oi the bay and the rngged say, to Sir Thomas Clrtlord, for she say& she' was far fiom knowmg 01 s~spectmg the the parasite, no matter now aggravated t he Muss, who may be ccmsultecl oil all dneases Grace crept closer to Geralrl chffs. has somethmg to t cll 11bont the smugglns of whole of lu::i uauger, case. Suffeiers sbould send stamp at once ieqmrmg sk1lland "Xpenence Ch1onrn and "No," said Joseph to l\:Iartm. "Let us "To the cottage- to the cottage I" he the coast." It 110\v see1ned to str ike tl1e vi ' lla1n that for desonp11ve pamphlet on catarrh, to the obstrnate drneases that baff1ed tl.e sl.xll l d h fi L d ti :r" h ~ l busmeas managers, A, H. Dixon & Son, 306 of all other phyH1c1a11s :i, spec10,lty, Such an our cargo ere rsu, .m len rtve said, and then he nnd hrn compamon puled "I know Sir Thomas Clifford. I am Cap 110 one bHt lumself woultl or could expose Krng 8 t 1eet, west, Toronto, Canada. trea1ed succes"f1,1Jy without an urntance of sornethmg to say to you Dolan will only b ack agam to the cottage on the beach ; taiu Morton and th<tt rs my y ,10ht, the Nau the secret of the cavern in the cliff. What the Rev E B Ste»enson, BA., a Cler(IY· failure Meutron S rA'£ESMA ~. Bowman' cro to the cottage to rn»ht, L d. th " h e considered, only man o·" of the ,..,, "'"et"o 1 · · L7 11\e, 0 ° you may depend and as ti1ey b eac11 e e1r b oat they saw tilus, Ill the roads yonder This woman can j E ven "" w .1 s. '"11gner, , t'ie " Lo71 don Oon"er , . ence Ontarxo. y, upon that. I have been on the lookout till t '11,1t the1e was a gieat commot 10n among give me informatrnn th,tt is to me life itself in tend ecl to sell so to speak, Grace to her diat Ohu1 ch of Canada, has to say in regard To A.H. Dw:on &: Son's New 1'reutme1it for h 1 h wit 111 the ast our, and thm e is nothmg 111 the women and clulclren who mlmb1ted the and I beg you will pernut me to question father, the Captain; and he still Catar rh, the offing w.utmg for lum, Besides, we can hutE. , . her " /cher ished t he c1elus1on that for him was re· Oak Jans, Ont , Canada, Maron 17, 1883 watch lus course If he goes seawitrd, let A captam s gua1d of m111mes wns on the "I will tell all," said Mrs. ·vv,igner. "I sen ed the prest1~e of betraying all !us com- Messrs · .;J;. H. Dixon & Son us overhaul h im, if he double the pomt, we spot, and the moment Captam J'.'.{f·rton I will tell all. He 18 gomg to teil something panions of the Rif t DEAK ::1rns,-You1s of the 13th Inst. to band. shall kno"\\ he goes to the cottage " l ' l h d d b 1 f th ' I h 1 1 It seemed almost too " OOd to be true that I am "Be it so." · anaec e was surroun e Y SC\ Cr a o c but I will tell ,,11." n t e itt e chest tl111t he had taken away cured of Catarrh but"I know that 1 am I marmes and a sergeaat, "Who is he i " so secietly m the boat from the cave he had have had no retu~n of the disease, and never Dolan reached the opemng of the Sf'·l CfLVe " What is all tlus ?" he said. "Dol 11 ,, · the bulk of the plunder that should have relt better m my hfe I have tried so many into the bay. He put aside the sail doth " Our oiders sir ,,xe to make pnsonern "I a I . I l lI l t been by a~eement divided amonrr the things for Catarrh, suffer ed so muoh and for and rowed out mto the orJen water. f 11 1 1 d'! ' ,, s11w uwc rnsel um, HI 1 1c cseap 1 ,., so many l ears, th11t 1t 1s hard to realize that ' ' o a w 10 an iere. eel me " c t ew of the ift, und that he had burred m [ am really better. "Now, pull away with a "\\ill," sald it Joseph "we shall soon see what course he " Very well. '<\There is your officer?" "As he WitS sme Lo do, Come, 8 i 1, I will tL cie l'ttl I e garcI en of the cottage, unk nown I consider that mme was a vei;y bad case; " In the cottaoe sir. March ! ' tell yo11 11 G , th 11 ttl fl th t even to Mrs. 'Vaguer. was aggravated and chrome, mvclvmg the intends to take. ' '" ' a I \ e me e e ag a I It h h D throat as well r as the nasal passages and I 1 cavern, t en, t at . olan thought it would reqm rethe three.treatments, Cti.ptam l\iorton soon teached the cot~age, you said I should l111ve till I h.i.d the thouw~s to tie Pre!!le1·ve Y ou r Si gbt. 'l'hey were through the opening m the sail and was met at the door by the captimi of sand pounds." to?k lus way, still wi th several beliefs m hrs but I feel fnlly cured b:v the two sent me, and I UseF. LAZARUS'(lateorthetlun ofLazar· cloth in another rmnute and then they 8 '1 w the maunes to whom he s~1d j "ur II ,, d tl t " i mmd wh1cn the facts themselves by no I am thankful that I was ever mduced to send ue & Morris,) Renownerl Spectacles and .lfY0· Dolan makmg evidently for thepromonto1y, "y ' n e , sir, sa1 rn sergean, i you means wan nted~ to you. Glasae~. ·rneyare the best m the wor ld. 'I hey on the other side of whieh was the bit of our men, sir, 1rave veiy propel 1y, no are a friend of the admnal's, you may as H f 11 bel d h b h G Id d You are at hberty to use thts letter stating never tlro the eye, and last many yeaia with- coast on which stooit the cotta"'rtes doubt, Ill pursua.r~_ce of ~heir orders, made J well uome with us anit li e will do as he · e u y . rnve t at ot era an that I have been cured at two treatments. and out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bowmepusonm; but1am Captam Morton, of tl 1 t "' Grncewe1e111thecu.verns Ishallgladlyreoommendyourremedytosome . ti manv1lle. 6-lf, " 'l'hat is it," said J ose~1 · " He is not l he U mted St,ites K avy, and that IS my llll rn prope_ r m ie ma ter' ·.1. ou see, sir, I He fully believed tliat Captain Mocquet of my friends who are sutfernrs. quite off yet Now for t e ravine m the yacht the Nautilus yonder. ,, I we we1e takmg het to the Munty Jail for was a pu~ouer m the cabin of the Rift and Yours, with manz thanks, ch~.~ " d M t· " d 't' t "S;r, I am dehgI1ted to make your ac the l~re~ei~t, ~nt bwh:ntlshe said ;hat she he fully believed that \I-hen night should And hundreds of ~~:;f· B. STEVENSON yJ, ay, satih t ar m; d aink 1 s JllSh as 1quamtauce Aclmual Chffo1d JS much con ; ' 0 U It et b att '1 t otu hrn smbugg ersl,t 'kve co111e ag.,,111 aml he should j:(O to the cottage we11, osep1 1, a you an now w ere , d b t A fl t t l I I t 1 10ug 1 1 e er o urn er a out anc a e he would find M.rn Wa«ner repenta t d Dol1111's stron box is " cerne a or you con IC 00 < Pace as her to the poi t adnnral I · "' n an VETERINARY SURGEON, "II h ,,, g lll"ht here between some smugglers and the "I 111 'th ,. ieady Lo make what excu::;cs she could for ""'uhs t ?" co~st gu.>rd, and I have had orders to hold "yw go wlli you ..., t T her conduct., since he was resolved, so soon 1 n a now tl t . ery we , sir ff di ou , , enI 11 ,· 't ti to put 1 't out "D cott,1ges as a port, anc1 airest all crms . t f c ismotm tl t aos I10s10u c '1s1 ie cavern, 1 k 0 b JCC t out yond er, theoe 0 Y 01\,~ee ia. car ei~ who cannot give an account of them mngs; yo~ can go 0 u Y 01 lC presen of her power to take Grace away, by secur so~r~hw,,rd " selves." If you d?n t m1i;d ud1ng one of our t~,oop mg the young in some of the secret recesses Ahem' A schooner. "S . th f . I. horses, su, here 1s one at yom d1sposal. Iof the cliff ""' d d t t f I k 1r, 1s etc a ema1e 111 t us cottage"'l'h ]· ,, .i.ou,, i no see I rom your oo out, Mrs \V,tgne1 7" an, you. . There we1e rr1<my matters still at the Joseph " T , " c,,ptam Morton was mouuted m a mo· cavern which Dohn wwhed to settle 'l'he e "] did not" ~iere ;vas. ment. < . .· r " 11 "Was? "M tl d cl 1,, Vi ere valu,~bles, too, which he wished to M 10Y 1., oat a1 · "Yes She has been marched off to Jail, Y J~llSan poun 8 screomec1 JS t11ke away with !nm, and when he reached So suddenly was his challenge that ooth I I fancy, a> it is found she was m league \Vagnermy thousand pounds. I w11~~ the canvas, 0, eung to the sea cave and clts Mar tm ancl Joseph Vi ere completely non-1 with the man Dol"n, °"ho is no" clearly .is tel1l1nothmg without my thousand pot.nds appeared b<-ne,ith it, he hMl the coiwictrnn plussed by . 1_ on Iii" M t t l f it und . they heard . the vigorous . ti ( e1 t ame< oo . e ,, smugg1tr, an d t o comman d tl Dehassured that if ,, I recover . 1 C my daughter " irii'rid t lia'· " he still l1 acl tlie powe r a 1IC1 s ro ms o a._pau or more ot oars m ien irnd own u. cutter wlnch o-oes by ,11l so1ts of uoug your means, saic apt,1m · ot on that he was m no very great danaer. 0 nmnediatc vwa 'l 1s proper 1y, we b e lieve, "you 'hall have the pounds But tlleie \V", 8 oiie thing tliat hoe Iia d clone tl d uty tbefore to d they could make I n1mes, b u t wn1c1 d thousand d 't t ·h I 1 up" i,en mm s,~ 1 1a o. · I c.tllcd the Rift" 1ave given my wor ,,au i IS no one ' a.t which he h.i1dly hked to thmk of to him l ull back, s.:nd Martm. It won t do 1 j .. W 111 01 d ? I t ever yet broken self 1 was Pumps Cheaper and Better No no! not to the cave t" . Y ' pai on me, Sll · mus see' "Vcry well-1 ery wi>ll. 'I'hc cliff ,ind · . " Koat ahoy 1 We will fire mto you if t Ins woman .it onco~ as ehe is m possession I the cavern 1 I will tell all and 1 will h,ing He !l<td tal.en the most important step he than ever . Honorni y Graduate ol the Ontano eteruutrY d 't t t ,, of mfo1 ·n"'uon so i to my peace l · ,, could m the betrayal oi his comrades ; he 1 13 10 1 College. Toronto. Regwte1ed member of the 0 ~ E'1 Y ay do. I' oa ld . d . th.;t till whole< lo1ect of my Journey to Eng um · hacl '1r1tte11 to Achniral Chff01d, and at the Ontan o Vetermary Asso01atlon, m accordance <nen .s cnec eia 'ma 1oa v01ce land h.iu '" ti1 ou it Dul yo11 soy to ]ail sn ".Forward" cried the se1ge,1nt of police ve;y moment that Dol.m was swimm·'1g The S ubscriber having bmlt a. large nell with the Vetennnry Act, they had'\,,i, 011 her '" ' ' "Stay one moment 1 'fell me," cried over the cool waters of the little bay the Ad Is prepared to treat all <iiseaaes of the Dom· " Who hails·" P u mp Factory in O rono, la p repared "Revenue 1" · estic An11nals,accordmg to the late·t theories. "If,ncyso Aconpleof1 e,e11ueofftcers Cap t am M o1 t on- "te11 m e, woma11, can I mnal \\ asiead111g11lette1 ofwluchthefol· . - to fumiahA ll calls personally, b; 'l'elegrnph or '.lele" B,ih ·" said Capt ain Mocquet. . took hc1 Tl1ere aie sc' ernl of them u.t the go at once and get possession of my ch1lcl I" lowing is a transciipt : ' phone will receive prompt attent10n. yon 've been and gon e and done 1t ' I "Ha ha r hu<>hcd Mr Vi'ag e "1'J ll"irOFF'ICE-Mam St , Orono, one door north of M "NowG Id" d M "I' ' uppe1 end of the lanes, aiid they can doubt I · l 0 s. n r. .,o, To ADMIRAI, SIR THO~TAf\ Cut F>OIID . Ev~ oy aster era , ,, sa1 <trtm. t B a less tell you about it. " no 1 you can go .end at once sacrifi~e your .. 11 L v l'f W, Hency's <>tore. co,tst gu.1rd boat ",~ d b t d d ,, life l" Srn,- It is well known that the ca,itam CH.A.lWES MODERATE, .z. ar on my a rup ness-goo ay, su. f 1 1 tl th I f '- d With o r without Porcelain Cylinder, of Anothe1 moment and a boat hook "' oave 'J' l,e offi cers b owe d nnd C ,1p tam M orton "On o 11 smugg rn as ong , ' then' m the name of heaven 1" ti t 1mg vesse , h tm esve yr the little boat of the H1ft a vic·orous pull l t 1 ti I ti t l d to 'Ihc cavalc11clc st111tocl fo1ward, and then, us coas ies 'ery ne,ir your eat · on the Beat Mater ial, on the short e11t notlct' 0 tas enec up le mirrow ane la e h 1 I 1 h ll r· -. kno1v Sil' t hat that vessel has been seen ,md sh e "\\as a1ongslt1e a Iong ga1ley, m ward the town bu t wh en he g(l,mecl the top as t e coac.i to1 ec up a 1 , vaptam .L· 1or ' a n d at the 'owest pncea. ' f '"' which \\ ere some ten or twelve rien f t 1 d th t -.1 ton who rode 111 frnnt with the sergeant of under many d1sgmses and that it has got ' "'What's all this about," said a' voice; and o r , 1e was d rn · orme k a .L· t rs t " t agner th police, reached the summit of it, and glanc th e b etter bY f mr means an d b Y f ou1 o f a Il Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. was conveye , m a sm mg s n c, o e l d I the c1 afts sent Ill search of 1t why aie you cnusmg m the bay at such an common county Jail "\\htch was some five mg o'er tie owns, 1 1e saw tie same throng l hour as this I" 1 fI' \V th ',h f tl d l ti t 11 ot persons on foot that had before met his Among tie rest, sir, and the last, the rm es o l a sig or ie c ay lll a b Spray has tried m vam to capture this WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. Oeralcl was puzzled to know what to say this occaswnetl hun Cuptam M01 ton st 1rted 0 servation and so ; \as Martmfor c1 vauety of o ft on t lle rou.d in<1c l ' . . .t e d t o h 1n1, nud, ' "W"ho are those people?" he said· smugglmg cutter (for it is but u. cutter). .l. .,..rom a emot1011s we1e busy ,1t the hem ts of both of bit of ns' n" !'lOuml whwh he soon reached I "Those with some of our men '1 Oh, yes. I, sn, mtend now to give h er up to you; them Ger,,ld had never for ,, moment con· he Wfts 0:-bl':i to see a long way u.bout hun' I heai cl of them. The preventives, last and, if it should ever h appen that I get mto templated-as one of the incidents of his and he could not refiam from castm" ~ mght, under Lieutenant Anderson's orders, rmsfortune, I hope that when I send to yon '< U nloclrn all the cloggea avenues of the and Grace's escape from the caverns m t ile glmice both seaward ancl hindward as "'he! 11111de a Cl.\ptme of srnugglern. They kept and say to you that it was I who WI ote you TO GIVE SATISF.ACTION. :Bowels, Kid..."'1.eys and Liver, carrycliff and from Dolan--that they were to be- proceeded. ' , them at the station yonder, where you see this letter and enabled you to capt ure the mg off gradually without we11kemng the tr,iy t hc, smuggler's haunt. The view that Cupti> in Morton had from the flag flymg, all mght, and then sent to smugglmg cutter you will be my friend. system, a.11 the impurities and foul Ancl Martm and Joseph had the greatest the bieezy height on wluch he now stood usfm an esco1t ' But this may never happen Order1fby Mail promptly attended to. humors of the secretwn s; nt the same possible dislike to committrng the Clew of was 111 every iespect interestm". and if at "They are prisoners, then?" If to mght at 311st the turn of the tide ' the Rift, as a whole, to Dolan's vrllamres that moment he was too much ':i{igrossecl by "Yes, sir, smugglers." (the ebb, I mean, wluch will be at a quarter fame Correcting Acidity of the Stoma ch, curing :Biliousness, Dys.. Capfoin Mocquct, too, mn a great rrnk of those affairs which lay so near !us heart to Little did C::ipt[l,in Morton guess that in t"!"0 }, you have the Spray or any ot her D OORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, pepsia, Headaches, Dizzin e ss, hemg got mto ser10us trouble if he should tully apprecmte the prett y bit of sea and the midst of that l!ttle throng of pe1sons vessel 10 the offing, by the number four buoy, MOULDI N GS, &c., kept on h e.n d. Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness fall mto the hands of the English author I land that the prospect opened to him, he was to be found lus own daughter,, you wil~ find a cutter with a very lar ge of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim ness of itres. was far f1om berng md1ffere1itto varwus ob- whose image so filled !u s heart, and con· squarcsail makmg her way out to sea from Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Take rt, then, on ~he whole-although in 3ects that met his ,;aze. ccrnmg whom he was at that very moment the bay by the land slip. ]Jrysipel as, Scrofula, Fluttermg- of - the momenta1y (]reacl of a stray shot find So to speak, all the s!lhent pomts m !us endurmg an amount of anxiety that made it Do not speak her- listen to nothing any the s, and Gen" o f h er says; b nt b oar d . h er at al Hear D t, Nervousnes l ing its w.iy i nto the boat and possibly rnt present great anxietres presented them- difficult for him to assume even the outward one on b oaru ~fher s~ft~y~o~plIat!;:em~Jff t~~~~ trng either Grace or Mane, Gerald had an selves to him, although he did not recogmze appearance of ordmary composure. one~ and take her, ,iud you will be rn pos_,. swercd the !1<111-neither he nor those w1th them all. But so it w11s,I session of the much talked of smugglmg ~l&'oniJ:rr~RSof BUF..DOCK hun knew what t o say. 8eawarcl, there was about six miles out m When the preventive cralley c,tptured the vessel and all her cx·ew except me · ' ' Are you all dumb" said the voice the offing, the Spray, under her new com- boat, m wlnch W11S Mr Suffies and the httle Amoug that crew, sir, are some of the T. JllLBURN .t; co., Proprietors., 'l'oro!l~ agam. "Bring a lantern fo1ward here!" m,i.nder the h outenant to \\hom Aclnural party who had escapen from the cavern, the , most deternnned rascals on the face of the "Ay, sir. " Clifford had r.>iven her in cha1ge and there heutenv.nt m command had iefused t o listen earth. It was then that a most unexpected aUy was his own° yacht, the Nautilus, qmPtly to any st,itements or explanatrons, but re There rs one in particular, a mere boy f!tepped, so to speak, to the rescue and Mr. !' and as if mstmct with life and reason to solved to give the whole of them up to the whom they name Gerald. It was h e wh o 8huilles said at once· gmde its movements- so accmately <lid 1t town authouties. insisted on frrmg at the Spray, in spite of 1all I could say to him to the contrary, an cl "Liemenant Anderson, I think---" obey those who h,1d its deck-beatmg on It was Ill Yam that both Mai tin and I VETlnn.N ARY SURGEON. " H1lloa 1 \Vho's that '" and off and wa1tmg for !um. Joseph p1otcsted that Captain Mocquet 11s the wor st part of the crew were r,ither "I, sir ' I, l\1r. Suffies, attorney at law, Landward , a series of do\\ns as far as the was a F1ench trading cv.ptalll and had no- mutmous, I could not prevent him . He of Queen sheet Don't you k now my voice, eye could reach p1 esented wn unduh1tmg t hmg to do with Dol,m 01 the R ift and that has committed several murd~rs, and if the P OWDERS~ _ , I sir~" surface, that looked as though covered, I his daughter Marie and Giace could not be gallows IS not 111~ po1t10n ip will be de "Yes, f do. ' Vhat on e[l,rth brmgs you with exqms1 te neatness and slull, with the smugglers fra.U<led . A.e pleaeant t o t1>ke. theft OWS: at this time of mght a.t sea, Mt . Suffles i" I finest green cloth. They bo1h made 11 strenuous effort, too, to The express10n of this boy (for he is a at1vo. Is a ·afe, anre, and <t!llectrzal " \Vhy, sir, my t wo litt le girls have had There w e1eroads111te1 sectmg tbe·e breezy get the lien tenant to set Get ald at hherty. mere boy, and of ve1 Y spec10us and msmuCfe·U'oJ"el' of worma lll Children or Adllltl dov. ns IJ.l nnme1ous dnect10ns and it w,is In 10ply to all this, the only ptopos1t10n ating address,) when he fired at the Spray, a foncy, you see, to come " "Your two little girls 1 Oh- ah 1 I see on two of these mads that Captam Mot ton 1 the lieutenant made was m a few words, was · The young ladies a1e with you. Well, Mr sv.w some obiects that deeply mte1ested when they reached the bench. "Now, mates, we are smugglers ; but we, SuflJes, 1f I d 1 dn t know you for a r espect him "The two gu ls nMy go," he said," where will be by this one shot, pirntes 1" able man and that you had yom two little On one of the 1oa.ds there w.~s a group of they like All others I keep." Hang hun, admual, and you will get rid guls with you, I shot1ld itlmost thmk you i1eople and sever ,i.l mounted men, appear mg I Grace, on the mstant, laid he1 hand soft of a pest to society 1 were smugglmg." as rf they had escorted some prisoners, for ly on the arm of Gerald, as she said. On this rc·ormatwn yon may 1ely. "Oh, dear, no 1 My dears, you won' t see there was a little throng of pe~ sons among "No, no- with you, Gerald'" I was almost forgettmg to s,1y that next 1 it." t hem whom the others appeared. to keep Captam Mocquet held his daughter close to this boy, Gerald (who, by the by, lB none "~ee what 1" well smrounded to his hea1t of mme) , the two wo1st men m the cutter "The moon in the caves" This little throng of p ernons appea1ed to "No11, non \Ve shall-w!Mt you say m are named Nfortm and Joseph. 'c,,_Jliltrn·e of the Onta-rio Veterina~Y College, "Oh, that's it, i& ·t I Ha r lici 1 Well, j he a bout a nu le drntant and to be mo, mg one proverb Angla1se 1-alwa) s go to one Let Cxe1ald, Martrn and Joseph be prose1are say some of the ~ ltegrnt<>rnd Dlflo1b01 of the Ontario Veterma1y M1. Snflles, yo11 aocl your family are VClY I slowly towaid the tow.1. I smk ::ind swnn there together. Ah?" cutccl and hung I < m~ Medical Assocllltton. m1H'h morn romt>nt'c t,ian [ thou"ht vou all Tlrn i rtgarn, oi. another road, theie v. as a I Uerald turned upon the face of Grace crew w ill tu1n kmg'· enclence agamst them. ~ !Vi· ill ' MtOffice and Resroence, Nowtonville~ Ont. were. Good 111ght I cai ~11 yrir'.i'. bo;tmen, I coach which was trn<ellmg with speed, and 1such a look of perfect affcct10n that, seen as T his was the precious epistle wluch came ,, ~ ~ W ill v1'1t O.ono every Tuesday au(l Sa.un!u.y · t hat theic's ,, oc1mtll 1>1ewmg ' that, too, had ::in esco1t, v.hwh consisted it waR hy t he light of the bo<1t's lanterns hy anonymously to the hands of the admiral ; I --JI~ Y OG1rn !lours fwm iO a. rn , to 4 P m · a. "You don't 10ay so ,li ' I31E'·s my be,u t of mon.ttcd men in the police umforrn of the crew, it softe ned even their rugged land it was fot the purpose of carrymg out I ~ ~Fri r\1 !'{~· l,O IC Coulters Hot~·. Calls hv i'elograpll receive and life I And whltt ' L1eutenant Ande,son, the county he,itts, nnrl one said to Gcr,1ld the details of 1t that Captam Dolan, so soon ~" H 4 iB ~@ ~"S ~"\ O. 1 imn1(:1'd1ato~tttention. \ h J d J l bl d H fWES :MODERA" E I may } ou J,e .ibollt here m the bay .1t t h1, I 'l lus t1J<1ch wa& com mg by a crnss road 1 "Keep a good heart, youngster. It can't as c r cac 1e tie sea ca.vein anc scram e 1 1f;Y I am tnlly p101 ured to attend Fnrw i · ' ·no C A ·,~ ~ · tune of mght ?" · tow ttJ the town likewise and seemec l as 1£ 0 rro very harit w ith you " on to the deck of t he Rift, blew hIS whistle, the shwtcst notice, at the lm·est p0ss1l'lf·' atea "\'i hy we have ca11ttued a good cargo I it;\ o t!cl 1 1terscd tbe road on >1hich the "Thunk yon. Vi' hat is th,;t '" to SU'nn1on about hnn the smuggler crew. I Caskets nnd Burial Caiwsread) on <ihort l ot1< e , " 1d FR "'E ' ~ c ! " , _ . . 1 · 1 I d d' t tl t irst olasa hearse on ver;: 1node.ratc-; terms p to :iJS a day. SamplfS ,,nc u ty "' to mg ht ,111d we a,re on the lookout for tlu ong of pe1sons p1oceecled, anrl prnbably l lYfaue had bm st mto a pass10n of tears, H is mtent10n was, c ea1 Y an is me y, j Sh 'Ouds and Coflh 8· on hand F on 1 ll'il,}\'"~;~~~~~ '.;d'SA;l~<i'~~o'jf~1~ekd~ii~~ 1auu thei ." ; ,it tl1e Mme t·me th.,,t they " ould iet1ch the and w,ts sobbmg ?loud to get them [!,Jl out of the cavern by the sea 1 ra.l cards supplied at once. F~rmt ure Shop&:. ~ Uc~.. Holl, :11ic h. ' · I "Oh, yes 1 Ha Good mght " pornt of rnter sect10n I C ·pt,w1 Moc<piet looked ver;r pale. openmg on board the Rift, leavmg him with' how l:tooms-Boun~all'aNew Block, 1 ~auadiau Jtat ~mau. RIFT AND SPRAY, G LERS. LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMONG THE SMUG YOUNG AND MIDDLE·AGEOMEN. I I CATARRH . 1 0 ,. 0 l 0 I I I I 0 · ° I I I · I I I I I I JOHN SPENCER, I Orono Pump Factory. tJ I I I PUMP S OF or.s::RIPTIO M THE KEY TO HEALTH. I I I · I I I A LL WORK GUARANTEED I I I I I R* FERG USON. I I I ::FREEMAN'S \VORM I I I ! I I J D ER 'I A K IN c I Ll!'.'::'V $

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