TBRMS :-fl.lie PER ANNUH, OUR TOWN .AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WODLD AFTERWA.RDS. M. A. JAMES, Jl!DITOR iltD Pltt>PRIW!Oll,, N:e:w SERIES, NUMBER 449. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.A.RIO, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, 1887. VoLmlE XXXIII. BOLIN.A. M iss H. Batte2, of B owmanville, ls visi ting in this eectioo. Mies M. H ooper has ret urn ed from visiting in Bowm rm ville, Mr. Geo.C. Elford,of Pembina ,D akota is visiting his old frien ds here. Mrs. A. J · R eynolds and Miss Anns Hogarth have bCJon visitiug in M ar iposa. R u rnor says there is to be another wedding short ly. Who now ? There are to be an unusually larg e number of auction sales around here this spring. A grea t number in this lcoali ty a.re i n need of serv311t girl s, whi ch seem t o be very scarce. Mr. T. B aker has purchased a very fine horse from Mr. I. L. Brown, of Ham p· t on. Our boot and shoe house has been closed for a few d ays-taking st.,ck. JA CK. Nmrn:n:n 10. = .... . PONTYPOOL.. RAGLAN. ORONO. On Friday evening-, 4th in~t., one of the largest and best socials of the seas<>n t ook pltLce at th e residen ce of M r. W. ,V, Trull. His h ouse was packed full, and 1111 seemed tc, en joy th emsel ves. After ·par taking freely of oysters aud other good things . a length y and i uteresting program W f> S ably rendered :md was made more int eresti ug by tho "Hami lton H elpers" takiog part in 1t. The t otal p roceodd wel'e $34 . At t he close of the pr ogra,m Mr. M oment made a short in terPsting speech . c 0 0 IL 0 ~ ~ z 0 0 INTEREST. n Arr wHoM TiD Mn - -- -o - - - - We have now opened out special shipments of Dry Goods & Millinery on which special pains and much carefu consideration was expended to make the collection of goods ATTRACTIVE- articles which should include something really desirable for every individual, from the oldest to the youngest. The followinl? effnsion appeared in t he P1rnsoN..1.J,.- Miss P ollie V eal h as been Orono News, and is worth repeating.- E.o. visiting a t Mr. W. L. Mason's. Pontypool is a little Village Miss T. Wilburn spent a few d:~ys I wan t you ~11 to k now, with friends at A.udley. It's three miles out of Ballyduff Mr. }"'oster has given up house keepi ng And ten to Orono. and intends livin g with his daughter, Mrs. There'11 Joseph Sharp,TomSt1mton's man, Dawson. Miss Maria Bray has been visiting a Who k eeps the big ca~h store; Tommy Wi lliamson, the post w11ster, few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Vipond, Brooklin. Messrs. P errin and Coul-ter. We are sorry to hear t hat. Mr. Edward Of courteous manners soft and bland Holiday has met with another accident. The Tailor nelt wo see, Just down the street a block or two Miss E. Smith, organist of the Coh1m· Is Mitchell'! Grocery. bus Presbyterian Church, bas not been able to attend the church for the last two Ha.ry Parker, too, with his irons hot wseks on account of having a Y'ery sore Nailing on the shoes; throat. · The sash factory is ru u you know A very lo.rge concourse foilowed th o By Porter and Tom Hughes. remains of Mr. Thom s Fields to the Our leat'ier firms we mnst not forget, Columbus burying ground. The bereaved Having no less than three, family have tho sympathy of the entire There's Hannan, Elliott and Palmer, loo, community. A man called Ladley. The excitement of tne l11st two or t.hree There's Kennedy, Ashby, l;rvin, Ridge, weeks has somewhat subsided now the Geo. Lapp just over the hill, elections are over. 'l'om .Jennings wit.h t en thousand logs On the evening of lhe 23rd ult., a grand Running the big saw mill. ton:h light procession accompanied by t vvo h ands passed through here on its 'The Coulter House, a cred it to way from Osl1awa t o Port Perry in hun<>r Our vilbge and it.s n ame, of Mr. W. Smith, M. P., the newly John Souls, the boy who tends the bar elected mem bar for South Ontario. The Of dry jokes h ~s a fame. village was illuminated in fine s ty le, blll; M es&rs. Kellet, Bullard and Hank Pott~, the n ext day showE1d the company in The me n who drove the mails, their true colors as some came her e tha t John Harper, Woodley, Hira'.n Ridge, had been upset seven tim es . The result Billie Bone and A rchie Sails. was a broker1 tong11e on their sleigh and we would'nt like to answer for the state Whill'I Rober) saws and Joe fires up of their head. Chink was scarce, but And Simeon makes tho bolts, they said, " Hurrah for Smi~h, h e'll foot Th<'u A leo. takes the edges off the bill." Old Jumbo draws the spoults. Thin gs we would like to know :Why did t\vo young men not go any H AYDUN. A Social for th e benefit of the Meth od- further t hun Myrtle with t he proceseion ? How did the t orches get left on the ist church, Haydon, will bo given at the r esidence of Mr. J ohn Siemon on Wed- road ? nesday evening, March 9th, beginning a.t Who illuminated .Tack's gard en 1 7 o'clock. A very enjoyable time is . Who were tl10 two young ladies that anticipated. Good program. Everybody came as far as Raglan with the pr ocession? come and welcome, Why is it our t own is 110 ha.ppy ? Guess Sarah can answer that. CA R'l'WRJGH1' . Who got left on Angeline's hill T At an early hour of tho · day, on the UNO. 16th ult. , wer e seen. people wending their way to the r esiden ce of Mr. William TYRONE. Graham, ~anvers, t o witness t h o mar.riT he Ma or ox acts to move to the age of their youngest daughter, M ..gg1e, t yh ti p to Mr. Geor11e Wilson, of CartwriRht. wet now 8 or Y· . The bride smaid \US Miss McNeil!, of , Th e a~nui.l tea will be hel~ h ere on M.i.nvers and the oroomaman was ~fr. (rood Fnday under the auspices_ oI the Walter Oke , of C~rt1Yri~ht. The mar- .Ladies' Aid. Particulars later. r iage cer emony was performed by the Some of our business men in·e storin g Rev. H. F. llursi:ess, E. C. minister , in a quantity of ice. Many mor e ou~ht cflthrmy. Afte1· havin~ enjoyed a few t o follow their example. We ar e surprised to h ear that one of our h oUrs-t;,i..ppfog the light fan tas tic toe, the happy couple drove to Lindsay to take young 'll<ln has been eastward on t he fox the traiu for Otta.wa. The following is a huut again. Mind the old man Frank. list of prel!ents received by the bride : A few of the S. A. scouts are around eight-day clock , 1'y Thomas Syer; parlor lamp, by Wm. imd Eliza Mahaffy; cake begging for the barracks which is to be baeket, John Graham; silver pickle cruet, erectod in this place. M ay they never Mr. and Mrs. McNeil!: alarm clock, Mr. grow wear y in well doing. Samuel Graham; flower vase, Mis1 Eliza Mr . .J. S. Doney has bou2ht a spankin Willan; wat1;ir pitcher, Mr. Thos. Gra.- t eam from Mr. A, E. Clemens for t he ham; china cup and saucer, Mr. Samuel sum of $325. Graham; jelly cake atand, Mrs Robert Football match on Saturday between Nesbitt; parlor lamp, Miss Stinson; ca.rd the school boys, of No. 10 and the 11chool r eceiver, Mr. Robt. Newbitt; glass butter boys of this p lace. Mr. T. Gardiner has taken the condieh, Miss L. Graham; t able drape, Misil Lottie Syer; cakti b a11kot and doz. indi· tract of building Mr. John Hodgson' s vidual salt!!, by Walter J. Ob. manaiort~lhis spring. Mr Nelson Marlow has purcha11ed of ast er Albert W. B ingham died of the Mr. James Lattimore his valuable farm croup 011 Saturday morning . His reat the s um of $5,300. mains were interr ed atBowmanville Cem- ENFil!JLD. )\:'[rs. D . D yer has r eturned from Owen Sound. Mr. Levi Reattoire had a wood-bee o'ne day last weok . Mr . ·Tohnstnne N idd ery has r emoved t o the 11onse just vacated by Mr. J ohn O'Leary. Several siontrs have profeBl:led Christ at th e re"ival meetings hero, but th ere is ample scope for "arnest work y et.. ENNISKILLEN. The annouueemen t in our last issue f BE THES1Ji1 . abou t Mr. Hutchison having sold out his Everyliody is preparing for the social store, etock and goocl -will was raiher p1·e- h ere on Fr1J ay nex t ; at least everybody vi· u~. The n egotiations a.r e not yet com- is invit sd to come. If any u1iug i~ lacking pleted. to make it a good time 1t will be the Miss H ol man, of Newton.ville and Mrs. fa ul t of Probe, or some one e18o, for th~ L earoyd , of S tr athroy, have been <\mong young people are d.;tor mined to do their our v1titors. part well. A few slaighs will wait upon An excellent lect ure on th e , , City of t he citizens of Bowmauvillo st 4 p . m., L ondon" illuminated by a beau t iful s;ories how many will av:iil lh 8m selves of th.e of dissolving views, w as given in the drive ? A sl eigh will also go north and Presbyt eJiau church; here, on Monday try t o lo':'d up t he Tyron ians tho same evening, 28th ult., by Mr. Cam pbell. way. T ho views wer e the finest ever exhibited :::latur day'::i stoi·UJ blocked up som e here. roads here. The past or could not got T he Ladies' Aid Society, ·if t!1 e Meth - thl'ough from '.l'yrune Sunday morning dist church, have nearly completed their A goodly number were at church. A au togr aph quilt and intend offering it for Bible read ing by one of th e S. ~. stafl:' sale at a public s~icial about the end of was made t o do duty for a sermon. Miss Couch continues ver:y ill. Har t his m onth. ill hope ful of h er Our schoul entertainmen· was a great medical attflndt\llt is s1 euccess again th is year, and reflects very r ecovery. Miss C. was at Su nday School much credit on the mana!{er and con - every Sundsy lust yea r. Jj er illness is ·t every ductor, M r . Callender. As usur'l in such the burden of m any pr11yers 1 affairs the great b ulk of t he work fell on meeting in t he church. the Teacher, but he was ably as~isted by KENDA LL. the school, the young people of t ho neighborh ood and several outsiders, all together Mr. W. H enry Jias boughC M r . Wm. rendering a r emarkable good programme. Hillier's farm. Mr. H illier is retiring Thu on ly obj uttion t hat could poissbly be from farming on account of ill h eal t h. rHieed was so much being given for so T he American hor se buyer bought sevsmall a fee. Every thing given by the era! fine horses in Kendall. pupils was well r eceived, particularly tho VI/e noticed our friend Mr . 'I.'. Stanton, Kindergarten songs eung by the whol~ 0 f p 0 0 t 1 · K d II F ·I ! chool "Johnny Schmoker" being clcservypoo · m en a .0 ~ r!f ay. odly encored. The solo by ~'liss Etta · All that our local pohtrciaus c:m q uarGilber t and the duet by the same litt le ~el .about n ow is the Government ma· lady aud her young brother were exceed- JOnty. ingly guod. 'rhe play "The P et of th e Mr. John Carscadden and Mr. R. Pi per. School" by th e youn g people was \vell ac- two old residen ts of Clarlrn, lrn.ve recent ·· t ed, several of the characters d isplaying l y passed away to the "boume where nc h istrionfo talent of no mean order. The tra veller re\urns. " outs~de frian ds all .dese1·ve n~ention, but I arn sorry- to say, Mr . Editor, that special commendation was given to th e Kendall has its corps of match·maker s. e~los by Mr. F. R : Bi;o wn, of B owman· From such as these we l)ray "Good ville, and the recitations by Mr. Odell L ord deliver us !" And we are led to of Ty rone. The following is the p ro· t hink of the word11 of R obbie Burns : 0 "Th SI k ,, Oh, wad som e power t he gift ie gio us, grj{:°d : - t S s h 0ml e~.a~ en on~" Oh D 0 ~?e~~· er To see ourselves as others Bee u~. 0 c y·. tia ogud e ,M . . Rear, - Qisses It wad frae many a. blunder free us M ary ir ue an mme ogera. · uarA f r 1 f tette,- "A Home by the R iver, "- Missea · n.:~no 1011· . 1 Mes~ra.Souch and Callender. Instrumen- ( M J 0 h T C0 1 18 · t"ll k b t tal Music,-Messr11. Staples, Virtue, and r. n · e .e 1 very wea .' ;u · t. ,, A v · "t t hopes are now entertamed th a.t he will reYe JIow1ee11. R ec11a ion, 1s1 o the Ocean's Shore,- Master J. C. Mills. oovMer. J E L C . . . " I\" F r . esse . . ole, wlu le cutt ing S 0 1o,- "Eh ren on the R h me, - .. r . · t I t k 1 t th k ·f 8r R.Brown. Dialogue, - "Keeping House,' ~e:. 'he k? Ill ~ tp, pende· Master H . P ye, L. Williams, Miss r~ngJ ·; Cgl' ~ 8 ll ae dep f vr<>UJ~:: Hrowo and oth 1r Q t tt " G· th r. . . o e NI re ,uwe r ow · - · ,, ' s. uar e .e," 8 - trip in tho west. erm g Home, - Mr. and Mrs. James ""h 1 · · h · I H tr M' E · cl M C S h .i. e popu at1on 1s on t o mcrease. n ea . t . ie, t islsM va_ anM' rH . t· . ouR c · the south part of t he vi llage, March 2nd, I ns rumen a us10,~ iss ea 110. e- M J L J 0I £ citatiou,- "What Grandmoth er Thinks, " rs. '. · im, .0 a. dirnghter. Moth~r M 1ss ' Etta B rown. K. d t S and ch ild are dorng well. Congra.tula· m ergar en on g, tions. - "The M oon Song, "- Sckool. Instrn· 0 · b men tal Music,- Orchestra.. Reci tation. wmg to t e unfavorable weather o!1 " 'f l p r I1 .B ,, M Od 8 ll D' Saturday afternoou, Mr. W. Cryderman 11 l ogu ie" oPils · oy,S -h r·,, M.. · E i lal- sale of cedar and wood was poorly attende,aymg c oo1, 19!! a d Staiuton, Miss Gilber t, and Master Wm e J. h . Stainton. Quar tette,- " Com e W here the " n K Ot a little too w uch fa.at Thurs~ BJ0 " M C II d & C ff I dav s ud d umped tha cna\ before he .°~ 'R= ~· ",, 01M~r L 0 · ~a ~~~e, re~ched his destina.tion. son. nd Meparte ere,A- H tM s s.t b enla l Su c nMrs. Geor ge Oliver who hns heen very a as . . 1 c e . ong, · kf t' · b " Tho L !>mp in t he Parlor , "-Miss Etta sic or some Im~ is ao~e et.ter .. Gilbert. .Play,- " A &:ene from B.obin Mr. Wm. J oil 111 movmg t o Solina. H d" M t R St . A ill . ·] r Prof. R1 .'bertRon did not lecture h~re uu >os tirti : eveas, . Ute ie i, on Saturday e vonincr. --..._---~-----.., W . D ean and C. Mills and others. Qnar- ~==-~-~~~~ Lotte, - ' ' Spring Time is Coming," - Miss Heatlie & Co. Dialogue,- " Lena's Dream,"- Miss Pott er, Miss llrown,Geo. ~wis and others. Ki ndergar ten ::::long, Di.<· - " J ohnny Schmoker,"- S chool. legue ,- "The Midget's Greeting,"- Mi11a S .Virtue and Master A.Stainton . S ong, - " Thf' Olcl Br ig?.de,"- Mr.F .R. B!'own. Recitation,- "Boy» will be .doys, "- M il!S ! C. Rogers. Quartette, - " We'll have to Mortgage t he Farm, "- Miasea Gilbert, Dean, Hayes, and Mr. Callender. Dialog ue, - " The Sick D oll, " - M isees Hut. chinson and Rogel11l a11d M aster J. Vir t ue. Mu~ic,-Orc'Res t,ra . Recitation," T hey M.it by ChA 1.ce,"- )iiss V it ti1e. K indergar ten Song, - "Jack Frost, " b~hu .... Duot,- " }.. o Sir, '- .< Jis" E . Gilb ert and Master N. Gilbert. Instrumental S olu.- M.iss Heatlio. Play,- " The M usic hy P et of tl·e School, "- School. t hfil orch~atra oetween scenes. Valedictor y,- M-.st er J . D ean. 'l'he proceeds 1' er; n a,.ly tw011ty dolh rs at 10 c1 m ts adu.;iG eio.u and will IJe d evobd to bu_yiu~ a Gazetteer and other useful articles for the school. Mab el Hutchinson. Gilbert, Dean, and HAMJ'TOlf. h'w :h.· COU.RTJ(JE. School Report for F eb ruary.- Sr. 4th Olass.- Minuie Morr ow, J!'rank Short, James Salter . Jr. 4th Class.- Arthur Short, Wesley Hancock, Edith Cornish , Minnie Cornish. Sr. 3rd Class. - McKenzie Penfouud, Hedley Oke, Lizzie Nich ols. J I'. 3rd Claas. - Lydia Balson, Maud Oke, Francis Cornish Sr. 2 nd Clal!e.- Lizzio Hockin, H eztJkia.h Tinkle, Jr. 2nd Class.- Gus. M aud 'l'ooley. Tooley, Ch9.rlfo Nichols, Minnie Micha.el. Preeent every day : Edith Oorni11h, Art . S hort, Wesley Ht·ncock , McKenzie Penfound, Lizzie Nichols, Maud Oke, Francis Cornish, Charlie Cor.nish, H orace H an· cock. J . H. ALLI N, ·reach er . ~:y-011--Monday. rn1 ANOTHER FEATURE is that we make it a point to have a great varietf" in goods of all prices, ranging from the cheapest to the best goods procurable in the markets, in order that you may be able to make good selections at auy price you feel al1le to pay. Having smoothed the way for all classes buyers, we feel warranted in assuring them that they will never have reason to regret a visit to our store. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Harris, of P erth County, who were h_,re attending th <1 funeral of Mrs. Hobert Courtice have r eturned home. Consider this a personal invitation from us to you direct, Mr . and Mrs. J am es Co urtice have b een Yi&iting m Picketing. and do not fail to come Lieutena nt Savage, of Malvern, r eceived warm welcome from his old corps h ere W e ask you to examine our goods freely, with the under~ a on Tu eaday night Iu..t. standing that you do not incur the slightest obligation to O ur pop ular Auctioneer, Mr . S. Hunkin~ is kept busy attending to his numer· purchase. Buy or not, just as you please, but come and have o us sale11. a pleasant time anyway. Everyone is welcome. Everybody The unfavo rsbl~ weather of Sunday ma.de the congregi~tion at EbtJnezer small. will be glad they came. Tarn:. R eport for S . S. No. 4, DarlinglJn for Of course we are always glad to sell our goo:ls, inasmuch as the month of Febru" ry .- F'ourth Chss.-ltur Osborne, J·o rm l'erkm, .Lillian W& we make our living by that means, but that does not prevent An nis. Sr . Third.- F lora A nnis, D olly us from feeling a genuiue pleasure in contributing to your Oke Lu ther Hancock. · Jr. Third. WHlt on Aunis. Maud P erkb, Edna W or enjoyment, asicle from all thoughts of profit to ourselves. den Annie Bl:.i.ir, Allie Worden, Silas Ha.~cock. J ame:i Man ;,inµ-, Sidn ey Han· cock, Tiios, Begciine , I<'r,.,nk E vel'S(\n, Sr. ~!:cond, -Ai tn u r Os· Wm. Oka. bome Mabel Perkin, Albert 'Vorden , Anso~ Pickie. Jr. S econd. -Mina Han· cock. Fir st .n ~ ok P a.rt 2<id .--AnsrJJJ OsWho is so well and favorably known here, is in charge of our bor ue, Georp,0 Au iis, J enny Oke, Ct.cil l mr , F r··nk W·1 rtlf n . VordPn, 1.-i m. R . Millinery D epartment and is prepared now to execute any 'Part lst .- L oopold Courtice, Samuel M anning, Maria IJouruce, Lorn P erk in, order she may be favored with, Ernest "Vo;·dun. W. N . 1'IL'L~JY, Teach er. - - -- - -·· ··---Hospectfully yours, FRtJll': ll!.tN'S 'IVOKUPfftVJ·lmS r equlre n8 other r ·m w.livo. li ' lu,y ,,..,. ""~" mul sure to remove a ll v1u·le&lcs of ll' onu.._ of 'rhe road n·t being Ji>MBable <in Sunday our ·ministers were unable to fill all th eir upointmenta. . Goodman and lady were tho gu ests of Mr. W - Wrigh t on Sabbath. Miss Hannah Emmerson, is Yisiting friends at P e terboro. Mr. Wm. B rimacombe, of Mariposa, was the gllest of Mr. R . Hodgson, last w eek. CLilllAX. T yrone School Repor t for l~ebruary, 1887.- Fifth Claas. - Wm Hoidge, W. Emmerson. Sr . 4th Class. - Elsie Cade, Cora. Gardiner, Florence Kenner, J ennie Fraser, Norman BeJJ , Maggie H o<lgson. Jl'. 4th .- Berth ::. Branton, T. B ddgu, R. Walters, L. Cade, F. Hancock. 8r. 3rd Class. - "V. D oney, W , Brant.on, W. B ingham. Jr. 3rd.- James Souch, F. Penfound, A. Clemens, H. Oollacott, H . Pettinger, Carrie Souch, H. Emmerson, W. J ewel, A. Manning, Minnio J ewel , Maud Branton. Second.- Edgar Hancock, H erbert H ancock, Tilly Simpson, Jae Simpson,Silas H oid ge, Cecil Branton, Phemie Collacott, Mabel Kenner Nur· man Collacott, Sophia Pettinger, Em Williams, A. B el l. P art 2, Sr.- Addie Bell, Alfred Gardiner, Fred Moor, R obt. J ewe!, Lizzie Penfo und,' Osmel Pollard. Part 2, .Tr. - E th el Branton, J oey Scott, Wille Souch,Lottie . McLaughlin, J ennie McLaugllliu, Lena, Oade,Rus3el Bio~i 1am. ----o---- MISS EPPLETT, 1l rl a.' ways b r: SrF.CIAL A 1"rENTION sbo1 giYen t o tht1 hair and acalp. Ther e is nothing n icer than a good head of hair. 1 are I n case of balduesH when the root< n ot all gone, Dr. D orenwen d's G reat German Hair Magic, will produce a l ux:urian !; gr owth of h <tir ; it will re~tore all grey and fadtld hair t o i ts origi 1al color and vigor ; it stops a ll falli ng out of the hair and removes all traces of dandruff. A little of t his great prepuation used once in a ~ b.i le will keep the :sc<>ip iu a he>~ithy condition i.nd make t tw h air s uft,plia n t v.nd LGa.utiful. A. D,1!'buwe.uJ, B"le mar1u fact.11rer, 'l'c:mmtn, .J . H ig~;JJ b otham & Son, ag ents for Bowmanville. -4K1t!JG Absolutely Pure. G-E::O. lL!.A..XN'"c:;:.... The Chiua H all of MessrR . M ·irdoch R ror1., is well W< ·rt~y of a visit l1y all la.dies of this vicinity. Th er e are to be founu there a n endless variety ot the best j This powder . never varies. .a. m,u.;> s;i, ..iC q u,1lity uf chi n;; g lassware cr ocker" and purity, etreng-tn and ~holt'soi;ncnctot., .J.1t1iUl . . ' . . ' · J' . ocu"'1roico.lt.ba11 r.h e orrlman k11 ih, '" , . . · . in. M en's ~.ncl lloys' Ready Made Over lau~y goods, wluch we venture t o ::.~sert!s not be sold in competition w1t11 t he rnul&it."1Qo Coats at clearing ont .Prices at c . o uch, not. snrpasscd by ma ny of the large city or low t est,, short w~ight. a lum 0r" · 1t.11r;n etoi·cs , pu,~dr,1·sc d ol<l only m can ·. ltO\ \; fl A J Johnston & Cryderman's. '· I~G POWDER CO .. 106 Wall St.. r,. Y .i POWDER~- I