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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1887, p. 6

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A CA.RD.-To all who are su ffering from myself into a str<1.nger 's dwelling. t ~!v~~ the err ors and indiscr e tion s of yout h, cesmty .k nows no law; and, t hough 1 · lbservler of wide experience, I have never o ti ne rvous weakness, early d ecay, loss of Poultices. ed a mo1 e tremendous electnc d1spla/ m_anbood , &c., I wi ll send a 're01pe t hat that of a moment ago. May I ven ,ir e 0 A poultice lightly used, is a sovereign crave hospitality for the night? I ha ·e loh~t remedy for many ill&, especially local mflam- will cur e you J<'R.EE OF OHA.RG.E. T h is my way, and can retrieve it :· t JS mations and swellings Here are a few of g reat remedy was di~covered b y a missiona ry lil Sou th A m er ica. Send & selfmky blacttness " their approp riate uses : H THK OB EHJE ' P ROLOGU E. days. And then · why , then I should d ie I bowecl 1~1y heau, for I could riot yet .Always po ultice a boil as soon as its char a d d r eeaed en velope to the REV. JosEPR ll'·M~lllceR oek,Kt ng~t., Jtowmanvlllc,4>nt r.,. · like tre brntes--I was no better than the . speak ; antl mdeed it would have beo!l use- acter is detecteu Change poultice often 'f. bM.AN Btation ]) New York Git'!/. 46y wVe all know the teruble consequences to h t· f tt t Y' less For, as my guest ceased, the t h1mdcr enough to keep hot until the boil is soften . a 1g1 JEr evo1 u 1011 o ma er w1 1ose par 1c1es b k h f f I l d Th h T E ::R. llv1: S : ear u v10 cnce; e · en 1we the bml opened, aud conw h a fixed idea, arulmgpa.~s10n mdulgcd wo·tld tti.ll asunder at a ceit!lm t ime and ro e out anew wit lf!.,H1 Per1mn11m,orl11I.OOUp a ldl n a dvance ti t t J h f Tl "d ' Jwh1Ie the dreary hall was all filleu and tmue the ponltwrng, cha.ngmg less frequentAnvISE TO MOTlIERS.-Are you rlis· d . . 1 may 1ea ; is it not sur I P1 l'··llL't<ent ,nr1otly ln adva nce r eqnlredfrom WI 1 1ou con ro' "8S on mtofot er orms "hell ea was not illumined with the awful fites of heaven. ly unless discharge is fl ee. turbed at ni ght and broken of your rest ~ll\miribere out side of the county. Ord era to !Dl81~d tha.t Eugene Aram was drawn mto P easmg-o course not· anm i ation cannot And 10 1 f10m the e f ti 5t a · fi Ponltwe a felon in the wa.y, but do by a sick child sufferrng and crying with · lisuimHnue the 1w.per mui:<t be ., 0 0 01npanied by d . b 1 t d f I be a pleasure But then there was no help for d dye bo kte ran., er x f f C tt T tl 7 If d t "'" ..,,nount due o1 thepape1 will no i bootOplJed. m111 er ns unregu 1 a e appetite or i It; and it was only to enJOY wlule one could. e upon me, seeme to re!l out through not wait o1· the swelling to soften Open pam o u rng ee l eo sen a tlnou bers arnresvonsible u n t tlful lpaymeiitls st1 ndy? 1 herefo1e, hovever fantaqtw the you will know now wha.t my iclea was; those da.rk ~laese~ an answenng fl.ash, as soon as convrnced of its character. \Va1t- once and a bott le of "Mr s. Wmslow's 11rllowmg frightful confession may at first suffice it iust now to say that its accom iyordd v1v~d \ ab tnedli¥h\~u~1h its~lf I mg often causes death of bone Soothmg Sy rup . " For children tes thmg, &A.'IES OF A.DVER TISJNG t c:.~ slight appear it 18 not m reality itt all so plishment depended entii ely on my possible s;u d ere as 0 sdene d1 ; hu . 1 e 8 ianger .Apply a poultice to any angry lookwg, its value is mcalcL1lable. It will r elieve 1 Wt , C ., .. ' ' ' success in making a certam chellllcal dis s oo a 1 umnove , an w en s1 ence was hard swelhng, if grateful to the feelings of the poor httle sutferer. immediately. De0 c:;=:;::; ,mprobable aJ3 1t seems But tlu sis ,i ques df restored tued to reassure my evident alarm. the patient A. iomt s\\ollen and pamful pund upon it, moiliers ., there 18 no 1?.·e ~1umnone ye.. r .. . .......... ..,6U O · H a 1l year ·.·. .. . . . ·· . B6 0-0 ,.. "' covery ; an or two years more, amu1 ever- B ' '" " One quarter ·...·. ·. 20 00 ~~ t10n whwh the reaclet must decide for hun increasing embar-assments I worked night ut tlus he a ttnbuted to the nolencc of the from a spiam, 18 often wondelfully relieved· nustake about It It cures Dysentery .fJ·lf Col.lJ-mn one year .. .. .. ... ...... 36 0-0 _.::...... self · my part IS to lay the melancholy and and day at my self appomt~d task . worked storm · a mistake winch led me, fir at, to by a poultice changed every hour or two and Dia rhre l t t i18 St h d Half yonr 20 OU ' ' quest10n !us snpernaturnl characte1 though In pneumonia and pleuusy, afte1 the r a, n ·gt. a es , ' omac an ' ~ One qnarte~ ··. ·:·::.::. 12 5Q -fearful tale, w ithout comment, before h1m tol~y hard, a~ havlng a double incentive iwt h is errand to me. Somewhat' relieved acute _?Uset of the disease has passed, noth I Bowels, . cur es Wmd Cohc, softens the ol~<ll.l~'(it hin.n one yev.r .. ........ 2G Oo Here it is o ,L 01-one t e mcirect pecnn1ary mter to bel th t I\\ 0 nl the p 1 esen 0 f lll!! gnes th e p~tient more r··licf th"n a Gums, reduces InllarnCJrnl1on, an d gives ' " Hal! year ... .. . . .... 12 50 est ; the other-and, du ectly, by fat the teve '1 'as Y m ce ~ v w t d h h l ·· One quarter .. .... ·. 8 00 --stronger- the scientific mtere·t of the end a human bemg like myself, I led my guest hot pou ltice changed often. O:le an energy to t e w o e system. 0 H,,; inesandunder,flrst msert ion ., $0 ?O 1.'HE M. Ill qu est; for this latter was very great. m here to this same room, which I had so Other deep seated mflammat1ons as in- "Mr9. W inslow's S oothrng Syrup" for ri:s.oh sub~equent msert1on ·.·.·· 0 2a · At the end of two ears I had sold house recently vacated. fl.ammation of the hver, chrome g~stutis, children teethmg 1s pleattrtnt to the taste ~~om e1x t o t en Jines, first tI.sertfor. O 7 · My hours are numbered , my race is run. d d d Yd bl d H ere t he stranger speedily made himself and mflammat10n of the bladder and other and IS the prescrlpt1ou of one of the old1 ll:flooh 8 u b seque nt msert1on ······ o 3, - -10 y on raven cr oftkrng on the housetops yon an 1and s 'd an 1etne to t 1 ns b . astet anc at h ome ; and that with an easy goG>d pe1 vie 01g11.ns, a1e often r elieved by poul e~t and best fenw.le ph ys1ci.ins a nd n urses 11 1 il'f't!!rt0nhnes,flrstinsert10n,perllne 0 10 ' accmsc we mgptt.ce, as erng a once humour ano nnfiankne·sofmanner which t" th hi l' d 'lllach ~ubsequont inae1 t 1 on " 0 O. owl tba.t whoops from the blasted elm t h e qm ctest and cheapest I could find 'd Pv bl ·fi h' f ices oroug Y app ie · m the Umted 8 tatct·, at1d rn for Bil.le by 18 re~t'l'hto n1unb1ir or lines to be t~okoned b:I' tree out thei e by the strign t·1t pool, would People said their wao some cmse or the old ld)l ec1udlle t!lnyk pffoshsi e 0 encte at h In some cases of chrome dyspepsia of long all dru<>giats th1 uu h t he world Price 1 ung i standrng, relief is most speedily obtained by 25 cents a bott I·, s.., sure and.ask for Cle apao . d db, h d Id th b t om e oo o is overcoa , anc 1ive · - eoccupie · measur e ) a.sea1<'O tell me so, even if I had not myself already ouse, an no one wou ere; u np a amst the wrnuow so as to exclude the ti f It 1 <l th t I ' · fillt 'Non vare1l. . _ tlus only pleased me as it the rent a g ' . . te use 0 P 0 !1 tees app te over e 8 omac 1 "MRs W1mn.uw's SooTHLNG SYB.Ul' " determmed it should be thus What? You t d t d d dreary !lspect of the eyeless mght ~tanng almost contmuously fo1 seveial d,tys or dt k th k d · ' -- - -- mere uomuM1 one, su1 e o mv ie uce bl kl . h d tl I k · · IHI u. e no o er -,n DRS. l'fleL 1.IJGilLI N ~\\: BElT JI · do not believe rn omens ? Ha ha I Neither circumstances. I was oor -oh' J so oor an y lll upon us ; e rew 1e ounge wee s m succession. , .,.., , ' P P rnto a comfortable pos1tlon and flung h im The efficacy of tl1e pol11tic~ is ·lue to its "'~'"'""""-'"'"""""'"'"'-· ·· · ,··__,. · r '"""<:'ill'""-""~-"!""'~ · i t wou d id I , two httle weeks ago Yet I believe an d unable any lo11ge1· to pursue ' ld m a k e a cap1 · warmth, moisture, and cmolhcut v ' --~ 1ec1 Ill vl!'FrCE ·-MoR1<1s BLOCK, BOWMANVJLLE. h l t I L my seJf upon 1t , c a.rmg proper i· .f, VV. l\iclJA.fJIHif,rN'. / Dr. A. BEITH. Gradu now,anu so will yon when you ha'e read this researc es; an< ye ' one moi e m' sup t!Ll bed for the mght if I had no other to t ies. Theie 1s little spec1a.l vu t1ie m the hoeu.t1ate of th0 u.~~ al t r the T oronto my confess10n, which necessity-pshaw '1 f plied m the cham of rt>1somng one step . ,' . Colle.g:a of Phy-s1ot L1H a 6 0 d . ti th 0f k J d I oiler ]nm; and, m frne, he ended by a.skmg particular article med. Bread, lmseed, anu 1 ~tl<l. 1 ne1nber of th.; Un ivers1ty, .Phys10mn \Vl t t t ? h orwtt.r 11\ ie pa now e ge, an me with an apology for his boldness if I slippery elm, are the most useful in the ma l'.C.·na.l g:ille!{~ or Sul' Surgeo n, &c. lY no say i a once -w ic1 l /ie compels could grasp such rwhes 11.s morttt.l man never hacl nothing to drmk m the house. T~ this JOHty of cases. You r attention IS diiected to the immense !Ol:eons, R:itno tr~h.. me to make hefme I go I am mad-true . yet called his own But-and I cursed m I pl 1 b t t d i tl t I h d not 11n I tis seldom necessary to ·pply tlJe m"stock of --- - - - - ' m hca1 t while I thou ht it · cursed b1tt.or- re tee' a s rac e y, ta a ' w w IDR · «J !UI'rCJJH:IJLJ yet I am quite capable of fulfillmg his com Y d bl f g ' I b 1 d \Jess he might c,ire to test the punty and tenal of the p oultice, directly to t he affect1 · · · ., cl f y an tern y; orgettmg t 11at e 1eve h f b 1 · h I d t I h l ,'ff{:A.l"lilM·B!'l:l< QF COLLEGE 01)' PHYSICIAN S m!lu s; or mme is, so to speak, a sane not m that which I cmse<l by- that lmk stiengt o some a so Ltte a1co1 io1, w 1 ue e par t is muc c eaner and more con· ~;'-l"tanci curgeons, On>a1·10, Coroner. etc. madness-an orclerlv >tnd methodical mad could neve1 be forgecl that step could never !kept wikth mebforksclientificl pudrpo hses l Inln<t> vemcnt to put the poultice iu a bag of thm of every description at · ' '" oe imd Remdence, Enniskillen. 74. d l t k f h t l cl tt wise ta en a ac , 1e rep ie c een y t ia muslin or chee~e cloth __ ----- - - ------- ness-a ma neos w 1 uch makes no mteder >e a. en; or w a neec e w11.~ 11 er 1Y notluno- could be better · that ·~lcohol was Poultices should nevet be appliecl to tho D K. TA.UlE:f.llN, ence m the ordmary thrngo of life And and h~pelessly be.yond my reach, ay I t hough the so~il of all good d!ink-the spiut of eye. r M D ·~ ~- A1~Y ~ll y:· L~f 'fi 1 ll[}HYSICJ.AN SURGEON and .AccouCREUR theretore you, to whom these pages are ad I had oack all my squander ed wealth and wme as it had been finelv and appropriatelitfl!Ri\!Jl\l\lj ,~~ Jg-.,.~ ti <fl ,JI. Ofi1ce ·- Sll'ver f:ltieot. Bowmanv11le '7 · dressed, may c1 edit every woid of them; wasted substance y n'amcd, ::md that he°' would thank me How to Cure a Coul!'h. She has just opened out one of the large&t ., prou uce of my sore, what exactly fom teen days ago smce · "f I t -\V. s, onHISTON, L,J., u. d I tell you is the tmth ' t he whole truth I It tis now t d d f . t h . tl smcere1y i wou1u l!'" t f 11 t h~ mi an d most scy 1rn h stoc k sever b roug h t D , au not1 ung but the truth Of my own 1 sa a 1one, a e.t o mg1 l , ere ll1 us prn vi<led it " ei e not too much trouble us o a , s op coug mg. .L ircet t t 0f : ...11.r1 iHcr, Soh c1t(JJ, Co11vey11ncer, &o. Money feelmgs I say nothmg I confine uiyself very room, broodmg darkly ove1 my m1sfo1 1 " I t l k ,. 1 d "b t fourths of the COU!!hmg is from shoe1 force 1 own, ccmsis ing oo loan Office, next. door to News Office, Bow' I am no gtea c rm er 10 sa.i · u f h b " · nmi:_nll~_ __ strictly to h cts L et what 18 Indden re 1 tunes. twas a dull, heavy, st vrless mght, i 1 cl th1 . ht 'h· 11 0 ~q o a it. There a1e thousands of p rnple N I i l 1 i JI e r y D r e !!! s Sillis, ma.m hidden Oh t that awful word 1 that 1 and a atoun seemed to be silently gathermg. nf ceth" \iska, mgh on~ ic t ~ ~1 1 Ul~fs who spend an hom every mornmg of their ' \Ill. ISUlltlU!l ~llU.ll' S·)N, a.vengino- Na~ne. O Gan 1 O GoD 1 O long Through the curtamless wmdow I could so rne rngt 0 ce 'P dim m eahr · Ye lives m unnecessary coughrng A little ir Velvet s, &c .. 1ehna ,.., ll g 1ass or wo wi11 o us no arm av t . f l JWP. ·.;..a1~lSTEU, SOLICITOR, &o., MOPlUS forgotten, fearfully r emembered God t see not a g1ea.m anywhere a, ong the ho ow always been an upholder of moder;te enioy- ri ation 1s elt in the throat A cough is set with a very fine stock of Feathers and If:> BLOCK, up stairs, Krng Street. Bowman You will know at once v;ho I am when I blackness without, save where, along the t,, up, and habit keeps it going unt il the lrll Flo we rs. t !lei. Soho1tor for the Ontario Bank !'lay that my name is John Mayfern son of low horizon, ran a belt of livid .md prete1- men · tation ptovoked by the cough, produces a li'rtvate M.onevs loaned at the lowest rates. Hon. Senator Mayfern, of the city of:foronto, II n atmal light, which was that of neither {coNCLUDl'D NBXT WEEK ) really serious disease Cou"hs are some- Call and inspect thrn fine display, which the rad1atmg pomtof the culture and edu moon not stara. vV1thm, the dim flame of - --- - - · - . . , . times contagwns Some olcl°lady w ho has cannot fai l to gi ve sat1sfact10n . .Jolut Keitl1 Galbrallth, cation of these confederated Piovinces. You my solitary candle rose, at times, eie'l\t mto DA S PL PARICJ a pet cough which she h as nursed for twen- - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - a_:, AH.RI S 'f ER, SOLICI'l'OR, NOTAR Y will know why I spcalt of myself as of an the bieathless air; then wavered ann shook I NGEROU AOES IN "· ty years or more, sets t he ball rnl!rnrt m Vt PUBLI C, &o. Ofilce- Bounsall's llloc,k o~ly son; for, mdeecl, ever s mce 'that mar- ~nth~ ghostly swaymg, as"' low and momn- 1Tltc CeU.~t·s l'fheN 'I 'hleves .,,,111 ltlnrtleriws church just when th e mimster begu~s to · · :.J Ul!ug Street, Bowman ville 11.unev to lend. rmge of Robert-ha, ha! of poor unfoitu- mg wmd came up and onward from the sky Jtt>sort read the hyr·n Another auchtor takes up JltOBERT A.SM.Oflli, nate Robe1 t-have I not been prnctically so? lme, .swelled groanmg around the house for 1 . ·. the tune, another and a uoLher from all R · ·s On leavmg the Chat No1r the othe1 mght quarters of the house, u ntil they fauly ~];, KGIW1'RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER That is some twenty years a.go now; but you a moment , and then passed on into the eye I EST.ABLISHED IN 1847. t!'t. ot Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor will not have fo1gotten ho\\ he, the eldest less darkness And then, as now, I rnmem- someone pioposed t hat we should v1s1t the make the arches nng with chm musw The 11t L11.w a.nd Solicitor in Cha.ncery.Monel' son was disrnhentPd and off and all ber, the owl hooted, a.nd the raven croaked, cellars near tho Centi al mark ets, writes a mmister continually raises his voice in his ~ID.ned on Rea.I "!!:state. Ofiloe on King s&reet, left' to me. Of course you w ill n~t believe 1 from blasted elm tree and housetops. In the :ff 111bourg d u effort to drown the noISe, but he is no match It has n o shareholders to pay dividends to, 1Paris cor I espondent llciwm11.nville. Managed by and solely in tho m terest11 of me I why should you 1 You will laugh at \Vas it t hat the lonely desolatwn of the Temple, at La Chapelle, and rn the ucigh- for a hu~drcd pe?plc, h emming and hawkthe Policy holders. my protestat10ns, 1f y ou can laugh on read- place and h our mcreastd the inward desola- borhood of the Place Ma.ubert these mg and mter1ectmg chest coughs ancl throat d.. T . l'llilLLlJ>S or vanlts below g1og shops famous as coug~s, anu chm coughs, ~nd every variety -~ lOilJNSED A.UUTIONEER for the County ing this And yet I tell you I was genuinely tion to frenzy? Or did indeed that person 1 Its Rat es are f.Jow. sorry for Robert; for I had always ltked al devil m whom I now 80 awfully belleve- the resort of thieves . and bad c~.1racter~. of tins sort of vocal exorcise; for the Jngh f'....i or Durham, Sales promptly a ttended. All dress-Hampton P 0 69, him and his frank bold ways, and I possessed and whom for years I had served in my They are among the sights of C l immal Pans er he raises his voice, the louder grows the Pollel«i~ non :tortellllbl e and uneomlltlontil. 1 <lash nonus P ai d every three y ears, OHN H U GHES - Licensed Auctionller, none of om father's oveiweenmg pride. To blmdness, unknowmgly- then eute~· Ill and winch tho stranger rarely visits, however I din. Bye and bye, he give~ up the contest Va luat or and Arbitrator Fire and Lite me, Robert's choice always seemed an em- ttike complete possession of my heait to much his cunos1ty may have b een awaken~d m sheer despair and stops re!ldmg N ow minently wfo1e one seeing that his wife was prnmpt me to my final a.nd irievocable' deby the descriptions given by Eugene Sue m obse1ve v.hat a ch.m ge,-a silence hke the · u111-rrauce, Notes and Accounts Collected. i!fouey to Lend on reasona.blo terms, Address young and beautif;1l, though \cry poor ; but st1 nction? Howeve1 it may luwe been, his "Mystenes of Pans " So we made up " st1lly night " begm s as soon as the last Joint Life Policies. ! 72 IHll'>rtw.ri11;hr, Ont. I could do nothmg, even after our father's whatevci the cause, I only know that all the a pa.rty o~ three, an~ between 1 and 2 m j cougher has t ime to get breath and clear his 'rhough a double r1sh out one premium ls paid - - - ..,.---WILLIA.~l l WIGIIT. speedy death; for you have heard how i eal - t evtl which I had nursed so long and obstm- the mornmg we autved at the Centrnl t hroat. No sooner does the speaker open tor two people. Amount of policy drawn ously the property was tied up a.nd guaided. ately in UlY soul, found vowe 11.ncl vent for markets. \ Ve left them to ~heu dieams, his .mou.thagam, the coughers t ake up on first death. ICENSE D AUCTIONEER fl\rthe I mention these thmgs as bemg necessary itself in that accursed hour. "\\'hat if and descended by a nan ow staircase their dismal r efrarn Is not this fat.:t as County of Durh am. Orders le!t a t th e Now hear the story of my life smce I came I was an agnostic? \ Vhat if I did beliern l INTO A SERIES OF VAUL'!S, good evidence as one n eeds, that coughmg iii· ·T ESM:a.N office or forwa1ded to 'l'yrone PO. into possession of the family estate in the in nothing but what I saw and felt? fl,e white washed ceilings of which were is a.n a.ct un der control of the w ill ma very Spema l Inducement~ to 1.'otal Ab.~tainerc, "1:"111! receive promp t nttent1011. 28 6m subui:b.s o:( th e city. j An agnostic, and unbeliever may 1e-J1eve with arabesques and names wntten latge number of cases, and that do httle ap S. (). HlfNK NG, From my eaily youth I ,had been passion I himself by cursmg, as well a;1d bitterly as m black with the smoke of a candle In , plic~tton of the "mrnd cure " is app10pr:1- ""SSt]'IS O"t ER $S,OOO,ono. to~NSED AUCTIONEER FOR ately devoted to science '.[his for years was a another man Blasphemy? How could I one p ar t of these vaults a grnup of men were I ate The writer has curecl many ch rome 1NCOME OVER s oo.i tile County of D urham. Salee attended g_ ener:ol devotion. At theumver sity of myna j blaspheme what was not ? Still, drinkmg and smging patodies of church coug?s by simply order mg them stopp ed. t.o on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address tive city, where I stuched, my fe_llow-students there .might be a God. So much the bet- hymns. i Try it. $100,000 00 deposited with the Canadian Govern O OUl.tTIC· p o. 36· tf envied m e my facult"y to ietam and put m ter; m that case, He would hear Yity bias' rJns did not come up to our expect,\tions I -ment !or benefit or C1madian pohcy holders· .i& GOOD WIFE GUAitA NTEED TO pract100 the result s of my scientific rea<.lmgs phemy and tremble ; the ieltef, the devilish so we went to "La Jeune France" a famous A Winter Tonic. ~ every man who buys his Uoenee f.rom I loved and studied the scie,1Ces at large, Joy, would b e to me all t he greater. You cellar where a man had been n'.s sassm ated People who shut themselves up i n a stove l:NYESTED IN CAN.UlA, suuu,000.00. itl~NHY S YI,VES'l'lllR. Enn1skill<ln. without feeling a marked prefeience for any shrink, you trnmble at my fea1fnl words. only 'a few nights before. We passed or furnace h eated hou ses durrng cold weather Pia nos 'funed and Repaired.~ one m particular But af~erwarJ,, with me Ay 1 they are feaiful ' y et be content; through a gate, down one flight of narrow depuvmg themselves of the <lelw1ous, crisp, H:&.AD OFF10E 1N O.A.NA»A.-MON'rRE.AL · as with n10s t others, he circle of study con· I venly I h ave had my cousol!ltton. And staus then stoopmg low we passed unde1 a wmter air, with its dense, pure ltfe g1vmg For particulars r efer to -tracted; until my a.ttent10n was d1rectod, I now, it is God's turn; and I have not even narro~v archw;iy reserved in the founda oxygen, are prcpating themselv~s for a not ]IA R.'fIES WISH; NG '.l:lIEllt PI ANOS at last, wholly to that g randest of all among the r elief of thmkmg that H e deals uniust - t10ns of the hous~ then down another flight myste110us "u1spensat1on of Proudcnce" Tuuod onepaned c ...nhave ttLOmat tende ) the na,tural sciences-chemistry. After my Jy by me It is I, not He, who have damn of stairs, then through another atchw.,,y, in the spung in the form of a sprmg fever, J E , L. LIVINGS'1.'0NE, J~i;.';~~~ B~~~a~v~ft! D_gMJ:ii1t~:i~Rri;~~ ! fathet s d eath l gave myself up entirely t o 1 eel myself: Say so to the fools w ho talk of , along a tortuous pass.ige, and so to a tunnel or " biliousness, " or some other well d eser vGENERAL AGH:N'l', 1 ~q,w oein11: in thelr w:plo ' · this favored pmsu1t,, a~d g1adnally b ecame the m1ustice of ete1mtl tor ment. about sevcnfeet high, five feet broad, and ed pumshmeut for their cowardly fear of POH'l IIOPE altogether abso1 b ed m it That night I cursed fea.rfully--I blas twenty feet Ion«, The vault of the roof was one of nature's most etlicient tomes o~ to agents throughout the county t8.S ffio l!lo l Gclllltll.e 11.iilleill ot·Fasll Wro loves ~is chosen calling with so de· phemed most terubly. The wondei is that covered with gf.eeu telhswmk; thme were Not hmg is more really mugorating than - - - - - ' s e. no t !ii 0 tas 1i ' 'oted and en.ire a lo' e as the professed He did not strike me dead then and there benches and r nsh stools to sit upon ·~ ooden a walk m a k een, frosty a t mosphere How ' C 1011 ' · scientist? Tak of the at trnt's devotion to I foi I gave myself up wholly to the devil '. tables b earinj:( the matk of st11£e .' and to I the cold air makes the nose and the cheeks a1t, the lover's.dcvot~on t o lo\ e t \ are : I spoke all he prompted; ancl I ended by h ght us, t wo, gas Jets We wer~ h erd at 1 tmgle1 How sharply the an cuts as 1t is 1 'E ~~: ~i i~!1vteh::~!;~ lines these to the scientists ,,dern~ion to science? I callmg 011 him to appear and help me, if in- the very ond of the mouse trap, aud we now I drawn m to the lungs m pantmg breaths 1 ~JJ.&t y ou oan Jlnd me sti 11 at home, His love 18 madness ' fo1 ~t h,,c forgets. all 1 cleecl, he did haply exist , as some would unde1 stand why the police never. enter and how t h e ch eeks glow, and the eyes [11.m not gone a way . else-- hc forgets the world, JlC .orgets hun I have it The last word had but JUSt left these "c.wea.ux"- - there I s 110 poss1b1hty of sparkle I an~ with what mornased energy Ile all my 11;:\ndol d t rlendamay come self, he _forgets lus soul, he forgets his G~d I my lips, when tho d eeps of night were rent a faLr fight When we entered the "caveau" does the mmd apply itself t o its tasks ' And all they oung ones, too, And so it was with me- all the more easily \ asunder ; far and l!ery yawned a hVld hell there was nobody there, but after \\ e had and how the clouds clear away from the t.11d get thetrgarmentsn1cely made th~t I had uothrng to hold me back from 1 anud the blackness; the thunder bellowed ordered some wme two musicians came m. m ental honzon, under the exlnlaratrng ' n Cn !a~nlons that are new· this fearful madness. My religious educa- 1hke a milhoii fiends roaring exultatrnn from The one was a miserably pale fellow, fl.1.1ence of pure, cold au , when one retmns to ~b.'!lre old a n<l yonng , denrf'ly meat t h is 8 t 11d Y or h is clesk af ter a h alf hour 's a welr.<Jme lt~Ae1 in"' . hv R. PRA'l'JC rnn h aclb , een f th e pc ores t ~n d vaguest - I their mferna.l abyss , and the h1;ht11mg of\ HALF STAftVIW AND HALF, 1 0 curse o, cuises. I n ever lo\ etl, never felt I heaven smote my evil dwell . . vigorous thrnugh the snow of a wm- Unapproached f or the beau ty and the goodncs, of wo1rn1n I , h 1 f t b t 1with a tlun blonde mustach e H e sang anrl ter's mornmg w ith t he t empera.turn away Tone and Quality. . .. ;:.,..,;: ' had n o kmdrP.d R o bet;, mv only survt~ing I ~I~ihg, art1l s <?O t i rclom iol?' o athsemelnl accomp anied huuself by st1ikmg a, few down below nothmg i en 1e iain came own tKe ano e1 c e 1 ·rJie o th er was asI10rt \ _ . ....,, . , · chsappearecl, . -, " no one knew 1 u<re 1elat1ve, avmg , cJior d son a gut t M __ _ 11 CATALOGUES F R E ~ wluther. Auel so my disease- yes ! I know oAmid t he lull which succeeded and whilst bony man, with a blac'.c beard, drunken Hardening Agamst Colds. it iww- my d amnable and hellrnh disease I t d t d d nf d b ti t blue eyes, rnund shoulders, and an appear rew upon me and I IJroap ei cd in it and ds adoo en ranee an co oun e Y ia. ance of Jmmihty , as if he weie constantly A ccordmg to Dt. B rown Sequard's exg answer to my summons- for as f · d f · · l· k H · per1ments colds get e 11 It f ' ' \ re 1 m . desolation. T1 ue, !ny conscience did such I knew it ft om the firnt- I was sudden · atra.1 o r eccivmg n o l sb e slanglm ~~r l n posu1e of 't11e soles ofl trlae fy e ·rtesu th ~omkexf pnck me sometnnes at hist about my sel . s tummmg on a smg e rass c iorc j_ ie ' 1 e or e uac o fish mode of life. i'rne, the voice of God ' ly startled back to consc10us berng, by a tip given by some watcher soon brought the neck, which are the most scns1t1ve par ts would for a tune cry aloud in my he,\rtwith 1 loud, loug~,n~ckmgba~ t~e door. My fidsh four other vlSitors- a. burly ruffian, who j of the body. He auv1ses as a preventative, 0 awful wa1 nm "' But I stifled both until I criJt'hmad au lOijel iJst m., hon my hea ' a wore a huge red fez lismg eighteen rnches th!lt the feet a nd n eck be hardened by ex the one died ~~d I ceased to behev~ m or co 8 11 Cl convu ~e. myw ole bemg, a.nd >0bove h is crown, a young man wearmg a posure to cold Th e feet are daily pl.teed m regard the other and the world to me was my son\swoboned w ithm me, for I felt tha.t thm cotton blouse, a nd two others dressed cold water, for a few minutes, and cold Mr 1 e none but one- and that, h e in ca,st off clothes of fashionable cut b ut is blown upon the back of the n eck with a ~I . conscienceless a;1d Godless A' mateu~list thrn con c VETERINARY SURGEON, au agnostic- that was what I pioudly called \ w~iomt I ht~ called on, ~ts now, how- withou t a vestige of linen The h~mble ?ellows. The same effect mtt.y be obtained myself, I was one of those w ise ractical I ever, oo a ~to repen~ ne1t er could nor musician sang , ahove all thmgs, an air from m the old fa slnoned way of bathmg t?c ?VR:R TWENTY YE.A.Rs EXPERIENCE. men who believe in wh!lt they ~re and wouldddo soh. the doo1kmus kt and shoul~ be I" Mignon," k eepmu his eyes fixed 011 the neck with cold water evei·y mornmg, ou risto h1m ' and m . nothm" . more God? \Vhere opene th ddv; ho _ 11oc b eth. dQuelling ' gcoun d as lle sang, an d porn t mg to h is h e! ing · I Ul'·u&Os:tdeGas ""dm tn t st er ed :tor P a lnles touchHonorary Graduate of Ont ario Vet erinary 1 OpeHtton s. was he? A hereaft~r 9 Piove it 1 But den , mytos u ;r~W 1 hm ~' a~1. h guhpmbg with an awkward gesture whenever the - -College, will attend to all d iseases 80 0 M«;t;LlJNG' 8 R L04JI. what then are your ideas of u ght 1 There b 1 1 thf°at ' lib t wt-fl. d t rn I word " heart" occurred m the romance. Fainting. 1H!'llil4JE of dotnestie amma.Is. 8 1 s no 'wrong ! Such was the proud· position I e. d, t~y l~ and a t u meh Suddenly, one after another half a dozen If vou feel famt get m to a horizontal po I took; unlike those degenerate soi disant seize re canclde,h an .s agge~lel. romt tht et .itheletic, squai e shouldered men, varying sit10n as soon 1s 'possible If poss1rle get room. won ave given ml ions a a in aoe from 17 to 2'i crept thrn I t h p h 1l osop h ors w Ilo fi rnt- I1a, ha 1 - te11 you moment for the resence of the meanest o , · · . ug i .e nar- the h ead lower than the r est of t he body. there is no Uod, 11nd with the same breath h b b ~ b t I 1 d t rnw archway, passed rapidly m v. 1thout Applv hot water if it can be at once o b A SPECIALTY. ia even glancmg at our table, and massed them 1 tamed to the to'p and back of the begm a sermon on morality I had one I uman emgt es~he he ; u I HEALTH. I 'f I w·t 0 I =j I s. >It!-·- -·---- I I I ADI ES, I M I L L INERY i I I I l"' ° I I I I I BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL L IFE ASSURANCE C Q r" I I J I L I I L I I I lc;.:.: I I I I - NT I - T Ry DE ° I I I I BE LL" a A G A N s d t°t' I I J BELL &C0. G uelph, O nt. I I J. ) R I lY.[ A C0 MB E, r. A. JONES, EN N ISKILLEN, {t I I d.'!-· ' d e d; I ' ' c. "' ~e ~'1AR. N DE N, L. D. S Qrl!>dua.te ofth e Royal College o IDental s urgeons, Ontario. u.ffl!'lCB: OVEH DICK::OON'S STORE, ,uI. D IHLLINO A ~PE01AL Work exeo.nted in the latest and iimoa· tmproved style of the Dental.Art;, 'J:ll;B:T'B E XTR ACTED WITHOUT P AIN he u se or Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlt hou ttnJury to t h e pat10nt. , r , 1uular a ttention paid t o the regulation o I i OH I LDRE N 'fl TE E TH . ~A.LL WORK WARR.ANTED.--. M USIC .. S. W. RUSE. VOICE a.nd 'L'HEOHY. 'l'erma on auplt cation a "DIG 20." 28;ty British Columbia. squatters ar e agitating for Government r P.cognition of their titles t o the Ja.nds on which they are s ettled. 'I 1E ACHE R 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, must .tee selves at t he end of~he vault, lollmg ~n ~he: Hot w~ter 1s much to be :preferiecl to cold. . . 1benches, smokmg cigarettes, and drmkmg If the famtmg be prnlonged, apply the hot Ca.lls atid Orders by mail or telegraph I made ma.ny wonderful d1scoven es; I I . 'V1th t~ embhog hand s, and qun:·enug at our expense, for we t hought it only water over the hea1 t as well, by means of a will receive prompt attention. great ad\·ancus Ill my choseu science; I lips~ I undid t he bolt, turned t he key m the polite to olfor these gentlemen a glass of, fomentation. CHARGES MODERATE. but I shared nothing with t he p ublic- I kept lock, and, steppm~ backward, threw the wme , t he more so as t he musicians"were , If famtness occurs while taking a hot all foi myself. I was one of your wisers m ~oor open . A smotneiecl shuek rose to my plaJ,~ug for <Jlll amusement . After Mtg I bath, immerse the head lll the water fot a OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO IO A. M. knowledge, who cannot bear to part with a hp~, , and_ died thei e voiceless, as he stepi;ied non the ruffian with t~1e reel fez asked f~r \few mmutes, m stead of gettmg out of the A. first class stock of Medicines always on hand.. fraction of wha.t he has acquired and who m, and slammed the doo1 to belund the gmtar, took a. tunmg fork out of !us bath as 18 usnally duected The latter withal, counts lnmself the only ' true pb11'. hun. The~, turning, he foceu m e \Vas it pocket, snapped it with his t eeth, and tuned ; method generally sends one headlong to the N. B .-Will visit Williamsburg every osoph er- tlte only real lover of wisdom for m_ d eed he If so,, I did not, Ill my first the m strument properly. The_n the ru~an floor. Saturday of each week. 16-ly wisdom's sake And so the world knew no- wild gla.nce, perceive a nythmg cha.iactens m the cotton blouse rose a.nd with fine voice, \ thrng of me and I careu nothing for the tw .1bout him A rather low sized, broad perfect sentiment, anu correct gesture, sang Artificial Digestion world ' sh ouldered, st10ngly -b11ilt man, alert and oth er airs from " Mig non," and also from ' I t hmk it was the fail mg of my m'ans vigorous, with hair, beard and "Carmen." All the ruffil.ns listened in p er , The modern craze for predigested foods, which first suggested the accursed idea. I whiskers, and a swarthy, sun-burned face feet silence to the singer, who was a real has cr ea.ted_ a new a.nd immense industry. True, the property vi, as tied up ; but I anti- oy no means uupleasmg m its aspect- such artist, and two women who had JOmecl the Scores. of tirms are . competmg ~1th . each cipated its resources by loans, &c , until I was the appearance of him who stood b e band melted m to t ears at the e nd, one of ~ther m the p10duchon of novel ties m the becam e seriously embarrassed. For my ex - for e me. He w,is dressed, comforta.hly, them exclaiming "Ah, music! When I line of digested foods.. Hy t he delusive d eperiments w er e ofteu of a most costly nature though rathe1· outlandishly, .md had a gen hear 'Mignon' I can't help 1t. I cry like a scriptious of t he meri ts of these preparaand my expenditure, fr equently, beyond my e1al au at once contradictorily 10ugh and calf " T h e scene appeared to b e idyllic tions, many people !ll e d ecmvcd mto the be mcome. but as I 80 passionate! loved ready and gentlcmanhke about huu And, 1<1.t her than I lief that the d1gest1 ve process to which scien ce ' and cated nothmg tor mon~y in it· Ill fine, and most undemomac of all, h e wore a I :SRIGANDISH AND TERRI:BLll t hese foods ure subjected, is a real substit ute self, I ~pent freely until I had little molB to pair of lruge and intensely dark blue spec- Uowe~ er, it appeared attei all that we for the n atural p1o?ess of digestion within spencl Then the idea strnck me ; its incep tacles · Y et I never for a moment doubted/ might have been m bettet company, for wt the body. Tl~at this is not tn!e was shown fil.on a.ided by the nature of some exper iments that this w~s the mfernal m p erson! or at a sign from the waiter I slipped out of the hy t he expc1iments of Sir \\ m Rob er ts. on whwh I h ad been lately engaged Sud- least an emwsarysent by lnm; I even tried to vault. "You had better give the word to This emment phys10log1st made an exper1d enly I saw open befot e me a rossible way shape the qu est10n with my bloodless h ps, 1yom friends to oome up stairs The band 18 ment with two healthy kittens. One he by which I might escape all d1fliculttes and but could not. Ialmost au complet , and it 18 the ve1y band fed by digested food, the othe~ upon milk be able to pursue my on e chosen callmg, ab 'l'he new-comer surveyed me in silence, It hat assassinated a ma.n h ere last week . If The fir"t named. soon fell beJ:m~ the other solutely w it hout check, to tre end of my and appar ently with som e surprise at my their chief happens to come m yon might tu weight, showmg th e snperiorit_y of food disordered aspect, for some moments: Then, get in trouble." W e chd not wait to be m a natural state as an ordmary diet. ,. _.,_ · *Nor& nv MARK LovEL - It must be remembered speaking in a rich, cheery, mellow v oice, he war ned twice, but wish ed the gent lemen thnt these nre the words of a sell confessed mlldman accosted me: jgood evening ' a nd . ascended the staircase Over 75,000 bicycles and tricycles have Wholly mappltoable Ln some cases, and but llttle m I "E · "h "d "f h d" . . Newspapel" A dvertising Bureau , others, it 1 xcuse me, sir, e sai , or t e rea i- without undue p rec1p1tat1on, and yet with a been sold in the United States durrng tho 10 Spruce St., New York. 8 for the reader to determine what truth 1 they may contain.- M.L. n ess with which I have ventured to thrust kind of internal sensation of rap1d1ty past ten years. Send :iOct::i. for 1oo-P Par.nphtet. ouse: ~erit at least- and only one; I was con l ~h~~;d~~v:J~n:.n s1stent 1 But let me on; tune pr esses. I . . /1° Operations & Dentistry I I I I ADVERTISE RS l can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P . Rowell & Co.,

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