' . BUSINESS CHANGE ! Having sold to.J. J. MASON the stock and_ good-will of the business former ly known as Mason Bros'., w e can confidently recomni.end our late customers to continue t.beir p atronage, believing they will b e f airly a nd squarely t reated. ,M ASON BROS. In conn ect ion with the above we d esir e t o say t hat it is our intention t o carry on the Clarke Township News. Oron o N ews. K en d 111l B"nd at tended the Blackst ·1ck procession 011 M on day n ight, 21st Fel>. AMONG THE INDIANS.--"While my }to sband was t rading in furs h e came across an Indian who was tak en to his todgo to die. He h e.d in ward pain s and pain s in all h is Jim bs. H e gave SQmfl Yellow Oil internally and applied it externally, and cured h i m. It also cured my h usband of rhenmatism,and I find it val uable for cough s a nd colds, sore t hroat, et c." Mrs. A . .l:leahaw, Cook's M ills, Serpent River , Ont. T he Orono N ews says edit orially : Th e severest contest t hat has e ver tak en place in West D urh am bas culminated in th e return of the Hon. E dw ard Blake by a major ity of 116 votes. D ar lington and Clarke worked wit h a strong deter minat ion to el ect their man, and tne r esult seems to agree pretty closely wit h t h e figures of the Central Reform Com mittee previous to pc1llin1? day. The small maj ority i n Ca rt wrigh t is a l!uprise to b oth parties, not a fow supposing i t du o to t h e action of t.he Conser vat ives to wards l\1r. Blake on his recen t visit to that t ownsh ip. B RAIN WoRK r equires fo r its successful an d plea sureable pursuit a full, uniform and cont inu0us sllpply of p ure, rich blood to the brain . If t hrough t he torpidity of the liver, the blood becomes fo tJl with bil e, t ho b rain is poisoned and over stimulated with the excess of blood which the h ear t send s to it with frant ic impulses. Dizzin es s, hMviuess, loes of memory. imp ossibili ty of application t o any k ind of work, r eveal tlrn trn i h. To relieve th is and prese1·ve not only t he brain but the whole ~ystem in the b est working o rder, D r. Pierce's " Gelden Medical D iscovery " will be foun d in va.hmblo . -T:::S: E - - DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING BUSINESS 111 all its branches, a nd to offer to our customers he latest styles combined with good value and moderate p rices. H aving secured t h e stock at a Very Great· Sacrifice I we are prepared to_sell at far less t han the original wholesale prices. All desiring to secu r e bargains should cal at once. We have also opened out Several Thousand Dollars' W"orth of New Good s, And solicit the public's inspection an d comparison, as we are confid ent by combining the Dry Goods and J ewelry Business a nd thus r educing expenses, we are in a position to undersell all ,our competitors. Mr. S. W. MASON, who remains with us, will be pleased t o see all his old customers. J. J. IYIASON. Bowm::mville, l<'ebruar y 8, 1887. 6-ly --J. HIGGIN B OTH AM & SON, PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, Thos. H enderson, Kirby, r ecently h ad a valu able colt gored by a cow. ASTHMA.-Persons who ha ve s nffered ft·r years wi th Asthm a. will find a quick r elief and cure in tho dvu ble t reatment of Sout hern Asthma Cure_ Mrs. William Colter, N tlwcastle, who h as b een dangerously ill, is i mprovinj?. W ealth or social position was n ot a safe guard against bt>iug s worn on el ection day. .MA.NY PERSONS Sumnm frnm impure breath and suppose it comes from a di sordered stomach. In many caseR the actual ca use is Cata rrh. :N aaal Balm will .r emove the cause, an d cure. W e note with pleasure t hat Mra, Moses Cowan, who has been very ill for some time is recover ing nicely aga.in. Mi~s S tark, of Starkville, is engaged to t ake char ge of Cowan villti school for the year ; school opens .M>tr ch 1st. TAilfA.RAC.--Fl!rB oarsen ess an d !tllBronchial troubles that usually effecG public speak ers, 'l'am,uacElixer will give speedy r elitif. 'l'ry it. Hecen t visitors t o O ron o : M r. H arry Armstrong, 'l' oronto; Mr. W m. Jewell, Oshawa ; M r. J ohn M owat, Oakville ; M r. E. and Miss W ilson, P enytown . C11.1TrcISM. - A lady in Brook ville stated -1 was induced to t ry Nasal B alm for a long stand ing cold in my h ead th at was pronounced Cat arrh. '!'h e Balm gave i mmediate relief a ud permanently cured me. It was so pleasan t a nd agreeable t o use t h111ot 1 tir st th ough t it '11 0 good.' I now use it with my children for colds and stoppages of th e n as al passages. Mr. J. G i\bank, M r. W. P atterson 1111d Mii;s McMi.llan, of Clar k e , h ave been visiting i n the vicinity of Yelver ton, !lfau~ vers. · FROM MANITOBA.- l n a l etter from \,he J ames Irwin, B ea.verCreek , Manitob · say&, " I was taken ill l ast summer with a. very severn pain i n my b ack. By using one bott le of Ha.gy1 ird's Yellow Oil I was comp1etely cnred _" Yello w Oil also cures !u m ba.go, rheumatis1 n nnd all ext tirna.l and int-erna.l pains. The w .o mau 's Christian Tem,perance Union .o f Or«mo sent a very frfon dly lett er of H ympathy to Mrs. F . L. An<lr lls after t he death of her daugh ter, by,drown ing.. A GooDN.AME.-The best recommenda· tion of anyt hing is its popularit y where it lu.s been l ODf.(!lSt known. 'l'hrougholl t t h e Domiu ion of Canaua there is no more effectual medi cine for coo!lhs, cold s, hoanene~s, sore throat, bronchitis and asthma, than Hagy ard's P ectoral B alsam, for sale liy dr-uggis ts. R f>v. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, t ogether with t he R ev . E . Roberts, of Bowma n~· illt1, will a ddre-ss a public meeting in t he Methodist church, Oronv, on Thursday, March 10th, on Educ<J.tional interests, wit h sp ecial reference to the federation of Colleges. R E Fr.ARED No F oB. -Nero fiddled when Rom~ was burning. Ma.ny n ow-a.days seem equally indifferent to danger by th e manner in which t h ey negl ect illh ea.lth. If t ak en in time, t h er e is ~carccly a chronic disease which Burd ock B lood Bitter s will not eradica.to by its pu rifying, regulat in g powers. West End Houes -WISHES YOU THE- Call at the \ V EST END !-IOUS E bet ween -this and 'Xmas for bar. . gains In Dress Goods---Great Reductions. ei~~e ~C!!.~ ~~~"~ ~~e. SPECIA.J, ATTENTION should a lways b e given to t h e h air and scalp. There is not hing nicer than a good head of hair. ln case of baldness wh en t he roots al'e n ot all gone, Dr. D orenwend 's Great German H air M agic. will produco a luxuriant gr owth of h air ; it will r e·tore all grey and fad ed h air to its origind color and vigor ; it stops all fallin g ou t of t he hair an d rem oves ul l traces o f dan druff. A litt le of t his great p repar ation used once in a while will k eep th o scalp in a h ealthy condition and ma ke t he h air aoft ,pliant and ~u tiful. .A.D or en wend, sole manufact urer , 'l 'oron to. J. Hig~in both am & Son , agents for Bowmanvi lle. we will send yon free. aomrthing of great vulue and impor tance to you. tho.t will sturt you in business which will brin~ yon Jn more .nythmg else in this money ri'!ht a w ay than B world. Any one oan do the work und Jive at home. ll:lther sex ; all ages. Somethin g new, that j ust coins money Cor all workers. We will start you ; capital not needed. This is oi..e of the genuine. important classes of a life'ime. Those who aro a.mbitiooe aud enter· prising w ill not delay. Grand outfit free. .address THU!!: & Co ., Augllata., Maine. 11?"1\. Ti'B ~ "ll~'ri!rli')P,~·D "V? Counties' Council. F ollowing are the standing Committees for 11187. }' INA.NCE. -J as. P an ·, Ca rtwrigh t, Chairma11; M essrs. M.acou o, Seymour; J . J. McKee, Cart w righ t: Ferguson, S. E ., Cavan; 'l '. H . H a ncock, Darlington; Ken · n edy , Manvers ; Purser, Hamilton ; Geo. P iggott, B owro.anville ; C. W . Smith, Darlington ; G rosjean, H r1l dima.ud. ScHooLs.- Mallory, Per cy, Oh a.irman ; h ol m, M urray! Messrs Dyer, H ope; ChriB L ong , Clarke ; T hack er ay, Alnwick ; Cro n ter, Brighton ; Gillespi e, Cam pbellford ; B oyce, P e1 ·cy; Thos. S male, Darlington ; Wcs tini( ton, H a milton . CouNTY PnorERTY.-Grimson, H aldiroand, Chairmau ; Mesina. T, .Burden, Bowman ville; P ay ne, Colborne; Elliott, Bowman, H a milton ; W oller, H ope; Brigh ton ; Sargen t , Haldimand; R on ey, Orama.h e ; J. 0 , Thornton,Clarke; Welch, H op e . R oADS AND BRtoGEs.- Ferguson , A ., Milbrook , Chairman ; M~ssrs. P eake Seymour; Star k , Clark~ ;Smith. Brighton; P ickw or t h , Crnmah"; F owld s, H astings; Clarke, Ma11vers; Riddell, S. M onaghan ; Th orndykl3, Cavan. Mack lam, :Brighton ; M ay, M urray . CoNTINOENCIEH . - Pay ne, Colborne, Chairman; M i.llor y,P ercy; J .l'a.rr, Car twrigh t ; H.Elliott, H ope ; G rimi son,Haldi mand ; Crouter, B r igh ton ; Gillespie, Cam bellford; CABINET PHOTOS N OW FOR - M0NEy ~~ger~~~~'itct~t ~~'.s ~~~ $2.5 0~R Doz: Best qualit y taken in all kinds of weather --- o --A 'l '- a.11 olaesea with employmen t a.t h ome. t he whole or t he time. or for their spare moments. Dusinese n"" · light and profl table. Persona ot either sex easily earn from 5-0 cents to $ 5 por evening, and a proportional sum by devoting all their time to t h o business. Boys a.nd girla earn nearly ae much lits men. That all who see th is may 8end tboir "'dd ,e ss , a.11d test t h e b u sln...a. ;-.e make t hi11 oft'er, '.l' o ·mch as a r c not well ·atiefted we tVl!I send one dollar to pa.y fo1· thti troubl~ of writing. J~ull particulars anct outfit free. Address GEOltGE STINSON & Co.. Portland,Maine. Wor~m~ Classes Attention!~15~ MI ~ M~~ON'S, BOWMA N-VILLE. T N. B .- Cheap ]fancy G.ood-s in great variety. A fine stock of the Newest and Nobbiest OLO T ::E-I ~t -7 in town arrived at t h e SOOTHING, ClEANSINO, HEALINO, ' It Cures I About S e ed Drills. CATARR H, Cold in Head, ·~ . 1Ecli·p Is t he Rig h t P l ace to buy D r u gs . We keep the best and sell at moderate prices. · ----o- -WE H AVE ON H AND: H air B rush es and Combs, B inge's Cough Syrup, Toilet Soaps, Rose Glycerole, Perfumery, Corn Cure, Chamois, a v:{.Ic~~rge Imperial Dentifrice, Sponges, &c. Camphor Ice, - - - -o---- P rairie . F lower Condition Powder and Pure Ground O il Cake. . . Bowman ville, Febl'uary" 1, 188G. - AT· - TOD BROS. Big Bargains in Dry ·Goods for the next 30 days. ----o ---- M asers . -Mas()n & Stollery have St!cured A Newcastle cor respon dent writing the the right t o i ntroduce and sell in this viN ews says of the Blackstock processi on : cinity a n ew sty lo of Com bined B roadcast 'fh ll music of th e bands on Mond ay n ight Seeder & Drill, which is a ttr acting conwas well received, but a great mistake -sidernble a tt ention from the farmers. l t was made by a band p laying·t ho "Protes- is a p urely C1 .na.d ian invent ion , and ie actant Boys," which cast a. reflection on knowledged to be y eitra in advance of its many of our electors. The ·t orches looked competitors in poin ts of durability, con handsome as t h ey ascended the hill where venience and draft. As au illus tration of 9 horseback riders an d l !J6 cutters were its convem en ce we m ay say th e feet or counted . hoes on this drill, can be regulatt>d as to H IGH LITING, - H igh living is unqu est- t he d epth they shall go into the eart h , ionably bad for the liver , b ub wh ether instant ly and aU at once, the same as tiltfrom t ha.t or other eaui1es, the liver b e- ing a single r eaper or mower .. I n foct comes d eranged , the b est cure for liver t he operator can tilt t h em all t o g o d eep complaint or biliousness, is ihat standard or shallow in l.ias time an d with gr tiat er medicine for sale by druggists, Bttrdock ease than on e sin gle foot or h oe ca n be B lood Bitters . R e member B. B. B. is adjnsted on any oth er seeder, and it c!ln the special trade mark of this medicine. be d one while the horses are ~otng and A correapond en t from K ir by writes without withdrawin g th o feet from t h e s ease when h e says: " N ow that t h e elec- ground . The arl v.mt~ges of all this is tions are ornr the bitter Jeeling which that i n some place~ are h ard and otl1ers was b eginning t o cr op up b et ween th e sof~, t he @perator 18 en able_d t o put t he two political p arties, we h ope for the ben- gram t ~e samo depth, which c 11oni:ot be efi t 1:,f a ll, will bo allowed q uietly t o sub- i d one wi th a_ny oth er seed~r. It will p ay side. That we shall h ear n o m ore of with- ' a ny yersou rn n eed o.f a d rill to call and drawing patronage; and tha.t in th e so- see lt be fore_pu rchas1~ g. It h !U! nu~1er cial parties, a number of which are to t ake o:us other pomts s_u per10r _ a nd non e mfeplaca sho:rtly. 'rory and Grit will again nor, to other dnll11, "'.Juch the ag·m~s j oi n hands and Jauuh over th e past few would be glad t o ex:plarn. Oue on exh1week~ ." " bi t ion, call on, F . H. M ASON, P1toIUBITI-ON AND P oLITICs.-'rhe ontiOffice, Thompson & Co's. Harnesu Shop, liquor q u tsti on is a strong plan k i n t he Bowmanville . political platform, and one safe to Jay hol d of. All intoxicatin g beven\ges are s~.fest wh en let alo11e, even in medi ciue. Burdock Blood B itters is not a bar beverage, but a strict ly pure medicine, r elia ble for diseases of th e st omarh, liver , l bowels, kidneys and blood, ttnd will n ot 1 aid in m aking d runkards. Our old fri en d, Mr. F red W . Trull, M.D . ,i ~ now i n California, and is con nected with the Pacific Sanitarium, 808 'l'wenty-foll r th St., San Francisco. This is owned and conducted by A . O'L eary, M. D ., l <red W . Trull, M.D ., and I. C. Anthony, :M:. D . It is said to be "A p leasant H ome for the care and t reatment of ln valids ." We wis h Fred success in his n ew und ertaking. H e is r eady and anxious to give all his C;.n adian friends a h earty welcome and good tre11otment at t he Sanitariuw . AsTONif'BlNG ~F CC P ss. - Jt iR t hfl tl. uty o[ every persou who h as ustd Boschee's p 0 gu - HAY FEVER. S TOPS _ O U S& The clothing , a::i usual, cut by the only first-class cutter in town. Young M en, Bachelors and Widower s, ·M E N'S F URNISHING H O U SE. W. H. I VE S. GREAT~-- Will g·1vc a Please to call and insp ect oar Hal f' D o zen eheap overcoats. Silver Plated '1.'ea Spoons with ~very Wecldin g R ing· h e s ell s d111·ing· b.isCl earing Out S ak. w Ba rg ai n~s - I NREtHUE'S SEED S AllE TM E BEST; IUl n stratt>d 4Jatnlogue i'o r 1881 Containing descriptlonand prices of the choicest Fl ELD AND CARDE N SEEDS Mailed free. Evary Parmer ;:i.nd C ardonor 'houlcl have a. copy bofore ordoring- S<..'t.'<is fo r tho coming se.·s;on. .J (:mUsum '..!:.t C;<Ltal o..:uc: published in Canada M illinery and Fanc~v Goo ds~ ,. A :\i EW AN D HIGH LY IMPORTANT BOOK. SELLl'NC O F F AT C OST F OR 30 D A Y S. POPE LEO X III. The Jl<>olc for w l al c h the ll'l: olto l Vorlcll' a·~test1mt and Cnt.holic nllk e- Jt:tve bccm anxllmsJy ' ' 'nltlng. LIF EAN DLABORSOF MRS. AND! ERSDN over 6,0 - 0 0,000 P !.:OPLE us~ LARGE ST SEEDSMUI it. the toorld. · --_-- -· -- · - FERRY'S SEEDS D. M. F ERFl'\' & C0 1~ ntadratetl, ~,.... Before s tock -taking we shall clea r the balance of our wi1 1ter stock AT COST. Call and inspect,it will be to your advantage. TOD BROS. Q -.- .i " .n: .;n,.. Dar 0 <>iu 0 a t tlrn diui;oluti.~n of p::i.: tnerohip b S:ik, b leached an<l unb_ l_e:i.cbed ()ot,t cns worth eleve n cents sel Jrng for . d ll l e Fla nnel eigh t. cents p er yar > a woo · gr Y & for C\<'h teen cents per yard. Hobe1·tson j ----~- -- --- - -- ·· - - - - - - - Germ an ~ymp to let it s won derful qllaJi. t ies be known t o t hl'ir friends i n cur ing Consu mption , severe Coughs, Or oll p, Asth ma, P neu monia, an d in fact all t hi'Oat. and lung disfrn1<es. No pet'HOTI C!lll A gc11t ~. us" i\ wi thou t; iminediate r..Iiof. Tht·re A pushing tLnd b 1eUi;,:ent represcntal!ve wanted in every town and township In the doses will relieve any ease, and we con· Dominion, of whom liberal inducements will sider i t the d u ty of an Druggists t o recb e offered. '.Vdte promptly. ::iol e P ublishers, omm end i t to tl1e poor, dying oonsump'r h· c1 of .· · 1 b l 80 0 I() . ts pow er nover varie6 . ~ marve1 tive, v,t C'\St to try one ott e, a~ , ~ · purit.y, <itrenrrth. and wholesomener.s. .l'il'.ore wo .r u r.t Id last year, 1md .tHl C'lf.' cJse oc<1uoroical '.ii.au· he 01·fli11ttr~- Ki nd> ·. 'md ciwS '· . no<. bf\ Anl il in t:on~pe titicm wi' h the n>nHi\On.e · id · f·· ·1 d . 1 ~ 11e~ti_ lt "-le \L\ S n,~· · ,r-- · " u cil a of low test, short weight, alum or phosphat#J 8-3w. · - - - - - - - -~ --- -- in edJc1ne aa t h e Gllrm,an ._')yrri.tJ'Ca.un ot he powd~rs~ AoJ.r 1 only i n Ofl.,ne. R.OYA.T, BA R~ T HE New l'Jeces 'J'o S11~:tk Jn Sch ool , t o widely kn own. Ask your druggist ING POWDER C0 ·· 106 Wall St.. N. Y . Mayer, the Furrier, i~ domg a rush ia g l J R ED at Cbnrch, or Home Entt-rtain- :1br,11t it Ha.rn o)A bo ~ th> to tr v, ~o a t - - - --·-----~--- b Id 1 " Im 1, bu~iness - mtLkin g t h e fu r fly. · · mon ts. Jmocutiou Gestute Beauti· 1 ' · R -1 ~ ·· , l<l Altlil~ n:rr i; 1att; 'Y '" rc3~ UK '" '"· · B O OKS.full y Illustrated.' By ma.ii. lOc. 12 10 cen ts. ei;;u ar .sme, 7 o cents. _ 80 _ non:t;1,~·, .~ c:o., lO_ SIJrnce ~t.. New York; Have yon seen 'T'od B ros. all wool flan· ,, iffnrent nn ·n he,ri:, in 1, pre tt y G'1Be, (I L t\ g cmw hy all Dr11;~1:;rnts n.n r} Deale.rs., ln th e ; &an ::i1, · rn :..,\ ~··~""'·"~ J··J.:;·::r! " '.l-" " ttbout ,}'.l1Y · ' wantod. liUGENE J·, HALL. 11 Michigan j' U "t d S t· tes a nd C · 0 . da 42 : proposed !me ot ADVEH1fol~G m Amer wan !lit· a l 20G, worth 25c. Ave. ,Ch ic~g o, Ill. lll e a · a a · Newspapers. ~U6·pnc;el'nnapltlcl, 30c, timely illustr tLLed, embr11cing beautifully e:>.."'011tcd lithoKraph portro.ita of H ie Holiness und his ~everal Carclinalo, inclllt'ling Card 1o&l Taschereau i:>f Quebec. .A book of 1 1llou· 600 p~gc~. anti sold ai a price within the reach of evQrY one. Sold only by lb ~ P ublish ers· ,tutho.-Izell 'l'h is work. is connnend<C'd by Preas. Cle!'r,cy a ud People in the highest tc:rm a. It reud3 Jiko a romance, eo beautifully is it written. Me11'.i111i c1\l ly . 1: is m .,i,g ni fic.:.n t l;- 1cott.cn up. pr·"' erlp th o A Prlot-.1 mDtlNNUAL For l887 will be m ailed F R ::::E to a ll am~:~:~~~$~ withont <Yrdoring it. customfft'a fn vu:luable b'.> allE vt!'Tlf pK.. ,,-,n U.5inq Absolutely Pure. Fl.ouuw SiH~DS ahould Gar· den. Field or · encl for 1t:--,~ddress I I J . C ANADIA HBOO KA ND BIBLE cq., M AIL BUILOIHGS, TOHONrn. 0, M. FERRY &, CO. W iroaaor , O nt, lng 'ru~de in tbA United St,tJ.ies. J, iheral Jndn cemel! f; ~ oft'el'e d to ri<r.h t v :.1«ie.f·. HJ;;NR Y C. CQLR. W'alli llgf01 cl, Yt-r1t' o ~ t.. U. fl. A, " . " man ufa cture o t'. 1ny .Pa te11t 8n~ow, Shop, Stable a.:.1.d. Malt ~ hov·~ !P. "::1.t·~~~ ~n fl Incrcas~ - - - - - - - ·-- -4- -- ---- - - T l / ANTED. -Piw· ie~ ,,,, · n o,ige in the 1 0 i tlTc a~e m ull 111u1 m o1·ougl1. :u .T?ONAJ!, l ' I U ·i '.'"~ l"'" '"C- il :: " 11 on Urn JJ \ vc1·., i:·c ;,in ll -.tc Utt~ o;'¢HYo1.~ i ."i :.:1u 1 ns n vur ga· - -------- - - ---·--- - -