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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1887, p. 4

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· What has come over the North Ward in Bowman ville 1 Why ha.a the gentle· man'& w11rd fallen so sadly from grace 1 WiH Councillor Burden please answer 1 WEST DURHAM ELECTION. DOWMANVILLE, B'IJK.f. BLACKSTOCK BROTHERLY WORDS PRAISE. OF BOW.MANVILLE, MARCH 2, 1887. HOW THEY STAND. The p olitical situa.tion is a grand puz--<lle ·tha.t cannot be soh-ed till Parliament m~ts on Apri l 13. The Que bee "bolt.ers" (Consenatives who turned against the ~vernment on the Riel issue) are ..claimed by both parties, hence the dil·en:Qna, '£he Globe claims that Blake is "'one ahead," and the Tories claim a. ·ml(jority of 20 to 30. Practically, the Go::vernment ha\'e no ma1 ·ori'ty, for 1° 4 iae·b1 are held by the mi·ni·st1:y, a.11d 011t" 8ido of themselves, the Government is certainly in a minority. ELECTION ECHOES. Hon. Ed. Blake's iuajority in West Dui:ha.m is 116, and in ' Nest Bruce l, 1.20. Hurrah for Bradley's School House ! '!'his sub-division gave Blake a. majority of 8G. llravo ! The Port Hope Times publishing a lot of boah about the West Durham efoction. Its all imagination. It wonld. in future elections be un a.ct _ - i courtesy to Eo'loct, the leaders of both pohtic,al p1trties by acclamation. Darlingt.en went heavy for Blake and gave h im a mlljllrity of 352- one less than Mr. Blackstock's total vote. . ., We hope the Conservative electore in Cartwrip,ht will never repeat their tactics of the 17th of February. What would they have eairl. had the Reformers of Darlington treated Mr. Blackstock, similarly 7 341 We have yet to learn of aliy incivility having beton shown him in any pa·t of Majority for Blackstock- 87. DAl\LINGTON. the riding. No don bt the persons who 7, Providence, ... . _., .101. · were <!oncerned in the Cartwright 6lfair, No. ,, 8, Tyrone. . . . . . . . . . . . !l7 eee now that it was not British fair pfay. !J, Maple Grove. . · . . . . 73 It is only j uet to say tlrnt we do not " 10, Hampton ..·... . .·. 109 " 11, Ennis kill en. . . . . . . . 82 know of any act of the Tory candidate in 30 faction Lo our customers, and scarcel'y " 12, Courtice .. · · ·.. .. .. 113 u. week passes that Bom e onA d nes not com-the recen t ca mpaign tl1at wa~ ungentle13, Bradley's S. H . . ... 1:30 44 " plunent him on hia neat <ind akillfol work manly or mean. In the heat of a politi3 .. 3 manship. The faet that the STATESMAN; 1 705 0 cal contest partiza.ns do very often what j Job Priutinl!' Department turned out last· · M11jority for Blake- 352. they would scoru to do in their calmness, I ye~r ove: $250 worth of work IIl:ore than CAlt'.l'WIIIGHT. but 1u1 far as we have heard, Mr. BlackI t he· prevwus year, shews conclns1vely that 84 the business men of this town and the stock has lef~ a favorable record in West No. 14, Williamsburg... .... 39 " 15, South Cadmus .. . ... 18 fl8 peop}e of West D11rham know where to D urham. From the start his was a for" 16, Caidarea........ . ... 39 97 come for a good job 11b a. reasonable price. " 17, North Caclmu~ .. .. , . 35 lorn hope, but he worli ed earnestly and 74 This wurk ha..~ come to the office wi1hout canvaooin!! o.r solicita-JiC>n. We have not faithfully in the face of certain defeat. 131 353 had tim11 for either. There h>1s scarcely The hysterical style adopted by a proMajority for Black::itock-222. been a· siugle week inrthe past year ~hat .fe3sedly Reform journal duriag the recent our hands have not worked overtime, CLAR1 'E-. 88 and the-work continnes to crowd upon ns. campaigns was ludic1·ous in the ext1eme, No. 18, Nowtonville .. · ·.. . . 112 86 But we have digresE~d. The extracts and the abuse was 110 abundant that; one " 1!), Brown's S. H. . . . . · 62 26 gi~en lJel'ow ure muck :ippreciated, com" 20, Fisheri;es . .. . ........ 73 is l ed to beliele that t he editor reg ~rds 130 ing as tliey do, from B<7lDO of the leadrng " 21, }{endalL . .. .. .... . .. . 06 every mau who differs from him polithml75 print ing l\ouses betw@en Toronto and " 22, Orono .... ~ .. .. ... .. ... 139 ly as being unworthy of :respec' ,and a.~ oc54 Montreal. " 23, Leskard. . . . . . . . .. .. .... 76 36 Fnrn 'AND ARTISTIC.-- ,Ve hnve received cupying a position on a level with the 'L 2·i , Moffat's 5. H, ........ 58' a. copy of the annual New Year address h;;gh .vayman, the burglll'll" o; the assaii'495 of the car rier boys of the Bowmanville 585sir. - Such a want of charity and liberal~ 8TA'l'JJ:SM.11.N'-A. very fiae and artistic piece Maja>rity for Bla!l.e-!Jl i11m i11 no credit to any Journalist. of job printing, and "'credit to th8 estabNEWIJ.dSTLE·· lishment from which it emanates. Thanks. T.he Globe proved a very· important fac- ·\ N o. 25 , "" ,.,,as t w ard ..... . ..· ~g -PickeriiOfl' News. tor j;'l the campaign. Never-did a party " 26, West Ward! -· · .·.. · A Nu.1· ADDRESS. -The :Bowmanville joum al do more efficient and l!~foctive ser- 1 102 STATESMAN carrier boy's NewYear address, $4 vice. Its exposures of the c onuption of a. copy of which we received, has a Ma.jorir:ty for Blackstock- JIB the G overnment were most damaging. I nen.tly printed titlEi page and calendar. Total majority for> Blake- i:16; '£he poetry is very J!»<><l, and the printing But w11 would rather have seen· Less perRllSULT ~:F I.AST DOl\lltN'l()N l>.'llE0TIONS. a credit to the office fr<·m which it was sonaliitat '8 and vituperative denunciation. TO'.fNI! V-OTE M:A,JORITY issued.-Petllrbnm B~vie1e. We doll ot bdieve that attacks 3 0 public THE F ANOY PRINTEJll'S Jh:AM. - The ~ men ugh the piress or on tho·pfoUorm cs Bowmanvil!e.-::;TATKflMAN hol.t~ up ih end z rfl! , accompli>. h much good. A bm~e is of the fancyvpri11 te1"s beam by o !O bitious E:1 :<I ..., ' § and excellent' samples. The latest is a not :w,gwli·ent, and h rarely necessary. ,.:i llOWMA.ll'i\l'ILLE. carrier's new year greeting, of fine colour, CQ 1'1'MJ. oolj ·flag at a- :private residOO..Ce in \V~t Ward, No. 1. 48 combilllltion and accurate press work.45 ' M on".!ay, ] 7th inst.r was 4 (. · " ,, 2. 4(}· 55 CartWJ7i·ght, on 15 Kingston WMg, ra}i!ed a.od Ii eld in trn· brceza in h o!l·or of N ol'th " ]0 37 " 1. 47 RE.nECTS 6:1tEAT CnED:!iT.-The STaTllS. ... " 2. 56 5-8 Canlliclla' s t·n e nobleman-Hon. E . . &.lake 2 man carrier boy's address for 1887, a copy 54 $'h " 1. 35 HI of which is before us, is· very tastefully - by tw4> born and raised in · Dar- Sou1 ,, , ,, ,, 2. 31 59 28 gotten up, and refldcts-' great credit on lingto1\t;; although bair,g told by a ]@ry t.he office from which it was issued.. to tak~i·t c;l()w-.1, they 0>till stnck tra·e· t<· 257 408 13' fl4 Orono News . L;:MtLING'.il:IJIN. FINE PnINTING. - k copy of the Bow. th0il' co:It.ra, foll of British brood. manville S·rA<rESMAN cal.'lrier boy's address 28 59 And hacd- ainy 'fory daroo to remove i ~;. he Providence ....··· 87 3!) has been received n.t this,.oJfiee and passf'd Tyrone .. .....· ___ · 53 wonlcdl have- ooe11 sufferiug more from · hiiis Mapl~ Grova·..... . 92 a.round to the· admiration. of the staff It 4!) 27 76 cha.stis:H iment. than did Hie Hon. E. B %ikeo Ram·ptoo .. . . .... . 7Z is a well+xecu ted sample of color print46 26 ing, uf ne,.t ' design and:i combi11ation of from IHl!Jo\'il halts. -C<rn:; 48 23 Enninkillen . · ... , · 71 colors. Engraved panels of the job have 3() 46 We deai1 1e· t v b e fair t (Y·O·mr'l.' ory friei:r(ls, Mt. o ~rswell ~ ·. . ·· 8Z been executed by the handy man of the Bradl~y's, ........... 105 38 67 S'l'An:sMAN' j,01> department. The job as . and to· give· thll'lll foll cr::idit for Hie e-Jl'a whole would be a credit to ci1y estabtent and: magnificence of;their process.I~ 30!) li85 276 lishments. -Li~dsay Post. cm .RKE. · on the niglIDt p:rfor t o the e-!eciion, and :i.a an~d, BEs·.r E i."Ew. GoT U:e.' ]N TowN. -The 45 Gl 106 there is-coruiider&ble diff.~rence- of opiniim' ~ Orono.· ._· ·· STATESMAN , Carrier· B oy 's New Year'a Ad18. 75 about H11l· 1Uaim.oor of co1n:eyai11'tls, we gi:::i:e I N ewto'.1ville · · · · · .. 93 25 dress this yen.r, w11s one of the best ever 46 71 the com:nt mads by us at r:&e, To-wn Halli Ii ~~~k~;~·t;s'. '. · ·. '. ·. '. ·. ()1 got up in town, a?Jd ' reflects l(rea.t credit 16 45 56 on Mr. S. Jewell, the foremaa .- J.Vest comer-]18: men and b oy1s· on foot, : rn,1; Kendmli....... ...· 54 110 41 Durham N horsemeil> and 198 sleig!n1 a:nd cut te:ra·. ~ Leska~ .... ·..... 73 3Z 32 A faw c~tters probably tuNJ.ed out of tbs, ~ Moffat'.s. · · · · · · · · · 52 20 No. 1, West Ward, aouth .··. &2 2, " " north.... 56 " 3, North Ward, south ... . 76 " " north . .. G7 " 4, " " 5, South Ward, south .. . 54 " north ... 36 " 6, " Om· columns have been cr&\Vd.,d ver'j 60 niuclt with political matter shwo New 81 Years, and many things havo ct>uscquent66 ly been held over. We take pleasure in ' 88 republishin~ some extracts from our ex74 changes, io reference to our F"1!1!em1m'~ 50 skill as a. fine printer. Mr. Sid. A. Jewell, whv· has been iu fnll charge-of the 428 mechanical d'epartment of the ST..HZSMAN office, for tI-10 past ten months, is p.-obobly the youogest man occnpying a similar 38 position in C';1.nada. He is a graduate of 64 this office, having SPTVH'l his whole ap34 prenticeship m1d·e r· the illllt.ruction (Jf our VARIETY HAL_ l -is the place to get bargains m- Picture Frames and Wall Paper. Come in and see _ for yourselves. ~~ ~~.rj;;~~J~~ ~:::i~~;~:r~;~~lr:~~os:~t l -- 1 KENN ER & Co. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP m : THE~ FIRM OF- is Contemplated "" RUB'ERTSON & BOND. · · Let us hope that the Riel cry has been proceasien: before reaching. the centre oft ~ 485 406 160: 81 forever buried. It should not have been the town. It was an OrOOJr]y and we!'li.~ NEWCAS'1Jillll. mac;le an issue in the latA elections. cond ucted demonstration . ~ Sub-division No. 1. 30 37 7 The 'l' have been rieeaeed in th~· Ii " "· " 2. 43. 48 5 The very n arrow majority-if it proves ~ to· be a m6jority- fer the Gr1vernment Globe and e. Joci\l paper 'lllith trying te·~ 73 85 12 .li C.ArullW.MIGHT. will gi..-e the opposition a much better over';]1elm e.nd des.troy M~- Blake'.:>< isio:g, No. 1. 24 81 57 chance to oppose barl rneasur~s theu they meetmg on Monday mght l]l!l'~v1ous to the-!: S·ub-diM eleo~ion. We are no e.polvgist for the. 2. 14 83 69 h&d in the hst two parliament~. Tories, but we deny that they ma.Cle any.;.· " "· " 3. 27 75 48 The N. P. was made to do good service attempt to break up that nueting, unles~· " <·· " 4. 33; 65 32 in the contest, and that its virtues are 98 304 206 recognized by the laboring classes is passing the hall m11oy be so construed. . We were informed on the day of the pro~ · i»WlMM..UtY OF 'lt'OOiORITES. shuwn by the very lar ge vote t!1ey gave cession that M:r. Blackstock had request- · 1 IDlAKJl. :EllN'l'lNG. in support of its advocates in the cities ed the bands not to play when passing tho.- J301w1mund:llo.. ... .... . 51 8.D<.1, tow n s. hall, and we know for a fact that it waa :Darli:agton .. . · · · · · · · · ·· 309 A,fter the treatment meted out to New- the friends of M:r. Blake -..v-ho made the ·Clarka·. · · · · · · · · - · · · · ·-· 79 castle by the Dominion Government, it 1 ·1 1 · -~NewcltB-!Jle · · - · · · · · · · · ·-·· l2 · t 'd great er noise on s1 e w u et i,e process10:!!:., ·Ja:ut,l!Jlig_hi!;, ..· · - ··· - - · · 206 wail h ardly expected the Tories there wai1 passing. There was loud and contin·-would give Mr. 13lacki!tock a. very hearty nous ch eering for Blake in order to drown.. . . .. 388 26;9 suppor t. .Bnt they seem to have b uried any shouting the Blackstock party migb ti. Tota}' ma1om! for; Bl;i 1 ,t6l·. - · · · · "-' ]19' theil- gt-iovances. make wlvm goin past. '£he object. of the 'Toila.i munbEI of' oteS< p<rJlled. · ..., 9'Z7 u Novelties in,:r..egislation. The· c.b a,nge to, be accomiplish,e@ on or ab0,u t. thie,1st d1 a1 y oft Marelh,. whe· n : John Rotxertson., b> ymutu, . al agreeme'.n t, will ret.i.:ue from the· firm'. A goo: d deal o f mo.o ey w-il.1 be :uequi,r ed in 0rder to· complete· the , arra\ngem~ents e'n te1red . in'l10.,. 1n: oj r der· to ID'.il:ake things, move be.tween: r1ow- an,d the fiirstJ of Mare,h ,. our·V\THOLE STOC,K . wilt 1be of:ffered Switzerland has· recently enacted two laws, says Domestic.'-s -.llf<-0-nthly, the operatior1 of which will be watched vvith the keenest interest alJ .ovei" the world. One is J:(raJuated taxation. This applies to incomee. Mere lab0re-Pa, aud those who make a. b:u;e-liviug; Rot taxeci at all ; but the larger the ineome t.he heavier the tax. Tims;· e. man in of $10,000 per annum pays relatively more than one whose yaarly earninifl $5,000 or less. The obj~ct of tlle law iii to discharge large acenmulation of 1property. Indeed, it is a punis'iment to a man for being richer tbau his fellow&. In our country, the rich who do ·not· o-wn real estato 11re practically exempt from ii.11 taxation. The working m an, thr0ugh the operations of the ,tarifi', pays al:nost as much to the go _vermnent as does Tay Gould or any of the Vanderbilts. Thi& same Mr. Gould : · · <l!> 0 f i1 supposed to be worth "Wl50,0 0,000, o whicH., perhaps, $fi0@;000 is in r eal estate, But t;)ie latter ia tax,ed ~ar m ore heavilY' , than all the rest of h1s vast personal· -pro.P.,erty, which is in· bonds and stocks. ' Liberalism is increasing in Cartwright, procession may have been to kleep electo:r&. :i.-dies who are l ooking for a magazine In Switzerland ,. Jsy Gould would be and th·, R eform vote is pretty well spr<'ad away from l\'.Ir. B l,.k.i's meetin!(, but not>. ·to.L ro.e et rul t.heir req.;.i>iuements shonld see, forced to pay a·n enormous sum annu.i,Uy.;. over the township. - :::leveuteen more Re- tu break it up by creating a . disturbanoo JJ«w.oval!1t3 Monthly for .March. ]t; has. because of this vast mass of personal p.110" form votes were polled than e"er before, outside. j :ust a.rnived, and, as m11~al, i5 f_ ul.i1 of in- per._ty, which i.&-entir.el:y untaxed in the fol:'matiwi and amusement.. Nc:>tlun~ Oniiited States. But it is yet doubt.fol ~f the total Bfoke vote being 131. Well Hon. Edward Blake's majprity.·in; W:e:.t. seelllfl to be left undone to ma.~ ··Dem- the graduated.ii1c-0m.e tax. will work _w-ll dOll,e, Cart wright. Bruce i~ 1,120. Mr. Somerv.ille's, maj_ pn-- o'Pe~t/.~'" the moat popu&r family. magazine in,.Switzerlandl lll:v&ry rich, eaterprl8ll~g "Clar k e's all ri11ht," this time with a ity in !882 was 892. 'l'he LilJeral majpll- in ahe world. T~ ~s man, and large · em~loyers of labor 1}!10to-i11· tel!ilst l\ll, from tl!.e y oungest child to nem1ce it unj jlst.. They eay they c~nno~, majority of 89. Kendal l and Brown's ity iu Bruce County is 6731 Bu,t by vi11- . the· ' "hillad of the house." This· J'.llbgazine I on· will not, oendnt?t large enterpnse3', if School House, only, ga\'e adverse major- t_ u e of the Gcrrymandel· the C011sema"- has. talk.en a. firm ailan.d on the F rc;i.lnibition ~ 'dley are to Tl0 puim.ished for their pal!>lic itie3. The N. P. was not sustained in tives hold t_ wo seats and the L.iberals- q;,uesti.110, which malt'ils it popul"'.r- in fam- 1 1'!<pii-it or '.·m i ness a.n1bitic;>n. This .?aduOrono which is a manufacturing centre. A minority of tho voterB conti;ol thie uep-- · ilres where there boys no rnfiuence. iated tax is a v.ory favorite on~ Wk~ the Nor !'Ire the <rfr:h1. E~~:rgotton , :!to r- the de- ')so-called lnbor refwmers, and it has been l\fajori~y a.gain st it, 64. resentation of the count.)" iu P · nrliai:oon.t. -p.nrtment of t"0w: Girla" cimtains us1 ,ful .iaclorsed by. ve11y high authorities.. Jos. The most angry and g~re-11ed l ot 0£ TCI~ J1Jdvice to thelli1" Publisherll by W . .Jen-. 1Cha.mber:!l\iil, Badical member Qof the One fact must not be lost sight of anent ries in Canada locu.ted! m West; ]1)1u·r- ]Lings Demorest, 1!.1 l!;ast 1,41tfa St., New.- i English Pa.vliarnent,. who,. !1is1 friends the cot; test just closed : Mr. Blake speat York, at $2.001 pe1 y ear . ·claim, m:aiy y.e!J be Prime. Munster, f~v~rs but t . h reo d eys in the riding, while Mr. ham. They assured the ()Utside world· d d · t G t R t We copy from· 'l'he WorlW a.ntl the Wi:,, a. g.ra u30t~ ~me ax i!l rea r1 .am. Blackstock a. house to house can- that Mr. Blake woulJ be defeated!. They the following, ~yings of em.i:mmt clerg}l- Pnnce B1sma.vck has given a: <ilualified vaas. Had Mr. Blake been in the riding foolishly risked money on their ~xpeota- men concerllillg a n ew book juat publillh- assent w _the theory that the 11ieh should all throug'.h the campaign and a per- tions,and be1ame .insolent and unmanner- ed. "'Christ Crowned Within' is clear, give relnt1vely more than th~, _w.oor to the · h · · scrintoral 211udi -warm wit]l; the pulsa.tbns suppol!t c;if th& State. e onal ca nvass, his present majoritv would ly in their con d uct O.L t eir campauin. of Divine t' - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii£&. The m&thod is, }iave hben doubled. Th1t March number of the Cottage They took all their heaviest guns into the the sty l~·- is. attractive, a.nd the ~irit It cannot be denied but t hat the Pro- riding, and com.urned an alarming a.mount most delig.l'i,tful l It is especially ril:ifa in He<vt!IL reaehes us in good season. The exc~J.lemce of the literary por tion of the vincial, M unicipal and Dominion elec- of powder in the to terrify the quota..ti0ns from Scripture, very ap- number is well sueh.ined. 'l'he children Mr. propriate: s.n.d spiritual comments, and not forgotten, and we notice a numtions huld within the put six months electorate. But it was of no u 11e. strikin,g il11111tra.tions. from the live11 of have very eeriously interfered with busi- Blake·s friends stood loyally to the front noted -wr-iters and sainte. I believe the be:r· of articles on practical omestic subness. If the time spent over them by and fought the battle for him with mag- book will be read equally with any jecis, written by ladies who are authority C8.nadiaTJ G during that period could be nificent vigor and enthusiasm. Scarcely Bishop Taylor has written. The evange- Glilo such matters. CJONSlJHPTION CJIJRED,-An Ola t>hyeioinn computed and paid for, an 11.mount equal a man flinched in the whole constituency, listic fire of t he author glowa on every l"etired from practioe. having had placed in his page. It is one of \he be~t books ever hands by an East India missionary the formula to·our riati<·nal de\Jt would be rnquired. and the fact that t h e great leader was re- printed. 1t ia werth its weight in ~old. ot a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy And after all, w ha.t has been gahted ? , turned by his old majority proves that From my heart I thank the author for l\nd permanen tcure oruoneumption.Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma. and all thrOl\t and J,nng Af lt is most creditable to the electors of the dli<graceful Riel cry took no hold up- baving w1·itten and published it. I shall rectlons: also a poaitive and radical cure for on Ont&rio Money, intimidation, and prize it trea~?res, ~nd.I heart- Nervous Debility and all nervous Compla.!~ts, Wost Durhum that 1mch a tremendous having tested Its wonderful cu~at1ve . · h d ily commend it to all. Pnce m cloth after powers in thousn.nrls or cases, has relt it hla multi1.ude of excited electore as assembled partisan election machmery, t ese an. cover 75 cents, in paper cover 50 cents. duty to make it known to his sutferinll fell~ws. Actuated by this motive and a des1re to reUeve in Bow rnanville on Monday night, 21st these alone, ga\'e the Government their On receipt of price it will be sent by m! human suffering, I will send free of charge, to majority in this Province.Gfo/}e, from the Marion Tre.ot Depoditory, Saraall who desire it, this recipe, in German,J!ren!Jh, inet., p!iaacd t hrough the jubilations and or English, with full dire.c tions for - -- -- - toga Springs, N. Y. d001onstrations of lhnt never-to-be-forSeat by ma.1! by addrossm i.w1th FRER SBT OF HA:rtNEss.-S. Thompson At the dissolution of partnership Sale_ , and usini;::. nBlllin~ this pa.per, W. A. NoYI!!S 149 gotten occasioo, withont a misdemeanor, & Co. will gfve grati11 ta the person buy- you ca.n buy Lace Curtains two, Power's BloekRockester N. Y. i5 an unfriendly encounter 0r mi11hap of iug the most goods at their shop during dollars for OM twenty-five per pair, and DK. · LOlf"S WOBltl SYll1JP hnM rcn111ved ~ kind. The influence 0f U10 Scott 1887, a set of all Nickle Single HarnillB Curtains worth fin dollar1 for three. a.a pe worw from U to 311 led la Jenl{tlt.. U a.Utt deatron all kind.I el' l'l'Orms. worbll $25.00. &b11rt80n & Bond Ae\. WM 110 doubt for jlOOd. RECARDLE:s s OF' I "' " " Pr·i ce or. Profi.t . :S I IT '-J ! ;N O HUMBUGI c EN u INE SACRIFICE ..A..--. , , · DISSQLUTIQN QF· ' . l · · . s A·L E · Couch, Johnston & Crydorman · · ' · II - PA R T N E R 8 H : I pm . are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of (TWEEDSX&XCLDTHS) . lll town, and the MAKE-UP of their Clothing lS . l ::uNAPPROACllED I:: by any house in West Durham. One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville.

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