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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1887, p. 7

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HEALTH.· E:qlightenment Versus Ignorance. ._ ;,: Enlightenment concerning the J?reserv~-· Every housekeeper should possess au tion of health and the removal of disease, 1s "emergency bag" and a medicine chest, and a greiLt blessing to al.I who become.Part'.lke:s both may be ormimeutal as she pleases of it, ·b u t ignorance m the same direct10n 1s without in any way detracting from their a great evil, usefulness. The former it will be well ·t o This truth is self-evident. Every one make of some gay, conspicuous nmterial, will acknowledge that health is the greatest such as Turkey reJ, to be suspended in full blessing of life, and that sickness is an evil view, say in the housekeepers' bed-chamber from whi ch we ou<Yht to flee :ts soon as pas, so that every member of the household will sible, if it meets u~ on our way. This great know where to find it in time of need. The truth places us all on common ground. It bag should bo large enough to hold seYernl you can find the lar,gest stock in above lines Ill this county bimls us all together with a common cord ; wide and narrow bandages matly rolled _ it u nites us into a natural broth<:Jrhood. and ready for use, the former for cuts or :S UPP.A.LO~ N". Y In many other respects, m en are differenthurts on the body or limbs, and the latter ly situated, imd are separnted from each for woundccl hands or fin;;-:ers. There Organtl!ed w ith 11 CUU Stair ot eighteen other by diffel'ent opinions. By far tho should also be iu this bag a pa~ket of cottrt· Experieneec l nnd Skillful Pbysleians gre:i.tcr pttrt of mankind are hmLthens and plaster, a roll of diachylon or adhesive and Surgeon s t"or Ute trea tment o:t wor ship many gods, but the Mohamm<:Jdans, plaster, pieces of old linen, lin.i;, surgeons' all ()b ron!c Discuses. Jews and Christians worship only one God Treatment of Diuhtheria, cotton wool, a small bottle of collodion for who has created all things. The last muned cuts, old muslin for mustard p laster s, pins, are again divided into a grcu.t many uifferDr. J. M. Harris says: From an oxpcri- scissors, and some of t he other necessaries ent sects who entertain a variety oI opinions, enco of more than forty years, I venture to known to good housekeepers. (Jhronlc Naiml CatarrJt, Throat nud and oppose each other slmrply. That which give my favorite remedy for diphtheria; There should be on hand t o supplemant Lung Diseases, Liver n.ud J'ldney D iseases, H ladde\· Ul!rn:uics, Diseases one calls enlightenment the other cm:demns tho success of which is highly satisfactory, t.he " EmeL"goncy bag" a home medicine of Women, B l ood Diseaae!'I a1ul Nerwu as ignorance. ])ut those-who are enlighten· not having failetl with it in a single cn,se. chest or .;ase ; t h ese are now made very ou11 Affect101uJ1 cured hem or at home oned by the great truths which nature Every two hours the patient gargles with prettily to appear like locked wall·cabinet~. With or without ecemg t he J?Utient. Come and .s ee us, or send ten cents m stnmps for our shows to be the foundation of all true treat- a solution of iodide of potash, a drachm to the A handy person can get up one of domestic "111 v a llds· Guide Doolk," which gives ment of disease, and for tho pl·eservation ounce of distilled water ; with chloi:ido of manufacture ont of ordinary pine wood, ell purticn lars. Lab:trraque's solution or bromo· stai!limr it to r esemble 'chen-y , and furnish· Nervous Dobllity, Impo· of h ealth, are all united in one opinion. th sodium Internally I give iug its doors with h and some mec1· · t ency, Noctu r ual I.osscs, "\" Vcare all ma d e of th · e e1e1nent s of e chloralum altornatin!!. ~ 1 c..,1'a11unges ELIDATE caused und all 1'll:orbicl Co n dition" air. A little dust, limo, salt, etc., mixed verati·um or aconite every two hours to and escutcheons of brass, which may bo by You thful l!'ol~ lies and· Penticlous 8ol.1· with three-foui·ths of water, is all there is arrest fever, and parvules of hydrag. as in- purchased at moderate rates at depots for D ISEASES call came naked into the world, dicated. brass supplies. . So come along, friends, and bring your cash amid you will · tary Practices are spee<lliy of us. . ._ _ _ _"'and permanently cured by our and even if we all do not depart naked from Kee,i the room at BO 0 ' well ventilated, This chest, whether plain or ornamental, decidedly get a bargain . All kinds of Fur altered and repairerl. lilpecialists. Doak, postrpaid, 10 cts. in stumps. it, yet we all meet in on~ common realm of and chloride of lime constantly on hand. will be invaluable to the house wife if on its ~ Rupture, or Breach, mdi- death where we are d1solv.,d and return vVith this treatmcut ancl proper nursinf?: you shelves and in its draworsrnay be 1 ound the · cully cured, without the knife, without dependence upon aD'ain'to our dust. The different religions neodfear no deaths. following simple remedies, namely; essence RUPTU R E 1 ' ti·u8scs, and with very little s~parate us, but the great principles of The Practical Furrier of peppermint, J arnaica ginger, spirits of ln stamps, pain. nook sent for ten C('nts health unite us, und thus they make us Simple Life Best for Children. camphor, camphoratod oil, arnicu., aromatic - ·.- -·._ - ._· ....· _ _ . .. _ _."!" .. ... . .. . ... . .. ... .._,,,_,,....,.......,_ __ _...,.._ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ Pil,E TUMORS and S'J.'RIC'.l'URES more kindly affectioned ono to the other.. Happiness is tho natural condition of spirits of ammouia, spirits of hartshorn, treated with tho grontcst success. Dook sent By ihis wo do noL mean to say tl:at rehg- every normal child, and if the small bo:y: or syrup of ipecac, sweet spirits of nitre and a TO ~ 1'or ten cents in stamps. Address WORLD'S ion is not rrood. No dot1bt there 18 some· girl has a peculiar £ac:ility for an:y on o thu~g small bottle of brandy ttnd a l>ox of mustard DISPENSARY .MEDICAL .ASSOCIATION, 003 .Main .Street, Bu:tralo, N. Y. thing good in all religious clonominations, it is for self-cntertammcnt ; with certarn Br:i.udy and arom1ttic spirits of ammonia The treatment of many and · some of them evidently have more granted conditio.ns , of course. One of th.ese should be kept in every house ~'here there thousands of cases of those truth, and practice more virtue than others. is physical freedom and a few rnde ~nd ~tm- are a"od persons, ;J,S they are subJect to suddiseases pccullar to D ISEASES O F But considered purely from a natural stand- pie playthings, Agreeable occupation is as den ~ttacks of faintness, ancl both these VV 0 J..v.[ E JSr point, the doctrine of true hygiene is super- great a necessity for children as for adults, agents afforrl relief and help restore the cirWOME N. at the Invalids' Hotel 11nd .__ _ _ _ __. Surgical Institute, b as af- ior because it unites us on a common foun · and beyond this almost n_othing. can ~e con- culation of t he blood. Ipecac and mustard for everything in are inva.luable nauseants, the former in forded large experience in adu.ptlng remedies dation. For· this reason we may indeed tributed to the real happrness ot a child. t or their cui·c, and look unto pme hygiene as a preparatory " I try so hard to make my children hap- cases of croup, and the latter in cases of. school for ali true religion. vYo have, how- py !" said a mother, with a sigh one day, suspected, accidental, or oth~r poisoning. D R . P I ERCE 'S ever, not only the same common elements in despair at her efforts. It may here be added tluit copious draughts in our bodies, but also the same common or" Stop trying " exclaimed a practical of tepid or vomiting ensues, and the1·eafter gans. 'l'he great pump of the heart 'Y'·orlrs friend at her elb~w, "and do asa neighbor reapeatedly until the poison is supposed to b.e in the breast of the poor as well .as i~ ~he of mine does." thrown off, is a good remedy to uso until mighty king, and ca~ses the hfe·givmg ·.·And how is that?" R he asked, dolefully. tho help of a physician can b~ procured. ts the result of this o:cperlence. " Why, sho simply lets h er c.hildren gro~ !f .pai~1s are felt .in the bowels, g1ve c:op1ous It ts a powerful Hcsto1·atlvc T o nic stt-eam of the blood to circulate throul!h u.11 and Nerviu e , imparts vigoi· und strength the small and great organs of tho body. The and clovelop naturally, only directrng thell' lllJections of tepid water also, and rid the Their China Hall contains tlle Largest Assortment t o tl!e system, and cure8, us lf br magic, 1.~u lungs work nio-ht and day, while man is con- growth properly. She has a.I ways thrown system it1 both ways of the poison. . c orrhca , or "i.vh ltee" cxcossivo scious and u~onscious, in tho poorest la· them as far as practical, upon thefr own l l olvinl(, p ainfu l n ui n stru atlon, nu. How to Have Good Steak. natural supJ>ressions, 1>rola1> sns or borer and the simple mechanic as well as resou~ces, taught thorn to upon themfal ling of tho uteru s, ·weak bacII, in the highest lord, the millionaire, and tho selves-no matter how n:1any sen'ant~ she W e like good steak, and I will tell you auto vo1·sion, retrove1·siou , bearing. most renowned artist. Tho innumerable had-and to constrn< t ihetr own playthmgs. how to manage to get it in about twenty d o w n 11eu satious, ebronl e couges. tlonl i nfla 1nn1ation a n d u l cerafiou cells of the brain move in tho same manner When sh~ returns hom.e from '.I'll absenq,e ! minutes after the fire is li<Yhted 011 a cold or t 10 \vomb, h tl'lnnnnntl o u , pai n in the most ignorant school boy as in the they await hut one thrng- tb e1r mothers 1 winter's morning. "' and ten do r ue8s in o v a l'lcs, lntornal leM·rted professor who gains the apJ:>lausc of kiss. Whatever has been broug~t for them vVe burn wood. If we didn 't we wou ld to be found in the distriet. hea t, and "fenJ.ale 'vcakuess." It prnmptly relieves nnd cm·es Nau sea niru1 by his spirited lectures and £110 com- is bestowed when the needed time comes. burn enou"h to have steak. Tho fire is and W eak ne"s o f Sto nu1ch , · ndiges- positions. · . Nothing exciting is allowed to them. at lighted in t'he cook stove, an(l as soon as the '1on, Blo a ting, Nervous Pro s tration, Even if the products of those cells d iffer night, and they go to bed an~ to sleep m a , first few sticks of wood burn well down and and Slee1>lcs8ueH, i n e ither sex. according to their natural quality and tho wholesome mental state that msures restful the kettle is simmering two or three shovel· ~H 6 JlO'.l'TLES amount of pratice they have had, yot they slumber. They are taught to love nature, : f 1 f charcoal aro th~own in and in five "', I J"OR ljl6. 00. work according to ~he same natural laws; and to fool that there is nothing arrayed so !n~i~:tes we have the nicest bed' of live coals l ll 0 ld · h for The steak is thrown diSo l d by D r u ggist s. every' ';h or?· Send and, as far as the tissues of the muscles are finely as the lily of the field, the bees and ten cents in stumps for Dr. I ierce ll large concerned, it is. evident that the org.ans the butter~ies; that t~iere is ~othing soi~~1:tfouon ~~1se coais and· is turned rapidly Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated, whereby they are produced, work a g1c;J,t mean as a he, nor anythmg so m1Serable as ·u ~couple of long toasting forks till done bette~· in: tho. poor former, .';'ho spcn~s disobedience; that it is a disgrace to be sick ;';s~it. It is very little cost and less trouble, ](ING S TREET, World's Dispensary Medical Association, deal BOWM.A.NVILLE. most of hrs tho fres? a.u , than Ill and that good health, good teeth and good I Charcoal costs onl, fifteen to twenty-five 663 M ain Street, BUFFA LO, N . Y. the sago wh.o 1s most~y occupied 111 sedentary temper come from plain food, plenty of sleep cents per bushel, aiid a bushel lu,sts a long work m a rich mansion. . and being good." time for this ur 080 Ignorance with reference to practical hyIn order to thrive, children require a corho h!s Jwa 's eaten steak fried in 0 giencwhich not only reprcsei~tsthetheory bt~t tain amount of "letting alone." Supreme j lardn~: skillet has let to learn what really Bilious HendaclJ.c, but als~":ces th~ ~ractical usc of tlua I faith in the mother, few toys, no finery, ood beef is. The avera"o boarding house D izziness; Const_ipa- +,heory m life, 1s the rn c not ?°;l;r among., tho I p lain food, no drugs and early to bed are ~ook has a p eculiar rule fur cooking steak. ti o n, ln<li gesti on, iteathen bu t also amo!lg tho c1 y ihzed nations the best things for making them happy, When she gets up in the morning she puts a "lump of lard tho size of a walnut in a cold , ::~~~1~1i~!~dA~;1"t~: of the earth, among the workmg classes as Pierce' s pJ e a s a n t well as among tho higher classes. 'l'_he Wonderful Nerve. skillet puts tbo steak in on top of that and P u rgat ive Pollete·. 2li heathen and civilized classes who work prmA fow days ago Isaac Lane, ti well-known anoth~r lump on the steak, puts the skillet cents a vial. bY Dr uggists. cipally with their hands, do indeed develop d' ·i t fM t I' l fl " - - - - -- -··· --- --their muscles, but ne.,alect sadly tho nervous £armor, resi . mg ono .mt e wes. o 01;111 .its.tie ire. 011 the sto,,e, and ~hen %,1 Healthy, Ohio, met w ith an accident wluch 1 If the fire were hghted tirst it would break · system with its great Mrd import;i.nt cei.itor, threatened to encl his life. He was out the charm.' If yon would cook steak in a the brain, w)lich is the seat fot· all spiritual in tho barn, when h e fell on tho _Prong~ of skillet have it (the skillet) smoking ho~, pnt CONCERNING development. And the higher· classes,devel· a pitchfork, which penetrated his leg JUSt in the steak without any grease, turn it five op indeed the mi~d, or the finer ?rgans of, below tho thigh. 'one of the pronus was times the first ten seconds, and after that tho brain, but, with a few exc<:ptrnns, t.hey broken off in his leg, as he supposed. Two . turn it often, and you will have a good, fair neglect to deYelop their muscles p r oportion- physicians were summoned, who mad e. an steak; but not as good as broiled on the atoly Nature demands that all organs of d b t ti f 1d b d h 11 b developed alike examination of the woun , u iey a1 e coals. : 1 h. . . to locate the piece of steel. They probed the t re uman o Y s ou ( e. . ... as much as possible, and t lus is a eondition b Id d' th' dR · .._ of true happiness in this life. small opening, ut cou IScover. no mg Teste ece1pts. and at once came to the conclusion that 1 bl 1 f f )> d esires to enjoy tho no ost P, easuros? .1 e Mr Lane was mistaken. 'fhoy insisted BACHELOR s PrrDDING.-F our ounces of and its highest happi~1ess, will. do that the brok en pro·' " must be somewhere breacl·crumbs, two ounces of currants, fouf well to giyo heed to tho teachrng of hygiene in the bi1rn and sod:o of tho boys on the ounces of choppedb ~p l ptlhes, t'\\l'O ouncseut od Twenty-five cents extra will be charged wh en accounts run ~ both the t heoretical and the practical. place were 'sent to look for it, but they sugar, two eggs ; 0 1 ree 10urs. e could not find it. Mr. Lano persisted that sugar to be strewn over. ' Novel Remedy for Asthma,. the piece of fork was still. in his leg which BucKWHEAT CAKE'!.-Set a . batter the over one month. ;;::a. A story comes to us well authenticated was swollen and very piunful A day ~r night befor e according to the size of the about a man, livin~ at De~by Neck, who has two after the occurr?nce Mx:. Lane put his family. Use one-half ·cake compressed )> for years been afihcted w1~h asthma so as at hand on the under side o~ his log a:n~ felt '. and one tablespoonful moi assos tmd one ~ea " times to render life very mISerable. For tl~e some hard substance. 'Yithout w a1trng to I spoonful salt. Set them man. earthen dish. .... last two or three months he has been spec1~ , summon a doctor he, with remarkable for- : Leave a little batter every tune, and that ILi ally under the rod of afflictioi:i .from this . titude, took his knife and cut a hole in the . will be sufficient~ rise them with one·h alf cause. One recent day a lady. v1a1tor from place whore the h~rcl. s~bstance seeme!1 to b:. teaspoonful soda m t~e batter ~v<:Jry morn· "· an adjacent town told of a fnend who had H e made a deep 111c1sion and, runnmg lm inrr just as you are gomg. to fry them. : been cured by standing against a boa:d fingers into the open~ng, caught hold of LAMB HAGOUT,-Chop cold mutton or veal partition and having a. hole bo1~ed ther ?m something and pulled it ?ut. lt proved to very fine, season with pepper, salt and half n is the onlv preparation in t he world that at the patient's exact heigl1t and mto which be the prong of tho pitchfork, and wa· I cupful milk. Chop an onion also ver y fine, w ill do what i8 claimed tor it. It has produced luxuriant growths of hair on bald heads where a/ortion of the hair of tho head was plugg- over six inches in length. It had taken ,a 1 brown with a spoonful lard and stir into the bBidneas baa exieted for year s. It has restored 0 and then cut off. A few days aft':rw~rd dia<Yonal course and eluded t~e surgeo1_1 s mince. Boil potatoes in proportion to the tho color imd vigor to numerous crops of gray a son of the gentleman r:fer:ed. to, thmking . probe.. Mr Lane a:t once cx~ene~ced relief uantity of meat you have; mash them and f:td,\'d hair. It has relieved hun dreds ot persons of disagreeable Dandruff and has sa~cd there might be so~etlu_nf( m it, Jlersnaded a~1d will S~Oll be. himsc;lf agmn. The pluck :i'mooth and season w ith butter, pepper a~d many w lien hair was fil.lllng, from bccouung his father to t ake his, posit ion a~iimst a par- displayed m actmg .Ins. own su~geo°: has , salt. Line vour dish with potatoes, pnt rn tition for a trial of the " ~ure, all tho c?n- challenged the adm~rat10n ~f h~s fnonds 1the mince ai;d cover with potatoes except a ba~ Remember these facts and if your hair is di:ions of wh~ch were faithfully complted 1 ~ncl the strange accident, with its result, ·place in the middle as large as a saucer. tailing out and becoming thin, get a bottle ~t once a nd save the growth, or you may _ losA it with. 'I'hat mght the old gentleman, who 1s the talk of Mount Healthy. Beat the yelk of an egg and pour over the ~ _m.llJI potatoes. Bake for half an hour. ~ forever. Ask your druggist for HAIR MAGI C is a prominent membe1· of tl~o Methodist and take n othing else. , Church , says that he hsIept qdnie.tlyt fordthe The Orloff Diamond. BEEF Lou' -Chop very fine or have ll!ir A. DOHENWEND, Sole Man ufacturer, To· first 1e, an Ill' ·wo ays time in a lona w 1 b' h . · . t cl f arse ronto. and to date fouud l1imself apparently cured. This magnificent gem, which in its rough your u t c er mmce .'V:~ p~~f1 so co lt' --state formed the eye of an idol in a temple, lean beaf. Season sp~ci y w1 1 peppe~-, ~a , UIGG I NBO'l 'H A'lU & SON , C rpulency near Ti·ichinopoli was stolen by a French· 1 nntmeg, summer savo1y or swoe~ md1Jo1~m, AGENTS FOR BowMANVlLLE. . o ' . man who escaped with his prize to Persia and a cautious sprinklmg of mmce . omon. Prof. Kisch has recently collected statis- , d' h fearfulofbeiug discovered was glad Beat two ecms light ancl work up with the tics on ' the frequency of sudden <le_ath , :: d; ~~o of his ill-gotten .gear fo; a sum of mass. Pre~~ bai·cl into a bowl, fit the saucer When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, amongst extrem.ely stou~. p~rson.s. In n~ne: abou! $l0,000. T h e man who bnnght the or plate (inverted) upo~1 ,the . meat and set teen .:ases of tlus occur~euce, acu~e con.,es t , Jowisb merchant sold it to one 1 a dripping p an of hmlmg water to cook tion of tho lungs was .dis~ovcrocl ~n twelve, · ~l~:f~·~s a an astute Armeni~n, for $o0,000. · slowly for an hour and a qu?-r~cr. J,ay a cerebral l~cmorrha7~ m six:', an~ ruptur e o~ ! Shafras' had concoivcd the ide>1 that hy weight on the surface when it rs d?ne and I the hea.rt lll one. Ihe apop.ectic sympto~ns I . . . t i e stone to Russia he would let it rrot perfectly cold before turnmg out. I were t~ac:'d . ~'~ m~st of the cases,. to artern~: I ~t1;.J::1gfro1:1 tiie Empress Catharine the Cut perpendicnlat· slices. . Try it once, you will use no other. scle10,1s a 'r1Y freqRnt ;oncof1;{an~e~~·teis Great" princely sum for it. How to travel j Rnrnox CAKl·:.- \Vhite part: l"lutes of treme ct·~rpu en cy. k ' up ufretlo iells of the : in safety with the st,one, the theft of which ci; ht B<Y"S, one cup of butter, two cupfuls 1 " clue to ne ovorwor -rn()'s o ie wa " 0 ouprn lllcUOL L B ROS. & CO'Y , T ol'onto - l 1 l · I1 1 cl · tl had of course b een cl' tscovere d and pro· , su <Yar four s flour, one cup fu1 sweet 1 left v~ntyc et. w nc demg ~:~ ~~~ ~~ claimed became a grave consideration. It mUk one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls flatty u~fi trn 10n: "~ize i11 egpe1;~1poi~~io~ to the was too'largc to swallow, and no mode of crel1~ tt:trtar. Dark part : Yelks eight Importance of Reading. Such Lamentable Ignorance. onger mcre~se lll · ' concflalment presented itself to Shafras that e s two cupfuls sugar, three cupfuls flour, . . · · extra work it has to perform. The failure · 'd f d' . '[] e W"Y gg · f t 'lk tv.·o te"spooofuls N matter how obscure the pos1t10n ill life Sir Astley Cooper relates the following 0 , . t b th · · seeme secure rom iscovery. 1 w one cup n1 swce ml , '" . 'f l t Continues to do a Generul Banking Bnsinesb of het.trt-power appears a1ways. o e e im- 11 . h'ch he solved the problem was rem ark· 1 I d fo r teaspoonfuls cream tartar half ' of an individual, i he can rea~' 1 ie may' ad anecdote of an Irish c;J,ndidate before the eBi> wmanvilh· Branch. cause of death, "'.h1ch genor'.111Y 1 iH , le a cleep incision in the ~o a, uf 1 each of cloYes nutmeg an:l cin- · will put himself in the best society th~ worl exa.mining board of the London College of D Ii~~· SI 'I'S '1follows i~med.ia.tely a~ter v10lent cxertton, ' ftes~;y pa~t left leg in which he in· I n:':~~~~ono!e pouud citron 'one pound raisins. has 'ever seen. He may conYers~ hw1w ~f e Surgeons- " 'What is a simple and what is a or excess rn drmk or diet. 'I serted the stone, closing the wound carefully Bake i~ layers, and pnt 'the following icing , grc.atest. heroes of the p~st; ~[1\naa lea:~ compound frp.cture ?" asked the examiner. l.ooelved ln Savings Bank Depe.rt.montand 0 Y f . The reply was, " A simple fracture ia when ian and interest allowed at current rat es. No --by sewing it up with silver thread. When between : Whites of six eggs, two pounds · wnters 1_n p1ose and po~tiy. 118 1ot!o0 of_withdrawal necessary. All deposits Ca,ncer. the wound healed tho Armenian merchant I SU"ar and one grated cocoanut. how to lrve, how to avoid ~e e.rrors ~ 1 t a bone is broke, and a compound fracture when it's all broke." Sir Astley asked hin1 payable on de'.,11a,nd~ ~ , Cancer is defined to be "an ulcer of the set out on his travels quite boldly, an~ al· SNOW CAKE.-Th1eo-fourths cupful but-\ pred~c~ssoTst aii~ t~elfcmlle ::~~:~FJ:~~na whitt he meant by" all broke." "I mean,' EX CH.A .NCx E very worst kind, with an uneven surface, I though more than once itpprehenclecl, r~~OI" t er two cupfu!M white sugar, beaten to a :rid ~ t~e, 0 fm ti habitations of man· he replied, " broke into amithe_r.e ons." ~, 3011 ·htandaoldand Drafts issued upon Europe ' and. rag&ed nncl edges, which sprc;ads \ ously searched, and even tortnr~d a ~it~le, cre~m ; one cu1iful of milk, one cupful corn - i;~~itt~~:w:Ke:::~~ ~~man eye looks upo~ to ask him what was smithereens. Jm~ed States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and 1 ra:piclly. ' 1:he rn~hvidnal who can relieve he was ohdu.ratt:>'. and firml;i: demed ~avmg starch, two cul?fuls of flour, . two heaprng him with 'affection or interest, where 110 ventured Jnited Sta.~es Greenbacks bou11:ht and s old, tins dread disease is the one above all others the stone m las. posses.s101~, Havmg at teaspoonfuls bakmg powder; mix cornstarch, h . ers him with the animating He turned upon me with an. intense expression of sympathy upon his countenance. 1 1 C1 O I J ECTI O:NS sought, As to treatmen~, never use the length re~ched his clestmat:o.~1 he askec~ i flour ancl baking powder together, .add to . t nma~J~~c~~s books to road, h e can never "You don't know what ' smithereens' is knifo. I have known qmtc a number of fr~m tho hmpreEs the sum ot $2~0,000 for j the b utter aml s ugar alternately with the bonef, H . choose his company and Then I gin you up l" " " ' Promptly,made.M current mtes upon all pe.r sufferers who submi.tted to excision, but have , th~ gom, an a~1ount of 11'.~ney which Cath- milk; lttstly add.whites of seven o~gs beate!1.1t~eas~~~~ct ofci::!~ersation, and thus be~omo .l( Grfi1;1,t, Dr;ttMn, the United States and D~ 1 novor heard of a smgle cure. One man I , arme was unable to ra1~e at t,lie moment. stiff. :Flavor with almond. l cmg : l301l 1 t tJ cl d I . PIJ" intelligent wise and The c levoti'ons of · young man attending a . rank in'the world I knew who submitted to five operations hy We next find the Armeman at Amsterdam , two cupfuls su,,ai· in one-half cupful water condenH hn ~a ·· minion ofCanadn. 1 1 its in the best sense' prayer meeting in one of the churches in 'j'eh~e-1·apl1 'l'rant1t"cr"' 1 · knife for ·cirrhns of chee'k, wl10 is now in a' with the intention of having his diamond cut \ until it becmn:s a thick syrup; < pour this I good b. et u~ ede\ aeuedse 0 11 · ' cl' · · seen JJ y Count Orloff while . hot over t h cw1 'tes of t wo eggs b oa t . ·an ' St. Mary's the other night f '1 or small sums on. all pvrt3 oi dymg con it 10n, Imvmg, as Iie su,ys, l rnon II . ere tlle s t one was ' . · 11 I f tl ecomes fi. t . m . ep ortance ' of the department . th l were f diattll'becl h' t 10 IS m rn~p p,ad·a_:r ·}L.~: ts especially advantngeous to made worse by t he treatm ent. He has no who detcl'mined to purch11se it for pre- en stiff ]Jeat together until thick and cold; 1 ' by a mouse runnml? up e cg o rs p c m s p~~~ns.!lvh·R' in Malllto1!" or the Ncrth·weel ; confidence in anythi1115 n?w. There aro a sentati?n to ~tis royal m ist;ess, the F.1:npros~ flavor ~ith vanilla. a broad knife in of school educa 1011' while he was pa it ·nalws the fonds a.va1la.ble at onot> at ihe 1a greM many remedies m use for cancer . Cathanne. rhe sum u~tunate'.y pfl.rcl for water and smooth the 1cmg on cake. A reward of $00. 1~ offered by the Town. place ot payment. that have no doubt proved valuable. 'l'J~c the gem was about $3?0,000 11~ cr1 .sh, toSir Stafford Northcote's first considerable ship of West Gv:1ll!mbnry for the. apprelfor farther pat·.tioulan call 11.t the 13nnk1%.!4i extract of sheep sorrel is good. So also is toget her with an anmuty of $000 and a f t' . . tl ]' . l'te ary product'on was a pamphlet most l hension and . convict10n of tho p'l.rties that Jionae. chromic ticid. The chlorides of ~inc and patent of nobility. Shafras fiourished ex'fhe true glory o .a na io.n 18 m ie i~rng 1bl r' d hrillh~tly v indicating Mr. Glad- have been commiWng thefts in the munici. 1 · ROl>IE, · GEO. McGILL, chromium mallo into a paste ancl applie.d C3~din~ly and died a millionaire: Such, in i temple of ~ loyal, ~.ndzstnous a.ncl upught : ~to~c~ ~lministration a.s Colonial Secretary. pwlity within the last twelve months, Ma,n~~er. , locally until the last vestige of t ho cancer is brief, 1s the story of the Orloff cllamond. ' peoplo.-E. P. Whipp e. · Invalids 'Hotel §SurgicalInstitute taken ou.t, s9ml),:cs. Bnt these remedies rri1ist· oo used before tile ly'.inp1iatid"sys' tern has heeome . involved, as, after that occurs; it is doubtfu. l if.any treatment will .be beneficial. · · It matters not what is done tho general health of the pittient. must he attended to. The vegotahle alteratives with chloride of gold is tho best. \Vt ite turpentine has au excellent r epl.ltation, and I hiwe known case~ reported cured by its u se. But as I IHJNe ~aid, it must be used before the ly mpha.r.ics l;>ecome involved. So you see the impor.tance of c1frly. treatment. . . . Cancer is both a local f Lnd constitut10nal disease. The cancer germ may remain in the system a whole lifetime and not make its local appearance ; but let a cancerous patient rcciovo a blow upon the face, liIJ or hefLd and .the disease will th()n present a local aspect. The pipe stem often provokes it. HOUSEH OLP. , ... .... .... , .. .·., Emergency Ba,e; and Medicine Ohest. . At t h e leading est ablishme.nt of the Practical F urrier; IVL~ · lv.[AY E-J:"'t, In F O R I.... A D IES : FOR G ENTS :· OUR FIELD O F SUC C ESS. J ackets-Doln1anettes, Capes , Caps and Muffs in great variety. · D 'V A large stock of Fur Coats in Russian L amb, Bokarian and Coon, in a ll prices, Sleigh Rob es by the dozen, and Caps of all descriptions. In Gent's Furnishings-the best stock of Underwear, Ties, Braces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. JY-r:. M: .A...Y- E R :7 -GO ,;;,_1 u ,/ . tl 0 c 11 B r o s. or Favorite Prescription I STAPLE AND FAN. CY (CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS & GLASSWARE) HIGHEST MARKET PRICES 1or a PRICE $I 00 I 11 k " d I s f F arm p r,o d u ce, Bu t t er, E ggs, & c. VI QTQRIA BUILDINGS, I SICK· HEADACHE, M~DOUGALL & METCALF, FAe rr s i a r e offering Coal as follows : Dr. DORENWEND'S I --- Stove and Chestnut, ..................$6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 t<C LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. CJ a: 0 I I I I I McDOUGALL & METCALF Far me r s' I I L A R B E ST Use McColl Br os, & Co.'s Celebrated. Threshers and Mi II men, D JI N E M A C H I N E 0 I L. TN T H E T HE W 0 R L D. iii" I - TH -·E ----ON rrARIO BANK :r; I l I · J. 'b · · v: 1 I FAMILY SAFETY & SUN LIGHT Coal Oil. I I l bi"" rr:,£\iia l I 1 I I I t' I I°

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