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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1887, p. 8

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BUSINESS/CHANGE! Having sold to J. J. MASON the stock and good-~/ill of the business formerly known ~s Mason Bros'., we can confidently recommend our late customers to continue t.heir patronage, believing· they will be fairly and squarely treated. MASON BROS. 1 Clarke Township News. 01'0no News. PAID IN ADVANCE. We l'equest all persons who rece · ' 0 the to scan carefully this list to see if th~ir subscriptions to this JDUrnal are patd for 1887. If your name is not on thie list, you may be assured that we have not received your subscription. 'Ve want to be informed at once of any omissiun vr other e rror. In comDJ011 with other publishers this year, we h:ive to complain that so few of our sub3cribers have paid for 1887 in advance ; but not· withstanding this fact cur circul.. tio n is larger than ever before. \Ve hope to receive a large number of subscriptions during this month . Kindly remumber, friends, tha.t it requires thous1..iids of dollars to run our busines2 through the year, a nd if we do not get subscriptione in during the first four months of the year, we usually have to wait Lill the end. Do try theu, frieud~, to forward your dollar· this mouth. We shall publish a supplementary list in April. 8'.L'ATESMAN SUlJS CRIDEllS WHO lIAVIl PAID FOR In connection with the above we desire to say that it is our intention to carry on the DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING BUSINESS m all its branches, and to offer to our customers the latest styles combined with good value and moderate prices. Having secured the stock at a Very Great Sacrifice I we are prepared to sell at far less than the original wholesale prices. M artin Argall, Newcastle, is ill. Dr. Leitch has left Newcastle. Mr. T. A. Best is on t he sick list. Rich. Piper, Nowtonville, is dead. .Asthma cured bv the double treatmeut of Southern Asthn":ia Cure, is a common remark. ! The License Inspector is wanted at N·ewcaatle agai11. l\fi8s Anme Carveth, of Toronto, is homo for a visit. \VnAT Is IT.-Not a snuff, powder or liquid, but a pr epara+.ion peculiar to itself. Easy to use plea~ant in effect. Nasal Balm will posit.ively cure Cold in the H e ad, Cat:i.rrh an,! kindred disord el'B. :j: Henry "Birch, Kirby, has bought a line Percheron ttallion. V.7 m. Morrison offora a house for sale or to rnnt, iu Orono. T AllIAIU.C is the discovE>ry of a leading physician, and after y ears of experimen· tin! it is uow offered you in a perfected sta.te as a never-failing cure for Coughs, Colds nnd Throat and Lung Complaint6. t Thomas Henderson, K irby, and one of his little !(irls aro ill. Mr. RB. Thornton has been appointeli Police Inspector for Orono. DxscRJPTION. -- Pleasing, soothing, healin~, relieving, c:iring. is the description of Nasal Ba.Im, which i~ receiving a national r epnbtion ae a cure for Catarrh, Cold ia tho Head. Ba.y Fever, et.o. t James :McLean, of Newcastle has inTented ti new car riage wheel. Arthur Simmons fractured h is nose while cu1>sti1Jg west of N e wcastle. Hrna Lnnw.- High living i11 unquestionably bad for the liver, but whether from that or other ca.mes, the liver becomel'I deranged, the b('St cum for liver complaint or biliousness, is L hat standard medicine for sale by druggist!!, Burdock Blood Bitters. Remember B. B. B. is the specia.l trade mark of this medicine. Jas Henry Isaac Harper Jesse Henry Geo H:.rden Wm Hayes W ,J Haycraft John Hodge Moses H eard E11ra flail D Hogarth S Hogarth A Ho11arth J Ho;urLh S V Hoar Mra T Harris Jas Hodgson John H oid!l;e Al be r t Hillis Jaa Hunter. John Jowell Thos J ewell \V J enn ings Gilbert. Jardine HM Joy J :i.s Jackson Robe Jobb Wm Joli John Jolt W Jackson Johu Johns Thus Johns ,TD Hogarth JG H owitson G H Hogarth ,J T H Hancock F Hockaday Jooeph Hawkey John Harris Enoch Hollltes Jas Hallett, Jl' J as G Heatlie Thomas Hardy T HHancock Wm Hambly W Hemy TR Boar A E Henry FA Raddy Jos Haard Thos Hooper ANNUAL MEETING. '.f'he Annual Meeting of Jh e Sh ~rehold~rsl of the Dominion Ori;cim ttn<l Pi.u10 Cornpll.ny -will Company, in tbe Thnrnday, March 17th at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. for tb& e lection of Directorg for the ensnin,; year, and for tho tran3action ot other bllfli· be h e ld 1>t tho offico of said town oi llowmanville, on 11C;:: s. JOHN WESLEY, Sec.·Treas'urer. 10 2,, Dated ih!s 8th day o! March, 1887. The llampton Butter and · Cheese llfaniifacturing Co'y, (.Limited). NoU,ce o a 8pcC'ial General Meeti,n g. I&J Lewis J ollow Thomas J ·ackson J A Jolwston G W J amieaon W H Jenninii:s TT .Jardine Johns Bros Wm Jacks W J ewe Ii & Son Wm Jewell ML Jennings Isaac Jewell l A Spectsl Gen ere! Meeting ot the Sharehold· a n d CJJfl!JSe Uom. pa.ny (J_.imitell) will he heid >ti; the 'r own He.ll I in the VillagA nl F{R.rnpton i n tho 'l'ownshfp of ] Darlin gton. on Friday the 25 L h day of Maroh A.l>. 1887, at two o'ciock in the a fternoon, the following P"l"VU·es, numcly : tr1nsT:- For consideril><e 1111tl eanction!ng a By-Iavr (po.eMd by the Directors on the 7th j era of the Hampton Butter !or 1887. .A Dr Allison F W Allin W Alswort,h Wilson Aclama RB Andrew Geo Allin Peter Atkins Arthur Aunis Robert Arnot Jno Ayers Georgo Argno K l1enry Argue Gemge Awde Albert Arnot R Ashton, jr R Ailhton A Arnot, (U S) Jno Ashton W B Allin Henry Adams Geo Andrews E Annis J ohn Arnot Jesse Arnot Levi Arnot AC Allin .J H Kydd Thoa Knight C a, Kent R Katerson Geo Kerslake Kll~NER Wm Kerr 'l'hos Keat Sara Kerr Wm Knapp R M Kirkpatrick & co's UST. ing $1,300 unon the credit or t h e Company, and to mo1 tgage or pledge the real estate of the Company. together with the plant and maohlaery and other property, whether 1·0..1 or per·onal, to ~ecure any sttm or sums so borrowed 1 tor the pu1·poso thereor. SECOND.-'.l'o repeal a D ; ·la w of the Com· pa.Dy, p_a·~ed on. tlle 26th day or l'rfarch, 1886; . rogulatmg certain matters conuocrnd with the management of tha Company. '.l'BIRD.-To ado1>t u Corpor ate S eal for tb0 Comp~lly, M1u·ch. A.D. 1887.) to empower the Directors or f,he Company to borrow a MUffi llOt exceed- H W Burk Gus Bounsall Geo Buxton W J Bragg Thomae Bassett Mr~ W Borland H A Bragg M Bailey Mrs Bickell EC Barrett W Burgess John Barkwell W H Broad Dr J Brown Mrs 1' C Bell W Burrows Mrs Bingham W H Hl"wett Miss C Broad John Brent Thoa Br o1vn Thos Bradley J" ohn Bmy I L Brown 'r Burrnws Wm B eer R Barrett EC Beman J H Bellwood w Bowen R Barrie G W Bennett R Barrett, 11en S Biugham WC Blackburn 8 Bowen B R Bailey Henry Banner W H Banbury 'l'homas B urden Miss Brimacombe Miss ! ]!'Bleakley S Bingham (US) Mrs .J Bragg T W Bleakley Mrs A Bailey 0 J Bellwood B 13rittain Rich Blight Stephen B a.rr ~ G Brown Thomas Brown WT Bunt A Bowerman S Bragg T Bragg D Brunt N Byers R Burns 'r Brimacombe 8 M Billings F Brimiicombe James Brown Rd Bowen Edmund Ball Elias Berry Thomas Baker W Brent, jr W Brunt TS Brant All desiring to secure bargains should cal at once. We have also opened out Several Thousand Dollars' Worth of New Goods, And solicit the public's inspection and comparisou, as we are confident by combining the Dry Goods and Jewelry Business and thus reducing expenses, we are in a position to undersell all our competitors. Mr. S. W. MASON, who remains with us, will be pleased to see all his old customers. J. J. MASON. Bowmauville, Februa.ry 8, 1887. 6-ly J~ HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, Is the Right Place to buy Drugs. We keep the best and sell at moderate prices. ----o--WE HA VE ON HAND: Hair Brushes and Combs, Binge's Cough Syrup, Toilet Soaps, Rose Glycerole, Perfumery, Corn Cure, Chamois, 11. v:tlc~~rge Imperial Dentifrice, Sponges, &c. Camphor Ice, ----o---Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. Bowmanville, February 1, 1886. - T : S : E-- - West End House -V\TISHES YOU THE- Complimonts of tho Soason. I Call at the WEST END HOUSE betvveen this and 'Xmas for bar. . gains in Dress Goods---Great Beductions. JJmf@e :gc~~~~~lf~ THE New PicccH 'l'o Spea!r In Sll11ool. ANTED.- Pa,r t ies to enp;age in t he · at, Church, or Hom£i Entertalnrn'mul'll.cture of my Patent Snow, Shop, , BROO~)S mr:nt~. ·g100ut:ion, Grnt u r e. Beaut!· x:.. ·fully l Hustmted. By mail, lOc. rn Sta.ble and Malt Shovels. Large and Increas-1 jp g 1~rad c in t he lJn i ~ed St>1.t~s . Llheral_ 11:!· diffarent nu r;-~"':~· i n 0. p r etty cP.Se, $1. ;. . g!_ m ts u u cE1n1enc.s 0fi'et e d to n t;h t p!>rl ieo . H ENUY C. Wu.nte<l. E UG 11NE J , HALL, 11 :M1clugan COLI~. Wallingford, Vermont, U.S. A,,,ChiCA~o. Ill, w ·-·- -- l Mr. Ralph and Miss Ma.ggie Ballagh, of Michigan, are visiting relatives in Clar ke. EE FF..lllED No FoB.-Nero fiddled when Home wa.11 burning. Many now-adays seem equally indiffer e ut to danger by the manner in which they neglect illhealth. If taken in time, there is ~carcely a c hronic <liMase which Burdock Blood Bitters will not erndicate by its purifying, regulating powers. · Mr .·J. D. Galbraith, Kirby. has sold his driving colt "Rex," to Mr. Conet of Port Hope, for $400. A GooDNAMJL- The bestrecommendation of any thing is its popularity where it has been loni!eBt kr>own. Throughout the Dominion of Canada there is no more effectual medicine for co.1ghs, colds, hoar~eoess, sore throat, bro11chitis and asthma, than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, for sal0 by druggists. Thos. Douglass, of Newcastle, i~ a very kind man-he <lrives the scholars to 11cllool in sleigh l oads. FROM MANITOB.1..- ln a. letter fro m James Irwin, Beaver Creek, Manitoba, he saya, "I was taken ill l!>st summer with a very aevere pain in my back . · By using one bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil I was completely cured." YeJlow Oil also Joseph Col@ cures lumbago, rheumatism and all ex- W Crago W Col will John Courtice ternal and intemal pitins. Rev J Carecadden H P Courtwright Died ia Kendall, February 23rd, Ann Samuel Cole Mrs L en .. Cowle Patte1·son, beloved wife of John Carecad- H Cockerham W E Cronkhite den, sen., aged 77 James Conrad ;rohn Chaplin PROHIBITION AND POUTICS.-The anti. HM Cole A H Uhristian liquor question is a stroug plank in the Mrs MA Cann Edward Cole political platform, and one safe to la.y Thomas Crago RH Campbell hold of. All intoxicating beverages are Mrs N Cameron M Cryderman safest when let aloae, even in mediciue. L M Courtice Ed Cann Burdock Blood Bitters is not a bar be- James Courtioe T J Clarke verage, but a strictly pure medicine, re- John Cooper W Clemence liable for disenses of the stomach, liver, Geo Chater A F Carscaddeu bowels, kidneys and blood, and will not W Chapple Jas Colville aid in making drunkards. Wm Ca.rson J M Cobbledick Mrs J Clarke A beautiful driving hGrsa purchased bY Robt Courtice Matthew Colo Mr. H. W. Renwick, from Mr. Benson, Mrs JR Colo A E Clemens WR Cole of Manvers. is greatly admired by all. Paul Curtis AlCONG THE INDIANS.-"While my hu11- Thos Creeper Thomas Courtiee· baud WlilS trading in furs he came across James Curtis ltd Oolwill an Indian who we·s taken to his lodge to J A Charlton D die. He hed inward pains and psins in all his limbs. Ho gave some Yellow Oil Dr p N Davey DD Dyer interna,!ly and applied it extern!llly, and Geo Dobson Mra A H Deike cured him. It al3o cured my husband i Norman Davis John Davey of rheumati11m,and I find it valuable for 1 Mrs S Dunn RichDimiy coughs 11-nd colds, sore throat, etc." Chas Downin"' Mrs. A. BeBhaw, Cook's Milla, Serpent · E River, Ont. James Ellio t John Elford A ple&sant time was spent the other Cornelius Elfor evening by a number of tho y0ung friends SMnuel Ever11on Thomas Epplet of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Little at their residence. Robert Everson Mi;i~ E J Egan · William: Everson '·GREAT 0.4.Xi:l llltoM LITTLE AcoitNll w B Ellens Thomas Elliott GR.ow, "and great beuefita ensue from the Thos Ellison R J Evans use of Dr. Pierce's "Ple:isau& Purgative Geo Emerson JM Emerson Pellets"- tiny, sugar·coatt1d granules- Wm Edgerton George Earl which obviate the neceasity of choking W fl Elliott Cllas Eddy and "gaging" in th e attempt to sw<illow F wme hug!). bolus of uninviting aspe4tt ) David Fisher and disagreeable effect. '!'heir cathartic I Zebma Frazer John Fleming action is thorough, yet perfectly gentle, J olrn Frank J N Fairbairn and unlike other pills they never r each 'rhos Fielding T B Fairbairn towards constipa.tion. l n case of sick- John N :Farley W G Fairbairn headache, and as a promoter of digestion, John I·'rayne Dr Ferguson they are unsurpassed. :Sy dru ggists. :): MrS' John l!'ole John Ferris ·wm. Morrison and family h ave moved Thomnil Fo~ke Mrs 11· '1 French from Orono to BowmaLv1ll~. They will James~Ferr1~ S T Forguwn be greatl,y missed by their nurnerona A M I· o':Jgr Richard F oster friends throughout the village and tewn- Joshua Ferguson Wm Fursey ship. Wm Frayn Rhy11e D Fairbairn .."b b ·r ll S Furzler 1 ENJOY L _IFE; - n at a ~ru.y eaut1 u Amaesa Fuller world we hve m? Nature gives us grand· G eur of m(\untl\ins, glens and l'.lC!'>a11s, and Mrs. D Ga.lbr1'ith thousaudR Pf means of enjo_vroeDt. l · Ve MC Galbraith Wilham Goode can desire no better when In perfect Mrs C Gardiner Miss Emmi!. Gay hea itr.; buo how or.teu do ~h t\ majority of lhvid Gdg~ people feel like giving it up disheartened, Needham Goodman W Greenway E Gre anway discouraged a1. d w'.lrn out with disease, G W Gilbank J as Gilbert wheu there is no or~casio 1 fo L· thia fee[ing, W ·r Gilbank R Green way as every sufferer can easily ob tain satis· Thomas Gibson W Gilber t factory proof, t hat Green's A ·ug1 ist Flower, J C Groat D Gal braith will make t hem free frum diw 9,E 'e, as wh en W Morrill M G.::rvin born. Dydpepsta a1Hl Liv.,r Complaint Rich Grills are the direct causes of Beventy-live per H cent. of such maladies as Billiousness, In- W Haney J W Har nden digestion, Sic.i Heutlac~ e, Co~tirnner s, W H ambly W H ]famon ]'\ ~rvc ue Pr;_,~trat ion, . 1 ;zzinP>1 s ;f t he n Hambly h enry C Hoar Re·.d, Pal pi l '·d :iu n of the H <J!'r i; ,, <tll'i Ch_;~ H icks Alf eciH o!)bs othor distressing syrnptous. '. l:'hree dostis Nath Horn W Hendersou oi A ·uiriist Flowei· will prove i ts wurnJerful J-chn H osk in G eor."e Henrv effe ct. San1ple bottles, 1 0 cen ts. Try it. E d El·ggith R , be7t H icks 41. Thomas Haycraft R Haggith NATIONAT, J·.n :ts act yn·om~~Jy n;1<1m H11' J H }IonY· " H oui··.o of Commons ]L ive<, r cgu l a l" tilrn il1oi weJg u u <l :i> a irnl'ga· 1 I :a ·· ·b ··b '·' Thos II Hollowell itvc nrc mil<l uu < l H·or ougJa, sa ac o _ .s H Boeken S Allen S Reynolds John Somcrlil WPowers .r HMrd, j r S Rickard H, Fielding Mrs Clemens C Welch Rev W Kenner .r Clemens R Collicott C Axford J Knight J Goad T Blythe H H Turner B Werry JD Hoar A Wil(ht Mrs JC Rowe Mro n. Galbraith Wm Deacon G 'l'amblinson J- Wight J no I·'oster R Witheridge J Rundle Mrs Borland J Lowry C Cox Ro-r J Kenner Dated at J:lowmanville, Ma rch 7th, 1~7 By order D. BURX:ll: SIMPSON. 'l'a oa 1ruRROWS. Solicitor for the Company. P reeidont, L Lewis J,yle AlbArt J, ott, Daniel Lee Rich L11.wson Mrs R Lund Robert Lane S Lockhart Tho~ Little J E Linton CW Lent W L each D Lick WLott WLLaw Geo Lane \V Lammiman W Lander T 0 L'lngmaid Geo Leask W J . LangmaiLl L egislativeAsaemblyW H Langmaid CABINET PHOTOS -NOW1"0H - $2.5QPER~ Best quality taken in all kinds of w eather -A'£- ---o-- - M&Mc John Mutch W Mu1ch M Munday Alex Mann D T Morris W Mutton, sen Hugh McKay Neil McDonald Geo Mason · Eliza Ma11on Dr Montgomery Mrs J Morcomoe AB McLeod John McGill Cha.s McGill W J McBride W J McMurtry Miss B McGill (Concluded R Morrison James Millsr 1"' Moorcraft Mrs W Mills W Malcolm And McFeeters W McClellan Fred Maas Fred H Moore Steph C Moore Jas Martin Jon. G Moore Mrs M McBride H S McLt1ughlin Tho11 McLaughlin T H McLaughlin Rich Moore W Mutton, jr next week.) BOWMANVILLE. lil N. B.-Cheap Fancy Goods great vari~ty. A fine stock of the c Newest and Nobbiest CLOTEI:B in town arrived at the DARLINGTON COUNCIL. TOWN HALL, Hamplon, Feb. 26th, 1887. Begolar meeting. Member all present, Minu1es of Jasl meeting read and confirmed, The following communications and petitions were presen,ed: From W. Beaton, forms of By-Laws, Re· ceived and fyled. W. H. Langmaid and 12 others, for ad· dilional aid to W. Orchard. Laid on the table. A number of Acoounts were presented nnd Ju1d on the table. Mr. Smith presented a ri;port from the committee 11ppoi11.ted to examine the 9 Con. line, recommending tha' certain por~ion s of said rJad allow111100 nnpraotioa.ble to be used as a road be allowed to be occupied by owners of adjoining !!Inds during th" plea.a. nre of the Council. Received and adopled, Mr. Worden prosen\ed a report from \he Oommit&ee appoioled lo 1>xamine lbe road allowance beiweeu Lots 34 imd 35 in the 2nd Con., recommending sale of cerlain positions a& $20 per acre. :Received and ado pied. The Auditors preseuted &heir :repori of 'l'owuship AcconmR, whAn it was moveri by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Awde, thal the Trnafi1ir1ir's 11.coonnt of rec~ipte and Diabursments for ihe vear ending 31 sl Dec. lSSG, BS repor~P.d upon liy theandilors and before thia (Jouncil, bo finally 11udited l and pJ\SBAd, and tbe Clerk is hereby instruclod to have the &ame published in detna. Carried. A By Law was passed for the appoinlmeu I (·f ].'(nvnship Officers. Tt:t! CJ.,rk wi;s iustl'Uctc.i to have 200 copies of the By.Jaw regulating the duties "f Feuce Viewers and Pouud Keeper~, printed. TllA heevt" was insiruoleJ to gr~nt orders on the 'l'roas. fo r the following sums: E. J. Burk, gravel, $3; 'f. G. ~fosou, gr>ods lo poor account, $3; R. Katerson, Funeral ex. penses, $8; R. Ho1dge, gravel, $~.50; C. Hooper, rent of 111nd for road, $4; Mrs. Clemens, 3<>. load11 of gravel, ~UJO; Tp. Clerk Regislralioo fees, $17.40; Indigent per~ons. Eolipso House. The clothing, a:s usual, cut by \he. only first-class cutter in town. PERSIAN LAMB OA"PS a great variety. Collars the very latest, Ths· and Neckerchiefs a La, Mode. Everything appertaining to a. firstclass MEN'S FURNISHING HOU~E. Please to call and .inspect cheap overcoats. ·~~~~~~·--~~~· -OM' W. H. IVES. G·REA.T .Bargains -IN- Millinery and Fancy Goods. SELLING OFF AT ClJST FOR 30 DAYS. $74.40 . MRS.ANDERSON Young Men, B8.chelor s and Widowers, On motion the Council adjourned to Moreb 2oth. n.t 10 a . m. All ·y fl ff· '· To· Mtu ~e ~Qitll' ~~im Wi!l g·1ve a E.:!U. Dozen Silver PfaJed T etl!! ~ poons watb eve11·y l~ it' t"Mn!"Ilg;.· R iing I!w ~dis ~l1urin~- !hiilii~~rna ~ing 7 Out !ii:11 le. 50 aan obtain iill needed intorma.tion nbont any p_ roposetl lin o of AVV 1 .:H'i' lb1i~ G in American Newspapers. ~UO ·pnge ll'ann1·lhlct , 30c, ;t, llVEU'l'll Sl~ JltS b y "·'.l d r Ms m g· <mo . ··. Ll· JitO'l'i'R ,JLL ·" t;o., 10 Sprue.., ::-,~.· New Y ol'lc;

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