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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1887, p. 5

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I .. ·~ -·--- -- - - · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ --~~~~ -----~ Woman's B(1st Friend. OR SALE.-An entire colt with fiv& straight cros~es, rising 2 years old, also USE ONLY T .., Fal'mera before purchasing Binder l ' See the cheap Drees Goods at Couch, OUR PAID UP LIST. yonng cows in calr, Apply to W H,LlAM two Twine see 'shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. Johnston & Cryderman's. We she.11 pttblish our list of subscribe~~ Some agea ago, no doubt you all know, Jor,L, Hu.mpton, 7-2w: How women were tr eated real mean ; A STATESJ\U!'I and THE METHODIST . is like a paid for 1887, next week. Header, w· OR RUBBER AND ME'I'AL How with wash-board and tub, they all .. ~ OnsERVER to Jan . I, 1888, foronly $1.50. ~1rl-1t cant be oyerdone if done JU ic- your name be there. ~tamps, for Ghurch. Srmday School and had to rub, BRAND OF PU U.l! 'l'hc W C 'I'. U held an int1>resting iously. . - - - -- d Offioe nee, arldresa ROBER'l' H. COX , No. 4 1 For the want of a washing machine. King Street East, Toronto. 6-tf seesi~n i~ th~ yesterday. 120 scottPAtcb bcase~ hpav? been udr1ta~~~~~ Now is a good time to advertise s " . of at t 1 10 e er or o o1ice grain. These ages are no more, for th ese koubles Persian La~b Cape eelhng off at great- the 1st of May last. \Ve are advertising several gcod proHORT HORN COW , (will regiotar) are o'er, with Cal! a month old by side, for sale. A ly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & A subscriber at Marshalltown. Iowa, perties for s'lle. And a woman can sit like a queen , choice or two will be given. 'vV. W ElIBY. ltose· 8 S· tf Cryderman ' K" k d d writt:s that the Canadian boys are all well If you want to buy a h or se consult our And smile ~-t the time, w hen the clothes landvale Stock Farm. Solina. Mr. A. "\V. Burk, Mr. rr woo an and moet of them B !lving money. a.dvertising col\lmns. were all gl'ime ; others left for Al~oma on Saturday, to S t l U SIC.-MIS8 BYROM is prepared F or she'K got a new washi11g machine. to give instruction on t he Pie.r: o anil assist in his br@ ther's electi@n. Subsc_riptions_ for the TATEllMAN a cen ' Ve are sorry tn h ear that Mr. Thomas Qrl(an to a limited nnmher of pnnils. 'l'm·ms . . . · at any tune durrng the year ; back numIt sits on t he stove, lika a darling of love, on opplication o.t tho rcoidcncc, Church Stmot. " / A series of special services ~nll com- ber s alwa 8 on hand. Subscribe ! Veal is very un well. 52-t;f While the handle she t urns quite serene; ((!'.,;,. mence in the (~ueen-st. Methodist church , Y . . " If i onBuy 3 lbs. of I,i-Quor T ea at Levi Mor--·--------"!lp·'"1 to-night. Everybody is invited to be preP . r. Barnu~n once s~id. yot c . ris' a nd get a $1.00 book fr'1e. And no one can k no w, what a tu b fnll of --O - LA.DIE S.- L1t.dies want ing plain :..( r , ; , . , stantly advertised an iceberg, some <?ne sowing and dres·mn.kin14 '10110 flt. ·lrnh· woe, ~" ;-~~ ">!J!':"cJt:ii ~~\\ sent. would bu it." There mu~t. be w meth1ng F riend, if you want a g< 1od rubber o r homes w ill inquire for Miss Jerome at !\Its . 8 . Is ! aved by the E agle Machine. ~~...'.:"4r,.-"of't"l:l,;;;:_~;:VW @Ji _Sunday and M onday were, t.he most in aihcrt1sin . metal stll mp try Cox. See advt. 'l'hompaon's. corner Si1'·er a nd Church St.s.· 4-~~':!:_. wmdy days of the season. rhe roads, g · I t ,d Mr. M . w . W illiams, of the Cobourg Now it is a grea.t boo u, wh en our li\bor is J3owmanville. I owing t o th e recen t thaw, are very slipEdw~rd Meek l_,bblarns:~r, t lath s en(}'el1b e d "'i.i..., A.RMi~cl"RENT. -11 2 aores, IirJt 20.. dune, i !l. ' Ji* · d ·d an actll!>n for 1 c «garns. e o_P-, World , paid us a visit on Mon ay. JP Con. 6, Clo.rke. nearly ail cl<<ared, g110R To see all t!rn clothes on the line, ~" ~'*"If· ' -t-8» pery m ee · claimin,,. $10 000 darn1'ges for calling lmn M r. Geo. Stratt on, of Selllirk , is visitnecesan,ry O tltbuild ings au cl woll wn t;o1r cd. all use If you h ave a cough or cold you cannot .Bribet' M eek' & Co. in"" his brother-i n-law, Mr . S. Thompso n. For the wash was a bore, as it litte red the Possession immediately. Apply to .loHN 'rhe Great S tu,ndard "ot· L' a better remedy th:in Stott'~ Jury~ . .., fl.oor, BE!lT, Orono. --~-:-2~ Cough Syrup. Se" their advt on 1st col- You may n ot have the gifts of a \'{.ibster, A comfortable J1ouse and good gar den When the husband came home for to - QR SES F OR SALK - H orse ri~ing ·weakness and diseases of the ungs umn of this page. Nor of tl~e l earned M rs. Stowe ; are offered' for sale in H empton. See d ine . rour :rears old, got by "British J,[on~ bn:v· d · d ·n But; one thmg you easily can do, ad vt. heavy built, sound and well bro1.::er>. Colt rts· 1 Ji:nijmred nutrition, etc. Tbe_Eagle Machin e is the best that is ing three veara old bay, hctwy. Apply to I· r,. To FA1t~ERS.-T! e un ersigne wi You can rid t he ' s idewalk of anow. ]<~armers hal'ing clover seed for sale will . A pay the highest price for Wheat, Oat s, S d JliiowN, Ham pton. made, This 0i1 is P ure, Fresh, Nearly Peas Barley etc at Burketon Elevator. Several members of the_ a1vnt1on rmy find W. Quick & Co. prepare t o pay Fo1· the clot hes are m ade p nre by the J B' M' K ' & 0 with their band, went to Oshawa on Monhighest mar ket prices. 08T.-A p air of Car pet Slip per. "~teless, a.nd tl1 erefore most suiti;team ; · Upi:iers. on the road from Tyrone to Bowday eTening lost, to attend an oyster supSnre cure for Rim:worm and Lice on · · · .c. AY All other machines, they ha ve taken the manville, on th <> 21st l nst ] 'inder ":'ill Pl< ··.se The ladies in W est Durham will learn per· g i ' '"en by tlie corps at Oshawa. They M d" l B l! &bJ.!'> for delicate digestions. ~,,-· E I tt h ' cattlo, at S tott & Jury's e ica a . J I 10fwo them at 'l'rn;: S'l'AT E SM,\ N Oflwc. Ol' at with P ea.sure t iat ~i se PP e _,.- as re- re,,ort a ple; sR nt time. Q B ttl shacle, the P.O. 'l'yrono. 8--tf. " 25 cents for a 1 rnrt o e. And vanished as quick a" a dr ea m. N one genuine without the name turned t o town a!1d t ak en charge of Mr. L aing's Milli nery Bra nch. By ad vertising in the STATESMAN our Men's and Boys' Ready Made Over HE PERSON WHO TOOK THE No oth er is found on tap of th e ground, IZDAH.L stamped on each c~psule. business men can reach nearly every Coats at cleari nrr out prices a t Couch, Persifm J,amb cap from the rowu H all O ll The STAn:sMA N staff return thanks to housellold 1 ·n Wes~ D ur ham. No other ·· That so quickly a women will wean, 'l'uesdiw evening. E'eb. 15, lei1vini:t an old on& l va1e F ar n1 · newspaper in the couuty pretends to J ohnston &Crydcrman's. · M r. W m. un r erry, of ]., - WHOLESAJ,E UY:;.oselan c in its place, will ki nilJy reta rn it to Ibis offic& From a life full of toil a nd exciting t urand no questions w ill be o.skod. S·2w Solina . for his donation of fine apples Any p er son wanting a q uiet residence moil, last w~ek. Long may he live to repeat equal it in t he field it covers. near a poat villa ge should attend the snle From the t ub to the washing machine. OR SALE.-A frame h ouse nnd G t The people are q uick t o r ecognise when of the Olford E st ate, near Solhm, March h k . dl acres of lana, with good out huildinr.:s ; a newspaper iR cond uct od fearlessly and l Oth . So now, my d ear friends don 't m urder n.boutl80 t e m Y ac · --ongoo<l hearln11: fruit-. trees; al8o goocl H your wives, A happy sleighing part.y left town on unfli nchiugly in their intere~t, and tln t frnit garc len ; a never failing stream run!f d Tl · for Mr· Jone.than Sa~arte & F arnum, of l s\aud · orne through the property. J,ot 2i , con. ll. Da1 ·ll11ii.... 0 rnrn ay evenmg · . bl is \vhy the ST.ATESMAN is now r eceiving so ' G I l M l tl By working them h ard ]ie re below ; & J~ I RV, ton, situated near Solina, App1y to W, Il ArrnR, Stevens', Salem, wher e a most. enJoya e inany evi "de iices of popular aprJr oi·al and stock farm, · r osse s e, 1c 1., recen Y B b h. th t . h _... S·tf, 1 1 was yoi1r Solina. · t t d sold a H olste1 "11 calf that weighed 640 ut uy a mac m e a wi time wa1:1 spent rn song, sen imen. an confide11ce. 1 h 1 USE AND LOT FOR SA LE A social intercourse, pounds when four months old. cot ea e 11an, 0 ' . , !..-."),. T. Geo. Mnson can be seen at "The . And t urn them out wh it e as the ~now, good ro ugh Honse in Lh-~ Village < 1r The Auxilliary of the Women's Mis- Stor House" for t hfrty d uvs where h e will The R ev. C. E. Mcintyre will preac1 l J Hampton, with hall a.ere or land . Excellent · "' · t 0 f th M th 0 dist church " J i ' n tlie Cliur·cl1 St . Methodist Church n ext Tl1 ese E agle S team W asher s, and. the gl\.l'den with irood variety of apples ar.d oLha· sionary "'ocie y, e e l ' be pleased to introduce his successor , Mr. S b" t "St df t b . . h k: t t d fruit. Price, :jl1>00 cash· Apply for furthe1 · fay, M orning u JeC ·· ca ~s - est wrmgllrs m ~ e mar e , o- ay, _ can particiilar~ to THOMAS Syim, Janetvilte, 01· will meet in the Queen-st. churc l on Geo. Laing, to custontera . This will also Sunc Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock full ,,1 ·ve ~n opportunity to balance accounts ness," E vening Subject, "Future P umsh· 1be bought from Henry Argue, Solm a, J OHN ]{. GALBRAITH, Harrister etr ., l:l owmau· ment ." or J . N. K ivell1 Bommanville. ville. _ _ 8-4w" · d esire · d· " ,. not e expect ed in e1 att en dan~ 18 cash or ,ery case. " For some days past this end of the Dress Goods sit the d issolution of pai·tT he Salvat ion Armv at M on tr~al h as ·~-· LOGS W AN T ED.- 10,000 logs to saw h b k t I t · ed a permr "t £rom tlie city into lnmMt' atservices (R, Clark's ro!d mill). town as een ep somew la lively · by n ership sale, forty -four inch fine all wool 0 btam · to build Cone I1· J 0 h nston & cryd erman a r@ 801· Having secured the of a tlrst.cla~s horses con:ing and 11oing to the Ruebot- German ,,oods ·worth eighty cen ts per its barracks near the corn er of S t. _ Al?x- ling off a lot of new winter D ress Goods at sawyer, we are prepared to do a large amount ORO.UP, WHOOPING-COUGH, ETC.; tom House, where Mr. Geo. Battell hag yard selli~g for ' sixty cents, Csshmeres antler and Craig st reets. T he bmldmg about half price. They have no h es ita· orcuatom aa.wmgonreasonableterma. As tho b b · ·11 g th~t t he·e ~~e by fa r t he · 8 to co ·t ·--tween <ll> \2,000 a nd C'](),000. ti"on r ' n say1 Machinery is last going to the ho removed, Is Should take S1·0TT & JURY'S ee~g nu. mbers of them · worth thirty-five cents selling for twenty- 1 , Ut: IP IP positively the year mill wi ll this he ln Friday last, while drawing a lond tmo cents, twel l'e cent P rin ts for e ight. "[ he Annud Conve 111 iion for 1887 of th o cheapest Dress Goods in town. See them opet·ation. therefore parties w.inl!ng lutnbc1· n Cough Syrup, because 1 h d h · f o~- " P ethick the Barber has laid in an im- O ntar io B ranch of the Dominion Alliance an d you wi "1 1 b e convmce · d tilat tl118 · is · t h e sawed do ction well to emanteed. ornce tlni; oµpor tuof hay, Mr. J Ys. Stan ey a t _e mis nity. will Satisfa guar Johulfore &; tune to meet with a ra ther pamful ace1- manse stock of sm oke r's goods. Pipes, for the S uppreseiou of the L iquor 'f m flic c a s e . c __ o..:. ··_ H _a _r_u.:.. p_t o _ n _._____ _ _ _ __ dent. By so·ne means the bobs came Cigar Holders, T obaccos :i.nd Cigar s, in will be held in Toronto, ou Wednesday, - ---· - - - - - - - HOUS~~ AN D L OT for salo ne:u· apart and tho load upset. throwing Mr. endless variety. Call and see this, one March 9th and 10th , commencing on BIRTHS. SOLINA.-The nndorsigned wm 011c r '<lDoo>usi ng it , always r eccmmend it a d Stanley to the ground and breaking three of the laraest ~ ssortments ever brou·ht W ednesday, a t 2 p.m. / P& RCY,-In Dowmanville, on the 23rd ul t., fnr sale at auction on TIIUR&DAY, Mnrch 10th ., "' df,@h the wife or Mr. John Percy ,Jr,, or a eon. 1887 on the premises. that desirable ·property wtiI not use any other klnd. It acte Ii of his ribs The China Hall of M essrs. Mur 'WAJ,DOCK,-Io Haydon, on the 26th ult,, the known a.a the Olford E·tate, being 0110 acrt> ot · · t o the t own. H air cutting a nd sl1aving, at tho dissolu tion of p!'.rtnershi p as usual, in the latest stylcd. -t f. Bros., is well worth y of a vis it by all lawife of Mr. ::iamuel Waldock, of a son. land and goorl house with a ~Lone oelle.r, gootl Cheap l\l~gic, and children like it eo well that ' -' h mere h ose worth 8 ixty · Th ere ar e t 0 b e ~- woodshed cl orchard, A desimble situattcn S' · "" - · cas itTllODIST OBSERVER and STA.TESMAN. dies of this vicimt.y. quarter of an a mile""'"' ' o· Solina, an<l "mile and M 1 they MA R RIED. ,. be.ltfrom Hampt.on, i n the 'J'ownst1ip of Da1 "cent s selltn!{ for f')r ty centd, four c asp - S<::veri;l pers')ns who ha ve paid for THE fo unrl there an endless variety of the best kid gloves worth. eighty-fi ve ceo ts selling STA'"E~,"fAN hnve asked us 1 -f they c· n get nuality of cliioa, !!lassware, crockery, a . Bu·rsoN-"\VEnnEn.-On the lGth ult., by liogton. Some stovPs and furmtn,rre in th~ l] ~ '"' " ~ -, ~ Rev. 8 . Salton, a t the llfothod ist P arsonage, ho11se will also he offdred fo r rnle. l' ' nl8 ant< for sixtv-five cents, saxo ny yarn lil a THE OnsE1\VER by paying the extr a 50 fancy goods, which we venture t o r.sser IS 1£nnlskillen, Mr. J oeiah Hutson. to Rusannah, particulars made known on day v' sal.e, o\"· colors selling at fifteen cunts, per p ackage. cnnts, 1 · n t ex ·me of our cl ubbin" offer of not surpassed by m any. of the large c ty Aecond daughter or llenry Webber, Esq.,all of on. applicntion to WJLLTA:\I WEHRY, Solina: 1c1· Try on e bottle and you will for it. R 0b er t aon an dBon d · ~ two p.:1pers for $1. 50. Our "' answer stores. Darlington. JONATHAN 8'l'EPHJrns, B'>wmnnville, EXllUll· the tors. s. HUNKIN G , Auctioneer. n ever be with()ut it in t he We clip the following from Saturd ay's is, YES. Send along your 50 cents. " Obsnve my 'ad.,' DIED. Solina, Feb. u. 1887. · 7-td. house again . Globe : "Mr. M. P.d Tailing, of Knox 'The ~r)ri " n,. <· gr"· r ' n and f "t cattle ]1ow of It is not bac l, r'AYl:1 iA !·'T.- In D!trlin""t'ln, on the 23_ nit., .-..·- ·- - - - - - - - -- ------ - ------· ..~ 1 t t " \.V;1i_··~",·eairners. · g bY th e Whit l;y and~E ast Whitby College, was presen e as e venm a gric\lltural And oft en I renew it; Edith Gertrnrle, infant dt1.ughtcr of Wl11ta~ J . l.,.., · ro·1 .. ·ce · ' o I!!> the girl's ,~lass of the Elizabeth-st. night society will b e. hdd a t Col llmb us 0 11 It hring~ me t rade, ~...!!:!.:!:'~ school, as a t oken of their esteem, 11 mag- T hurscb.y, March 3rd. All kinds of, And I lrnve made ~DE.R. T H E LAST ASSJ~SSME NT nificent volume of Shakespear e's works. " seeds, fat stock. i mplements, etc. , will b e l.\'fony a dollar t hrough It; B OW MANV I!!J..:B MA~ K:~T S , U AC'l'.and Act am"lnrling thP, s11m e,all 1 >er· Mr. Talling is an old Bowrnauvil le boy, shown and good prizes offered. If the For tm de, you see, ·ons wishiog to bd placed on tbe A esessmo'lt. Jtoll as woge. rnrners · m t1st first file an affirComes right to me, being a son of Mr.F ,Talling of t his town co~iititiqn is wor thy of the premi ums Correctetl by .Jeh n Lyle, <n·ery 'l' ·te~day. ma·ion wi th the Assesrnr, l3lanks for tha~ On Sunday afternoon last , two men offered the show will be a first-class one. vVhole seas and oceaus of it ; purµo~e Cail be had of the unrlereigucd , Fwun, 'lJl' 100 'ltls . . . .....· $2 10 to $2 50 s . BURDEN, AsseSBOF, "·c1·0 econ rolling down the front streetJ On Thursday of last week, M r . Rich. A11d truth to tell, Vt( --WHEAT, F~>ll, 'l.!l" bush. . . . . 0 80 11 0 85 Eowmanvillc;:E'cb. 11. 1887, Cures Cha1Jped H ands quick- in a beastly state of intoxica tion a nd Hambly was taken very ill with a seizure. I t pays me well, 11 Spring, 11 0 80 11 0 85 . nearly every night of the week some ne He had been somewhat unwell for a few And thus I make my profit. BAR!iEY, ¥'bush .. .·. .. . ·· 0 45 11 0 50 er than any other remedy. ia seen on the street the W «rse for Ii or. days previvus, but nothing serious wa,s Ah ! pray make no mistake, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 II 0 48 R YE, ~ lt seems st r~nge with all the cl ri n ing, apprehe!J.ded- un til Thu rsday, when he vVe are not shy; -OFOATS, II , ·· · · · · · · 0 30 II 0 30 · &' that no one is· convict ed of 11elling. as u denly str icken. We are 1<lad to We 1 ..rfl very wide l.lwke, PEA.s, Blackeye, ~ bush . . . 0 70 11 0 75 for the Scott Act when th oee who shou say that at last reports h e was somewhat his"iJmtrnrul and I." 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 52 ~~~~-~-~~·~- -· - -"- ~,~~~~~"~ see to its enforcement, shirk their duty. better, and we hope he may sqon be fully e r~gre t to chronicle the dllath of 11 Blue, 11 0 50 11 0 55 BOWM .A.N'YIL LE, MARCH 2, 1887. Mr. and Mrs.Lewis Vancamp and their restored. Colin G illian McLean, which took place BUTTER, best table, ~ lb. . · 0 12 " 0 18 da ughter F lossie, of Berlin, Mrs. Dr. The local electiou gava the largest or~ Wednesday, af~er a 10~1g _ and lin~- LARD, lP' lt . .. .. . . .. . . .. . 0 10 II 0 12 GRAND TR.UNK RAILWAY. Clemens, 11.ncl Mr. and Mrs. ·John Mc- jorit y ever obtain ed by a political p r ty ermg illness,_ bor~e with ~hr1stlt~n forti- ]i;aGs, ~doz .. ... ..... ·· . 0 00 " 0 18 Clung, of P ort P erry, and l\fr. am.l Mrs. at an e lection in Ontario. L eaving out tude and res1g,n~t10n. H is rem1un s wer:e P o1'A'l'OES, 'I?' bush . . · . . · · · 0 25 11 0 35 BOWMANVILLE STATION. Luther D ickey, of Osha wa, were all visit- the fact that two R eformers and only one followed_ last 1< nday to th_e grave by his H.AY...· , . . · . ..··..····. 9 00 II 10 00 ing at Mr. J . V o.n camp's th e early p11.rt Tory were elect ed by acclamation, b e ma ny frien,ds and acquamtance_s. T~e DRESSED HOGS. . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 II 5 50 HE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GOING EAS'l' GOING WEST of the \'reek. They came to celebrate the R efor m major ity is 10,212. The vot~J.>- 0 . & l'. c,~· Ba.n d, who carried their offer"for salH the whole or the valuable ea· Cwv1m SEED ... ..... . .. . 5 00 11 5 30 Local . , ...... . 9.00 am Express ...... G .20 a. m 87th birthday of Mr . V ancamp. Several cast for I ndependent and Labor can,di- m s · mtis s1lemly,at the request of the ALSIKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 00 II 6 00 tate or the late J ames Woodley, as follows 1Ex13ress... ...10.03 a m Local ......... 8.20 a m friends from town also took part i n the dates not endorsed by ei ther of the decea~ed, also t he officers aud members Parcel Number One.-Composed of the home· 5 m Express' ··· ··· 9 ·16 a m enJ"o flt-Of t h e occasion. st( ad property, being J,ot num ber 8, Concession Mixed...... ······.... ...L o P parties a re left out of the count. of the D. 0.ll& P . th Co. f Mu t ual Benefit Local· 7.20 p rn Mixed .... .. .. A.O~ P m l SoW. K. SMl"l'Jf, 8. Township of Darlington, containing two n Saturday morning, as M r . D . B . AN 0 JllISSIOJ>. - By an oversight, the ciety as IV~ as e. actory emp oyees, E:mress ...... 9.39 pm Express....... 8.4a Pm acres. more or le>e, about 175 acres IC ENSE AUCTIONE E R for B ow- hundred which are clearecl and in nn excellent stat.a "l'Jxcept Mondays. ,Simp~on was hurrying t o the station t o article in our issue on Pol'k P acking, marched rn procession , pr~ceeded by mnnville. Darlington. Clarke, Cartwright. of of cultivation, the h1>le,nco is well tim bered. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. catch thA 10:04 train, th e h orse became was not credited to the"Msrl!hall Times- members of the fir m. Th'ly made a wost Manvers ; also E1ist lliirham, All orders ThAsoil is 11 rich clav loam and well waterEil. attendod to. Terms liberal. Addres iR a good bee.ring or·ch1trd ol abo ut sis unmana~eable, owing to t h e cutter strik - R epublican," of Marshallto wn, Iowa. respect;1ble app~a~an ce . l\fr. McLean promptly W,K SMI'l'H, or l!'HANC!S MASON, J:lox J6, How· 'l'hero acres of choice fruit trees. 'l'he builc l lrogs ru·a BURKETON STATION It ran away and threw Messr s. Britain & Cr>. are doing a larger was a very promis1~g young man and ar · manv1llo. ing its heels. JS-tt composed of a lo.rgc brick dwdling, frame 0:hmany p~ar: barns stables and other outbuildim:s. both Mr. Simpson and the driver into the t rade this winter tha n ever, havin~ kiil- cl er~tly f~na ~f. rn~~icb lHt. E . C. J!lcDOWEJ .J.. GOING EAST' GO ING WEST , Parcel Number Two,-Composed of south. snow. After going down th e street some ed over 40 000 hoga during the four 1 10 ias. p aye m . e an , e mem er Expross ... . . ,10.29 a m [ Express . . . . . . 9A5 a IOJCNTIATE OF l:WYAL COLLEGE part of north half of Lot nnn1ber 9, Conces:oion distance, the horse r an into a telegraph months endi;ig wit h February and the of _wh ich u1~ F 1 :iday . wore badges 0 11 ElQlress .. . , .. 6.52 p m Express ...... 7.4.2 p 8. Dll-l·lmgton,., containiug sevcn_Ly-ftve: acres, of Physicians. Lontlon. Eng.:Mem ber of ·t, smashing the cutter badly. F ortu- t urnover of cas1 , d' 'IP 41'450 , 000· b. which msonbed m a College Tickets and further information '!'ILY be ha Po" of Phy ~i cian s 1 wn Surgeons. Ontario. morn or less. about 45 acresof which a rf' clear1 h as aggrega..~ I 1 were · d tl d gilt " sl etters d t on the ed. and h11lanCA in vo hrn.ble cerl>1r and other boin R. D. ANDREW, Big 20, Rv.1~road, and Q_ately neither Mr.Simpson nor his driver H oitSES WANTED - Stenhen Cotton ac' gronn ' ·dle wor ds, acd r e Go p SURGERY AND R i;:sIDENCJlJ:- Rear of M.-ssrs, timber. '.l'he soil is mostly clay lo(J.m, Sieaµiboat Ticket Agent, Bownmnv1lle. hurt · . ' · _ "' . · memory of o ur eparte comra e, . . Higginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanvi!le. w e ti- lyr,* Parcel Number Three.-Composed of not·th w ~ the Bowman v1lle H oTse Buyer , will be at McLean, who died 23rd of F ebruary, e11st part of south half of Lot . nnmber 10, Con. A AND P 1mTTY F ooT.- N o mat ter Kendall, 'l'uesday, .March l st ; Janet ,, IANO FOR SALE.- A 6-octave cession 8. Darlington, containwg about t welve ..,_._____ _ __ how gor geous y an d richly a~rA:yed a la~y Yille, 'Vednesday, 2nd; \Villiamsburgh, 1887 · Piano for sa.\!l or to rent. Apply to J .M. acres. may be in ot he r r espects, 1t is all va111 Thursday 3rd ; Claremont, Fl'iday 4th; A U CTI ON SAL ES. BnIMACOMl!E, Dentist. 8·-2w* Parcel Number Four.- Conipos<ic l of nort.h without t he fini~hi ng touch which a nea.t, Brooklin, Saturday 5th ; Port Perry, east part of I,ot number 10, Concession 7,1Dn~ EED BARLEY.-! have for sale lington: containing about seve teen acres. well-fi tting pair of boots imparts. W ith Monday 7th ; L ittle B ritain, T uesday 8th ; SATUJWA Y, MAlWli 5.- M. Cryderm 11n about 500 bushels of clean seed barl ey, quite Ofl'ers are solicited for 11.ny Pt~rcel 0 1· tJrn will offer for sale, close by the Hmn pton ree from noxious seed of any kind. HrnHAnn whole. t h ese the Shakcsperian adage is literally Can uin oton Wednesday 9th ; Kirkfield, PASCOE, Entleld. 6- 1w.* t rue, "All's well that ends well." Ladies Thnrsd;y 10th ; Sut L on , F.-iday ] Jth ; Cheese F actory,a lo·, of cedar post ,logs, 'l'~rms of payment to suit pnrch'1ser e. Poswho wish to appear in the n eatest , most and Beavert1Jn, Saturday l~ th, prepared and polee, nnd 30 cor ds of wriod. See ses·ion im mediately. OUSE 'l'O R E NT ON QUEE N -ST. elegant rnd durable boot s t o be fo ui1d in to b uy heavy draugh t, general purpose, bills. Sule at 1 o'clock. R. HUTCH· The valuable farm stocl(, imulemcnts aoct - Two titory Brick. Will be made ve.ry goods of tl1e est.ate w ill bn sold at. ISON, Auctioneer. E owrn1rnville will find a complete e.nd carriage, a ntl saddle horses, young ~ocl comfortable for a respectable family, Apply ltousol10ld auction, of which due notice will be given. 45-L! D r . Potter, office aud r e6 idence, P row - varied s upply of fine k id_ boots for sprmg aged . T ell your n eigh bors, and brmg TuESDA.Y, M ARCH Sth.-- T heFarJll Stock to A. B rrcKT.F:R, .Jeweller. For fllrther particulars aPT1ly to D. BurkE) ex·!s Block, K ing-st,, 'Howmanv1lle. 1- t f. and sum mer a t ~- Da.ns'. Be s u~·e to horses euly in the d ay. a nd I mplements of Mrs. Trimble will Simpsou. ::-;nJicitor for ibe Executors, or to tilts ARM FOR SAL E. - One ot t he beat undersigned. M r . N . s. Yo1mg has b een confined t o call a nd >nspect his stock before buym~. Peoplt· .vho are t irinz of progressive b e sold by auction at her residence, hip of Darlington 70 acres, in the 'l'ownH H. ET ,LI01'1'.Jr. } h is h ome for seve1·al days with pneuSPECI.AL NoTICE - Every persnn who 111 e uchre, will be interested to learn tl111t Solina, alsc. a q uantity of houaehold good brick dwelling, goorl outbuildings, good IUCH. WOODLEY, lCx s ,;cu'!'O RS. well tenced, well watered, withln one 1 ' .. lr. WM, BRKN' mania. . t ends b uying a set of H arness between sowe ad vance has been recently made in furn it ure . S.d e a t 1 o'clock. s. orcht'rd. mile or the town of llowm1mville. For vartic· D(l.rlington, J an. 29. 18S7. 5·tf Order D oor s, Sashes, B linds, Pickets, now and spring would do well t o call on the great moral and educational game, by HUNKL NG, Auctioneer. 7-3 w ul ttrB n.pply to THOMAS WOODLEY. Bowman, ville, P, U. or on the premises, Con, 2, Lot 6 . T E . · ii- , at Morris' Planing Factory, Liber ty S . Thomp80n & Co. W e are build ing a a vo ung lady a nd gentleman uf \ Vasbing5. t r w. J M ARCH 10.-will he can live at home, a nd mall:e lUO rft, R. H . Osborne, lea.see . lot of superior sets o f· H arness, b otil · ton. '! 'hey played twSn ty -nine gar.nea o f THURSDAY, of the O lford Estitte sell,xecutors on the money at work for us, than a t any OR SAL E.- The house and lot on Great r 1>duction in th e price of ·cutters smgle and doluble, ? 1 k1t <?f an extra: lg ! rafde co mmon every-d ay e uchre thfl o t.her prewiEes, one <]_Uarter mile east of Sothing else in I his wodd. 1'to et\ ital Queen Stl"POt, Bowman ville, the proper t.y needed ; you are started fre.e , Roth _.._Sliaw & - Tole's. $"5 cutters will be nf No . 1leat 1er, pie eC1 out especia y or evening. The couditions of t he game l d . f Mr, .Joseph, Neil, at present oooupied by Mr, sexes ; ail ·Ages. Any one can do t.he "VOrk. ' · ; tm d $35"'cutters for $22.50. our t rade, and we 111ten · d to sell t h"IS allowed the young man o. kiss for e very lina, a h ouse andure ot and an other a quantity o 'of l 'hos, H. Spry. There are 7rooms in thelwuae Lar11:e earni ngs sure from first start. CnstlysolJ;]. for $SO hou~ehold furnit ar ticles. a good cellR r, and about 20 fruit rrees in th e outfit atJc'I terms free. Better not delay. Co~ts H arness at going prices. We c_ m pl oy no game he won and a hug for every euch re. See i·dver ti " sement and b . ills. Sale at . h . t b 1 cl . tl 2 orchard For furtl1er particulars apply to you nothing to send us yom· address and find The electric 1ig t is 0 e P ace m l e cheap work men, no. apprentice _s, and T he young ladv won one game out of t he ' .ToHN" K. GALllHA l'l'H, Barri.l;ter. Bowman. M l t ; if you are wise you will do so at once, A Barrac '·s thi"s week S It will be a guarantee our H arness N o. 1 111 every t wenty-nine. J She allowed her self to b e o'clock. S C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. · · · "' · ville7- tf. H. HALLETT & Co., Portland, :Vlaine, great improvement and cheaper than the re~pect. Remember, also, we have come euchered wit h both bowers and tile ace of ] 'RIDAY, MARCH 18.- Th e exdcu tors of P RICE, 3 CENTS, SINGLE COPIES. S:J'.Btem of oil lamps. t o stay..-S. T HO MPSON & Co. (May's trumps in her hand, and one time when the estate of the late Mrs. Jacks, of she held both and j okor, & he ·H ampton, will sell the F arm Stock, ' What you can buy at the dissolution oldAltaa d.) ' Al'1NU AL SUBSCRI PTION, $1.110 o tpartnership Sale, Dress 8 atin R hadame ()n Friday evening last, a merry crowd declared it was a miade~l. T he only game . irnpl oments, eta., without reser ve. - 01 'and M:trveilleu:ic worth one dollar and · 1 Sale at 1 o' clock ehar p. S. C . H UNK- J AMElS M cH O U L L , late o f t h e 16 p ages, large q uart o. t a. of young people pr ocure d _ a 1ong .s1erg l slie ,von was an accident. She held the . h quarter per ya.rd selling for e1g ty ceu . and team and left town with the mten- ace and qnefln of trumps, both bowers ING, A uctioneer. Township of Oartwright , i n t h e 1~rtson & Bond t ion of going t o Orono, t o att end 11. soci11.l at and t he joker, an d the young man only , $(&·P ersons ordering sale b ill at the County of Dur h a m, harnessThe R evival Temper ance meetin ~ held Mr. N e wirnme's. 'l'hey got aloni:i all right had t wo trum ps and they were small ones . S· rA'l'ES11AN oflice will receiY e a free notice make r , d eceased. in the 'l own Hall, under the mana ement until wi thin a short distance of the reai - The young l ..dy was euch red twenty-fo ur like the above up to date of l!ale. The AN D SIGN S OF OUR TI MES. ilf the Hamilton H elpers, have beti i well dence of Mr. P. S tv.lker, when, o wing to times. 'l'he stakes were paid in full. S<rATES~IAN has the largest circulat ion in O T IC E I S H E R E BY GIVEN The most Popula r . Illu s tra t ed. attended . On ,Sunday afternoo_ n t~e hall the desper ate con dit ion of the roads and West Durh am and Ontario. Orders for pursmmt to Section 3i of Chapter 107, P. wtu1 filled . 'I he excellent. emgm g of the drifted snow, they imd denly overtarnsales may also be left at this office. R elig iou s Pap er Published. 8. 0 . as amended by Chap. 9, or 46 Vie., Ont., Stead all:d D unnett l B a. gr t a~- ed and all wer·e pitched unceremon_iomly AUCTION SALEs.- R . Hutchison, L iaen- that 'au creditors and others ltnving olaims the estate or .T..u.rns McflouLL late or A Weekly Journal of Religious New:!! and , traction . T he aim of these gen~lem~n .16 out on the icy road. All escaped without sed Auationeel' for the Townships of against tho 'l'owm hip of Cartwright, in the Countr: or Exponent of the P.rouhetic Scriptures. Every t o work u p the te1Uperance sentime~"V~s.eriOllB injury, excepting Mies M c Wain, Clarke, Manvers, Cart wright, Darlington Durham. harness-maker, decee.11ed, who died leeue contains (1) A Partrait. i;nd Biography of or about the 12th da:v or September, 1886, some eminent person. (~) I llustrations or t own and to procure memb?rs ~or t he ui · teacher, who r eceived a bad blow on the andWhithy.All sales attended to promptly on are r equired to send to the undersigned, Jn.a. asionary and other scenes. (3) 'l'he sermon fere n,t temperance organization s. Orr ~aek of the head, which r endered her and at reasonable rates. Wh ere it is not Parr Agent for Administrator, Cartwright, M1 preached by Dr, T almag e the previous SunSufida'y mornin~ last, Messrs. Stead a nd ( u'it nscious. S he was carried in to M r . convenient to see me, a rrangemen ts for vu.r ti'cul&rs in writin~ of their claims and the day morning. (4) 'l'he Sermon of .C. 11. Spurnature of securities (If any) held by them, and Dunnet~ s~ng m . the Queen-st. church. I Stal 's and medical help v.:as summoned sales can be made with the Editor or by their Christian and Surname, addresses and " e"· · the eminent J,ondon preucher, who us, by special arrangement, ever y week. No ad m1ss10n fee 1~ charged, but a collec- from Oro aod Bowmanv1lle . I t wM addressing me at E nniskillen, P. 0. dcacrl:ptions, before the lat day or April next. eende proof puges of it prior to ics puhlicat:on ln And notice is hereby given t hst at the ex pi· Enu:land. t ion is t ak en to d efray e~penses. To· feared that her i;kull was fractared and N. B.- 1 have no agents out begging for ration (5) A Prophetic Article on the of that time the saldAdminlstrator ,,.lll Second Ad \·ent of Christ. (G) A series of An· night 's meeting will be their las- here,for for sQme t ime it was doubtful if she sales for me. R . B UTC!llSON. tf. proceed to dli;tribute the assets of the $id ecdotes from newly published book& and the present. They .goto Or~no on Thurs- would r ecover. We are pleased to learn, W. Hazzlewood, Ragl1 i n, Ont . Licens- deceased, a mong tho De.rties .e ntitled t~ereto, papers. (7) A Summary ot tho E7ents of t.he rego.rd only to the cl1Ums of which he Week e.t home an d abroad. (8) E](Jlos1tlon ot da;y to conduct similar m eetmgs. W e can however , at la~t acc1rnnts, that she was od Auction eer for the township of D ar - having ah.all then have notice, and that lie wUl not he the Sunday-School Lessons, (9) A Serial mory h eartily re~ornr?end these young evangel- better, t hough still unable t o be moved lington . All orders for sales in t his liable for the assets, or auvpart thereof, to any of thrilling intel'est person or persons of whoiae claims he shall not ists to the pu blic everywher e. Go aiad to her h ome, vicinity, left with F. H . Mason , Bow- then Circulation larger than tllat of rtlmost every have had notloe. r eligious papcJr published. l ie!l>r them. l\;lr.. J . B?bdon, the leadllJ", PROF. 1.ow·s SIJLPllUB sou· Is highly manville, will r eceive prompt attention. J AMES p ,urn, baa been. snilermg with a sore throat : recommended. for 'be . uure er ~1·1tptllu1, 34-tf. Agent for Admlul.etrator. Sam vie coplP.s tree on avplication to the. Cartwri&bt , Feb., 25, 1887. 6. .w. s ini;e commg here. t:li.atea, c11.appe111mn11s. r1111.-1es.· In·.··· l\Janager, 63 Bible Houee, New Yert:, ~a w zDB ~ " L F 'Pm~ Ad~ertisi~g hug~ing J?rd~ty F NORWEGIAN 00 S M ---·~------ -·- -------·-- - · -· ~ Cl)n l T 1t\f..,tl OtL H L c T F LYMAN, S ONS & CO, .!STOTT BOWMANVILLE. · eHILDREN Toubled with BAD H A Q ·· MOTHERS CRY 0 Q ' .. STOTT&JURY'S , Rose B alsam GJU ®ttt-t.a.di4t'U ~i'ltttJlUlRn. I Executor 's Sale FA.. R~S James Woodley Estat e. I T I L f' L I P S Local and Otherwise. H F F Yo U NOTICE TO CR ED ITO RS . N THE CHRISTIAN HERALD WANT ED. Red and Alsike Clover Seed. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I W. QUICK & C0.

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